March 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday archj /. : , ,
-'. arch 8, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohrfszmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Pame 5
' I i d , I I I I r +
I.Ii il00llv -- .. -- • --.- . -- _ -. ... ,,,, .InilnNA/ I111a..i+:wn ,An:--ns:T R:uaT
"""" "" '[limbers To lr For State Iourne ..... "'---'"""-"-" "++-"
$ + nlgnctlmners Leave ............................................................................................
" " " "" :Jf ++ %amount Leo-Wd5 + V V
set r0r naa ++ Best 2-Year Record ---- .7--- - 7- ,,,+ =,,,:,=:.+.:: 4 L
inDlIct:Jn Lf+ott::t?P;] + When the Highclirnbers+t.e[n)in-iBILL WILSON WHACKS Pinmen Bailer W00d da; [il+t +,,;:;:;:,:'n;:, o," :, %,a] ....__.. __..__ ..__. ,,.,.
4-H R/tlly'I:)ay pllevioRCljIm IN MASON COUNTY =_+ p,[#d t,,],,'m,p.,,+t,b+al).+:aot.+:],a+o, once I:DATICDIIAI "1'o'11'+ I. I' ...... .. II ...... th+y hven't plav,.l at all J+ it is IM|II U lure VL, m+.+Dm +
for M'-.trch 3 h',s beenl.'".--' m+ +eks .wo they bid farewell to the 000 rnmnmnmmL mum,= no uuuun+|, uu+dnm+ >ro, th. |O||H |[lIF-. |MO
The new date tot" the lrh__+i. mlmlllmmumlmmllimmiulimmummmlimimimllmmlmllUUUuuau[ ,+,.,,,+t ,,ith th, €input ,.,+oard hv a I+RATLRNAI. I.I,.AGUI,+ It..,=&,.+.= T,.,.-- T,Im,, SHEI,TON ,, TIVO trlnmphs or-
has been tentatively s"]mmummmmlimmumm'ummmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmlmmUmmmmumm st,'bst::ant"i;,l "" "n:'ar+J.iqT"+ol7+"l'i -'t"he' Pts. tl¢lplUlt: /t$itlm llllt$ er East were by 62-.16 aL Brcmer- lille = 111111 = IlII#tUTV litlBIllllln NI UlfllHD
urday. March 17 at tlte1',)?E'+ ..RAG 'EM ponnds 12 ounces. Otlmr reported schools in the l¢,gue Im'irjg the Bull Moose .......................... 1001,,.'., Two industrial league entries ton just bef,,rc Ch,'istmas and IV r- an," mmnH rnu+u or uu+
,,on,stO+'t:te3+' ' AND YOUR LEADERS
Samrds]9ing ..... a
d them
w them
e hours
owth of
:e Luth-
Ling the
y of the
tigate it
at solu-
View School.
Am<rag the evenr-s to
at the next
the selec.tion of the C
Queen. To qualify fgr
a girl must be at ¢
.yeaa's of ag and mast
• r i ,
Sand'a Bell, Liana E
Suzanne Zehe, NanCY
Diane Groshong, Gerala
Pat Leonard and Dori
Tiae Queen will be sele
election and the two
will act as her princeS@
h Club officers for the
on will also be elected
will +be presented by !!
Mason County clubs .I0
a potluck supper and
for parents, members, I(
friends of 4-H.
Committee Chairman.
Rally Day is Mrs.
with Mrs. Max MikkelS
Floyd Godwin compri
of the committee.
Often the test of
to die but to live.
years in Shelton
with this firm (16
bring you first
tion regardin the.
lection of quality
further information
cars call
he Gateway to
:left) and DICK SHRUM for
y of the anatomy of a Golden
ays-popular 4-H da ry project.
4r= 'Ls. eonard Cochran of Lake'
id Mrs. Jim Shrum of Little
Ly Extension Service.)
Steelhead apiece, Ted
led the past
Parade in these
+'de!he edge in weight to-
attires 6t" 12 and six
,+.Yesterday nd seven
l''.?day, While Les cante
_.'°" and seven pounders
alad a seven pounder yes-
etSbiggest take, how-
XOn LeGarde at 13
i -5
catches inehtded Joe Everist 6-12
A. l+toy Dunn 8-4 Ray Walker
4-0. All were taken from the Sko-
]<on'lish. one of tile few near-by
\\;VnLt,rs still open to steelheaders.
