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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 8, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CARS 'TRUCKS SPORTING GOODS GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including motorhomes. Call us - some services require no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-5585. G1/29tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn BOATS & MOTORS W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs. 50 years experience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex- perience. Landclearing, septic system installation, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Qual- ity work the first time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and operated fencing company. Spe- cializing in wood fences. Willing to build any style. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. SHUFFF*940KS. Call for a free esti- mate. (360) 427-2914. $2/15-4/5 JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair }:()reign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Tour Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 O Nationwide Warranty . 462-0403 4HAPA) o 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton Gar000000Painting • 25χ years experience • References • Free estimates 36o-432-8847 360-490-4985 LIc GARHAP*942KH AFFORDABLE COMPUTER REPAIR _ Repai[. Upgrade : Backup Tutor Build Network • Virus Removal ._ O.S. Insta! Only'80 00,36o432-8140 Free pickup and delivery (40 mile) "Does not include pan or software Automotive Service" Everday Low Price .OIL .LUBE .FILTER $24.95* There Js no beffer time buy! Select from The Norlhwest Number 1 volum dealer in Diesels, Class A's, Class C's, Fifth Wheels, and Travel Trailers! Plus - Quality Care Multi- Point Inspection All Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked ncludes complimentary car wash *Plus tax and disposal shop fees Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil Some vehicles slightly more 2 nd Shelton exit off Hwy 101 360-426-5585 GUN SHOW, March 10-11, Centralia Fairgrounds, I-5 Exit 79. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad- mission $5. Information (503) 363-9564. K3/8 1984 19' Bayliner Capri with trailer, new starter, electric ignition, coil, plugs. Needs minor engine work. $1,000 aBe. (360) 490-6363. R3/1-8 You're always a WINNER with the great deals found in the Journal Classifieds! 1979 MAZDA RX7. Runs, needs work. $600 aBe. (360) 426-0921 le{we mes- s.a?eS?!8t!_n ............................ : ......... 1992 MERCEDES-BENZ 400SE, cus- tom tires, mag wheels, sunroof, leather interior. Beautiful. $6,800 aBe. Call evenings (360) 427-5431. P3/8 TWO BEDROOM Shelton duplex, car- port, outside storage unit, washer/dryer. Very nice, clean, landlord pays W/S/G. No pets/smoking, $725 monthly. (360) 701-2141. G3/8-29 LARGE 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Shelton house. New inside paint and carpet, ................................................................................... large fenced backyard, great location. 1994 FORD Bronco 4x4. V8, automatic, Nice, clean, no pets/smoking, $1,150 lots of options. See behind Treasures, at 305 W. Railroad. $3,500 aBe. Call (360) 427-3858. T3/8-29 1995 MERCURY Villager, excellent shape, $3,900. 1985 Ford Ranger 4x4, $1,000 aBe. (360) 490-6158, no an- swer, leave message. 03/8 monthly, (360) 701-2141. G3/8-29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $640 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T3/8-29 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Mt. View, non- ..................................................................... smoking, no pets, $750 first/last/deposit. 1997 CHEVROLET Astro van, 117,000 (360) 432-1385. $3/8-29 miles, eight passenger, new brakes. Original owner. $4,950. Call (360) 490- $850:2 bedroom, 1 bath home with 8976. W3/1-8 garage and shop. Desirable area, Mt. ................................................................... View school district. Water, sewer and JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd, 1997, one garbage included. $750 deposit. Call owner, looks great, runs perfect. 