March 8, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 8, 2007 |
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Irish eyes are smiling
The Backwoods Irish will perform Friday night when the Harstine Island Commu-
nity Hall is transformed into an Irish pub for a celebration of Saint Patrick's Day.
Pictured from left to right are Elizabeth Berndt, Jim Irish, Daniel Berndt and Mike
Benson. They will perform a broad selection of Irish ballads and chanteys in addi-
tion to some Irish American standards for a gathering that begins at 6 p.m. There is
aore about this on page 18.
100 Years Ago
c0From the March 8, 1907, Mason
Unty Journah
At the school election Saturday not
interest was shown, the total
VOte being 104, but many of the ladies
took advantage of the opportunity to
te' Eli B. Robinson and T.P. Fisk,
th satisfactory candidates, were on
e tickets but no contest was made,
e former receiving 66 votes and the
ter 38.
Fdmball Sherwood last week pur-
a span of large horses for his
camp on the Skokomish Res-
ervation, costing over $600.
Night watch Reed ran up against
a big Finn, a little worse for liquor
the other night and received a slight
cut on the chin. The offender got the
35 Years Ago
From the March 9, 1972, Shclton-
Mason County Journal:
The organization of the tax struc-
ture in the United States is in the
hands of the people wlto prosper by
the way it is set up, former New York
congressman Allerd Lowenstein told a
are reading Rag Coat
Junior PageTurners are reading
by Lauren Mills and will
discussing it this Wednesday
t the William G. Reed Library in
0Wntown Shelton.
This program is for children in
st through third grades who will
4 to 5 p.m. on March 14.
of this book group fea-
a chat about the book as well
games, snacks and a craft.
Families can pick up a copy of
featured book at the library,
is located at 710 West A1-
Street. Junior PageTurners is
by the Friends of the
G. Reed Library.
The local library board will
at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday to
SCUss advico it may have for the
of Shelton on library issues.
of the board are open to
public and held on the second
Wednesday of each mon[h.
Other programs planned tbr the
next few days by the staff of the
Shelton branch include:
• Tax Assistance in Spanish
to be provided from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
on Sunday, March 11, in the down-
stairs meeting room. This program
is presented by Pacific Northwest
Hispanic Internal Revenue Em-
ployees and cosponsored by Mason
County Literacy.
• Toddler Story Time from
10:30 to 10:50 a.m. on Monday,
March 12, for children ages 18
months to 3 years.
• Family Story Time from
10:30 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday,
March 13, for children ages 6 and
All library programs are free of
charge unless otherwise noted. For
more information, call 426-1362.
"Westport" by Enviro Fire
:1! .......
Cast Iron Flat Black Model
on sale now $1499.00
Capital City
Stove & Fan Center
2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia • 943-5587
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30, Saturday 8:30-5:00
crowd at the Mountain View Audito-
rium Satucday afternoon. His appear-
ance here was sponsored by the Mason
County Young Democrats.
The Shelton Education Association
notified the State Superintendent's
Office Tuesday that an impasse had
been reached in negotiations between
the SEA and the school district.
10 Years Ago
From the March 6, 1997, Shclton-
Mason County Journal:
Public health officials are asking
people to be more wary of bats [bllow-
ing the death from rabies of a Mason
County man. The 65-year-old man
died on January 18.
Crews from the ttood Canal Rang-
er District have star,ed work on their
latest phm to discourage people from
climbing around the 403-tbot gorge at
the Steel Bridge. The bridge has been
the scene of several [htalities in recent
years. A number of people have died
hiking and climbing in the area.
Northcliff project
gets fede ral okay
The City of Shelton has been
notified by the Federal Highway
Administration that it can pro-
ceed with the Northcliff Road
Improvement Project.
Commissioner Dawn Pannell
made the announcement Monday
evening, adding the city is ready
to go out for bid on the project,
with bids to be opened on Mon-
day, April 2. The project spans
approximately seven-tenths of
a mile between North 13th and
Poplar streets. The price tag is
currently estimated at some $3
milliom with the vast majority
of that coming via federal grant
funds. Shelton's share is approx-
imately $175,000.
Some of the project's high-
lights include: new, crowned
pavement, curbs and gutters,
a seven-tbot-wide sidewalk on
the downhill side of the street,
street trees and more, including
underground utility upgrades,
some turn lanes and acceleration
lanes, bus pullouts and retaining
walls. New street lights will be
installed if enough funding is
Also, a new underground
storm drainage system will be
constructed along the project
route. There will be a sanitary
Spanish classes
will be offered
at Saint David's
Saint David of Wales Episcopal
Church and Mason. County Liter-
acy are offering 10 weeks of Span-
ish language instruction.
