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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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0 ..... For Sale For Sale For Rent GOLDSROROUGH TRAILER PARK TltREE ROOM furnished apartnlent. DISHWASHER WANTED -- Apply Convenient to mills and downtown Washing facilities and carport, In- in pers(m. Heinie's Broiler. 418 Rail- quire 828 Cota St R 2/22 tfn road. Evergrcen Square. 3/1 tfn FINAL ItEPORT AND PETITION ,,,J , HANNAH'S ItUSBAND Hector hates 9N IW3RD tractor, good running eon- tmrd work st, lie cleans llle rues dition, good rBbher, reasolable. Also with Bloc Lust(c. Luufl)ernlen's Mer- rear-mount blade. Plies( HA 6- cantile Company. 3/8 6347 after 8 p.m. A 3/8-22 Larg,. oil love good eoudltion, Call PORTABLE SEARS sewing machine HA 6-6106 or HA 6-2401, T 3/3 with all attachments., Also baby ear- .......................................................... rage. Best offer. Call HA 6-6228. SLAB WOOD for sale--S10.50 per (era. D 3/8-29 Oall HA 6-3010 after 6 p.ln. - ....................................... F 2/1 tin Phone HA 6-4378. V 2/8 tfn ELECTROLUX SALES, service ali supplies. John Rice. Pllonc HA 6- 61.18.0 Frec denmnstratious. R 1/7 tin |on Marine - ltilh!rcsi tIardware, HA 6-8163. 218 tin NEW iJW ATT-lib-iT;it-'ilgliCptafi-t. i.railera, boats, campers. $198.50. Sa.egvr Motor Shop. HA 6-4602. ................................... !2/7_ t. . _ "KEFP UP with the times", For home d,livvry vMl Sylvia Carey, the Shel- ler Seattle Times Dealer, HA 6-3132. C 11/28 tfn longer with _Wairbanks Morse pumps. See tilenl at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tin YiiOif,--£i/XcK-TOV-s6iiLT-IiiT-iFC road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel (ira nag( gravel ann pea gravel for driveways. Nornlan An- ¢lcl'son, phone ItA 6-3552. John's C,'(td(. Sand and Gravel, Bayshoro. 7/25 tin umSZtllg, bnproved finisil for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and 5/25 tin hclton Marine - ttlilerest tfardwarc HA 6-8163. 2/8 tin pulleys und shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelter Junk Co., First and Mill, phone HA 6-8626. 9/8 tin Fdfi-:qK-itC='tiWD" -- i-6:iK6K--KKd over, Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole wood $16 cord. Phone HA 6-4867. S 10/12 tfnl conditioned ranges, refrigerat0ra, washers, dryers. Eells pliance Center, tom Marine - tlillcrcst Hardware. tlA 6-8163. 218 tin Your (-,'/'aft, liobby and Health eor- nlws. Bar-Din, 50 I/'ranklin. Open Monday and Friday. B 6/22 tin DUTCH BOY PAINTS -- Shelton Ma- rine - ttlllcrest ltardware. HA 6- FOR SALE --- Electric Sih, ertone chord organ, like new. $150. Phone HA 6-4201. M 3/1 FOR SALE -- 1961 Kustmn Kart with live axle; slici(s; MC-6 engine. Ex- tra west hend imglnc. Less than 10 hrs. running time, $225 cash, I)llone ItA 6-6131. C 3/1-8 OLD GROWTH wood for sale. Any length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- 2352, 4/20 tfn ing blocks, 8 X 8x 16, also 300 gallon oil tank, Cleave Robinson, phone HA 6-3730. 3/1-18 FRUIT TREES, dwarf and regular; Strawberries, asparagus, rhododen- (Iron& roses, evergreens, peonies, oriental poppies, tulips and daffo- dils, Also artificial flower bouquets. The Garden Shop, phone HA 6- 3710. 3/1 tfn PAINTED ROUND OAK table and buffet, Small boys' bike and tri- cycle. Scooter. Phone tih 6-8545. T 3/1-9 WOOD OF ALL KINDS -- Call Hodg- son's Wood Yard, phone HA 6-6844. H 12/7 tfn Trallerhouse. Twe-bedroom. lJ.r n- ishcd, Cmll HA 62245. L 3/8-15 stove. Excellent condition. Call HA 6,8342.. S 318-15 flash unit, model 64-B. Operation for indoor pictures from house cur- rent, AC and shutter cords included. $20. Call HA 6-3628. K 3/8-15 alumlnmu tub' and pump. Call HA 6-6118 after 5 p.m. R 3/1-8 peel. Permanent finish and sealer, does not discolor with age. See ._ _(raystg_nne: _ 5/25 tfn All kinds. Phone HA 6-679.' Lem- ke's Service. L 10/12 tin with 4-ey(:h, l}riggs-Strston Io(,tor. Muslc Box, 205 Cota St., phone HA 6- 1Jmd I)nt' two laonths, $65, Phone 4302. 2/1 tin .... ...!!:868!!'. ........  ........... 2' 3/! t_frn R6(iD--FI:iR-SXLIgAfdrT-'ihpI,, WESTINGIIOU'SE aulonmtic wsshcr $15 per cord. Phone HA 6-2332. )o u,}d eondition. Phi,no IIA 6- 1t 11/23' tin 17,17. Route 3. BOX 387B. Arcadia .ji[,L-6OH'v--8XLEs'--'ad---s-(¥-i5 Road. P 3/8-15 Shelter Marine - Itillcrcst Hard- :ti-9:YEA.i)r:iJ')}T(iidJ;:i:F7-fmshigs ware. "HA 6-8163. 2/8 tin for sste. $1.50 if you dig yourself, USE--i:ii4T--:iiXi)--fSfi'yWh ) e $2.