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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• cord loads• G1-3-30 RESS size &apos;.50. Never 10. See at All-8tfn PICKER .d at City hal or 323 1-24tfn. IN RANGE .erm silent mration at a Way and 7753• ll-15tfn. allow well g supplies. First and iI-tStfn air cooled inger, Le- Olympia. ll-15tfn are Scond wth. Plmne P-2-7-1t good con- 620 Alder S-2-21--37 ginning to er 100 lbs. t. 3, Box 3-7-3-21 ,. 3 & yrs. Lombard. 3-7 tore. 1514 M-3-7 ! window 6 inches at 3-7-it izer in I0. ks at Hill- 3-7-it r]! garden • 3-7-1t No. 30 mo- .t Hilicrest 3-7-1t si:irte size ffice. P-3-7 "costs no reel House eiton Eiec- tlg, Phon{ 3-7-11 strawl)erry meT, Phone t. 1. " 3-7-3-21 z¢ith drum. ,s and Ser- 3-7 .LE :ch 13 ld, I will farm, 11 11 miles Lpia high- & Jersey tlves L tools • machine ed wagon a. m. grounds ctioneer ,mpia F-2 PER, k lants, 8 to erman De- 'hone 16F4. 2-21---4-11 now:* trail Hoodsport liwau . R-2l-tfn Io bunks, Marine n'cial troll- ,cod or at K-2-21--3-7 1 iser a 5uty agine tOP Dock) ,iroy Jllrnp- cost $7.95• condition, 'hone 80W. K-2-21--3-7 nsey cows, ld's. Sells O-2-14--3-7 W:-Pcter. .elton. Wn. Hiway. 2-21--3-7 rowth for- ltc l, .Box -2-21--3-28 )rses with W, Gid- 1-31--3-7 Universal dl. 407 So, 1-I7tfn lOP B elding :ET ellen .00 equity rack. Bai- .ncc, good W rubber, L-3-7 -pltS(llger 57A. Ltt-w- gs). 37- pc, retort- eels. good ily's Car- -2-28-3-14 ,;;? b,,,,-?. WIy over- [ne Aul0 ,i : 3d_a.y) March 7, 1946 Thursday, March  ----' CLASSIFIID ADV't [ LbJ BNILL  CKILE RA,00,S i SIDE ANT S Cdoa" ;gi : twd:e e k°so; $11rS;  D I more insertions. X Reade:. notices 3c per lOU,r  ...... • et -- EYjI G J ' Ition of guns, having bee}} a mcm- Ininlnlurll charge oll . ,t:_ [ E*, Card of Thanks, $1. ,ue verse pc s t i  tim } bet of a rifle teanl in P(mnsvl- poetry 50c per inch; une×)ee,^ P: lp el '} t;Lcu DlaCCS 111(: ranis• * display rates on reqU ed o, - _ " v  l is' Advertisements aoce S " ,,,.L Dy the strangest MISTAIiEN the telephone fram.dP 'w,w.3ness the following ? ex- [ Prep Principal George Hermes scribsrs. Cash shoal _ ,. alert flowed l'ro. +;-.- ,, has (.orreeted the Sideliner on last all other orders or paY.mtl Gra* - ......... within five (5) days 0=e d- 'tL an(1 was occasioned week's reference to the Shelton insertion to save expe,*_, era_and for a receipt for Chamher of Commerc.e basketball lng. An extra charge o,.n or a bet .. ........ Irophy, 1)dinting out the cup is a be made when billing  and Kenl; "atte uy .m]]n sportsmanshi I1 award l|nd llot all • 'ith ' ,'ann reeenuy saly. PHONE 1 Jte,,_ yd been skunked trying. I athh'tie (,imml)ionship symbol. , _-maead in the Skokon'ish, Tlu troi)hy will be awarded CARD OF  Hal had bet they would, to the school voted to hay, We wisl to in. about as ardenl: shovcn file best all - around ,gratitudo .for" slmrlsmanship during the has- and assistance, as this com- al offerings givcn us scare up, and likewise kethall season which is all but of our loved one. ovvr now, so lhal's one title Edith demanded a Ivan te four-bit bet they Shelton still has a chance to Vern this is what tiey capture. Crowd attitude to- I-Ioward ward officials and visiting RECEIPT IN FULL tea,ha, Sl)ortsn|anshi i) of tile Mrs. iligleliml)er team iisell', an(l' other details ef similar nature CAItD OF enter into tile winnillg el' tire We wish to of suckers troplly, the many sympatiw was shown .g my tips ta our bereavement. The Sideliner ]s oniy [oo glad timm for tile bcautiful one morning to correct the error of last week, Mrs. Bert adding however that the mistake Mr. and Mrs. and family of gear was nllde because of wrong in- Mr. and Mrs. of glamom • formation supplied him on the and famil subject. Mr. and right river and Tamil the rigi, t spot H nr lng 00'g"en" : - and Vise and family Were good Mr. sand Mrs. Were hot and family , Bob Hurt ana re-eeho-ed On City Casaba PLUNK.. Championship NOTICE IS HEREBY had an odor applications will be chase of Tax Title like SKUNK . . . CITY BASKETBALL' 26. up to Saturday, W L f a at I:U0 o'clock P.M. .4 t. HARRY :araing that ..... Bnrgoyne's 6 4 262 239 Auditor :htltl.. . mgn Kimbel Oil .. 