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March 8, 2012 |
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Calls reported to Shel-
ton Police, Mason County
Sheriffs Office and Tribal
agencies included:
At 4:41 p.m. on Feb. 28,
a burglary was reported
in the 100 block of East
Soundview Drive. Jewelry
was reported stolen.
At 4:19 p.m. on Feb. 29,
a burglary to a storage
shed was reported in the
1200 block of West Har-
vard Avenue.
At 5:39 p.m. on Feb. 29,
a burglary was reported in
the 100 block of East Ever-
green Drive.
At 9:08 a.m. on March
1, a burglary was reported
in the 41100 block of North
U.S. Highway 101, Lilli-
At 9:47 a.m. on March 1,
a burglary was reported in
the 1500 block of Dickinson
At 2:11 p.m. on March 1,
a burglary was reported in
the 100 block of East Cher-
ry Park.
At 3:46 p.m. on March 1,
a burglary was reported in
the 100 block of East Cher-
ry Park.
At 7:35 p.m. on March
1, a burglary was reported
in the 800 block of Terrace
At 8:0'6 p.m. on March 2,
a burglary was reported in
the 400 block of Southeast
Sells Drive.
At 9:18 a.m. on March 3,
a burglary to a garage was
reported in the 400 block
of Southeast Sells Drive.
A boat motor, sander and
pellet gun were among the
items reported stolen.
At 4:57 p.m. on March 3,
a storage unit break-in was
reported in the 600 block of
Southeast Craig Road.
At 3:20 p.m. on March
4, a burglary was reported
to a vacation home in the
23900 block of North U.S.
Highway 101.
At 1:15 p.m. on March
5, a burglary was reported
in the 200 block of South
Ninth Street. A chain saw
was reported missing.
At 8:26 p.m. on Feb. 28,
a physical assault was re-
ported in the 200 block of
North Third Street.
At 7:49 a.m. on Feb. 29, a
mother and daughter were
reported to be in a verbal
fight in the 1000 block of
Fairmont Avenue.
At 2:50 p.m. on Feb. 29,
an individual reported a
person assaulting another
person at Maple Glen Se-
nior Living, located in the
1700 block of North 13th
At 9:07 a.m. on March
2, an individual reported
that their 15-year-old son
was assaulted by another
student at Oakland Bay
Junior High School in
the 3300 block of Shelton
Springs Road.
At 5:25 p.m. on March 5,
an individual reported that
her 8-year-old daughter
was just kicked by another
child in the 3000 block of
East Johns Prairie Road.
Sex crimes
At 5:25 p.m. on March 4,
an individual reported that
her sister and she were
raped in an undisclosed
address on North Fourth
Domestic violence
At 1:19 a.m. on Feb.
28, an individual reported
that their neighbors are
fighting in the 100 block of
Southeast Klabsch Lane.
The reporting person
said the neighbors have a
4-year-old daughter and a
6- or 7-month-old child in
the residence.
len from the 100 block of
East Clonakilty Drive.
At 8:04 a.m. on Feb.
29, an engine stand was
reported stolen from the
1000 block of East Johns
Prairie Road.
At 4:55 a.m. on Feb. 28,
a domestic dispute was re~
ported in the 100 block of
East Southlake Drive.
At 9:22 a.m. on March 2,
a domestic dispute was re-
ported in the 300 block of
Southeast State Route 3.
At 2:16 p.m. on March 3,
a domestic dispute was re-
ported in the 400 block of
East Island Lake Road.
At 4:23 p.m. on March
3, a domestic dispute was
reported in the an undis-
closed address on South
First Street.
At 5:52 a.m. on Feb. 28,
a scrap metal theft was re-
ported in the 900 block of
East Johns Prairie Road.
At 10:40 a.m. on Feb.
28, a utility payment check
was reported stolen from
a mailbox in the 200 block
of Southeast Wildcat Cove
At 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 28,
a cell phone was reported
stolen from the 1000 block
of Fairmount Avenue.