(11 if I diff. ('?:.ill colleet or writ. Music Box, 205 Cota Street. Phone IP, T. d(.)hnm,n Tit 6-3992, Rt 5, Box HA 6-4302. 2/1. tin ..:m=_ .['.{:!'l= 9!:t'!33:'d: ............... J _/!_'22 ;;tHi'iSTXS T6:U:S-/Z? r -,-ii6 b'OR SALE or TIIAI')E .... IIeavy duly tarpaulin ]6'X 18': Small bulldozer; ('-ardcn tractor; Model A buzz-saw; Weasel' p i I-U4 hr()o(l SDW. ttlrkvy8 aed r('d pullets laying. Pilone A 6- 83.1'd, G 3/1-8 I.II,FJACHED MAIIOGANY bI, droonl set lwin bcdv;; leer poster mahogany d0uhlo bed with spring and mattress. HA 8-ti266. 'I' 3/I-15 N'i0"'iT "- ggi iV- W,ih-fiTfi e-7- F67iii ihh wlth atlachmeuls slid mal)le seWing (;till('. Used v('t'y ]ii(le. La/'g( doll. I))'alld 1],,%' t'](.)|llt,s, lit!s| oiler, Phone tfA 6-N,189 art€n" 5 I,.O). S 2/15 3/8 USED FURNITURE I - DavenporL ..................... $15.00 I - DavcnporL ....................... $45.00 1 - Free form chuir ............ $10.00 :t - 2 Piece sectional I like ncw ) ................ $125,00 3 - Lime oak tables ............ $39.50 (2 step, 1 cocktail, like new) .I - Davenport and chair .... $50,00 I - Da.venpo1 and chair .... $65.00 1 - Davenport and chat/' (like new) ................ $145.00 I - Free form cock(all tabl (bl0nd ash. like new) $15.00 1 - I Dl.wer chesL, 2 night stands, full size bed $40.00 1 - Triple dresser, large beveled plate glass mirror, bookcase bed. old new $299.50, like ncw .... $125.00 2 - Upholstered chairl% each $15.00 1 - Upholstered chair ........ $10.00 2 - Rockers ................ each $10,00 1 -, Foot six)el (like new) ... $5,0.0 2 - Davonette Dining tables ................. caeh $10.00 ] - Drop lea table .............. $10.00 1 - Natural finish dinette table ................ $25.00 1 - Matching buffet ............ $25,00 GUARANTEED stamps,for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tin Ogden, IIA 6-6156, 2/12 tin transparent Plastic coating, navel needs waxing polishing or lrub- bng. 1deal for all surfaces inside er out. See Grayatons. }/25 tfn pl#ttlrel: tube, Atr reelifier power stlpply, lffckson 8weep & marker g(?ncr.a| or, Jacksen Oscilhmcope, SAID8 pho|o facts (2,i0 folders) Scco tUlle chock(r, one ben(,h; Conlact R,,n:lh E. Doni*'l,m. Trustet', 245 F(mrlh Sh'eld qhlg,, Rromerh)n. Waahhlgtoll. Telephone ESsex 3- 1822. 2/22 3/8 TILES 1rALLIN(" Ote]P baihroonl walls ? W,)od rotting ill behind ? Leaking aroun(1 tub? Tired of trying it, clean it.? Let 118 rvlnodcl ymlr |lath. We're ('quipped to do the. job properly, "Do li The Wright Way". Carlson Tile & I/'ireplace Shop. 3/8 tfn llp chhnney, Install glass door, SYe fuel. A lnust for hcatalators. "Do It The Wright Way". Carlson's Tllc and Fireplace Sllop, Mt. View. 3/8 tin Used (;tars 1950 DODGE SEDAN', MechanleMly tmrfect. Solid body, 86,000 sctual miles. $137) or best 0ffcr. Itoods- I)()rt, TR 7-5458. MeK 3/8 It J ga6-V6 R bT-t lV67w hi-8};Fv-e-67. 000 nliles, Body peHect, Also 34-ft. boat. Good condllion. Phone HA 6- 4719. Soil or Irade. for Ski Boat. B 3/8-15 i960-VoUKSWAGEN--=--iti.00b'-iiii. Excellent condition, On(; owner, $1875, Days ltA 6-4666, La 2/15 ifn large engine, including all options. 35,000 miles. Phone HA 6-8469. W 2/1 tin eallY perfect, rebuilt engine, new rubber, reasonabld. Phone Union TW 8-',48. 2/2 3/15 running condition, Good tircs. Call after 4 p.m. HA $-3166. H 2/22 tfn stores. Ctty sewer and water. At highway bridge. S 4/4 tin FOR RENT -- One-bedroom m-fu- nished, heated apartment, adults on- ly, 311 N. 1st. Phone HA 6-3025. P 4/20 tfn iYPING ROOMS 6R4 kKh -4=- lieges for rent. Also four room apartment. 720 N. Fom'th. HA 6-3487. R 6/8 tfn furnished, Potlatch TR 7-5359 Hoods- port or FL 2-3746 Olympi 7/13 tfn Boundary. Newly re-decorated. Re- frigerator, hot wate.r b6ater, electric stove with trash burner, movable 220 electric heater. Inquire John Getty, 1601 Franklin. 11A 6-6265. G 2/15 tin basement home Stove and refriger- ator, $75. References. Good district. Write Box'7, /o Journal. 2/15 tin roonm. 100 West Pine. Phone HA 6-4679. R 4/14 tfn furnished, yard, large garage. B. J. Cole. HA 6-4336, 4/28 ttn T--" -O- - B E-I)-R- -IV" apartmenL HA 6-4394. K 6/8 tin I inert and dlshes supplied Low weekly rates. Cameron ttotel, phone tIA 6:2081. B 2/22 tfn '(-R-RENT -- Furnished, one b-e-d:" room house on East Harvard. Easy walking distance to mills and shol* ping cnter. HA 6-6532 up to 4 p.m. lL/k 6-4612 thereafter. D 2/22 tin SIX-ROOM HOUSE -- Three bed- rooms, large utility. One nlile out. Also furnished cabins. HA 6-42?6. C 3/1 tin -T-'=--'J'-'d re om houee, $45,, 654 Dearborn. Contact Don Henifln, 117 West 8th. Port Angeles, Wash. Phone GL 7-3056. 