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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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areh 8, 1962 Estate :i;iL Estate not use or dispose of N F. R TRANSFERRED other surface resources " that. except for clearance= .." "&apos; ' purposes, any pel,mited . ttetl...' ' ,'en,oval of timber must" :,-i'; 7 room home, like anee with sound principleS' management. Said section t *C:: -. rOoms, den oak or ,,ides that any use of the °2"Versati e liv]n room any such mining claim bY.. = "ea:kitchen , utili g witl States, its permlttees or ltC be such as not to endanger tO|',":"2 t rugs, drapes and }ally interfere with th¢. ':t.teaCed carports,N storage, mining, processing or  }0 .p.' othing ke it for cident uses by the ininl,, ' :' mancin wl h v The date of first pubtl, rraged g "t 10/o Notice shall be Jan. 25, 1. Dated Jan. 3. 1962. , W. F. MEEK ce I Manager Land off i ,i .I'MIGHTY'PROUD ', Land 'Management, li: :" UTOM RAM BLER the Interior SpoRalaA NO• ':n Paths. Like new. NOTICE TO CR] .'J'.'. rune fireplace. Con- Y livirlg and dinin rooms IN THE SUPERIOR p k:  . g . STATE OF WA: 1lib- ' ch e n, breakfast ' MASON COUNTY -I ¥ room set un Ear e In the Matter of the ]st. 0t, " . g ... Iatio and lawns No NET.H J. WILEY. De.cea;i U , . " Wilda Louisc WHey  , tli matched app mnces, and qualified Administra2,11 lA'lllUded in the $17,500 estate. All persons no,, against said deceased are,'. . ", l;ernls. serve the same in duplicate' if led, on said Administl$. i}S H attorney. Robert L. SHY2; i pR ILLCREST COR. 'address below stated, ai i" ICED AT $7,750 same with the Clerk of:.., together with proof ef s witlfin six months after *: the larger growing first publication of this no ring-activity room, same wi 1 be barred. .-; DATE of first publlcati0P' ' furnace, kitchen 15, 1962. i : centers. Lots of WILDA LOUISE " ge and carports. Administratrix ¥ $750 down, $65 1025 Franklin _ ' Sholton, Washinfft0m ' ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125%, N. 5th Shelton, Washington. NO 8160 .,$ .UMMONS BY pUBLII m, TlZ SvPzmOr co STATE OF WASI4II I MASON COUNTY '_. dI THEODORE Q. BAILJ F. BARLEY, his wife,  ANDERSEN and HEL" ] ANDERSEN, his wife, ' vs. C. C, HAUPTLY and. HAUPTLY, his wife, i if deceased, the unknoWf C. Hanpth' add Jane # JOHN R. 'EGGEMAN an EGGEMAN, his wife, if.] deceased, the utxknown II R. Eggeman and Jane U, DAN SHUHOLM and.. SHUHOLM, his wife, if  deceased, tile nIIk', Dan Shuholm and and all olher persons known claiming any tate, lien or interest tato described in the in; _.d THE STATE OF WAS I'I-I'l LY. Ifls wife if living. C. the unknown heirs of ',' and Jane Doe HaupLIYh EGGEMAN and JANN Y: MAN. his wife. if livi': erased, the unknown e, R. Eggenmn and Jane u| DAN SHUHOLM andif-I SI-IUIffOLM. hi. wife. .:1 it; deccased, tile unkn0 j Dan Shubohn aD£1 Jane " and all other 1)e .solt: 0r t known claiuung ally r|gIl8 ', lien or interest in the '. scribed in the con)phtint  :i : BEDROOMS RAMBLER her lot, safe for ,Y 7 room home, 2 cns, 2 car attached =een to be appre- ore than the $20, )Proximately $1,300 closing costs. FHA U CAN AFFORD • $500 DOWN 4 bedroms one level. gem, big bright )ok. White steel ers. Wood trash 500 down, $50 per Price $6,500. 'OR SPACE? ROOM? )ur answer! Approx- re. 7 rooms and bath 'and 3 unfinished bed- nd floor where your Play to their hearts nout disturbing the Large drive-in base- nomy WOod furnace.. el, laundry trays, plus ? and shower. An ex- lue at $8,500. Yours Own including closing FENDANTS : TRUCTED BA You. and each of Y.