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All gussied up for Hypatia-in-the-Woods
Kay Thykeson wears vintage clothing to
the second annual Antiques Forum to
benefit Hypatia-in-the-Woods. The third
annual forum will begin at 7 p.m. on
Monday, March 12, in the PUD 3 Audi-
torium, 307 West Cota Street in Shelton.
Olympia bookseller Jenifer Stewart and
her colleague Ralph Nollner will discuss
what makes a book collection. Nollner
has been trading used and out-of-print
books for many years, and Stewart owns
and operates a shop opened in 1935 by
Anna Blom, a Russian immigrant wom-
an who managed to put her two children
through college as a single mother. Ste-
phen Gay, a member of Friends of Willie
and Joe, will be on hand to consult on
U.S. militaria, and Alice Miller will ap-
praise women's military uniforms and
other vintage garments.' They round out
a list of a dozen or so antiques experts
who will speak and offer informal evalu-
ations at the popular event. Those bring-
ing their treasures for consultation are
invited to make a $5 donation to Hypatia-
in-the-Woods and its work establishing
a woodland retreat residence for women
artists on Hammersley Inlet. More infor-
mation is available from Elspeth Pope at
PUD board will
meet March'20
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled its March 13 regular
meeting. Commissioners will meet
next at 10 a.m. on March 20 in
the boardroom at 307 West Cota
Street in Shelton.
M.P. 0.02
SEALED BIDS will be received for a cul-
vert replacement on Beeville Loop Road,
Road No. 01420, MP 0.02 vicinity, CRP
#1855 (Range $200,000 - $250,000), at the
office of the County Commissioners, located
in Building 1,411 North 5th Street, Shelton,
Washington, 98584, until Friday, March 16,
2007 @ 9 A.M., at which time they will be
publicly opened and read.
MAJOR BID ITEMS will include: Mobili-
zation, Lump Sum; Structure Excavation
Clase B Incl. Haul 572 C.Y.; Shoring or Ex-
tra Excavation Class B, 497 S.F.; Precast
Relf. Cone. Structure w/Lid. 18' Span x 8'
Rise x 60' Length, Lump Sum; Stream Bed
Gravel, 234 Ton; Angular Rock, 145 Ton;
Crushed Surfacing Base Coume, 224 C.Y.;
Rock for Rockwell, 135 Ton; HMA Class
1/2 In. PG 58-22,145 Ton; Downier & Tem-
porery Stream By-Pase, Lump Sum; SPCC
Plan, Lump Bum and other items in confor-
mance with the Standard Specifications, the
APWA Supplement, and the Special Provi-
sions for this project.
bidding shall be obtained at the office of
the County Engineer located in the Court-
house Building 8 at 415 N. Sixth St. (P. O.
Box 1850), Shelton, Washington, 98584, for
$50.00 per set, non-refundable.
ALL BID PROPOSALS shall be accom-
panied by a bid proposal deposit in the form
of a Surety Bond, Cash, Cashier's Check, or
Certified Check in an amount equal to five
percent (5%) of the amount of such bid pro-
posal. The Proposal Bond shall be on DOT
Form 272-O01 revlmKI 08/2001 for Local
Agency Use. Should the successful bidder
fail to enter into such contract and furnish
satisfactory performance bond within the
time stated in the Specifications, the bid pro-
posal deposit shall be forfeited to the County
of Mason.
ALL BID PROPOSALS must be in writ-
ing, on forms furnished by the County Engi-
neer, sealed and filed with the Clerk of the
Board of County Commissioners on or before
the day and hour above-mentioned.
COMMISSIONERS reserves the right to ac-
cept or reject bids on each item separately or
as a whole; to reject any or all bids, to waive
informalities and to contract as to the best in-
terest of Mason County.
DATED this 20th day of February, 2007.
Is/Kathy L. Van Denover
Kathy L. Van Denover,
2/22-3/1-8 3t
County rejects proposal
for Harstine cabin zone
(Continued from page 31.)
cabins or a retreat on the island,
"but I was considering it for a
much larger size and a much
lower density." She said the
highest density on the island is
one building per acre, and noted
these are an exception that won't
be permitted anymore. Magu-
ire suggested that a special-use
permit might ensure the appli-
cants will stick to the proposal
they have outlined and prevent
potential future owners from
being automatically allowed to
bring in other commercial uses
to the land.
