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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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...... 6Y, March 8, :!962 SILTON--IAg0N COUNTY JOURNAE -- Publ|shei!l in "Ohrsma,town, U.S.L.," Sheffon, Washington Page :I.S ' / ' ! New Forest Products Hoodsport Youth To ' '  lelleturns I, H,,st Snow Sur0r ses ..... NORTH MASON SCHOOL NEWS ,... .v,s ,., v , " es/o real • N.. ,.,,,,,z,,L. ,, Y • .,,. F_,,_ US --, _ . ure.. Attend Naval Academy s.ow Brings 5-Day Weekend Vacation; ,.PI'_K... T. .........IlIMAIMgK V.....,RIIOV I. ,,__ _L , :__ LllllWaUn r01K World s Fair Exhibit Congresswoman J,l,a.,. Butlernomi Junior High Solo Ensemble, , .... Test Due 1 /0 arcn LlOfl r .c, in new ,,sea of Pacific t-Tmlsen nnounced todn5 toe - will be judged in small group and ,If 0" ALL ,,, Mahel Kidd By Mrs. Nell Vance Northwest forest prodncts will be nation of Dennis L. Sandv,g of Iy Gus .lolley individual with accompanist dirt- THIS• ning, the Fair and am taking this time ial on all Drapery s made to order. d during the month with delivery at a allowed a 10% n of 250 samples of s upholstery fabrics. P.O. Box llS .ES UNION, tROUGH FRIDAY 10 to 4 i )INTMENT  TW 8-2440 lectric Heat Usera -- :Mr. Rosenherg are a two-month trip, as far as Arizo- southern states. they spent Art Ander- Anderson is still .ospital due to Rosenbergs en- the desert colorings of dif- and plants. Burnett of Tuesday evening of Mr." and Mrs. J of the chm'ches evening at the airy church, in spite W, and enjoyed a of an outstanding and also a Bible ts were served hour by Mrs. Carol Hunt- Smart. of New Ply- visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. .I)d lrs. George Smith of : are visitin at the fi'ia d rs. Ion Desk. }, ;? r. Doak's mother t, i[ . Everett Paulson e aso a visitor at the dgrs. • Harold Hunter has L eats on Sunday, Mrs. ild ephew, Mr Pa 1 an • "q • U L " I tat .r" Frances Boston, IN(I in the hem 00ave . v, as M s a ., , ,, V 'i'is. Fagan is a sis- 'eu s. Whitmarsh and l  oY plane for Adak, W: e she Will join her ,i  =-"zs stati°ned--.ecl zorces, there g L Shivers and dau 'her : ,a,:d, Ore, m Week W*th h 'a:d M-  eta' p .- .a ualn .... b of valle 11,, Y folk attend- aa "t service for :Maurice • eΧtend their condo- als sister and other rela- 's. Arthur Peterson dSited his mother. by t ' - erson on Sunday. IIRS. MAX Latzel Lth a birthday din- ’ in honor of the!r .tie Tozier. Other zs parents, Mr. and g to Jim Hunter and : guests of Mr. . Fuller on Stm- ter was reelect- Directors of the aunty -Dairymen's \\; and Mrs. Hum- m Saturday were field, Mr. Vern Mr. Pete r. Tony Nelson. l, son of Rev. Bell, celebrated on Tuesday. of New isiting her coldest days, tool by actual, local cot- selI how much more who has • electricity. ,n the Shel- !i , is reeuper- his son, Gee ile i x h chart outlines oil heatS lntatias been appointed l charges, comparing the aavv°r the Fuller [ anyoj Id appreciate ctricity or gas with the   .e interested in ive oil heat dealers: The :i'!:fiVnenn",r.,-" at 8 p.m. ed froin research studies. |,l0rta , g of the • Z':l s:, "', nusiness is to [.'ltlY'at's. try to be |ON"T/USLE* . . , -" It:it u Support our UNT OF FUEL OIL PER YEAR ' gal. ).200gM. 1300 gal. 1400 pl. 1.34 $219.65 $237.K $2.25 ).80 393.62 426.40 459.15 he National Warm Air and o heating system which, dirt or grime. The sam : (1)Kitchen and cooking outdoors, (3) rug linters, ting clean air is further :!iii ,i • s° L °00uthera n o:'"  to, and bad 2' dale o)es Were filled :I , srXmish C,ub er rday nieht ,  te;et ' Won by Ahce ! .  to -. eyette. Low .Or0ss°rhy Sjoholm at t Toe traveling chrvice s of mid. be held mace. il heat is proved safest- )ofized within the sealed heat is non-toxic.., as a w-current electrical con" tic controls substantially ;eat source of home fireS )elation. DAYTON --- As the old saying goes March surely "came in like alioW'. There were a lot of hap- py children on Wednesday morn- ing when they discovered they had an mschednled vacation. Aroun(I Dayton it was about five inches on Wednesday morning with a total of two feet at the end of the week. Buses were run- ning on ;sehedllle on Monday nlof ning. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leonard will host the Traveling Pinochle party on Saturday evening, March 10. We are happy to hear that Mr. George King, Mrs. J. W. Stoner's father, who underwent surgery on! Monday, Feb. 26 at King County hospital is getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Joe :MeAlfrey and: family of Elms were drop-in cal- lers at the M. J. Zelenak home on Sunday. S.turday evening visitors in the hmne of Mr. and :Mrs. A. E. Lem- Re were Mr. and :Mrs. Ralph Kill- ough and Mr. and :Mrs. Pete Ro- berts. MR. AND MRS. GARY Dillon of Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Chapman on Saturday eve- ning. Miss Glenda Huey of Tacoma was Friday overnight guest in the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Huey. Mr. and ;Mrs. Curt Bagby and daughter of Tacoma were Sunday callers in the R. S. Huey home. They came to bid Bruce goodbye as he was leaving for San Diego after his furlough. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and :Mrs. Warren Williams were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and children of Shelton. THURSDAY CALLERS in the John Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Clary and fam- ily of Kamilche. The Chester Clmpman family of Agate called on Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman on Sunday. On Sunday :Mrs. Doyle Howard and son Raudy celebrated with a joint birthdasr dinner at home. Guests besides the immediate fa- mily were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ber- ry,' Mr. and Mrs. William L. Brown and Shelley and Jimmy Stewart. Fred Pharris of Seattle spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and ]Vh's. L. B. Pharris. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. :Morton Adams of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and family called on :Mrs. Lea Bistmp of Kamilche on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Budd and children of Aberdeen were Sun- day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris. he,F-ton Todds of Shelton • were Saturday visitors in the L. A. Todd home. Jim Brewer of Shelton was a Friday evening visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pharris. LILL'IWAIJP --- Wc had been having such a beautiful winter everyone was surprised Wednes- day morning when they awoke to find between four and six in- ches of snow covering the ground. It wasn't long before the snow- plows got busy and cleared the highways of the snow. They were kept busy several days. Numer- ous cars went in ditches. Saturday evening the welcome rain started to fall gud by Sm- day evening the snow was almost a thing of the pas't. lineD CANAL Garden Club had to postpone their garden club meeting, but will meet this Thurs- day, March 8 at the Lilliwaup Community Club hall. The meet- ing will be called to order at 11 a.m. by the vice president Lois Pierce, and a potluck lunch will be served at 12:30. The Hoods- port members will be hostesses. In the afternoon Mrs. Grace Blank of Sequim, past director of ,the district, will show slides. Lilliwaup Community Club will hold a card party Friday evening, March 9. This will be the last par- ty in a series of five. Pinochle will be played to start at 8 p.m. This is our regular meeting night and a potluck dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The business meeting will be called to order at 7 p.m. by the president, :Mrs. Mattie Baclclund. Hood Canal Woman's Club will meet Thursday, Marclz 15 at the one of the outstanding fcatnres of the 1962 Seattle Worht's Fair, Senator Warren G. Magnnson an- nounced today. :Mngnuon said enough wood to 1)uild homes for a typical Ameri- can City of 20,000 people is going into the construction of state and industrial buildings, forms for concrete, platforms, flooring, scaf- folding and other uses. "No international exhibition in this century will have clone as much to demonstrate the versatili- ty of forest products," :Magnuson said. "Wood's role in the Seattle exposition will be , deserved trib- ute to the Pacific Northwest's greatest natural resource." Magnuson said c 1.1 r r e n t es- timates reveal more than 3,000,000 hoard feet of lumber, plywood, hardboard, softbom'd, laminated beams and piling have been nsed in construction on the Seattle fair- grounds. "The ready availability of wood in all shapes and quantities is