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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 18 iiii ii i i GRAPEVIEW'S 'BANANA BELT' BURIED UNDER SNOW BLANKET GR, APEVIEW .... Grapeview yfmngst,ers shricked with dcligbt and the growmlp: groaned with apprehension upon awakening last Wednesday morning to find tile "Banana BelL" eonlpletely trans- termed by a t)lanket of snow. Be- tor'e evening abotlt, six inches had fallen with more to come ill the next couple of days, enough to as- 8tlre .t three-day snoxA" vacation for the school claildren. Naturally en- ollgh) all availaige sleds ' were pre.ssed into service and ()no of ltlO hllsiesl ,qpots Ill f)tll' conlnltln- )y was the lane on the bill lead- inR up to Lhe school house. One of tile next busiest spots was the Dean cooR Jr.. residence, where the children were treated to hot ehoeol'-ttc and doughnuts after sledding was over. Those of us whose nleans of t rallsportalion w fib snow-bolmd eheerfully resorted t.o hiking to desired destinstionv or stayed at lmmc midst racks of drying raft- lens, sweaters, cle., and let tile younger set dominate the lime- light. Thougbtfullv playing the good samaritan, Bill Sonlers pressed the St. Charles YVincry jeep into ae- tmn, cheering on the welfare, of those wlo nlight posffbly be snow- bonnd and breaking trail tllrough snow-choked lanes SEVI,RAi. iIAi*DY souls soh, ed tile transportation problem with- ore. the benefit of elaains by eruis- illg about on our locd waterways in the attractive inboard craft, the King Oscar, letting the snow ill] wtere it may. To ore' knowledge only I WO nits- baps were caused as a direct re- Sldt of the surprise snowfall. Mrs. Clare (Mary Lou) Peters slipped while, walking in the snow and suffered a mild concussion. For- tunately, she affected a rapid re- covery. The other ac, eident oe- etlrrod la'riday ewmh;tg when yourtg Joel Zehe suffered a facial lac- eration when he WaS sl.l'llel¢ by tile runner of a sled while coasting down the sehoot hOUSe hill. Fonr ,,;t.ilelles slteeessfully corrected the rcsull,q of this collision and Joel ;tetnrne, d Io school Monday, almost g*-% 'OOd as nev, At any rate, this t,urn in the weather shollld convince all the skeptics who scoffed this year al the grollnd hog Who, nllOll seeing attractive c.ake baked by the hos- tess was served before the guests departed for home. Judy's forth- conling rnarriage to Art Barrett of Lakewood has been set for the 23rd of this month. The Clen) }.lolls welcomed home this weekend, Clenl's aunt, Mrs. Charles Long, who had been spen- ding several weeks at. the home of her brother in Portland offer- ing her help while there was ill- ness in the family. I.)ue to the incle)]mnt weather the 4-H rally scheduled for last Saturday has been postponed tmtil this Saturday. The rlly is to be held at the Mountain View school in Shelton, The Fair ]Harbor Grange was also forced to postpone their reg- ular meeting until Thursday, March 15. If, ECENT VALICNTINIC greet- ings sent to local property owners by the Counly Trcamlrer have brought cries of anguish from many of ore" citizens. Residents nf tile Grapevicw School District may be relieved to know that 21.44 mills (34.454, if your tax ende Is "Q") is tile special school building fund levy for this year only which was dccisivcly passed by our voters on Septemt)er 12, 1961. A detailed breakdown of levies for tax Code "Q" (property lying in Grapeview School Distriel, Grope- view Fire District and Grapewew Port Districtl, is Ill:ted below: TAX DE'I'AIL Levy For: Mills: State f Welfare D .................... 3.35 Co;linty Current Expense .... 