"I think it needs to be recon-
sidered," she said.
Besides the applicants them-
selves, among those speaking in
favor of the proposal was John
Noble, a Harstine resident and
a retired professional geolo-
gist who has specialized in the
management of groundwater
nd municipal and industrial
water supplies. He found noth-
ing wrong with the well or sep-
tic system designed for the pro-
posed campground.
Bremnath Carnot, who lives
on the island with his wife, also
testified in favor of the camp-
ground. He and others pointed
to a need for upscale lodging
when guests such as his friends
and family from out of the coun-
try come to visit. He also noted
that a lot of people are now try-
ing to move onto the island.
MR. CARNOT mentioned
his involvement with the Archi-
tectural Control Committee of
Hartstene Pointe, a gated com-
munity. In this capacity he has
dealt with Mr. James in connec-
tion with construction projects
and said he was very impressed
with the applicant's compliance
with the "very strict" rules and
regulations enforced by the com-
munity. Carnot said that, based
on his encounters with James,
he has concluded that the appli-
cant is committed to preserving
the island's rural character.
"It's a good project and I think
it will help all of the communi-
ties that are out there," Carnot
said. Christenson, the co-appli-
cant, added: "This would give
Mason County revenue and all
of the community a nice, cozy
Page 42 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8, 2007
bed-and-breakfast-style accom-
Christenson described how
she had inherited the property
from her late father, who had
owned it for decades. She said
she and her husband live down
the street from the land and
own an adjacent piece of prop-
erty. She listed several poten-
tial benefits of the campground
and pointed out how cottage in-
dustries, businesses and camp-
grounds already exist on the
"I'm trying to do something
nice to the island, as well as ful-
fill a need," said her husband,
Mr. James.
property is located on an inter-
section across from the Harst-
ine Island Community Hall. His
wife referred to a study by the
Mason County Public Works
Department that found the in-
tersection to be well-trafficked,
noting that many people had
remarked on the location as be-
ing ideal for a venture such as
"The spot, we thought, was
perfect for this," James said.
He talked about how he had
submitted a very specific pro-
posal and could only assure his
neighbors he intends to follow
through with his plans as set
out, in an attempt to assuage
their fears about the zoning
criteria. Commissioner Ring-
Erickson said she is quite fa-
miliar with this intersection
and indicated she shared some
of the concerns expressed by
island residents when it comes
to plans that "don't end up with
the intended consequences."
While much of the testimony
addressed the plans for the site
in question, she noted how the
hearing was really directed at
the rezone request.
"I don't question the good in-
tentions of the applicants," said
Commissioner Sheldon. At the
same time he agreed that the
current stipulations for a Ru-
ral Tourist Campground desig-
nation are probably a little too
broad. "To me, I think the bot-
tom line is that rural tourism
would not be compatible with
the surrounding uses," he said.
DAV, d b Cflu00c00
Freedom Preached and Practiced
Worship Sundays (with childcare):
Services .. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Spanish .................. 9:00 a.rn.
Worship at 324 West Cedar Street
Office phone: 426-8472
Heavenly Gifts
Thurs.-Sat• I I a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 462-4438
Mt. oHve .
Lutheran Chur
Missouri Synod
206 Eost Wytandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service ..... 8:30 a..
Christian Education ............ 9:45 a..
Traditional Worship .......... 11:00 a.l.
Lenten Service-Wed .... 7 pjt
()c'e 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
New Co
Church of
j Sunday GatherinP
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Skokomish Tribal Cent,
Tribal Center Rd., off HwY. lUO
360-898-7855 .
web site: www.nccu.into
SheUon Church of
740 W. Dayton-Airport Road * 360-426-1169
Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.l
Worship & Communion 10:45 a.m. Christian Counselil
Worship 2 p.m. Agape Counseli
/ CrossPoint Service Traditional Service . '
:S.€ ,!'o{N m A more contemporary servk'e A more traditional service
that begins at 9:00 AM that begins at
" ............ ! ....... " • Praise Band • Praise Team 1 0:45 AM ....
• Contemporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both sc
A place to experience God's presence...
A place to belong...
