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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Mch D r ilii c s TODAY-TOMORROW-SATURDAY %UEYTONET%TEREF%URLI00%XPTRIT Special Hours These 3 Days -- 10:00 a.m. to Midnight with Prizes Given Away Throughout All 3 Days. _ ! '  " " TEST, A SPE01AL PRIZES WHENEVER THE BUZZER GOES OFF   PLUS ONE GRAND PRIZE LL s • Free bowling games at Timber Bowl and Shelton Rec. $ A TRAN.ISTflR  Jl:l  [:$ i • Car Wash • Gasoline • Gift Certificates  nn'''=''A"l I_  '.  Drilling E .Century 21Tickets • And Maay Others  rU./.DLL ""U|"  ENCE BEDELL ..................... 3, Box 170, Shelton ,ne HA. 6-4713 MEXICO HOLIDAY" PUN FILLED DAYS FOR '9900 ELTON MAID i PIUAIR FARE Contact ' €' . L :TRAVr ! RES. CENTER L.. i01 Railroad 4134 :|6-s272 HA e- paymenl has what crank. buse. in. 3rock. . control.. " Homelite oior Shop LLCREST WHAT SELL xo $1 | oz. pkgs $ 12 oz. pkgs. Daisy" ICY FRESH LIFORNIA High School Spotlight FANCY CELLO PKG. . ;:i::!,: • : :: ill! ¸ )i.;(i MISS MARGARET BALDWIN, student counselor'at Irene S. Reed High school, has endeared herself to many students in the nearly 20 years she has been in the Shelton school system. The job If a student counselor is not an easy one but Miss Baldwin feels the-re- wards of knowing she has helped one student makes up for many hours of her time and much of her effort. ?High School Spotlight" will :)rdinarily feature seniors at Irene S. Reed (previously called Jun- ior Clubwoman}. However, a new title seemed to ca!l for a special person to be "spotlighted" first. It seems safe to say that Miss Merger, el Bajdwin, student coun- selor, is vmT special to many stu- dents, present and past. Miss Baldwin obtained her ed- ucation at Oklahoma University, THIGH LB. |3 € CONTROL AND FIRM 10' voo,HFoL ea BACKVIEW IN "SKIPPIES" WITH 2 ..s 25 € .................................... 1% oz. - 9 - 10. LIMIT the University of Washington and the University of Nebraska. Af- ter leaching in Oklahonaa an(l at Forks, Wash., she came to Shelton in the fall of 1944 to teach junior English and journalism. In 1953 she went into counseling. As student counselor at the Irene S. B.ccd high school. Miss Baldwin has a full schedule. One of her main duties is registration. In the spring of each year she has a personal intervmw with each ninth grader to help him plan his high school schedule This year there are about 300 ninth grad- ers. These interviews are in addi- tion to the consultations she has with each of the 578 students in tile high school In regard tO any changes they may wish to nlakc. A vital part of her job is con lege counseling. She has a con- ference wzth each junior in re- gard to his pians for college be- fore he registers for senior clas- ses. After he becomes a senior she is in charge of giving grade prediction tests and interpreting the results to the students aud their parents, thereby helping them to plan a college schedule. She .also takes charge of send- ing in the applications to the sctzool of the stltclent's choice. All of this is in addition to per- sonal interviews she has wth stu- dents havmg trouble such as ill- ness or personal problems. She carries a full and demanding schedule. She regrets it deeply when a student steps inside her door and says "Miss Baldwin, do you have a minute" and she is too busy at the time to give them the minute they need. She was the organizer of the first Assemblies committee at Um high school and was advisor to it for several years. She organized a Press Club, Quill and Scroll being the result o£ this. She has als0 put in time ;ts Thespian ad- visor and directed several plays. 