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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[)age 12 lira ,] , i ii ..... t,, ,,, , , , t t t UNION SCHOOL CHILDREN TRADE BOOKS FOR SLEDS By Ethel Dalby Just when vv,e had tllought spring had arrived along came winter itself. While the beautiful bnowy lands(ape was lovely to SP(L lind COl&apos;llllentcd Oil by many loealites, it did add something of tmrdship for those XVI10 hilt] tO be tlllt ill it. The school chihlren real- ly had a wonderful Iln'ee dayt of (bill-of-door fllll, wifh sleds slid tobaggans z'iclng rOWll Union bill- sides. Seatl.le Str('c? below the P(I.L: tP&ssio h0Jlle. \\;vaF, tim nlecca for all the youngsters ill town, and more than a few of tile young dull group. Thr, smaller boys took over during lilt' daytime, but at night the older lads dominated the seen( and sliding place. Noted among the parents' group were fattlers Ted Bailey, Gerald Pierce. and Pete' Fassio, Mrs. Mar T Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peck, R. C. Viger, Neal Puter and tit hers also on tile scene. We might add that after tile fathers re- lllvned the sleds to their yollng re:ms again a good time was had by all ! THE SMALL number of cars passing along Navy Yard high- way for a few clays was rather disconcerting, until one renlem- bered tile foot-deep SlI(I%V, slippel'y road and tile sllow bauked so high by graders a,s to make lea.V- in the highway impossible. 'rile deep snow. tn the back woods brought down hundreds of birds of every type. Everyone's back yard who fed them, as scores of our neighbors did. were full of feathers, creatures of every size and color. Noted in particular were flocks nf migrating Alaska ram robins, of hmldsome phl- n]age in bllrllt oronge and black trlm-ta.ilored appearance, and flocks of pretty little snow-bunt- ings, also from the far North. XVo counte.d off and on some 50 birds ill our back yard, lacking m fear. ill fact. they soon get the idea, that when the kitchen door opened bread and cereal and scraps x e!'e thrown oil( They waited on the wing for tile door [O (.'lose again, hovering abe(It to eagerly fly back to |he porcll rails and doorstep to feed. It was rather surprising to hear from neighbors and friends they were really enjoying tile sight of the Ln o.vy landscape anti the sight of tile flocks of birds ga- |hered about \\;vaiti!g to be fed. Oil( .frit,nd wlm dropped in to chat said lie had a hundred of I.hem eI(;C at. halld in Ills baek yard, MIN. ,JJS'AN MOORE was ln- other who had betm enjoying and flt'diTg tim feathered creatures. ,eif llowever, was ;1 bit colleern- ed ad tO her cats keeping i watch- fill eye on the felines. PhilliD ,16l{i,}m, ti(: lone bachelor of Elf !tiHi.|), had one complaint, ac- cording to reporls (if' a h'iend, tile little birds all seemed to be "pret- W well fed up", nnd roosting llrOllnd [leaf his house oil bllSlles. no dolI])t (1t0 [O his genorotls hos- pitality, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Johnson took the drive to Olympia Satur- day lnorninK wilh dauKht,u" Luel- l,'f McHenry, to locate living quar- ters for Luella. who will be a stlldent at besllty school in that city. MiSs Bess Over returned frolll eatlle this week. where silt; vis- ited a few says in lhe big city. .M;rs Mary Tr,teger enjoyed a visit with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arne WH- liaDmon and children when they took the drive to Union from their Auburn llome SmMa.y nlorning to spend the day with Mrs. Traeger, who s Mrs. Williamson's grand- mother. Mrs. Adel Kimball is leaving via plane this week for Sitka, Alaska, weather permitting, to join (1mghl,(r Tulla. Mr. arld Mrs. Jim Kimball and children and planning to be with her daughter when the new a)'riwd appears, .m¢time in early April. MIL AND 51RN. Carlyle Waters, who c}tnle el.It to spend the week- end at their Ca.hal home, stayed on [(}1" the WeeR t.o b(; on the scene while th(' work is bf'ing done on theh" cottage, which Jean Morrow occupied the past I0 years. Ac- cording to latest reports tile PUD erv.w Ias rewired the cottage ior eteeirie heat. as well as Flag- wood Gift Shop. Phtllip John- son ha,u been busily employed for tile past week or more on the strut(life, raising tile llOtlSe and replaeirlK foundations as well. The place is being readied for the new o('.cupan t.s. Mr. and Mrs PerIw Dilwortll who In, re been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warren ftheir daugh- lerl, at Pleasant Hill, Calif., for tile past three weeks, wel:c badly injured a week ago When their ear