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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bodes, w ieetin tr ailey. Sc * DR th L! -' The blank below is for the con- . ‘ .lence of those who wish to , ' 1 their subscriptions. , l /\ ,J‘v‘ u 1 ;, L . .g . re .> C on $99.». 4‘ 4 I‘ . “s q. ‘. _‘ Far more than usual, are get- lIlto the spirit for a “Vic— Garden.” Garden tools are be- .» ( ' tie 3.: ." If; ,2 i' u; ,\ 11 it to?“ I? ‘ . 11 .' lei 1- .llela ,r ,1 _. ' “(this l a :10.50 f e.,,, l e , 3 day, Marc 7 u h 11, 1943. Red Cross Fund ‘ Concert Tonight At High School AMERICAN RED CROSS ! Mason County Chapter WAR FUND DRIVE . Delightful music rendered by, ‘nationally known artists will be: treat offered Shelton verS this evening ill a concert sponsored by Chapter B, P.E.O. High auditorium ‘ the music ‘ r at the Senior at 8:15. Not only will those who attend hear talented artists, but they will know that they are helping the current Red Drive, since all proceeds from the concert will go to that organiza— tion. Viola Morris, soprano, and Vic- toria Anderson, contralto, are the diversion and the place of the pi-i posed artists who are so generously giv- : use is on He. in the office e." til" ing their ti.. W3. r Fund Cross Red Cross I (Continued from page 1) ''' not been visited by one of ‘ 6d Cross workers who are ing subscriptions. .9116 of these people would '»."W_!'lte us at the War Fund "5 arters or tele hone Shel- :oozu:«:, rill; p Fire Desi“ oys a’tch House Fire of undisclosed origin de- stroyed a residence across from V the P.U.D. warehouse at Potlatch, district fire War— . J ., inf-V will and talents to help i “a” EM” H the local Red Cross chapter. They are coming to Shelton direct from , professional engagements in Van- ‘ couver and Seattle, They have If you George Frisk, den reported yesterday. The dwelling was not occupied but was being used for storing supplies. Another residence close by was imperilled by the flames, but quick action by a volunteer : crew from the State Forestry De- partment brought it under con- trol. H .. . You may send your sub- .ptlon or give us invaluable nee in organizing the parts 6 county not completely cov- toured extensively the British Isles, Australia, New Zealand and the Dutch East In- ' since 1940 have made successful dies, and hundreds ances States. appear- in Canada and the United Very truly yours, MYRON LUND, Chairman Mason Coun— ty Chapter HENRY W. NEWMARK, Chairman War Fund Drive Kennedy Kids Win Third Place, Peter and Karol Kennedy, chil- "Armor!" Lenten Services At/Mt. Olive Church Beginning this week, there will be mid-week Lenten services each Wednesday evening at 8:00 o’clock ‘ at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Hillerest on the Highway. sermon series will follow the gen- eral theme “When Christ Went To ,- Calvary.” ‘ There will be sung the ancient hymns of Lent, both by the con- and by soloists and al Pioneers Attendjileeting V , Minnie Myers, Mrs. Eliza rt,' 57. Mrs. Rose Barger, Mrs. ' " CWivell and Mr. and Mrs. mm Mike and The grandchildren of Mike Kennedy of the Mason County Sheriff's of- LillI'Cl place tional figure skating pairs cham- pionship at Madison Square Gar— den, Monday evening. The youngsters, who are 15 and 11 respectively, had already won the Northwest senior and Pacific Coast junior pairs championships. 1 ice, Wu“ Illa: lia— gregation groups. ‘ During Lent services each Sun- day at 11:00, with Bible Class and Sunday School at 9:45. -’ Angle‘attended the Thurs- Pioneer Association filing at, Olympia. enjoyed a “Pk dinner of old time foods lte of rationing and an inter— 3 program. Hiram Norton, now living 11th Bay, vas also present_ her daughter Bonnie, who: two solos. enjoyed meeting old-time and swapping early day. Thurston County was in-' v , tyto meet with the Mason , Pioneer group in Shelton 0”” 3 Unday, July 30th. den Club (Continued from Page One) County FINAL DEGREE Florence Day was awarded a final decree of divorce in Super- ior Court last Saturday by Judge D. F. Wright. Fir Drug Receives WPB Quinine Award For contributing to the Nation- al Quinine P001 to be used to com- ‘bat malaria among the armed forces facing the Axis, Drug Store this week received a “Quinine V” from the War Pro,- duction Board. The award was made in connection with the cur- rent campaign to alleviate the quinine shortage. Several hours . COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS . Pies February, 1943 , . (1 Monday, the Fir February Board met in regular session. Pres— = ent were Vincent E. Paul, R. Trenckmann and H. R. Dickinson, Commissioners. Clerk Chairman ; and Harry of the Board. Claims allowed. Letter from Bert G. Mitchell in re- snow blocked _ and filed. . Notice of termination of agreement between Agricultural . mini. \ Dcyette, Gar gards to opening roads, __ received is ideal for the growing native and foreign that have been brought in every continent. eeping with the war effort, 7 , AI‘litoretum is now cooperating the government in the pro- of plants for camouflage ,,, .g a; 5538. Assistance is also being 31m the food production pro- through class “lemonstration plantings of phases of home vege-‘ ' .vgardening. MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank H. Gallagher and Sphiie Mehren, Shelton; Norman Lunde and Gertrude Scenk, Shelton: Don Bowman and Wilma Lundberg, Shelton; James ,Jarvis, Hoodsport and Marion S. Jacobson, DuPont; Chester Honey and Ruth MaeBelle Landon, Shelton; ald Wick, Tenino and Viola Fish- ,er, Tenino; Jahn H. Young Corrin Lundburg, Shelton. Marketing ad- }and Mason County Board of Commissioners which termination be- comes effective February 27. 