'Parade Of American Music' Theme Used By SheHon Music Club The Shelton Music Club met February 27 at the Methodist Church. Mrs. Harry Carlon was hostess for the evening assisted by Mrs. James Barrom and Mrs. Rodger Tuson. February was the "Parade of American Muqic" month for the Washington State and the Nation- al Federation of Music Clubs. The Program carried out that theme. Mrs. Mary Dickinson presented hei: 6th grade "Special Singers" from Mt. View school. They sang five selections. Mr'. Robert Dethleff, Shelton band teacher, played the tmampet and saxophone, accompanied by Mr. Vernon Havens. Mr. Vernon Havens, Shelton high school choir director, played two preludes by George Gershwin. Mr. Gary Nicloy played a sousa- phone solo accompanied by Mr. Havens. The selection was "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia", with variations. Mr. 2gicloy and Mr. Havens re- ported on the edl-state music pro- gram held in Tacoma last week. A business meeting followed the program. RN's To Hear Report On Denver Convention There will be a regular meet- ing of Registered Nurses at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday at the home of Sehna Buffingt.on, 320 Alder. Surgical nurse, Harriet Camp- eau, will give some highlights on the Operating Room Nurses' Con- vention that she attended in Den- ver, Colo. Vacation Trip For Herb Angles Mr. and Mrs. Herb G. Angle are vacationing in the Hawaiian Is- lands. They flew to Los Angeles wtaere they boarded the S. S. tar- line to Hawaii. Their return trip will be by plane to San Francisco where they will visit with their son, Herb, Jr. While in Hawaii they will make a tour of the outer islands. The Angles plma to return around the first of April. It is easy to see why, since she took the counseling job, :Miss Bal- dwin has graduMly dropped out of the organizations she was ac- tive in outside of school. She is still on the Zonta standby list and hopes some (lay to resume singing im the Methodist church choir. She is a past president of Delta Kappa Gamma. • Miss J3aldwin is not one to "blow her own horn". It took a little digging to discover she is an Honorary Colonel on the Gov- ernor's Staff in the state of Ok- lahoma. The job of a student counselor is not easy. It demands patience and understanding and a genuine interest in people. Miss Baldwin eels her rewards, are worth the ]me and effort she puts .forth. When she hears of a student do- ing well "after he has gone out in- to the world, especially one she has had a particular counseling problem with, she knows it is all worthwhile. Recently Miss Baldwin was hon- ored as the "Teacher of the Day" on radio station KING. Probably the biggest thrill of this event was knowing that her students loved md appreciated her enough to ask that she be so honored-- even as this article was a direct result of one of her "'girls" want- ing people to know what a won- derful person she is. OONVERTIBLE C0L011 TV LOW  CT-aM TERMS SCANDIA HIGH 1, ,¢. WALNUT TRADE h Plured desi es Y FOrmfi t . gn and ma ical seaming of Skipp" l., I0" 'lt= 9ires yOU a firmer,gore youthful backview- INS ",ee .' COVered ,. ,oe., ,. front panel keeps your tummy.. i,' g*ves"C, nrmness. Long leg pantie slims ,/our tmgns $,Y0 0Ut Q firmer, smoother look beneath  /'T- [Plas b.'. wear" Try it today! Ask for "'.its .J e.ormfit. Style 893. 9 ,:_ °'°: s.,c. . '10 tl rmfit fiber f . • eslic s • . acts. front rigid panel oil nylon; how, i.°ns of nylon, rubber and rayon.,,. ,he ¢'a €1, ',, ,'(ew Life fifo tyle 584. White. ;Z.u  ..... ONE OF AMERICA'S lWO MOST |xP|RIEN(lfD COLOR TV MANUFACTURERS Packard Bell offers Color TV's clearest , steadiest picture. This is •Convertible TV, offering you 3 tim'es the choice of controls, manual or one of two wireless Rote/Remote controls optional anytime. Color TV'$. finest sound system. Computer Dial. Set-N-Forget fine tuning. Custom Quality, hand-wired chassis. Hand- D cup 32 - 40 $3.50. crafted and hand-finished cabinetry. APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT - 2rid FLOOR M I[ RCAHTIL£  MK I[ MARCH WEDDING PLANS MR. AND MRS. C. E. YOUNG, Bayshore Drive, announce the engagement of their daughter, Diana Hope Young, to Peter Eugene Requa, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Requa of Willets, Cali- fornia. Miss Young is a 1956 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school. Her fiance is a Lieutenan4;, J.G. in the U. S. Navy. The couple will be married