was struck broadside by a pas- sing motorist. The force of the impact tllrew Mrs. Dilworth from tile ear and out on the pavement. She sustained a broken nose and (:heekbone and concussion, and (qltS abotlt the hands, She was taken by ambulance to Fairfield hospilal, wherc her condition was saicl to be improved at this writing. Mr. Dilworth sus- tained several broken ribs and bruises, and was removed to the home of their daughter at Pleas- ant Hill, about 20 miles out of Oakland. The Dilworths were en- )oute home for Union when the secident oecured. Their "ear was said to have been totally demof ished. Mrs. Dilworth is the sister of Robert T. Dean of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lange are recoverhlg from a severe attack of tile old fashioned flu, which had them down for tile past cou- ple of weeks. AT tIOME ONCE more after loafing about in the southern clime md desert country for the past two months ard Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner. Trm Gardners made Palm Springs their center, and also enjoyed a few side trips in their c.r. Mrs. Paul Jones motored to Anapolis near Port Or(hard to visit witb Mr, and Mrs. Larry Sterling and family. Then eame the heavy fall of snow. and she was unable to make the return trip so remained on for a few ad- ditional pleasant days with her children and grand children. Southside Plans 4-H Festivities By Mrs, Ray Kratx,ha SOUTHSII)E-Soutllside 4-Hers i Rally Day will be held on March 10 at i.he Southside Grange Itall. All Southside 4-Hers will be con- tacted by their leader or junior leader on wllat to bring for Ral- ly Day. The all-out Mason County ly Day will be held on March 17. The fathers of all 4-Hers in tile co/lnty are asked to donate some work at Panhandle for tbe new lodge they are building for tile 4-He)'s, BUSY I$1,]LLS 4-1! Club is meet- ins at the, holll(, ()1 their leader. Mrs. Jackson on %%hmsday night, March 7, to work ell demollstra- Lions. GIIcsts at the h()llle of Mr. and Mrs. Pbillip Hal'(lie Sunday for welcoming Dave Ha(die home f)'om (be army m 2labama were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mar(y, Bobby and Jel,ry, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pur- via, Diane and /V[ike of Tumwat. er, Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Hardie, Debbie and Bryant of Grapeview, Mr. and Mrs. l)ave Hal'die and baby and Sharon Loney. Jinlmy Brewer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brewer has ret.nvned hnm(, from Hawaii, after spending four In the navy, A woleon]ing honle pa)'ly was held for Dave Her(q<. :):,,I Jim- my Brewer last WOe]{ at tile lit)in( of Dale Pierce of Ttlnlwalel', 'J'h()se attending were Ray Ii)nbel, Au- nie GateheJ, Fred Fer)'is, Lind;t OIson, Jimmy and Bobby Brewer, Sun Valley, Richard Andrews, Bobby Mar(y, Sharoh tan(v, Mr. and !Vh's, Lo'ell Ha(die of Grape-; I view, Mr. and Mrs. I) Hardie and I)ale Pierce. Mr. and Mrs, AI Hanley and Traey mid Mrs. Hanley's sister, Donna, have returned home after spending the winter in Arizona and Montana. The Hanleys are fornler residents of Arcadia. Enjoying the weekend snow were the children of Aladia, Mill Creel( and Little Skookum. All the youngsters were sliding, mak- ing snowmen and snow-ba.lling. Visitors of M.r. and Ml's. Wal- ter KPateha, D011g, Linda and Susan Saturday were John Krat-, and Kathy of Bremerton, snd Joc Lilley and Olleda. of Olym- pia. SH EL'rONIAN HA, 22 YEMt8 IN NAVY Byron Lord, 1936 graduate of Irene S. Recd. recently completed 22 in the U,S. Navy and re- enlisted for another 6 years, Lord is ins(minter at Leadership school in San Diego. He is a chief quartermaster. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lord, Shelton. _ ] I I il For the Finest Elevbric Heat in the World . - _ _ - _ - _ CALL ON THACKERAY TO INSTALL NELC0. 00,e,o .Customized • Efficient • Economical . Dependa,ble. Invisible FULLY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC HEAT DESIGNED to "disappear" ENGINEERED for maadnmm efficiency HANUFACTuRED =,.or modern meth- ods to reduce eosts CHANNEL AIR 0 SAVL SI A(E "l " " "I t SIMPLE COUPLING,_ Nelco Heating Units arc manufaotured under controlled mass production methods that allow for the most rea- sonably priced, top quality electrical heating on the market. * FULL TEN-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE * Top QUality  Simple Beauty  Maximum Efficiency Lifetime Dependability THACKERAY ELECTRIC 217 Cota Street Phone HA 6-6477 HELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Uhrtmastown, U.Z.A;," Shelton, Washingto