March 10, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 10, 2011 |
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At 12:17 p.m. on March 3 a call-
er from the 11600 block of Highway
101 reported a burglary.
At 6:43 p.m. on March 3 a caller
from the 200 block of Spar Tree
Drive reported a burglary.
At 9:58 a.m. on March 4 a caller
from the 800 block of Gallagher
Road reported a burglary.
At 9:58 a.m. on March 4 a Pine
St. caller reported a burglary.
At 12:31 p.m. on March 5 a call-
er rom the 1800 block of Lake Blvd.
reported a burglary.
At 3:40 p.m. on March 5 a caller
from the 1800 block of Lake Blvd.
reported a burglary.
At 4:47 p.m. on March 5 a caller
from the 600 block of Golden Pheas-
ant Road reported a burglary.
At 7:01 a.m. on March 6 a caller
from the 100 block of Hammond
Place reported a burglary.
At 3:45 p.m. on March 6 a caller
from the 1100 block of Fogarty Ave.
reported a burglary.
Sex crimes
At 4:44 p.m. on March i a caller
from the 500 block of Old Arcadia
Road reported a sex offense.
At 11:03 a.m. on March 2 a call-
er from the 1100 block of Cascade
Ave. reported a sex offense.
At 1:02 p.m. on March 2 a caller
from the 1700 block of Holman St.
reported a sex offense.
ed a disturbance.
At 10:50 p.m. on March 4 a call-
er from the 300 block of 1st St. re-
ported a disturbance.
At 6:24 p.m. on March 7 a caller
from the 600 block of 4th St. report-
ed a burglary.
At 7:44 p.m. on March 7 a caller
from the 2300 block of Jefferson St.
reported a burglary.
At 9:05 p.m. on March 7 a caller
from the 5200 block of Skokom-
ish Valley Road reported a distur-
Domestic violence
At 12:33 a.m. on March 5 a call-
er from the 1800 block of Laurel St.
reported a domestic dispute.
At noon on March 5 a caller from
the 2500 block of Lacrosse Court
reported a domestic disturbance.
At 3:25 p.m. on March 5 a caller
from the 900 block of Valley Road
reported a domestic disturbance.
At 5:51 a.m. on March 3 a caller
from the 200 block of Park Loop re-
ported a vehicle prowl.
At 6:09 a.m. on March 3 a caller
from the 2100 block of Adams St.
reported the theft of a white 1985
Honda Accord.
At 8:52 a.m. on March 4 a caller
from the 800 block of Lakeshore
Drive reported vehicle prowl.
At 9:33 a.m. on March 5 a caller
from the 600 block of 13th St. re-
ported the theft of a black 1991
Chevy S-10 pickup.
February 25
Jason Cole Scherger, 34, of the
At 6:57 p.m. on March 1 a caller 14400 block of Clayton Road in
from the 100 block of 5th St. report- Port Orchard was booked at 11:34
p.m. for DWLS 1st.
February 26
Donna Luella Homan, 40, of the
500 block of Simpson Road was
booked at 12:13 a.m. for assault 1st
with a weapon and malicious mis-
chief 3rd DV.
John Raymond Ericks, 39, of the
100 block of Sandpiper Lane was
booked at 11:08 p.m. for criminal
trespass 1st.
Juan Carlos Martinez Espino-
sa, 29, of the 14600 block of State
Route 106 was booked at 11:40
p.m. for DWI.
February 27
Matthew Howard Wright, 21,
of the 4400 block of Panther Lake
Road was booked at 2:37 a.m. for
possession of drug parapherna-
lia, possession of a controlled sub-
stance and making/having burglar
Stephanie Brook Laird, 21, of
the 1400 block of 15th Ave. in Se-
attle was booked at 2:50 p.m. for
malicious mischief 1st, obstructing
law enforcement and resisting ar-
James Ronald Tucker, 39, a
Shelton transient, was booked at
3:10 p.m. for disorderly conduct.
February 28
Brandon Courtney Dudder, 24,
of the 100 block of Bay Place was
booked at 6:51 p.m. for DWLS 2nd
and DUI.
March 1
Travis Lee Schank, 39, of the
700 block of Dearborn Ave. was
booked at 9:19 a.m. for malicious
mischief 3rd.
Betty Kathleen Kelleher, 40, of
the 1000 block of Thomas Ave. was
booked at 4:12 p.m. for DUI.
Juan Miguel Sebastian, 32, of
the 100 block of E. Blevins Road
was booked at 6:04 p.m. for NVOL
without ID.
Jason James Reilly, 34, of the
800 block of Golden Pheasant Road
was booked at 10:46 p.m. for pos-
session of a stolen vehicle.
March 2
Steven Kris Shehan, 26, of
the 100 block of Noble Place was
booked at 3:46 p.m. for criminal
trespass 1st and obstructing law
Barbara Marie Mackey, 55, of
the 100 block of Steelhead Place
was booked at 10:43 p.m. for viola-
tion of a protection order.
