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Shelton-Mason County Journal
Lady Owls unable to hold onto the ball in Spokan
By DEAN SIEMON which was Mary M. Knight's
highest scoring frame with six
It was-a rough two games
for the Mary M. Knight High points.
Freshman Hannah Frost
School girls basketball teamalso contributed four points,
in the WIAA 1B state tourna-
ment on Thursday and Friday while Ashley Kiliz hit her lone
at the Spokane Memorial Are-field goal in the first quarter.
Eighth-grader Melody Snyder
na in Spokane. went one for two from the foul
The Lady Owls (11-14) were
unable to generate offense line for the lone fourth quar-
against Sunnyside Christian ter Mary M. Knight point with
seven seconds left in the game.
School (19-3) in a 73-11 loss on Sunnyside Christian had
Mary M. Knight was held three other major runs in the
to only two points per each of game, including a 15-0 run
the first two quarters as the from the end of the first to the
Knight led 47-4 at halftime,middle of the second and a 20-
. The Lady Owls only shot run that concluded in the mid-
five out of 14 from the field, dle of the third quarter.
The low shooting attempts The Knights ended the
were a result of the 39 turn- game on an 11-1 run in the
overs in the game, 30 of which fourth quarter.
came in the first half. Cook said that the young
"They're definitely a chal- Lady Owls entered the Spo-
kane Memorial Arena in awe
lenge," said Linda Cook, Mary
M. Knight junior center. "Itof the crowds, banners and
was a good experience for us." "In the beginning, we were
Sunnyside Christian amazed because we were so
went on an 18-0 run in the
first quarter, led by Analisa young," Cook said.
VanOostrum's three 3-point Despite the score, Cook said
field goals. VanOostrum would Mary M. Knight kept going re-
lead the Knights in scoring gardless how large the margin
was between Sunnyside Chris-
with 19 points, tian and the Lady Owls.
The Lady Owls were led by "We just kept going," she
freshman Carlie Adsero's four
points in the third quarter, See Lady Owls on page C-6
File photos by Dean Siemon
Above, Mary M. Knight High School junior Emily Johnson will be one of two Lady Owls re-
turning for a senior season after the team's 0-2 stint in the 2011 WIAA 1B State Girls Basket-
ball tournament in Spokane• Right, Mary M. Knight freshman Hannah Frost was one of two
Lady Owls with four points in a 73-11 loss to Sunnyside Christian in the first round of the
state tournament on Friday.
By DEAN SIEMON players, was an assistant
One shouldn't expect coach for Shelton last sea-
Erik Engstrom, first yearson and coached the
Shelton Timbers American
Shelton High School base-
Legion baseball club for the
ball head coach, to be a very
vocal coach during the 2011 last few years.
season. Many of the Highclimb-
"This program always ers have played under Eng-
strom with the Timbers and
has been and always will be some have said the first
about the kids," Engstromweek of practice is just like
The Shelton coach, other practices.
known as "General" by the"We're taking it serious
like we always do," said ju-
nior Curtis Wuestner. "But
we're also having fun."
"He definitely kind of
creates an even balance be-
tween having fun and being
serious and knowing you've
got something done at prac-
tice," said junior Colton
The Highclimbers fin-
ished with a 6-12 record
overall and 5-10 in the 4A
Narrows League with a sea-
son ending loss in the first
round of the league tourna-
ment to Bellarmine Prepa-
ratory School, 4-0.
But the Highclimbers
have their sights set on a
run to the state tourna-
"A lot of us have been
around since our freshman
year, so this is it," Twiddy
said. "Next year.., we aren't
really looking forward to
next year."
Shelton's pitching ro-
tation will include senior
See Climbers on page C-5
Journal photo by Dean Siemon
Shelton High School
junior Colton Twiddy
warms up in the early
parts of a Friday
practice in Shelton.
Exp ctations unchanged
und r new head ch
There are big shoes to fill at North Ma-
son High School fastpitch softball's head
coaching position - Molleigh Fusare is ex-
cited for the opportunity.
"I definetly have big shoes to fill com-
ing in after Coach Paula [Grande], but
I'm looking forward to filling those
shoes," Fusare said. "I have been apart of
many successful softball programs. I like
coming in with high standards."
Those high standards come from the
Lady Bulldogs' 21-3 overall record, scor-
ing 190 runs during the season that
ended after a run in the 2A state tourna-
North Mason won the Olympic League
championship with a 15-1 record, only al-
lowing 11 runs during the league sched-
Despite losing pitcher Emily Ander-
son to graduation, Fusare is not scared of
the fact that North Mason's lone starting
pitcher from last season is gone.
"We're not setting our sights low," Fu-
sare said. "We're looking for another con-
ference championship and another trip to
With Anderson gone, the pitching role
is wide open for the Lady Bulldogs. Fu-
sare is keeping her eyes on sophomore
Kimberly Bolin, as well as seniors Tristan
Stromberg and Amanda Johnson•
"We have a few girls vying for the
starting position and we hope to have
more than one person in that role," Fu-
sare said. "If one girl isn't on that day, we
want to have a strong second and third
Thursday, March 10, 201
Journa Dean Siemon
Molleigh Fusare, North Mason
High School's new fastpitch head
coach, holds high expectations
leading up to the season opener
at Peninsula High School on
March 14.
The first year North Mason head coach
said that there are younger players look-
ing to either enter varsity roles or main-
tain their current roles, incluidng sopho-
more Jordyn Stromberg.
"She'll be an asset for us in the out-
field," Fusare said.
The lone team to defeat North Ma-
son in Olympic League play was Sequim
High School (19-4, 15-1 Olympic League)
in a 4-3 decision in May 2010.
See Expectations on page C-6
1 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page C-1