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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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are 00..00aCat's Cookin'? :Prie-00T neighbors impress Lori REBECCA WELLS One morning, as light from the arise glimmering off the water amed through their bedroom ldow, the effect was so heaven- Ken Woerle asked his wife Lori: lye we died?" Phey had dreamed of living !the water for years, but were id it would never be a reality l Ken discovered their retire- t home on Pickering Passage. • ing from Federal Way, where had lived for about 30 years, e move to rural Mason County a bit of a culture shock. ll you, it was quite a transi- know, you have friends church and neighbors you've ,ll With for a long time," Lori says iing in her familiar home she J liwd in for years, along with of her beloved friends and the ories they shared together in Pla'ban sprawl, for a more coun- d setting. he idea of change was a big for me, but it has been good," !reflects. TPS A LITTLE bit scary, but by putting the effort into d reaching out, we are so Ded. I mean, I never dreamt we would be able to live on Water - and here we are! hanks to some very good ds who own a cabin on Ham- ley Inlet, Ken and Lori were that's how we were intro- l to this little paradise." PILey moved to Mason County two years ago in June. Be- !they made the move, Lori and od friend from Texas spent a exploring the quaint coffee B and storefronts in downtown ton. This,visit helped her dis- Shelton s small-town charm.  Says she loves it whenever e Bees new development and im- Vements happening in Shelton d adding to the town's sense of ide, When she and Ken were still t moving into their new house, Were floored when neighbors rely appeared with tools in , offering to help them finish ing on their deck. ! CAN'T EXPRESS the feel- ! that we had," Lori says of the welcome they received from le in their new community." It igreat." December the couple was Zed at the Christmas nostal- :they felt with the festive mu- entertainment and generous Pchants celebrating the holiday son in downtown Shelton. They qaeople on the street and in the ll talking and enjoying each W's company. "People have ed us how they have reached Lori says. Phe couple was very touched by auraber of concerned friends ,cquaintances, some of whom iust met, that stopped by 'Sent cards when Ken under- r. "This is un- 'able! It's like going back to Piiies and Sixties: You walk the street and people greet , Ken says of the people in Ma- COunty. IT JUST MAKES us feel like at home here," Lori says. Ken ri say they have also met Wonderful people through ce of Peace Catholic Church "It's not unusual for a b of people not only to worship but to play together and outings," Lori says of their .......... ' ..... ing on securing grants to install a new bell tower in the building and to restore the windows. Moving to Mason County and making new friends hasn't meant Lori has cut ties with old friends. She still belongs to a book club in Federal Way with a diverse group of friends. "That's a nice way to just keep that connection with old friends," she says. OCCASIONALLY THEY have fun discussing literature on the deck of her retirement home out here. Lori also really appreciates the local William G. Reed Library. She's learning her way around the Olympic Peninsula and the sur- rounding area by taking little trips to different sites from time to time. She and Ken plan to take some vacations in their recreational ve- hicle. The rich history and rela- tively close proximity to the coast, mountains and cities are all ben- efits she's noticed about living in this area. Now that she and Ken have managed to transform their house into a home in the last year, she's looking forward to finding more hiking trails .and nearby tour- ist attractions so she can take lady well acquainted with Ma- i'County's woodsy charm when P Considered making the move ENJOYING A CUP of coffee on her deck overlooking the s. I almost feel hke we grew water is Lori Woerle, who is taking advantage of retire- 011 . ,, • t here wth them, Lon says. ment to have fun and take part in local organizations. there also introduced her to Xinh Dwelley, an acclaimed, local chef who specializes in seafood. Lori is taking part in the guild's other major fund-raiser, an up- coming annual, culinary demon- stration and dinner called Cooking with Xinh and she's been asked to help promote it. Last year she and her husband had a great time at- tending the fund-raiser and en- joyed its ambiance. This year it will take place during the week- end of March 25-26 at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House in downtown Shelton. "We're excited about that. There's a lot of energy going into it," Lori says. OVER THE LAST several years, Sherwood Guild has