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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton senior Caitlyn Ernst sets her sights on her next hole before
teeing off during practice on Monday, March 5, at Bayshore G01f Club.
Young golfers rounding out squad
By EMILY HANSON ~~ She named Ernst and
emi~y'~,;~,~s~mcou~y/~om ~ Villanueva as golfers to
___:::-=--::::-_=:==:7:::::::-:=-:::--=: ............. watch this season.
"Ernst has definitely
The Shelton girls' golf team is lead by improved and she's a re-
veteran golfers this season, ally smart golfer," Mar-
Three seniors -- Caitlyn Ernst, Audra tinson said. '~V-illanueva
Cation and Lindsey Norton -- are heading MARCH 15: is really young but she's
up the team of eight golfers. " Shelton vs. getting a little bigger and
The Lady Highclimbers finished in the Olympic at took some lessons this
middle of'the 4A Narrows League last year, Bayshore Golfwinter."
with Ernst missing the 4A state tourna- Course, ' Martinson also said
ment by one stroke. 3:15 p.m. Ernst will be a strong
"You can expect a lot of the same this member of the team this
season," head coach Lorna Martinson said. season, since Ernst golfed
"I have a really good group of freshmen and a lot over the winter.
two sophomores, Rilee Villanueva and Alo- Another strength of the team is its atti-
na Davis." tude, she said.
She said Villanueva will join the seniors "These girls are nice and get along," Mar-
in the top four varsity spots and the remain- tinson said. "So far, they're really eager to
der of the golfers will compete each week for learn."
the final two spots. She said the team's main weakness is
"The team is looking good so far," Mar- lack of experience beyond the fourth varsity
tinson said. "We have some veteran leader- spot.
ship and some raw young talent. It's nice The Lady Highclimbers' first match is set
when you're rebuilding to have senior lead- for 3:15 p.m., Thursday, March 15, at home
ership." against Olympic at Bayshore Golf Course.
~ ~ Va!l~ ~i~5 pim~
Open for Business April 2, 2012
Mason County PUD No. 3's
Johns Prairie Operations Center
Cost Effective - Coordinated - Future Focused
PUD 3 is pleased to announce that April 2 will be the first official day
of business at the new operations center at 2621 E Johns Prairie Road.
The energy efficient facility provides for improved customer service;
more efficient management of utility functions; lower cost of
operations over the long term; and additional office space that will
allow for continued customer-centered service for the next 50 years or
To enhance customer convenience, PUD
3 has a pay center in downtown Shelton
at 310 West Cota Street. The changes
will not affect the services available at
PUD 3's Belfair office.
During the month of March, PUD 3 departments such as engineering,
energy conservation, and telecommunications will be moving to the
new facility. Prior to April 2, customers may want to contact the PUD to
coordinate business they may have with staff.
Mason County PUD No. 3 - Clean, Renewable Energy Every Day
Main Shelton Office - 2621 E Johns Prairie Road, Shelton, WA
Shelton Payment Center- 310 West Cota Street, Shelton, WA
Belfair Office - 21341 E State Route 3, Belfair, WA
Shelton (360) 426-8255 - Belfair (360) 275-2833 - Elma (360) 861
Outage Line (360) 432-4533
Sheriff - Casey Salisbury
Date: March 5, 2012
by: Detective William
Bulletin#: 12-07
The Mason Counb' Sheriff's Oll]cc is releasing the lbllowing information pursuant to RCW 4.24,550 and the Washington Stale Supreme
Cam1 decision in ~, which authorizes law enfbrcenacnt agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the
discretion of the agency, the release nfinformation will enhance public safety and protectiou. The individual who appears on this
notil]catioa has been convicted ufa sex nl/~nse that requires regislration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence. Further,
their previous criminal hislory places them in a classification level which reflects the potential to re-ol'fi:nd. This sex ofl~nder has served the
sentence imposed oll him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the loantkm below.
legal authority to direct MlcIe a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this ofl?nder is consfi|utionally
free to live wherever he chooses. Sex ol~Dadets have ah~ays li~ed ill oar commnnities, bul it wasn't until passage of the Colllmunity
Protection Acl of 1%)0 whic]l mandates sex offbnder registration) that law enforcement even knew where they were living, iu malty casas,
law anlbrccment is nu~ able to share that htlbrmation with you. Citizen abuse of this information I0 threaten, intintidate or harass regislered
sex offenders will not be tolerated. Further, sach abuse could potentially end law enforcement's ability to do communib, notificmions. We
believe the only pcrsoll who wins it'comnluuity ilotiflcation ends is the sex offclldcr, since sex offanders derive their power through secrecy.
If you have any information re~ardine era'rent criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911.
For other sex offender information, go to: htff~:// clickon.
WHITE MALE - DOB: 04/26/1986 - 5' 11"- 180 LBS.
1 f Yon
Donald PARSONS is required to register as a sex offender due to a conviction
on 07/11/2005 of Indecent Liberties without Forcible Compulsion, Mason
County Superior Court cause number 05-1-00058-9. This conviction is due to
when PARSONS was 18 years old. he had sexual intercourse with a 13 year old
girl. PARSONS was originally attested for Rape of a Child 2"d Degree, but pled
to the above convicted charge. During a therapy session regarding the above
offense, PARSONS disclosed that when he was between 11-14 years of age, he
sexually molested a little girl that was known to him. This little girl was
belween the ages of 6-9. PARSONS also disclosed that when he was 17 years of
age, he had sexual intercourse v¢ith a 14 year old girl. PARSONS liather
disclosed that when he was 18 years of age. he had sexual intercourse with two
different 14 year old girls and had sexual contact with a 15 year old boy. At this
time, none of those cases have been adjudicated. PARSONS has been convicted
two different times lbr Failing To Register As A Sex Offender. Mason County
Superior Court cause nuntbers 08-1-00095-8 and 10-1-00229'-4. PARS()NS has
again absconded fi'om his rcgistration requirements and has been lnissing fronl
his registered address in Kitsap County sioce the December 2011/Janum'y 2012
time frame, Kitsap County Sheriff's Office case #K12-0(11376. Due to these
factors PARSONS is considered a ItlGH RISK. PARSONS is assessed by the
Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender because hc has
absconded from his registration requirentents. This is the higbest level given to
a Sex Offender, meaning dtat the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend,
know of PARSONS' whereabouts, do not approach him. but call 911 immediately.
PARSONS' Location is Unknown,
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, March 8, 2012 - Page C-5