March 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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• " ' ' .-- " " " ....... ' , • h " .', March,g, 1962
Page 8 BTtELTON--MAoON COUNTY JOURNAL Pubhshefl in Cbrma,tow?., U.KA,, helton, Washington Thm da, Mat-._:..._
.......... , ........ • .............. .... •
• , , m ' 3n:• ILAX(2n,; HUn
Shelton Sador Serves p,,ov,,l00;Ibe pre00r'l,,, o, .
, J f also be a first aid film on]loll ,,
P.T.A. Carnival Scheduled This Saturday; 0..... g ,-*An**, t..g.J . #JEgk Librarian Busy CatMoging 500 New Books; to-m,,,,th ,',2,,scitatio;.b J
Ja,nes A. O'Neil, eninema. 3rd Jaoanese Film Starlet Pays School Visit ]]UW ML rlUBUUI [CLBU UB £Olg Nine Boys Participating In Boxing Program [i?no..,,o0 .?d li[,a,,ye°
,ltr:'l)"%"tNg:n:¢ci: °off Miiptn toMtl:.:: H. Rolin Goodwin Miss Tok cda is 21 yells old B" Sail" Taqor m
. . • .... .• 3 ' , 3 MATLOCK ..... For the past two Although only three have had cecds, to be used m ptl
......... ' .,.;. : ..... .:,i, .... i ..... , POTLAqCH-.Saturday, Mulch and is vmltmg the Un,ted Stales PIONEER --- Sun Valley lost nnn:unrearu weeks Mrs. Shirlee inrphy, lib- previous experi(mee, the boys are alhlelm eqmpraent. Pl
.,,,,,,t,,,. ,,,,.,., , so, ,-,, .......... 10. the PTA will sponsor a car- oil a three-month visa. She is business this past week when over |||||IF|t]H[| 1 larian has been occupied catalog- working" hard and Moelip[ will I
the attack transport USS Renville.
a mill of the Pacific Fleet Amph/b-
ious Force. headquarters at SaM
r)iego, Calif.. which celebrates its
20th anniversary Feb. 20.
Established on Feb. 20. 1942. tile
force spearheaded mlch World War
II amphibious campaigns as Gun-
dalcanal. Leyte. Iwo lima and
Today, approximately 20,000
nlen assigned to some 70 ships arai
supportlnK units make up I,hc
lorce, commanded by Vice Adm.
Howard A Yeager. /'he Pacific
amphibs are cspable of transport-
ing and landing combat-ready
Marines and their eqnil2ment
across the beaches of any Lrollble
spot in the Pacific. tlle F'ar East
or Southeast Asia.
nival lt the Ftoodport school It
has been planned as a family af-
fair. It will be i:roln 2 to 8 p.m.
Hotdogs and bqked beans will
be served all day, A choice of
ham or turkey dinner will be
serw<l from 5 to 7 p.rn Adnlt
plates will test $1, children's 50e.
After t.he dinner there will be
a teenage dance from 7 to 8 p.m.
The rest of the carnival will in-
elude the following: movies, games
of skill, a fish pond, a novelty
booth, a garden booth, a cake
walk, a penny pitch and others.
Tile PTA would like donations
for the following: cakes (cake; plants tgarden bootll; and
white elephants.
Please COlltact the following and
your contributions will be picked
up. Ann Anderson. TR %5344,
Use Journal Want Ads Dor00s Whitmarsh HA o-690000: Hel-
en Timm. TW 8-235; and Helen
.- Spaulding, TR 7-5591.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Available to you without a doctor's
Scrlpti, m, om dltll.t" (•tilled ODRIN-
, You YlIUSt lot; ugly fat in 7 dlly:,
or 'oal" lllon(?y bilck, No strllLIOlLq ox'-
vrt;le, laxatives, massage OV luklllg
of so-called I'ellueing candid;s, crack..
