March 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 8, 1962 |
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Thursday,, ,March L , ,
• ....... J '" J , _8' 1.962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publ!shed in "Christmastown, U.8.A.," Shelton, Washington Page, 11
.... So i ! E
' " Garden Club Has YWCA To Offer
M R D i mdGarln'vai VFW To Elect 'S GOOKING IN WHOSE KITGHEN? Many Interesting
: 'Sa rday New Officers Soon " t a ve n ts Drama Workshop
"---- u -- "" " "'l PTA will s)onsol :Nomination of officers was held . Fa rites f&u ty'R Ag
,. = -- .. -- ,i,, ' ' .' ' Plans On enda ,.,..i,,,, D,.,l..lie w,,rt,-
' .,l'om 2-8 pro. this at lhe last regulnr meeting of (R in sooiety editor • Marj Waters • Phone HA -..,2 sh.p is be.,' or,'e,'ed t,, ,.,,ti..s
__ lo:t.o .oodsp(,l.t .... l,,e Vl,'W, .ost .o 1,,,.i l,',,,tle,' ec e vo o n esidents The leebruary meeting of the Sc,ml lcade,'s. Sunday sehoo, tea-
lS . "{'}e "t Will include (tnc- infm'm:.ltion amt .?leetion of offi- ( Shelton Garden Club was held el: chers and all others interested in
Im' :--m p teen-a era and ctn'- cers will take place at the Mareh - - • the home of Mrs. \\;V. A. Witsievs.
/,/Ir 1/i// 7 , lit, o;,es ..ow""k" ,,'ill, ,,i,i,,,,'e,,. ,'s "i'. ,.
• VS •--gf . Usu games fish' p,md :l(i n,eeting. Tim Con.,o,',.ati,,n ,.ni, oon., ho HAWAIIAN VACATION Rich,l,t. .'i,, ,.,,n,,,l,, *,,e ,.eet-
Plans to hold a ham shoot be- held in April Was discussed, rags beginning March 28 from
' k, fore Easter were discussed. Mrs. William Henderson. l.he 7::;0 p.m. to .9:30 p.m. in lhe
[. ][.t0th 5-7 p.m. Price for as held for the Post andAnxil- Capitol IDistrict meeting would lie They will be hehl for four (:on-
Lbe :1. children 50 iarv at MeCle.ary last Satu,'day. held at the "Top of tim Oceal," sevulive Wednes, lay evenings.
At{endinK from Siaelton was Dist- in Taconm. March 6. One c,f l.lw, A small foe will be charged for
7",-gs and baked t)ealll l'ict No. 5 conlmander Larry God- n,ost important paris of tile meet-
. ::%ilablc the e,,u,*se, l,hn'li,e,' de, ails may
E, i' I}011BER-- win and Mrs. (_iodwin, District ing was the discussion of a Gard- be obtained by telelflloninK Mrs.
11' ' ]nSl)e(Kor l)arrell Sparks and his en Center to be built, possibly at Berwyn Tlmm[ts al ltA (;-.i20a.
': "e TUE,RI)Ay .... wife, Post Commander 1)on Gates Point Defiance Palk.
armecting of tile Dirt Mr. and M,'s. CharDs Cox, Mr. This will be the fir'4t Garden Joint Service In
0 a men Club wil be imld and Mrs. Bill Geplmrt, Mr. and Center in thc state. It will be a
-- .m he. " Mrs. Mervin SmitiL Mr. and Mrs. Pagoda-shaped building, and will Observance Of Day
01' R)"bu":;'XtTuesdayatj°imJanss°n'l'ael't°bins°n
• -rang. have a garden library, (lining Of Prayer Slated
Movie VantIel'Vral and l'lorcnce ,'oonl, kitchen and guesL roonl for
ly ] ]alllilt.on..
son entertaining other district meet- A joi,,t servlct, in ol,sel'v;qnce (,l'
' ." i ................ ings and the Si.ate Board meet- Ihc annual V(n'ld Day of Pl'ayt,l"
! J()IN, OIIORITY ing wlfich Is held twice a year. will be held by the women of llw
Miss Mary Brown, daughter of It is hoped that all Garden Clubs Metlmdist and St. 1)avid's IL'pis-
0t" " Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Brown, of the Capitol District will assist cop;d churches. The service will he.