1943, was ' received and signed by Chairman. Resolution approved re heavy loads prohibited on County roads until af— ter thaw period. Board adjourned. Tuesday, February 2 Board met. all were present. Claims allowed. In the onier Inc., and Petition served on It was proposals companies and that a call for called for. Board adjourned. Thursday, February Board met, all were present. Claims allowed. moved v. . on 'pzc- , the v es . in 1: many Chas. Don- matter et al, of USA. Order of Possession in condemnation were the board. moved and already received from gasoline Ray- instruction and seconded that TOWNSEND CLUB Townsend Club No. 3 will hold, its regular meeting Saturday in the Moose Hall at 8 p. m. There will be a business meeting follow— ed by refreshments and a card, party. The public is invited. g é. rejected . ,VICTORY GARDENS 0‘05“ Mg be h PLANNED I‘IERE February a “dry” month, snow spell, d‘ is getting in good humor Drmg tickling and many citi- Carried. isn- ‘ ' (for the the was and seconded that board go on record as supporting Sen- , raising County‘s share of liquor board's profits 13 pol" cent to 16 per cent, and that a letter be written to each of the legislators ,of this 24th district. Carried. of Harry for, in the amount. of 85.000000 and as: the amount of 1434 HEARING AND I’ 'l’i‘I’I‘ION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE WASHINGTON FOR. COUNTY PROBATE Matter Johnson. Bill 112. NOTICE REPORT ON FINAL unted up or bought, along sSeed and fertilizer and plans HWell along in the minds of the sort of garden they t0 bring forth as the season 1. Ces. ,f is now no doubt of the m4. of having a garden to Sure that some green stuff t will be raised for family ,and anything that can be ed to supplement the home Will be welcome, in View ~shortage of rationed foods here and likely to get no r later on. It is now certain he farm production of the be shorter last year, and that the de— I~ V\ ea ' “It Bonds Devette audi- STATE MASON In the Alexander Registrar $1000.00 were approved. Auditor's count of Treasurer's cash 1943, was examined' Title ,I- Estate Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that E. Stevenson.‘ Administrator the Estate of Alexander Johnson, De— filed with the the above entitled Court. Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the port, distribute the property to those thereto entitled and to discharge the Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that Report and Petition heard March, o'clock ils of January 1, appr: Bond 0 and d» . C. Zintlieo for faithful performance of his duties as Justice amount of $1,< Wm. Peace. 000.00 was approved. Bond of B. J. Seljeslad for faith- ful performance of his duties as. Cone. in the amount of $500.00 was ceased. has Clerk his Final such re— Court to settle stable npiiroved. . Bond of H. R. Dickinson for faithful performance. Commissioner, 50000 was approved. r Resolution re Apportioning Gas Tax. Board adjourned. Monday, of his duties as in the amount Of $7,- County said Final Distribution the 20tli hour will Saturday, day of 1943. at the of 10 the forenoon in the courtroom in the courthouse in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 13th day ESTHER Actingr CHAS. R. Attorney for said Estate. Suite 1, Lumbcrmen's Bldg, Shelton. Mason County, Washington (SEAL) February 8 Board met, all were present. allowed. refund country will Claims Gas tin: $74.30 was received and turned over to Treasurer. Remittance in the amount of $30.00 Simpson Logging Camp of February, ROLES. Clerk LEWIS. in the amount 1 Toutside of civilian life will 9 38. leaving less at home. X'Back‘To The Soil' ‘ should not be hard. to get t0 the soil as in‘earlier and most people have not n how to plant and ma-- cl‘opvs, even if they are as as their tools. If the soil is good so much the bet- ‘ most any soil with water tivation will pay for the l but with the better soil “he fertilizer every garden- UId raise a surplus, either 01‘ to trade for a neigh- eIll‘oduet. l’re l , Mi)" , as from d, Company for sin 11;; received and turned over to Treasurer for the crea—» it of Road District No.’2. Liquor road, 2-18-25--3-4~11—4t. Notice Board from Control that Charles McBride d—b-zi Midway discontinued operations received .1 one ' Tavern. and had submitted and filed. Board Monday. No. 1524 license, NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL AccouNT. REPORT AND PETITION :xECUTOE FOR SETTLEMENT, nisCHAEoE ' i'but . ble . , 3 >391 aell 8 adjourned meet again Monday. February 15 Board met. all were present. allowed. .This being the time set for opening bids for gasoline for year from Feb- 1943 to February 14, 1944, the.bids were received and