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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rvices’ CHOOL TEACHERS )r Infa " ' RECEIVE PRAISE Evans iislgizh praise f0? 1110 2““? 7P" Mung mlngmshed service rendered by,‘ Odd FellenflfiCan 'schooh Leonie... (L. . 4‘. died 5 eefil‘admllllstl”fith'0 offlClals last 1 - ' ' _ i . -.. . ional 11.1 901131390“ “fit? na 1 that it would not replace VN lillzllll C95 W390 k eglsuawo‘l fin Mm laLi‘g‘l .’ C. Reed, state chairman, Low ml 1,. Sm.“ ‘1 two \vere expressed today in h 11,, 2‘ ursdav. March 11, 19431.7, : 7 ‘ illiam Reed 1 Still Chairman Seattle Republican Party Central ents. gr 13%;?" Se?“ by Price Adn‘imStra‘ erick E. Baker, acting nation and great Srtendtlss M: B1:(i\vn to John committeeman in Reed’s alasei 1de MN» 0mmiu.ebake’; .Umteq State‘slwas given a vote of confide . ssmner OI Education: .at the meeting and will continue} -— —~ , “b—H—A“ lat the post. DECTOI‘ MEDICAL PATIENT ‘3 The central committee elm-ted son, da 1" Arthur Johnson, employee of i, an executive committee to share ohn Dot on MCKay, was admitted to the l the party's work because of war— ' very ni spital on Saturday for medical i time transportation (iii‘iculties. an app9 eatMBnt. Members of the new committee iospital are: man; Archie McClenn, Tacoma; Russell Mack, Hoquiani: Kenneth 4 . c MILLO’S George V'ogcl, f , kane; B. M. Huntington, V\'alla ; Walla; Mrs. HaZel Iiaughbon, f Davenport, and Gladys Murch- ‘land, Ellensburg. ARMED C rascal-g President Roosevelt said the goal QLEY i lored by 1 . , ‘ of 7,500,000 men in the U. E». Army . [1 l by the end of 1943 was decided on last August, never been“ ) h a i changed, and will not be changed. 1 rc BS . lThe goal for 1944, he said, will, 4 probably be decided this fall. This lyear‘s Army goal also calls for H 700,000 officers, which would 10¢ per p FINEST FOODS AT make a total of 8.200.000 men in included the Army. Adding the goals set BEST PRICES for the other armed services, the t0 HOODSPORT grand total of all our armed forces A I by the end of 1943 would be al- most 11,000,000. "3; Som ROCK DELL, 2-lb. Carton l T I 2hr 170 “:38on Zpkgs. 170 In, n981', 11-02. PACKAGE e‘fioastes 2lor We ‘HOT. 7y2—oz. TIN 7 POINTS 3 ..m 0 3 “Ava HOME DICED, zo-oz. Beets zeans ‘ Poll‘ 11 POINTS 8 POINTS ‘ p ,_ EAS and—WESCO, 16-02. TIN ’0 CE» 1 carrots can i %3CEN HAPPY HOME GRAPEFRUIT and ORANGE zwluice Ill-oz. We UPREME SALAD ' ilressing qt. 3lc JUICE ;. $1.40 in. for eELERv lb. lb. JR ¥___ RROTS Mm. 251: ’NS lTUR «lineups 2m 1% b ' A ..4. The W’ashington State1 Com— v mittee voted here Saturdij llightj active duty with the Navy. Fred-- , Wilder Jones, Wenatchee, chair— ‘ C. Klepser, Seattle; Mrs. Harry i Sedro-VVoolley; Robert Mills, Spo- i ‘ Ithe diet. This was folloWed by a 37 l discussion of the Nutrition Yard- ;lzl . Sunday. SHELTON—MASON‘ it‘SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Consolidated with T Entered as second-class matter at he Shelton Independent Published every Friday morning Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers’ Association and National Editorial Association. the postoffice at Shelton, Washington GRANT C. ANGLE, Editor 32.30 per your in advance; (‘zllludzi and Foreign $3.50; WHERE OUR Subscription“ Rates; 6 months 81.50: Special Service Men‘s J. EBER ANGLE, Manager outside Mason County $2.75; Rate $1.50 per year. BUTTER WENT L. _.__.L-_ flu“ A...