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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 10, 2022     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 10, 2022
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A-8 Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, March 10, COMMISSIONER BRIEFS i- . Commissioners sign SR3 Freight Corridor funding letter County commissioners signed a let- ter to the legislative transportation committees regarding the state Route 3 Freight Corridor. According to the information packet, the letter is addressed to Sen. Marko Lias, chair of the Senate Transpor- tation Committee, Sen. Curtis King, ranking member of the Senate Trans- portation Committee, Rep. Jake Fey, chair of the House Transportation Com- mittee and Rep. Andrew Barkis, rank- ing member of the House Transporta-. tion Committee. The letter supports an additional $12 million for the state Route 3 Freight Corridor project in the supple- mental transportation budget. The in- crease proposed in the budget will sup- port the project by safeguarding against inflation, supply chain and right-of-way acquisition disruptions; ensuring the project scope is not shortened; provid- ing multimodal safety improvements at the southern terminus to provide Safe Routes to School in the area of North Mason School District’s campus; and construct intersections at Log Yard Road and Romance Hill Road to pro- vide access for emergency and utility services. “We recognize the importance of col- laborative, long-range planning for in- frastructure such as the Freight Corri- dor and other vital utilities such as wa- ter, sewer, and power in order to meet 1626 Olympic Hwy N, Shelton the needs of our‘community into the future,” the letter states. “As session draws to a close, we also hope efforts will be made to preserve access to proj- ect funding through the State’s Public Works Assistance Account which is a critical lifeline for local governments. Please continue to count Mason Coun- ty as partner in your efforts to bring needed funding to transportation in our state and region.” According to the Department of Transportation, the SR3 freight corri- dor is in the preconstruction phase of the project with construction planned for spring to winter Funding for the project is $66.9 million. County seeks Board of Equalization members Mason County commissioners are seeking applicants to fill a regular board member position and two alternate po- sitions on the Mason County Board of Equalization. According to a news release, the three-year terms end May 31. The board of equalization is a three-member board appointed by Mason County com- missioners. The board’s responsibility is to ensure all property valuations are at 100% of market value so equitable tax assessment is established. Taxpayers can appeal their assess- ments, which includes assessments of real and personal property, forest land, timber, and open space. Depending on the number of appeals heard each year, New Patient pedal" FREE Exam & X—Ray with paid cleaning \ > , Drum n Kelby Valued-at $198 Dentistry for your whole family! “360—426-4712 'the board might meet up to three days a week throughout the year and members are paid a per diem, which is $100 per day when in session. The appointed applicant must at- tend training provided by the state De- partment of Revenue within a year of appointment or reappointment. Interested residents can obtain an application at the county commissioners office or at masoncountywagov. Seven appointed to transportation panel Mason County commissioners ap- proved the appointments of seven peo— ple to the Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advisory Panel at the March 1 commissioner’s meeting. According to the information pack- et, Jeff Carey, Mark Carlson, Jack Johnson, Tim Lincoln, Don Pogreba and Phil Wolff were reappointed for a six-month term. Amy Asher, who is the general manager for Mason Tran- sit Authority, was appointed to a two- year term. County looking for Solid Waste Advisory Committee members The county is looking for applicants to serve on the Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. According to a news release, the committee reviews and makes recom- mendations to county commissioners Peninsula Community IIt‘ttlllt Services providvs ut‘ccssilllc. tiflorduble, quality health and wellness services/or our comtmmitics. l'olcd BEST Health Clinic Four Years in a Row! regarding solid and special waste management in the county, which in- cludes disposal rates, disposal options, waste reduction, recycling, house- hold hazardous waste and composting program. The committee consists of nine members appointed for three-year terms. Members meet monthly. To ap- ply, contact the Mason County com- missioner’s office at 427-9670, ext. 419 or go to masoncountywagov. Volunteers needed for TIP-CAP . Mason County is looking for volun- teers to serve on the Transportation Improvement Program Citizens Advi- sory Panel. According to a news release, the TIP-CAP will review and analyze Ma- son County’ 8 transportation needs and’ present proposed transportation im- provement plan to Mason County com- missioners. County commissioners will use a transportation improvement plan developed by the TIP-CAP to plan road construction and other transpor- tation projects for the next six years. The commitment is a two or three— year membership period and atten- dance at one evening meeting every month lasting about two hours. Interested persons can apply with an application from the Mason County commissioner’s office at 411 North 5th ’ Street, Shelton, or on the county web- site masoncountywagov. I Compiled by reporter Matt Baide. , Peninsula Community Health Services PCHS Belfair: 31 NE State Route 300, Suite 200, Belfair 98528 North Mason School District Campus Gym 300 E. Campus Drive, Belfai‘r, WA 98528 Shelton location: 627 W. Franklin St., Shelton 98584 We share space with Consejo Counseling Referral Service 360-377-3776 0 Additional locations in Bremen‘on, Poulsbo, Port Orchard, Kingston, and Silverdale Coming Soon to the Key Peninsula! eii s Pharmacy are Open Monday Friday 9am Saturday 10am - 2pm 0 Sunday 3654/ Locally Owned Independent Pharmacy and Gift Shop lagged o o @ 512 w Franklin St, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.3327 We pride ourselves in customer service.