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Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 8, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursda3 March 8, 2012 10-- The Voice of Mason County since 1886 Published for Mason County and Tracy Young of Shelton W $1 State parks proposal met with opposition from residents at Harstine public hearing By NATALIE JOHNSON Mason County, and particularly Harstine Island, residents packed the Harstine Island Community Hall Tuesday night at a public hearing hosted by Washington State Parks. State parks set the public hear- ing to record comments on a pro- posed land acquisition, which in- volves swapping 200 acres of land near Fudge Point for an equal amount of land from the rear end of Harstine Island State Park. "State parks first became in- terested in Fudge Point in the mid-1970s," said Steve Hahn, real estate manager for WashingtonHowever, many Mason County "From a recreational stand- State Parks. residents at the meeting expressed point, we thought (it was) superior Since September2011, the state concern over the land swap, fear- to what you see elsewhere in the has started to take a more serious ing the loss of forested Harstine park system," he said• look at acquiring the property. In Island State Park land in favor of State parks particularly wants December 2011, the Trust for Pub- the Fudge Point Property. to prevent a housing development lic Land (TPL) purchased 55 acres Hahn said state parks has anfrom being built on the land. of beach-front land, ol~t of a 255 interest in creating public beach The Fudge Point land includes acre tract of land at Fudge Point. access at Fudge Point. some forested land that has been State parks hopes ~o acquire "We found Fudge Point a verylogged and a riparian wetland the other 200 acres, as well as the interesting property because of its area. 55 acres held by TPL in the future, topography," he said. At the hearing, Hahn presented Hahn said state parks is working Hahn also said the beach at four options for purchasing the to secure grant funding to buy the Fudge Point is valuable and worth TPL land. preserving. See Land swap on page A-7 Mason County PUD 3 Commission Chair Linda Gott presented a resolution energy law, at Saturday's Republican caucus at Shelton High School. Journal Dno~os D] Natahe Johnson to include some sources of hydropower in Initiative 937, a renewable Vicki Thompson, with husband Art Thompson in the background, shows off her Tea Party earrings at the Republican caucus at Shelton High School on Saturday, March 3. Central Committee. The recount was County Republican office schedules recount scheduled to take plac.e today. At the caucus, lifelong Republican By NATALIE JOHNSON first with 35 percent of the vote, Santo- and Shelton resident Pat Weston said rum came in at a close second with 32 she voted for Romney. percent of the vote, Paul got 21 percent "He can beat ~President Barack* and 11 percent of voters picked Gingrich, Obama.!' she said. "He's got the business Republicans in Mason County castwith two percent of voters casting their experience I think our country needs." their ballots in the state's presidential ballots as uncommitted. Romney won the statewide caucus caucus on Saturday, March 3. On Mon- Cindy Cline, vice chair of the Mason with 38 percent of the vote, with Paul in day, the Mason County Republican Cen- County Republican committee, said the second place with 25 percent, Santorum tral Committee and Washington State mix-up happened because of an error in in third with 24 percent, and Gingrich Republican Party experienced some con- data entry and had been resolved as of placing with I0 percent of the vote. fusion over the straw poll numbers. Monday afternoon. Three percent of Washington's Re- The county committee plans to do a "Right after Mason County they publican voters cast their ballots as un- recount of the caucus votes today, logged in Okanogan (County) and they committed. On Monday, the Mason County Re- switched in their Ron Paul numbers for Voters gathered at seven locations publicans reported to the Shelton-Ma- our Ron Paul numbers." Cline said. throughout the county to cast their votes son County Journal that Mitt Romney However, on Tuesday the Mason and pick delegates in Washington's cau- and Ron Paul tied for first place with County Republicans found that their cus this year. 162 votes and 31 percent each, Rick numbers were also incorrect, and decid- CaucuslocationsincludedSheltonHigh Santorum came in with 148 votes and ed to recount the ballots from Saturday's School, Belfair Assembly of God Church, 28 percent of the vote and Newt Gin- caucus, the Matlock Grange, Mason County Fire grich got 52 votes and 9 percent of the Republican Party rules state that two District 18 near Lake Cushman. Pioneer vote. party officials must be present for a re- However, the Washington State Re- count, said Mary Jean Hrbacek. secre- publican Party said Romney came in tary of the Mason County Republican See Caucus on page A-7 Shelton High School students headed to state carpentry competition By NATALIE JOHNSON natdie@masoncounty,corn Shelton High School stu- dents are well known for 81111!!Ul!!II!!IJlJ!IIII2 giving it their all on the wood shop teacher RogerSeveral high schools corn- field, court and mat. McCauslan& peted in the regional compe- However, SHS students Shelton seniors securedtition, including Elma. Mon- excel at more than just the top three overall awards tesano,,West Sound Techni- sports, at the competition. Dylan cal Skills Center and New On Wednesday, Feb. 1, Helser won first place,Market Skills Center. four SHS students placed at Colton Twiddy won second Helser, Twiddy and the regional SkillsUSA car- and Joe Strand won third Strand qualified for the pentry competition in Elma. place overall, state SkillsUSA competition "I was really surprised "It couldn't have worked in Renton this April. and really proud," said SHS out any better," Twiddy said. If they do well in Renton, the students could qualify tended, focusing on a va- For a spot at the national riety of technical skills -- competition in Kansas. from carpentry, to welding SkillsUSA is a national and more. non-profit organization McCausland, the stu- that helps support teachers dents' adviser for the Skill- and students in career and sUSA competition, said technical-education classes. Twiddy, Helser and Strand The organization sponsors are all working toward an competitions, such as the one these SHS students at- See Carpentry on page A-7