6.80 Intercounly Health ............ 0.55 T.B. Hospital ..................... 0.60 Soldiers' Relief ...................... 0.05 Library District .................... 2.00 Road District ...................... 8.30 Grapeview Port District .... 2.00 Fire District 3 ...................... 3.21 School (Generall ............... 8,40 School {Non-Hil ............... 5,60 CIIool Btlilding Ftnl(I ......... 21,44 Total ICode "Q") ......... 62.30 'FAX 8IIMMAICY Mill: Total General Lev/os ........ 2J.65 Grapeview Poll District .. 2.00 Fire L)istrict ;I ................... 3.21 Total School Levies ............ 35.44 Total (Code "Q") ........ 62,30 bi: shadow on the fa.Leful day, Yol|r tax in dolhlrs is obtained prognost.ic,tecl six rnore weeks of by multiplying the total levy in winter. He re'ally llshered in tlnills by yollr assessed vahlation. M::lreh ;is lhe lion ral]ler than the l,'or exaInpie, a total tax levy of lanlb! Local weallWA-Ma.n "Waiter 112.30 nlills and ; vtllla|.ion of EeRert gve the official mlowfall cm lhe northern (rid of Stretch Island as seven in('.hes while land rv,ddenls all(] those in the Benson Lake area reported depths ;ts milch as 12 inctn,'s. 11¥' SATI/RDAI' lhe weather (:(ndltion8 Ilad nlellowed sllffic- lenity to pet'lllit ITllDit. of 118 to eonu ttnd go a.t. will with a. mini- llnlln of difficulty. Tim Howal'(l ,Olll{,rs aJl(l SoD l)onald took ad- va| ot7 the let-up to l.ake ill tile P.I. t't011e. Sllow held ill Se- attle (m Pier 91. i|s fOl'l/ltH' ]()- cation at IJle AlTllOry ha\\;rillg I)e- come a psi'l: (If tile Centllry 21 fa h'grou nds. A tom of t.hcse grollllrls fotlowed their inspection of t.hi, year's latet, in honles, They also paad a brief visit t(i )towarti's lnother. Mrs. Cilrh?.s Stmlers. who was confined to her Ma,gnalia Bluff home with a res- pirttory infection and laryngitis. Friends and relatives of Miss Judy Johnson galllered at. the home of Mrt; Vel) Ethcrlon Sat- llrdsy 8Jterfloon. lll(i ocesstt)n be- ing a Idh:ben stlower to help fur- rlil bet flltllrc bonle, l;tOl, only with useful items, blll also with lbeiF ,val'nlesl bell wishes. Present for the happy gathering were Mrs. Fred Lutz, Mrs. Al Ok- onek, Mrs, Susie yrja.ia (Judy's grtmdmother), Mrs. Ben Board- msn arid Panlel& (Jlldy' all;tit and collsin t, M.r,4. H. P, Hill, I13 aJld Mrs. Bllrt Benson, Mrs. Les Ri('c. Misses Joann(, and /#3T/le Sll?ve;ts and. of eollrse. |}le br}dc-to.,be's motlur, Mrs. E. J. Johnm, Tl| GIIOUP enjoyed playing 8evet] entertaining games 'vil.II Joa.m. Stevens enlerg'ing wilh the lop |r|zos and Pare Boardman ta- long home the "booby" prize, lee cl'eLni lind 1 most delicious and $1000.00 would ro:mlt m $62.30 tax, where-.s a v;thm, m,i of $10,000 with Ihe salno h'vy, \\;V.lht result in $623.00. You ran determine the eallSt5 of yotll" t/4x InCl'ease by com- paring y(mr 1961 tax statement witb your 1962 tax statement to see if your vahlation was in- creased. Your 1961 assessed val- uation on which 1962 t.axes were (:ulculated 81'lo|lld have been abou 20.; (1/51 of the Irate nlnrl{et Va]lle of your proporly Otl Janlla.ry 1. 196L State la.w authorizes the Collnty Assess()l" lO assess property at 505/¢ (I/2) of its true market value and reqlnres a. re-a ssessnlent at ]east once every fern' years. 