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Sean Thomas Carter
Sean Thomas Carter, 24
died on Tuesday, Feb. 28, in
Union. He was a resident of
He was born Feb. 6,
1988; in Seattle to Thomas
Q. Hinchey and Sharon L.
He graduated from Shel-
ton High School in 2006.
His hobbies included vid-
eo gaming, reading, being
outdoors, sailing, camping,
and work-
ing out.
His fam-
ily shared
~ !ii;iD thatthey
~ii~i~i i,~. will re-
~ member
him for his
big heart,
Sean the love of
Carter his family
his nieces
and nephews, his giving na-
ture and his constant love of
He is survived by his
mother Sharon Ellertsen
(Shane) of Shelton; father
Thomas Hinchey of
Pt. Orchard; sisters Athena
(Ernest) Brunzelle of Shel-
ton and Jamie Ellertsen
(Jesse Frost) of Shelton;
grandparents Helma Carter
of Mebane, N.C.; three
nieces, two nephews, many
cousins, aunts and uncles.
He was preceded in death
by grandfathers, Norman
Carter and Robert Hinchey.
A private family memo-
rial will be held at a later
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the ar-
For your convenience
online condolences may be
sent to the family at www.
Gloria Dawn King
Gloria Dawn King, 84,
died Thursday, Feb. 2. She
was know as "Dawn" to her
family and friends. She was
a resident of Allyn.
She was born Oct. 30,
1927, in Raymond, the only
child of Eva Dawn and Os-
car Amos "George" Endicott.
She mar-
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ried Jesse
W. King
on June
4, 1973.
She was
married to
rian from
High School in 1945. She
received a BA in fine art
with a minor in psychology
from Washington State Uni-
versity in 1949.
She was active in the
community as a member of
the PTA, Garden Club and
Orthopedic Guild. Her fam-
ily said she was a talented
artist and she leaves behind
a large collection of beauti-
ful oil paintings.
She was a homemaker,
painter, seamstress, knit-
ter, cook, baker, gardener,
beachcomber, birdwatcher,
singer, dancer, pianist,
decorator, crafter and an-
tique collector. Her family
shared that she taught and
shared her many talents
and appreciation of cul-
ture and nature with her
three daughters and three
grandchildren from a very
young age.
She is survived by her
daughters, Eileen Kronquist
(Mike Southerland), Lisa
King (Dave) and Stacey
Kronquist; grandchildren
Nickolas Southerland, Nina
Southerland and Samuel
She was preceded in
death by her parents and
husband Jesse King.
A celebration of her life
will be held at 1 p.m. on
Saturday, March 10, at
the Haven in Allyn, 180 E.
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
A Reputation Built on Service
Shelton - (360) 427-8044
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Competitive Pricing o Pre-Arranged Planning
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 8,
Wheelwright St., Allyn.
Memorials may be sent
to the Parkinson's Disease
Laura Jean Smith
Laura Jean Smith, 84,
died Wednesday, Feb. 15, at
Shelton Health and Reha-
bilitation with her husband
at her side.
~She was a
of Grape-
living at
Lake since
the early
Laura 1960s.
Smith She was
born in
Red Oak,
Iowa to Willard and Ruth
She is survived by her
husband of 66 years, Marvle
Lawrence Smith; sons Lo-
ren Smith (Sharon) of Port-
land, Ore., Richard Smith
(Angle) of Federal Way
and Keith Smith (Janine)
of Shelton; sisters Wyleen
Taylor of Seattle and Vir-
ginia Olin of Fife and nu-
merous nieces, nephews,
grandchildren and great-
She was preceded in
death by her parents, sis-
ters Maxine and Nellie
Anderson and Ivona Dough-
erty and brother James
Memorial services will
be held at I p.m., Saturday,
March 10, at the Mason-
Benson Club, 5971 Mason
Lake Drive W., Grapeview.
Johnathon Harless will be
presiding over the services.
Viola Ruth Nichols
Viola Ruth Nichols, 73,
died Sunday, Feb. 26, at
Legacy Hopewell House
Hospice in Portland, Ore.,
following battle with ovar-
ian cancer. She was raised
in Shelton and was living
in Portland at the time of
her death.
She was born Oct. 14,
1938, in Salt Lake City,
She graduated from Shel-
ton High School in 1956.
She is survived by
daughter Stefanie Pin-
niger of Portland, Ore.;
sons Brian of Santa Maria,
Calif. and Scott of Shelton;
brother, Dick Nichols of
Tumwater; seven grand-
children and nieces Kelli
Nichols of Seattle and Ker-
ri Nichols of Olympia.
A private memorial ser-
vice will be announced in
the near future.
Remembrances honoring
her may be sent to Legacy
Hopewell House Hospice,
=i Oregon Humane Society or
Loaves and Fishes, all in
Portland, Ore.
Cicely Visser and Andy Conklin
Cicely Visser and Andy Conklin of University in 2011.
Shelton are engaged and will be married He graduated from Shelton High
on Aug. 11 at Crystal Mountain. School in 1992.
The bride is the daughter of Kieth and Cicely Visser currently works at Hood
Karen Visser of Union. The groom is the Canal Communications and is a sub-
son ofJefand Shelby Conklin of Shelton. stitute teacher. Andy Conklin is a real
She graduated from Shelton High estate broker at Windermere/Himlie in
School in 2003 and from St. Martin's Shelton.
The Friends of Schafer and Lake Syl- Questions can be directed to Ranger
via (FOSLS) will be holding a workday Arnold at 482-3452.
at Shafer State Park from 9 am.-2 p.m. At 4 p.m. the FOSLS annual meeting
on Saturday, March 10. with a potluck and election of officers
Volunteers are needed. Bring tools, will be held. Everyone is welcome. Dis-
gloves and lunch, cover Pass will be available on site.
Couriesy photo
Edith Kroha, ARNP, MSN, has joined the staff at Mountain View
Women's Health Clinic and Mason General Hospital.
Mountain View Women's Health Clinic, Mason
General Hospital welcome new staff addition
Edith Kroha, ARNP, MSN, has versity of Arizona in 1977 and went on
joined the staff at Mountain View to get her Family Nurse Practitioner
Women's Health Clinic and Mason training from the University of Califor-
General Hospital, working alongside nia, graduating in 1988.
board-certified obstetrician/gynecolo- She later got a master's degree in
gists Lystra B. Celestine-Wilson, M.D.; nursing from California State Univer-
Nkem Nwosa, M.D. and Alford N. Vas- sity Sacramento in 1998.
sall, Jr., M.D. To make an appointment at Moun-
Kroha completed her bachelor of tain View Women's Health Clinic call
science degree in nursing at the Uni- 426-0955.