°U i L0L-_ Y VIEW stanlllolled to al)l)eal" wltl},. " " TO DOWNTOWN days after the date of t, p. lh'ation of this suiHnlonS, tli r In sixty (60, days al'tc', !.WitheO0.l home. Liv- er F;bruary :1962 all , abovc-entitleci aeth;n i"'i O0n, t=epla.ce. Spacious Court aforesaid ,nd anS t. Nm.k=tchen. Part la .;u. c ose neighbors. plaint 'of the plaintiffS_l "-/ in] copy of YOUI" auswer UPVi /. s elevated view 1 signed attorney for tl[e i., --wn, 0- his office below siatea;.a l Y'$6aShade trees. All of your failure so to y PaYle't°u" $700 down will bit rendered agalnSh{¢ .. n_.. ing to. the demands of . I in lhis action which llf; wilh the clerk of said .c..i The object of this actl°5 liih. in "p] fintitfs to ro  • vw Masoa County, Washing , ibE INCOME WIT APT O" H -' UTSIDE ENT. as: '": ',';:e.f.urnlshed apart- Lots 26 to 29 inclusi' 111 : la"2' . T0p $50 5 Pnnm ,hat part Lots o00r,,t i:£:'- Bloc.k 49 lying north  ' ilet P perry re- road known as M, '$ h Is: are, Abundant that part of Lots 21 in said loek 49 l: i$, ;. 're, fl' A real home of said MCReavy D,' ,ti,' I 1". 1o 'ncome that war- Lois 25 to 31 incl i't$107 Investigation Block 49: all of Lot S!}   .... x aU sire. that part of Loj at. ' Assume exist- elusive lying seuther Yf, Ravy Drive and all o* inclusive in BloC€ ii WATERFRONT to 8 inchlsive slid Lo;S 1 ehmive in Block 55;  Canal Land & impr, I:tBAN HOME Addition to Union a., Vohlnle 1 Of .JatS, .P.."I 'ERFRONT GETHER with all Vl, of vacated streets an 2: ing .thn,eto bv reaSO v'i[ Pop quality, 6 cation : EXEPTIN( "Jl public roads if allY. ',:: !St in country [ng distance. against tit(', ehtim of tl''/il d°uble-glazed and any one of them. ,:: siveflreplace. GLENN s. CO$ Attorney for PI t 10W bUlkhead, s. More than Office & Post Office B,ql Building )0 and we can 121 ouih Fourth Shelton, Wa uhin iAN HOMES . : I I I . LARGE e, ol Road ............................ i Kamilche .................... ............... :# bedroom home, completely f'i Sdcluded, yet close to ore {i mt access nearby. Garde#; r . . . Substantial down, $55 n, "anch, good 8 room home, !il ' IN --' • , 1_ uOUNTY alu u rH STREAM :klte'hs= living re . ,€,,vUtili om large =V.'*',,S'n.. -of tY' gala g e, stor - ntkcX! t n" - Only $8,000. -",) "'hr :lC22tract at $50 iDA',= ,uu down dtO=' " OF UNION II: ms, Walk ar a. y ar tr- OUnd fire- i e' MUt-brook. Dou. :L :"stllae,.gnlficent view. ' ;°llvent'oat.Hood Canal. " al financing. 7 ICE WATERFRONT om farm home, trout, salmOl den. West end ................ --. i !11 l- CROSS fenced. Dairy ran¢li"t i:tapeesY,:[hore Highway. ipment, good buildings, IJr!i[;r:"e."aeh'Ustepdown 'on Z houses of limtted use ......... , I 'I', -kW.o adj.ark'like at-: NE CAN DISCUSS TERM$1I kLL ' all HArrison 6-6592 Any tl¢ [ I'IA 6 6 SLTON--MASON cOUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohrl, stmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington , ............ .. _ Legal Pumns Legal Pubheatmns Legal Pubheatmns Legal Publications ,m m, .  m,.,, NO. 3293 on the South Shore of Hood Canal, I):uik of said river to lhod Canal; NO *I3q8 I • -- • fi IF F [] _ • NOTICE ()l,' IIEARING FINAL which M}mnder Corner i, ec, pm,cat to Thc, nc, North,+ 'ly ant E,st-'y a ong NOTI('F T(i ("i[Fl)Vrt)n,q II__.- ....  IJL [._I__.. .... RI,iI'RT AND PETITION Section thirty (30) T,,wnship 22 North 1.Iool Cm t, {I i " nt i'" bog n- IN THE I]PI'II()H C'UIT (i'F TtIE IR I ===IF mR'IB _FOIl DINTIIIIIIITIO" Range 2 West W.M. and Seet i2ntw,'n- ning; . ST I,'" ()i/" W,\\;sI-iI,Qt:;i'()N F()I;¢! IIm IIII I I IIPIIIIIII IN THIq SUPERIOR COUILT OF TIlE iv-five {,25) TownsiHl) 22 Nomn, Hal|g'e all siluaiot] in the Cmuliy of Mas,m h[As(TN COI,N'rY ..... • I I I mm, mimi [] STATE OF WAStlINGTON FOR 3" W,'t W M " and Stai(, of W'lsllingt,n ' " • .... , " i' . m ! vn "11 "IB m uulIllll N 1.%() I,()ITlXTrt ......  " .. • ' , '. . , . In ill MaUe|  I lhe Lstale of ""Nt"Matt:"55" T ...... Thence South along line b(,tween yor ..urn purpose el tl)t immatmn IRENE L. ()VIST, l)o(:eas[:<l. I • • • . • . • • VlncenL "1". Connolly l]xecutor of " ' • 6 " .... )f s dd I str (,t s m L I)e ' n hwiv- ' u ' " " ' Lhc following olhn )laces nl the Cty of Shelton, Washm ton, a Gell- _ .......... . . Townslup 2. N Rang(! 