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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 10, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! By NATALIE JOHNSON As the Shelton City Com- mission considers adding a reclaimed water service to its utilities, city staffis urg- ing the commission to think purple - purple pipes, that is. "This is a reusable re- source that requires estab- lishing a new service, a new service area and some rates that will encourage the use of this resource. This re- source can replace potable water for almost anything except for drinking," re- gional project manager Dennis McDonald said at the city commission meet- ing Monday. Water. reclaimed from wastewater at the Shelton Satellite Water Reclama- tion Plant is not potable, or deemed safe for human consumption, so it has to, be transported separately in purple pipes which, as McDonald demonstrated during the city commission meeting Monday, actually are a light purple color. City commissioners considered an ordinance during a public hearing at Monday's commission meeting which would set up the reclaimed water service as part of its sewer utility. The ordinance suggests F Open Mon-Thur 6am.12am, Ffi-Sat 6am.2am, Sun 6am-llpm l)rive-thru open Sun.Thur 7am.gpm, Fri-Sat 7am-10pm 360-426-5254 Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and Newp0rt N0n,Menth01 j ]RECEIVE 5 PER GALLON [ GAS DISCOUNT Present this coupon for your FREE KTP Club Card. Good for [ ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Kamilche 2Yading Post. L d .08, just minutes away Rom Olympia and Shelton $ 69 • • can z .= Acid Clgars Ro]l $1219 =t MS9 I Pepsi 4 oz. Products 20 oz. only + tax o s-001 opt. LATE Gallon 2% Milk 2g ,/b I Check outour/E anded ior $3.99 each L~=~ £iquorSelection T E-ETS t oz cans s 2.19 ea -- Prices subject to change without notice -- +TAX co that rates for the reclaimed water would cost 50 per- cent of the cost of the city's drinkable water. To be eligible to get re- claimed water under the proposed ordinance, a cus- tomer has to be within the defined service area in the northeast corner of Shel- ton and the Urban Growth Area near the Department of Corrections and State Patrol Academy. A potential customer would also need to be con- nected to the city's sewer system and have their re- claimed water metered, as well as install the purple pipes to keep the reclaimed water separate from drink- ing water. Because the water is not deemed safe for drinking by the Departments of Ecology of Health, customers must also submit their proposed uses for the reclaimed wa- ter. Appropriate uses in- clude irrigation, cleaning, fire suppression and toilet flushing among others. If a customer did not com- ply with the terms of their contract with the city, and went "off spec," service could be shut off. "I'm proud to say our operator has been able to operate that facility ... It's been a year and three months and it has never gone off spec," McDonald said. City staff also said that in the event that the supply of wastewater decreases or demand for reclaimed wa- ter increases, the city can- not guarantee the supply of Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Dennis McDonald, the city's regional project manager, shows off a piece of the purple pipe used to transport reclaimed water, a service the city is considering providing under its sewer utility. reclaimed water, and will supply potable water in its place. The purple pipes are just like any other PVC pipe and just happen to be colored purple, McDonald said. Similarly, sewer lines have green pipe and water lines have blue pipe. Whether or not the city passes the ordinance that will create the new portion of the city's sewer utility, the Department of Correc- tions and the State Patrol Academy will still have use of the reclaimed water, since they helped fund the project to create the treat- ment plant and have al- ready signed agreements for the water with the city. Creating the new section of the sewer utility allows other customers in the ser- vice area to hook up to the city's reclaimed water, Mc- Donald said. Several members of the public asked the commis- sion how safe the reclaimed water really is. McDonald said that ac- cording to Ecology and the Department of Health the water is absolutely safe for everything but drinking. In response to another public comment, city eco- nomic and community de- velopment director Steve Goins said that regular water ratepayers would not subsidize the reclaimed wa- ter customers' rates in the event that reclaimed water supplies dwindle and need to be supplemented by po- table water. Goins said that if re- claimed water customers are supplied extra potable water, they will be charged for it. The commission will re- view and possibly vote on the ordinance next week. Fully digital open fit Miracle-Ear® hearing now On sale for a limited time! • Reduces Noise • Enhances Speech FREE hearing tests** Reveals if and where you need hearing assistance and is recommended for everyone over 50 years old. Attention hearing aid wearers: If you already wear a hearing aid (any make or model), we can help you, too! Our FREE computerized analysis and tune-up help keep your hearing aid working its best.I" FREE ear canal inspections** Sometimes it's nothing more than excessive earwax. 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