Sunday School -- 9:30 AM
Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM
Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM
1331 E, Shelton Springs Rd.
Shelton, WA 426.1298
http:/Inazarenel'tctc, corn
Nondenominational • Family Centered
Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..426-702:1
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
A casual and uplifting worship experience
E.LCA. Pastor Steve Olso
426-8611 1212 Connecuon
" Traditional Worship ...... 8:45
A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m.
Church Contemporary Worship ... 11 a.m.
• Bible Study • Daycar¢ M-F 462-5437 • Youth Activities
"Sharing a Message of Hope"
Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday
Worship Service 10:50 a.m. Saturday
210 VV. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-2776
Washington State Accredited Certified Teaching Staff
201 W. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-4198
Firzt 8apti=t Church www.
428 kl/. Cote Street, Shelton, kl/A ?8584 360.426.84b I
Pastors: Gary Schwarz and Glen Keeffe lifegi.v.00
Sunday Vorshlp Services: 9g)0 & 10:30 am
Adult Bilge Classes: 8, 9 & 10::10 am LaUno forshiP
Chilclren's Ministry:. 9 & 10:30 am [Nursery--2nd grcl, I
Tweeners Discovery Classes: 9 am [3rcl--Tth grcl. l
YOU m Truth Project: 9am [8U1--1 h grd.]
Wednesdays Nights: YOIf Church 5SSpm Ib-I am 'd,l Thursday S '
AWANA CLUB--Wednesday 6: I S - 8: pm IX-Sth. Selx--rlll
$nudl Groups avl mrougtmut we. sharing I!
wv., lton fllX,o¢//mllgroup
405 S. Seventh St. @ Shelton, WA 98584 • 360.426.2758 •
9:00 a.m. Celebration Service
10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, ChildrenS
1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service
4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided)
6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service
7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Childrel[s
"Helping people become whole in ]esus Christ"
Shdton United Me&odist Church
All gussied up for Hypatia-in-the-Woods
Kay Thykeson wears vintage clothing to
the second annual Antiques Forum to
benefit Hypatia-in-the-Woods. The third
annual forum will begin at 7 p.m. on
Monday, March 12, in the PUD 3 Audi-
torium, 307 West Cota Street in Shelton.
Olympia bookseller Jenifer Stewart and
her colleague Ralph Nollner will discuss
what makes a book collection. Nollner
has been trading used and out-of-print
books for many years, and Stewart owns
and operates a shop opened in 1935 by
Anna Blom, a Russian immigrant wom-
an who managed to put her two children
through college as a single mother. Ste-
phen Gay, a member of Friends of Willie
and Joe, will be on hand to consult on
U.S. militaria, and Alice Miller will ap-
praise women's military uniforms and
other vintage garments.' They round out
a list of a dozen or so antiques experts
who will speak and offer informal evalu-
ations at the popular event. Those bring-
ing their treasures for consultation are
invited to make a $5 donation to Hypatia-
in-the-Woods and its work establishing
a woodland retreat residence for women
artists on Hammersley Inlet. More infor-
mation is available from Elspeth Pope at
PUD board will
meet March'20
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled its March 13 regular
meeting. Commissioners will meet
next at 10 a.m. on March 20 in
the boardroom at 307 West Cota
Street in Shelton.
M.P. 0.02
SEALED BIDS will be received for a cul-
vert replacement on Beeville Loop Road,
Road No. 01420, MP 0.02 vicinity, CRP
#1855 (Range $200,000 - $250,000), at the
office of the County Commissioners, located
in Building 1,411 North 5th Street, Shelton,
Washington, 98584, until Friday, March 16,
2007 @ 9 A.M., at which time they will be
publicly opened and read.
MAJOR BID ITEMS will include: Mobili-
zation, Lump Sum; Structure Excavation
Clase B Incl. Haul 572 C.Y.; Shoring or Ex-
tra Excavation Class B, 497 S.F.; Precast
Relf. Cone. Structure w/Lid. 18' Span x 8'
Rise x 60' Length, Lump Sum; Stream Bed
Gravel, 234 Ton; Angular Rock, 145 Ton;
Crushed Surfacing Base Coume, 224 C.Y.;
Rock for Rockwell, 135 Ton; HMA Class
1/2 In. PG 58-22,145 Ton; Downier & Tem-
porery Stream By-Pase, Lump Sum; SPCC
Plan, Lump Bum and other items in confor-
mance with the Standard Specifications, the
APWA Supplement, and the Special Provi-
sions for this project.
bidding shall be obtained at the office of
the County Engineer located in the Court-
house Building 8 at 415 N. Sixth St. (P. O.