3 W.W,,{. .; ..: ;..- . , All )r. )as ]lavln r t,hllolS a 'aillsl said • P g 1 . . g . .ald Estate, tla liled with said Court ............ , € to toe pumlc smoky, wehnre an(l c,m- do,,liled re ,.,,(gl,i,.o,1 i. ,.,,'vo lb,, eral clcctmn wull be held for the electron of officers of the City of Shel- his final report and petition for dis- . T n, ence .,weit a=!mg..?outa..l}e o. v(nience and ",viii hr. a Iwnc, fil to the s.:z.( '_ ; .... " ." " .-, " '.;, 5 .... tribntion, asking' the COUI't to settle eC'll011S ;it) .O anti 3,1 In st nl town- 1)1'o*)o1'{" iIlviudt (i tlierP n We fl. €1 ,ltlll  ill till Hicato, Ul.lly '.,el'|ll :}l, un ] LOll as fo lows said report distribute the mnertv ship to S tnthwesl c "n'ne ' f S (t ( n ,', *n* .; h " m .e *i. * , ,:l. said A(h in istrat,,r o,' I is to 'hey ' ' • ''- " " 3:1' - . ' Rolmt L S,de at ilw (d'('s: )e- to the pe,sons, tbeleto entitled and , ]lerPlilbefol'e (]eS(!l.lbe(i is qthllt t| e [ w l t{,] i'n ' o t e u. , xt, Mayor and Commissioner of Public Safety 4 year term to d scharge said Exe(utor Said re- Then ,e Soutll along East line of limits ( f any iIl(*oF mI' t, d Cilv )l' "-- 4 ............ ; ....... 7 ............. '"  " "' ............. " ( i io • "  . . . . , . .... - the Cl,)k (if s:l]d (,our t,)get 'r W porL and p.t t n will be heard on the Sect.ran ,l, 'Iownslup 21 N, Range 3 W. Town whatso(,ver aud that tlw put- pr[.,f (,f st 'h s( .... (.e w thin n x f "" ...... e "; ..... m ^ ....... +;.. A ...... +.. 23rd day of March 1969 at 10 a Ill W M to South  st c'(, 'no' of todd t)osos of s'tid ditrivL sh ]1 inch de ( lths Vft' h, ",,,;, ,: ) s* )ut')li" I."ount, Cou, tl;o'us'ea'aatU]:/tolt tl',:nnc: West ,along Sm,th line of [I',:: I!:/t':'l,Itt:l::d']If,)'a;,dll,z;l, Sty[ md ,:t,;}::,,:.:!dtn. not,(, .,t,, sam, di Connnissioner of Streets & Public Improvements .... 4 year term The polls at such election will be opened from 8:00 o'clock A.M. until 8:00 P.M., located qs follows: Prccincts 1, 6, 10 ............................................................... City Hall 2nd & Franklin Precincts 2, 3 ................................................................. Courthouse 4th & Pine Precincts 5, 7, 8, 12 ................................................. P.U.D. Building 307 Cota Street Precincts 11 & 14 ............................................ Rex Floor Covering 1723 Olympic Highway, North Precincts 4, 9, 13 ................... : ............................ Bordeaux School Feint & University All qualified electors who shall be inside of the polling places at 8:00 o'clock P.M. shall be allowed to cast their ballots. Following are the names of candidates, addresses and position for which they have filed: MAYOR & COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY Earl H. Moore, 119 East Cedar Street Frank A Travis, Jr., 502 Laurel Street COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE & ACCOUNTING David T. Kneeland, 611 Cedar Street A. S. "SLeve" Viger, 822 Cota Street COMMISSIONER OF STREETS & PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS W. F. McCann, 818 Pine Street Eh'oy Nelson, 1216 Tobin Street DATED THIS 8th DAY OF MARCH, 1962 ALN[A K. CATTO City Clerk i APPROXIMATEEY n/2 ACRE IN TOWN Ideal for family with man in trucking or logging business• Has a huge 36 x 46 shop on back of property. Can be at hdme while working on equipment during lay of Is or break-downs. Has comfortable 2 o1' 3 BR home with full basement. More than you would ever expect for $10,500.00. NEAT TWO BEDROOM HOME NEAR CITV CENTER Sur- rounding trees give this ideal "first home" the wonderful privacy of peaceful country living. The