March 8, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 8, 2007 |
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€)" I'
On March 1,,. I JESFIELD '
.N00iist Jim Lynch '°°"'"°°"°"""°
[ Serving the North Mason area
': [ since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Is set to visit Belfair ' Re-constructionand
I home repairs
I 275-6684
| Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Aw,ud winning Washington ,m story introduces readers to Miles hshed m England and translated I Lic #JESFII*228DO
thor Jim Lynch is set to visit Bel- O'Malley, an inquisitive, intro- for publication in other nations. A
thir to read fl'om and discuss the
writing of his bestselling novel,
The tlighest "l'idc.
The free public presentation,
sponsored by the Friends of the
North Mason Timberhmd Library,
will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 13, at the library in Belfair.
Lynch will also siam books after
the presentation.
Set: on the tidelands of Puget
Sound, 7'he Highest 7'ide is a novel
at' change, personal growth and
the wonders of marine litb. The
spective 13-year-old who is fasci-
nated by the wildlife in the sound.
When an unlikely discovery makes
him temporarily fhmous, his small
world expands at an unsettling
Lynch has won national jour-
nalism awards and published a
number of short fiction pieces. He
was the Puget Sound reporter for
the Porthmd-based newspaper The
Oregonian tbr tbur years.
The Highest Tide is Lynch's
first novel. It has also been pub-
Washington State native, Lynch
currently writes and sails from his
home in Olympia, where he lives
with his wiIb and daughter.
The special presentation by
Lynch tbllows a very brief meeting
of the library's Friends group. The
North Mason Timberland Region-
al Library is located at 23081 NE
State Route 3 in Belfair. For more
inibrmation, folks may call the li-
brary at 275-3232.
Topsoil. Bark. Mulches. Fill Dirt. Rockew Rock. Crushed Rock* WashedR0ck I [l:,l '1
Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales I a.
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 7 : t
At the salmon center:
Nomine(00s sought for the
Wild Salmon Hall of Fame
The Pacific Northwest Sahnon
Center in Belthir is seeking nomi-
nees tbr its 2007 Wild Sahnon
tlall ot" Fame Awm'd.
The purpose of the Wild Sahn-
on Hall of Fame is to "honor and
celebrate people who have dem-
onstrated, over time, actions that
have inspired and which continue
te guide a passion for the preser-
wltion and recovery of abundant
and diverse Wild Salmon popu-
lations throughout the Pacific
Candidates can be from Alaska,
British Columbia, Washington,
Oregon, California and Idaho.
The award winner will be an-
nounced September 22 at a spe-
cial dinner celebration in Bremer-
Nominations are welcome for
salmon supporters tom anywhere
in the Northwe;t and should ex-
emplify a dedicated, influential
passion tbr wild salmon in the Pa-
cific Northwest.
Nomination forms and infor-
mation about past nominees and
winners are available on the
salmon center's Web site at www.
Those that would like more in-
formation about the salmon cen-
ter or the hall of fame should con-
tact Tori Dulemba at 275-2763 or
toriC& :
The nomination forms are due
by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 1.
Turkey hunters gearing
up for extended season
A thriving turkey population
has alh)wed the Waslaington De-
partment of Fish and Wildlife
Athletes are
Several North Mason tligh
School athletes have been recog-
nized for their outstanding eflbrts
this past sports season.
Virgil Mastel earned ()lympic
League first-team honors while
Steven Nelson earned second-
team honors tbr wrestling. A.J.
Castellano and Jared Rinehart
each earned honorable mention.
On the basketball court, Brett
Skogstad was named second-
team all-league while John Ful-
lington and Scan Madsen eai'ned
honoral)le mention. On the girls'
side, Stephanie Hicks earned sec-
ond-team all-league honors while
Amanda James and Jennifer Hup-
per each earned honorable mention.