gen- erated approximately $12,000 to support the purchase of medical equipment for Mason General, in- cluding a vital statistics monitor for the emergency room. Last year the guild earned $3,500 from Cook- ing with Xinh, and members are waiting to combine that amount with earnings from this year's up- coming event in order to present it jointly to the foundation. Lori and Ken also have fun participating in activities of the Pickering Community Club, which meets in a one-room schoolhouse near their home. Gathering with the common in- terest of improving the schoolhouse has been a really good way to get to know their neighbors, Lori says. Right now the club is concentrat- fellow church members. Not long ago some people also invited them to a meeting of the Hartstene Pointe Travel Club. "Oh my goodness! What a fine group of people," Lori remarks, recalling the club's energy and enthusiasm. "It's a good area to live in," Lori continues: "It's fun." She had worked for 26 years as an office manager for Wey- erhaeuser and Ken worked as a biomedical engineer for about 10 years at the Veterans Adminis- tration Hospital in Seattle. When they sold their home in Federal Way, their retirement home was still under construction so they spent several months living in their recreational vehicle until everything was ready. This expe- rience gave them a new apprecia- tion for space. Even before she retired, Lori at- tended a retirement class to learn about what kinds of changes to anticipate. This course helped her cope with moving to a new area with new friends and activities, while adjusting to a retired life- style at the same time. "When you retire, it's not just about sitting back," she considers. "It's all about the new adventures." ONE NOT-SO-pleasant adven- ture - an injured ankle - led to a very nice encounter with the staff at Mason General Hospital. Her medical care was so good that it inspired her to join the Sherwood Guild, which raises money to sup- port the local hospital. She said this has turned out to be one of her favorite undertakings "because you can give back to the communi- ty and because of the new friends that I've met through the guild." Her first major activity with the guild was helping out as a waiter for the Swing Fever performance as part of the Mason General Hos- pital Foundation's annual Fan- tasy Forest fund-raiser. This was her first introduction to planning fund-raisers. Her involvement TOP SOIL LIQUIDATION! q f Huge Inventor), -- 40,000 Yards of Top Soil Economy Top Soil $700per yard picked up Double Screened Top Soil $l95per" yard picked up (Delivery available for extra charge -- 5-yard minimum) Land Clearing • Excavating • Hauling • Danger Tree Removal Demolition * Drainage * Beauty Bark • Site Preparation Forestry Consultant * We Buy Timber [ 3o-432-0971 BILLME981BN g6o-866-4594 friends to places here. "I think the kitchen is my fh- vorite part of the house," Lori con- siders. They put strong emphasis on this room during the design process, making sure it, would be roomy enough for a lull cooking event as opposed to just providing space for one or two people to cook at a time. They make good use of this space, too, as guests tend to gather in the kitchen. "We love to cook and the more people in the kitchen the better," she says. OVER THE HOLIDAYS they like to have company over and involve everyone in serving up a culinary feast. During the Christ- mas season they had fun trying new recipes. Since they live on the water now, they especially like to cook seafood. "One of my favorite memories is from last summer," she says, de- scribing a family reunion at which relatives were kayaking, innertub- ing, picking f?esh clams and oysters off the beach, and harvesting crab from a pot to cook up a seafbod ban- quet. "I think Xinh would have been proud of us," Lori contemplates. (Please turn to page 16.) REly l00tritty • Household • Clothing • Sporting Goods • Tools • Toys & Much More All proceeds fund the I .................. -' - - - M--o,, smo, c.,..,. ,11/ell ... ,.,C°mf°s, Curtains., , .......... i l&l I- Ugg vmances • rmwer rmnters , zOUO uAy tWy Pl ,. _. • Gateway Shopping Center Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5 l-Oj Donations accepted: Monday- Saturday 10-4 SERVING ItASON COUNTY RSIDN'rS IN THE SAME LOCATION FOR 18 YEARS Give Your Life A at Olympic College! • University Transfer • Assodote Degrees • ProfessionS-Technical Degrees and Cerlifkales • Job Training • Aduh Education and English as o Second Language our admissions LOOSE DENTURES? ..... HAD LOTS OF RELINES ! AND STILL CANT CHEW? -00VE Ig-ilU THEANSWER! • Affordable • Fast • Easy Call today for a compliment,00ry consult. 