Salt water fishii]g continued to
producc results tot' tlmse giving
it a try, with sea-run cutthroat
and fe.eder sahnon taking lures
in the Oaldand Bay-Hammersley
]nlet-Harstine Island areas.
Hood Canal yielded a 2a-pound
10 otmee ling cod which placed
Bill McKasson of Lilliwaup on the
top rung of the Simpson Recrea-
t ion Association's skin divers
spear-fishing l'tdder.
A new SCUBA diving class is
opening" tonight at 7:00 o'clock
at the Pool Nuotare, sponsor Verle
Schreiber reports.
.'$LOANE of our firm is pictured presenting MARY
With the pen-and-pencil set we award each year to
ember in Mason County judged to have kept the best
records for her cluB.
Farmers Mutual of Enumclaw
two year life of the conference.
Coach Jm'ry Verrnillion's teams
won 21. of the 2,t regular season
games played with conference
brotbers over those two years.
This is four games better than the
next best record Fife's 17-7 mark.
However. Shelton was neither
the point leader nor the defensive
leader. North Thurston. by virtue
of its tremendous 994 points dur-
ing the 1961 campaign, accumu-
lated 1617 points in the two sea-
sons against Shelton's second best
total of 1449.
Fife was the defensive leader by
a narrow magin, with the Climbers
again runner-up. Fife held op-
ponents to 1162 tallies while Shel-
ton gave up 1174 markers in the
two seasons.
Here's how a composite league
standing would look for the two
seasons of Seamount league bas-
ketball competition so far:
W L pf pa
SHELTON ........ 21 3 1449 1174
Fife ...................... 17 7 1425 1162
North Thurston 15 9 1617 1334
Curtis .................. 13 11 1238 1218
Peninsula ............ 9 15 1228 1261
Bethel .................. 7 17 1313 1522
White River ........ 2 22 913 1571
Next year Shelton shifts over to
the Olympic Peninsuta league,
where its fellow conference mem-
bers will be East and West Brem-
erton, North, South and Central
Kitsap, and Port Angeles.
Sumner replaces Shelton in the
Seamount league, moving out of
the Puget Sound league.
Sports writers covering the Sea-
mount league's basketball play
this past season have named Corky
Peterson and Wayne Carlson,
Shelton's two 6-fobt-3 senior front-
"liners, to the circuit's all-star first
Others on the squad are Jack
White of Curtis, Jerry Brodigan of
Bethel, and Vince Nordfors of Fife.
Shelton's Bill Sloan. 5-11 junior
backcourt sharpshooter, was dele-
gated a second team berth along
with Herb Toney of North Thurs-
ton, Jon Snyder of Curtis, Ed Er-
ikson of Fife and Dave Babbitt of
Fife. Honorable mentions were
given J. W. Wright of North
Thurston, John Gunnerson and
Pete Klenak of Peninsula. Bill
Morton and Wilt Weber of Curtis.
5 New Teams Qualify
In BPAA Compelition
Five of the 12 teams which
rolled in BPAA championship
competition Friday night got .on
the qualifying board.
They were Clarv Trucking with
a 3007 total Jim Pauley Inc. at
3002. Rusty Ducks at 2976. Olson's
Barber & Beauty Shop 2961 and
Dan's Nite Hawks 2960.
The top 12 on the board now
include Olympic Plywood at 3127,
Bull Moose at 2999, Bill's Shell
Sere, ice nt 2971 Prepp's Rexall
Store 2963. Gott Oil 2958, L.M.
2948. and Wilson Company 2947.
Cavaliers Slrenglhen
Semipro League Lead
The Capital Cavaliers gave the
Central Broncos (Centralia-Che-
halls) a good tanning on the Tim-
ber Bowl lanes Sunday in South-
west semi-pro bowling league ac-
The Mason-Thurston lineup, with
L. L. McInelly in its lineup, man-
handled the Broncos 10-3 in the
combined team and individual
match play to-fortify its h01d on
first place in the circuit standings.
16lh Annual SRA Pin
Tourney Enlries Open
Entries are now being accepted
for the sixth annual Simpson Rec-
reation Association inter-state
bowling tournament, scheduled for
the Gateway Lanes in Portland
April 28-29.
The tourney is for Simpson em-
ployees only (or their wives or
husbands) participating on Simp-
son sponsored teams.