6 cylin- Melissa at John L. Scott, (360) 426- der, leather interior. $4,300 aBe. (360) 3319. $3/8 WE ARE accepting applications for income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom al," ments for elderly Controlled acted: ior2,e  ,ro dowtton shO3Po?ng3:)r ' g ppo "y. . ,^,n) Creek Apartments, 303 South 7m, I,' 426-3903. G2/15tfn BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 3 bath 2,100 sq.ft. Craftsman rambler Will be reabJ 1-1-07. Quiet, beautiful, adult communily, close to Island Lake, 1 minute from st0ep and hospital. No dogs. $1,200 mor. Call (360) 426-0277 or (360) 490-Z1" W12/21tfn STORAGE AVAILABLE. AutO, v,_,], RV. Low monthly rates Secure, fence' 5961 Hwy. 3, Shelton.'(360) 426-2907' $10/12 tfn 426-8327. B3/1-8 ........................................................ Street. (360) 426-0674. P8/24ff__.._.. ........................................................... $775: NICE, clean 2 bedroom home 1986 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup, rebuilt en- gine, runs good. $850 aBe. (360) 432- 3511 after 6 p.m. G3/1-8 1994 MERCEDES $420, low miles, very, very, very clean. $12,500 aBe. (360) 427-4174, leave message. O3/1- 22 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1995 MERCURY Cougar XR-7. VB, new brakes, new battery, CD player, power everything. 114,000 miles. $1,800 aBe. (360) 432-1133. Please leave message. K2/22tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn 81/2' CASCADE camper. Electric/gas heater and refrigerator. Gas oven/stove. Extra gas tank, tie downs, hydraulic $2,000 aBe. (360) 432-7935. L1/25tfn jacks. No leaks, great shape, kept in shop. $1,500. Kayak - Perception Re- flex, small person's, white-water style, $125. (360) 426-6878, leave message. $3/8-15 1992 JAYCO - 29' 5th wheel. Self-con- tained, air, refrigerator, freezer, forced- air heat, awning. $4,500 aBe. (360) 427-2532, Les. M3/8-15 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs good, 182,000 miles. Power steering. 8-valve motor. Great 1st car or commuter. CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 aBe. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn Vin Save wllh 4.99 or No Pa,AzlmlS for 8 Mmll*or OFF MSRP, Am...20% extended [ ....  ............. , ,SALE PRICE $I 39,575 MSRP $90,546 Minus 25% $22,636.50 SALE PRICE $67,909.50 e1151 . MSRP $38,, Minus 15% $5799.75 SALE PRICE $32,865 Vin #47CTDIR237PBtB688 Here are tIM offter ways to save at Pmas/x) RV/ ..... TRAVEL TRAILERS 01 PROWLER 721C RPOSgB 07 ZEPPELIN 292 P2254A 06 DENALI 26FB M141A FIFTH WHEELS 95 SAVANNAH 26 BP2378 CLASS C'S & A'S 99 BOUNDER 34V E2242A 94 CORONADO 33 P2363A 99 PACE ARROW 35 P2282A 04 SUNOVA 27C 12404A RETAIL $10,995 Sale $8,99S RETAIL $26,995 Sale $19,995 RETAIL $26,995 Sole $22,996 RETAIL'S14,995 Sale S12,995 RETAIL $59,995 Sale $64,906 RETAIL $26,995 Sale $23,996 RETAIL $44,995 Silo $39,999 RETAIL $69,995 Sale $59,996 LAKE LIMERICK, near new, 3 bed" rooms, 2 baths, $850 monthly plus de- posit. (360) 277-3474. B2/15-3/8.... STUDIO APARTMENT' $400 W/S/G paid. Lawton Apartmenis, 711' W. pine POULSBO RV 1"888"680"0111 1-360-697-4445 19705 Viking Ave NW, Poulsbo, WA All Offers sebect to credit approval Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing and POl cber with tier 1 credit mg On itpfxov by leder, Terms: 1.7,99% for 240 me. Prices and payments do not include tax, license  mandato/FOI charge $525 to $2,000, *25% off RV's MSRP prlee, on ls, cannot be combined with any other offers (4.99, no   6 ). "4.99% fk'mln O 18 on eeleto(l un ly, OAC, Avaiteble 3/1/07-3/31/07. Financed amnt and trade equity coutd affect term/rate/pl meet. Actual rotes m 7.99%-8,99%. In order to qoatfy, you muat exprees interest tar the 4.99 promotion at the itrne of your first offer/visit (cannot be comb wllh 25% off of MSRP or no paynHmt  6 rnaths). *"No payments for six earths (defened beyments) totomst does acome end Is not catcula into advmlJsed prices. All offers are oly valid with this ad and cannot be cond}inad with any other of- lets. NI uofta may be different from images shown Md m I enty. The deainr may arge a documentKy esrvice fes of op 1o $35. Prk:es ere not  to dders or relm' Prlca.,4fers are only available w this ad at the tno of perchase. Sale ends 3/31/07./@ offers m not velgl on pres deals. See dealer for complete