‘ §NO~RMAN CALLS 0N PARK SERVICE l Rules Given For {TO PERMIT LOGGING or OLYMPICS l i Men over 38 years old will be i discharged from the Army accord— COUNTY_J_O_URNAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE l “Substance” is the subject of the Lesson—Sermon to be read in all Christian Science Churches, lSunday, March 14. the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory. and i the majesty: . . . both riches and honour come of thee, reignest over all." included in the Lesson-Sermon: “The Lord is good to all: and his ,tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise I thee, O Lord: and thy saints shall bless thee. Thy kingdom is an According to a news report 350 tons of butter was put everlasung kingdom and thy do; ashore at Nome, Alaska, last October, foodstuff ordered by l which was in brine, froze and is lost. 173 as of rolled oats, 5,160 l l in the meantime. Nor is that all the story since the: shipment included tons of coffee, 78 tons of salad oil, 59 tons of soap, 108 gallons of vinegar, 503 tons of canned milk, 70 tons of canned pears, all “busted,” 78 tons if toilet tissue and 78 tons'of dried eggs. This supply is not part of army needs but intended for civilian use, and i" a fair sample of much of the crazy doings which have _L__ been going on in government circles, for which the homei 1 folks are going to pinch and suffer from now on. At leastI , cur Nome friends will not be short of toilet tissue for the i the' rest of their lives. At any rate the government has enough lforces a year or two ahead, while the civilians go short 1 ONE SCREWY IDEA GOES part of a shipload of I the Civilian Reserve Food Supply officials at Washington to feed the Alaskans, or enough to take“ from i, give each inhabitant of the northern city a ton of butter. But as there is limited storage at Nome, all this butter, .Stance, generations.” . This correlative statement is Mary Baker Eddy: “All sub- intelligence, wisdom, be- ing, immortality, cause, and ef- fect belong to God. These are His attributes, the eternal manifes- tations of the infinite divine Principle, Love. No wisdom is wise- but His wisdom; no truth is true, no love is lovely, no life is Life but the divine; no good is, ibut the good God bestows." IN HOSPITAL Receiving medical treatment at Shelton hospital Vaughn. He entered the hospital icoffee and sugar stored in warehouses to feed the armed 0“ TueSday‘ PENSION UNION i The Pension Union will meet at Mrs. Gus Swedburg‘s home, 417 South Second St. this evening at 7:15. i Golden Text: “Thine O Lord, is: and thou 1 These verses from Psalms are‘ minion endureth throughout alli “Science and Healthl with Key to the Scriptures" by‘ is E. B.l Washington, D. C., March llea' ICongressman Fred Norman today called upon the National Park Service to permit logging of “some really good spruce and fir; i stands" in the Olympic Park area, i ‘declaring that this would “vastly. ‘increase the contributions of thel park service and the Washington loggers" to the war effort. In a letter to Newton B Drury, director of the National Park Service, Norman said there are some 23,000,000,000 feet of mer- chantable timber in the park, lmuch of it airplane spruce and lplywood stock. ‘ “The National Park Service has ; the plain duty of releasing enough lof such spruce and fir timber so 'that the mills of the region can operate at peak efficiency during ‘ the‘ war,” Norman said. , “A fter all, this is war—America land her Allies must have spruce ! for planes. American armed forces 1 must have lumber and plywood for ,a multitude of uses, including ship and barge building. The Na- ltional Park Service right now, it iseems to me, is tending to ob- jstruct the production of this es— ;sential material by keeping the timber locked up in a ‘Wilder- in ‘ ness category. 1 The Southwest Washington re- [presentative declared that “there ‘are millions, and even billions, of 1 feet of spruce and fir which could ibelogged in the park area with- 1 out seriously impairing the park’s l ,value for recreational Purposes! medical attention. Page Three Obtaining Discharge and without permanently injuring 3 mg to these rules and mqujm_ its beauty, and even Without ma- l mentsiwu) At least 38 years old. terially reducing its long-time ec- l (2) Enlisted or inducted on or onomic worth.” l before. February 28, 1943. 