ers c,r cooki.% ,, chewing b¢uln• O]'-
I{INI*2X Is a lilly tablet lind t'¢a.|ly
.uwalh,w*d. When y(ni take' ()DRINEX,
you Mill ¢,lljoy yotlr JIlt,IllS. still eat
the foods you like. but Yell .qilnply
doll'| how lht' Ill'gO l'of (!Ntra por-
lions b(,cau:e ()DIIINI0X drcprcs}tes
y)ur Ilpl)ot]lo slid decreases your do-
it'(" for food. Y(,uP WLqght 'tnu.ut (:;)tl10
flOWll, |)PCtUIV til yOtll' own doctor will
tell you, wll('ll yuIl tat lc!i.l• YOU weigh
less. Ge•t rid of excess fat lind live
lollK0.r, ODRINEX costs $3.00 and is
a,Id on this GUARANTEE! If ll01 sat-
i,fled for any v,'asan just return tile
[)ackug(' 10 ylllll' druggist Slid git yotlF
full nmll,-Y I)llCk. Nil qtl/!atiollS asked.
OI.)RINEX is m)ld with tlttt guarantee
by Mel!unkey Drug Ceuter -- Mall
Orderl l"ill(,d Shelton•
Monday, leb. 21], l Jenson
spoke to the ninth grade science
elas en reeks, tile formation
of ntert'ury, ttnll ihe manlier In
which a lrson slay slke
chim, lie Ilad w,ry hlte,sthlg
rock stmlpies with hhn and he
exphtined ea:h one very thor-
oughly. Some of the reek sttm-
pies include agates, burned-out
volcanic ash, ,nertury-htdell
reeks, fool's gold, and ,nan y oth-
ers. It was a vew Interesting
and educational talk.
* fa
Misao Tokieda flew by jet to
the United SLates from Tokyo in
9 !.fi hours. Miss Tokieda is from
Tokyo, whe/'e she IS an actress•
She has acted in 35 movies and
has been in show business flve
I I Ill I I IIllllll I I I __
Every Saturd,,y Night
Dance At The
Tropics Ballroom
. -_ - _ - _ - - _ -
Shelton-Olympia Freeway
At Schneider's Prairie
staying with the Morgus family.
Miss 'Poldeda visited lower Sko-
komish dressed in her native eos-
ttlme, called t.he "kimona". It was
beautifully colored with a yellow
Miss Tokieda gave a very cap-
tivating talk on Japan. She car-
ried with ler a Japanese diction-
ary, and told the KIds aL Lower
S.kokomish about their Japanese
alphabet, consisting of 3000 sym-
bols and five letters.
February 26, at the Hoodsport
gym. there was a hoop throw trial
for pupils under 15 years of age.
Robert Miller, an eighth grader,
was the highest scoring contest-
ant. He made 24 out of 25 shots.
Bob Clevehmd made second place,
scoring 19 out of 25. Tlflrd place
was won by Mark Ilanson. who
made 18 out of 25 baskets.
The seventh and eighth grade
basketball game with Quilcene
Marci 2 was postponed due to the
suow. It would have been the first
game of the season with them.
There are only ihree more
teagme games this season. To fin-
ish up the basketball season the
Junior High scliool boys' letter-
mens' club will have a Father-
Son banquet in April.
Monday Spaghetti with meat,
hot French garlic bread, cheese
sticks and celery, fruit and milk.
Tuesday---Pork and gravy over
biscuits, and bLtttmd biscuit,
ffreen beans, cake and milk.
WednesdayBean casserole, hot
buttered cornbread, carrot and ce-
lery sticks, raisin cookie and milk.
ThursdayTurlcey gravy on
mashed potatoes, bu'ttered peas,
hot rolls with butter, fruit,
Friday---Vegetable soup, tuna-
fish or egg salad sandwiches, fruit
and milk.
She!ion Girl Makes
Lmfmld Honor Roll
Ann Coffman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Art Coffman, 2216
Callanan, Shelton, is among 81
Linfield College (Ore.) students
placed on the fall semester honor
roll, according to Dr. E. Avard
• Whitman. college registrar.
Miss Coffman is a senior major-
ing in psychology at Linfield.