Use Journal W ani Ads
Shelton Hardware ................ 100
Fuller Construction .............. 97
Rotary Club .......................... 95
Moose Antlers ...................... 90V,
Lions Club .............................. 90
Kiwanis Club ...................... 771,./.,
Eagles Aerie .......................... 38 ,fi
High games--Bill. "Wilson 255,
Buck Mackey 220.
High series-Bill Wilson 658.
Three season pinnacles were es-
tablished in the Fraternal bowling
league Monday nig'ht during ac-
tion which put a tight squeeze on
the standings all around.
Bill Wilson's 658 series {189-
214-255) set a new record and
blazed the path to two new team
peaks by his Bull Moose team-.--
a 1064 game and 2958 series--
plus a whopping big 22 point gain
in the night's play.
The latter figure enabled the
Bull Moose to grab the league lead
by a slim-half-point over Shelton
Hardware, which scored 13 points
behind Buck Mackey's and Jess
phillips' pin-punislfing.
After the nights play six of
the Fraternal entries were bunch-
ed within 10 poihts, a relativeIv
small spread when 23 points are
at stake each Lime the league
goes into action.
Fuller Construction (Howard
Fuller 5491 piled up 15 points to
take third place at 97 points when
Rotary Club <Dick Angle 478)
managed only six points.
W Ia
Lumbermen's Mere ....... 25 7
20th Century .................. 19 13
Clary Trucking ............. 16 z 15
Morgan Transfer. ......... 16/ 15V, z
Cole's Mobil Service .... 14 18
Grant Lumber . ............. 13 19
Pantorium Cleaners ...... 12 20
Shelton Motors 12 20
Higi game--L. L Mclnelly 232,
Ray Rice 229, Fredson 228.
High series L. L. McInelly
612, Ken Fredson 607.
Ken Fredson and L. L. McInel-
ly hung two more 600 series on
the Industrial league's peg last
week. making six in the last two
weeks of play.
Mac slammed .a 232 finale on
top of 192 and 188 openers for a
612 which steered the league-lead-
ing L.M. to shutout success
against Grant Lumber (Jack
Frost 514), while Ken finished Up
with a 228 behind 191 and 188
starts for a 607 which gained the
tailend Pantorium Cleaners only
a 2-2 stalemate with Cole's Mobil
Service (Ade Wright 558).
In the other matches Clary
Trucking < Wayne Clary 552)
gained a 3V,.,-V, verdict over Mor-
gan Transfer (Ray Brown 496
and She]ton Motors (Joe Ander-
son 558) hung a 3-1 setback on
second spot 20th Century Thrift-
way (Ray Rice 229-576.
Donkey Baskelball
Event Due March 19
Shelton's Lions Club again is
sponsoring that popular, zany
sport--donkey basketball.
Drawing upon Simpson Recrea-
tion Association members for aid
in fielding" a stout "team". the
Lions have scheduled a game with
the Shelton Faculty in the Shel-
ton gym on Monday night, March
"Tipoff" time is 8:00 p.m. Ad-
mission will be $1 for adults, 50
cents for children.
The Lions have a double-bar-
reled benefit in mind for profits
from the projecthot lunches for
needy children in Shelton schools,
and' the club's noted eye conser-
vation program.
Molorcyclisls Plan
Hare Soramble Sunday
The Shelton Trailblazers Mo-
: ° AYCblie': lfeebte: dh.7'n: t2 a:
meet at the city dock at 11:30 a.
m. Final plans for the event will
be completed during" a meeting
Saturday night at the home of Al
Pile on Capitol Hill.
• Yesterday Is a Dream
• Today Is a Reality
• Tomorrow Is a Vision
ld the J. C.' Penney
)oth observing their :
6015 Anniversaries
ear, having been
in 1902. '
)ugh the years it has been
ey Company's pleasure to I!
Red the 4-H program in va0
s. In Mason County the pet+i
.+ in Sbelton grants a, trip to
state conference in Pullman
to a 4-H club member.
es always to 4-H.
especially interested because we
that boys and girls having
ces in 4-H Club work over a
)f Years make good citizens and
s in their communities.
WORK is a kind of training in
YOUths learn better ways of work-
better ways of living. It
on self-reliance, character,
in many ways to promote better
or Our Young people.
of the fine 4-H SWEATER awarded
annually to an outstanding
4-H member by
O. V. "BRICK" BOSTWlCK, Manager
407 So. First St.
H A 6-4373
topped a record field in the team
event of Shelton's annual city
bowling association tournament
last weekend at the Timber Bowl.
