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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 10, 2011
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Shelton-Mason County Journal Being a retired teacher, I greatly appreciated my eight-year-old grand- daughter telling me that she enjoyed counting the seagulls on the light poles as she crossed the bridge. Now, just counting seagulls is not a math assign- ment, but what she has started doing is counting the gulls as she goes to school in the morning and counting the gulls as she returns and adding the two numbers together- now that is education at work. Let's keep that education theme go- ing. The Harstine Island Women's Club annually offers a scholarship to an is- lander and they are doing it again this year. They are offer- ing scholarships for highe education to residents of Harstine Island. Applications MIKE may be obtained at CALLAGHAN Shelton High School, Olympic College (Shelton), North Ma- son High School, and Choice Schools Office in Shelton, South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia. You may also contact Kayce Benson through e-mail at I was just talking to Judy about the Annual Grange Ham and Oyster Din- ner and then we started seeing the advertising signs. A couple days later I received a notice from Patsy Glaser Gibson so come one, come all to the An- num Grange Ham and Oyster Dinner scheduled for this Saturday, March 12 at the Harstine Island Community Hall. See Harstine on page B-5 and Clam and ,hetti Photo by Marge McKibbin This years annual Pioneer Kiwanis Crab and Clam and Spaghetti Dinner will be from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on Satur- day, March 19 at Pioneer School. Tickets can be purchased at the door, $20 for adult, $10 for children under 12. There will be a live and silent auction. Pictured above are Dick Knutzen, left, Bob McKibbin, Mike Cal- laghan, Tom River and Bob Helm. Turnin in Courtesy photo Jessica Schreiber, left, Mikala Vander Wal, Cheryl, Jacob Schreiber, Keane Kopp-Davis, Hayley Kopp-Davis, Allison Stills, Kaitlyn Davis, Melissa Kopp-Davis, Kelsey Twidwell, not pictured Kaylee Nelson Sh It g The group wanted to find a dog- people gave a few dollars, some e on 4H roup related fundraiser that they could gave five and some gave even more. do, and at r hearing about Turn- 'Tee got a twenty once," Jessica raises 1,000 for ing Pointe's dog shelter project from Schreibersaid. Tu r n in g PGin te Buck, who also participatedBy the beginning of February, in the fundraiser, they decided to the group had raised $1,000 for the dog shelter help out. dog shelter. 'Tee thought that was a great "We didn't have a goal, it was project for our kids to take on," Mi- just as much as the kids could earn, By NATALIE JOHNSON chelle Schreiber said. 'Tee decided said group leader Ripp Campbell. Since last summer, Turning to make homemade dog treats." ' rou don't want to set a goal that Pointe Domestic Violence Services Sthrting at the group's first may be unattainable - you want to in Shelton has been trying to raise meeting in November, when group make sure that the kids can suc- money to build an outdoor dog shel- members including Jacob Sch- ceed." ter to allow some of its residents to reiber, Jessica Schreiber, Kelsey Regardless of how much money bring their large dogs with them. Twidwell, Allison Stills, Mikela they made, the kids involved do feel Shelton's Phoenix Rising 4H Vander Wal, Kaylee Nelson, Hay- that they have succeeded in help- group, which primarily focuses ley Kopp-Davis, Kaitlyn Davis,ing the women at Turning Pointe. on dog related activities, recently Keane Kopp-Davis, Melissa Kopp- "I really liked doing it because worked together to raise $1,000Davis made 200 packages of dogit's really heartbreaking when you towards the project, which they do- treats, Phoenix rising started their think of these abuse victims having nated last month, mission to raise money for the dog to leave their best friend which is "4H is huge in community ser- shelter, probably their dog," Jessica Sch- vice. Each year we're supposed to At three different events, thereiber said. do two community service proj- kids in the group set up booths and Residents at Turning Pointe are ects," said group leader Michelle asked for in-kind donations in re- allowed to keep small dogs in their Schreiber. turn for a bag of dog treats. Some See fiookin' on page B-5 Journal file photo Forest Festival 2005 Forest Fest enthusiast is on the hunt for Bunyan's buddy By NATALIE JOHNSON Festival. Long time Mason County "For about $11,000 we can resident Lloyd Prouty has al- have this thing delivered here ways felt a nostalgic affection and we'd put him on a trailer for Shelton's historic Paul Bun- and tow him around the pa- yan statue, rade," he said. Prouty's Paul Bunyan statue For about 15 years, Prouty has a long and difficult history has been toting the Bunyan statue around to various festi- in the area, he said. vals, including the Mason Coun- "I grew up here as a kid and ty Forest Festival, on a trailer Paul Bunyan used to be down by fitted with a hydraulic lift to get Goldsborough Creek, near flow- Bunyan on his feet. ers in the park, it used to stand While the rolling statue is a up right there on the sidewalk," draw at these festivals, Prouty he said. said, Bunyan is missing Babe After several years, the city the Blue Ox. took over ownership of the stat- After a long search for the ue, Prouty said, ther it stood at famed lumberjack's blue ox, the Shelton High School, where Prouty said that he found a corn- Bunyan met a pitiable end. pany in Wisconsin that could A windstorm knocked him create a fiberglass Babe. Prouty over ... recently set up a bank account "His head was off, his arms for the project and is asking for were off and his feet were bro- ken. It was just a mess," he said. donations from the community to help bring Babe to Shelton in The statue may also have time for the 2012 Mason County See Babe on page B-5 Thursday, March 10, 2011 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1