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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GIRL SCOUT Dani Griffith shows the bookmark for the Alliance of Washington State Dental n. She was recognized for her work by Mary EI- Psaltis of the Alliance and Sonja Workman of the Girl Miss Griffith is a student at Bordeaux Elementary Her scout leader is Agusta Blacketer. • makes mark art contest for dental group Griffith of Bordeaux El- School is the winner of art contest. of the Washington Dental Association spon- the annual Dental Health Contest and on Febru- Dani learned from Mary Psaltis of that group that one of the winners. was open to all Girl and Camp Fire members the state of Washing- was an excellent way to assume greater respon- their oral health. It also perfectly with the Tooth Drive council service proj- Sonja Workman of the Pacific Peaks Council. went on to comment the Girl Scouts in Mason collected over 950 dental and donated them to one of food banks. SHE drew her book- Miss Griffith went on-line to an interactive pro- by the Museum of Health and the American Association. MouthPower a Web site that provides for children about the 'of a healthy smile. learned that smok- teeth and based her bookmark on that fact. • "We were impressed that a 9- year-old would pick up on the fact that smoking damages teeth," said Julene Newland-Pyfer, Dental Health Chair in Seattle. "That is why we named Dani's bookmark as one of our fbur state winners." Being one of the tbur state win- ners, Miss Griffith had 10,000 of her bookmarks printed. These bookmarks will be distributed throughout the Washington Legis- lature, her dentist's office and the Skokomish Tribal Center, where her troop meets. Bordeaux El- ementary School and Girl Scouts Pacific Peaks Council in Du Pont will also be distributing. GRIFFITH ALSO received sev- eral bookmarks to give to her fam- ily and friends, as well as a watch, a book and a Girl Scout service pin for her accomplishment. She also earned a MouthPower patch and certificate for completing the on- line program. Dani is a fourth-grade student at Bordeaux and is active in Girl Scout Troop 640. Gussy Blacketer is her troop leader. Web sites at www.mouth- and have more information about MouthPower and the Alliance of the American Dental Association. Edward. ones MA½1NG SENSE OF INVESItNG ATCH OUT! Daylight Savings Time SALE[ March 8th - Thursday, March 15th JUST THE RIGHT TIME FOR A NEW WATCH NGS UP TO 5 0 0/0 OFF lh Valid th th arch 8 -15 ONE FREE BATrERY With this coupon; ,._COupon Value 1/20€ in, we will gladly check and clean your jewelry for FREE. S 426-5811 1st & Railroad, Suite 108 0 [i ree Gift Wrapping * One '.Tear Interest FE u,/¢quired Minimum Purchase 0..¢1. C. I 0:00-5:30 Saturday I 0:00-3:00 City commission roundup: Public hearing finds folks talking the walk Shelton city commissioners Monday evening held a second public hearing about design and construction standards for front- age improvement requirements. The first reading of an ordinance concerning the requirements is slated for the commission's special meeting starting at 6 p.m. tonight in the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. The design standards include a proposed exception to the city requirement that undeveloped platted lots with unopened and undeveloped rights-of-way require installation of all street, alley and infrastructure improvements at the time of development. The exception would exempt property owners of single infill lots from having to install frontage im- provements such as curb, gutter, sidewalk, half street and alley if the lot is,not on a street with ex- isting sidewalks or designated for sidewalks under the city's Side- walk Master Plan. THE HEARING drew a num- ber of speakers as well as two let- ters from local residents. Karen Petersen wrote that her main concern is keeping housing affordable. By the city requiring $10,000 per house for curbs and sidewalks "something is going to have to give," she noted. The cost will be passed on to the renter or homeowner, Petersen told commissioners during the hearing. "I just don't get it. It doesn't make sense to me," she added. Jim Joseph wrote he is hav- ing to pay $5,300 for engineering, permits, grading and concrete for a house on Summit Drive. "Who benefits?" he asked commission- ers at the meeting. "The city has a sidewalk to nowhere." DAN HOLMAN said there had been talk of a trail from the city to the Mason County Recre- ation Area. He agreed to an ease- ment across property he owns on the north side of Batstone Cut-off Road for the proposed trail, but doesn't want to have to build side- walks there too. Others said they think sidewalks are