The classes will begin on
Wednesday, March 21, and will
take place each Wednesday in
Saint David's Parish Hall, 218
North Third Street. The continu-
ing class is scheduled from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m., following the beginning
session, which will run from 6 to
8 p.m.
Space is limited, so those inter-
ested are encouraged to register
soon. Full and partial scholarships
may be available, depending on
enrollment numbers.
information about fees and
registration is available by call-
ing Carolyn Carlton at 427-5460
or Mason County Literacy at 426-
sewer main extension between
Sylvan Heights and Poplar
Street and between North 13th
and North Eighth streets.
Public Works Director Jay
Ebbeson said Monday he will
talk to commissioners at their
meeting on April 2 about award-
ing the bid that evening.
and More/
by Blaine & Linda Fladager
Shelton Floor Covering
When selecting the padding to
go under your new carpet, remem-
ber that thicker does not necessarily
mean better, If padding is overly thick,
it may make the carpet feel too soft,
and also serve to shorten carpet life
by stressing the carpet backing. The
Carpet and Rug Institute recommends
a maximum thickness of 7/16-inch
for padding that will underlie com-
mon residential carpet, and 3/8-inch
or thinner firm, resilient padding for
a low-pile carpet (such as Berber).
Padding, which is made from a vari-
ety of natural and synthetic fibers, is
also measured in terms of density. This
translates into a 6-lb.'density padding
beneath standard residential cut pile
and an 8-1b, density padding under a
thinner Berber or low-pile carpet.
If your talents don't lie in the
direction of choosing the most ap-
propriate floor coverings for your
home, put that responsibility in
the hands of a professional. SHEL-
pleased to consult with you about
the flooring for one room or your
entire home or office environment.
For selection, service, and savings,
you'll be glad you came to 1306
Olympic Hwy So, We can work
within all budget restraints. PH:
360-427-2822. We're open 7:30 to
5:30 weekdays, 9-5 Saturday.
HINT: For moderate-traffic areas,
purchase Class 1 padding, and Class
2 for such heavy-traffic areas as
stairs, hallways, and family rooms.
When was the
last time you
had your
up to S
When you have brake pads, brake shoes,
wheel bearings or wheel seals Installed.
I I I 426"8208
321 S. 2nd St. Downtown Shelton
Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25
Irish eyes are smiling
The Backwoods Irish will perform Friday night when the Harstine Island Commu-
nity Hall is transformed into an Irish pub for a celebration of Saint Patrick's Day.
Pictured from left to right are Elizabeth Berndt, Jim Irish, Daniel Berndt and Mike
Benson. They will perform a broad selection of Irish ballads and chanteys in addi-
tion to some Irish American standards for a gathering that begins at 6 p.m. There is
aore about this on page 18.
100 Years Ago
c0From the March 8, 1907, Mason
Unty Journah
At the school election Saturday not
interest was shown, the total
VOte being 104, but many of the ladies
took advantage of the opportunity to
te' Eli B. Robinson and T.P. Fisk,
th satisfactory candidates, were on
e tickets but no contest was made,
e former receiving 66 votes and the
ter 38.
Fdmball Sherwood last week pur-
a span of large horses for his
camp on the Skokomish Res-
ervation, costing over $600.
Night watch Reed ran up against
a big Finn, a little worse for liquor
the other night and received a slight
cut on the chin. The offender got the
35 Years Ago
From the March 9, 1972, Shclton-
Mason County Journal:
The organization of the tax struc-
ture in the United States is in the
hands of the people wlto prosper by
the way it is set up, former New York
congressman Allerd Lowenstein told a
are reading Rag Coat
Junior PageTurners are reading
by Lauren Mills and will
discussing it this Wednesday
t the William G. Reed Library in
0Wntown Shelton.
This program is for children in
st through third grades who will
4 to 5 p.m. on March 14.
of this book group fea-
a chat about the book as well
games, snacks and a craft.
Families can pick up a copy of
featured book at the library,
is located at 710 West A1-
Street. Junior PageTurners is
by the Friends of the
G. Reed Library.
The local library board will
at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday to
SCUss advico it may have for the
of Shelton on library issues.
of the board are open to
public and held on the second
Wednesday of each mon[h.
Other programs planned tbr the
next few days by the staff of the
Shelton branch include:
• Tax Assistance in Spanish
to be provided from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
on Sunday, March 11, in the down-
stairs meeting room. This program
is presented by Pacific Northwest
Hispanic Internal Revenue Em-
ployees and cosponsored by Mason
County Literacy.
• Toddler Story Time from
10:30 to 10:50 a.m. on Monday,
March 12, for children ages 18
months to 3 years.