interior of the house is con- veniently designed for foot saving housekeeping. The good sized living room is friendly and cozy. A generous space for eatihg is the important feature of the sunny kitchen• No need for two cars when living in this home for it's only two blocks from Tradewell. Why not inspect this  one today? Selling for less than $6,500.00• TIRED OF "JUST LOOKING"? This beauty will end your worries. The kitchen with built-in dishwasher, stove and oven makes slaving over a hot stove fun. The spacious dining room ovelooks a Texas-sized back yard, 3 substantial BRs adjacent to colored fixtured bath. Owners equity $1,900.00. Take over the easy payment loan on this $16,500.00 home owner's dream. Think carefully but act fast. , NEED A LARGER HOME? Look at this larger 3 BR home in the downtown area. The spacious living and dining room are just right for every day living or that special entertaining you may like to do. This home is within easy walking distance to the schools and stores. Reasonably priced at only $7,950.00. Owner would consider trade for 2 BR home near Bordeaux. 4 BR HOME WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT This home, spe- cially designed for a growing family, has a large recreation room with fireplace. View of the Bay may be seen from the living room which also has its own fireplace. This ten room home has 3 BRs up and one down plus two baths. The grounds have been nicely landscaped and a :play area added adjacent to the double carport. $17,760.00. NICE HOME FOR HANDYMAN Near schools and stores, large yacht, 2 BRs, master BR next to bath, living room has lovely fire- place. Recently redecorated kitchen and dining room. Also gar- age, utility, woodshed could be made into workshop. $6,500.00, $500.00 down payment. NEW HOME on extra large lot near .Mt. View Sehool, 7 rooms in all which consist of 3 BRs, large.hYing, room, unique angular kitchen and dining room, and utihty.wreci .and plumbed for washer and dryer, plus bath and one-ait, aouole garage which is plastered as is the complete house. vtany otner extras that make this house a home. Will F.H.A. $18,500.00. LARGE FAMILY HOME clbse o school artd shopping area. Has 3 BRs, possible 4. Bath and , l%r3gegarage and workhop. Modestly priced with extra corner tot  ,ouo.uu. RENTALS: 2 BRs. LaBISSONIER_E AGENCY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE " I-IA 6-4666 Evenings Call H " 6 3132 AI LaBissonlere, HA 6 8649 Sylvia Carry, A - ' - Harry (Bob) Wiles, HA 6-B926 Vivian Nlnemlre, HA 6--8806 Washington. DATED THIS 19th day of February, 1962. HARRY DEYETTE. Cle, rk of the Superior Court by: Teckht Vermillion, Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125/.. North 5th Slelton, Washington. 2/22 3/1-8-15 4t NOTICE OF IIEARING ON PETITION FOR PROPOSED FIRE I'ROTECTION DISTRICT TO THE HONORAELE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MA- SON COUNTY, WASHING-TON: PE- TITION. We. the undersigned, being quali- fied electors (registerea voters) of Union Precinct, County of Mason, State of Washing'tpn, do hereby pe- tition the Honorame loaru of Co.unty Commissioners el the County of Ma- son to permit the formation of a Fire Protection District lm the same is de- fined in }he Laws of the State of Washington (RCW Title 52) withi . . . , , n the following described area to-Wit: ! :BEGINNING at the Meander Corner! Exceptional Buys JUST THE PLACE FOR YOU Fine waterfront home located close in on 88 ft. tract. Has 2 bed. rooms, dining room, and conveni- ent kitchen includes range and re- frigerator. Laundry facilities are in garage which is attached by walkway. An excellent buy at $14, 000• See it today. MORE THAN YOU EXPECT F 0 R $13,000 Well-built two bedroom home on Mt. View, fingerprint-free, ready to move in. Plastered throughout, cedar lined closets. Double