March 11, 1943 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Hassle . ._
that Shelton
has ever
. . USE
ROPS time help a good cause.
The food faddist diligently preaching the gos-
pel of diet as a universal panacea . . . the stout lady
earnestly giving her friends latest ideas on reduc-
ing, are not knowingly spreading enemy propa-
ganda, but the effect may easily be the same. At a
time when the health of every American is a mat-
ter of vital concern, the public promotion of bizarre
and unbalanced diets is a national disservice. While
none of the classical vitamin deficiency disease:
may ever result from such unorthodox dieting, seri-
ous if subclinical deficiency states easily may. N um-
erous studies show, as a matter of fact, that these
partial vitamin deficiency conditions are already
far too prevalent in America.
ABBOTTS Vitamin B Complex
Vitakaps Improved SYRUP
50 Capsules .............. ., $2.54 Made from brewers’ yeast
of high total B complex
100 capsules " “'69 value . . . fortified with
250 capsmes """"""""" "
$939 standardized amounts of
Thiamine, Riboflavin and
peridoxine Hydrochloride.
12-0z. ........ .. $3.33
Haliver Oil Plain
100% refined Halibut liv-
er oil—each capsule con—
tains 10,000 U. S. P. units
of Vitamin A and approx—
A D Percomaph
Liver Oil
Vitamin A 7,000 U. S. P.
units—Vitamin D 8,500
U. S. P. units at least 80
times the Vitamin A and
100 times Vitamin D con-
tent of cod liver oil.
50 cc .......... .. $2.95 imately 170 U. s. P. units
of Vitamin D.
Time For A 100 caps ------ 89¢
New Tooth Brush ‘ ABBOTTS
‘ ABDG Vitamin
Dr. West Exton
Bristle Brush .......... ..
Improved high potency
Vitamins. Each capsule
contains:~~5.000 U. S. P.
units Vitamin A, 500 U.
S. P. units Vitamin D.
333 U. S. P. units Vita-
min B {Thiamine) 400
100 caps. $2.98
Hit 0 flow
« eicamo ' excise ' ene.,pmp. .
fillilfilliilllllfllllfilfllflllllllmllflllllfillflfmmm u
Dr. west Miracle
Tuft Plate Brush ...... ..
Pro-phy-lac-tic .
Proton Bristles ........ ..
Squibb Angle ........ ..
Tooth Brush
CPIIVNA'Y Con/ac. 5
save, on EVERYTHING ‘-
The food thrift program urges to turn our thoughts to
sovin food; to genin the most nourishment h-om plen-
tiful l ings, making 0 ml. meal 30 0an way
And first we must learn who’re and him to buy best.
The some applies to your other buying. Today-as always
—Pennoy’s is a good friend 99 those who are domg their
partlin every branch of wartime livingl -
Clever Styles In The Smartest Fabric!
Select youril- from this. fine. .
group of fresh frocks 'that‘ L'
have all the new tricks of the
season. peg .top skirts. un-‘
pressed pleats. soft gather:
ing in the blouses, and love-
ly necklines. Sizes 12 to 20.
New season Styles!
You’ll revel ‘in
.this fine selec-
tion of a y.
c a. s u all ;boxy
c o h t s in all-
w o o I Shetland
. dashing
wrap -. .amund .
styles in Wool
fleece. intrigu~
ing dressy suits
in cavalry twill
and all wool
shetland. Sizes
rrom‘iz to 20.
Crisp Postilions or Demure Bonnets!
Be-Ribboned STRAWS
Hereyou may choose from
. 1.98
our fine collection of smart
Novelty SKIRTS
berets. coy bonnets, trim
W: postillons, and popular pom-
padour styles.
Smart wool and
Heavy Printed Cotton Sateen
Luncheon Cloths
fit .
Colorful lunch- rayon plaids in
eon cloths with b r i g h t color
luscious prints combinations . .
on soft. creamy or a. fine all—
back grounds! wool crepe in.;.
Gay for your gay solid tune!
kitchen! Pleats!
One of the few opportunities
had will
occur this week, to hear three
‘ celebrated artists and at the same
"HOME V'rao‘m i.
The English Duo of Interna-
tional fame will appear in the
local high school auditorium With
the gross receipts going to the
i lied cross 'War Fund. I
1 Some of the press notices after
| appearances in large cities:
“Their fresh young VOices seem- 1
ed to bring Spring into the room.” I
eMy Day, Eleanor Roosevelt.