6 4 296 289  fi'a,'YalsoanUpre.stiWet McConkey's 5 5 289 272 _--ll,rerarabere . ge Pantorium .. 3 7 244 306 - tl a Oet AUTOMOTI ¢y paid, Go , Kimbel Oil and McConkey Phar- "--ie 0 d bless em i::tllh_bl macy tossed the city basketball ACCESSER or two " league into a three-team race for tyta @ ¢ --hb he -----" toNesti till ar last honorSweek.Wi th im p'or rant Tic- The Oilers refused to let an ear- lear ly Pantorimn lead frustrate them ST and played a persistent, uphill, heady battle to come through Other with an ultimate 39 to 34 victory ¢se fellowsthing frhe knew was over the Cleaners, while the Phm'- ALEMIT] :lk .... om the East macists staged a fourth quarter kao..nere's nothing to it spurt which upset the league- LUBRICATION SU] ." ne least leading Burgoyne Photographers, :iber,. . 38 to 26• You slickers e"- YOu Want to howl The results boosted Kimbel Oil WI stlek your neck out into a tie with Burgoyne's for rd a; OLD OWL. first place and left McConkey's WESTERN -'e" -fllows from the East" only a game behind tle co-lead- 218 N. First   °,Yingst, a Penn State era. Skipper Bill Levett, abetted no " :: m¢lcn----c-°l grad who saw the little by Bill McComb's fine pass- ,ging i] e West last fall and ing, hung up the season's biggest PLOWIN( , ( s family out here to individual score at 19 points as t ,' oUntry,, next month. DISCIN6 0 s-aas ardent sportsman the Oilers trailed all the way an, til the last quarter was half gone. HARROW/J osing collec- Pantorium ran up an imposing IIII!IlilIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|, first quarter lead behind the ACI GARDEN _ sharpshooting of Danny Cormier or Sa.,_/o,._ ' = and George Valley and led at all Work Guaranteed = the quarter rests, 12-3, 20-14, and ,oUOUnty i 30-27, bat Skipper Levett ironed • . - ^-0000{eame y S out the difficulties in a couple'of Rt• 18, s er ays: timeouts and the Oilers snatched 14..( |, the lead for good midway through PHONE tie final canto. Between 5 and 9' • " McConkey's held a slim lead practically all game, 6-4, 17-16 and 28-22 at the quarter marks, , .,,as ta.p v...,..,....,..-. 'r . od is excellent fROi.. , :2?iC::6:a:9::::ibutp°ured:°nti'ec°dlinthefinal ] i d = heat to win going away from Bur- , goyne's. Bill Somers and Jack Jeffrey turned in splendid floor ][{41 2:: €:::o l:: t::a: games with Joe Holt and Burr Dickenson doing the heaviest scor- B. Franklin t i ing for the Pharmacists. Dan Smith of the Photographers ATTORNEY'AT'I W0Wt be enough food topped both clubs in scoring, how- Courthouse, ever. with nine. Phone 31Z to go around. Kimbel Oil (39) Pantorium (34) = B, McComb 5 f Mel Morgan 2 • ---- Levett 19 f Woods 8 = B Armstrong 5 e Cormier 14 A. K. Me{ [ Nedham says that  Baze 7 g Valley 10 Personalized and -- g Service money have one---= Dronen 3 Eadrett M('Conl(ey 38 Burgoyne's (26) Somers 7 f Parsons 3 AddressRt. :3, Box 0 i i,f aemonthe more ColeSChermer 6 cf D.PhillipsSmith 49 Phone: Shelton them, the less Holt 8 g Chase 2 worth. W. Viger 4 g R. Viger Subs: MeConkey's --- Jeffrey 5 CRAIG P. - Dickenson 8. Burgoyne's--Bur- ELECTRICAL EN 0 IIIl, goyne 1. Gruver 3, Barger 4. Eliot Electric illillllllllllll|lllllll|lllllllllllilililllll||llllillllllllh Title Insurance °'° HEINIE'S £AFE Wright and • A00YE.' 000ns Tuesday, March 12th Charles T. v,.0,o,, o. UNDER