necessary. "I think the entire community benefits from sidewalks," said Sha- ron Donaldson. People come to her neighborhood to walk. Sidewalks also increase property values, she added. Heather Lum lives on a street that has no sidewalks or barriers and said she has seen kids almost get hit by vehicles. Elderly and disabled people want to get out of their houses and sidewalks make it safer for them, she said. NIA ELLMA said obesity is rampant in the nation and the city should be doing things to help peo- ple to walk. She said she'd liked to see the city match developers' ef- forts and build sidewalks in neigh- borhoods where there are none. In other city business, the com- missioners held a public hearing about amendment procedures to the city's comprehensive plan. Having the procedures is required under the state's Growth Manage- ment Act and it's necessary for the city to have them to comply with the act, noted Steve Goins, direc- (Please turn to page 11.) Tilton tackles parking problem A hair-care professional got a quick response from the city about a snag in the downtown area. Dana Tilton of Chez Beaujeas Gift Shop and Styling Salon ad- dressed last week's meeting of the Shelton City Commission to ask for a more effective parking ordi- nance and better enforcement of parking limits. She said downtown workers who park on the street mean would-be shoppers can't find a place to park. Tilton said later that the problem is most acute in front of her shop on Second Street, and this pres- ents a special problem for those of her clients who use walkers to get around. Tilton said Mayor John Tar- rant told her he wasn't aware that the two-hour parking limit in the downtown area has not been en- forced in recent weeks. It seems that the motor vehicle used by Bob Dunlap, the city's parking enforce- ment officer, has been sidelined by some sort of mechanical difficulty. Be that as it may, Tilton's re- marks did not fall upon deaf ears. Dunlap was enforcing the city's parking ordinance on foot this week, and Tilton was giving the mayor his share of credit for this. TAX-FREE INCOME IS THE BEST 61FTYOU CAN GIVEYOURSELF AT RETIREMENT. Janls Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. 5helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC To learn how an Edward Jones Roth I RA could make sense for your retirement, call today. Dbions of earnings from a Roth IRA could be subject to taxes and a 10% penal if e account is less an five ars 01d and the owner is under age 59 /z !loss change the way tl moments. much Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test" and take the first step toward a better quality of life:" If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a close friend or relative, you're not alone. One in 10 Americans -- more than 31 million people -- experience some degree of hearing loss. But because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anything's wrong until it's be- come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,* we can identify an), loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle-Ear hearing aid can help, here's more good news: : :FRE Ear Canal Inspection, I | U=ng a miniaffim video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly : I for the price of one. I I look Inside your ear canal and show it on a "IV men,r-and I Vail0 at parUcloatlng MIracle-Eor locations. Limit one coupon por I | you can watch alongl | I ,e...o =he, offers or disco.rite apply, does not a to I I Video Otos¢o=¢ Inspection is always free, This is not a medical exam or I dlNnosle, nor Is k Intend to replace a physician's care. If you suspect I prior sales. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer good On AualoChok".e contour I I a rnodlcal prepare, please seek treatment from your doctor. I model AC7021 on, Offer expires 03/16/07, L == .= .. m i i i m, i i i i ---- ---- ---- ,,-- -a L =-- = == i i i == == ---  m i --- == i ..-- -I Hurryt Offers end 03/16/07 SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (Across the street from A&W) (360) 427-3187 LACEY Sears Hearing Aid Center South Sound Center 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 923-0464 • -,'.v,','*e r I II III I I Hearing AM Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit *Headng test is always free. Not a medical exam. Auclicmetdc test to detormlne prolr Wmllfkatton needs only. * ,.Hearing aloe do not restore natural headng, IMdual expedences vary dlr on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluaon, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification. A Mlrae-EaP relxesentatlva can determine which models and options may be dht for you. See store for details. @2007 