“Refreshingly different, they
have made a fine art of two—part
singing. Their voices are of lovely
quality marked with fine muSi-
l ciauship."—— Oregonian, Portland,
i Oregon.
Some of their appearances have
as follows: The
House, Washington, D. C.; Cur-
tis Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.;
Bach Circle, New York, N. Y.
This week they are appearing
at the exclusive Sunset Club in
Tickets may be purchased at
the Red Cross War Fund head-
quarters in the Hotel Shelton
barber shop, the Red Cross rooms
at Sixth and Railroad or from
‘any member of the P.E.O. Thir-
, ty-five cents for students, 75c for
E adults is the admission price. The
{regular ticket price for this Eng-
;lish Duo is $2.20.
; As old time friends of Mrs.
‘ Newmark, they are donating their
6 services.
; been
3i: =l<
. The Red Cross war drive is
coming along fine but every work-
er must put forward all efforts
to the end that the top will be
Ireached and passed as soon as
The reaction of the students at
lJunior High School to Mr. Muh-
ly‘s appeal for an active part in
the Red Cross Work Fund drive.
was very favorable. Mr. Muhly
is the newly elected vice-chair-
man of the Mason County Red
Cross. One of his first acts was
a. very fine talk delivered at the
Junior high last Wednesday.
=i= >l= in
Don’t miss the musical treat
Thursday at the high school aud- .
itorium, March 11, 8:15 P. N! All ,3
the money goes to the Red Cross. .
Information On ,
Prisoners Letters;
San Francisco—Letters may be
sent to prisoners of war through
'the ordinary mail as soon as the
next of kin receives official notice
,of capture, Pacific Area manager
.A. L. Schafer of the American‘
:Red Cross, pointed out here.
l The statement was made in re-
' spouse to scores of inquiries from
lfriends and relatives of soldiers,
[taken captive in the Philippines‘
,whose names recently have beeni
l forwarded to the United States by ,
Japan through the International
Red Cross Committee.
White '
,shots of winter
Hood Canal \Vomen’s (‘luh
Slate Interesting Meeting
Mrs. Karl Linscott, Garden
Club pi-i-sialt-iit, has arranged on
ilitvn-s‘iiiig i.ieeting for the Hood
Caz? hiylri‘ill‘ll's Club on March 18.
01:: tired slides in color of
the .; attic Flower Show will be.
shown, and a plant and bulb ex-
change is being arranged.
Each member is to bring snap-
the art exhibit and there will be
garden theme of music and poetry
arranged by Mrs. Hill and Mrs.
Girl Scout Council
Schedules Meeting
The Executive Council of Girl
Scouts will meet at the home of
Mrs. William Maxwell on March
15 at 10 a. m.
Lincoln P.-T.A.
To Meet March 18
The Lincoln P.-T.A.
the school house, Thursday, March
18 at 3:30 p. m.
the main speaker and the third
grade students will perform. Tea
is in charge of the second grade
Juveniles of Degree
Will Meet Saturday
The Juveniles of the Degree of
Honor will hold a St. Patrick's
on Saturday, starting at 1 o‘clock.
Middle Skokomish Now
Has 4-H Sewing Club
A group of Middle Skokomish
girls met at the home of Miss
Dorothy Bell Monday evening to
organize a 4-H Sewing Club. Offi-
cers elected were Carol Hunter,
president; Mildred Jamison, vice-
president and Gerry Buffington,
secretary. Miss Bell will be their
‘ leader.
The first meeting will be held"
March 29 at the home of Gale
‘ Hunter.
'VVomcn of the Moose
Schedule Meeting
The Women of the Moose will
hold a regular meeting at the
Moose hall next Tuesday, March
16. All committeemen are to
bring their reports. Refreshments
From Seattle
Misses Ruth and Evelyn Blank
of Seattle spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bell. Evelyn is «at-
tending the University of Wash-
ington and Ruth is attending
Lincoln high school.
Shelton W'oman’s Club
Will Meet on Monday
The Shelton Woman’s Club will
meet on Monday, March 15, at
1:30 with Mrs. Francis Eacrett.
Mrs; Herbert Miller will be in
charge of the program.
Nominations for officers will be
made. It is hoped there will be a
good attendance for this meet-
Mill Creek Economics
Say It
They Bring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
Travis Floral Shop
Shelton H ardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270-W
Bring new beauty and charm to
all your rooms! Kem-Tone cov-
ers all kinds of surfaces. Wash-
One Quart Size .............. ..98¢
Roller-Koater. Only ______ _.89¢
Dries ln‘1, Hour
One Coat Covers!