March 31. They expect to make their first home in Japan. TEACHERS GROUP HAS NEW MEMBERS, Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an intmational honoary for women bcachers, met at the Tyee in Olympia for hmcheon and regular business meeting. Mrs. Lillim] White of Michael Simmons Elementary school, i,t Tumwater, and Elsie Schneider of Yelm high hool were initiated. The program consisted of a )anel discussion moderated by Gen¢ LaDue. Jennie Block dis- cussed the membership possibili- ties of Delta Kappa Gamma, which include active, associate, honorary and reserve. The work of the local Scholar- ship committee was explained by Elizabeth Kast. Mary Anderson, who is a member of the State Research committee, told of the work being done by her commit- tee. The work of the local Leg'is- lative committee was discussed by Elizabeth Kast. Music was presented by the Sound Casters, a barbershop quar- tet consisting of Tom Adams, Wes Ikenberry, Bob Hamilton and Ken Born. The next regular meeting of Vickie Lee Guild February Meeting Tim Vickie Lee Orthopedic Aux- iliary held its February 12 meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Ron Le- Gardc. Co-hostess was Mrs. Met- vin Matson. A brief business meeting was held and hamper tickets were dis- tributed among the members. The hamper benefit drawing will be held March 31 at Sears Catalog office. Anyone wishing tickets can 'contact :Mrs. Dwayne Wright. For refreshments a bake sale was held among the members. Square Dancing Club Meets Saturday Night The Salty Sashayers Square Dance Club will hold its regular square dance at 8:30 p.m. Satur- day night at the Memorial hall. There will be a potluck lunch. Visiting dancers and spectators are welcome. Clint Renney will do the calling. Iota Chapter will be held April 7 in Shelton. Methodist WSCS Lunch Wednesday The monthly Methodist WSCS hmcheon will be held next Wed- nesday at 12 noon with the Glassey Circle as hostess. Guests will be members of the Olympia Methodist church WSCS. In charge of the program will be Mrs. Robert Snyder. The sub- ject will be Women's Changhtg Status. Devotions wilt be by Marian Johnson. Due to the snow storm htst week the WSCS rvmmage sale has been postponed until Friday, March 16. Fine Arts Program For Hood Canal Club Hood Canal Woman's Club will meet at the Potlatch clubhouse next Thursday. A program will be presented by Ethel Dalby, elm.Jr- man of Fine Arts. Mrs. Melvin Bearden, widow of the late Mr. Bemxlen, wll be honored. A Seattle artist will add to the afternoon program. All interested persons are cor- dially invited to attend. S0e Emerson TV and Stereo al Johnny's gusicBox 205 Cota St. r BEDDING HEADQUARTERS BEDROOM SETS Walnut -- Maple -- Teak  Oak -- Cherry --- White BEDSTEADS Twin and Full Size  Regular and Bookcase HOLLYWOOD FRAMES -- HOLLYWOOD HEADBOARDS ROLL-A-WAY BEDS BUNK BEDS SPRING AIR BEDDING KOYLON LATEX FOAM BEDDING ANY SIZE BEDDING 30 in.3,,TwinFullQueenKingSuper King THIS WEEKS BEST BUYS Remnants I FORMICA Counter Covering 9 sq. ft. ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR Storm and Screen Pre-Hung -- Self Storing 2'6", 2'8" and 3'0" x 6'9" SHOPPING FOR DO-IT- ¥OURSELFEN$1 '299s ALUMINUM SLIDING WINDOWS " 2'0 x 2'0 'llSS OTHER SIZES IN STOCK MANTLE MIRROR 36" x 72" Crystal - Unbacked GARBAGE CANS GALVANIZED STEEL 24 GM, ..................... $4.59 30 Gal ....................... $5.29 MAGIC-MAID We offer one-top =hopping b idel and lumber. See us today for the do-it-yourselfer's favor/re matexlal...West  lumber. FURNITURE WAX Johnson's Cream Reg.Pint75¢ 19€each PIkE-FINIStIED Philippine MAHOGANY PANELS V Groove " 4 x 8 ,i, i , GARAGE DOORS 9-0 x 7-0 -- 4-Panel - Wood COMPLETE WITH HARDWARE Reg. $69.95 '49 °° DECORATIVE GELLING TILE 12 x 24 Center Scored 13' 'FULL BOX QUANTITY LUMBER SPEOIALS Shiplap- Fir . . . . $39.00 ECONOMY GRADE Per M 2x4-8'and 1O' . . $35.00 WASTE DISPOSERS ECONOMY CRADE .0r M $ - 2xG-8'to20',., $69.00 ,, , O0 1'.g,$79.00 35 " UTILITY GRADE Per M " , Builders Supply Industr,ai  1st and PINE HA 6-439o