To be on the Linfield honor roll
a student must have earned a 3,50
grade point average (GPA) or
higher in all course work tinder-
taken during the yernestev. This
means that an hono roll student
9 inche of snow fell in OIlI' Pioneer
Area. School closed, no mail, Jo
newspapers, just that white fhfff
coining down malting a snow val-
ley for tile kids and the young at
heart to enjoy our hills and roads,
free of traffic for the sleds and
snowb-dl fights.
BARRY STROUII. well known
resident in our area, has been ap-
pointed by County School Superin-
tendent to fill the selmol board
post., vacant due to tim recent res-
ignation of Gordon Craig• Barry
was born in Seattle wlmre he at-
tended grade school and Franklin
High• After graduation he spent
2 years with the Merchant
Marines, selwing throughout the
South Pacific. After returning to
Seattle, he entered the University
of Washington, majoring in Mech-
anical Engineering. Uncle Sam
came calling and Barry joined the
Marines. spending 2 years in
service, mostly in the San Fran-
cisco area. Studies were then re-
sumed at W.S.U. in Pulhnan. Fol-
lowing his discharge front the
service, Barry worked at the Navy
Yard in Bremerton, thencame to
Shelton where he has been em-
ployed by Rayonier for the past
ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Strond
are active in our school and civic
organizations in Shekon. They
live at Agate with their two chil-
dren in a waterfront farm house
which they have spent the past
nine years remodeling in their
spare time• Welcome aboard Barry
and may the wind and the tide be
in your favor for the coming year.
The next meeting of the school
board will be March 13 at 8 p.m.
Pioneer PTO board members
met at the home of Mrs. Thomas
D. Olson, Tuesday February 27th•
In attendance were Meryl Gates,
Barbara Stroud, Helen Walker,
Julie Remmen, Audrey Hammond,
Sally Taylor Byron Deffinbaugh,
Warren Johnson and Joyce Olson.
The date for the meeting lind been
changed so that our principal
Byron Deffinbaugh Would be able
to attend as he is attending the
Civil Defense class being given in
Shelton on Thursday evenings.
Warren Johnson, our 5th grade
teacher just completed the series
and we should note that our school
is certainly keeping posted and
educated should ver an emergency
AT 8 P.M. ON March 12th, a
public meeting will be held at the
Agate Grange hall for persons liv-
ing on or near the Leeds Loop,
Martin Auseth will be present to
explain the approximate cost of
maintaining this road and give
an idea of an alternate road thru
that area. As I stated in a prevl-
ous article this meeting was being
$1.5 inc. tax must receive at least half "A"
0 Dafling 9:80 tO 2:00 half "B" grades in all his clasaeE. d. arranged So that people living ill
that loop would have an oppor-
x '' ' ,'J Sixteen stu(lent.s received all tuniLy to ask questions and hear
,, "A's" for i 4 00 GPA more about that section of road
II II I II I I I I ' ' '
Does Ford Fairlane's
"compact"price mean
it's a compact car?
Rambler n compactl
The experts clasalfy care by wheelbase. Anything
under 114-/nch wheelbsse is a compact. The biggest
Rembler'a wheelbase ie only tO8 IncheBI
Chevy II Is, a compaotl
Chevy II tries to sound like a mlddle-elze ¢ttr...
but its whaalbnse II only 110 inchesl
Our Ford Fairlane Is right between the
compacts and the big cars-gives you com-
pact price with big.ear room and ddol
Feirlane's wheelbase is a full 115,6 inches. From
bumper to bumper, Fairlane measures 197.6 inches
•, • 14.6 inches longer than Chevy II ... 7.6 Inchel
longer than the Ion gest Rambler. Falrlans Is as roomy
inside as most of the cars on the road today.., end
rides more smoothly than most. Yet It's • foot shorter
•.. easier to park than the big cars.,, less gas-
wasting bulk. Look at the facts, and you, too, wig go
Falrlane. Come size it up today,
JIH PAULEY, INC., 5th and Railroad
By l.oi Terrell
ALLYN -- Last Frtday marked
the silver wedding anniversary of
Jewel and Susie Von Oslen. They
wore lna|'ried in Denver 25 years
ago. Several friend;-: of the couple
bt'aved ICy roads lo jollr/ley to
the Mel Hemphill. in Bremerton
to hell) them celebrate. A lovely
decorated wedding cake made a
beallliftfl center piece for the ta-
Son Jim along with daughter-
in-law Judy, and little Karen, look
their parents out to dinner at My-
res' in Port Orchard, before gath-
ering at the Hemphills. The oc-
casion was also the sixtl annlver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole.