detaits, Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8, 2007 near Spencer Lake. Furnished, water, sewer, and basic cable included in rent. Available now. No pets. $700 deposit. Call Melissa at John L. Scott, (360) 426- 3319. $3/8 BRAND NEW beautiful 2 bedroom du- plex. Available now. Close to downtown and buses. $750 deposit, $750 rent in- cludes W/S/G. 223 So. 10th St. Call for application, (360) 239-7251, Shelton. H3/8-22 DAYTON AREA: three bedrooms, two baths on acreage. Recently remodeled. Woodstove, garage. $1,100. Carl (360) 280-1530, leave message. B3/8 NEWLY REMODELED: 2 story, 4 bed- room home on 5 acres in Hoodsport. Jetted bathtub, fireplace, wrap around deck, new appliances. $950 monthly plus deposit. (360) 280-4801. D3/8-15 SHELTON -4 bedroom, 1.75 bath home near downtown. New kitchen cabinets, carpet. Garage with opener. $1,040. (360) 280-1787 (local call) wa4rent. com. C3/8-29 2 BEDROOM mobile, W/S/G paid, cable available, small home. Deposit required. Close to town. $585 monthly. (360) 426- 2015. E3/Btfn SHELTON, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with woodstove, fenced yard, 1 car ga- rage. Tenant pays for city water, sewer, garbage. $700 rent, $700 deposit. Avail- able approximately 3/23/07 or sooner. Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.13/8 GREAT LOCATION near Shelton. Se- cluded neighborhood and quiet sur- roundings. 2 bedrooms and large loft. Laundry room, storage, and carport. $950 per month, plus $1,000 deposit. Trash and water paid. $40 non-refund- able application fee. No pets or smok- ing. (360) 426-2720. B3/8-29 SHARE QUIET country home with 2 adults near Shelton. $325 month unfur- nished, $345 month furnished plus 1/3 electricity. Non-refundable credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 3 month renew- able lease. (360) 432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H2/15-3/8 WATERFRONT APARTMENT on Hood Canal. Home-like atmosphere, laundry facilities, Broadband, Internet, cable and dish TV included. Furnished or unfurnished, $550. Lilliwaup. No smok- ing. Nature, Google, oysters and HBO. Could you ask for anything more? (360) 877-5501. Mc2/Btfn UNION - 1 bedroom mobile home.S650, first/last (360) 898-1038. W3/1-8 QUIET FAWN Lake. Newly renoV 2 bedroom, 1 bath double wide mob ' Access to the lake, fishinQ, boating. ,NO pets, no smoking. $750 month, $70 posit, 6 month lease. Appliances, w" included. (360) 870-4559. B LAKE CUSHMAN house, three I_,i room, one bath, all appliances, de fenced yard, non-smoking, $850. (;' 403-7261. C3/1-22 LARGE SINGLE-WIDE mobile horne bedroom, 2 bath. Quiet neighborhOOd' $650 monthly. Available 3/10/07. TonY, (360) 432-0137. M3/1-8 CLASS A medical space with high visil" ity on Olympic Highway. 875 sq.ft...,:(.,,a plete and ready to open practice. WSJ"l area. Reception area, 2 exam roomS,_ area and rivate office P -- hi itv of ao" p .o ..... , ditional space if needed. Call (360) 1024 or (360) 239-1714. G3/lff_..j COMMERCIAL SHOP, close to pia near Kamilche. 2 large bays. storage, and bathroom. No charg sewer or water ($90 value). $650 $650 deposit. Available on short Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567. COMMERCIAL FIXER. Fix, repair, profit. Commercial bull( Shelton on Hwy. 3. Two story rage and woodstove, 1,200 sq.ft. Great potential for space, etc. Asking $169,900 or make offer. Call Invest Realty (360) 426-3567. 13/8 COMMERCIAL/RETAIL. Approxiff 1,600 square feet of tail space in prime downtown available at less than 80’ a square' (360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn FREE UP your house. Small, able office space available. 343 of newly remodeled space in higt location with abundant parking. Hwy. North, PUD 3 fiber optic access available. Call Mike, (3 1024. G9/21tfn MOBILE HOME in Christmas Vill bedrooms, 2 baths. $79,000. 9353. G3/8-15 DOUBLEWlDE MOBILE, 1700 E. ton Springs Road, #2, Shelton. 