6"0 Shelton, was recently initiated in- in some way. held at 2 p.m. Friday in lilt! Meth-
Senior !i to Chi Omega sorority at the A notice has bet-'.,, received that ,,dist clmre.h.
rward, University of Pugel Sound. a-conducted tour through the Un- The theme of this year's prog-
FO ... Miss Brown is a sophomore at iversity Arboretum. Seattle, will ram ix "For God So Loved the
the Tacoma university, be held April 10. Anyone wish- World". The public is e.ordiully
............. ing to go on the tour m asked invited to at:tend. Nm'sery service
.|** to contact Arboretum chairman, will be provided.
f,[| Mrs. Fred Wircher. GR 2-3205, or
Show 'e "'-';la,[VAll liAlllmll lillllA Mrs. William Henderson at HA 6-
f0otbn, 1 m uti,:U.. M,|" .......
.. .. ,,,v,,K:l l:flKil$ ,, early, as this is avery pop-
• , • . ula, to.r FLOYD GIBSON
Ca y Shelton Garden Club won see- "
:| AN EXTRA BONUS ond prize in a garden beautifica-
tion contest conducted last sum- Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237
met by Mobb's Nursery, Olympia,
'U[ll _[DW.$:: ,. . . for all members of Capitol Dist- Our Hood Canal
}llL_.L_L.______ .a.lllV.: rict. The Triangle and Raih'oad Representative
.: This month if it is *ve. plantings were entered. A
= DEPOSffED DY MARGH 12 Tacoma ch, b wonfirstprize. Clubs
' from five counties entered. KIMBEL MOTORS
PelersnmL:._ =, Charles Peck, Mason Co,.,,,-
. ty Agriculturalist, was guest Chrysler-Plymouth Cars
":**]:;"*";7"7: r'--'' -- "" It speaker. His topic was "Soils of MR. AND MRS. FRED PESTE arrived in Hawaii February lg for International Truck,
Mason County, their origin, the an indefinite stay. The Pestes traveled by Pan-Am jet from
PHYLLIS SHEFLER is equally at home in the kitchen, nursing a different kinds of soil, their" care Sea-Tac Airport and will return in the same manner. They are
draws interest from hospital patient or exploring underwater in a skin-diving suit. Her and treatment". He discussed spending their vacation at the Hawaiian Village
:ill: i: i:: i "-* i '" -'''foo-o !i lVtach 1 if d panyreCipeandf°r simpleWild BlackberrYenough forlCefamilyCreamdinners.Pie is fancy enough for corn- lawns, their care and fertilization .......................................................................................................................................................
i!i:::'i!iii Cell! er .i[i Phyllis Sheller isthree persons and spends as much time as pos- and other shrubs, MASUN S uASONRY
e showod sHdos o* ,lowers, Girl Scouts Offer
,: le on March 12. in one. At. home, mixing up a sible exploring underwater. She shrubs, pictorial and pastoral
"wild blackberry ice cream pie" is becoming" adept at "bringing Voters Free Sitters
' [ '" M DflM|l (which she gave us the recipe for)home the bacon" with a, scenes of Mason county which
!i! were beautiful and interesting. Free baby-sitting while vol:ing
}:i!:: iii:l::! ' : ' . or slicing homemade bread, she Phyllis received her .nurse's The hostesses assisting Mrs. is being offered by Girl Scout "
i!i::iiiiil} i:! ::'s h0ping_N U -- Deposits made by March p,,tsapperSon quiteher nurse'sd°mestie'uniformWhen sheShe egontrainingschoolat theof UniversitYNursing and°f Or-her "Witsiers were Mrs. H. E. Mun- Troop 320 for next Tuesday's elec- Fireplae
;i} ,::ili i!i:!/:!:i:,/I sln e,very sx.',!,.-CagiVill-qualif looks very. prot.essional. Then, bachelor degree at Oregon State. sonTheandMarchMrS, meetingCharles willLentZ'be held atti°n'theTheBorde.auxgirls willsehoolbe OnfromdUtY3 Ghieys
ly di there is the third PhyLlis---the ad- She now works two days a week, at 1:30 p.m. March 19 in the PUD p.m. until the polls close, for t
.... ::ri'::': '' :'Im::'b: ' .... :i']" eade d ofo f 1919622 , ytof°rbe thepmdfirSton MarchqUarter31}¢ 1 . vi- toSkinVenturer'seadiVingwithWhengeara speaK'ShCandinClimbSstr°llSher hand,int°°ut pital.andA extra,law wasat SheltOnpassedGenerallast yearh°S" ments.°nstrati°naudit°rium"°fTheredriftw°°dWill bearrange.a dem- vice.parents wishing° t,) use their ser- !!!i;ii!:::: Panirs
ALLEY ^';!!'^'"*"°] ' MISS TI-I[ . it ifl hard to belicve this is the permitting Licensed Practical Rebekahs S Members of Troop 320 in'ge all
samc Phyllis we saw slicing fresh Nurses to adnfinister medication, to vote and to take advantage of
, IS OPPORTUNITY TO bread or taking a patient's pulse. Bcfore that time Registered Nur- late the se,'vice they arc offering as ETC.