Mrs. Cole is Mrs. HempMll's niece.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Gasehk and Mr. and
Mrs• Steve Boyce of Tacoma: Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Hemphfll, Mr.
and Mrs. Breeee Miller. Mr. and
Mrs. Don Cole and Mr. and Mrs,
Mel Hemphill, and last, but not
least, the Von 0stens, and little
Karen. Congratulations to these
two happy couples, the Coles and
the senior Von Ostens.
The snow of the last few days
has really slowed things up in
these parts. The forsyLhis was
about ready to blossom, violets
and primroses were doing their
very best to make us feel like
spring• Reminds me of a poem by
Carveth, printed many years ago.
Mr, and Mrs, Clay Jones were
dinner guests of the Carl Izetts
on Saturday evening•
Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Von Osten
entertained the beach bunch to
dinner Saturday evening•
Givens is getting along nicely af-
ter her accident last Saturday.
Mrs. Givens stepped out onto her
porch, slipped and fll on the ce-
ment, breaking her glasses and
her right arm in the fall, luckily
Mr. Givens was home to take her
to the hospital in Bremerton,
where she remained over night.
Mrs. Jim Von Osten spent Tues-
day with Mrs. Margie Beeson.
Cheryl Noggle has been home
several days with the old flu germ
which has visited many of our
residents here.
Earl Terrell is home, ill with
pneumonia. He had what he
thought was a severe cold, when
pleurisy developed. Upon going to
the doctor the x-ray showed he
had pneumonia, so he will be con-
fined to bed for' two weeks at
8 o'clock we heard the fire sirens.
ing five hundred of the used lib-
rary books recently purchased by
Mr. Freneh from Kovernment sur-
plus. She was assisted in making
(,st the cards by several girls
front the senior typing class.
These books cover a wide range
of subjects from fiction to sci-
ence all allow the students am-
ple material from which to choose
for research and book report:s.
With nearly 3,500 wlmnes now on
the shelves, Mary M. Knight has
a0 unusually well-stocked library
which makes it unnecessary for
high school students to continue
llsing' the Booknnlbile service ex-
cept for special research papers.
Just to give an illustration of
what the new addition means, if
a student were to read one book
each week it would require nearly
10 years to finish them; five years
by reading two books each week;
or, if he were an exceptionally fast
reader and skimmed through one
book each day (including Sundays
and holidays) he wouldn't be do-
ing much else than burning the
midnight oil for an entire year
anff four months.
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday
because of the heavy snow. The
main highways were cleared and
passable but the buses were tm-
able to operate on the side roads.
It has not yet been decided how
to make up the lost time but it
does appear as though the spring
vacation may have gone down the
drain. Another possibility is that
the term may be extended for a
few days in June, An announce-
ment will be made at a later date
by the superintendent and the
school board.
find they are not running up
against a bmch of softies.
Tough Sam Valley with two
years' experience will give any
opponent a busy time. Sam is a
versatile athlete and good at ev-
ery type of sport.
Bill Stodden, who has imd only
one year of box|fig, is in top con-
dition, very quick and aggressive
and will give i good acemmt of
himself. Bill is also an all-around
a t hlete.
one year of experience, showed
lip well in his matches last year,
but he recently lost 10 pounds
weight because of flu and is a
total of 25 ponnd, lighter than
a year ago. It remains to be see|,
how the weight loss will effect
his showing in the ring.