426-9711 DOGS American Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry William J. Busacca, DOS, PS 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shclton,WA 98584 The Smile Express Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15 are 00..00aCat's Cookin'? :Prie-00T neighbors impress Lori REBECCA WELLS One morning, as light from the arise glimmering off the water amed through their bedroom ldow, the effect was so heaven- Ken Woerle asked his wife Lori: lye we died?" Phey had dreamed of living !the water for years, but were id it would never be a reality l Ken discovered their retire- t home on Pickering Passage. • ing from Federal Way, where had lived for about 30 years, e move to rural Mason County a bit of a culture shock. ll you, it was quite a transi- know, you have friends church and neighbors you've ,ll With for a long time," Lori says iing in her familiar home she J liwd in for years, along with of her beloved friends and the ories they shared together in Pla'ban sprawl, for a more coun- d setting. he idea of change was a big for me, but it has been good," !reflects. TPS A LITTLE bit scary, but by putting the effort into d reaching out, we are so Ded. I mean, I never dreamt we would be able to live on Water - and here we are! hanks to some very good ds who own a cabin on Ham- ley Inlet, Ken and Lori were that's how we were intro- l to this little paradise." PILey moved to Mason County two years ago in June. Be- !they made the move, Lori and od friend from Texas spent a exploring the quaint coffee B and storefronts in downtown ton. This,visit helped her dis- Shelton s small-town charm.  Says she loves it whenever e Bees new development and im- Vements happening in Shelton d adding to the town's sense of ide, When she and Ken were still t moving into their new house, Were floored when neighbors rely appeared with tools in , offering to help them finish ing on their deck. ! CAN'T EXPRESS the feel- ! that we had," Lori says of the welcome they received from le in their new community." It igreat." December the couple was Zed at the Christmas nostal- :they felt with the festive mu- entertainment and generous Pchants celebrating the holiday son in downtown Shelton. They qaeople on the street and in the ll talking and enjoying each W's company. "People have ed us how they have reached Lori says. Phe couple was very touched by auraber of concerned friends ,cquaintances, some of whom iust met, that stopped by 'Sent cards when Ken under- r. "This is un- 'able! It's like going back to Piiies and Sixties: You walk the street and people greet , Ken says of the people in Ma- COunty. IT JUST MAKES us feel like at home here," Lori says. Ken ri say they have also met Wonderful people through ce of Peace Catholic Church "It's not unusual for a b of people not only to worship but to play together and outings," Lori says of their .......... ' ..... ing on securing grants to install a new bell tower in the building and to restore the windows. Moving to Mason County and making new friends hasn't meant Lori has cut ties with old friends. She still belongs to a book club in Federal Way with a diverse group of friends. "That's a nice way to just keep that connection with old friends," she says. OCCASIONALLY THEY have fun discussing literature on the deck of her retirement home out here. Lori also really appreciates the local William G. Reed Library. She's learning her way around the Olympic Peninsula and the sur- rounding area by taking little trips to different sites from time to time. She and Ken plan to take some vacations in their recreational ve- hicle. The rich history and rela- tively close proximity to the coast, mountains and cities are all ben- efits she's noticed about living in this area. Now that she and Ken have managed to transform their house into a home in the last year, she's looking forward to finding more hiking trails .and nearby tour- ist attractions so she can take lady well acquainted with Ma- i'County's woodsy charm when P Considered making the move ENJOYING A CUP of coffee on her deck overlooking the s. I almost feel hke we grew water is Lori Woerle, who is taking advantage of retire- 011 . ,, • t here wth them, Lon says. ment to have fun and take part in local organizations. there also introduced her to Xinh Dwelley, an acclaimed, local chef who specializes in seafood. Lori is taking part in the guild's other major fund-raiser, an up- coming annual, culinary demon- stration and dinner called Cooking with Xinh and she's been asked to help promote it. Last year she and her husband had a great time at- tending the fund-raiser and en- joyed its ambiance. This year it will take place during the week- end of March 25-26 at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House in downtown Shelton. "We're excited about that. There's a lot of energy going into it," Lori says. OVER THE LAST several years, Sherwood Guild has gen- erated approximately $12,000 to support the