en- abling contractors to meet their construction deadlines ahead of the April 21st opening date," :Mag- nuson added. "The forest indust- ry represents nearly one billion dollars in Washington State's an- nual economy. "I am pleased to report how effectively the Seattle World's Fair will display the ef- forts of the 65,000 Washington- tans who work in this industry." The Senator observed that tons Hoodspm't as a candidate for the Merchant '’[arine Academy. A graduate of Irene S. Reed high school in Shelton, Sandvig is now a member of the Soplmmore class at Olympic College in Brem- erton, engaged ill a general en- gineering course. "I urge all qnalificd ynnng men iwho are interested in this worth- while profession to write me for details on how they may apply for the class entering next year," Mrs. Hansen said. A candidate mfist be single, in excellent health, must have reach- ed his 7th but not his 22nd birth- day by July 1, 1962, but a high school graduat e o now in his senior year. The U.S. Merchant :Marine Aca- demy is located at Kings Point, Long Island, N.Y. It offers a four- year course leading to a license as an officer in the U.S. :Merchant Marine, a commission as Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve and tle Bachelor of Science Degree. The sophomore year is spent as a Cadet on merchant vessels of the U.S. :Merchant Marine. Tuition, room and board, ro quired uniform and textbooks as well as medical and dental care arc furnished by the United States Government. of paper cups, plates, tickets and  ether paper' products also will come from tle forests to the Fair. Kitsap clubhouse in Potlatch. The meet- ing will be called to order at 11 a.m. by tim president, :Mrs. Fran- cis A'kers and hmch i11,;1 be ser- ved at 12:30. Mrs. Jimmy Hoff of Springwa- ter is enjoying a visit from her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ba'oteu of Rockport, Me. This is the first (;me Jenny has seen her brother in 40 years and they are having a gala'time vis- iting. Also with Barney Broten's father and brother Olaf of Lilli- waup. They are eagerly waiting for the weather to clear up so they can go fishing and show the Brotens the beautiful state of Washington. MR. AND MII,% LARRY :Miles and son Tyler of Ventura, Calif., have rented the Frances (Hill) i '  Catto cottage on the beach at Lil- liwaup, also Mr. :Miles' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jim :Miles, also of Ventura, have rented the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Nick See- vs. They inteni to make their home at Lilliwaup. Tile commun- ity welcomes the :Miles' to the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston en- tertained the Larry Miles' for din- ner Sunday: The Canal was saddened at the death of Mr. tlarrold Hoff of Springwater, who passed away at the Shelton General Hoespital." :Mr. Hog was a long-time resident of Springwater ind will be greatly missed by his many friends. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family. BUSINESS DIRECTORY TV Service ....... Floor Coverings ' l • Linoleum • Radio - TV • Tile • Phonographs • Carpeting • CB 2-way radio • Formica LEROY'S TV SERVICE REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View HA 6-3172 Mr. View HA 6-2292 I Tire Servme" [ ldlator Repair .... • New - Goodrich | I • Boiling out I . Soldering [ • Recapping I I • New cores I • Used I I BOON,S PLUMBING OK RUBBER WELDERS | [ HEATING, SHEET METAL I Mt. View ,HA 6-4882,'1 I 623 8. l st HA 6-3483, Electrical - Florist-= • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliance • Falrbanl-Morse Pumps 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad HA 6.6283 • Helena Rubinstein cos- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY Govey Bldg. HA 6.3327 Used Furniture- • Appliances • Furniture • Bede& Mattresses KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill HA 6-2411 • Plante for all occasions • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th&Birch 8to8 HA 6-8479 SChed- Custom Sewing- lext season Parish church. • Dress Making • Upholstering • Draperies 10-4 Tues-Frl. or Appointment MICKI COLES Union Phone TW 8-2440 i Auto Glass- . Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad HA 6-8231 Cabinet Work • Kitchen King Kabinets • Custom Cabinets • Counter Tops * Free Estimates MT. VIEW CABINET SHOP 1916 ely. Hwy. No. HA 6-2042 Bike Shop- • Sales and Repair • Locksmith ,.. Keys Made . Hobbies r 8LEYsTER,S BIKE SHOP Roy Clinton 223 Cota St. I a "della Fireplace Equip.00-'-- • Screens, Glass Doors • Accessories • Ceramic Tile &, Mosaic Olive CARLSON'S TILE SHOP Mt. View HA 6,2057 ,n servic Printing -- of Wa hinto  I • Quality Work this Sun. I of All Kinds ad?,, The THE jOURNAL pard over HA 6-4412 iKMO at 227 Cota Dr?peries _ custom made I • free estimates . • Work guaranteed I J.C. PENNEY CO. I 305 RR Ave. HA 6.8283 • FULLER BRUSH MAN Phone HA 6-8095 BELFAIR-- Due to the wea- ther of bright white, Nortl] Ma- son school was held only Monday and Tuesday last weel’. A five- day weekend was enjoyed by stu- dents in sledding and the build- ing of snow people. Among postponements it caused was the foreign lands banquet (until furtlmr notice) and skiing (of all things) because of the had roads. Tuesday of last week two root- er busses were taken loaded with over :I00 student su0porters of the basketball team, which rewarded them with a fine 36-30 victory over Tel( in a sub-district game at Fife. The fund drive conducted by the music department for five scholarships this mmmer to the Univdrsity of Waslflngton is now under way with a 10-foot boat and 4  h.p. motor as the prizes. Many students enjoyed "The Half Breed" shown at tim Belfair gym last Saturday, starring Rob- ert Young. Tie same crowd is looking for. ward to a special student mat- inee performance of "Romeo and 3uliet" to be staged on Memmqal Day at the Century 21 Exposition. Those interested should contact Mrs. Terrill or Mr. Hawkins. This coming Saturday North Mason junior high will participate in solo ensemble contest at North Poulsbo), where entries siena. Teacher-of-the-Week is Mr. Nelson. He was born in Chehalis, was graduated from South Kitsap high in 1954 and split his higher education between Olympic Jnnior College and Central Waslington Callege at Ellensburg. Mr. Nelson taught at Leaven- worth high school near Wcnatchce before coming to North Mason. Here he teaches a commercial course and coaches junior high basketball and varsity baseball. As a hobby Mr. Nelson collects coins. The finest words in the world are only vain sounds if y(m crab- not understand them. --.Anatole France LAWTON L UHBER COMPANY 420 SOUTH FIRST STREET Open 'til Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson I III I II I I I II I i i ,,u i 15-YEAR ROOFIHG ECONOMY ROOFING OVER OLD OR NEW AS LOW AS $11.90 PER I00 SO. FT. m m m I III II I IIIIII m m "- -- Example --10-Square Home Only $119.00 BAYSIDE ROOFING Call Evenings HA 6:4541 GOOKTAIL SHRIMP sEA SURF / 4,+o T,NS 3 $1 MINOED G LAMS ooxsEE'S .............. 4/$1 8-OZ. TINS OAKE MIX P,LLSBURY ASS'T. LAYER CAES--ONLY .... 3/89 `’ DARIGOLD MILK EvAP. 8/$1 TALL TIN ............. SLICED BACON BAR-S OR VERIFINE SOLE FILLET FLASH FROZEN NO WASTE  DELICIOUS BEEF STEW BONELESS -- EXTRA LEAN II WESSON SALAD OIL..... 59" E CLAM CHOWDER 4/001 BUMBL TU E E NA • • • • • • 4," I KRAFT VELV A CHEESE 69 c PROCTER & GAMBLE SOAPS 22.OUNCE JOY ,LIQUID DETERGENT ................................ BOTTLES 67* Ivori Medium-:;f-4.39*------ Ivory Personal 4/27* Gamay Soap 9, of, 4 bars34* Ivory Liquid 22.o ........... 67' Ivory Flakes giant .......... 85* NO. 1 HUSKIE BRAND POTATOES 20 "" ' . ............... BAG 59 c VERIFINE BRAND CARROTS 1 LB. PKG. 10 c DELICIOUS EXTRA FANCY APPLES ........................ 2/29 c TENDER GREEN SPEARS BROCCOLI ................................ BUNCH 25 c I.ri snow00 ss, Dash Det, ,,b. $2.45 12-oz ......... Gheer Delergenl g,a.t 79* Oxydol Deiergeni ,ant 89'* TideDelergeni ..... iant 79€ Gasoade for Dishes o2°. 49 ’ Mr, Glean G,ant s,e .................... 73* Spio and Span 1,s .......... 31' Gomei Glleanser o,,. 2/33 ’ ItEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS BOTTLE OF 36 FOR Ili4€: BUFFERIN ........................................ GREST TOOTH PASTE ................................... • Bakery .... Hot Gross Buns .................... ,s 39* Baker'- Dozen Donuts , 39 '’ in 29* Ginnamon Rolls ....... o,, b PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 8-9-10 OPEN SUNDAYS RALPH'S ,,,v,.o o. Hillcrest SAV£S-U DOLLARS Where Satisfaction is a "BUY" Word