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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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_ _- rw',p, ,,e-,w  • 'v,  v v'w,'v-.,,   ocJpeeGk-s WANTED Male pup. Pilone 414M or TREE TOPPING: Phone 24'. Clyde (:*ill at 622 North Second. W-3-7-21 Townsend, 1222 Cote Street. 2-21--3-7 Rheumatic Pain Quickly S,00M.,,Ns F,,...CBL,,,AT,ON WA0000ED: Jan,*or IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col- STA,TE OF WASHINGTON FOR lodge rooms. Phone 487-W. 3-7 ltns, Business Agent, 1612 Division. If you suficr fr)m rhc,matlc, arthri- IVIASON COUNTY WANTED: Woman for maid  Phene 240W, 8-30tin ti Or l¢'tiri.JS ldJG fly I,his irap[c Oscar Sand and Karoltna Sued, hus- Shclton Hotel. Inquire at desk for mexpcl*sJvc home rccil that Ihotmn& band and wife, Plaintiffs. Mrs. Faubert, 3-7-1t CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING: have ;tc uinT. Cot a package of Ru,Ex vs• Co np( # d. n 2 weeks • )upldy today,. Mix Jacob S. Odegaard, Carrie Ingeberg, it with a quar of water, add the Elaine Miller, Erland Odegaard, and fulcc of 4 lemons h's (::is), pie,leant the unknown ]leirs of Erick Odegaard, amd no tJ:ublc a ;dl. You nccd only 3 ])evc,aled l Defendants. lablcspoonfu[s two} t;mc. a day. Often THE SIATIg O.F WASttlNGTON to %VHIlI 4 hcqll $, ....  I)IIIC|Ifl]I'S 0%'C[ • 1, fht --- sptelld/d n.ults arc ,)brained. iilrl ':il; ? g f'ii :ii:! [ } { DI 8 I[i ) tu:c mncy.back gtm altce, Ru,Ex Compound i [o ,flc ;rod recommended by ROY C. McCONKEY DRUG Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORT Plumbing and Heating Denting Pumps real estate, sold according to law and tte pracl:iee of this court In satisfac- tion of Plaintiffs' judgment, interest. cots, attorney's fees and increased PHONE Hoodsport 17 costs, to secure, possession of said premises at date of sale and in due time to receive a deed therefor, in tim event said premises are not re- deemed according to law. Said mortgage premises are situated' in Mason County Washington and COUGHS described as follows, to-wit: Tl|e Northwest quarter (NWA) of the Southeast quarter (SEPAl, Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., Excepting therefrom a strip of by the mortgagor 'to Charles Somers by deed dated December 18, 1928, re- corded December 18, 1928, in olume Governmcnt "} Lot 2. Section 13, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, or . W.M., Excepting therefrom a tract of of , land corive¥.d by the mortgagor to You Celia M. Plx, a widow, by deed dated dlffereat from anythlog else you March 26, .i1927, recorded November 21, ever use---one little sip and you 1930, in Vlunle 55 of Deeds, page 159, under Alditor' File No. 65530, said get Irslant action. Only 45e at tract befl*g pgrtieularly described as all good droggists. MoCONKEY PHARMACY PREPP'S REXALL STORE Steam Cleaning MOTORS AND CHASSIS General Supply Co. 1st and Mill Sts. Phone 550 QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress ArlslnK from STOMACH UI£ERS TO EXCESS ACID FmeBookTellsofHomeTdmentthd Must fldp or it WIll €ost You Notblug OTer t mlllto bottles at thlIllD TRbIBNT have barn a or rslzexq syrup*oz., of dlatroa axislng P,m A S.€. and DuoaenaJ moors o, ue to cxcus A¢ o-- Poor Digsstlon, Sour or UpRt Stomach, Gassiness, Hsartbum akeplssmess, st €:! due to Excess Acid. Sold on l& days' rzatv Ask for "Wliiqrd's Moss#S 0" which fUllY explalns this trcatment--4rs--at McCONKEY PHARMACY WANTED: Would like to buy several truck loads of well retted sheep or cow manure. Delivered. Write E. H. Norton, Route 1, Box 5, Lilllwaup, 3-7-1t tbe said Jacob S, Odegaard, Carrie Ingeberg, Elaine Miller, and the un- WANTED: Passenger to help drive known heirs of Erlck Odegaard, De- car te Los Angeles within next week, ceased. Defendants: Mrs. D, F. Dandurand, Route 2, Box You are hereby sun|moned to appear 287-B. Shelton. 