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helton Schools Foundation
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announces grants recipients
The Shelton Schools Foundation re- sistance with fees for low income students
cently announced the recipients of their taking the national Advanced Placement
spring 2012 Grant Awards. U.S. history exam; and Leah Clark at SHS
A total of $4,887 will be dispersed to for assistance in the schools behavior in-
the following: Jennifer Johnson at Ev- tervention program.
ergreen Elementary for a National Geo- The mission of the Shelton Schools
graphic Field Trip; Brian Wirzbicki at Foundation is to enrich the educational
Evergreen for a lesson on the Fabulous opportunities of the students in the Shel-
Four Food Chain at their outdoor camp ton School District, organizers said.
program; Rob Adams at Olympic Middle Their purpose is to provide support for
School (OMS) for the purchase of robotics; development and enhancement of exem-
Jennifer Long at OMS for the purchase of plary educational programs and activities;
a Clicker voting system for math classes; technology improvement throughout the
Cherie Longmire at Oakland Bay Junior district; teacher and student recognition;
High (OBJH) for assistance in purchasing program and technical assistance to the
a changing table for the developmentally disadvantaged; arts and cultural enhance-
disabled students; Casey Wilson at OMS ment of all people involved; and movement
for the "Why Try" curriculum; Cathy Cole of students to higher education.
at Oakland Bay Junior High for the "Dress A committee from the Shelton Schools
4 Success" physical education clothing Foundation Board reviewed grant applica-
program; Brandon Frazier at SHS, for as- iions.
Credit union extends grant deadline
Peninsula Credit Union recently an- Grants are available to educators in all
nounced that it is again offering its edu- primary or secondary classes for both pub-
cational scholarship program called PEG lic and accredited private schools within
(Peninsula Education Grant). Mason, Kitsap, Jefferson, Clallam and
The program is aimed at supporting Grays Harbor counties.
educational initiatives, organizers said. Grant amounts are awarded between
This program grants money to fund $300-$500 for implementation of new pro-
programs, materials and related financial grams, continuation of existing programs,
resources for educators to assist in provid- materials, equipment or supplies.
ing learning and growing opportunities Application forms are available online
for their students, at and in all Peninsula
Thirteen PEGs were given out rang- Credit Union branches.
ing from special needs programs to solar- For more information, call 800-426-
powered cars. A total of $6,000 was made 1601. Applications must be turned in by
available to local educators. April 27.
Missoula Children's Theatre scheduled to
hold audition for production of 'Pied Piper'
The "Pied Piper" audition mayor's son and daughter, complete with costumes,
will be held for the Missoula the mayor's council, cooks, scenery, props and makeup.
Children's Theatre produc- town kids and the trouble- Rehearsals will be conduct-
tion of the Pied Piper from 4-6 some rats. ed each day throughout the
p.m. on Monday, March 26, Kindergarten studentsweek.
at the Shelton High School through high school seniors The Pied Piper will be
student union building, are encouraged to audition, presented from 3-7 p.m. on
Allthose auditioning should No advance preparation is March 31 at the Shelton High
~ve at 4 p.m. and plan to necessary. Assistant direc- School Performing Arts Cen-
stay for the full two hours, tors will also be cast to aid ter.
Some of the cast membersin rehearsals throughout the The Missoula Children's
will be asked to stay for a re- week and to take on back- Theatre is presented by the
hearsal immediately follow- stage responsibilities for the Shelton Kiwanis.
ing the audition, performance. For more information con-
Among the roles to be cast Missoula Children's The-tact Evon Masteller at 426-
are the Pied Piper, Sara, the atre touring production is 1015.
Belfair water board to hold special meeting
The Board of Commissioners of Bel- ployees and RCW42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss
fair Water District No. i will hold a spe- with legal counsel "potential litigation to
cial meeting of the board at 2 p.m. today, which the agency, the governing body, or
Thursday, March 8, at 22451 E. State a member acting in an official capacity is,
Route 3, Belfair. The purpose of the meet- or is likely to become, a party, when public
ing will be to discuss and possibly take ac- knowledge regarding the discussion is like-
tion on potential litigation and district per- ly to result in an adverse legal or financial
sonnel matters, consequence to the agency."
A portion of the discussion regarding the Final action may be taken at the meet-
above matters may be conducted in execu- ing.
tive session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1) District chairperson Mike Pope called
(g) to review the performance of public em- the meeting.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 8, 2012 - Page B-5