11/30 ttn Two BEDROOM furnished apart ments for rent, $50 per month, in- eluding water_ garbage, electricity, phoneHA 6-8423. If no answer phone HA 6-3532. Also one bedroom furn- ished. $40. W 2/1 tfn OVERNIGHT OR WEE-IN-D-guests you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apr,-Motel. Apartments now avallable by day, week or month, Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6- 8177. , .7/16 tin room triplex unit, heat, garage, wa- ter, garbage, furnished, Phone HA 6-3575. J 1/11 tin "FOREiT' One bedroonl furnished" house also %we bedroonl, unfurnished duplex, elecl.ric Ileal, gltage. Phone HA 6-8150. N 12/14 tfn apartment. Five minutes walk to town. Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 p.m. Me 10/26 tfn Ir-6R--R E i 2'-" -SS- - -  ia-67b-d  furnished llote, water and garbage furnished. Phone HA 8.8150. N 5/25 tfn FOR RENT after March 20, Two bed- roonl house, partly furnislled, down- town. Phone HA 6-3104. W 3/8 tin ibZ?'-6'iE- 66ii:60ili-"l'io U ZViii;i;-i:- decors te.d. Stove and refrlgerai.or furnished, $40 per month, Phone HA 6-4806. H 3/8 tfn th)'ce-bedroon apartment, with dln- in room. $80 per luontll, iuchldes all utilities exc('pt heat. Mann Real Estate, phenc HA 6-6592 anytime. 8/8-22 is}led apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and .refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts: Con- tact Apt. NO, 2 or'HA 6-2493, B 5/18 tin i DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS FURS--Remodeled. Expertly done. Terms Reasonable. Formerly, London, Paris, Los Angeles. MRS, THECLA HUNTING Phone HA 6-3487 2/8 tin Home Furnishings FOR RENT -- Two-beqh'oom honlc on Hood Canal. near Union, $60, La- Bissonicre Agency. HA 6-4666. L 3/1 tin COTTAGE FOR RENT on beach, Oil heater, electric range, refrigerator, automatic washer. Call TR 7-5400: P 2/22 3/8 FOR RENT -- Three bedroom down- town apartment. Call HA 6-6592. Mann Real Estate. 321 So. 1st. 2/22 3/8 FOR RENT .- Two modern water'- front cottages. One partly furnihcd, $35; other suitable for single per- son. $30. Piles( ItA 6-2420, D 3/1-21 3t THREE-BEDROOM home, newly re- decorated all tllroughout, $45 per month. Ready by Mai'eh 15. Water furnished. Phone HA 6-6016. L 3/6-15 FOR RENT ---Home -lth lots of pri- vacy, close to d'owntown, two bed- rooms, doublogarage, partially fur- nisht. Call 706 Cota after 6 p.m. B 3/1 tfn FOR RENT  Two bedroom unfur- nlsimd duplex, Nearly new, carport; Call afier 5;50 HA 6-6201. S 8/3 tfn FURNISHED COTTAGES -- Spacious grounds, utilities furnished. $20 per week and up. Mill Creek Motel. Ph. HA 6-44. 7/13 tin --''Oi" APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untilities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone ItA 6-2121' or HA 6-8177. FOR RENT -- One bedroom duplex l apartment partly furnished. Inquire l 1619 Adams St. S 9/15 tfnl FURNISIED APARTMENT -a'a'iiat)T6 WXT'EDV----Exi)-eriied - iiook-iiiid waitresses for new restaurant lit Lake. Cuslullan Resort, Write Hoods- port or phone TR 7-5388, 3/1 tin fled and with loving care. Call HA 6-2235, • _/'2_ ..!}Z1._ tfn WXTEiY-=-iJTe-5i;iG tires. OI Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tin care for your' children in lily some. Phone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tin TR--gEg-T'6)£DT-tiqinii6d:"-i¥iiiod- Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. HA 6-4823. 2/11] tin WLg DO IRONING in lny home, . per hour. Ptlone ItA 6-3262, P 4/14 tin Shelton and Olympia. Prefer Ma- son County. Some timber for wood, Phune'"HA 68154 after 5 p.m. • A 12/21 tfn WE BUY serap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Ce., First and Mill Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tin CHAIN SAW SItARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding, iNfow at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest, Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tfn lhtnk It can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-3098. 2/12 tin "N i N T E-D  fl6 l  } ;-6l } i ih i i h-ff-6 Vfi : i ; fi i i i -g by the hour. $1 I}t-T honr. Phone HA 6-3407. D 2/22 tin TO RENT -- Option to buy or buy equity, two-bedroonl furnished house --Phone Olympia FL 7-8660. L 3/8-22 12/4 tin Wb-MXiq--@XN-T-v¢0riK-ZVafiY-fffn-g MASON APARTMENTS by day or hour. Call HA 6-4378. NEW TWO-ROOM ;Parnished apart- V 3/8 tin ments. Linen. dishes and all utilit- ies furnished, ..Automatic laundry. ! REL-fkBLlg--f6e'fiii'g(-gfi;l-f'°}Tbaby-sit= $dl5' and $50 per iholnth, Also weekly I ter. Available Friday evenings, Sat- rates, Phone HA 6-8021, 111 East l urday and Sundays. Phone HA 6- Railroad. 