garage. LOVED BUT OUTGROWN First time listed for this down- town 2 bedroom home. Located close to schools, stores, Church, award-winning yard. Nice neigh- borhood. Priced for only $8,750. YOUR FIRST HOUSE Compact 2 bedroom home on Angles}de. A home to please your budget for $4,950. IF YOU HAVE $350, YOU CAN BUY THIS Four bedroom house, modern kitchen with dining area, electric heat, partially furnished. No wa- ter rent or sewer charge. Won- derful buy for reliable party. Priced for $4,350. THE BUY OF THE CENTURY This is the home evelT agency dreams of listing, and we have it. 4 large bedrooms, one down and 2 upstairs 1/. baths. Massive living r o o m with FIREPLACE. Dining room with built-in glass door china closets, sunny kitchen large utility room -- lots of storage space, walk-in closets in bedrooms. Easy to heat  won- derful traffic pattern. Large, full basement and many more features which you would have to see to ap- preciate. All this for $13,000. OWNER HAS BAGS PACKED Transferred to another city so must sell. Four bedrooms -- large living and dining room -- stone's throw from stores -- church and school. Well built older home. Wood furnace -- full basement Priced for $8,700. HOME ON HILLCREST 2 bedroom -- all plastered throughout  double •garage fenced in yard with swing set. Priced at $10,500. "AND THEN THERE WERE TWINS" Never thought about a bigger home, but now this well designed 2 bedroom home is too small. Din- ing room -- electric heat  all plastered -- well kept yard. Priced for $9,500. ANGLE AGENOY Real Estate Insurance HERB DICK HA 6-8272 PREFERRED PROPERTIF00 C NO MORE SNOW So why not hurry ,to see this spic and span 2 bedroom home. You will love :t he spacious interior and the well kept grounds. It has a full basement with a bran d new furnace. Easy contract terms at only $7,500.00. , ON ANGLESlDE One of the best buys in a long time. Have you been looking for a home with 200' OF WATERFRONT With a very roomy 2 bd- room home on 1:1 acres, This home has a good fireplace in 'the large living-dining area, loads of cabinets in the kitchen. The price is only $8,750.00 on easy terms. • j SUBURBAN SPECIAL A good house that could be even better With just a few fiuishing touches. Located close in -- Three bedrooms SEE THIS NOW See .this trim Mt. View home on a fenced corner lot today. It has.a step saving floor plan with three bed- rooms, wife saver kitchen, and attached garage (for fu- ture family room). Also it is well insulated and has hardwood •floors. You will like the house, the price, and the terms. A good buy at ree lar e bedrooms, TOO th • g -- *-..o full -- good Well  large ar $11,900.00. much storage room,  age  - " lot, Plus  small acreage -- just • " This small three bedroom of course. '  lo ,--p, This charmin, three bed- home is cated a few min- .I LET'S TALK SW • room cotta e s .... me 15 n, ^ • g is located on utes from downtown on sev- If you neea a larger n-, :, . :- u *ow bank frontage era1 acres of land -- 4 big bedrooms,.. mc w*n an excellent beach for =,,a can loaded wit h caDmes a.n..u., swimming and boatin fun. be purchased With anv rea- ers- deep,carpeted hv The hOuse is fully furnish- sonable offer and terms count , ce e ...... ing' room with cozy flrepla'de edL t°o, With contract fi- Owner .had been asking $2, we can a t,uln l; n call us today as _ . g available This is a 950, bu w a will you av thi nronerty for your s mal brans new listin, so call to- Sure, it needs work, but let's er lme', paid for or not: ay. " go and look today. VINCE HIMLIE 7 :AILiO#k-AVE. MARDEN STROU:D HA 6,6501 A 6-8535 ANYTIME HA 6,-4000 / Section 4 and SecLion 5 to Southwest corner of SecLion 5 Ill said Township and Range ; Thence South, along East line of Section 7, Township 21 N, Range 3 W. W,M. to Southeast corner of the Northelmt quarter of the Southeast quarter (NEU, of SE{) of Section 7, Township 21 N, Range 3 W.W.M.; Thence West to tTe Southwest cor- iner of the Northeast quarter of the i Soutbeast quarter ,NE:i ,if SE,W,) of Section ]2, Townshilt 21 N, Range ,t W.W,M,; Thence South along the East line of the Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter (SW'I of SE) to tile Southeast cornm" of said Southwest quarter of the Southeast quartcr (SW. .