3-7-1t wi(hin 60 days after the date of the first publication (R this summons, to- WANT TO BUY: :}. bed, springs and wit: within gO days after the 24th day of January, 1946j and defend the abeve mattress or twin bed complete. In- entitled action in tile above entitled quire 420y Fairmont. B-3-7-21 court, and answer the eomplalnt of -X-fi-,kaV¥-iCai;;f-cTa-;;-og;£-;li Phdntiffs snd serve a copy of your sizes. Quote prices F,O.B. s)ipptng answer upon the undersigned Attorney point, quantity can supply, burliest for Plaintiffs at his office below stab shipment, Niedermeyer-Martin Co., cd, and in ease of your failure so Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon• to do judgment will be rendered 2-14---28-7t against you according to the demands .......................... of tle eon)laint, which has been filed . ................ with the Clerk of paid court. The ebjeet of this action is to fore- VV 2--£NJJ£) close the lien of Plaintiff's mortgage FURNITURE in tile sum of $781.25, together with interest tllereon according tb the terms RANGES of one promissory note secuPed by SEWING MACHINES said mortgage, set forth in Plaintiffs' ,APPLIANCES complaint, together with costs and attorney's fees in the sum of $125.00, 322 South 2nd St: to have said hereinafter described Shelton - - Phone 661 follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at the quarter section corner on the East line of Section 13, Township 51 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; thence West 213,3 feet to the East line of the County Road and the Northwest cor- ner of this tract; thence South 10°05 ' West, 194.2 feet, along the said East line of said CoUnty Road, to the Southwest corner of this tract; thence .North 83 ° 23' East 249.1 feet to the meander line on the beach of Pick- ering Passage; thence North, along said memnuer line, 162.9 feet to the place of beginning, containing .94 acres, more or 4ess. Also, all tide lands of the second- class owned by the mortgagor adja- cent to or abutting upon the upland hereby mortgaged, sunject to provi- sions, exceptions and reservations con- tained In the deed from the State 0f Washington convlying the same. All () the land hereby mortgaged being subject to existing public road rights-of-way. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Post Office Address: 119 So•,Fourth Street, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 1-24-31--2-7-14-21-28--3-7--7t. NO. 4652 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Percy William James, Plaintiff, Latn'a James, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID LAURA JAMES: YOU are hereby summoned to ap: pear within sixty i60) days after thd date of the first publication of this smmnons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after tim 31st day of January, 19,16, and defend tile above-entitled action in tile above-entitled court. and answer the complaint of the plain- tiff, Percy Willlunl Jan*es, and serve a copy of y()ur answer npou tile undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at theh' office 'below shred; and In case of you*' faliuro so to do. judg- znent will be rendered against you according to the demand of the con,- plaint, which lms been filed WRIt the clerk of said Court. The object of tltis action Is to ob- tailt a divorce• WRIGHT & MALLOY, Attorneys for the Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address Angle Building SheltoJ), Washington 1-31--2-7-14-2t-28--3-7-1'17t Shelton Lodge No. 62 I.O.O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p•m. I.O,O.F. IIALL Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.G. GUY CALL Secretary --Rf/iFiiih- Lodge Meets Second and Fourth Fridays Elizabeth Butler. Secretary Elizabeth Simpson, N.G. No. 4648 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR CO1.JRT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ]H ASON COUNTY i iPl e'bT ORI T '--6-UI if"eYh -i'g-. s p- b,-;IY DDT and other profitable products to farmers in Mason County. No ex- l)erience or capital required. IVlust ltave auto and goes references, .e'er. manent. White or wh'e McNESS COMPANY, Dept. D, 242"3 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif. 2-28---7 WANTED: women to work as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tunes, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tin WANTED: used stoves, ranges, furni- ture. 822 S. Second St, Shelton. 