1/5 tin ] ..'35.60_ ................................... W_ 3/8 tin SAW FILING, griuding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, I)hone HA 6- 2483. at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn CLEA one=bedroom fttrnishe-d h'o for rent. HA 6-4644. S 1/18 tfn G.-E--FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. . S 5/11 tfn OI-RENT------]Jii-sii-d-'e-Tbedr-o" downtown aparMnent. Call Vine( I{irnlie at WatO'front Realty. IIA 6-8535, ., tI 3/8 tin Classified -Service EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation, JInl Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ave. Phone HA 6-8231. 4/28 tin HOUSE TRAILER TOWING -- Any- where in, 8tat(, Robert Shumate, 2642 East State Ave.. Olympia. Ph. FL 7-5358, 2/22 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY• fireplaces, ehinmeys, planters, call R. E. Mason. HA 6-2278. 3/1 tin RELAX W'ITH MYOPRACTIC Ther- apy. Relief for those who suffer fronl nluscular, circulatory and ner- vous dlsordel:. For appointlnont call HA 6-4'278, Dorothy Barnett, mem- ber Myopractic Association of Am- exlca. B 2/6 3/8 FUI4NC CLEANING, repairl-in-= stallati6ns, oil conversions. Shelton Furnace Co,. 321 So. Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 tin ROOFING. blown rock wool insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. 6/20 tin ileuce near the Lower Skokomlsh Sollool. ,Call TrQjan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday. Sunday, and Wednesday. A. F. ppelt. 4/16 tin condltioned, reasouable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone HA 6-8082 day or night. 1/18 tin yen, and highly classified stres Dairy. beef and'.'charolais, $7.00. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, HA 6-2084. C 12/15. tin 6 iNiN G--irA iL-A-B L E -'t(}57-i6h-F Plan work. No Investment. No can- vassing, collecting or delivering. Write Faalily Fashk)n, Route 1, Box 41, Ehna, Washington. No experience necessary, C 2/22 3/29 USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBF_MEN'S MERC.NTILE -- 2nd Floor Eolis & Valloy Applianoo Oenior Your Wash0r-Dff0r Headquaders 3/8 tin Miscellaneous DANCE CLASSES every Wednesday, Memorial Hall. Balle4, tap, mouern jazz, and acrobatic. Margle Speck Dance School. Phone HA 6-2193. S 11/23 tfn EffbXsii"-S;iil-f/iii/iii K ntii) ;--JiTt;= erred Sbees. Full or part tim,'. High eomnltssions plus bontls. Complcte 11nc for nl{'ll and wonlen, Equil}nlent furnislled free. Write to W. J. The(s- son. Knapp Bros. Silo( Mfg. Corp., 6401 E. Flotilla Sir(el. Los Angel(8 22, California. 3/8-15 a • ...... "(Aiii}--0-F-AI ! ItECIATION .......... Tile kindness, sympathy and bh)od dens(lens of neighhors and frhmds In our rccenl sorrow will always r'cnlain with us as It Dre.cious nlenlory. Our sincere tlranks anff gratitude for all thbsc eonlfortlng acts. hit's. Edna (Jcnscn) Met(all and fanltly N O T 1 C E I am taking this Inesns to thank all the nurses for lilt, loVitlg cape they'all gave me whih; I was in the Shelter General imsllital, and also Dr, Frank for tile care hc gave hie while there, and God bless you all. _.__Mf±s. Catherine G. Johnson 3/8 N O T I C E ,,, OII and after this date. MaPc]l 5, 1962. I wllr not be r('sponsibh! for arly debts contracted under "SportsnMul's Itaven", oiher Ihan hy myself. F/'(da (2, Snyder 3/8 ------(iAIR-D--ii;-XPI'B],ICIATION .... The kiudnoss ld sy pat y of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always l'cntaill with us a8 tt precious tll{!llt {q'y. {)tit" slllc0re thanks and gl'tdilrlde for all those eoolforlhlg acts, th(' besuiiflll flowers aIld for the dinnor Pret)ared by lhc ladics (if the Middh! Skokolnish chln'ch. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Desk Mr. and Mrs, Richard Deak Mr. and Mrs. George Doak Mr. and Mrs, Frank Minor aud family Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stanley and family pets, Livestock m RABBIT FRYERS for sale. also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-3626. Mc 8/20 tin PEKINGESE PUPPIES ior sah'. A so davenport ill good c)ndition. Dit'k c, Arcadia Loop Road, second llousC on left. D 3/ HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tin WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 II i Drilling / I , HA 6-4245 / i or HA 6-2455 / SEPTIC TANKS " Drain fiifld, Digging, Scwer Mart Const. Co. Phone HA 6-3053 Rt 3, BOx 623 If no answer, Ph. HA. 6-6183 DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phonc HA 6-6364 Me _ring Anywhere ,n Mason County ---'-------W'V--" --------- ..... NO. 32.10 NOTICE OF ilEARING ON Felt I)ISTRIIIJTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH3NGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON Iu the Matter of the Estate of ALICE RICHERT,, Deceased. Netiee is hereby givcn that Norman Ltlck, as administrator of the estate of Alice Richert, de(cased, has filed witil thc Clerk of tiffs Court his final rel)ort and petition for distribution. re(itlosting ihc Court to settle said report, distribute the prol)erty to the persons th(,reto enlltled and io dis- charge said administrator; and that said report an(l l)ctitinn will be heard on the 23rd day of March, 1962, at 10:00 a,m. at tile court roonl of the probate dcl)artnlent (tf said court, at which tillle and place Shy l}erson ill- terestcd ill mild estate nlay appear and file objections thcreto s.nd con- i test the stone. DATED this 19th day of February 1962. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Court Attorney for Estate DON CARY SMITH 119  No. Capitol Way Olympia, Washington 2/22 3/1-8 3t CALL FOR BIllS Tile Directors, Nortl Mason Consoli- dated School District on February 12th 1962, authorized a call ft)r bid8 on a new 49 imssenger school bus. All bid- ders nnlst bid as per speeificatious as set down by the directors. Specifica- tions may be receh, ed by calling in person at the district office, or by writing lo the Clerk, North Mason Scho(,l Bosrd, Belfair, Washington, All bids nlust be returned sealed and ar- rive no later than eight P.M. March 291h, ]962. at which tinle they will be epeued. The directors, Nortll Mason Consolidated School District, reserves the right to rcfuse any and all bids. JOItN R. SISSON, Clerk North Mason School Board Bclfair, Washington 3/1-8-15-22 4t Real Estate H FOR SALE or LEASE -- 40 acres, ll()llse, creek, 8onle growing tinlber. Also two bedroonl honle, I)artly fur- nished. Suburban. Phone HA 6-4147. ........................ = ............. s___2/2_2__tfn_ TWO BEDROOM furnlshed llouse for sale. Utility room with washer and dry(r, garage, Near slopplng dist- rict, $4000. Phone HA 6-3510 eve- nings after 6:30 p.m. C 1/11 tin FOR SALE or RENT -- Hcuse down- town wilh garage, Adults preferred. Reference. Phonc HA 6-3218. B 3/1 tth FOR SALE or TRADE -- Acrcage, one stile from Sheltoa city limits, on black toil Approx. six acres. Phone HA 6-8484. 5 3/1 tfn THREE HIGHWAY LOTS on Moun- tain View for sale. or will trade for boat or dmnp truck. John Kneeiand phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tfn ARCADIA POINT six-room, nlodern ws|orfront home. Electric heat, dou- ble glass picture wtndows overh}ok- lng bay, Beautifully landscaped. Ce- ntent walk to beach. Must see to • al)prcciate. Plies( HA 6-6915. Le .3/1-15 OR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 wlt 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart streeE or phone HA 6-8150. N 7/23 fin HOUSES- Three-room, $3200, Five= room, $4200, 10% down, $50 per me. Near Dayton. HA 6-6837. B 5/25 t take 20' to 30' trailer house as part paynlent. Located on Mt. View. Ph. HA 6=4238. P 5/5 tfn Fiu s,i,--K Ulf i,iCE - i\\;vo= 68 iTdSi- -fill ft. crest hOllle, furnished or un[urn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores, Must ulovo. Will sell at real baygain, Phone HA 6-8549 afternoons or evenings. M 12/14 tin 6 ff-S-A-£5-----TVV;{j%Tir%Sb-Hiii7 Anglesidc. Fireplace, sliding glass door to covered, fenced patio. Gar- lge plus carport 60 x 100 ft. corner ot ( ) n )h t( 1 h ( a Oil 4365; I  'y ';ncBd. 1]ipe HA 6- • 2/22 tfu L-A-R-G-E--T---W- bedroom home. Dining ro(nn, basenlent fenced back yard. Plaster finish tilroughout. Excellent condition, Phone HA 6-4673. S 11/9 tfn FOI]k-'- House 6n 3 acres near Skokomish school. Contact A. F. OR- pelt on Wednesday or weekends.._ T R_ 7-5438. 