MANAGEM .o.,o NEW ENT Telephone Home Cooked Meals at Ieasonable Prices CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT CLOSED MONDAY FOR REPAIRS 119-121 South Mary and Edith Lexett, Nev Owrers Bell Shelton, Illlllll||llll||ll|l|ll||ll|llllllllllHllll|llllllllll|llll|ll|lllllHllli ALDEN C. ATTORNEY Title Insurance Opposite First Phone 23 - . ' , PRETTY SOON! ! WITSII: d:| It "Looks Like Plenty of Fishing FUNERAL ' Licensed Embal4 aekle and Gear will be Available -- . . i. ,/& ELLIOT B. Accounting TaX : Bookkeeping 8Y 3 t23 4th St. rl / INSURANGI[ IIERBERT I ANGLI00 Oflce at Jagle ! u , John Rye[ ATTORNEY AT , Shelton, Washt Officc at Court I;{ , , tart Getting Your Equipment Ready Now Cerise in and look over our shelves and see tOT YOUrself the fine lines of Sporting Goods we have on hand. Shelton Recreation and Sporting Goods kirs t and Franklin Phone 22€ , SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL r 2 MORE BOWLIS00 LANES PLANNED O'Ne!ll Building Enlm gement and , Modernization Due pt.allS fel' an onlaro'ed and n]od- erl]iz(d cmpol'ilull were announc- ed this week by Panl Berets. own- [er of the Shelton Rccreation and Sporting Goods Store. Remodeling of the O'Neill build- mg in which tie recreation par- lots are now located at First and Franklin streets will permit the installation of two additional bowling alleys and enlargement of the sporting goods section, hl}leh counter, and i)ar, Mr. Ber- ets said, with worl(.scheduled to be done during the summer and eompletcd in time for tbe opening of tbe bowling eason next fall. The present building is to be remodeled completely and widen- ed 25 feet to the north with an as yet undetermined lengthening to the east end of the structure, Mr. Berets said. The building is owned by the O'Neill estate. Its present measurements are 40 by 120 feet• The two additional bowling al- leys whie) will be installed in the remodeling plans will provide six lanes for followers of the sport and room for a seventh will be available if it is found desireable to add it later, Mr, Berets said. The present four-lane setup was installed a dozen years ago by Harry Lasher and At Fcrrier of Aberdeen and operated by Fer- rier until he sold out to Berets two years ago, but four lanes have proven inadequate for the increasing numbers desiring to bowl and they have been kept busy every evening with many waiting long periods in order to get time on an alley. The present four-alley setup has also been accommodating three 8-team bowling leagues this year, which takes up three nights of each week. Included in the modernization plans, Mr. Berets added, will be an invisible lighting system de- vised by General Electric especi- ally for bowling alleys. No" lights will be visible to the bowlers and pin setters will also be hidden from their view in the new a r. rangement, yet the alleys will be as light as day, Mr. Berts said. Cushman Kegelers Untie 4-Way Knot To Slip Into 3rd (,()MMER(3AL LEAGUE W L Morgan Lumber. ........... 11 4 Grunert's Chevron ...... 9 6 Cushman Resort .......... 8 7 Olympic Plywood ........ 7 8 Local 161 ........................ 7 8 Pantorium ...................... 7 8 Moll Chevrolet ............ 6 9 Kimbel Motors ........... 