13) Has If the Park Semice woum pm i submitted voluntary request for up some good stands for bids, Drury was told, and allow cutting ; ficer' under “sensible instead of obstruc- l 1943 tionary” selective logging rules, from the loggers of Grays Harbor, Ma- :, that son, Thurston, Jefferson and Clal- lam counties “would Show you . . . . , lture. plenty of competitlve bidding,’ ‘discharge to his Commanding Of- must be before May, 1, (4) Has Submitted Statement responsible person showing he will be employed in cs— l sential industry, including agricul— (5) Release of soldier must lnot seriously affect the efficiency and would provide a genuine con- ‘1 of his unit. park service. tribution to the war effort by the I l l AndreWs Appointed Region Forester The appointment of Horace J.l Andrews as regional forester ofi- the North Pacific Region of the: U. S. Forest Service has been an-i nounced in a telegram just receiv- J ed from Lyle F. Watts, Chief, For- 1 est Service, Washington, D. C. The appointment has been confirmed' by Secretary of A g r i c u 1t 11 r e ‘ Claude R. Wickard. , Andrews has been assistant re-l gional‘ forester in charge of the} division of state and private for-1 estry since August 1, 1939. He is; well known in Pacific Northwest} timber and forestry circles, ac-‘ cording to the forest service. IN HOSPITAL J. P. Lenehan of Camp 3 en-‘ tered the hospital on Monday fori Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Insurance Bldg. Title l One of the screwyideas of the Washington bureau- ;; crats has been rescinded and hear of other freak orders w : add unnecessary cost of time it would not be surprising to hich greatly annoy as well as and money to the public will after a month’s nuisance of buying knives and butcher- i‘l ing the bread at home. It proved a waste of bread crumbs as well as time and no saving I DON’T FORGET While everyone is in the throes of making income tax reports and digging up the real cash for Uncle Sam, it is well not to forget that the county needs its dues, and such taxes must be May 30th the other half can ernment. cause much damage to the ‘aise a little garden for their of these are the stray dogs spite of a dog tax intended for the average gardener will marauding dogs. paid. If paid by the 15th, the taxpayer can save three per cent, something the government does not permit, but if the first half county taxes are paid by‘ penalty. The county must live as well as the federal gov— THE STRAY ,DOG NUISANCE On the subject of “Victory Gardens” it is well to call attention to the nuisances which along be admitted that 'there are too many dogs in Shelton. in? and nuisance. Probably most of these dogs are not protect- ed by a license tag and could well be abated as nuisances, and the owners of taxed dogs could be urged to keep their dogs at home by any means possible. Now that there will be many unprotected gardens in plots all over the'city‘itt is well to make a start toWard cutting down the dog crop having his good work dug up and his temper reiled byl ‘1; be called off. Bread slicing by the bakers is again in order, i l to the consumers. ‘ COUNTY TAXES ‘ I run until November without with the pests efforts of the gardeners to home needs; and the greatest roaming around town. It will to cut down the canine crOp have trouble enough without] Nill‘lllllON Milli , is 1311; SUCCESS ASMANY ATTEND. Mason County's first one dayr nutrition institute, which was held at Memorial Hall, March 4, flll to those attending. High point of the meeting was culture, in which she gave inform- ation regarding the best buys in- foods to obtain the most food va‘l- I and money. She also demonstrat- ed the cooking of spinach and broccoli to retain food value and appearance. Mrs. Dorothy Roberts, dietitian at the Shelton General Hospital, discussed