At 7:02 a.m. on Feb. 29,
a black 1997 Honda Accord
was reported stolen from
the 300 block of East Park-
way Boulevard.
At 7:10 a.m. on Feb.
29, rings and a gun were
reported stolen from the
1300 block of West Frank-
lin Street.
At 7:40 a.m. on Feb. 29,
a navy blue 2005 Dodge
At 1:44 p.m. on Feb. 29,
a wallet was reported sto-
len in the 100 block of East
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard. Money, credit cards
and identification were re-
ported missing.
At 2:07 p.m. on Feb. 29,
a theft was reported in the
100 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
At 8:44 p.m. on Feb. 29,
an individual reported that
a purse was stolen from the
100 block of East Wallace
Kneeland Boulevard.
At 10:17 p.m. on Feb.
29, a white 2005 Toyota
Camry was reported stolen
from the 2100 block of East
Island Lake Drive.
At 1:09 p.m. on March 1,
a mail theft was reported
in the 100 block of West
Outlet Creek Road.
At 8:07 p.m. on March 1,
a purse theft was reported
in the 100 block of East
Wallace Kneeland Boule-
At 11:03 a.m. on March
2, a mail theft was report-
ed in the 100 block of West
Olympic View Drive.
At 5:27 p.m. on March
2, a white Ford F-350 was
reported stolen in the 800
block of Southeast Totten
Shores Drive.
At 8:12 p.m. on March
2, an individual reported
that a subject with a fel-
ony juvenile warrant was
in custody for shoplifting
in the 100 block of East
Stratus was reported sto- Wallace Kneeland Boule-
At 5:58 a.m. on March 3,
an individual reported a fe-
male stealing beer and be-
ing disruptive in the 1700
block of Olympic Highway
At 7:01 p.m. on March 3,
elderly women reportedly
had money stolen from her
in the 2400 block of North
13th Street.
At 10:19 a.m. on March
5, a wood carving of a log-
ger's boat was reported
stolen off a patio in the
200 block of South Seventh
At 11:23 a.m. on March 5,
a gray and blue 1983 Chev-
rolet truck was reported
stolen from an undisclosed
address on Southeast Old
Olympic Highway.
At 11:16 a.m. on Feb. 29,
an individual reported that
their neighbor's dog came
over into their yard and
killed their dog in the 8000
block of West Shelton Mat-
lock Road.
At 2:56 p.m. on March
2, an individual reported
that a pack of dogs killed
one of their goats in the
200 block of West Carman
Road North. The reporting
person said they killed one
of the dogs.
Feb. 29
Benjamin Tobogadan
Tinaza, 34, of the 20000
block of North U.S. High-
way 101, was booked at
10:26 a.m. for DWLS third
March 1
Ellis Dee Avery, 19, of
the 100 block of Cherry
Park was booked at 3:58
p.m. for possession of a
controlled substance and
possession of a stolen ve-
Kyle Edward Kenne-
dy, 25, of the 100 block of
Cherry Park was booked at
4:03 p.m. for possession of
a controlled substance, two
counts of firearm posses-
sion by a felon and posses-
sion of a stolen vehicle.
March 4
Daniel Charles Brown,
38, of the 300 block of North
Sixth Street was booked at
3:05 a.m. for DWLS third
Rhonda Belle Roberts,
38, of the 500 block of Ar-
cadia Avenue was booked
at 7:14 a.m. for criminal
trespass first degree, theft
third degree and resisting
Max Allan Willard, 21,
of the 3300 block of Harris
Road Southeast, Port Or-
chard, was booked at 3:11
p.m. for violation of the
Uniform Controlled Sub-
stance Act (VUSCA), mak:
ing/having burglar tools
and vehicle prowling sec-
ond degree.
Aunofo Sapiuta
Scrogham, 32, of the 400
block of East Island Lake
Drive was booked at 3:42
p.m. for assault fourth de-
gree (DV).