• Family Story Time from
10:30 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday,
March 13, for children ages 6 and
All library programs are free of
charge unless otherwise noted. For
more information, call 426-1362.
"Westport" by Enviro Fire
:1! .......
Cast Iron Flat Black Model
on sale now $1499.00
Capital City
Stove & Fan Center
2118 Pacific Ave., Olympia • 943-5587
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30, Saturday 8:30-5:00
crowd at the Mountain View Audito-
rium Satucday afternoon. His appear-
ance here was sponsored by the Mason
County Young Democrats.
The Shelton Education Association
notified the State Superintendent's
Office Tuesday that an impasse had
been reached in negotiations between
the SEA and the school district.
10 Years Ago
From the March 6, 1997, Shclton-
Mason County Journal:
Public health officials are asking
people to be more wary of bats [bllow-
ing the death from rabies of a Mason
County man. The 65-year-old man
died on January 18.
Crews from the ttood Canal Rang-
er District have star,ed work on their
latest phm to discourage people from
climbing around the 403-tbot gorge at
the Steel Bridge. The bridge has been
the scene of several [htalities in recent
years. A number of people have died
hiking and climbing in the area.
Northcliff project
gets fede ral okay
The City of Shelton has been
notified by the Federal Highway
Administration that it can pro-
ceed with the Northcliff Road
Improvement Project.
Commissioner Dawn Pannell
made the announcement Monday
evening, adding the city is ready
to go out for bid on the project,
with bids to be opened on Mon-
day, April 2. The project spans
approximately seven-tenths of
a mile between North 13th and
Poplar streets. The price tag is
currently estimated at some $3
milliom with the vast majority
of that coming via federal grant
funds. Shelton's share is approx-
imately $175,000.
Some of the project's high-
lights include: new, crowned
pavement, curbs and gutters,
a seven-tbot-wide sidewalk on
the downhill side of the street,
street trees and more, including
underground utility upgrades,
some turn lanes and acceleration
lanes, bus pullouts and retaining
walls. New street lights will be
installed if enough funding is
Also, a new underground
storm drainage system will be
constructed along the project
route. There will be a sanitary
Spanish classes
will be offered
at Saint David's
Saint David of Wales Episcopal
Church and Mason. County Liter-
acy are offering 10 weeks of Span-
ish language instruction.
The classes will begin on
Wednesday, March 21, and will
take place each Wednesday in
Saint David's Parish Hall, 218
North Third Street. The continu-
ing class is scheduled from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m., following the beginning
session, which will run from 6 to
8 p.m.
Space is limited, so those inter-
ested are encouraged to register
soon. Full and partial scholarships
may be available, depending on
enrollment numbers.
information about fees and
registration is available by call-
ing Carolyn Carlton at 427-5460
or Mason County Literacy at 426-
sewer main extension between
Sylvan Heights and Poplar
Street and between North 13th
and North Eighth streets.
Public Works Director Jay
Ebbeson said Monday he will
talk to commissioners at their
meeting on April 2 about award-
ing the bid that evening.
and More/
by Blaine & Linda Fladager
Shelton Floor Covering
When selecting the padding to
go under your new carpet, remem-
ber that thicker does not necessarily
mean better, If padding is overly thick,
it may make the carpet feel too soft,
and also serve to shorten carpet life
by stressing the carpet backing. The
Carpet and Rug Institute recommends
a maximum thickness of 7/16-inch
for padding that will underlie com-
mon residential carpet, and 3/8-inch
or thinner firm, resilient padding for
a low-pile carpet (such as Berber).
Padding, which is made from a vari-
ety of natural and synthetic fibers, is
also measured in terms of density. This
translates into a 6-lb.'density padding
beneath standard residential cut pile
and an 8-1b, density padding under a
thinner Berber or low-pile carpet.
If your talents don't lie in the
direction of choosing the most ap-
propriate floor coverings for your
home, put that responsibility in
the hands of a professional. SHEL-
pleased to consult with you about
the flooring for one room or your
entire home or office environment.
For selection, service, and savings,
you'll be glad you came to 1306
Olympic Hwy So, We can work
within all budget restraints. PH:
360-427-2822. We're open 7:30 to
5:30 weekdays, 9-5 Saturday.
HINT: For moderate-traffic areas,
purchase Class 1 padding, and Class
2 for such heavy-traffic areas as
stairs, hallways, and family rooms.
When was the
last time you
had your
up to S
When you have brake pads, brake shoes,
wheel bearings or wheel seals Installed.
I I I 426"8208
321 S. 2nd St. Downtown Shelton
Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25