food requirements, pointing out the reasons for hav-. ing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, Vitamins and water in stick by Miss Blanche Neyhart, Children’s Worker of the Mason County Welfare Department, toi v: l i show how these food requirements could be translated into the foods used in the daily meals. Food Preparation Mrs. Frank Heuston,. Homemak-v er, with the assistance of gradu— ates of the Red Cross Nutrition class, explained methods preparation to retain food value as well as how to select food on the market. Learning about proper diets is I interesting but Mr. Okerstrom, vinced the group that unless ev- lCounty Agriculture Agent, con- l i, .eryone took an active part in planting Victory Gardens, we might wonder where we were g0- ing to get the foods to carry out the suggestions offered by the other speakers. Since considerable interest was shown in this institute, the Ma- son County Nutrition Committee plans definitely to offer similar opportunities to the women of Mason County in the future. The Red Cross Nutrition class will start this Thursday at 7:00 o'clock in the Red Cross head— quarter. It will be just a short sessmn, so anyone wishing to at- tend the concert will be out in time. i ...w ,i , RECEIVING MEDICAL CARE Receiving medical care at the Shelton hospital is James Cush- man. He entered the hospital on BIEDICAL PATIENT J. A. Johnson of Camp 3, was admitted to the‘ hospital on Mon- day for medical care, Truck Operators/l ' Must Keep Record I Beginning March 15, no re- quests or appeals for additional mileage or gasoline will be con- sidered or granted by the Office of Defense Transportation to truck operators unless past op- erating records ,are shown and ,proved very interesting. and help ; proof offered that this additional mileage is vital, to the war effort. This warning was issued today .' ,a discussion by Miss Wilson, Nu- l by C' R‘ Nmkerson' distriCt man" 1 l, tritionist of the Extension Service i of the State Department of Agri- ager of the CDT motor transport division. Furthe more, unless such rec- ordsare filed, it will be impossible I for true operators to obtain tires . _ . . lor arts, and sooner or later Cer- ue in relation to pomt rationing tifigates of War Necessity may be ‘ capcclled, Nickerson declared. ,I “W I . Journal Classified ‘ ‘ Gets Quick Results Roy Nason, farmer on Route 2, spent fifty cents for a classified adv. in last week’s Journal, offer- ing 11 8-week pigs for $10 each, i and sold them all next day at the farm, o'ne buyer coming from Gig Harbor and several wanting them all, but the calls kept coming latter the pigs were gone. In fact, he could have sold 20 more on E‘the adv. if he had had them. What with the scarcity and high price of pork many have the idea of raising their own pigs to beat Corner, 962. the game. as well as hens, andl the demand for such stock will be heavier than usual this year. The farmers who have anything to sell in stock, fertilizer or tools they do not need will get quick response from classifieds in the, Journal. l BOWLING LEAGUES ! Ladies League ' W L l McConkey’s ...................... __ 40 29 Werbergers . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 39 30 Quality Cleaners . . 37 32 Forrest Gardens 36 33‘ L. ‘M. Company ....... .. 36 33 . Cash Grocery ....... _. 35 34 35 34 i 19 50 Commercial Leag‘l W L Texaco 32 25 I Safeway 31 26 Mac’s 28 29‘ 4‘13} Dairy 23 34 New high team gamm—Mac’sl' l l Industrial League W L Simpson Logging Co. .I ..... "'40 26 Reed Mill N0. 1 ................ .. 33 33 ‘ Reed Mill No. .. 34 Pulp Mill .............. H 39 1N HOSPITAL Clarence Huntley of Camp 5 is . receiving treatment at the Shel-i ton hospital. He was admitted on Sunday.‘ Mason Cleaners \Davscourts ...................... .. -a.s_v. hation Book N9. 2. clearly marked in red on ~ -~ "me—me."