4-H Ne ws Ivy Climbers 'rhc Ineeting wa, s called It) .r- ¢.101' by the president, Darrell C, wh. ran. The flag salute was led by Bey Saeger and the 4..H Pledge by Ron Cochran. Shirley Williams told abolIL the 4-H Horenlanslfip meeting at the honm of Kay I,oerchtcr. Kay read the nlinutes of the ]asL meeting. New and old busi;tess was dis- cussed, Everyone plans to attend rally da,y. This meeting waa held in lhe lmme of Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. WiN liams. Lost ,Ve are ha.ppy to have aN visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney and mort. Mike. Mr, Carney iN a Ilexv 4-H leader in tile Island Lake district. r(:porlers. Shh'ley William8 and Bey Saeger. What is defeat ? -. Notbirlg but education: notJHng but the first step to sonlething better. ...... Wendell Phillips FOR GOOD USED CARS SEE BUD PAULEY IF BUYING A NEW GAR GET OUR FIGURES-- WE GAN SAVE YOU MONEY 1957 Dodge Hardlop . • . • $1195,00 36.00(I Miles LiRe New 1956 PlymoulhOlubGoupe . . $595.00 1955 Plymoulh 4.dr., 6.tyilnder , $495.00 Radio --- Heater  Overdrive 1954 Ford2.dr...... • . $395.00 15,000 on Rebuilt Motor 1953 Ford 2.dr., aulomalic . . $295.00 . $245,00 1952 Buick4,door , , , , - $245.00 1952 Ford 6 sld, trans. , , , DODGE DAR T Owners report 22 miles per gallon. PAULEY MOTORS 1st & RR. HA 6-8183 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.KA.,' Shelton, .Washington i i .... Thursday, Ma Thurs.-Fri..Sd,  Mard 8-9-11) " Right to Limii Res,.¢ir/e#e AT YOU Pork Chops FRESH, LEAN, LOADED WITH PROTEIN Pork Loin Roa t 2A- 3% POUND AVERAGE FLAPJACK FLOUR Chuck Steak INST. POTATOES U.S. OHOIOE -- IDEAL TO SWISS BANANAS ,°.,, 2: RIPE FRUIT S ,, 45 c EAtONS 2i25' TOMATOES ,, 19 c ALBERS 10 95' 4 "dXG 49  " .................. BAG OREGON-IDAHO 10  MASHED 3Y2-OZ ..................................................... EVAPORATED HILK :?o7:: ......................................................... 8/'1 INSTANT COFFEE ,w., ,ou, 75' 6-OUNCE ........................................................................ ROMAINE APPLES FRESH, CRISP 2/29' 4 " 33' PLIO BAG LENE  Charn .=ign over he 1 Darlene w stival committee" lty's 18th Forest pretty, person- Darlene Bloom- brunette is the Pete Bloom. d senior at h'ene Will rule oyez Festival, which :or May 24, 25 and r birthplace actually a, Darlene is really for 8he WaS II While in t,h¢ Maxine, vy y ard mty her life she has C H U N K T U N A .- 4/'1 ,.o,,_o and active girls WHITE STAR ih sohool isn't entirely Queen b ., '- y the • tl squad last 40.ounoo AA RGE E GGS '°"" r'"'''''°°°,,, FRESHDoz,RANOH Local Bai church City Lib- purposes, VELVEETA 69' "-" ruary meet- to a K R A F T . Attor- GHEESE FOOD Loaf the Wash- & phrase are SOAKY FUN BATH 79' POTATO CHIPS ,..,o,,.o,,,, ,,,,o,, Zt IN TOY CONTAINERS ............................................ REG. 69¢, ............................................................... BOX emnmis- SUAVE SHAHPO0 " BATHROOM TISSUE o.,.o 4/'1 HELENE OURTIS .,o nds, this ASSORTED  2 P, AGK ............................ $1.00 .............. of the FRANO0 AMERICAN SPAGHETTI ,,,,o, o,,o CHIFFON FACIAL TISSUE """ 4/'1 =, ,ooo,,, 400 COUNT ................................ OUNCE was COVE OYSTERS °"°"'" 39' SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX "'' 80Z, TIN I-OUNCE L Lhe re- VERIFINE LONG SPAGHETTI 4 "'" '° SAFFLOWER OLEOMARGARINE °°° oow 45' '"" 1-LB. PKG ................... ' LB$. Ion Lo ride of NABISCO CREHE SANDWICH "'° FROZEN BREADED SHRIMP 59' o.o o, ,,:: ..................... 11-OUNCE BOOTH, IO-OZ. ' PKG ................... reactive ISsed by BAROHET CREME SANDWICH FROZEN FISH STICKS 2/69' .... ....................... >',:\>:,: BOOTH 8-OUNCE .......................... 1t-OUNCE • COLGATE ECONOHY FLUORIDE.o. 53' LORNA DOO'NES COOKIES lyTakingl|a.,, 000 ................ ,0, oo- ,o __._.. Will ,tarr t SHUR-FRESH BAKERY DEPT. Puhlie 7: (lays, HOT CROSS BUNS ,,a:,o,,, ll exaet CINNAMON ROLLS PKG, OF  29¢ ';h oull aPpar-