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Shelton girls tennis brings back
nd youth
Journal photo by Dean Siemon
Shelton High School's Allison Hunter returns a serve dur-
ing Tuesday's practice in Shelton. Hunter is one of three
returning doubles players from last season's 2-6 team.
By DEAN SIEMON "If any of those three were to play singles it
The Shelton High School girls tennis team fin- would be Allison [Hunter] because she has a good
ished 2-6 in match play last season in the 4A Nor- stroke and she's been taking lessons," Perry said.
rows League. "But I've got a foreign exchange student that I'm
But with the reconfiguration sending Wilson going to probably place with Allison [Hunter]."
High School, Foss High School and Lincoln High Senior Anika Fischer, a foreign exchange stu-
School to 3A, head coach John Perry said it will be dent from german, has impressed Perry for a dou-
tough, bles varsity spot with Hunter.
"I got probalby two consistant doubles teams,"
"It's going to be fun," Perry said. "Hopefully we
can win a few. We're in a tougher league with some he said.
teams we beat going down to 3A." Perry said that Shelton has a larger number of
For the top returning Lady Highclimbers, Perry freshmen entering the program than his last 20
said juniors Madison Moran and Allison Hunteryears of coaching.
"We have nine freshmen," Perry said. "Almost
and senior Hannah Gordon come back to competeall these freshmen have skills already"
in doubles matches. Out of the nine freshmen, Perry said five have a
"They're probably going to play mostly doubles,"
Perry said. "They were pretty successful at doubles chance of earning varsity experience - Megan Ran-
last year." ney, Serena Ranney, Cassie Sloan, Willow Walker
While Perry said Moran and Gordon are doubles and Jordan Crossan.
"I've been watching their strokes, watching how
players, Hunter could have some time in singles their contacting the ball," Perry said.
igns with Evergreen
Shelton High School senior Kristy Lee
Nahley signed her letter of intent on Mon-
day to play basketball next year at The
Evergreen State College in Olympia.
Nahley said she has been attending
open gyms at EvergTeen for women's bas-
Continued from page C-1
Bradley Bearden, who has
been a leader for the Shelton
Timbers / merican Legion
summer team.
"Brad Bearden is going to
step up really big," Wuestner
The rotation includes ju-
team in batting with more
than a .500 average and
helped as the leading pitch-
er'"I personally think that
Ty [Dunnington] was a huge
asset to our team, but when
we step on the field, we've got
nine guys out here," Twiddy
While there are juniors
and seniors, young talent
work and practicing more on
converting double plays.
"Just a lot of staying in
the game and staying focus,"
Wuestner said.
Twiddy said he has been
working on his batting by go-
ing to Mudd Bay Courts and
Cages, where he has worked
with Stephen Vogt, a current
minor league player in the
Tampa Bay Rays organiza-
ketball, niors Forest Puterbaugh, from freshmen could be keytion, and Jared Sandberg, a
Patrick Fabrizio and Davidto the Highclimbers' success, minor league manager with
"I got to meet coach Monica a couple of Gorman One example is freshman the Rays.
years ago, so I've been in contact with her," A fii ih starting hitcher Sam Gerhold, who is excpect- 'I m working on every-
Nahley said. . , ,- , . .
sonhomore Chad Mikelthun ed to switch from shortstop thing from hitting the ball
One of the red;sons Nahley chose to at- wil"l mi 'ss this season witl to second base with Twiddy. the oppos,,ite way to pitch rec-
tend Evergreen ils for their incorporated season ending elbow sur- He s a solid infielder, ognition, Twiddy said.
classes. erv I think he'll do well at the With the upcoming sea-
"Their schools are really good because .......
v D' d a lot of One of the key concernsSchool on March 14, the
they don't have separate classes," she said. ke,"Chad,_:l.tcherWaSand haaCtually a plate, Twiddy said. son begmmng at Yelm High
The Geoduck.s finished the 2010-11 sea- notevtial for only a sopho- from last season was the un- Highclimbers feel they are
son with a 5-21 '.'and 3-15 in the NAIA Cas- more?' Twiddv said. "Hove- timely errors that may have excited and ready.
code Collegiate Conference. fully iae'll be able to recover." cost Shelton a couple more "I think we're going to
While Nahley said she considers herself Shelton raduated a se- wins" • take it one game at a time
not the most athletically gifted basketball F~ photo by Dean Siemon niOl " class th at included Ty- Wuestner said he has and prepare as they come,"
player, she pbms on spending her fresh- Shelton High School's Kristy Lee ler Dunnington, who led the been working on his infield Twiddy said.
man season attempting to absorb as much Nahley signed her letter of intent
information,,, as possible.u ,,to play basketball at The Ever- - -- 7
I m really a st dent about basketball, green State College on Monday.
Nahley said. "I try to get things technical, l!i i
l¢v rl' ht and mow what -veoDle- are ing to High,,_, School to coach_ is in Nahte 's ..... I I 7 £ } ' i I
do on the CO[Lrt " I m not exactly sure where I'll end up. i
Thel nr h~r lan~ +arm craole M~hlo~r ~rl But staying close to Shelton and being ....... . 'a f I[1
.... involved in the Highclimber basketball
sne woum nKe _ge mm coacmng aider . .... . . , .
..... program is delinitely something I m inter- [
sne granua es Irom ,;vergreen. . 1 • , ...... L ..... with cou
es~eci in, sne said
possibility of returning to Shelton • 'ioy ' [
/"il •
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 10, 2011 - Page C-5