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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2007
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"%z NOlg1: CELEIrrv COVEI617 RLLY ChtlCD 141M TO ¢t,#....&apos; President is real Editor, The Journal." Will the real George W. Bush stand up or out? First there is George H.W. Bush and Barbara, good and honorable people trying to raise good, civic-minded children. Then there is Laura Bush, a school librarian, serious and cautious in selecting a husband. We presumed she sought an honorable, hard- working family man who would help her raise a good family, and she believes that's what she got. Finally there is George W. Bush. Is he a bad seed or evil incarnate that some see? Unlike many poli- ticians, President Bush is a "what you see is what you get" kind of man, like it or not. He says what he thinks and does what he says. He is like our local state senator, Tim Sheldon. Disliking all that the President does or questioning his articulation skills does not warrant the hatred that appears in papers regularly. That hatred began befbre the Iraq war and seems to be a learned be- havior. Some extreme partisans are acting like Tanya Harding with an iron bar, aiming at kneecapping, or crats offered up a strong candi t even ibr the top national office. e media still occasionally talk of that • P come d0ee officeholders will never to his stature It is sad Our etae deserves better .... Meanwhile we have pres.!de Bush, elected twice, not reJect" twice. The "real" G.W. Bush , tinues to stand up and out for will he believes, which is winning, losing, a war he and DemocratS  Congress agreed to pursue. DRAGONS i00eaders" 00ournal: a NASA astronut seeking revenge on a rival. ORIGAMI These same fblks helped nomi- KAZOOS nate two mediocre presidential candidates not worthy enough to BATMAN i fo d pid pl be renominated, though they lost Un n rme , stu peo e by small margins. Why? They must PIRATE SHIPS fel a frustration so extreme that it CRIBBAGE Editor, The Journal: grandchildren's future well-being There are always some people in this world who don't know their history and are so unintbrmed as to make their comments laugh- able. Anyone who believes that "Dubya" is one of the best Presi- dents in America's history is an absolute fool, and I do not suffer fools gladly. The word stupid comes to mind, which describes people like Jack Mallinger (January 25 letter, "One of best in nation's history") expressing their total ignorance of what has happened over the past six years. Even responsible Republicans are tired of Bush's mistakes! But, thanks, Jack, we needed a good laugh! The 11 points he makes are su- perbly ridiculous. Historians are already measuring the record of this Republican puppet of the big oil companies, and they clearly demonstrate his total ineptness in handling his job. (And the books are already in print.) I don't have the space to rebut each goofy point, except to say that there is not one single thing that anyone can say he has done right, given the alter- natives. He has so badly screwed up this country that I fear for my in this dangerous world he has made his legacy. We now have the world's total lack of respect for our occupation of Iraq and here at home have our inhumane torture policies, our il- legal wiretapping and our loss of privacy and diminution of habeas corpus constitutional freedoms. Our once lofty national perch as the "Shining City on the Hill" has sadly slipped to the depths of the "Muddy Village of Deceit, Despair and Shattered Dreams." This is not Jefferson's America! Iraq is not now a democracy and most likely never will be. They like a strong-man type of government. These Sunnis and Shiites are still living in the Sixth Century. Wake up, Jack! These are fierce tribes of Islamic religious zealots who indiscriminately kill their own men, women and children. As a re- sult, Iraqis are leaving their home country by the tens of thousands every week, and their country is a wreck. We have lost thr too many lives and spent far too much. Frankly, Jack, aren't you sick and tired of the violence? Every day more deaths! The so-called "surge" will Stop cutting trees Editor, The Journal: By my house some people are logging. A couple years ago Wey- erhaeuser logged the front of the hill. Now other people are logging the back. The animals that live there, like cougars and owls, are losing their home. Someone thought they saw the cougar kill a golden retriever! I'm worried it will eat some of our animals. I believe they should stop log- ging. As the Lorax would say, "I am The Lorax. I speak for the trees." I speak for the trees, and they say, "Stop logging; our friends are dying!" Please don't cut down these beautiful things, because they pro- duce oxygen, and we need oxygen to live, right? Rebecca Missildine Fourth grade Cloquallum risk more lives for what? The in- surgents won't go away. They live there! Bush has to be held accountable for at least 60,000 Iraqi deaths. (And this is the guy who went AWOL/om the Alabama Air Na- tional Guard for 13 months during the Vietnam War!) And don't for- get: For every dead American who has died, we have eight seriously wounded. Are you happy about the 3,000 deaths and 24,000 people without arms, legs and eyes, with burn scars and the terrible mental trauma of war? Support the troops in wheelchairs? All that George W. ever gave the women of Iraq (and the families of America) was the pain of burying their dead chil- dren, husbands and friends• Thanks to the "Decider," we will be paying interest on this trillion- dollar debt to China and Saudi Arabia for 100 years. Interest rates and gas prices are rising, while the dollar is crashing on world mar- kets, and we are economically and militarily weaker now than at any time in our history! Osama is still alive, but King George doesn't much care to go after him, The torture chambers in Guantanamo are still open, our ports, powerlines and reservoirs are still unprotected. Brown & Root has been given a billion-dol- lar contract to build detention cen- ters within the U.S. As far as keeping America safe, it reminds me of the mayor who bragged he kept his town free of tigers. He proved this by saying, "Well, has anyone been attacked by a tiger?" Greg James Shelton causes irrational behaviors. It has to be the selection process that forc- es some candidates to pander and sHOP not be "real." Words not .matching actions. People instinctively want 432 "real." 3rd & Railroad Time was when our state DEED- Jn historic downtown Shelton Launch your DREAM BOAT now. You were borR to be on the water. So why wait? l'inancc your dream boat with a Good Neighbor Boat Loan t:ronl State l:arm Bank% (:all me today for in(ormation on our competitive rates. Ryan Davis State Farm Agent 821 W Railroad Avenue Bus: 360-,426-2428 00Bank. HKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. ¢e I 51A 1 l:f t:ARM BANK tr. 110MIf ( )I:HCI!: BLOOMINGTON, II.LINOI.S P041006 siatcjil< I {-I/(J§ SPECIALS At the -- ---- 108, lust suiuu W,,i, away from [ly 7 ! 3/8-3/14 o _: Made yres" a at our own facto'-rY__ 5   " "" CI6:ES; -_-'-T,-, Little Cigars :---.-*.<\