A brief note
to readers
Readers have expressed curios-
ity over the authorship of a pair of
recent articles that contained no
The articles, which ran Febru-
ary 1 and February 22, and were
about Fire District 2 and Randy
Neatherlin respectively, were
each written by Herald reporter
Liz Case.
This year the Cemetery Commissioners
have elected to submit the cemetery
maintenance contract to competitive bids.
Cemetery maintenance runs from April to
October with a general clean-up before and
after Christmas, Duties will include mowing,
weed eating, and general upkeep twice a
week during contracted time. For a list of
specific specifications for the maintenance
work at the Twin Firs Cemetery contact Paula
Grande at (360) 2755163.
3/8 1 t
Serving am,one living or working
in Mason or (;rays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic tlwy. N., Shelton
www, ourcu.con/
(WDFW) to extend the spring
2007 turkey-hunting season by
two weeks.
For the first time, Washing-
ton's turkey hunt will run April
15 through May 31. The Wash-
ington Fish and Wildlife Com-
mission approved the extension
last year.
"Turkey hunting has become
w;ry popular in Washington,"
said Mick Cope, an upland game
manager for WDFW. "The birds
are doing very well, especially in
Eastern Washington and we're
pleased to offer an extended sea-
son for hunters."
COPE SAID hunters gear-
ing up for the season should take
note of the following changes and
• The first turkey tag is no lon-
ger included with the purchase
of a small-game license; hunters
must pay fbr each tag. The price
of each turkey tag has been re-
duced from $19.71 to $15.33 (the
first tag is free for youth hunters).
The small-game license is $32.85.
Two thirds of the turkey tag rev-
enue is dedicated to turkey and
upland bird management.
Gardening class
set to be offered
(Continued from page 1.)
workshop to teach residents to
turn their yard and garden de-
bris into soil-enriching compost.
The workshop will be held
from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Sat-
urday, March 17, at the Mary E.
Theler Community Center. The
center is located at 22871 NE
State Route 3 in Belthir.
Instructor Janis McNeal will
show students how to choose
the right compost bin tbr their
needs, the proper mix of ingre-
dients, how to practice vermi-
culture (worm composting) and
how to use compost as a soil con-
ditioner or mulch.
And as an added bonus, resi-
dents of the Hood Canal water-
shed who attend the workshop
will receive a tYee compost bin.
Preregistration is required to
ensure adequate materials, and
the afbrementioned compost
bins, for participants.
The Blue Thumb program is
funded through the Puget Sound
Action Team and Washington
Sea Grant. To register for the
workshop, contact McNeal via
e-mail at jmcnealCvashing- or call her at 360-432-
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Sound views.
Walk to shopping
and beach.
(360) 275-3120
Dennis Simone AI
Individual & Business Taxes
Time to Ge? Ready for Taxes
Come By for a Tax Organizer
24090 NI State Route 3 Suite l
(360) 275-3119 or (360) SS216699
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 8, 2007
to rent or b@ novelties and lovers packages
to add some heat back into your relationship.
Open 7 Days A Week
Man-Sat 8am-2am • Sun lOam-lOpm
Serving Elmo's ADULT BO'
Puget Sound
since 1969 338 N. Cal/ow • Bremerton 360.373,0
RO. Box 275 • NE 431 Lo, Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 9852
The Place To Take Your
YARD & WOOD Waste /
27S-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Ayers Automotive, the NEW shop in £'apaview (Mason/%t g
Lake Area) is a family owned, fully licensed repair shop. L
is an ASE Master Technician with over 20 years experience' II'
We work on most foreign and domestic cars and light truc 'lkiall,,
Give us a call to see if we can help you with your aut°m°tivc'iti
repair needsl
bnitra (holding Rufus), Brennan and Mark
Did you know that your car doesn't have to be serviced 0.!
the dealership to keep your manufacturer's warranty covereal lJ
STOP paying dealer pricesl You only need to see the deald]
for something you don't have to pay forl
€)" I'
On March 1,,. I JESFIELD '
.N00iist Jim Lynch '°°"'"°°"°"""°
[ Serving the North Mason area
': [ since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Is set to visit Belfair ' Re-constructionand
I home repairs
I 275-6684
| Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Aw,ud winning Washington ,m story introduces readers to Miles hshed m England and translated I Lic #JESFII*228DO
thor Jim Lynch is set to visit Bel- O'Malley, an inquisitive, intro- for publication in other nations. A
thir to read fl'om and discuss the
writing of his bestselling novel,
The tlighest "l'idc.