"&KE YOUR SAVINGS EARN MORE Phyllis finds there is so nmch ses were the only ones permitted a means of serving their contain-
, to do that is interesting---there to do so. Phyllis is teaching the Rummage Sale .tt ................
SimonS [ _ /'[ isn't time to do il: all. She and medical?ions course that is reconl__ boat-mended to LP's since this law ........................................ t ------ -- E '
ing he,' h,,sb',,nd, r'vi, e,,joy by Rebekah Lodge No. 75 lee will sponsor a ,'unm-lage salc Call- R HASON
S accounts here earn interest ing" witi their four youngsters, went into effect, will have its regular meeting to- at the PUD building Ma,'ch 15 and • n
:i '::. . Steven, 15, Paul, 14, Jennifer', 11 Phyllis' recipe for "Wild Black- morrow night at the IOOF,ha]l. 1.6 The sale will sta.rt at 9 a.m 8
and SLua,'t 10. Phyllis likes gar- berry Ice Cream Pro" sounds real All members are urged to attend and continue until 4 p.m. Anyone HA 6 22"/
foo"$t ..1 PER ANNUM dening, and especially enjoys sc,'umptious, looks pretty and as Noble Grand Marie Smith is wishing to haw, articles picked l
showing off her iusband's or- tastes good, too! planning a very special program, up for the sale is asked to call
" | PAID chids which ice raises in a hot- Wih! Blackberry The ways and means commit- HA 6-6631 or HA 6-4816. " ............... , ,
Senior 4 TIMES house in the back yard. I('e Cream Pie
She has had a 1),rownie troop 1 cup sugar
rEflk]v and has been a Den mother. She 3 cups fresh or frozen wild
' makes beautiful dry arrange- blackberries (or' 1 pint -- '
ments an(i is clever at working canned) Company Is Coming For Century 21
; .... Get The Savings Habit with ceramic tile.. She has taken 1 pkg. ,'aspberry jeilo
Fake 'era .',,: Start a Savings Accomt at -,-vr the complete skin diving course 1 pint vanilla ice cream
i baked pie shell or vanilD.
of their .:,,.,. wafer crust
Shelton Branch Saturday Deadline Add sugar to berriesand cook !NEW DRAPES!
slowly until barely done. Add the
For Century 21 pekae of jello and cool until
'" ' '." , mixture starts to thlcRen. Fold
ITH on County Federal ,,, ice cream and pour into cool
Bonus Books pie shell. Refriger'ate'one hour be-
fore serving. Makes one 10-inch
U Saturday will be the last day pie.
& Loan Association the Rainier Orthopedic At, xiliary .......................... A BEAUTIFUL NEW LOOK FOR YOUR WINDOWS
=,o"'-an bo .,ko ,o,
," the Century 21 bom,s books and Merle VanderWal
. single admission Lickets.
,o.o To =,0,oo0 BY , ..L.,.c. ,ho bo,,,s ooks inel,,do two Is VFW Auxiliary "House and Garden" Oolors
. .,. admission' to Lhe "fairground,
,, : i',,i, M, - 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday
" " 10 to 3,4 to 5:30 Fridays worth $4, foul' anltlsellCllt rides President-Elect
" " Branch Office 0erforming arts events such as Mrs. Merle VanderWal is new ' ' ' ,
5 0. Capitol Way • 313 Railroad Ave. ageants, fihns, eLc.., two fine arL president-elect of Mason County
Junior rmpa, Wash.