} of SE.) of said Seetloni2; Thence West, ahmg-South line of said Section 12 to tha East bank of the Skokomish River; Thedce Northerly along the East For the i)url)oSes hertqn stated We do ]lol'eaft¢,r mq OUI' sil4nalul'(:s, (End of Patition, folh)w('(l })3' 61 sigaa- tures) NOTICE is hereby given tllat a hear- ing will b(, h(,ld ou said above Petition I)y tlle said I]oal'd of Couuty Colun|is- stoners of Mason Cotulty. ill th( Of- fice of the loar(l in ihe Court House in Shelton, Washington, on the 19tb day of March, 1962, at 2:00 o'clock P.M.. at ,hl('.tl tinle any p(!l'son so de- sirinK nlay appear and be heard for or against the gralltin of said I'e- tition. DATED TtIIS 19th day of lehruary, 1962. Board of County Con,missioners of Mason Cotlnty, Washing|on By C; NOLAN MASON, Clerk of the Board. (RCW 52.(H.050) 3/1-8-15 3t i i i i ii i • HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES Herb Rotter, Broker Waiter George, Associate Broker Office  HA 6-6642 Evenings  HA 6-3530 $2,750 FOR THIS HOME five blocks from center of town. Easy terms. 4 ROOMS, 2 BEDROOMS, GARAGE, lot 60 x 120. Excellent location, near shopping center and schools• $4000 with $350 down. A REAL MONEY MAKER -- 5 apartment unit, gross $3,300 per year. 90% occupied since 1947. Near schools and shopping center. Landscaped grounds. Full price $32,500. Can be purchased ou easy terms. 3 RENTAL UNITS, grossing $1320 per year. Full price $10, 500. Terms. A STEAL ON SLT WATER FRONTAGE $40 per ft. in- cludes tidelands, good building spots. We have just 100 ft. that can be sold on terms. FOR OUTDOOR LIVING IN TOWN you can't beat this one. Large patio with outdoor fireplace. Extra large lot. 2 bedrooms. Illness forces this sale -- $6,250• MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY this 2-bedroom home. Full base- ment, furnace, garage in basement. Double lot gives ample room for children's play area. Full price $5,500. NICE 4-ROOM HOUSE with gas stove, water heater and re- frigerator. Large lot --- plenty of room for a garden. Price $3,350.OO. 4 LOTS WITH A 3 BEDROOM HOME, GARAGE. You can move in this place with a small down payment. Price $6,000.00. • 36 'ACRES WITH 4,ROOM HOUSE -- 2 bedrooms, bath. This is a good buy at $10,000.00. Terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME, bath, 175 ft. of waterfront on Hammers- ley Inlet wth tidelands. 500 ft. of uplands. All for $9,250.00. Terms. 210 FT. OF WATERFRONT on Pickering Passage with tide- -lands. 5-room'housd -- 3 bedrooms, .fireplace, ample water for large garden. Price $14,750.00. Terms. 138 FT. OF WATERFRONT on Lake Isabella. 2-bedroom home, bath, fireplace, electric heat, basement with fur- nace. Price $10,000.00. Terms• 90 FT. ON ISLAND .LAKE 600 ft. deepl 3-bedroom home. Gas furnace. This house needs some finish work. Ex- cellent buy at $12,500.00. Easy terms. 150 FT. OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY ON ISLAND LAKE. Well wooded with native trees. This is a beautiful home site. WE HAVE A GOOD CHOICE IN RESORTS FOR SALE. This is a real Opportunity to cash in on Century 21. Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North 1st Street Union TW 8-2429 I , II m SOME EXCELLENT BUYS WAT • ERFRONT HOME  CLOSE TO TOWN ... We have just listed a comfortable 3 bedroom home. Only 1 miles.from town on the Bay. Its many features include fireplace, all electric conveniences, butter-clams on the nice beach, garage, and lots of flowers in the yard. The price is only $12,000. Take advantage of this offer today! FOR THOSE ,WHO,ENJOY THE FINER THINGS . , . Two lovely fireplaces, two baths with showers and tubs, space for several cars, large kennels, picture perfect landscap- ing, are only a few of the distinctive features of this elegant con- temporary home, which offers the ultimate in gracious ,living call ns for an appointment now, to see one of Shelton s finest homes. FHA APPROVED -- IT MUST BE GOODI . . • You can own this well-built and handsomely kept 4 bedroom home for only $475.00 down and $59,00 a month. Includes insur- ance and taxes too! Large fenced yard, attached garage, a half block from schools, makes this a choice home for the growing family• Only $7650.00. Can't last long! HOW MANY TIMES HVE YOU 8AID ... I sure would 1Lke some good Canal property! We now have one of the finest loations and homes on the south shore. This 'home features sleeping room for eight, with three baths, (ideal guest quarters during the Fair) to say noth- ing of the lovely beachfront. And fully furnished too! This is the one you were talking about --- See it hOWl RENT PROBLEMS? . .. We are now offering two modest homes that can be yours with no money down and only rent to pay -- you may be sur- prised at hoW fast you,too, can become a homeowner. Solve those rent problems this week with only $35.00 to $45.00 a month. MOVE ONE MORE TIME--TO YOUR OWN HOMEI . . • Act quicklythe owner will assist in financing, .so take ad- vantage of this dandy two-bedroom home on a super large lot, in a nice district. Its compact design is just right for the young fa- mily. The price is $5950.00 with $450.00 down and $50 a month. Will also fit the family budget. Just what you have waited fell DOES "YOUR FAMILY 'NEED A LARGE HOME? . .. It has just what you want--four large bedrooms with room for a fifth. Lovely fireplace, large basement with inside garage. A lot of house for the low, lowpricc of $8500.00, 10 percent down and move in. Owner will consider trade for a smaller home. Let us tell you more about this one. DO YOU WANT TO BELL OR RENT? OUR MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BHOULD BE MOST HELPFUL. GIVE US A CALL. Evenings Call MARV VOSB  HA 6,B074 , ROY :DUNN  HA 6-4601 A. ROY REALTOR DATE (,1: first publication: March 1, 1962. GIIF, ERT V. ()V1ST, A(Iminist rater Route 2. Rex 120 . Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Atiorney at I,aw 125, N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 3/1-8-]5-22 4t NO. 3339 NOTICI: TO CRI':DITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ANNA NELSON Deceased. V rKinia, A. Charrhq' is the appoinied and qualified Executrix ¢)f said es- tale, All persons hiving claims against said d(!eetlsed are require(l to serve t}le aanle in duplicate, duly verified, On maid Executrix or her attorney, Rob- ert L, Snyder at the address beh)w stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the saluc will be barred. DATE of first pubiieation: March 1, 1962. VIRGINIA A. CI'tARRIER 522 Dearborn Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law NO. 33.1e NOTICE TO CR.I,,'DITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COIIRT OF TIIE STATE (:)l WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tile Estate of LAW- RENCE L, COREY, De, ceased. Ruby Jam; Corey iS the appointed and qualified Adminitrairix of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceamd are reqtlh.ed to serve the same in duplicate duly verified, on said A,dministratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snydel • at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service. within six nnmths ariel the date of first 1)ublieation (,f this n¢,tice, (,r the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: March 1, 1962. RLTBy JANE COREY Star Route 1. Box 2(}2 Shell on, Washington Page 1'7 i HI.