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ti their aluminum cans. Nick report- inviting, and the program by Mi- books we all brought in for the an- was approved.
Hars ne ed that they took in another load of chael Herschenson filled us in on nual used book sale. The book sale Sewing will be at Brenda Stain-
Continued from page B-1 recyclables this past weekend and iconic Northwest buildings and ar- brought in more than $60. Theirbrook's the Fourth Tuesday in
that it netted more than $1,500chitects. Although our area does program was tied into the book sale March, whichis March 22. The sew-
Dinner is served from 3:30 to 7 for community. He asks that younot have a long history of European with speaker, Norm Bykerk, a long ing group is looking for new mem-
p.m., proceeds benefit the Pomona please continue to contribute those settlement, there are many histor- time book collector who shared his bers who enjoy any kind of hand-
Grange of Mason County. Now, if cans! The aluminum can haul foric buildings well worth studying, love of books, and explained what work such as quilting, knitting,
you are like Judy and I, you will February 26 netted $1,541.26. The next program on March 27 makes a book collectible and the rug hooking or crocheting. Come
eat oysters 'til you can't move - so The Harstine Community Club will feature Alan Stein discussing fun of looking for and finding good join the group for a pleasant day of
make sure to get over to the hall for received $100; Harstine Theatrethe 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex- books. Whickey Conway-Larson craftwork and visiting.
this wonderful event. Club $100; Harstine Women's Club position, Washington's first World and Kathy Doherty won the door The Harstine Island Community
Patsy also included the follow- (Carnival) $100; Harstine Grange Fair. They hope to have another 'prizes. Club's Indoor/Outdoor Garage Sale
ing: "So happy to have collected (scholarship), $100; Harstine Se- enthusiastic audience for this pre- Correspondence from Turning is coming up Saturday, March 26.
over $1,500 on the last aluminum nior Lunch, $100; Harstine Grange sentation. Pointe thanking the club for their More than half the indoor spaces
run with Nick and my grandson (dictionaries), $50; Harst, ine Fire Harstine Island Women's Club monthly donation was read. Alsohave been spoken for. Call Arlen
Billy Martin. It was prior to daddy and Rescue, $100; Pioneer Kiwan- had their monthly meeting March 3. Norma at Kitten Rescue thanked Morris at 432-9712 as soon as pos-
passing that we made that much is, $100; Cub Scout Troop 126, $50; Again, my thanks to Kathy Bykerk members for their generous dona- sible to reserve a space. The outdoor
on a single haul. Nick and Billy Boy Scout Troop 126, $50; Masonfor sending me the minutes. The tion, which will help her during the spaces are available. Space rental
said the price for aluminum was 5 Fire. (Christmas giving), $100; club's soup luncheon was a great upcoming kitten season, rates remain the same. If you have
up almost double from October Mason 5 Fire. (scholarship) $100; success with about ten varieties Brenda Stainbrook reminded any good items that you would like
2008 when daddy made his last Mason 5 Fire. (Station 7 Memorial), of soup and several hearty breads, members that now is the time toto donate to the Community Club
run. He was upset after that run $100; Neighborhood Watch, $100;The lunch was topped off with a sign up for and pay for the April tables please call Barbara LaJune
because they only paid .33 cents a Habitat for Humanity, $100; Pio- dessert of Pistachio Pudding Cake luncheon to be held at Lake Lim- at 426-0494.
pound. I remember him sitting in neer Community Club, $50; 40 et 8, made by hostesses B.J. Beauchene, crick. She'll accept payments until The Pioneer Kiwanis Club Crab
the kitchen holding the check. He (Nurses Program), $50; Hartstene Sandy Murphy, Kathy Jensen andMarch 15. Patti Chapman said that and Clam dinner is only a week
was so sick to his stomach. He said, Pointe Maintenance Assn., $50; Whickey Conway-Larson. due to lack of time they would post- away. Saturday, March 19 is that
'Patty, how can I take this to all the Nick Neuerburg (fuel/expenses),They also had a special birth,pone the craft fair until next year. magical date for the dinner. The
people. What about all the people? $41.26. This is just a great story, a day cake for Eleanor Pranger, who Jan Irving reported that the crabs and clams are fresh and dell-
It's just not enough.' Daddy would great cause and thanks to Nick and will celebrate her 90th birthday on community club is in the process of cious. It all begins around 4 p.m.
be proud and I know he is for sure." all, it just keeps on giving. March 18. The tables were filled updating the small women's rest- at Pioneer School. The auctions are
Patsy's statement ties in with what The second Inquiring Minds with a collection of frogs in various room at the community hall. They also a lot of fun; there will be both a
Nick Neuerburg sent me about the program on February 27 was a big colors and sizes. Little bags decorat- have requested that Women's Club live and silent auction. All the pro-
aluminum drive. Remember, there success, with a large group coming ed with frogs at the place settings help with the cost of the project ceeds go back to the kids so bring
are boxes located in front of all the out despite the cold, snowy/rainy held candies for each •member. Ev- and have asked for a contribution an empty stomach and a full wallet
fire stations for islanders to leave weather. The hall was warm and eryone enjoyed going through the of $300. After discussion, the $300 - it is a wonderful cause.