• kS" U'i tl*"u-rJ . Shelton, Wash. xhibits admissions, a guide book VFW Auxiliary. Other officers
, and a lapel pin. elected were Josephine Sparks,
. ' ' The bonus books a,'e a $10 val- senior" vice-president; Bernice
O. ' ue selling now at the advance Jansson, junior vice president; WITH
sale price of $(].50 for adults and treasurer, Florence Hamilton;
• $3.75 fox' children tinder 13. The guard, Mary Jadin; chaplain. Arms
Blast 'era, The Officers and Staff Members of single .admission tickets are $2 Springer; conductress, Myrle
the Thurston County Federal Savings for adults and $1 fox. children. Gates; trustee No. 3, Sue Weaver.
Foz' tie, kcts call Mrs. Joe Borek, Mrs. VanderWal will announce 36 in. to 92 in. long 48 in. to 192 in. wide
Bombei" Loan Association HA 6-8405, Mrs. Eugene Lindberg, her appointive officer,s at a later
'. SALUTE THE 4-H CLUB HA 6-4695, Mrs. Clyde Ruddell, date. Installation of new officers
MEMBERS,AND LEADERS TR 7-5343. John Denison, will be April 6. ALL
S The ScatLle World's Fair is bers of the VFW Post and its
of Mason County, not only during this something everyonc will want to Auxiliary braved the snow and
week of national recqgnition of this see. By Buying your ticket now ice and accompanied district corn- ,,
" fine youth program, but throughout you will not only save money but mender, Larry Godwin and district
,' Smit ,o entire year. wilI be helping the Children's Or-president, Jessie Cox, to McCleary A- FEW EXAHPLES
h: thopedic hospital, as a percentago for quarterly district meeting.
' of every tieket sold by the Rain-
.... or *uiliar oos to the hospital Mt 01i Mi
...... . ve salon
6-ooV : Circles To Meet 8 in. wide X 72 in. long
Junior Mt. Olive Lutheran Church mis- only, a,pAIR
Forward' sion circles will meet as follows:
.. • Dorcas circle, 8 p.m. tonight in ' '
the home of Mrs. Vincent Adair, 96 in. wide X 84 in. long
scilla circle at 12:30 p.m. next
Show.,emy0 TueSday in the home of M,'. Tom only a PAIR
Ristine; Lydla-Ruth circle in the ' '
muscle Paiqsh Halt following the Wed- 144 in. wide X 54 in. long
Or nesday r/iid-week Lenten services 1810
with Mrs. Ray Cook as hostess.
.... ' Members of the Phoebe-Priscil- on!, a PAIR
la Circle are reminded that this ....
[DRUG' , . Sllpp|y rOU r 'eeds for Pillows,is the last meeting before the visitto the Lutheranframed pictures,H°me in PaulsbO.etc., are 192 in. wide40X 63 in, long
I HSU L A T i 0 N to be brought to tMs meeting' as only, "--'V a PAIR
well as gift items for the linen
• . Gullers__ shover. More norato ay be
%: obtained by cN]ling Mrs. Adlai ALSO
Heinis, HA. 6-2077.
, F L A S H I N G . ¢,'Tt(t,,, Shelton aytte To GAFE - PRiSOiLLA - 'TIER OURTAINS
. . . ,. ¢=.,.¢s.., and PANELS
5-foot-t0 " Weaiher Stripping f..UND,EOS o, uses se Fete Fourteen Years
,., ' INecD[S & otlr[l The Shelton layettes will hold a
Senior R 0 0 F I N G ,,,.- == charter night dinner at7 p.m. to-
Guard WJnd0ws night at the Olympia Oyster Decorating Center 2nd Fioor
, S T 0 R M D 0 0 R S ,case The group is celebrating its
' 14th Year as charLered members
." .., " of the Washington State Junior
>,. SIorm RENTAL SERVICE Chamber of Commerce Auxiliary.
, The dinner Will Lake place of the
Trick " • Floor Polishers LOCAL WOMr:N
L ' ' " ' & EACRETT LUHBER COHPANY Hawaii visitors for 15 days are
' ' ) ' :Mrs,. A..Almden, Shelton, and her
'S SPORT c°usm'avtrs'vtrlLudwi°'0fH°°d M E RCANTI L£
CanaL_The vacatione , € x,r
I' ......... ch
C. HIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 4 by )ahAem. They will make a
' tour o t e outer islands during
..... tlaeir stay.
|/ ---. -- ----