11:32 p.m. for malicious mischief
March 5
Joyce Leann Witherow, 43, of
the 1800 block of Laurel St. was
booked at 1:24 a.m. for assault 4th
Kevin J. Davies, 20, of the 22600
block of State Route 3 was booked
at 9:31 p.m. for assault 1st (weap-
on) and harassment (previously
Ernest Lloyd Yeoman, 60, of the
1700 block of North C St. in Aber-
deen was booked at 9:56 p.m. for
possession of less than 40 grams of
marijuana and possession of drug
March 6
March 3 Cristobal Ramos-Pablo, 22,
of the 800 block of Cota St. was
booked at 12:51 a.m. for DWLS
Daniel Robert Angster, 32, ad- 3rd, felony eluding and DUI.
dres unknon, was booked at 10:13 Ellis Burton Bouvier, 47, of the
a.m. for DWLS 3rd and DUI. 200 block of Anderson Lane was
Casey Jay Simmons, 25, a Bal- booked at 6:22 p.m. for DUI, ob-
lard transient, was booked at 4:47 structing law enforcement and re-
p.m. for making false/misleading sisting arrest.
March 7
March 4
Alan Theodore Richert, 47, of
Michael David Norcott, 46, of the 2600 block of Skokomish Val-
the 16800 block of State Route 106 ley Road was booked at 10:45 a.m.
was booked at 1:37 p.m. for failure for family non-support.
to register as a sex offender.Nicole Rene George, 28, of the
Kristine Ann Zarnke, 44, of the 900 block of Fairmount Ave. was
400 block of 3rd St. was booked at booked at 1:32 a.m. for assault 4th
7:20 p.m. DUI. DV.
Kathryn Marie Morales-Ramos, Charles Christopher Johnson,
28, of the 200 block of Endeavor 48, of the 28600 block of Highway
Lane was booked at 9:33 p.m. for 101 was booked at 4:57 p.m. for
possession of less than 40 grams of DWLS 2nd.
marijuana and possession of drug Nelson Eddie Bull Plume, 32,
paraphernalia, of the 300 block of Birch St. was
Joshua Allen Hickson, 22, a booked at 7:12 p.m. for NVOL with-
Shelton transient, was booked at out ID.
By KEVAN MOORE lar assault, night.
A state trooper at- Ramos-Pablo failed to
A Shelton man arrested tempted to stop a 1996 stop and led the trooper
this past Friday, March Dodge Intrepid- being on a five mile pursuit
5, for felony eluding, DUIdriven by Shelton resi- along State Route 102.
and driving on a suspend- dent Cristobal Ramos- The vehicle eventually
ed license was already Pablo, 24 -- for speed and lost control and drove off
wanted on a $25,000 an equipment violation atthe roadway to the left
bench warrant for vehicu- about 9:25 p.m. on Fridaybefore striking several
Plll tll' PqNl:l'l;IqN
LYNCH CREEK FLORAL 331 W. Railroad Ave.or BILL
BgSACCA, DOS 1525 Olymptc Hwy. a
sponsored by McCarty & Assoc. A MarletingFirm, Mike Olsen Construction & Uilll Busacca, DDS
Page A-6- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 10, 20tl
small trees just west of
Highway 101.
Ramos-Pablo was
treated at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital for minor
facial injuries and abra-
sions. His passenger, a 16
year-old Shelton female,
was also treated at Mason
General Hospital for fa-
cial injuries.
FOUND - GRAY cat January
4. Call 360-427-5184 to identify
and claim. M3/10-17
FOR SALE - 500 aluminum
framed, double pane windows.
32"x38", excellent for greenhous-
es, patios and decks. Build your
own greenhouse or I will build for
you. 360-426-4544. B3/10-17
Troopers arrested Ra- a white van through a
mos-Pablo at the hospital bridge guardrail and into
after his release and he Gouldsborough Creek
was booked into the Ma- at about 12:43 a.m. that
son County Jail. morning. Also in the van
Ramos-Pablo appeared were Prudencio Calmo
in Mason County Superior Lopez and Cruz Mendoza
Court on Monday and bail Ramirez.
was set at $15,000 for the All three men were
new charges. He faces ar- airlifted to Harborview
raignment on March 17. Medical Center in Seattle
Ramos-Pablo was with critical head and
charged with vehicular body injuries. A Shelton
assault in July of last year detective called Harbor-
and a $25,000 bench war- view twelve days after
rant was issued for his ar- the wreck, but Ramos-
rest on August 10, 2010. Pablo had already been
The vehicular assault discharged.
charge and subsequent Blood work conducted
bench warrant stemmed at the Washington State
from an April 18, 2010 in- Crime Lab showed Ramos
cident in the 1300 block Pablo to have a BAC of
of Cota Street. Police say .23 following the wreck in
that Ramos-Pablo drove the creek.
Jeanne Blanton
You're a Real Estate Agent? You are crazy! I have heard those words so
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daily find myself talking to people who are in a Short Sale, Foreclosure or
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Although it is difficult to see so many in my community struggling, I enjoy
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