purchase of medical equipment for Mason General, in- cluding a vital statistics monitor for the emergency room. Last year the guild earned $3,500 from Cook- ing with Xinh, and members are waiting to combine that amount with earnings from this year's up- coming event in order to present it jointly to the foundation. Lori and Ken also have fun participating in activities of the Pickering Community Club, which meets in a one-room schoolhouse near their home. Gathering with the common in- terest of improving the schoolhouse has been a really good way to get to know their neighbors, Lori says. Right now the club is concentrat- fellow church members. Not long ago some people also invited them to a meeting of the Hartstene Pointe Travel Club. "Oh my goodness! What a fine group of people," Lori remarks, recalling the club's energy and enthusiasm. "It's a good area to live in," Lori continues: "It's fun." She had worked for 26 years as an office manager for Wey- erhaeuser and Ken worked as a biomedical engineer for about 10 years at the Veterans Adminis- tration Hospital in Seattle. When they sold their home in Federal Way, their retirement home was still under construction so they spent several months living in their recreational vehicle until everything was ready. This expe- rience gave them a new apprecia- tion for space. Even before she retired, Lori at- tended a retirement class to learn about what kinds of changes to anticipate. This course helped her cope with moving to a new area with new friends and activities, while adjusting to a retired life- style at the same time. "When you retire, it's not just about sitting back," she considers. "It's all about the new adventures." ONE NOT-SO-pleasant adven- ture - an injured ankle - led to a very nice encounter with the staff at Mason General Hospital. Her medical care was so good that it inspired her to join the Sherwood Guild, which raises money to sup- port the local hospital. She said this has turned out to be one of her favorite undertakings "because you can give back to the communi- ty and because of the new friends that I've met through the guild." Her first major activity with the guild was helping out as a waiter for the Swing Fever performance as part of the Mason General Hos- pital Foundation's annual Fan- tasy Forest fund-raiser. This was her first introduction to planning fund-raisers. Her involvement TOP SOIL LIQUIDATION! q f Huge Inventor), -- 40,000 Yards of Top Soil Economy Top Soil $700per yard picked up Double Screened Top Soil $l95per" yard picked up (Delivery available for extra charge -- 5-yard minimum) Land Clearing • Excavating • Hauling • Danger Tree Removal Demolition * Drainage * Beauty Bark • Site Preparation Forestry Consultant * We Buy Timber [ 3o-432-0971 BILLME981BN g6o-866-4594 friends to places here. "I think the kitchen is my fh- vorite part of the house," Lori con- siders. They put strong emphasis on this room during the design process, making sure it, would be roomy enough for a lull cooking event as opposed to just providing space for one or two people to cook at a time. They make good use of this space, too, as guests tend to gather in the kitchen. "We love to cook and the more people in the kitchen the better," she says. OVER THE HOLIDAYS they like to have company over and involve everyone in serving up a culinary feast. During the Christ- mas season they had fun trying new recipes. Since they live on the water now, they especially like to cook seafood. "One of my favorite memories is from last summer," she says, de- scribing a family reunion at which relatives were kayaking, innertub- ing, picking f?esh clams and oysters off the beach, and harvesting crab from a pot to cook up a seafbod ban- quet. "I think Xinh would have been proud of us," Lori contemplates. (Please turn to page 16.) REly l00tritty • Household • Clothing • Sporting Goods • Tools • Toys & Much More All proceeds fund the I .................. -' - - - M--o,, smo. c.,..,. ,11/ell ... ,,,C°mf°s, Curtains., , .......... i l&l I- Ugg vmances • rmwer rmnters , zOUO uAy tWy Pl ,. _. • Gateway Shopping Center Hours: Monday - Saturday 10-5 l-Oj Donations accepted: Monday- Saturday 10-4 SERVING ItASON COUNTY RSIDN'rS IN THE SAME LOCATION FOR 18 YEARS Give Your Life A at Olympic College! • University Transfer • Assodote Degrees • ProfessionS-Technical Degrees and Cerlifkales • Job Training • Aduh Education and English as o Second Language our admissions LOOSE DENTURES? ..... HAD LOTS OF RELINES ! AND STILL CANT CHEW? -00VE Ig-ilU THEANSWER! • Affordable • Fast • Easy Call today for a compliment,00ry consult. 426-9711 DOGS American Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry William J. Busacca, DOS, PS 1525 Olympic Hwy. North, Shclton,WA 98584 The Smile Express Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15