10/b ff Journal Wani Ads Pay FOR SALE 2 bedroom house  Large family room  Lots of built- ms -- Wall-to-wall carpeting -- Electric Heat -- Large Patio  2 car garage  90' NOTICB TO MINING CLAIMANTS (Washington 04327) Published pursuant to section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367). To wllomever it moy concern: Notice is hereby given in pursuance of a proper Request for Publication heretofore filed in accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 19551 (69 Stat. 367), and "the regulations ! thereunder (43 CFR 185,123 - 185.1271. i 1. That on Novenlber 16, 1961, the Cilief, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, whose address is Wash- ington 25, D.C., filed in the Land Office of the Bureau of Land Manage- ment, Department of the Interior, at Spokane, Washington, a request for publication of notice to all mineral lo- caters or any persons claiming under them Involving a mining claim or claims located on lands in the County of Mason, State of Washington, de- scribed as follows, to-wit: Olympic National Forest, ' Mason County, Washington The Mason Area, 6-SR-9-II, includes all lands owned by the United States which are within the following de- scriptions. The unsurveyed sections listed are those which would probably i embrace the lands when the public land surveys are extended to such lands. Willamette Meridian T 22 N, It 6 W: Unsurveyed sec. 27. T 23 N, R 4 W: Sec. 91 partially un- surveyed secs. 3, 4. 7, and 8; and un- surveyed sees. 5 and 6. T 23 N, R  W: Sees. 14. 15, and 24; partially unsur- veyed sees. 9 to 12 incl., 23, and 25; and unsurveyed sec 1. 2. 3, 5 to 8 Incl.. 16 to 22 incl., and 26 to 85 Incl. T 23 N, R 6 W: (Unsurveyed) Sees. 1 to 4 incl., 6, 7. 11 to 14 incl., 17 to 20 incl. 22 23, 29, 30, and 31. T 24 N It 3'W:' Sec. 7; partiay TsrY sec. 5: and unsurveyed 'c. • R 4 W: secs. 5 to 8 incl., 11, and 13 to 65 incl.; and partially unsurveyed secs. 1 to 4 incl.) 9, 10, 12, and 36. T 24 N, It 5 ': (Unsurvoyed) Sees. 341" 2,35,3,and1036.t° 15 incl., 22 to 27 incl., I 2. That if any person claiming or as- setting under, or by virtue of, anY unpatented mining claim locates prior to July 23, 1955. any right, title, or interest ill the vegetative surface re- sources and otller surface resources, under such mining Claim, contrary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified in section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part thereof, shall fall to file in the Land Office of the Bur- eau of Land Management at Spokane, Washington, and within 150 day8 from the below-stated date of first publica- tion of this Notice, a verified stato- nmnt, properly notarized which shall set forth as to such mining claim: (1) The date of location; (2) The book and page of recorda- tion of the notice or certificate of lo- cation : (3) The section or sections of the public, land surveys which embrace such nlining claim, or if such lands are unsurveyed either the section or sections which would probably em- brace such mining clarm when the public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United States mineral nlonument ; (4) Whether such claimant is a lo- cater or purchaser under such loca- tion ; and (5) Tim nanm and address of such clainlant and names and addresses so fat' as known to tile ciainlazt of any other pe,'son or persons claiming any interest or interests in or under such unpatentod nlinlng claim;, such fail- ure shall be conchlsively deemed (i) to constitute a waiver and relinquish- men( by such mining claimant of any right, title, or interest under sucn nflning {:latin contrary to or ill con- flier witll tile limitations or restric- tions specified ill scclion 4 of the Act ef July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to unpatentod chtials located after that date, and (ill to constitute a consent bY sach nlining claimant that such unpatentcd mining claim shall be sub- jcct to said limitations and restric- tions, and (iii) to prechlde thereafter, prior tO issuance of patent, ally asser- tion by such mining clainlant of any right or title to or interest in or under such mining claim contrary to or in conflict with said limitations or re- strictions. Section 4 provides, general- ly, that Unpateuted nlining claims lo- cated after July 23, 1955 shall not bc used'nf°rccu purposes other than pros- p' g, mining, or processing opera- tlons, or uscs reasonably incident t11ereto; that such elainls will be sub- ject to the right of the United States  to manage and dispose of thc veget-'  atlve 8nrface re.sources thereof and to nlansgi other surface resources there- of:. and that except te the extent re- quired for nlining operations and uses rcasonaoly incident thereto or to pro- vide clearance for such operations or uses, claimants of such claims shall NOTICE OF GROUND WATER ItlGliT APPLICATION NO. 617(I sTATE OF WASttINGTON, OIeFICE (iF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES el unn • O  , Y is. TAKE N TICE: That AYOCK" LAND CO. of Taconla, Washington on February 13, 1962, filed applicatmn ,for permit to withdraw )ubl t giound Waiel I ' .'' . ';8 through a well situate(1 within Governnlent Lot 5 of S,!etiou. 