866-1703 or (360) 432-3558. F3/1°; GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with dez, floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 c r spacious garage, large master suite, natural gas force'u air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet acce' RV storage, extra storage units, professiona]_ landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,OUU per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information CARS 'TRUCKS SPORTING GOODS GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including motorhomes. Call us - some services require no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-5585. G1/29tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn BOATS & MOTORS W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs. 50 years experience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex- perience. Landclearing, septic system installation, digouts, rock walls and logging. Just about anything. Qual- ity work the first time. (360) 898-7286 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and operated fencing company. Spe- cializing in wood fences. Willing to build any style. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. SHUFFF*940KS. Call for a free esti- mate. (360) 427-2914. $2/15-4/5 JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair }:()reign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Tour Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 O Nationwide Warranty . 462-0403 4HAPA) o 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton Gar000000Painting • 25χ years experience • References • Free estimates 36o-432-8847 360-490-4985 LIc GARHAP*942KH AFFORDABLE COMPUTER REPAIR _ Repai[. Upgrade : Backup Tutor Build Network • Virus Removal ._ O.S. Insta! Only'80 00,36o432-8140 Free pickup and delivery (40 mile) "Does not include pan or software Automotive Service" Everday Low Price .OIL .LUBE .FILTER $24.95* There Js no beffer time buy! Select from The Norlhwest Number 1 volum dealer in Diesels, Class A's, Class C's, Fifth Wheels, and Travel Trailers! Plus - Quality Care Multi- Point Inspection All Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked ncludes complimentary car wash *Plus tax and disposal shop fees Up to 5 qts 5W.30 bulk oil Some vehicles slightly more 2 nd Shelton exit off Hwy 101 360-426-5585 GUN SHOW, March 10-11, Centralia Fairgrounds, I-5 Exit 79. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Ad- mission $5. Information (503) 363-9564. K3/8 1984 19' Bayliner Capri with trailer, new starter, electric ignition, coil, plugs. Needs minor engine work. $1,000 aBe. (360) 490-6363. R3/1-8 You're always a WINNER with the great deals found in the Journal Classifieds! 1979 MAZDA RX7. Runs, needs work. $600 aBe. (360) 426-0921 le{we mes- s.a?eS?!8t!_n ............................ : ......... 1992 MERCEDES-BENZ 400SE, cus- tom tires, mag wheels, sunroof, leather interior. Beautiful. $6,800 aBe. Call evenings (360) 427-5431. P3/8 TWO BEDROOM Shelton duplex, car- port, outside storage unit, washer/dryer. Very nice, clean, landlord pays W/S/G. No pets/smoking, $725 monthly. (360) 701-2141. G3/8-29 LARGE 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Shelton house. New inside paint and carpet, ................................................................................... large fenced backyard, great location. 1994 FORD Bronco 4x4. V8, automatic, Nice, clean, no pets/smoking, $1,150 lots of options. See behind Treasures, at 305 W. Railroad. $3,500 aBe. Call (360) 427-3858. T3/8-29 1995 MERCURY Villager, excellent shape, $3,900. 1985 Ford Ranger 4x4, $1,000 aBe. (360) 490-6158, no an- swer, leave message. 03/8 monthly, (360) 701-2141. G3/8-29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $640 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855. T3/8-29 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Mt. View, non- ..................................................................... smoking, no pets, $750 first/last/deposit. 1997 CHEVROLET Astro van, 117,000 (360) 432-1385. $3/8-29 miles, eight passenger, new brakes. Original owner. $4,950. Call (360) 490- $850:2 bedroom, 1 bath home with 8976. W3/1-8 garage and shop. Desirable area, Mt. ................................................................... View school district. Water, sewer and JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd, 1997, one garbage included. $750 deposit. Call owner, looks great, runs perfect. 