The free public presentation,
sponsored by the Friends of the
North Mason Timberhmd Library,
will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 13, at the library in Belfair.
Lynch will also siam books after
the presentation.
Set: on the tidelands of Puget
Sound, 7'he Highest 7'ide is a novel
at' change, personal growth and
the wonders of marine litb. The
spective 13-year-old who is fasci-
nated by the wildlife in the sound.
When an unlikely discovery makes
him temporarily fhmous, his small
world expands at an unsettling
Lynch has won national jour-
nalism awards and published a
number of short fiction pieces. He
was the Puget Sound reporter for
the Porthmd-based newspaper The
Oregonian tbr tbur years.
The Highest Tide is Lynch's
first novel. It has also been pub-
Washington State native, Lynch
currently writes and sails from his
home in Olympia, where he lives
with his wiIb and daughter.
The special presentation by
Lynch tbllows a very brief meeting
of the library's Friends group. The
North Mason Timberland Region-
al Library is located at 23081 NE
State Route 3 in Belfair. For more
inibrmation, folks may call the li-
brary at 275-3232.
Topsoil. Bark. Mulches. Fill Dirt. Rockew Rock. Crushed Rock* WashedR0ck I [l:,l '1
Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales I a.
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 7 : t
At the salmon center:
Nomine(00s sought for the
Wild Salmon Hall of Fame
The Pacific Northwest Sahnon
Center in Belthir is seeking nomi-
nees tbr its 2007 Wild Sahnon
tlall ot" Fame Awm'd.
The purpose of the Wild Sahn-
on Hall of Fame is to "honor and
celebrate people who have dem-
onstrated, over time, actions that
have inspired and which continue
te guide a passion for the preser-
wltion and recovery of abundant
and diverse Wild Salmon popu-
lations throughout the Pacific
Candidates can be from Alaska,
British Columbia, Washington,
Oregon, California and Idaho.
The award winner will be an-
nounced September 22 at a spe-
cial dinner celebration in Bremer-
Nominations are welcome for
salmon supporters tom anywhere
in the Northwe;t and should ex-
emplify a dedicated, influential
passion tbr wild salmon in the Pa-
cific Northwest.
Nomination forms and infor-
mation about past nominees and
winners are available on the
salmon center's Web site at www.
Those that would like more in-
formation about the salmon cen-
ter or the hall of fame should con-
tact Tori Dulemba at 275-2763 or
toriC& :
The nomination forms are due
by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 1.
Turkey hunters gearing
up for extended season
A thriving turkey population
has alh)wed the Waslaington De-
partment of Fish and Wildlife
Athletes are
Several North Mason tligh
School athletes have been recog-
nized for their outstanding eflbrts
this past sports season.
Virgil Mastel earned ()lympic
League first-team honors while
Steven Nelson earned second-
team honors tbr wrestling. A.J.
Castellano and Jared Rinehart
each earned honorable mention.
On the basketball court, Brett
Skogstad was named second-
team all-league while John Ful-
lington and Scan Madsen eai'ned
honoral)le mention. On the girls'
side, Stephanie Hicks earned sec-
ond-team all-league honors while
Amanda James and Jennifer Hup-
per each earned honorable mention.