Pantoriun Cleaners. paced by
Bill Batstone and :Ken Fredson,
and Lumbermen's Mercantile.
steered by Jack Stewart and Phil
Baylev. hit respective 3137 and
3096 team totals as the field of
50 teams {biggest previous cntry
list was 44) dished out a merci-
less beating to the pins.
action eight individual 600 series
were scored, topped by Stewart's
648. Fredson had 621 and Bayley
612. Batstone, who carries a 143
average, slugged a personal pin-
nacle 256 game to tie Stewart for
the best single game mark. Both
barely bested Bill Besch's 255,
which helped Timber Bowl (Ma-
jor league to fourth place at
3020, behind the 3096 accumulated
by the What's Ncxt entry from
the mixed foursome leag`ue. Besch
had a 624 series, second to Stew-
The other top 10 prize winners
were Wilson Company (men's city
league) 3018, paced by Allie Rob-
inson's 607. Maintenance Rayon-
ier) 3013. Home Gas (Major)
3008, Simpson Engineers (Simp-
son 2985. Old Mill Tavern (Mer-
chants) 2966, and Shelton Valley
(Grange) 2964.
JESS DANIELS and Glen Rob-
ertson hit 607 and 602 series to
pace the Home Gas effort. Dan-
iels had a 235 top. The other 600
series, Lloyd Clark's 605, he had
a 231 top, failed to get Ziegler's
Camera Shop Merchants) into
the prize circle.
Among the blg" singles were
Jess Phillips 247, Stan Ahlquist's
243, and till Staudt's 234 for
teams not in the prize list.
Doubles and singles events in
the tournament will be held the
next two Saturday-Sunday week-
ends at Shelton Ree. Spots are
still open and entries will be ac-
cepted until Saturday morning, ac-
cording to association secretary-
treasurer Dean Clark.
We may be personally defeated,
but our principles never.
--William Lloyd Garrison
69-60 at ShelLon in early Feb-
runty. The Black Rnights had
a season record of 8-18 but
league slate of 7-4 in Olympic
North is a big, muscular, high-
scoring outfit wiich compiled a
12-6 season record, but seemed
subject to sporadic off-nights. In
Vernaillion's opinion, howewr, af-
ter scouting them the Vikings
are the best club in the Olympic
league with their excellent .,ize
and scoring ability.
Vermillion reports the Cimb-
ers are ready physically and :men-
tally for their assault on the state
tournament ramparts.
ed only two quarters of tile last
three ball games, has shakeaa off
both the illness and injury which
plagued hint All other squad
members are hale and hearty once
more after enduring ntinor handi-
caps during the late stages of the
Vermillion said he probably
would give Bill gmith the nod
over Jim Goo'dpastcr for the start-
ing forward spot opposite lefty
Wayne Carlson F'riday. Snfiih
has been playing brilliantly in
Peterson will be at center. Bill
Sloan and Gary Simons at guards.
Vermillion hopes Sloan continues
the hot streak which found him
scoring 39 points in the last two
regular games.
"This is the clc,,:cst we've ever
been Lo the state tournantent",
Vermillion commented. '%Ve tiink
we can be the first Shelton team
to get there."
Shelton Lodge No. 1684
Warren (Bud) Knutzen,
Phone HA 6-4780
Otto R. Hanson, Scy.
Phone HA 6-8197
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
LEARNING TO SEW is an ever-popular 4-H project that en-
lists interest from girls of all ages. ROSE ATCHINSON is
concentrating all her 12-year-old energies on mastery of the
electric sewing machine. Come County Fair time she'll be
ready with her exhibit of apron, pin cushion and head scarf.
Her teachers are Mrs. Harlley Loertscher and Mrs. Roy Ed-
wards of he Ivy Climbers Club in the Lake Isabella commu--
nity, (Photo by Mason County Extensi,m Service+)
4-H Club points the way to better fam-
ily and community .living in Mason Coun-
ty and our nation, and there is no more
appropriate time than during National
4-H Week to applaud a job well done.
To the hundreds of Mason County boys
and girls engaged in the wholesome, char-
acter building 4-H program, and the doz-
ens of devoted adult leaders who guide
and assist them, we give appreciative rec-
ognition, along with this entire commu-
nity, to the important strides toward fin-
er citizenship and development of initia-
tive, responsibility and leadership you
are making through your organization.
May 4-H continue to show the way for
a better tomorrow.