1-10tfn. WAITRESS and kitchen hezp wanted Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. ii-dtf= WANTED: men to worR on oyster beds: For particulars inquire at Cliff Wlvelra Texaco Service in per- son, Olympia Oyster Co. 12-14tin WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hanson Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 colledt. 1-1tin - 2 - - - - REAL ESTATE Y s\\;2g IoZ. L;1;; on Arcadia Road, spring water, good pmce zor building, about 50 acres. stumpage, lots of good piling, uarl Crawey, Box 112, Shelton, Wn. 2/7-3/21 FOR SALE: 5-room house and three large lots, Also 1936 Chevrolet sedan, Inquire Joe Kirk, Mt. View, near Pines Park• 2-21--8-7 "FOR SALE: 4-room house $3000.00 cash. Inquh.e 438 Cookson Street. P-3-7-1t 7-room modern homo with 4 bed 'rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement and oil furnace. This property is well located and has everything desirable in a fine home. I wlll be glad to show to lnteresteu parties. 20-ac|'cs of land and a 3-rome house. Located about :tO miles west of Shelton. Several acres un- der plow, Worth the price of $575.00. HERBERT G. ANGLE HOUSE FOR SALE Six-room, completely modern house, one mile from city lim- its on Arcadia Road. 10 acres, 6 cleared, Double garage, barn, outbuildings. $6,000 Or option of buying complete furnishings if desired, includ- ing electric range, incinera- tor, 3 bedroom sets, kitchen set, davenport, chairs, etc., for $500 additional. Call Morgan PHONE 381-J 1428 Olympic Hiway FOR SALE: 10 acres partly cleared, 3- roonl iloosc, furniture included. iood we.ll and electric pump water i house and other out buildings. Lots of standing timber.  ,nile lIazel M, "Ituisingh, Plaintiff, north of town on Moore's Road, m:"" Nawl@# -- ,ooo George L, Bliss, at, 2, 8hi* ley ]Iuislnh, Defendant, Box 316B, 2-21--3-7 THE STATE O WASHINGTON TO FOR SALI:'-1 od P].IE SAIl) SHIRLEY HUISINGH: acres land 3 miles out on Dayton $  You are hereby summoned to app g a r Road, O . ' E . Green, Star Route 2 . .: within sixty (60) days after tim date Box 35, Shelton. 2-21---3-7 of the first publication of tl|is sum- after the 7it, day of February, 1946, room house located near Port. Or= -- !!!i and deflmd (.he above-entifled action V : in the above-entitlgd ou].t, and an- chard, 11 miles frolu Navy Yard, for swer the c6mplalnt oz the plaintiff, like property in or near Shelton. In- Hazel M. Huislngh. and serve a copy quire Journal. K-2-14--3-7 (*f your answer t, pen the undersJgued (.erneYs for plaintiff, at tieir office WILL TRADE "4-roo|n nu)dcrn house below s(.ate(1 ° and in cas0 of your in town for place short distance failure so t do, judgllmt will be fr(,m Sheltou, lnquh'c 1619 Summit a] - rendere|l against you according to the Drh'e. 3-7-21 Up va-LPhafn'7 den,and of the cumplalnt, which has FOR SALI, I: 5-|'(in house, woodshed, i heen fined with tile clerk of aid god garden spot. Donald Harring- C.m't. . . Tl|e 0bjcct of tills action *s to ob- 'ton FroIikiin Street, /z mile west of l.aln a divorce. Junior lI gh School, 3-7-21 WRI(]tT & MALLOY, - ...... in Attorlmvs fi)r the Plaintiff FOR SALE: Dandy 4-room Iouse. with VICKS o.,ce .n,I P,,st Oil it,, Add, four lots and "100 foe, of beac,,. Aogle Building $1fi00, 1 |llile OUt Bashore Road. ........................................................................ She]tou, Washillg|on. Scc Ellglallder, Route 2, Box 62. --/ L ;- . == _ . .... 2/7-14-21-28-3/7-14-21-7t 8-7-14 .... EXCIIANGE 3-ROOM house, and. two lets oa Capitol Hill as down pay FRAN('IIISE AJ I LICATAION |nout on/)/ace down town Shclten. 1719 FM,lene Farrcll. 1129 KR.. 'Clt NOT[cENtLoF HEARIN ' "a-l 4 hi lira Maiter ef tile Al)p]icath)n Of W S/;}.--- ...... ,--': ...... ;-------- I)iJ(' ¢0 l;*T]a 1D'UIXYti" P. 1" T£'[)'qW L UJ IL,: ;) acrcJ 'J acres *n g: year C MPANY a eornoration for a fnm- Maxhall strawber, ies, ,nod | a bon*e, 41is,. io c[;nstrud, eporate and-1 ain- Ch,!S in: " **'ae, )a!'l:.,t)hllty water, I * n SO ojp('¢vlo ft anUlntUu|. .ash t ()wJICI' golag tO ¥¥v4¢ellet, a xl. lvil,uflnL liae mum md nl,nr* . n,r. thompson, Lhna, Washington, t" -v-. € ................ T ' - "-- Strawb(rry IIill 3-7-21 t m oi Set ndaIT State Highway No. " • H-A, ht Mason CoUnt , Washington. == ........ ,, ....... 7------ W]'ltIREAS tll(, GE q" nxrn FOR RENt: 2-room al)artment oil POWER & L'Gq  o6PaZv',':,. },cat, lights, hot and eoht water , )'alien has lib*(* "'lql o,. r')v¢,,t.., staUonary tubs whlng Instills* 5,1' Higbwa'yof tile State of Wasbing-  lallldry ,'?ore inside. $25 men.l), LOS un(ler" l**/) *}roy s*ons "f O ¢,,)ta JMO a CSOln anti 5 Deuroon* aparL- 53, 'Laws'of 1,€t37 an 'applich'(.io,;"iIr' "ln::!lt. Bayslde Al,ts., W. A. B,akley franchise to con/trUet, operate and Atlyn, a-tq-zo slain*ale all ei(ctric transntission and vvvvvvvvv-vwwwvvvwwVw* distrlbuth]g l!ne upon and along a ,.,.-. .r,nn pp|'th)n ot econual) State Highway lUl' lJ'l.' No, 14-A ill Rlas0n Comity, Waehlng- ---w , t,,n, for a period of twen(y-five (25) =Z-"-=.''j"r n - :'--T---Z years, at ti|e fololwlng designated Fill(.. u , : : " o 1 apartjl!ent, o|t For the poultry l'&iSel' who points t..wit" heal, *lgnLs, not anti cola water, W a iIt S R moncy-makillg Bov|]nlln a't a )oint eP the wes t- atal.ionary tubs, washing nmehine, rJ " -dof ec¢n"a,'- Lh..,¢ ...... ;2. laundry room limlde $25 month flock oi high e,g producers ........ "" ''" way No. 14-A, as now located and Bayshle Apts., W. A. Beakley, Allyn,: and inure profitable birds .r record in tim of*Joe of the DI- a-t-.tu for market, select 0LIr r'cter of Higl,ways at Olympia, c--'=.----%7--:_, Wlhlngl.on said 'b,)lnt being op- lVUl. JL*lNa': 3-1'OOlll JUrU*SlleU /II,USO chicks fl"om US, Bred for posito app'0x{mate1 tIla'hway F,u- ,i n|ilcs on Bays|lore Road, Phono health and vigor, early me- . gln,,'-rs Station 818i']1 " in the 10-F3, M|'s. C. M. Mercer. 3-7 turity and big egg size. SWh ,f the SWq of Seclion 32 1 .................... --"'= -""-- Powlshtp 3'North Rmg 1 West: fOR RENT: 3:room ho.u.e, wilh l).ath, W•M t ence n a SO lther]y direc- rHnnlng water wash|rig lnaeulne, thin along tim westerly s'lde t'f said lq(.]O;l•lng Pass, Rt. 2; Box 135. I,. We Handle highway, to a pohlt .pposite ap- Gelst. 2-21--3-7 roxinlat,,*Y Highway Enghlecrs '7;" -:-7:7,;_--777.-_77-7-.-/- CENIENNIAL alld ]tatl,,n 729q-a0 ,,It the souih lin of . l()lt RZNj] j i;oo)o with ktchca .}!fly= et lion 8 Towilsht l) 2. North Hege.a, Ihl l¢alrl,lOnt, k none U2LW IIOLM CHICK FEED Bangs l W,'st, W.M '' arter 5:00 p•n,. A-.28--a-14 ['IEBEBY GIVEN .Jt*.l. VI: .*.po,.. . Thart a hearing will ba held on said May We cxienu *n this way our Sill- . ippltcatton i)y fie DireelJl; of 1tlgh- eere appreciation for tile kindnesscs, 01y 00nla Feed ,,, tile state of at s,,,np.tbies and beautlfn, flora, pieces m t,;,,,,,,,, in the TransportatiolC.Build- offered ns d31ring our !o,'eave.u!,nt.of ing ClemeNs Washlnion on tim 19th our oetovea nus)anu, lather anu D*"Otll- dtt/ of M.rel[ 1946, at TM 10 ()'clock A,/., er, Mr. LeeR. Kglmqrga . - rCmn any boo' soon ti,ereafter, as hearing may I's' man¢:neMagoah, netOunerganDittman Dat(d at OlynlpJa, Ws] ington, this[ Irs. Ij.loz Hubba,.d 29 h dav * 1" Janusrg; D46. . Av's. i,tua *roal O'Nieli Bldg. - Shcltol (s) :JAB, A DAlaI8 MI'. e]v n K, ],1 t 'gill Astlsiai|t Dh;ectur 'uf 11igl|wayn, lrs, Carfle 11. Omans 2/2b2S--a/7-at hh'. i{. 1,), Oltllh% ]our locker meat cut the right way. eel, veal, pork, cut and wrapped "8c lb. Don Williams. Phone 381M. 604 Dearborn. ll-8tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping andrepalring. Sam B. Smith Co.. Legion and Cherry, Olympia, Phone 7753, U. S. Tires and batteries, ll-15tfn. ELECTRIC MOTORS checked over and repaired. Al Kilmer's Electric Store, 409 Railroad, phone 208. I 12-6tin. HEMSTITCttING 10c YARD. Kntfe and scissor sharpenhlg. Would like to conthlue with Mrs. Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs. Fred Elson, d27 Belle- rue. 3-7-tin YOU MAY ENROLL now for regular[ business courses. Also we are of-I feting special courses in Business I Organization and 'Management, In- I come Tax Accounting and Dale uar- I negie course in effective speaking, [ human relations and leadership ] training, These courses are open to, I veterans, Phone 6088. I DIETZ BUSINESS COLLEGE ] 209 Capitol Park Bldg., Olympia 2-14--3-14 PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Now's the time to plan your Spring Renovating George W. Sawyer Fropt St. I I " MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND HEATING Temporarily Will Conduct Its Business from Our Home at the Rear of 222 South Second We No Longer Have the Shop Space in Front Phone 458 {2. R. Bridges I For " BULLDOZING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING See PAUL BROS. Route 2, Box 108 Shelton, Wash. Phone 10F21 After 5:30 p.m. 12/13-tin MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton WE HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR REBORING Cleans Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S. First St. Phone 628 I FOR RENT Hospital Beds Or Wheel Chairs OLSEN FURNITURE 321 Railroad Phone 102 i II I STATE OF WASllINfiTON Cities oil upervisor of Hydraulic| Olympm NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . Notice is hereby, given that Philip JYoster Anuel'sen Or Jrenlerton, State of Washington, under date" of Feb- ruary 16, 1946, filed with the State Supervisor of Itya.raullcs, . Olympia, Washington, an app!c.atton, tora per- lult to dh'ert the paDllc waters of An- dersen Creek tributary of Hood Canal, in the' amount of 0.08 second-foot, subject to existing, rigl}ts, f(onl April 15 to Octoner • o eaen year Ior tile purpose of irrigation, a.nd conthm- ous4y for uonlestic supply; tltatthe approxhnate point of dlversi0n Is lo- eared within SE% of SEA of, Section 18, Township 22 IN., Range 3. W.. W.M., la Mason County. A map sll0wmg the locatioa apd plan o void d3verslon and the Place of the proposes ue is on file in the office of the State Su- pervisor of Hyaraulh's, Olympia, Washlngtou) together with sueS eth- er information as is required by law. Any person firm . or corpqration whose right will be Injuriously af- fecLed by said application KIaM file with the State Sullel'vlsor of Iiylraul- Witness my hand "and official seal this 20th day ef February, A D. 1946 RODNEY RYKER, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 2-28--8-7-2t NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts in the name of the Victor .qtore or any other person after Mreh 1, 1946. Mrs. Anlia Marchbank, Mrs. 'A. G. Fietellcr. 2-28--.8-7 BURGESON R A D I O REPAIRING. FOR SALE: "Trilnmnt" electric heat- near Junior High School. Closed er. Floor mode.l. Phone 623W or in- Saturdays, 1221 Franklin. Phone quire 421 Cookson. 2-28--3-14 112W or leave work at Klllmer Eiee ...... tric. 4-7 F-oR--S[LE- iodel . motor, aust been overhauled; new 86-in. buzz saw BUILDINGS RAISED, new founda- blade and nmndrel. All for $75. See ties placed under them and other or write J. B. Schott, Bclfair. Wash. alterations. C. N. Allen. at. 1. Shel- 2-28--3-14 t01L :12-27--1-17tfn, ........ FOR SALE: Choice gladiolus bulbs; CURTAINS LAUNDERED, lace, pan- Montag wood cook stove; large oa- sis or ruffled• Also tinting. Also erstuffed ('hair; double bed aud lace table cloths, 1409 Railroad. springs; daveno. Call before 2 1-24=-3-28 o clock. Earl's Gladiolus Gardens, 2 HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Elli Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corfier Arcadia and Boundary Streets.) 2-2-tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Service. Will pick up and deliver. Saeger Re- pair Shop, 201 Third Ave.. Tumwater, Wash. Phone Olympia 21455. 