Box 1850), Shelton, Washington, 98584, for
$50.00 per set, non-refundable.
ALL BID PROPOSALS shall be accom-
panied by a bid proposal deposit in the form
of a Surety Bond, Cash, Cashier's Check, or
Certified Check in an amount equal to five
percent (5%) of the amount of such bid pro-
posal. The Proposal Bond shall be on DOT
Form 272-O01 revlmKI 08/2001 for Local
Agency Use. Should the successful bidder
fail to enter into such contract and furnish
satisfactory performance bond within the
time stated in the Specifications, the bid pro-
posal deposit shall be forfeited to the County
of Mason.
ALL BID PROPOSALS must be in writ-
ing, on forms furnished by the County Engi-
neer, sealed and filed with the Clerk of the
Board of County Commissioners on or before
the day and hour above-mentioned.
COMMISSIONERS reserves the right to ac-
cept or reject bids on each item separately or
as a whole; to reject any or all bids, to waive
informalities and to contract as to the best in-
terest of Mason County.
DATED this 20th day of February, 2007.
Is/Kathy L. Van Denover
Kathy L. Van Denover,
2/22-3/1-8 3t
County rejects proposal
for Harstine cabin zone
(Continued from page 31.)
cabins or a retreat on the island,
"but I was considering it for a
much larger size and a much
lower density." She said the
highest density on the island is
one building per acre, and noted
these are an exception that won't
be permitted anymore. Magu-
ire suggested that a special-use
permit might ensure the appli-
cants will stick to the proposal
they have outlined and prevent
potential future owners from
being automatically allowed to
bring in other commercial uses
to the land.
"I think it needs to be recon-
sidered," she said.
Besides the applicants them-
selves, among those speaking in
favor of the proposal was John
Noble, a Harstine resident and
a retired professional geolo-
gist who has specialized in the
management of groundwater
nd municipal and industrial
water supplies. He found noth-
ing wrong with the well or sep-
tic system designed for the pro-
posed campground.
Bremnath Carnot, who lives
on the island with his wife, also
testified in favor of the camp-
ground. He and others pointed
to a need for upscale lodging
when guests such as his friends
and family from out of the coun-
try come to visit. He also noted
that a lot of people are now try-
ing to move onto the island.
MR. CARNOT mentioned
his involvement with the Archi-
tectural Control Committee of
Hartstene Pointe, a gated com-
munity. In this capacity he has
dealt with Mr. James in connec-
tion with construction projects
and said he was very impressed
with the applicant's compliance
with the "very strict" rules and
regulations enforced by the com-
munity. Carnot said that, based
on his encounters with James,
he has concluded that the appli-
cant is committed to preserving
the island's rural character.
"It's a good project and I think
it will help all of the communi-
ties that are out there," Carnot
said. Christenson, the co-appli-
cant, added: "This would give
Mason County revenue and all
of the community a nice, cozy
Page 42 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8, 2007
bed-and-breakfast-style accom-
Christenson described how
she had inherited the property
from her late father, who had
owned it for decades. She said
she and her husband live down
the street from the land and
own an adjacent piece of prop-
erty. She listed several poten-
tial benefits of the campground
and pointed out how cottage in-
dustries, businesses and camp-
grounds already exist on the
"I'm trying to do something
nice to the island, as well as ful-
fill a need," said her husband,
Mr. James.
property is located on an inter-
section across from the Harst-
ine Island Community Hall. His
wife referred to a study by the
Mason County Public Works
Department that found the in-
tersection to be well-trafficked,
noting that many people had
remarked on the location as be-
ing ideal for a venture such as
"The spot, we thought, was
perfect for this," James said.