Save on Sturdy Glassware!
In Popular Sizes
Thin-blown but
Saf-edge glasses have pretty
needle etched designs! Lus—
tl‘ousl Beautiful! Exceptional
rugged, these
G1 on
Club “Jill Hold Meeting
The Mill Creek Economics Club
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Storey on the Olympia
higi:‘;ray, Wednesday, March 17,
for a noon potluck luncheon and
regular meeting.
Visits in Seattle
Mrs. A. L. Cheney visited in
Seattle from Thursday to Sun-
Visitors From Seattle
Visiting Shelton friends last
week end were Mrs. Frank
Fredson Jr., Mrs. Donald Paulson,
John Windle and Herbert Loop, all
of Seattle.
Music Study Club
Schedules Meeting
The Shelton Music Study Club
will meet with Mrs. Earl Jordan,
512 Bellevue on Wednbsday, March
17 at 1:30 in the afternoon.
Visits Mother
Mrs. Denzil Haley and daugh-
ter of Seattle spent a few days
this last week visiting her mo-
ther, Mrs. H. Clinton.
Pickering Club Will
Meet March 18th
The Pickering
Club will meet with Mrs. Jessie
Jones on Thursday afternoon.
March 18th.
Visit Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould of
Vancouver visited last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Huntington and other friends.
Week End Visitors
. Week and guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duckham
were her cousin, Phyllis Acker-
man of Yakima and her mother,
Mabel Willis of Tacoma.
Bordeaux P.—T.A.
To Hold Meeting
The Bordeaux Parent-Teachers
Association will hold their regu-
lar monthly meeting today, March
11, at the school house.
Rainbow Girls
Will Meet
The Rainbow Girls will hold a
regular meeting next Tuesday eve-
ning at the Masonic Temple.
Visiting Parents
»Mrs. A. L. Butler left last
week for a combined vacation and
business trip to Oklahoma. She
will visit her parents while there.
Leayes for Los Angeles
Mrs. William D. Smith, the for-
mer Miss Harriet Watson left
Wednesday for Los Angeles to
join her husband stationed there
with an Army Medical Unit. She
plans to be gone about two
Washington State Guard will
return to its usual haunts this
Friday with the regular meeting
.591; for 8 p. m. at th cold gym.
It is understood that the com-
pany will be inspected and review—
by Major McGee of the
adjutarit generals office, Camp
Murray. It is hoped that all mem-
bers of Shelton company will turn
, ,out in greet’iiiu Visitor,
snow storm for)
will holdi
their regular monthly meeting at i,
Mrs. Laura K. Plumb will be‘
party at the Odd Fellows Hall -~
will be served at the close of the ,
Hememakers ‘
chd Cross Concert
‘To Be Outstanding
by Mrs. Charles R. Lewis
The concert, so generously to
the donated to our Red Cross by,
i the distinguished singers, Miss Vi-
‘ ola. Morris and Miss Victoria An-
derson, on March 11, at 8:15 p. m.,
at the Senior High auditorium will
undoubtedly be a highlight in
Shelton's musical life.
These artists rarely appear ex-
copt in the large musical centers,
and, in these days of gas ra-
ltioning, the music lovers of the
lco‘unty are indeed fortunate to
lhave in Shelton a concert, that,
,under different conditions, many
of us would go a hundred miles
:or more to hear.
The program will be varied,
consisting of many unusual clas-
thc most discriminating, and also
some of the beloved old English
ballads, familar and dear to us
all. Musical critics unanimously
declare that their voices, both in
15010 and particularly in combin-
ation are beautiful and thrilling.
These topflight artists have ex-
pressed great enthusiasm over our
l city and over our local Red Cross
and are putting themselves to
am sing for us. Let us show our
torium. It will help that noble
. cause, the Red Cross, and will be
a rewarding experience for all
, who attend.
Bonnet. Boardman’s
Marriage Announced
Last week, Colonel and Mrs. H.
lK. Blake, announced the wedding
of their son, Bennett Boardman
v and Miss Norma Johnson of New-
port, Ore. The young couple were
married November 20, 1942, in
Vancouver, Wash. The Reverend
Kunzman read the ceremony at
his home, at 1 o’clock in the af-
ternoon. '
i The attractive brunette wore a
light blue suit and matching ac-
cessories and a corsage of gar-
denias. She will arrive in a few
weeks for a visit with her hus-
inett, U. S. Coast Guard, is re-
ceiving treatment at a hospital
in New York.