5 10 Morgan Lumber maintained its two-game edge on the commercial league bowling field in last week's play, matching second place Grun- ert's Chevron Service' 2 to 1 TiC- tory, while Lake Cushman emerged from a. four team scram-* ble to take over third place with a dmilar verdict. Morgan Lumber trounced tail- end Kimbel Motors with Toad Sergeant and Bud Forbes revers- Pa.geo 3 ScoringMarks Fall in Feminine Pin Play as Edna Robinson Finds Head Pin Thl'ee l]e\\;v scoring ITlal'ks %vere astablish(:d Tuesday night and a :onrth (',ame within t,wo pins of EXCITING ACTIONAI Eaton, No. 4, is shown casting off on one of his s0uthaw shots which netted Shelton two points as the H ghclimbers gave the hampion Hoquiam Grizzlies a lot of basketball gray hairs last Friday night. Attempting to check Eat0n's shot is Hoquiam's Scott, while in the background watching the ball on its flight hopard ae High€timbers John Dunbar on the far left and Carl Sundsten, directly in front of the baset, vvhilo the white- u0iformed Hoquiam players are Sampair No. 5, Bill Shandera, behind Sundsten, and ,Begstrem, No. 9. Hoquiam won, 38-31. More action like this is in store foc. Shelton basketball fans 'Fri- day night when the final game of the prep season brings the Elma Eagles hero. ELMA HERE FRIDAY FOR PREP FINALE Bad 3r arter s.w. 00.EP BAS00ET.A'00L Beats Shelton At Olympia, 40.32 Third quarter ineffectiveness cost the Shelton Highclimbers their tenth conference basketball setback Monday night but the Olympia Bears knew they'd had rough sailing before writing a 40 to 32 verdict into the records in Olympia's ancient old gym. With the count knotted at 18- all at Lhe half, the I=Iighclimbers took a full quarter to get up steam again and were outscored 15 to i in the third heat by the Bears, and that's where the ball game went. In the last canto Shelton held a 13 to 7 edge in scoring despite the loss of Johnny Dunbar and Al Eaton. Dunbar suffered a painful leg injury in the second, quarter and while he tried gamely to stick it out the injury reduced his effect- iveness seriously and he wasn't up to his usual brand of ball. Eatoh was given special attention by the Bear defense and was cov- ered like a blanket on every High- climber push into Boar territory, as well as getting a going over from the home club, which com- mitted 26 personal fouls during W L f a Hoquiam .... 9 3 431 317 Raymond .... 8 d 465 426 Olympia ...... 8 d 406 313 Aberdeen .... 8 4 422 347 Montesano .. 5 7 360 416 Ehna ............ 2 9 302 396 Shelton ....... 1 10 299 413 Game Friday Ehna at Shelton Latest; Scores Olympia 40, Shelton 32. Aberdeen 38, Ehna 20. Hoquiam 40, Nontesano 22. Hoquiam 38, Shelton 31. .berdeen 39. Olympia 31, Raymond 63, Montesano 42, Olympia 37, Montesano 33. Raymond 35, Hoquiam 32. Elma and Shelton bring the 19d6 Southwest high school bas- ketball conference schedule to its official close all by themselves this Friday evening in the new Shclton gymnasium, for theirs is the only game remaining to be played. It will be a battle for last place honors, the Highclimbers seeking both to pull the Eagles down into last place tie with and also to avenge a 28 to 25 defeat the Eag- les meted out to the Highclimbers at Elms earlier in the season. Second teams open the finale at seven o'clock. 'Climbers Worry Hoquiam Champs In 38-31 Battle Hoquiam's league leading Grizz- lies had to keep the throttle pressed to the floorboards Fiday evening to squeeze out a 38 to 31 Southwest conference basketball victory over a battling Shelton Htghclimber team which turned in its finest performance of the sea- son. The Grizzlies led throughout the game except for a brief mo- mont midway in the second quar- ter when a basket by Bene White gave the Highelimbers a 10-9 edge, but the Harbor club wasn't out of danger of being the victims of the season's biggest upset until the final gun. White and A1 Eaton were the mainsprings of a Highclimber 'tfl¢chanism which functioned With greater smoothness and durability than at any other time this sea- son. Where prevmus perform- ance had seen the Shelton club wilt at some time during the game with disastrous results, the I-Iigh- climbers Friday kept the pace for the full four quaz't(;rs and we]'{> battling back gamely at thc end of time trying to whittle down a falling as Shclton's feminine pin ttO](Hly %vcnt OE it "'('.