3 Township '23 N., ILang(. 3 W. W.M.. lU Mason County, Ill the anloullt of 100 ga!lons pcr nlindte, subject to existing rgnts continuously, each year for the purpose of couununity domestic Real Estate not use or dispose of iR,'MT. VIEW other surface resources that, except for D purposes, any removal of 7 room home, like ance with sound manageumnt. Said )Oms, den, oak or vides that any living room, any such minifi utility with States, its permlttees or rugs, drapes and be such as not to end, tally interfere with carports, storage, mining, processing or Nothing like it for cident uses by the : The date of first p ancing with 10% Notice shall be Jan. Dated Jan. 3. 1962. W. F. MEEK Manager, Land PROU D" Land Maria RAMBLER the Interior It iarming 3 bed- NO. Like new. NOTICE TO CRI le fireplace. Con- IN THE SUPERIOR i and dining rooms. STATE OF 0rh e n, breakfast MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tile set-up. Large NET H J. WILEY. and lawns. No Wilda Louise Wl{ appliances, and qualified Admi: estate. All persons the $17,500 against said deceased serve the same in ified, on said attorney, Robert L. 'address below stated, same with the Clerk together with proof within six months first publication of this sanle will be barred. DATE of first 15, 1962. WILDA LOUISE Adnlinistratrix ' 1025 Franklin _ ': ShelteR, Washing40' ! ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorhey at Law 1251/., N. 5th Shclton, Washington. 2/iJ HILLCREST COR. AT $7,750 larger growing room, frnace, kitchen centers. Lots of and carports. ¥ $750 down, $65 !N'SlZE BEDROOM !Ule e0r NO. St60 ..#,j h,,!' :-UXUry" .... "eTr rol°t' safe for SIrMMONS BY l'UBb.' )a'b.. om home, 2 IN THE SUPERIOR CO = !ll.ns, 2 car attached STATE OF WASHI , ; ,n seen to be appre- MASON COUNTY " "' "" more than the $20, THEODORE Q. BAILIX., fl@' A r F. BARLEY, his wife, 2ff l!UdeP,Pr°xtmately $1,300 ANDERSEN and HEL n ,, ; ,oSlng COsts. FHA ANDERSEN, his wife, ': ..... C. C. IIAUPTLY and,_tn J' VOU CA, N AFFORD if deceased, the unknOW)l $500 DOWN C. HanptlT¢ arid Jane a iJ£ JOHN B.. 'EGGEMAN and.llll ,l|o."m 4 bed(ores one level. deceased the unkuown !l[l:"'adu :0 m, big bright R. Eggelnsn and Jane v'j.,:,¢6tU I • White steel DAN SHUHOLM andif ll-'' ters. SttUH()LM, his wife, l' Vnl Wood trash if 'deceased, the unk0",ltl y $500 down, $50 per Dan Shuhohn and Jane °*tl,' . " Price $6,500. and all o(her persons ,°,,[Ib.. known clsimlng any i,all2 ?"FOR SPACE? tate, lien or interest tate described in tile co ,'80W ROOM? in; THE STATE OIV wASIaN C. C. HAUPTLY and d l LY, hls wife, if living, a ( [,he unknown heirs of U,, aud lane Doe HanptWt EGGEMAN and JAN] _; MAN, his wife, if liviBl, ccased, the unknown B e' R. Eggeman and Jane u.j DAN SHUHOLM and "I SHUHOLM, his wlfc,' ttLa if de(eased, the unRll Daa Shuhohn add Jane /)i and all ether persons or ttl known elallnulg ally ]'lget'$1 1 t,n or nte'st in the rO11, scribed in the conlplain FENDANTS : You, and each of sulnlltoned lo appear days after the date lication of this in sixty (60) of February, above-entitled action Court aforesaid and plaint of the copy of your answer signed attorney his office below of yenr failure so to will be reudered agal: ing to the demands ill this action which wi(h the clerk of said The object of this title ill plsintlffs to 3a8Oll County, as: Lots 26 to 29 inclusi that part of Lots Blo(:k 49 lying nol road knowu as that part of Lots in said Rloek " of said MCReavy Lois 25 to 31 Block 49; all of 8ive, that part oJ chlsive lying sou Reavy Drive and 32 inclusive in to 8 lnchmive and chmive in Block Canal Land & Addition to Union Vohnne 1 of P,.latS, GETttER with all of vacated streets ing thereto by !"00--" and bath  nand 3 unfinished bed- h,4,£ no floor where our ,!+hPJaY to .their hrts "00 .u¢ uisturbin the V'^_Large drive-in- bas k- _ i, nom w " ,;.