| Grader Bids Podponed For Indefinite Period A Cleci,sion on the bids ])rescnt,d to supply the ci*y witl 't new ]'olt(l gTadel' has been t:osLponed by Shelton CiLy Conm issioners ilntil 't lor( ihorollgh s udy can bc nm, dc of the situation. The length of the delav is indefi- nite but wns estimated t[i be either' one or tAV() \\;VCe](s. A decision on the bids presented to supply the city with ,u new roa(l gTader has been postponed Comnlissioners llntil "l, l/IOl'(' ihOFOllgil sl, lldy ('l|n Tile (:omlnissioners said a good deal of difference separates tile low bid from the high one and they feel tile delay is neccssn.ry to acquire the best contract for the city. , i , Legal Publications NO. 3298 NO!rlCI,: OF IIEAIIIN(I I,'[NAL III;Pl)IIT AND I'I,;TITION IrOll IIITIIIIII!TII)N IN TItE SUPERIOR COUtT OV THIq STATE Oti' WASHINGT()N ]PO'i MASON COUNTY In tilt' Maitvr ,ff the Estate of TIfOMAS NEW]:;I{O, Dee,,ast,(l. Dell D. W,,astad, I!:x,,cutrix of said Estatm has file(l with said C.m.t lwr final report and pelitlon for dlslril)u- tion, asking ihe Couri to s.ttle ssid relmrt, dislribute the property to the I)ersoos i]l[!l'eto entitled and t,:, dl,.- ch a 1'14"(! said Exccut fix. Said report and petition will be })oard on the 6ih day of April, J962, at 10 A.M. in lira Courtl'ot)la of said Ctln-(. in the Coun- ty Courthouse at .SIwlton, Was]ling- ton. DATED THIS 1st day of Mav('ll, ](.)62, HARRY DEYETTE Ch'rk of lbe Supex'it)r Court 1)y: Te(kla Vernlilli n, Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. ,.NYDER 125 N,)rth 5tb Shelion. Waslfington. 3/-15-22-29 4t ........... Ilnnl The JOURNAL MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 1].:00, A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m: Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. ROBER.TAttorney at:L'LawSNYDER Prayer I-hint (Wed.) 7:30 p,m. 125 N'. 5th Eugene Breid, Pastor Shelton, Washington, 3/1-8-15-22 4t P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota i SUNDAY, MARCH 11 9:30 a.m. Forum: "Marriage. Requires,,  AdJustments  10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "God's Rules For Liwng"  ':: FIRST 00BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, MARCH 11 "9:45"a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. "Things Only God Can Do" 7:00 p.m. Film: "The Transfiguration', "Something Beyond Description" i i You Are Welcome At The Friendly S,HELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pastor Sunday School ............ Classics For All ............ 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 A,M. Christ's Ambassadors ............................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Sm'vice ............................................ 7:00 P.M. Listen to "REVlVALTIME"  KDGN Sunday, 3:30 P.M, n, ST. DAVID'S EPIScOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. Holy Communion 9:80 A.M. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School . ...... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a;m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. .Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at ll:00 Se,¢ice FAITH LUTHERAN OHUROH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church  N't'l Lutheran Ccouncil " THE METHODIST OHUROH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RING. Minister Church School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. I Nil I I III Ill I - " FT" RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SOIENTIST $02 Alder St., 8helton, Wash. Sunday School 9.:30 .m. Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Moo. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. ATTEND THE OHURGH OF YOUR OHOIOE SUNDAY i nn i n Jt :l i 1 /i ; ,i}