(,'l'(:[ broflkiil[" l'anlpage, llason LttUll(h'y's er0w wme tm 'Sl)oilers' w th Edna R)h- bison as ring leader. l]owlmK on a 128-pin avorny.'o, Mrs. Robinson cracked both the individual scoring totals previous. ly held by Vi Russell knocking €)1'" a 228 sillgle game sc'¢)l'e aud a 56:1 three game total. Tho pre- vious nlarlcs }lad been 211 and 539. In doing tMs. Edna led the laundry to a .2533-pin team total which broke thc mtds-chasers own previous record by a single pin, and came wiLhin two phs of best. ing the 879 1)in single" game rec- ord held by Pastime. Meantime, the iaundry girls %VC l'e winnillg two gl ill es fron] Mac's Corner and were pl'eVelltc(l from mal<ing a sweep of the matches by Helen Smith's 193' score which brought the corner- ires one decision. Pastime swept into sole pos.- ession of second phlce with a tiree-ply triumph over Wilson's Cafe behind Jessie Hunter's av- erage-building total, brealdng a tie with Mac's, while the lead- ing Sbelton Cash Grocery chlb continued its steady victory pace with an odd-game decision over Werberger Winery, and McCon- key Pharmacy dittoed over Pan- torture in the nigtt's other mat- ches. leaving the standings in the following order: W L Cash Grocery .................... 45 21.. Pastime .............................. 41 25 Mac's Corner .................... 39 27 McConkey Pharmacy .... 31 35 Pantormm ........................ 29 37 Mason Laundry ................ 29 37 Werberger Winery ........ 27 39 Wilson's Care .................. 23 43 Matches Tuesday 6:30--Wilson's vs Mac's Pastime vs Laundry 9:00---Grocery vs Pantarium Werberger vs McConkey Red Heads Better Than Legion Lads Thought, Win 38-32 Never underestimate an op- ponent-.-that's a cardinal rule of competition, but the Shelton Le- gionnaires did it Sunday and came off the Shelton gym floor with a 38 to 32 defeat at the hands of those touring feminine basketeers, the All-American Red Heads, Off to an early and apparently easy first quarter lead, the Le- gionnaires shifted into low gear and by halftime had allowed the Larundrymen Leap From 7th to 4th in City Loop Cl'l'k ' BOYVI,1NG IJ£,A(]UE W L A el;iv i arts ................. 3 9 2 4 Simpson Loft. 3,1 29 Mason Lqutdry ...... : 2 31 Associated Oil ........... 31 32 L. M" ........................... 31. 32 Reed iV[ill .................... ',10 :]3 Pastime ..................... ':2, ¢) 3,t Beckwith's ............... 27 36 Masoa Lanndl y provided ihe on- ly semblance of fireworks in Fri- (iay night's oily league bowling matches, applying the eak!imine bPush to Pastimc's kegelors and moving from seventl place in the standings to third in i he process, It was a neat bit of he(lge-hop. ping engineered principally bY ,limmy Dunbar's vicious assuult on the woodbox, Adc Kopperman put. up a stiff one-nm.n resistnnce LO no avail. All other matches were decided by the odd-game picture. Aetiv- i:ms maintained thoir f'ive-,dame lead by bowling m, er Reed Mill as Pmfl Schneider [attened his nver- affe wlile second ])lace Simpson Log downed tailend Beckwith's with Paul Fredson hnving a laz'g'c evening and earnin K individual scoring honors witi a 603 total. The logRers won thc. finaic by a single pin. Lumbermen's Mercantile c(t'ed Associated Oil in the fourth match of the evening behind Pete Rob- erts' two good games, his last taldng top single game hollers at 251 pins• The lineups. Mason Ldy. (S) I Pastime (0) Handicap 2551Handica p 51 Dunbar 555 K. Fredm 470 D. Woods 364 Staley ,127 Reader 496 Kopperman 585 Smith 512 Dotson 510 I. H. Woods 501 Ferrier ,183 Total 2683 Total 2526 Activians (2) Reed Mill (I) Handicap 