BaD Overall, the statue was in bunch of us guys got together kick," Babe the Blue Ox. up first thing Monday morn- we can jump on it right
e 13 pieces when Prouty found and restored him," he said. Finally, last week, af- ing and got a price quote and now ... I figure if I have the
Continued from page B-1 him in 1996. After return- "It was kind of a community ter an exhaustive Internet schedules," he said. money collected by mid-July
ing from Alaska, where he project - different entities, search, Prouty found the per- While the proposed Babe of this year, we can have it
been the victim of high school lived for 22 years, in the mid- local government helped us fect eight-foot tall blue fiber- statue is exactly the oneready by next year," he said.
rivalry, Prouty said. 1980s, Prouty began looking out ... we've been doing pa- glass Babe at a bowling alley Prouty said he has been look- Donations to the project
"They had a football game for the statue when he saw it rades ever since." in Minnesota. ing for all these years, the are being accepted at the lo-
and some kids from Tumwa- had disappeared from where Since then, Prouty said "I called the guy up on Sat- price of $11,000 may set the cal Heritage Bank with the
ter stole the axe and in the he remembered it from his that he's been searching for urday afternoon and he told project back. "Babe the Blue Ox account."
process, they broke his hand childhood, what he described as Paulme where to find the manu- "Unless somebody's got For more information, call
off," he said. "I finally found him and a Bunyan's "mythological side- facturer of Babe so I called $11,000 in their pocket and Lloyd Prouty at 426-7135.
Continued from page B-1
rooms, but large dogs are
prohibited in the building.
"It's kind of unfair to
those people who have
large dogs," she said.
The kids only regretted
that they didn't raise more
money for the shelter.
"I think that if some
people would have known
more about what we were
doing ... then they prob-
ably would have helped
out a bit more," Jacob Sch-
reiber said.
The group shared one of
their recipes for dog treats
for this week's ' ¢¢hat's
Dog biscuits i::
2 t/2 c. whole-wheat flour
1/2 c. powdered milk
t tsp. garlic powder
1 egg
1/2 c. water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine dry ingredients. Cut in bacon
grease or drippings. Mix in egg. Add
enough ice water for form a
baH. Pat to 1/2 inch thick. Cut.
Bake 25-30 minutes.
11th Annual
Spring Tea
& Fashion
Show event
Habitat for Humanity
of Mason County is host-
ing it's llth Annual Spring
Tea and Fashion Show.
This annual event fea-
tures a high-tea luncheon,
a fashion show highlight-
ing Mason County retail-
ers and a silent auction in
a gorgeous setting at the
Harmony Hill Retreat Cen-
ter in Union.
The event will take place
at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April
3. Harmony Hill is known
for its stunning gardens
and picturesque views of
the Olympic.
Tickets are $25 per per-
son or $160 for a table of
eight. For reservations or
more information, please
contact the Habitat for Hu-
manity office at 426-8134
from Shelton or 205-3250
from Belfair.
Skokomish Indian Tribal
Enterprises (S.I.T.E.)
19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01
Skokomish Nation, WA 98584
At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106
minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation
Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino * 427-9099
Bud & Bd/:/ Tg Busch &
...................... S
18 pk. 12 oz. c....
......... ~ ...... 18 pk. • 12 oz; cans
05 1 12 pk. 12 oz. cans
~_,~ ~ ~o ~o ~i~~
..... ............................... 82.95
99¢ 24 oz.
89¢ 20 oz.
79¢ I0 oz.
Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.