Boxing Team Statistics
lit. Wt. Age Grade
Brehmeyer 6'0" 151 t6 10
DeFoer, D. 5'2" 104 14 9
DeFoer, 3". 5'9" 136 15 10
Hollatz 5'9" 138 15 10
Shaw 5'9" 123 16 10
Stodden 5'8" 134 15 10
Valley, L. 5'4" 133 14 9
Valley, S. 5'6" 147 18 11
West 6'0" 130 17 10
* =!: :I:
Mr. Hogben tool( several mem-
bers of his debate team to the
Pacific Lutheran Invitational Con-
test last week. Our students did
not participate but made the trip
for the purpose of oh'serving and
picking up some pointers. Those:
Who attended were Tom Dale,
Stet Palmer, Bill Stodden and Ce-
cilia Morgan.
Last week's assembly program
consisted entirely of educational
Ml's. Octavia Killougl 1
led to Kansas City lastS1
,' )S ' ' se ' ; ) ' ",
Jack Hogben
debate team will
tou,'nament at Univere
get Sound on Mareh 17.
who will compete are
gan, Gene Brehmeyer,
met, Ge/'ald Shaw, Toln
Bill Stodden.
hen a situatiotr
that requires
of skit1, there is
stitute for
tainly true of
cial situation.
we offer a
analysis of
surance needs as
our P.S,, t
Now that the basketball season films• They included "A Product
is over, nine of Coach Hogben's of" the Imagination", showing the
top athletes have signed up for manufacture of aluminum from
boxing. The team will participate mining the ore to finished pro-
ducts; "Better Typing", a demon-
in a tournament at Moelips on tration by experts on improving
the 16th.
speed and accuracy; and "Moun- ,'T
tains of Coffee" which was a de- ANO
y Of lightful film showing the many
201h Anniversar p, oeesses required before ready
Fleet Celebrated By coffee is to serve.
Shelled Sailor In Galif.
Thomas O. Moran, electrician's
mate fh'eman, USN, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Orville T. Moran of Rt,
2, Shelton, is serving aboard the
attack cargo ship USS Washburn,
a unit of the Pacific Fleet Am-
phibious force, headquartered at:
San Diego, Calif., which celebrat-
ed its 20th anniversary Feb. 20.
Established on Feb• 20, 1942,
the force spearheaded such World
War II amphibious campaigns as
time to
Herb Angle
Dick Angle HA
With sinking heart we called to Guadalcanal, Leyte, Iwo lima and
verify the alarm and were told Ok|saws.
the William Calders pump llouse Today, approximately 20,000
had caught on fire. The firemen men assigned to some 70 sifips
were very efficient, having to use and supporting units make up the
chemicals to douse the blaze, force, commanded by vice admiral
There hasn't been school in A1- Howard A. Yeager. The Pacific
lyn since the snow. The ldds have amphibs are capable of transport-
been enjoying the Allynview hill ins and landing' combat-ready :Ma-
for sliding and tobogganing. Mr. rines and their equipment across
Carson erected a spot light for he beaches of any trouble spot
them to use at night. Mrs. Carson in the Pacific, the Far East or
also" made hot cocoa for all who Southeast Asia.
were interested in getting warm .....
and dry again. What a time they |||m T** nm|J_, =I
ha been having, UIIIUII IU ,UIIIIII$1" I Red R(pe ' Cello wra
C wonlen's local bowling team lqs • am= | all# /
Aoo o oos. ".! T"'- pped
sponsored by the Shell station, anorter WOrK weeK =,
took third place in the womens A sho'e,, - .... YOUR "tt:;:hb=%'£1. uWI00TOES_ oov
eit ] ..... '- ' OrK week Will De
• y eague at Snelton las weeK. amo--- -'-- - " " " -tlle..
• t - the ISSUES consioerea ny loan will take care of tl: AIV
Kep it up'urgals. ' ........... the approximately 200 dele ates
....... v ............... s ..... ex"ect-v . ,- .......... atenu ne mira"g an- HOME lqO down payme.t .J ,:_0CADOS ..........
after a sojourn in a Tacoma hos- nual Constit Fi -- - -
........... t ona convention ot WIU &ll |1 take years to repay. SilP|t! ,goy, Fresh
ptt:al, par ot the time in if'action. Western S* ...........