MlrscleEar. In. IO=JOROPA3xlO Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 m BB GIRL SCOUT Dani Griffith shows the bookmark for the Alliance of Washington State Dental n. She was recognized for her work by Mary EI- Psaltis of the Alliance and Sonja Workman of the Girl Miss Griffith is a student at Bordeaux Elementary Her scout leader is Agusta Blacketer. • makes mark art contest for dental group Griffith of Bordeaux El- School is the winner of art contest. of the Washington Dental Association spon- the annual Dental Health Contest and on Febru- Dani learned from Mary Psaltis of that group that one of the winners. was open to all Girl and Camp Fire members the state of Washing- was an excellent way to assume greater respon- their oral health. It also perfectly with the Tooth Drive council service proj- Sonja Workman of the Pacific Peaks Council. went on to comment the Girl Scouts in Mason collected over 950 dental and donated them to one of food banks. SHE drew her book- Miss Griffith went on-line to an interactive pro- by the Museum of Health and the American Association. MouthPower a Web site that provides for children about the 'of a healthy smile. learned that smok- teeth and based her bookmark on that fact. • "We were impressed that a 9- year-old would pick up on the fact that smoking damages teeth," said Julene Newland-Pyfer, Dental Health Chair in Seattle. "That is why we named Dani's bookmark as one of our fbur state winners." Being one of the tbur state win- ners, Miss Griffith had 10,000 of her bookmarks printed. These bookmarks will be distributed throughout the Washington Legis- lature, her dentist's office and the Skokomish Tribal Center, where her troop meets. Bordeaux El- ementary School and Girl Scouts Pacific Peaks Council in Du Pont will also be distributing. GRIFFITH ALSO received sev- eral bookmarks to give to her fam- ily and friends, as well as a watch, a book and a Girl Scout service pin for her accomplishment. She also earned a MouthPower patch and certificate for completing the on- line program. Dani is a fourth-grade student at Bordeaux and is active in Girl Scout Troop 640. Gussy Blacketer is her troop leader. Web sites at www.mouth- and have more information about MouthPower and the Alliance of the American Dental Association. Edward. ones MA½1NG SENSE OF INVESItNG ATCH OUT! Daylight Savings Time SALE[ March 8th - Thursday, March 15th JUST THE RIGHT TIME FOR A NEW WATCH NGS UP TO 5 0 0/0 OFF lh Valid th th arch 8 -15 ONE FREE BATrERY With this coupon; ,._COupon Value 1/20€ in, we will gladly check and clean your jewelry for FREE. S 426-5811 1st & Railroad, Suite 108 0 [i ree Gift Wrapping * One '.Tear Interest FE u,/¢quired Minimum Purchase 0..¢1. C. I 0:00-5:30 Saturday I 0:00-3:00 City commission roundup: Public hearing finds folks talking the walk Shelton city commissioners Monday evening held a second public hearing about design and construction standards for front- age improvement requirements. The first reading of an ordinance concerning the requirements is slated for the commission's special meeting starting at 6 p.m. tonight in the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. The design standards include a proposed exception to the city requirement that undeveloped platted lots with unopened and undeveloped rights-of-way require installation of all street, alley and infrastructure improvements at the time of development. The exception would exempt property owners of single infill lots from having to install frontage im- provements such as curb, gutter, sidewalk, half street and alley if the lot is,not on a street with ex- isting sidewalks or designated for sidewalks under the city's Side- walk Master Plan. THE HEARING drew a num- ber of speakers as well as two let- ters from local residents. Karen Petersen wrote that her main concern is keeping housing affordable. By the city requiring $10,000 per house for curbs and sidewalks "something is going to have to give," she noted. The cost will be passed on to the renter or homeowner, Petersen told commissioners during the hearing. "I just don't get it. It doesn't make sense to me," she added. Jim Joseph wrote he is hav- ing to pay $5,300 for engineering, permits, grading and concrete for a house on Summit Drive. "Who benefits?" he asked commission- ers at the meeting. "The city has a sidewalk to nowhere." DAN HOLMAN said there had been talk of a trail from the city to the Mason County Recre- ation Area. He agreed to an ease- ment across property he owns on the north side of Batstone Cut-off Road for the proposed trail, but doesn't want to have to build side- walks there too. Others said they think sidewalks are necessary. "I think the entire