(}.501 a_ . Y ood furnace. ,:y*ij''2aun.dry trays, plug ",V.,.Y uu ShOWer. An e×- ,100 ,ue at $8,500. Yours OWn including closing "ED BAy VIEW DOWNTOWN home. Liv- Spacious kitchen. Part neighbors. view lo. lade trees. All $700 down. INCOME WITH OUTSIDE ENT. d apart- 5 rooms Onal living roperty re- Abundant A real home that war- Ssume exist- WATERFRONT M HOME RONT quality, 6 cation ; x 140 lot Mt. View. supply. • public roads, if allY. Ally objections must be accolnpan- Phone HA 6-8428 led bY t two dollar ($o001)o,.,.a ,. . • . ( v- ............. m against the ehl,hn ef " 2/1 tin foe an(l_ill'd wlth the State Super- and anY one. of visor of ws(er Resources within thirty GLENN E. CO Ulkhead, "7 7 i,---'-------- (30) days n'om March 8, 1962 Attorney for Witness I y hand and official seal Office & Post Office More than :: .. . ¢,r,, ..... Y' 96. B,ql Buildlng _ :i.lL and we can i this 16th day of Februal 1 o - State Supervlsor of Water Shelton, Washington ° _.I.$,A i "- , FOR SALE . . ,u. >-..; .... ,, 121 8outh F(urlh SlrOvL,:,U_ Resources. 3/1-8 gt o/29 /+51i. m IN ,COU..NTY =or . $5,00011 .qiinill}nAll unwic¢ "J>:"i,.Uti,a. room, ,arge 3-Beclt".oo.m home at Union being'[[ VVUVllUflil IllllllMIkl: S | s ..Ddw"',s= "Y, gara-e at^- remoaelea (not waterfront). ISlH j''H 'n;?l'g co On Y US8'000" . . . .6,o00 SMALL FARMS ... UIRGE, R ::' "r i'l,.;tracto 7 acres, 3 bedroom home, Cole Road ... .......... JliBl ,. W, BILL PEARSON s acres, 7 room home, Kamilche . ............. ...... ................ f,,'27 q0M[O RRONTI ...... , 125 N. 5th HA 8-081 15 acres, 5 clcar, race 2 bedroom home, corn letely f ,tide OF UNION r.eaoy to move in. S¢'cluded, yet CI0s;Pto oYr°{'f;l'&"', .al. _ . ------7------__ store:_ alt waterfront access .nea.rbr. ' Garg"';,'aC",>ou; 2f:$d 2re- oerrm 9, ares oi" Al0er . . . uostantial oown, $0:) " ,: '%h,, lann. u. oou- -- $10,500 - 2.'',:.tUarv°.".'!eent view. ON HOOD CANAL 33 Close to Hoodsport ._ 2 bedrooms, ii large flrcp.h}ce, phts electric heat, fullyl.urnmled inchlding freezer :(l lattboat with motor. $17: llood Canal Real Eshtte & Insurance Co. z or evenings ca,, --n "'75, TR 7-5277 APPLIANCES io h(,atc, Dynarlow. Good condi- tion. Phone ItA 6.8287. M 3/1-8 I - 8{qglor oil hes,t,cr .......... $50.00 powerglide trans,, radio heater. 4- 1 - Spa.Pk oil heater ............ $50,00 [ door. Vary good condition, $1200. Ph. I - Quak(T oil heat/dr .......... $50,00[ IIA 6-8635. T 3/1 tfn 1 - R, CA 30" deluxe range , -- -.  , . ,,c,.y .o,>d) ................ $12.0ol Sporting Goods 2 - 21" ZeniU 'l's .... each $95.00 i ' , "" .... ncr washer 4,=  [ FOR S, ALI ,-- Regulation po01 table, - xlt# w,a  , ' - ........ *pta, ) 11 Norge automatic wagller $75,88 [ good condition, I hone IIp %-/0.fn 1. Kenmore automatic I "h6X,,--,'-+c.'-,'.2. ......... " • -- -- I  at*, *'.'-*.'*xO,'*lkaAl,l, equip- %vai-iher . ........................... 17D.00 le,lt.a Walt's Marine upply, On 1 ironer $20 00 eautui Hooa canal. Phone Hoods- .........................¿ "85"0" pert "r 7.s244 1/19 trn 2 Refrigerators .  u B)-Ta .....  ...... : ................... " • i ii[ dew" -75"00 ' --  and 10 tt prams, $40-d 1 - wood tlcatt;r (  . ) ' . $60; 12 ft. flshernmn $80; runabouts 1- and 14 It,, immediate delivery. ,,,ir Tro.T,mUR E Any size O 6rdor. M, J. Hooker, INV¥ i' U£ll£& 1015 E, Dearborn, HA 6-8511. Bar- Din, tiA 6-6837. B 12/1t tfn 1,llEk FOILM C_IAIH;S all colors ........................... $9,00 CHROME CHAIRS .... each $12.50 red - grey - yellow - green wdues to $24.50 I - 5 piece chrome dinctte set .................... $65,00 2 - 5 piece large dinette s,Is ............................ each $95.00 OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 328 Cots St, HA 6-,1702 I ill[ I I I Boat Building Repairs Fiberglasslng • S(aswfft Marine 2316 Olyinpic Hwy. No. A 6-4662 01d fashioned quality Paperhanging and Painting EARL HERRING "'A Willie of a Pal}erhangcr" *it WH :]-173,, Olympia, 1./18 tfn , i i i J BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA 6-6441 3/27 tin J B.&H. Gravel & Paving Co. Grading, Asphalt Paving, Driveways Our 8pialty 14 years ha business HA 6-4888 tfn SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC T.ANKS 100-gal., 250-gal., 500ogal. 750-gel, Drahl Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGLG SERVICE Phone HA. 8-3660 8-18tin T T Always Ihe 5esi deal, by George! Eells & Valley 2nd & Cota St. HA 6.4663 3/2 tfn FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS OALL YOUR FRI61DAIRE DEAL[R Lumbermen's Mercaniile 00, 3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211 CASH pAID FOR Good, Clean, Usod Furnilure and Appliances. KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 --  WE CAN DISCUSS TER MI REAL 321 South First -" Shelton Ask John Devereux for full farm EVENINGS GALL -- HA 6-3500 |'6592 ANYTIME ' ESTATE NbtR" AT H 0