,Daughters of Pioneers
lEntertain State President
At a special meeting Tuesday,
at the home of Mrs. Minnie B.
lMyers, the Mason County Daugh-
Eters of Pioneers entertained their
istate president, Miss Eloise Tho-
mas of Walla Walla. Mrs. Her—
Ebert Gall, chairman of the educa-
tional committee, accompanied her
,here. Mrs. Gall is an old friend
‘of the Loops, spending several
lhours visiting Mrs. Loop before
the meeting.
3 During the regular business
Jmeeting, the group wrote a $10
check for the Blood Bank. Due
‘to crowded traveling conditions,
there will not be any State con—
vention this year.
{Girl Scouting Will
Celebrate Founding
Next Sunday is the Blst anni-
versary of the founding of Girl.
Scouting. It’s fundimentals are
development of girls along phys-
lical, mental, emotional, moral and
.spiritual lines, so that they may
firesult not only personally enrich-
,‘ed individuals but intelligently
participating citizens.
j Girl Scouting begins with the
individual girl and her develop—
}ment through, group experience.
It offers her interesting recrea-
tional activities with others her
own age and working in groups.
sical numbers which will delight‘
some inconvenience to come back .
appreciation by filling the audi—i
fll (VGNTS
LILIJAN \VARREN, Society Editor
1liott, Mrs. B. N. Collier and Miss
VI. L. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.
. , Mrs.
{band’s relatives in Shelton. Ben- '
Mrs. Donovan Palmer
Presents Recital
Friday evening, Mrs, Donovan
Palmer, presented a recital at her
home. Those taking part were
Elaine Andrews, Vivian Elson,
Mary Ann Latham, Jay Look,
Norman Morgan, LaVonne Norby
and Marridee Wivell, who took
part in piano numbers.
Vocal selections were given by
Elaine Andrews and LaVonne
Norby. Mrs. Palmer played three
Gay spring arrangements ofv
pussy willows and paper-white
narcissus were used about the
rooms. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses to the guests, in-
cluding many parents.
Mrs. Lester Vallet
Feted During Visit
Mrs. Lester Vallet arrived Fri-
day from Vancouver to spend ten
days visiting in Shelton. She has
non Davidson for several days,
Mrs. Davidson entertaining in her
honor Monday evening. Guests in—
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Walter El—
Winuifred Collier, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Zintheo and Mrs. Vallet.
After dinner Mr. Elliott show—
ed pictures of the Fair and Yel-
lowstone Parkvand Mr. Davidson
showed some slides of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Zintheo were hosts
at a dinner party in Mrs. Vallet’s
honor Saturday evening at their
home. Their guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Loughnan. Claude‘
Danielson, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson,
Anna Kneeland and Mrs. Vallet.
After attending O.E.S. activ-
ities at Union Tuesday evening,
Mrs. Vallet went to her place on
the Canal, Hidden Cove, for a cou-
ple of days.
Mrs. Don Northnoss
Entertains Wednesday
Mrs. Donald Northness enter-
tained at her mother’s home last
Wednesday with a dinner for
Mrs. Clarence Rhinos, Mrs. James
Grimes. Mrs. Harold Jessemy and
Gordon Nehring‘ and son
The ladies surprised their host-
ess with gifts. The afternoon was
spent sewing and visiting.
Mrs. Paul mafia: Jr.
been the houseguest of Mrs. Ver- ,
Hostess Last Friday
Last Friday .evening, Mrs.
Paul Dittman, Jr.. was hostess to ,
the members of her bridge club. ’
Honors were‘ won by Mrs. Lobert ,
Bell and Mrs. L. E. Attwood. J
The next meeting will be Thurs-
It encourages her to developabil- .
, ities and appreciations as yet un-
trained and most of all helps her
,devclop a strong character, a
'healthy attitude toward life and
an enduring set of values.
i. A Window has been arranged;
in erb Angle's office to Show the
girls’ activities.
,W,C.T.U. Holds , 1,
Interesting Meeting I
A very enjoyable meeting of the
Women's Christian Temperance
Union was held at the home of
Mrs. Grant C. Angle last week.
vThe study for the day was about
Negros with Mrs. Laura K. Plumb l
giving an interesting paper on the ,
life of George Washington Car—i
ver. Mrs. A. L. Bell continued thei
study with a paper on “Sociall
Actions of the Negro." {
Mrs. Lewis Wiley used a mis-l
sionary story “The Good Blackl
Doctor" for the devotions.
l The next meeting will be held
April 1 at the home of Mrs. Wiley l
with Mrs. Herbert Miller in
charge of the program.