249[ Handicap 111. Fourre 452 M. Fredson 574 Schneider 519  Drummond 420 McCaslin 416 W, Snelgrove ,t57 Price 458 Carter 477 Westlmd' 479 Forbes 51.9 Total 2573 Total 2558 Siml)son Log (2) Be, ckwith (t HandJcsp 11d Handicap 180 Aronson 521 Dodds 564 B. Roberts 432 Merrick 551 F Snelgrove 526 Deer 411. B Peterson 522 Mifflin 4.17 P Fredson 6(13t Bayley 510 Total 2718 Total 2693 L. M. (2) Associated Handical) 111 ( I ) Handicap 27 Stewart 515 Daniels 544 Giblet 421 Noblett 485 P, Roberts 582 Holt ,]77 Lindeman 4071Yonng 482 Gavarski 487 Gusts fson 524 Total 2523. Tolal 2539 rangy Red Heads to go in front ................................................................. at 20-14. During an active third period the feminine sphere tossers surrendered only a, point of timt margin and still led, 31-26, and ,hen the Legion lads couldn't get back into high. Tex Nabors; a rugged looking blondish Red Head, proved to be an adept ball-handler and tossed in 14 points for the girls with 6- foot 2-inch Toby McGee aidipg with eleven. Six-foot. 4-inch Gone Love had lots of longitude but not much basketball abtlity, failing to score and doing little of the ball r| BASEBALL TURNOUT: 2P.M. SUNDAY MARCH 10 AIt Players Interested in A Shelton Town Team In- ing their achievement of the pre- vious week in leading the individ- the scrap, Eaton had to check ual scoring for the entire league, I out on fouls late' in the last canto this time Toad getting high total himself. Gene White, for the second at 561 and Bud high single game at 222. Grunert's decisioned Pantorium behind Clarence Bare's rolling and in spite of Ernie Anderson's strong pinwork for the Cleaners, and Lake Cushman Resort downed Olympic Plywood with Jack Roles doing the heavy gunning. Mell Chevrolet won the night's fourth match, also by the odd game route, with Local 161 vic- tims. Gus McNiel and Norris Rau dished out the decisive tQtals for the Chev bogs. The lineps: HMa°rgdicaap (2) 291 HandcaY "Od 5(1)7 B. Forbes 558 T. Sergeant 561 My. Morgan 398 C. Morgan M B00shop Total 2654 Cushman (2) Handicap 291 H. Durand 457 J. Roles 55S jL.. Carlson 399 • Forrest 475 A. Robinson 522 Total 267 runerts (2) Handicap 36 C. BaTe 49;t B. Kenyon 408 C. Rank 430 H. Cole 361 L. Struthers 4a7 Total 24 Mell Chev (2) Handicap 68 N. Rau' 42'. H. Wiseman 317 W Dundas 33( A. McNeil 443 Longacres 35( Total 255 H. Eppler 404 Hans Bohn 379 F. Boucher 309 Joe Evans 403 Ken .Rose 447 T0ta] 3539 Kimbl Mo. (1) Handicap 381 Dummy 384 W. w, art 367 G, Frisken 418 Dummy 450 Kopperman 256 Total 2526 Pantorfum (1) Handicap $12 E; Li¢man i51 G. Lundberg 372 J. Keever 382 B. Beach 411 E. Anderson 545 Total 2473 Local 161 (1) Handicap 579 A. Wright 399 Lundsford 298 W. Oliver 331 C. Rains 383 N Westlund 46 Total 2458 Green Lake Takes 52-29 Trouncing 0n Shelton Visit Stan Wyatt's Green Lake bas. keteers saw a lot of scenery on their first trip out of Seattle las Saturday and they saw a flock of bails dropping through the hoop they were guarding, too, for they were just too inexperienced to cope with the Shelton Legion- naires in the new gym Saturday night. The Legionnaires won without too much exertion, 52 to 29, as Danny Smith and Warren Woods peppered the twine and every player in the lineup contributing to the scoring. Wyatt's lads appeared to be well coacled and had plenty of scrap bnt lacked the range and experience to stack up with the Shelton lineup. Green Lake did get a 50-50 break for the evening, however, their second team earn- straight game, turned in a splen- did performance and topped High- climber scoring with eight count- ers, one up on Carl Sundsten. who also played fine ball, For Olym- pia, Gib Horton shaded Ray Gar- rison 15 to 14, for scoring