- Q“ _, We Reserve the Right to limit! No Sales to Dealers ! INFORMATION Shopping \‘afcwav has made Paint Ration “' i ' l omts from )our in ” mad" mam“, 319 Point Values are. each can or Pad“ “ . l’ int Value is also. posted beside gli‘e‘lf tong . . . and Pomt \alues are. ' our nds. Official 0.I’.A. Pomt Ru— ltliiit:(l(iiiiart is in every store. And to make shopping even more (easy, you “:1” find'honlt: of our clerks wearing a yellow ribbon to lck says “Ration Information. _Fcel free 1%8‘Ht this clerk all your questions about oln Rationing. (21) Peach Halves ........ .. 21¢ “Castle Crest" choice yellow clings. 29-02. tin (21) Libby’s Peaches .... .. 23¢ Yellow Cling peach halves: 29-02. tin (11) Fruit Cocktail ...... _. 16¢ "Hostess Delight" mixed fruits. 16-02. tin (23) Grapefrt. Juice .... .. 30¢ «-“Town Hduse” sweetened juice. 46—oz. tin (32) Tomato Juice ........ .. 21¢ “Sunny Dawn" fancy tomato juice, 46-oz. tm (32) Tomato Juice ........ .. 23¢ “‘Libby‘s'" from sun ripened tomatoes, 47—02. (10) Lima Beans 9¢ “Del Monte” tasty green lima beans, 101/2-02. ( 8 ) Sliced Beets .......... .. 13¢ “Del Monte" sliced garden Beets, 16—02. jar (8 ) Niblets Corn 2/25¢ Golden whole kernel corn, 12—oz. tin.‘ (10) Sweet Peas ............ ._ 15¢ “Green Giant" sweet garden peas. 17—02. tin (24) Tomatoes ______ _. 2 for 27¢ “Gardenside” tomatoes in puree. 28-07.. tin SUGAR “'ar Ration Stump No. 11 is good for 3 pounds of sugar until March 15 Brown Sugar 1-lb. pkg. 8¢ "'C and H" granulated broWn sugar. lb. pkgs. “U and 1” Sugar ,5-lbs. 33¢ Pure. finely granulated sugar. ‘5—lb.” pkg. COFFEE \Var Ration Stump No. 25 is good [or 1 pound ,of coffee until March 21. Airway Coffee .......... .. lb. 20¢ Freshly ground, pure Brazilian coffee, 1-lb. Nob Hill Coffee ...... .. lb. 24¢ Our Deluxe blend.'freshly i'oasted,-1-lb. M. J. B. Coffee ........ ._ lb. 32¢ Also Hills/Bros” in sealed glass jar’, 1-lb. Prices Effective Thurs. thru Wednesday March 11 17 \ N0 RATIONED VALUES CANNING SUPPLIES Kerr Jars ...... ..qts., doz. 83¢ Regular Kerr jars. complete (pints 63c) Kerr Caps ......... .. doz. 22¢ Regular Kerr Mason Jar caps Kerr Lids ................ _. doz. 9¢ Flat lids for regular Kerr jars Jels Rite ...... .. 8-0z. bot. 3/29¢ Pure fruit pectin, for jams and jellies ' Jar Rubbers .... .. doz. 2 for 53¢ “Jenkins” new stock jar rubbers MORE NO RATIONED VALUES Cola Syrup ........ .. 12-0z. 27¢ "Mavis" concentrated cola syrup Vanilla .................. ,_ 8-0z, 1,23 “Schilling” pure vanilla extract (4—oz. 63c) Vanilla .................. .. 8-oz. 10¢ “Westag” pure imitation vanilla Fresh Bread ....... .. 1% -lb. 13¢ Julia Lee Wright's enriched white or wheat Fresh Eggs ............ .. doz. 50¢ Washington Cn—op, special “A” large eggs Beer Quarts .... .. 32-oz. Ill/98¢ “Oldstyle” mellow western beer Tcnderoni ...... .. 6-oz. pkg. 8¢ “Van Camp's" new macaroni sensation Tomato Pickles 29-02. 24¢ “Libby’s” Sweet spiced green tomatoes Dutch Old ‘P and G’ Soap Safe for wash- able colors . easy on the hands. Giant bar 4 Bars . 19¢ Tops for cleaning porcelain and stubborn pots and pans. 14-02. tin . "T SUZANNA Pancake &. Waffle Flour SUZANNA pancake and waffle flour is a real winner! A top-quality product in every respect . . . specially prepared and approved by Julia Lee Wright’s Homemakers Bureau. Try it today! 20 ¢ 15¢ 19¢ 028. lbs. Kitchen Kraft ______ ._ 49’s $1.84 Red Arrow Flour. 49’s $1.49 .Harvest Blossom__ 49’s $1.64- Fisher’s Blend .... .. 49’s $2.05 Drifted Spow ...... .. 49’s $2.26 Fresh Fish' IN OUR MARKET HALIBUT ......... lb. 35¢ Sliced or piece BLACK 00]) .......... ._ lb. 27¢ Sliced or piece SALAMI ................... .. lb. 39¢ Rath’s, cooked PORK ROASTS ...... .. lb. 35¢ Center Shoulder cuts Pal’olive Soap Made with Palm and Olive oils . . keeps skin soft and smooth. 3 Bars ' 19¢. Federal Milk TALL CANS 48 in case $4.56 case