n Eight Divorces Granled 62,165,000 Feet Of in Mason Gounty Oourt Lumber Sold By Wash. ' Eight divorce (', a[)peare(I ill] Six bidd(ws have pll)'chase(i (32,- 165,000 board feet of :date-owned Mason County eotn't ]a,';t Friday. timber for $673,573, Land Corn- They were; Colleen Dew, eyert vs. Harvey Deweyert, Lillian Gills vs. Richard Gills, Main'one I.idley vs. %Vi]liam Ridley, IChzabeth LeGarde vs. Harold LeGarde, Joe Hoskins vs. Marie Hoskins, Georgia Zatko- viek vs. Enlil Zatkovick, Kenneth Franklin vs. Frances Franklin and Lenora Mikkelson vs Norman Mikkelson. All eight divorces were granted. Journal Wahl Ads Pay missioner Bert Cole reporled re- cently. Conlbined sate pri(:cs exceeded minimmn State Department of Natural Resom'ees appraisals by $56,661, Cole said. One successful bid for a 95 million board foot sale in Skagit County was $33,- 777 over the apt)raised price, In the biggest of the sales, Bar- bee Mill Co. of Kennydalc bid tile appraised price of $406,026 to pur- chase 22,140.000 board feet of hemlock silver fir, Douglas fir Lenten Services To Begin Soon Lenten themes, will he :tressed ttour of Temptation'; lVIar. 18, at t,'ait:h I,uiheran Clmrch during "i)(-) You Itave A Grea.t Faith?"; the coming v,'eel.:s, both at the Mar. 25, "No Neutrality Where alOl,llin!4 Yvorship SCl'ViCeS slid {llil- day ¢wming Lenten Services. Christ Is Concerned"; April 1, "Starving Americans"; April 8, Pastor Carlsen's ::;ermon themes for the regula.r morning services will be as follows: Mar. 11, "The and cedar ill King Connty, 18 miles northeast of North Bend. Other successful bidders in tile public auctions held Monday and Tuesday included Elmer Manke and Sons, Shelton. who bid $20,- 500 for 648.000 board feet of Douglas fir, apprmsed at $15,561, located in Kitsap County, six miles southeast of Port Orchard. "Christ's Claims Regarding Him- self"; April 15, "The Palm Sunday Crowd" ; and Easter Sunday, "Easter's Good News". A series of f+ihnstrips will be shown at the evening services, as follows: Mar. 11, "When Jesus Was Twelve"; Mar. 18, "Fishers of Men"; Mar. 25, "Jesus in Gethse- mane"; April 1. "Crucifixion and Bm'ia] of Jesus"; April 8, "The Resurrection"; and April 15, "The Story of Pentecost". The public is invited to all services. ii ,, ,, ,, Thursday, M g, 1962 Well Drilli WATER WELLS -- TEST | OliO n Bedell ur,,i, g TUHA FISH S&W CHUNK STYLE I/a TINS ¢ SOUP CAMPBELLS TOMATO NO, 1 TALL Tin / ¢ IOY WATERS PINK SALMON o., T,N ........................... 65* WE6CO Tomato Juice 46 OZ. TINS 3i79 c ARDEN Butter 1 LB. CUBES 69 c v Iiw MAXWELL HOU6E TiHY SHRIMP PE'PAC'F'C 3 "a7 "=1 FRESH OYSTERS MED. S,ZE 49 ¢ 12-oz. Jar PORK ROAST Fresh Picnic Style. From young cornfed porkers. Lb, PORK STEAK LIVER 29 c and economy. LB. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone HA. 6-4713 ICE CREAM SHELTON MAID ¢ ROAST Shoulder Bid. Cuts. ib.39 € STRAWBERRY MAPLENUT CHOCOLATE VANILLA GALLON CARTON C S A L E HEXICO HOLIDAY" "UN FILLED DAYS FOR AS LITTLE AS '*9900 %US.,R FARE Contact L :TRAVEL lIES. CENTER H& 6-4134 ) paymsnl D has what al  ey in Lin lew, ot Naw crank, nbuse. )rc t in, nd sprock. ff" Switch control.. Homelite oior Shop .LCREST WHAT SELL FIRESIDE, BANANA CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY, VANILLA and COCONUT. mmm Delicious! 10 oz. pkgs $ e BAKER'S 12 oz. pkgs. $ COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE LB. TIN 59¢ 2 LBS. $117 CRAB MEAT PACIFIC PEARL CHEESE KRAFT CRACKER BARREL SHARP WEDGE. EXTRA SHARP, MELLOW SHARP. 13-OZ. PKG. 69 FISH STIX 4 Fisher- men--14 oz. 59c3 8 oz. pkgs, LARGE OLIVES B&M BAKED BEANS "Fresh As A. Daisy" Produce CELERY CARROTS FANCY CELLO PKG. FANGY PEARS o,Aoo F^NC 2 LBS. 2S* SUNSHINE Hi-HO GRAGKERS LB ..................................................... GRESGENT PARSLEY FLAKES ........................................ 1,, o. FAGIAL v,€€.=€ WH,TE o. P,NK II IIMI ll0 Lq C H I F FO N ......................................................... TOMATOES WESCO 63o3 =1 S.P ........................ tins Tall EVAP. MILK or,o,., ......... ..T,.s 43 ¢ TISSUE .,FFON 2 ro,,s 29* TOILET ................. PRAWNS ,*,SHERMAN .RAOED .................... o, 59 ¢ PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI. & SAT., MARCH 8'-9-10. LIMIT rl]  . i YtO, l¢ g es you a firm( ." 'e,e°,Vered front p 2:,' |ve,"" firmness. Long qll .--  YOu aft-- e,ff-r €,,)_= rmeG sm ( ,.KlPai,_':' r Wear. Try it¢ WSi  'bY Formfit. $,-,J I=-  61k' S.M,L ,ym =,"rmfit fiber f r .[stlc see);., acts:.fro) "OWlt Wt,L'v,n. ' or nylon, . ,.., t aw Life Brc D cup 32 MI