2-283-28 BUILDINGS RAISED. new foundt- tion p/seed under then, and other alterations. C. N. Allen. at. 1. Shelton. t 2-28---5,.80 tin HANDY MAN Call the Shelton FIX-IT SHOP for Quick Service' PHONE 462-J Pickup and Delivery Forest SLAB WOOD $3 cord at mill Plus Delivery Dick Kieburtz PHONE 160-J I i Taylor RADIO ELECTRIC Sales and Service Repairs on ALL MAKES Home and Auto RADIOS PHONE 128 New Location at 4tl and Cota A Few Royal VACUUM CLEANERS For Sale I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone i32-M Prompt Service II I AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK CO EATON Body and Fender Works Across from Mason Co. Creamery PHONE 84 I SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, overweight, underweight. Regulates functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, circu- lation and elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodspot 24J4 or Shelton 448 SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota PHONE 243 For Dependable PLUMBING SERVICE Phone 550 C. W. WESTCOTT 1st and Mill Sts. with General Supply Co. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: wrist watch. Inquh'e Jour- nal office. 1-24 FOUND: rosary beads. "France" stamped oa back of .ross, Owner clahn and pay for adv. Journal. Phone 100. 1-31 turn, VMued as keepsake, Also old bow earrhlg with Zereon set. Pllone _526M. L-2-21--3-7 LOST: Somewllert downtown ill Shcl- tou, my" brown' for hat, size 7%, Dick Kieburtz. Phone 160-J, 3-7-It LOST: Ladios yellow gold obtoug wristwatch, black eord band. Re- _ward for return to Journal. R-3-7-21 LOST: {?Oil* llllrse con[aJlling lJtll-v,,t watch. Reward for l'Ctllrll. Mis'... Stoclcwell. 7il, and Wyandotle. Atur-I leido, I hunt 13aJ, 3-7-tflx miles south on Olympic Hiway. 3-7-t4 SAVE THOSE FENDERS: Nu-Enamel Black, apl)lied on surface, gn'es a liks-new finish. $1.75 does the job. Shelten Electric Co., Govcy Build- ing, Phone 154-W. 3-7-1t FOR SALE: Two Guernsey cows, fresh in few weeks• P. E. Straut. Lost Lake Route, Ebna Phone 3J8. 3-7 RED FRYERS for sale, Phone Hoods- port 2W2. M-3-7-21 FOR SALE: Practically new wool rug and pad, 9x12. used one montll, Mostly brown, $40. Call 221 So. Fifth evenings. 3-7-21 FOR SALE: Used wood range with coils and tank. Inquire 920 Cota Street or Phone 237-R. K-3-7 FREE ESTIMATES on house t)ainting and interior decorating. Phone 9W. E-3-7-1t I METZ STRAIN PEDIGREED ROLLERS FOR SALE --Also-- He,is Ready'to Nest Males and Good Singers Beautiful Colors From $10 up Hens $3 and $5 LATZEL AVIARY Phone 215-J-2 FOR SALE: New Zealand rabbits. 44 does. 4 bucks. 150 little rabbits, Hutch and feed dishes. A. A. Jen- nlngs, St. at. 2, Box 68, Shelton. 3-7 FOR SALE: One complete pet 20 vol- ulnes Anlerican "Standard Encyclo- pedia. $20.00 cash. R. M. Bonham, Star Route 1, Box 149A. (Hoodsport Highway.) 3-7-21 WILL TRADE: 5-tube. Sih, ertone bat- tery radio Jn very good condition for high power rifle. Carl Rains, Rout 3, Box 199A (Arcadia Road). 3-7 GET YOUR LAWNS READY NOW Top Soil Hauled 4 Yards or a 1,000 • Also DIRT FILLS DUMP TRUCK WORK Drop Me A Line JIM DAILEY Star Route 1, Box 117 [ (Skokomish Valley) i i II ii I I I ' Yo-R7 B X L-Z- ]7.,-ii7i 17-_ I er, all racial. Inquire Marie Kuhik: 205 East Pine, after 4:30 ll.m. 3-7-21 FOR SALE: Ewes wiih lantbs cavort- ing at their sides, $14.00. Coselman Sheep Ranch, 2/ miles East Hill- c*:est, Arcadia Road.  mile south• 3-7-8-21 FOR SALE: Buzz saw. Call 216J1• S-3-7-14 FOR SALE: Singer sewing machine. 619 Dearborn, L-37 ELECTRO-LUX CLEANER: Recondi- tioned like new with all latest parts. Call or sec G. H. Louthan, 416 North *I Street, Aberdeen 1649, 2-283-21 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home frecz- el's. locker plants, milk co(tiers, etc,, cold storage doors and insulation, ,ortable coolers, 'power meat saws, 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- el" Power Phmts, Prices right-- quick deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION . & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690 Olympm, on the Highway at Mud Bay "Y • P.O. Box 612. 