Cary's Tire and Repair Rick Deyette Lucky Eagle Casino
Yesteryear Car Club Manke Timber Company Anytime Fitness
Mason County Garbage & Recycling Simpson Lumber Company Riverside Espresso
Ernie's Bar and Grill Home Meat Service Steven Bowers DDS
Blue Oasis Spa & Massage Bruce Chunn Gene Strozyk
Wendy Hein Shelton Cinemas Ryan Gonzales
Lynch Creek Floral Primeval Ink Deb Hart
Rick & Anne Ryan Transmission Plus Marti "Chenoa" Plunkett
Patty & Jeff White Nitas Caf~ GDP Studios
Hunter Farms Sylvan Pet Lodge Graham's Hairworks
Hoodsport Winery Mauri & Debbie Rose The Finish Line Auto Detail
Boy Scout Troop 110 Tina Miller Spike's Hydraulics
Rand Stevens Safari Tans Mason County Septic Service
Walter Dacon Winery MT Machine Works Ted Strozyk
Sundance RV Center Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club A Beautiful You
Shepherd's Soaps Marcie McKaig Rooster's Restaurant
Gillis Auto Center Royal Bean Lake Cushman Golf Course
Les & Joyce Rodgers Jamie McClanahan Alderbrook Resort
D & L Automotive Quality Beauty College George Stenberg
Miles Sand & Gravel Lisa Pen Mike & Judy Callaghan
Gerbing's Mary M. Jones Hood Canal IGA
Sims Vibration Annette Kiser/Frontier Antiques Kamilche Dental Clinic
Our Community Credit Union Verle's LLC Island Enterprises Inc.
Spencer Lake Bar & Grill Very Ltd. Antiques Bayshore 19th Hole Club
Eeva & Gary Kissick Oakland Bay Pet Lodge Faith Lutheran Trivent Financial
Lake Limerick Country Club Mike Hall for Women
John Dickinson Trevor & Ginger Dodge Jerry & Pat Swartos
Denny's Automotive Brad & Cindy Aitken Giving Fair
BCP Landscape Supplies Mike Cline • Steve 6oeckritz
Dave & Sandy Johnston Mary Pauley/Owl in the Attic Walmart of Shelton
Great Wolf Lodge Cut Rate Auto Druzianich Family Foundation
Olympic Eagle Distributing 2nd Street Design Studio Brion Casebolt
Sharon Brocha Angela's Beauty Boutique Jim & Sally Smith
Tom Williams Jerry's Drive In Kennedy Creek Quarry
Jay Cole Racing Olsen Furniture Manke Excavating
Sarah Naware Brady Trucking Company AI & Patty Tupper
Seattle Sports Den Golden Pheasant Tavern Shelton Kiwanis
Ed & Cheryl Stanley Hama Hama Co. Wholesale Butch Weston
Hans Mak Les Schwab Tire Center Sage Book Store
Sensaria Natural Body Care Town Tavern Bob's Tavern
Balance Day Spa Mason County Historical Society Probuild
Domino's Pizza Xinh's Clam & Oyster House Windermere Real Estate
Lee & Kathy Geist Spencer Lake Resort Mary's Auto Repair
Mariano's Fine Jewelry & Gifts Shelton Subway JC Nowacki
AAA Septic Red Apple Grocery Shelton Veterinary Hospital
Quinault Casino Zingaro's Vern& Vicky Gonzales
Ferguson Flowers Taylor Station RestaurantTad & Sandy Smith
Dean Wood Tumwater Pawn Brokers Bob & Andrea Armanino
Grays Harbor Raceway Vincent & Gerri Himlie Marvin & Linda Leichty
Curves Tina's Place Seran Pearson
Logger's Bar & Grill Coffee Creek Espresso Colonial Meats
Bayshore Golf & Country Club Eagles 3862 FOE Garret Heyns Circle K Club
Jimini Paving Pine Tree Restaurant Mike & Lynn Longan
Pickering Storage Bayshore Golf Course April Hougham
Blooms By The Park Landscape Northwest Wake Up Espresso
We would like to thank you for your donation and purchases for each one who
attended our 10thAnnual Toys For Kids Plus Auction. With your help, we were able
to raise $37,000.00 that was used for our shopping day. We provided parents of
1,466 children funds to purchase toys, clothing, shoes or anything needed.
We wish to thank Walmart for their participation in making this day such a success.
We also thank 40 et 8 for joining with us in the sign-up process, This has made it
possible to combine the process for toys and a Christmas Food Basket for our Mason
County families needing assistance. We see every year that Mason County goes over
and above to help our neighbors in need during these hard times.
Thank you again and we hope you will be able to help us again for our 11 Annual
Toys For Kids Plus Auction. It will be held December 10that Bob's Tavern. Please join us.
For those we may have missed, accept our apology and appreciation. To
those who spent at the auction, thank you for allowing this to happen.
-- Toys for Kids
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 10, 2011 - Page B-5