A brief note
to readers
Readers have expressed curios-
ity over the authorship of a pair of
recent articles that contained no
The articles, which ran Febru-
ary 1 and February 22, and were
about Fire District 2 and Randy
Neatherlin respectively, were
each written by Herald reporter
Liz Case.
This year the Cemetery Commissioners
have elected to submit the cemetery
maintenance contract to competitive bids.
Cemetery maintenance runs from April to
October with a general clean-up before and
after Christmas, Duties will include mowing,
weed eating, and general upkeep twice a
week during contracted time. For a list of
specific specifications for the maintenance
work at the Twin Firs Cemetery contact Paula
Grande at (360) 2755163.
3/8 1 t
Serving am,one living or working
in Mason or (;rays Harbor County
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic tlwy. N., Shelton
www, ourcu.con/
(WDFW) to extend the spring
2007 turkey-hunting season by
two weeks.
For the first time, Washing-
ton's turkey hunt will run April
15 through May 31. The Wash-
ington Fish and Wildlife Com-
mission approved the extension
last year.
"Turkey hunting has become
w;ry popular in Washington,"
said Mick Cope, an upland game
manager for WDFW. "The birds
are doing very well, especially in
Eastern Washington and we're
pleased to offer an extended sea-
son for hunters."
COPE SAID hunters gear-
ing up for the season should take
note of the following changes and
• The first turkey tag is no lon-
ger included with the purchase
of a small-game license; hunters
must pay fbr each tag. The price
of each turkey tag has been re-
duced from $19.71 to $15.33 (the
first tag is free for youth hunters).
The small-game license is $32.85.
Two thirds of the turkey tag rev-
enue is dedicated to turkey and
upland bird management.
Gardening class
set to be offered
(Continued from page 1.)
workshop to teach residents to
turn their yard and garden de-
bris into soil-enriching compost.
The workshop will be held
from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Sat-
urday, March 17, at the Mary E.
Theler Community Center. The
center is located at 22871 NE
State Route 3 in Belthir.
Instructor Janis McNeal will
show students how to choose
the right compost bin tbr their
needs, the proper mix of ingre-
dients, how to practice vermi-
culture (worm composting) and
how to use compost as a soil con-
ditioner or mulch.
And as an added bonus, resi-
dents of the Hood Canal water-
shed who attend the workshop
will receive a tYee compost bin.
Preregistration is required to
ensure adequate materials, and
the afbrementioned compost
bins, for participants.
The Blue Thumb program is
funded through the Puget Sound
Action Team and Washington
Sea Grant. To register for the
workshop, contact McNeal via
e-mail at jmcnealCvashing- or call her at 360-432-
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Sound views.
Walk to shopping
and beach.
(360) 275-3120
Dennis Simone AI
Individual & Business Taxes
Time to Ge? Ready for Taxes
Come By for a Tax Organizer
24090 NI State Route 3 Suite l
(360) 275-3119 or (360) SS216699
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 8, 2007
to rent or b@ novelties and lovers packages
to add some heat back into your relationship.
Open 7 Days A Week
Man-Sat 8am-2am • Sun lOam-lOpm
Serving Elmo's ADULT BO'
Puget Sound
since 1969 338 N. Cal/ow • Bremerton 360.373,0
RO. Box 275 • NE 431 Lo, Yard Rd. • Belfair, WA 9852
The Place To Take Your
YARD & WOOD Waste /
27S-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Ayers Automotive, the NEW shop in £'apaview (Mason/%t g
Lake Area) is a family owned, fully licensed repair shop. L
is an ASE Master Technician with over 20 years experience' II'
We work on most foreign and domestic cars and light truc 'lkiall,,
Give us a call to see if we can help you with your aut°m°tivc'iti
repair needsl
bnitra (holding Rufus), Brennan and Mark
Did you know that your car doesn't have to be serviced 0.!
the dealership to keep your manufacturer's warranty covereal lJ
STOP paying dealer pricesl You only need to see the deald]
for something you don't have to pay forl