He talked about how he had
submitted a very specific pro-
posal and could only assure his
neighbors he intends to follow
through with his plans as set
out, in an attempt to assuage
their fears about the zoning
criteria. Commissioner Ring-
Erickson said she is quite fa-
miliar with this intersection
and indicated she shared some
of the concerns expressed by
island residents when it comes
to plans that "don't end up with
the intended consequences."
While much of the testimony
addressed the plans for the site
in question, she noted how the
hearing was really directed at
the rezone request.
"I don't question the good in-
tentions of the applicants," said
Commissioner Sheldon. At the
same time he agreed that the
current stipulations for a Ru-
ral Tourist Campground desig-
nation are probably a little too
broad. "To me, I think the bot-
tom line is that rural tourism
would not be compatible with
the surrounding uses," he said.
DAV, d b Cflu00c00
Freedom Preached and Practiced
Worship Sundays (with childcare):
Services .. 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Spanish .................. 9:00 a.rn.
Worship at 324 West Cedar Street
Office phone: 426-8472
Heavenly Gifts
Thurs.-Sat• I I a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 462-4438
Mt. oHve .
Lutheran Chur
Missouri Synod
206 Eost Wytandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service ..... 8:30 a..
Christian Education ............ 9:45 a..
Traditional Worship .......... 11:00 a.l.
Lenten Service-Wed .... 7 pjt
()c'e 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
New Co
Church of
j Sunday GatherinP
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Skokomish Tribal Cent,
Tribal Center Rd., off HwY. lUO
360-898-7855 .
web site: www.nccu.into
SheUon Church of
740 W. Dayton-Airport Road * 360-426-1169
Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.l
Worship & Communion 10:45 a.m. Christian Counselil
Worship 2 p.m. Agape Counseli
/ CrossPoint Service Traditional Service . '
:S.€ ,!'o{N m A more contemporary servk'e A more traditional service
that begins at 9:00 AM that begins at
" ............ ! ....... " • Praise Band • Praise Team 1 0:45 AM ....
• Contemporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both sc
A place to experience God's presence...
A place to belong...
Sunday School -- 9:30 AM
Worship Celebration -- 10:45 AM
Sunday Evening -- 6:00 PM
1331 E, Shelton Springs Rd.
Shelton, WA 426.1298
http:/Inazarenel'tctc, corn
Nondenominational • Family Centered
Corner of Highway 101 and Railroad Ave..426-702:1
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
A casual and uplifting worship experience
E.LCA. Pastor Steve Olso
426-8611 1212 Connecuon
" Traditional Worship ...... 8:45
A Sunday School ............ 10:00 a.m.
Church Contemporary Worship ... 11 a.m.
• Bible Study • Daycar¢ M-F 462-5437 • Youth Activities
"Sharing a Message of Hope"
Sabbath School (all ages) 9:30 a.m. Saturday
Worship Service 10:50 a.m. Saturday
210 VV. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-2776
Washington State Accredited Certified Teaching Staff
201 W. Shelton Valley Road (360) 426-4198
Firzt 8apti=t Church www.
428 kl/. Cote Street, Shelton, kl/A ?8584 360.426.84b I
Pastors: Gary Schwarz and Glen Keeffe lifegi.v.00
Sunday Vorshlp Services: 9g)0 & 10:30 am
Adult Bilge Classes: 8, 9 & 10::10 am LaUno forshiP
Chilclren's Ministry:. 9 & 10:30 am [Nursery--2nd grcl, I
Tweeners Discovery Classes: 9 am [3rcl--Tth grcl. l
YOU m Truth Project: 9am [8U1--1 h grd.]
Wednesdays Nights: YOIf Church 5SSpm Ib-I am 'd,l Thursday S '
AWANA CLUB--Wednesday 6: I S - 8: pm IX-Sth. Selx--rlll
$nudl Groups avl mrougtmut we. sharing I!
wv., lton fllX,o¢//mllgroup
405 S. Seventh St. @ Shelton, WA 98584 • 360.426.2758 •
9:00 a.m. Celebration Service
10:30 a.m. Celebration Service, Attended Nursery, ChildrenS
1:30 p.m. Hispanic (Bilingual) Worship Service
4:00 p.m. Freedom in Recovery 12-Step (Childcare provided)
6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service
7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service, SoulFire Youth and Childrel[s
"Helping people become whole in ]esus Christ"
Shdton United Me&odist Church