March 5
Douglas Devening Anth
Carlson, 37, of the 14000
block of 138th Street
Court, Gig Harbor, was
booked at 1:42 p.m. for
possession of less than 40
grams of marijuana and
possession of drug para-
March 6
Dale Maurice McDou-
gall, 48, of the 200 block of
Laurel Street was booked
at 12:18 a.m. for criminal
trespassing second de-
Continued from page A-5
Roger Newell of the Uni-
versity of Maryland Horn
Point Marine Laboratory
presented a third study on
the influence of geoduck
aquaculture on local water
His group studied
three nutrients (ammo-
nium, phosphorus and
silica) at five sites and
found that there was no
major effects of geoduck
aquaculture on the con-
centration of nutrients in
pore water.
Newell also concluded
that nitrogen loading from
the geoduck farming at
all of the sites his team
looked at was equivalent
to the amount of nitrogen
released by a home with
five people using a septic
"The magnitude of har-
vest-associated nutrient
release is unlikely to be
deleterious to local water
quality," he said.
Other presentations at
the symposium included a
look at the prevalence of
disease for wild geoduck
and the effects of geoduck
on eelgrass at Fisk Bar in
Samish Bay.
Each of the studies is
still subject to peer review
and further study.
Washington Sea Grant
will submit a final report to
the Legislature in Decem-
ber 2013.
Courtesy photo
UW SCUBA divers prepare to collect survey data at a geoduck-farming site in September
2011. Researchers regularly investigated the response of fish and mobile invertebrates
(crabs, sea stars, snails) to aquaculture gear.
A permit was issued on Marchductless heat pump with three
1 to Donald Fransen of the 300 indoor wall units.
block of East Agate Beach Drive
for a re-roof composition tear- A permit was issued to Mr.
off. Sheridan of the 100 block of East
Dalby Road for a re-roof compo-
A permit was issued to Wayne : sition tear-off.
Souza of the 10100 block of East
State Route 106, Union, for a A permit was issued to Mary
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8, 2012
Ward of the 100 block of A Mow
Lane, Belfair, a new single-fami-
ly residence.
A permit was issued to Mi-
A permit was issued to Ste-
phen Fornoffofthe 1200 block of
Southeast Somers Drive for a re-
roof composition tear-off.
Feb. 18 - Joshua Dean
Blackwood and Niquole Eliza-
beth Rymer
Feb.' 24 -- Chad Edward
Sweitzer and Laura Janeth
Feb. 24 -- Gregory Blake
Tiehen and Brenda Diane Orr
Feb. 27 -- Theodore Allen
Walker and Juliet Ruth Dickson
March 1 -- Mark Luther
Young and Karla Jo King
March 2 -- William S. Gray
and Laken Nicole Bechtold
March 4 -- Billy David Uden
and Davina Marie Braese
Feb. 17 -- John Rush and
Dayna Rush
Feb. 17 -- Jade Hays and
Jacob Hays
Feb. 23 -- Terry A. Mc-
cutchen and Rodora R. Mc-
Feb. 29 -- Deonne Carol
Lindley and Gary Edward
Feb. 29 - William B. Crock-
ett and Laura E. Crockett
March 2 -- Amber Eve Rob-"
erts and David Joel Roberts
Hill Rd. Male, heavy-set, af-
fectionate, approximately 5 ............
years old, no collar. 360-463-
6966. M3/8 ....
RENTAL- 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
chael Marsh of the 7000 block of A permit was issued to Brett in town. Good neighborhood:;: ,:: ~
Monaco Drive Southeast, Olym~ Rutherfordforare~roofComposi. fenced yard garage,$1~/~:i!! i ~. ,.,. i :':',::: :::
pia, for a re-roof composition ti0n tear-offin the 200 block ofmonthly, $1,0(J0 deposit, 360: .............. : .....
tear-off. East Fox Lane. 427-5176. P3/8-15
.... :, .