Lt LeS lxeglon uou.ncl[
treatment.lie goes in threeIt, willtimeSbe asomeWeekume..for NOworkers. 3 of ofthe ...... In'e: rnalonal .... woos- 11.11 VVli in your plans and COal, "mille JUIOE
00mertoa .oo LOAN' estimates. Our expepJ m..
before he Will be able to go back which oens i .... '
- - V tS three (lay session
m WOrK at the " • counselor is at yot #l n, I I []
• ' Multnomah Hotel-on Men- i
William Calder has been Imme day March 5
' . . . Investigate iI K lit/I
with the flu for several days. Delegates present will r resent
twx°.ver 0,000 members of the
needing a considerable amount of A m seven western states
w°rk in the future" This is a dem°" "--"l•es°lUti°n asking f°r the,eni dpltl 8
cratic means of findin out in- 9ocaing of Salaries era. ahoo
formation and more peonle should . e Menlbers of Conr ' • m ,,
take an interest in their \\; locality, considered. StatinJ"'t, "'=::: , I
Plan to be there IHelnbers of C0'III,S' '¢ ........
• " g' nave con- IL I,'
lvIR. AND MRS. Jack Yeck, Rt. ' ently absented themselves
2, announced the marriage of their n'on roll call when intportant is- I 1 I F T H A N D WA S H I N i
daughter Barbara Jean to Fred C. sins come.up for a vote, and that
some lawmakers practically con- : '
fine themselves, to. a three-day ]
mony performed by Rev. Robert work Week, the resolution, asks
Boysen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F,
Boysen, Shelton, i a quiet cere-
Ring's on February 23rd. Mr. and
Mrs. William Yeck from Olympia
were witnesses for the couple•
shoWer..ror Barbara, given by Mrs.
eon uune and Mrs Wm Yeck at
the Grange Hall, the announce-
ment of their marriage the pre-
vious day was made. A large group
of friends
. and relatives of the
couple were on hand to offer con-
gratulations and many lovely
presents were opened, some from
friends who were unable to at-
tend• The couple,will make it
home in the John s Prairie area.
their regular meeHng, due to the
weather conditions, and the meet-
ins will be held Mach 9th at the
Sutherland home.
Poor Jim Cook fireman 1st class
U.S•N. aboard the USS Charles E.
Brannon, wrote his sister Julie
Remmen and asked her to ask me
whe, e all the
• se hula rirls in
Hawaii were G "
.. ' uess they must
have all gone to C |;n..;" ca, h
TV programs• a ........ . ra.
Earl Minor To Join
7th Fleet In Pacific
Earl A, Minor, boilerman third
class USN son
' . of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank E. Minor of Shelton, Wash.,
is serving aboard the escort vessel
USS WhItehurst, which departed
Hawaii, Feb. 10, for a tour of duty
with the Seventh Fleet in the
Western Pacific. Following the
t:our of duty in the Orient, the
1fitethut !s Scheduled to re-
urn earl Haro -
. o r ano resume
operatmns in Hawa i
. . ! all waters as
I a um o estroyer Flotilla Five.
True prosperity is the result of
wcll placed colfidenee in oursel-
ves and our fellow man.
MaXel! Stliltltei-s ltwt
that, ,The Secretary of the Sen-
ate and the Sergeant at.Arms of
the House enforce a 105-year-old
law set by Congress itseff by doc-
king salaries for inexcusable ab-
eenteeiSm'oeXCepting in case of.
"sickness himself or some mere-
Olympia, Washington
00eam Ohee
:ker OI
ReCipes in All Tr;
ber of his family". 321 S. 1st St. Phone HA 6-6592
Among those who will address
,' 0 qlltr
t,,e ooo00e0000,oo ., . . . ,
IWA International President who
will speak at 2:,00 p.m. on M0n-
MorSe,smgondaY'wednesday,(layandscheduledOreg°nof the MarChconvention.S forSenator10.:306, theWaynea'm'clo- -' ! i i, : i
i "00HiR
during March rOZen
. Edward's Beauty Salon
,, Edward & Ronnie White HA
SALMON ......
...... D