honors, with Garrison heaving m eight markers as the Bears •grabbed a 14-7 first quarter lead, Shelton battled back with Sundsten lead- ing the pace to knot the score at 18-all at the half, however. Olympia reserves ran up a 12-0 first quarter lead and coasted from there to a 37-25 victory over the Highclimber seconds in the preliminary game. Kenny Carl- mn of the Highclimber.s led scor- ing for both teams, however, with 13 points, The lineups: FIRST TEAMS 91Ympla (40) " Shelton ($2) Horton 15 f Wilson 4 Garrison 14 f  Dunbar 3 DaY 4 c Sundsten 7 Matthews 1 g White 8 Strandness 2 g . Eaton 1 Subs: Olympia--Bridgham 4; DeGarme, Williams, Dawley, Per- inger, Shelton--Cardinal, 4, Ha- en 4, Oltman 1, Cartwright, Def- nbaugh. Kennedys Second in Natmnal Skating Event at Chicago Second best In the etlre na- tiqn is the pretty juipy plum petlr and Karol Kennedy are bringing back West with them after competing in the national figure skating championships in Chicago last week end. Tllb former Shelton young- sters, now - living in Seattle, were runners-up to a New York City pair, Donna Jean Pospisil and Jeane Pierre Brunet, in the senior pairs event. They won the Pacific .Coast senior pair championship two weeks previously. Peter and Karol are grand- children of Mike Kennedy, county jailer. ing a decisive decision over a high in the school intramural lineup preliminary game• After the game the Green Lake squad enjoyed a banquet at the Colonial House, and before the game did a little sight-seeing on the trip down from Seattle as well as going through the Olympic Plywood plant after arriving here. Legion (52) Green Lake (29) Parsons 5 f Johnson Daniels 4 f Peper 2 D. Smith 11 e M. Cassidy 8 Woods 10 g Schlinder 2 Fredson 5 g P. Cassidy 2 Subs: Legion--Armstrong 5, Cole-3, Cormier 7, P. Smith 2. Status of two Shelton players is in doubt as injuries may keep Johnny Dunbar, Highclimber scor- ing ace, and ,Buzz Frazer, aggress- ive little guard, on the bench for the last game. Fraser was hurt at Raymond and has missed the last two games, while Dunbar was hurt at Olympia Monday night. All other teams completed their schedules Monday with a "three- team ti( for second place now in the process of being dissolved by playoff games at Montesano. Raymond and Aberdeen tangled last night with the winner to meet Olympia tonight, The ultimate second-place holder of the north- ern division will meet Battle Ground or Vancouver of the southern division at Longview Saturday for a berth in the state tournament wlaich opens in Seat- tle next Wednesday. Blazers Lose To Cubs; Have Lone Chance Left Now Fading in the second quarter, the Shelton junior high Blazers lost a 33 to 16 verdict to the un- defeated Hoquiam Cubs in a Southwest junior high conference basketball game Friday afternoon in Shelton gym. The Blazers get their last op- portm)ity to post a conference vie- toy this Friday when they travel to Centralia for the closing game of their season• Centralia won when two clubs met here in Shel- ton, 22 to 21, in two overtime periods. The Blazers were in the ball garpe until early in the second quarter, but after Bob Tobey of the Blazers had tied the score at 7-7 with a foul conversion as the second heat opened the visiting Cubs opened up and before Shel- ton scored again had run the count to 21 to 7. Tobey converted another foul after" the halftime gun sounded to send the clubs off the floor 21 to 8. It was 26 to 14 at the third rest mark. For- ward Baumgardner scored 18 points for Hoquiam to best the en- tire Blazer lineup. Wayne Clary played nice ball for Shelton. The lineuls: Hoqulam (33) SheIton (16) Alexander 3 f Clary 6 Baumgardnr 18 f Skagen 4 Hillstead c Buck Elway 7 g T0bey 5 • Freeman g Levett Subs: HoquiamGill 2, Murphy 1, Johnson 2. Sheiton--Heuer 1, Cole, Wells. SHELTON DANCE CLUB The Shelton Dance Club will hold their monthly dance Satur- day, March 9, at the Union hall• It will be a St• Patrick Day dance and Lhose attending are asked te wear sport clothes. Grizzly lead which had gone to 11 points early in the fourth quarter after White was elimin- ated on personal fouls. The loss of White probably wax the blow which cost Shelton it's chance to upset the league lead- ers for the bespectacled guard was kicking througi with a brilliant performance when he committed his fifth infraction "and had to take an early shower: At that point the Grizzlies led by six points but they quickly skied it to 11 after his departure before Coach Chet Dombroski could plug the defensive hole. Absence of Buzz Fraser, who was injured in the Raymond game, as relief for White was another blow to).the Hhclimbers right there. .White scored nine points, his best of the year, to push Eaton for scoring honors. Eaton played his best all,around game of the season and produced ten tallies for the Highclimber cause. Hoquiam played a driving, rongh style of ball and checked all ovcer the floor, but the High- climbers met the Grizzly play with an aggressiveness they hadn't displayed heretofore and made it a ball game all the way. Starting Slowly, the score was tied at 5-all at the end of the first quarter but play speeded up as Hoquiam led 17-13 at the half. At th0 thirl qUT,ter rest it WaS 28-22 'wth thq viMtor'pti!l la- ing and  ¢W rftmens later, - ter White s loss, it Was 34-23. For the rest of the game, however, the Highclimbers held the edge in play but the lead was too great. The Hoquial eors W eas- ily, 36 to 13, in the preliminary scrap. The first team lieups: Hoqulam (88), Shelton [31) Bergstrom 12 f Wilson 3 B. Shandera,6 f Dunbp G. Shanlera 4 c sundsten 2 Kretz 2 g White 9 Culbertson g Eaton I0 Subs: Hoq}im  Samptir 3, Pearson 4, cott 3, "0ebser . Shelton- Cardinal 1, Hagan .2, Deffinbaugh, Oltman, Cartwright. Sports and Skeet Club Meeting Next Tuesday Mason County Sports and Skeet Club wil hold its first Mare meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock b the court house, President Tiff Skeley, remnded members yesterday, Skokomish Open for Steelhead Until !Sth Steelhead fishing is over in all Mason ounty waters except the Skokomish River, which is in- cluded among the open waters in the special extended winter sea- son whieh runs through March 15, Game Protector Joe SiJkis ex- plained yesterday. The regular winter steelhead season closed on March 1st. playing for the Red Heads• The two Dana Corrnier and Smith, scored eiglt each for the Legionnaires. The lineups: Red Heads (38) Legionnaires (32) Reynolds 5 t Levett 4 Haines 2 f Woods Love c Cormier 8 Purkey 2 g Vigm; Daniels 4 g Cole 4 Subs: Red Heads.---Nabors 1,t. McGee 11. Legion--.D. Smith 8, Jeffrey 2, B. Armstrong 4, Par- sons 2, Daniels, Dickenson. Baseball Turnout Scheduled Sunday It can't be March without baseball, so the call for all play- ers interested in turning out for a town team which Pete Bloom- field sounded this week wasn't unexpected. Pete asks all players interested to be at Loop Field next Sunday at two o'clock, or to see him at • oe Holt's AsSociated Service Station at First and Cots. vtted to turn out. Ii [ _ ]J I I  AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS I NSTALLID RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile Sollth On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X WANTED 1,000 FANS To Root for the Highelimbers to BEAT ELMA Friday, March 8-- S.E00TON00 Games--00P.M.00yM Shoe Shining and Cleaning CAREFUL WORK -- BEST MATERIALS SANMY THOMAS Hotel Shelt0000 Barber Shop ' 'i %