2/7-tin FOR SALE: Extension dining room table and 5 chatrs. Walnut finish. Phone.520, Georgiebel Webb. 2-283-14 1 SALE: Gas rul).ge. Pin)us 193J. 1"-2-28--3-14 TYPEWRITER: Will trade excelh.nt Underwood Standard portable with case• for snmll. ound rowboat. Ad- dress P,O. Box 7, Potlatch, Wash- ingtou. S-2-283-14 FOR SALE: Excellent young New Hamj)sbire laying hens $1,75 each, Phoue 590W. F-2-283-14 FOR SALE PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH TYPEWRITER DRAG SAW SEWING MACHINE OIL H .EATER WOOD, COAL HEATERS RANGES 30-GAL. RANGE BOILERS WARDROBE KITCHEN CABINET 322 S. 2nd St. Phone 661 New Shipment of Therm Conversion End Burners Olsen Furniture 321 Railroad Phone 102 ELECTROLUX IS BACK AGAIN A FEW NEW MACHINES ON HAND Plenty of Supplies and Brushes Jack Manley Phone Hoodsport 2W2 FOR SALE TIE SLAB FOR SALE in 2-cord loads. Phone 52. . G1-3-30 14. Side drape style, $7,50. Never worn too small. Cost $10. See at Jou,'nal office. A11-8tfn for sale• 23 x 7. Moored at City Dock• See Cole at Journal or 323 Cookson. phone 623J. 1-24tin. CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Clerry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: deep and shallow well umps. Pipe and plumbing supplies. ueneral Supply Company, First and Mill Strcets. Phone i50. 11-15tin BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: Wood. Mixture second growth and small old growth. Phone 454. P-2-7-1t FOR SALE: Girl's bicycle, good con- dillon, good tires, $25.00. 620 Alder Street. S-2-21--37 FOR SALE: 60 pullets beginning to lay; 3 ducks; 3 hogs over 100 lbs. weight. Arcadia Road, at. 3, Box 182. Earl Myers. 3-7-3-21 FOR SALE: Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. old• Phone 8F1, J. (2.. Lombard. Grapeview. 3-7 FOR SALE: Wood cook stove. 1514 Ridgeroad. M-3-7 FOR SALE : Gah'anized window screen, sizes Iron* 24 to 36 inches at Hillcrest Hardware. 3-7-1t FOR SALE: Nu-Life fertilize,- in 10, 25, 50 and 100 pound sacks at Hill- crest Hardware. 8-7-1t FOR SALE: Onion" sets and garden seed at Hillcrest Hardware. 3-7-1t FOR SALE: 2-gallon cans No. 30 nto- tot" oiL $1.55 per can. at Hil/crest Hardware. 3-7-1t FOR SALE: 21 men's white shirts size 14r33. Inquire Journal office. P-3-7 A SUPER-H(USE PAINT: "costs no more, per job." Nu-Enamel House Paint $4,95 a gallon• Shelton Elec- tr c Co., Govey Building, Phone 154-W. 3-7-1t 8-7-3-21 FOR SALE: (30) Cietrac with drum. $650.00. Bill Pearson, Sales and Ser- vlce f Shelton Garage. 3-7 AUCTION SALE Wednesday, March 13 My farm having been sold, I will sell at auction at the farm, 11 miles east of Olympia, 11 miles west of Yelm, on Olympia higll- way, the following: 46 head of cattle 28 milk cows Guernsey & Jersey 18 steers, heifers and calves Team of horses Harness and blacksmith tools DeLaval 2-unit milking machine' and dairy equipment Bench vise Press drill Farm machinery Mower, plow, rubber-tired wagon Household furniture Sale starts at 10:30 a.m. Lunch served on the grounds W. C, EDINGER, Auctioneer Rt: 4, Box 385, Olympia Phone Olympia 21-F-2 GEORGE ELDER, Owner and Clerk FOR SALE: Loganberry plants, 8to 5 year Filbert Herman De- - witz, Grapeview, Wash, Phone 16F4. 2-21--4-11 FOR SALE: The well know** trail horse, Ranger. Phone Hoodsport 15W4 or P,O, Box 25, Lilliwaup• R-2-21-tfn FOR SALE: Cruiser 27x9. 3 bunks, sink. toilet. New Chrysler Marine engine. Rigged for comn*ercial troll- ing. Inquire 1324 Edgewood or at Boat Haven. K-2-21--3-7 FOR SALE 50-foot Heavy Cruiser Teakwood Cabin 6-cyl, semi-heavy duty Standard Marine engine SHELTON MACHINE SHOP E. Pine (Near City Dock) Phone 384 FOR SALE: Teen-age corduroy 3ump- el', crepe date dress. Each cost $7,95. Sell $3,00 each, Perfect condition, never worn in Shelton. Phone 80W. K-2-21--3-7 FOR SALE: 2 Jersey-Guernsey cows. Call evenhtgs or weekend's. Sells Ranch, Route 3, Box 235• O-2-143-7 SMALL PIGS for sale. C. W. Peter- son. Route 1. Box 34A, Shelton, Wn. 5 miles south on Olympic Hiway. 2-21--3-7 FOR "SALE: Good second growth for- est wood, $9.00 curd. Route 1, Box 218A. McL-2-21--8-28 FOR SALE: 2 riding horses with saddles and bridles. L. W. Gid- dings, phone 165M. 1-31--3-7 FOR SALE: 0 to 4 inch Universal lnlerometer, $25.00. Mitchell, 407 So. First. 1-17tin SHELTON MACHINE SHOP Phone 384 Machine Work - Welding Portable Equipment EAST PINE STREET Near City Dock Route 2, Box 56, Shelton USED CARS 1"()1. SALI" or trade, $850.0(I equity ill 1942 Dodge 1/, ion t|•urk. Bal- ance $420, li¢(q*st ." i *su 'an( e, good running condJlOU and acw rubber. hnluire Cub Cafe. L-3-7 Felt, SALE: 1941 CD'v. 5-passeager coupe. Star ate. 2, Box 57A, Lffw- rents Baih, y (call evculngs). 