6 cylin- Melissa at John L. Scott, (360) 426- der, leather interior. $4,300 aBe. (360) 3319. $3/8 WE ARE accepting applications for income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom al," ments for elderly Controlled acted: ior2,e  ,ro dowtton shO3Po?ng3:)r ' g ppo "y. . ,^,n) Creek Apartments, 303 South 7m, I,' 426-3903. G2/15tfn BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 3 bath 2,100 sq.ft. Craftsman rambler Will be reabJ 1-1-07. Quiet, beautiful, adult communily, close to Island Lake, 1 minute from st0ep and hospital. No dogs. $1,200 mor. Call (360) 426-0277 or (360) 490-Z1" W12/21tfn STORAGE AVAILABLE. AutO, v,_,], RV. Low monthly rates Secure, fence' 5961 Hwy. 3, Shelton.'(360) 426-2907' $10/12 tfn 426-8327. B3/1-8 ........................................................ Street. (360) 426-0674. P8/24ff__.._.. ........................................................... $775: NICE, clean 2 bedroom home 1986 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup, rebuilt en- gine, runs good. $850 aBe. (360) 432- 3511 after 6 p.m. G3/1-8 1994 MERCEDES $420, low miles, very, very, very clean. $12,500 aBe. (360) 427-4174, leave message. O3/1- 22 CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1995 MERCURY Cougar XR-7. VB, new brakes, new battery, CD player, power everything. 114,000 miles. $1,800 aBe. (360) 432-1133. Please leave message. K2/22tfn NOW SELLING consignments. Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn 81/2' CASCADE camper. Electric/gas heater and refrigerator. Gas oven/stove. Extra gas tank, tie downs, hydraulic $2,000 aBe. (360) 432-7935. L1/25tfn jacks. No leaks, great shape, kept in shop. $1,500. Kayak - Perception Re- flex, small person's, white-water style, $125. (360) 426-6878, leave message. $3/8-15 1992 JAYCO - 29' 5th wheel. Self-con- tained, air, refrigerator, freezer, forced- air heat, awning. $4,500 aBe. (360) 427-2532, Les. M3/8-15 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta. Runs good, 182,000 miles. Power steering. 8-valve motor. Great 1st car or commuter. CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en- gine, too much to list. $3,200 aBe. Call Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn Vin Save wllh 4.99 or No Pa,AzlmlS for 8 Mmll*or OFF MSRP, Am...20% extended [ ....  ............. , ,SALE PRICE $I 39,575 MSRP $90,546 Minus 25% $22,636.50 SALE PRICE $67,909.50 e1151 . MSRP $38,, Minus 15% $5799.75 SALE PRICE $32,865 Vin #47CTDIR237PBtB688 Here are tIM offter ways to save at Pmas/x) RV/ ..... TRAVEL TRAILERS 01 PROWLER 721C RPOSgB 07 ZEPPELIN 292 P2254A 06 DENALI 26FB M141A FIFTH WHEELS 95 SAVANNAH 26 BP2378 CLASS C'S & A'S 99 BOUNDER 34V E2242A 94 CORONADO 33 P2363A 99 PACE ARROW 35 P2282A 04 SUNOVA 27C 12404A RETAIL $10,995 Sale $8,99S RETAIL $26,995 Sale $19,995 RETAIL $26,995 Sole $22,996 RETAIL'S14,995 Sale S12,995 RETAIL $59,995 Sale $64,906 RETAIL $26,995 Sale $23,996 RETAIL $44,995 Silo $39,999 RETAIL $69,995 Sale $59,996 LAKE LIMERICK, near new, 3 bed" rooms, 2 baths, $850 monthly plus de- posit. (360) 277-3474. B2/15-3/8.... STUDIO APARTMENT' $400 W/S/G paid. Lawton Apartmenis, 711' W. pine POULSBO RV 1"888"680"0111 1-360-697-4445 19705 Viking Ave NW, Poulsbo, WA All Offers sebect to credit approval Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing and POl cber with tier 1 credit mg On itpfxov by leder, Terms: 1.7,99% for 240 me. Prices and payments do not include tax, license  mandato/FOI charge $525 to $2,000, *25% off RV's MSRP prlee, on ls, cannot be combined with any other offers (4.99, no   6 ). "4.99% fk'mln O 18 on eeleto(l un ly, OAC, Avaiteble 3/1/07-3/31/07. Financed amnt and trade equity coutd affect term/rate/pl meet. Actual rotes m 7.99%-8,99%. In order to qoatfy, you muat exprees interest tar the 4.99 promotion at the itrne of your first offer/visit (cannot be comb wllh 25% off of MSRP or no paynHmt  6 rnaths). *"No payments for six earths (defened beyments) totomst does acome end Is not catcula into advmlJsed prices. All offers are oly valid with this ad and cannot be cond}inad with any other of- lets. NI uofta may be different from images shown Md m I enty. The deainr may arge a documentKy esrvice fes of op 1o $35. Prk:es ere not  to dders or relm' Prlca.,4fers are only available w this ad at the tno of perchase. Sale ends 3/31/07./@ offers m not velgl on pres deals. See dealer for complete detaits, Page 36 