community benefits from sidewalks," said Sha- ron Donaldson. People come to her neighborhood to walk. Sidewalks also increase property values, she added. Heather Lum lives on a street that has no sidewalks or barriers and said she has seen kids almost get hit by vehicles. Elderly and disabled people want to get out of their houses and sidewalks make it safer for them, she said. NIA ELLMA said obesity is rampant in the nation and the city should be doing things to help peo- ple to walk. She said she'd liked to see the city match developers' ef- forts and build sidewalks in neigh- borhoods where there are none. In other city business, the com- missioners held a public hearing about amendment procedures to the city's comprehensive plan. Having the procedures is required under the state's Growth Manage- ment Act and it's necessary for the city to have them to comply with the act, noted Steve Goins, direc- (Please turn to page 11.) Tilton tackles parking problem A hair-care professional got a quick response from the city about a snag in the downtown area. Dana Tilton of Chez Beaujeas Gift Shop and Styling Salon ad- dressed last week's meeting of the Shelton City Commission to ask for a more effective parking ordi- nance and better enforcement of parking limits. She said downtown workers who park on the street mean would-be shoppers can't find a place to park. Tilton said later that the problem is most acute in front of her shop on Second Street, and this pres- ents a special problem for those of her clients who use walkers to get around. Tilton said Mayor John Tar- rant told her he wasn't aware that the two-hour parking limit in the downtown area has not been en- forced in recent weeks. It seems that the motor vehicle used by Bob Dunlap, the city's parking enforce- ment officer, has been sidelined by some sort of mechanical difficulty. Be that as it may, Tilton's re- marks did not fall upon deaf ears. Dunlap was enforcing the city's parking ordinance on foot this week, and Tilton was giving the mayor his share of credit for this. TAX-FREE INCOME IS THE BEST 61FTYOU CAN GIVEYOURSELF AT RETIREMENT. Janls Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. 5helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC To learn how an Edward Jones Roth IRA could make sense for your retirement, call today. Dbions of earnings from a Roth IRA could be subject to taxes and a 10% penal if e account is less an five ars 01d and the owner is under age 59 /z !loss change the way tl moments. much Take our FREE, no-obligation hearing test" and take the first step toward a better quality of life:" If hearing loss has become a concern for you, your spouse or a close friend or relative, you're not alone. One in 10 Americans -- more than 31 million people -- experience some degree of hearing loss. But because it can happen so gradually, most people don't notice anything's wrong until it's be- come painfully obvious. But you don't have to suffer in silence. With our FREE hearing test,* we can identify an), loss you or your loved one may have. If a Miracle-Ear hearing aid can help, here's more good news: : :FRE Ear Canal Inspection, I | U=ng a miniaffim video otoscope camera, we'll painlessly : I for the price of one. I I look Inside your ear canal and show it on a "IV men,r-and I Vail0 at parUcloatlng MIracle-Eor locations. Limit one coupon por I | you can watch alongl | I ,e...o =he, offers or disco.rite apply, does not a to I I Video Otos¢o=¢ Inspection is always free, This is not a medical exam or I dlNnosle, nor Is k Intend to replace a physician's care. If you suspect I prior sales. Cash value 1/20th cent. Offer good On AualoChok".e contour I I a rnodlcal prepare, please seek treatment from your doctor. I model AC7021 on, Offer expires 03/16/07, L == .= .. m i i i m, i i i i ---- ---- ---- ,,-- -a L =-- = == i i i == == ---  m i --- == i ..-- -I Hurryt Offers end 03/16/07 SHELTON Miracle-Ear Center 1718 Olympic Highway N. (Across the street from A&W) (360) 427-3187 LACEY Sears Hearing Aid Center South Sound Center 651 Sleater-Kinney (360) 923-0464 • -,'.v,','*e r I II III I I Hearing AM Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit *Headng test is always free. Not a medical exam. Auclicmetdc test to detormlne prolr Wmllfkatton needs only. * ,.Hearing aloe do not restore natural headng, IMdual expedences vary dlr on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of evaluaon, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification. A Mlrae-EaP relxesentatlva can determine which models and options may be dht for you. See store for details. @2007 MlrscleEar. In. IO=JOROPA3xlO Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 m BB