‘ Shelton Dancing Club
'Will Hold Monthly Dance .
The St. Patrick motif will be
used to decorate the Memorial
Hall next Friday evening, for the
«regular monthly meeting of the
Shelton Dancing Club.
The committee on arrangements
will include -Mr. and Mrs. James
Amunds, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Lo-
ibert Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
VanBlaricum. '
Al Huerby Celebrates
.Birthday Monday Eve
Monday evening a group of
friends gathered at the' Al Huerby
home to help Mr. Huerby celebrate
his birthday. Guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Smith, Jimmie
and Jealinye, of McCleary, Mr.
4 and Mrs. Joe Forrest, Mr. and
iMl‘s. Frank Lynn, Mr. and Mrs.
James Amunds and Mrs. Ed Fau-
.‘ 'bert. {l |
Mrs. Huerby served refresh-
merits during the evening and the
onored guest received many nice
gifts. E
V.F.\V. Auxiliary
Slate Sewing Meet
The V.F.W. Auxiliary will haVe
a sewing meeting on Friday,
March 12, at the home of Mrs.
Eva Hanson. The ladies will bring
earl; lunches,
day, March 18, with Mrs. J. H.
Mrs. Lobert Bell :
Entertains Club 1
Mrs. Lobert Bell entertainer] the
members of her bridge club at;
her home last Wednesday with§
a luncheon preceding the often;
noon of bridge. ,
Honors were won by Mrs. Rich- ‘.
ard Kicburtz, Mrs. Winston Scott ,
and Mrs. Francis Eacrett.
Mr. and Mrs. Grunert
Entertain Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gruii-.
ert entertained their bridge club
Saturday evening at their home. ,
Honors were won by Mrs. Frank
Fentiman and Lawrence Burrell.
radar. March
Girl Scout Troop 4
Leader is Ill
Girl Scout Troop No. 4
week with Mrs. Downer
Jackson in the absence
leader, Mrs. Rhodes, wh,
After a short meeting we
served. Irene Bailey, Scl’l
.8 Address
60¢ Size
1.25 Size
Guests included Mr, and l‘rlrs.i
Frank Worden, Mr. and Mrs.3 . won.”
Harold Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Loci Slze not
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fcn— e‘Red CI‘
timan, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence: 4 “gifting s
Burrell and the hosts. ' P R D R 9 One of
:dwrite 1
,0o.¢o.oo,oo.o9. o.».¢o.oo.«..».oo. 29L YO,
.Dtlon oi
1t -.
a perfect gift.
.9 enjoy.
ell and
fishes. Thu
. V ' .. “it to In
There is no other gift that ‘would sugdiy‘f”
please your mother more than a por- “~—
trait of you . . . or of you with your Gal,
family. This is the gift that she will (comm.
cherish always. Come in today. Don’t 8,0,1 is ,
. . . 1(
watt ltl’lt’ll too late to get your 1710- the man
t‘ures ready for Mother’s Day. fivtehat
in keeping
A d‘ s d'
. - lo -
n 1 ews tu 10 .
. , , en inkhl.
o o o o . ., e
9:09..ogozoeooofiofoozoofiozoozootootoozootooooozoozoozoofiozof. in“
th rou
, .' 1°ts do hoe
, They re Here! The gayest, smartest llnoleum pat- 'i MOE/Sent
terns we’ve ever seen. Styles to put new life and 1 d if
beauty into drab rooms. Designed to make small v
rooms seem larger. Colors to brighten up the dark- ’ it?“ 0n
est rooms EaSy to clean, Armstrong’s linoleum will
5 end constant floor scrubbing and help take the drud— ,velarge‘} t
l ' gery out of. housework. Come in today, and see our 11:36:13,,
large selection of brand new colorings and designs. fierce
. i " ablesado.
.1 ' . I . fe tii ,
. Featured All This Week *' 12
‘31qu \
As Low AS 1 4.28 FOR 3 x 12 R0 ...,
I 7 02;;
j 9 x 12 $5.59 9 x 15 $7.50 12 x 15 $10.50 of“
Bring Your Own Correct Measurements 21g “Wig.
Lay Your Own Linoleum and Save I We Will Loan You EqUiP finegl‘tgygggi;
,. ' NU
, ' it. T“
sen . Ul‘l‘ll ure om an ““a‘hd‘
.. 3 -, 30 lmdr
“Fine Furniture for the Home” 1‘s. Mmtlmfi
_ _ k fills; E