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8, 2007 near Spencer Lake. Furnished, water, sewer, and basic cable included in rent. Available now. No pets. $700 deposit. Call Melissa at John L. Scott, (360) 426- 3319. $3/8 BRAND NEW beautiful 2 bedroom du- plex. Available now. Close to downtown and buses. $750 deposit, $750 rent in- cludes W/S/G. 223 So. 10th St. Call for application, (360) 239-7251, Shelton. H3/8-22 DAYTON AREA: three bedrooms, two baths on acreage. Recently remodeled. Woodstove, garage. $1,100. Carl (360) 280-1530, leave message. B3/8 NEWLY REMODELED: 2 story, 4 bed- room home on 5 acres in Hoodsport. Jetted bathtub, fireplace, wrap around deck, new appliances. $950 monthly plus deposit. (360) 280-4801. D3/8-15 SHELTON -4 bedroom, 1.75 bath home near downtown. New kitchen cabinets, carpet. Garage with opener. $1,040. (360) 280-1787 (local call) wa4rent. com. C3/8-29 2 BEDROOM mobile, W/S/G paid, cable available, small home. Deposit required. Close to town. $585 monthly. (360) 426- 2015. E3/Btfn SHELTON, 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with woodstove, fenced yard, 1 car ga- rage. Tenant pays for city water, sewer, garbage. $700 rent, $700 deposit. Avail- able approximately 3/23/07 or sooner. Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567.13/8 GREAT LOCATION near Shelton. Se- cluded neighborhood and quiet sur- roundings. 2 bedrooms and large loft. Laundry room, storage, and carport. $950 per month, plus $1,000 deposit. Trash and water paid. $40 non-refund- able application fee. No pets or smok- ing. (360) 426-2720. B3/8-29 SHARE QUIET country home with 2 adults near Shelton. $325 month unfur- nished, $345 month furnished plus 1/3 electricity. Non-refundable credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 3 month renew- able lease. (360) 432-8269 or (360) 870-7506. H2/15-3/8 WATERFRONT APARTMENT on Hood Canal. Home-like atmosphere, laundry facilities, Broadband, Internet, cable and dish TV included. Furnished or unfurnished, $550. Lilliwaup. No smok- ing. Nature, Google, oysters and HBO. Could you ask for anything more? (360) 877-5501. Mc2/Btfn UNION - 1 bedroom mobile home.S650, first/last (360) 898-1038. W3/1-8 QUIET FAWN Lake. Newly renoV 2 bedroom, 1 bath double wide mob ' Access to the lake, fishinQ, boating. ,NO pets, no smoking. $750 month, $70 posit, 6 month lease. Appliances, w" included. (360) 870-4559. B LAKE CUSHMAN house, three I_,i room, one bath, all appliances, de fenced yard, non-smoking, $850. (;' 403-7261. C3/1-22 LARGE SINGLE-WIDE mobile horne bedroom, 2 bath. Quiet neighborhOOd' $650 monthly. Available 3/10/07. TonY, (360) 432-0137. M3/1-8 CLASS A medical space with high visil" ity on Olympic Highway. 875 sq.ft...,:(.,,a plete and ready to open practice. WSJ"l area. Reception area, 2 exam roomS,_ area and rivate office P -- hi itv of ao" p .o ..... , ditional space if needed. Call (360) 1024 or (360) 239-1714. G3/lff_..j COMMERCIAL SHOP, close to pia near Kamilche. 2 large bays. storage, and bathroom. No charg sewer or water ($90 value). $650 $650 deposit. Available on short Invest Realty LLC, (360) 426-3567. COMMERCIAL FIXER. Fix, repair, profit. Commercial bull( Shelton on Hwy. 3. Two story rage and woodstove, 1,200 sq.ft. Great potential for space, etc. Asking $169,900 or make offer. Call Invest Realty (360) 426-3567. 13/8 COMMERCIAL/RETAIL. Approxiff 1,600 square feet of tail space in prime downtown available at less than 80’ a square' (360) 426-9728. S2/15tfn FREE UP your house. Small, able office space available. 343 of newly remodeled space in higt location with abundant parking. Hwy. North, PUD 3 fiber optic access available. Call Mike, (3 1024. G9/21tfn MOBILE HOME in Christmas Vill bedrooms, 2 baths. $79,000. 9353. G3/8-15 DOUBLEWlDE MOBILE, 1700 E. ton Springs Road, #2, Shelton. 866-1703 or (360) 432-3558. F3/1°; GATED COMMUNITY LIVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with dez, floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 c r spacious garage, large master suite, natural gas force'u air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet acce' RV storage, extra storage units, professiona]_ landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,OUU per month. Call Lake Park LLC for more information