37- FOR SALE: 1931 Ford coupe, recon- ditioned motor, 16-in. wheels, good tires, all in good shape. Kelly's ar- age, Potlatch. K-2-28--S-14 FOR SALE: '35 Mashr l,,;-b |t Chev. h'l|ck excellent tir(,s. ](ewly over.- hauh!(. $450. Inquire Pines AUlO Grocery. R-2-28---1t, March 7, 1946. CLASSIFIED ADVR'  | ]i rt I ¥ t 71 RATES ,1 h 1U L I R L • 20 "words or less .. charge) 3 weeks $1 00 1. by B /L • 'r' ' . I__ E Lower rates for large moro insertions. L. --'- ..... Reader notices 3c per][xOU,D m,v- mininmm charge on e_aiL. " " 4xvl GUESS ' 00;: tic CardryOf50cThapkS, l:ll.;:Zlc verse pops np ill the  unem)eeted ore 2y the telephone from iS." Witness the following ex- scribsrs. Cash should Which flowed from the soul l: all oti'ier orders SGYooeel!:n:l  fdo? within five n (5) as occasioned v insertion to say  a receipt for ( Ing. An extra charge l . 0t a bet be made when billing t and Ken made by John 1 sary. ;.:: th , Frank recertly s PHONE been skunl00od t. ng :l teelhead in the Skokonaish, --  Hal had bet they would. CARD OF TIIA We wish to eXl .gratitude .for tim s and assistance al offerings given us of our loved one. Edith Ivan Vern Howard Irs. CARD OF We wish the many sympathy was shown ia our bereavement. timm for the beautiful Mrs, Bert Mr. and Mrs. and family Mr, and Mrs. and famil Mr. and ai*d 'famil Mr. and and family Mr. ,and Mrs. and family Bob Hurt anu NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY applications will be chase of Tax Title 26, up to Saturday, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. about as ardent as this corn- up, and likewise demanded a four-bit bet they and this is what they RECEIPT IN FULL .dge of suckers g my tips one morning of gear of glamour right river the right spot were good Were hot re-eeim-ed PLUNK.. had an odor like SKUNK. , . HARRY gg t¢il treWi!h: Auditor ey Paid, God bless 'em IF- Te Old bird . ACCESSER f"eW a thin . +,, ^ " REPAIR PAB , yw ne had heard as ,- "s low and clear ATTV.': ueea that wa STORAGE B t f the year y ese'a°ther thing he knew was ALEMIT] eliows from the Ea hi k .... st know,aCre's nothing to it • me least LUBRICATION SU WESTERN St 218 N. First P PLOWIN( DISCING: HARROWY2 GARDEN or ACI Work Guaranteed Sa F. E. OGD Rt. 2, Box 18, Sl PHONE 14-V Between 5 and 9 " e B. Frankhn B ATTORN EY-AT "1 Courtllouse, Shd Phone 312 A. K. McCam Personalized. Ace tl Service Address: Shelton(' Rt. 3, Box 5 t Phone: Shelton CRAIG P. ]$] ELECTRICAL EN (; Eliot Electric Equip Title Insurane0 ! Phone 646 Wright and 1 , LAWYERS Charles T.' WI Virginia C. Mall Ang/e Building, sheltq, Telephone 3  CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT! L' t l: a v e E s I, ber, You Suckers 3 W a..=o You want to howl WI'8 tick your neck out il a; OLD OWL. f e fellows from the East" e td. Yingst, a Penn State e CChOol red who saw the ahe est /ast fal/ and li --  family out here to ii otutry,, next month. i all ardent sportsman aa ire'posing conee- IIII1 s IIIlUlll!i|lllllllllllllllll  "'County 5 - o eamery Says: --. tl 'al °od is excellent a p Pililcians had better [g ch their step lest they ,1 the Prices 'so low that S e W0n,'t be enough food t, t¢ed to go around, ;t Nedham says that i q aM money have one 9 'I, 00mmonthe more i' C S S Inflate them, the less ' aN Worth. ------] V llll|lllt|lllHl|||lll g 12 ' L',,t.tli|l|lllllll])ll i1111 i!111111111111115 HEINIE'00 O00ns Tuesda00 UNDER NEW Home Cooked Meals a 0LOSED MONDAY 119-121 South M r Fo a y an EdRh Le I Bell Buildt,.. . '' ALDEN G BA " ATTORNEY AT Title Insurance Opposite First NatiO: Phone 23 - - ,E WITSI]000000 Licensed EmbSi# W. A. Wltster$ : Phone 180 - - Shd][ Acoountlng TaX o Bookkeeping L23 4th St. It Looks Like 00aekle and Gear • Getting Your Eq Come in and look over o );Ourself the fine lines o have on hand. Shelton Rec00 Sporting Iirtt and Franklin ! |NSURAN6$ BERT I ANGLI Office at Angle U John R ATTORNEY Shelton, Office at Court