opened. Since all bids were in the same am- ount, the bidders were asked if they would be drawing. Upon approval of all. a lot- Was prepared and resulted Standard Oil Company being success— It was moved and seconded that contract be signed with Standard Oil carried. Letter from School Districts 43 and 300. asking to be included in gas con- tract, received and filed. Board adjourned. Tuesday, February 23 Board met, all were present. Claims allowed. was moved and this board go on record as favoring “everything possible" our congressional delegation. instate Budget Appropriation for Na- tional Resources Planning Board. moved and seconded that clerk Write to ask for a list of avail- able applicants for position of County to Personnel Dept. of DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE Matter H. O. Hulin, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ralph F. Haskell, above estate. has filed with the Clerk of said Court his final report, account and petition for settlement and dis- tribution of the estate of the deceas— is asked to approve said account and report. and make distribution of the estate, discharge the Executor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an order of the Court made and entered on the 6th_ 1943, a hearing will be had before the Court on said final report and petition on Sat- the 10th day of April. at the hour of 10 o‘clock. A.M.. said day in the Court Room of said Court in the Court House at Shelton, Vl’nshin ' Dated this 6th day of March, 1943. ESTHER ROLES. Acting Clerk of the Superior County. AND Claims Estate of ruary are Executor of the farms and . ts of land around Shel— .ICh may be had for the y. to be plowed and planted a11 truck, or but the planter must con- hoe and weed if he ex- ecent returns. One farmer 01? will even prepare the If some energetic person rantee to plant and culti- ' i and quite a bit of cleared 0n Angleside is available 9 who would use it. There plow tracts; although they ty of work, but for the home gardens it will be §rcise for the homeowner own spading, buy his God, perhaps add some rtilizer, gand hoe, Brother, some agreeable lottery tery ed, wherein the Court planted on and Cl)" " 8 day of March. account. urda v, seconded that gun 1943. .tho being done by to re- eral farmers who will gton' Igel- Men It was Court Washington. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executor. Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington . i ‘ 3—11—18-25—4-1—11t5 M n ago Administrator. Social Security. This being the time set for hearing for franchise to con— and maintain one or ion lines across. and upon cer ain county road or por- tion thereof in Mason County, proper notice having been given as appears from affidavits on file, appearing to object, it was moved and seconded that: the‘ franchise be ap- proved. Notice Mason C0. ALDEN on applicati struct, opera‘ more transm‘ over No. 1558 T0 CBEDITORS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Matter of Albert Carter Allan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has as administrator of the es— tate of Albert Carter Allan, deceased? that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated. and file with the. together with proof of within six months after the of first publication of this tice or the same will be Date of first publication March 11. LLOYD J. ALLAN, Administrator of the Estate of Albert Carter Allan. ceased. LEVY JOHNSON. Attm‘nev for Estate, Room 310 Court House Olympia, Washington. NOTICE and no one ,l’gilleons OPERATION!- ' ’Wmo ii Nelson of Union,* 01‘ ,8. month, underwent a . °llleration at the St. Joseph . in Tacoma. last week. 1mproving nicely. from Highway Dept. that share of gas tax collec- tions for December was $5,637.10 re- ceived and filed. In the Matter of Co. property (El- norat Johnson House) Tract No. 14 .. R. 3 was moved and seconded that notice of intention to sell‘ be given and that April 5, 1943, at 2:00 P. M. at the designated as In the the Estate of described as Section 19. etc. . ualif‘ed q 1 follows: GRINDROD IMPROVING 1“” 20 "1C. P. Grindrod, who is ‘Wlth his daughter, Mrs. 13116!, is improving nicely. 5’8 Visiting with his friends p in at her home. \ f . ‘I'he Monday. in the office of the Board, Court‘House be time and place of hearing on same. Carried. Auditor's count of Treasurer's cash ‘as of February 1, examined and ap- proved. Board 1943. said such same clerk of court. service. date barred. adjourned to meet March 1, BOARD OF‘ COUNTY COMIS- SIONERS. MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON, PAUL, Chairman. ' 3-11e—1t. TION CLASS 1943- Ogrorss NutritionClass derway this evening at ' 0 Red Cross headquar- Frank Houston will be c class. 1‘02...» .we. I Set 3.. Attcst: HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Board. 3-11—18-25—3t. l nip." - ——_.. State of ‘VHSIIIIIKEOI‘ OFFICE OF SI‘I’III‘I VISOR { I“ IIYDRAFLICS Olympia NOTICE OF \VA”‘§CR RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5796 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given iiliil.‘ Joscpln :P. W'ilbui- of Ilel’aii', State of ‘V ‘ ingion. under (late of Foil-ill: 1943. filed with the State Super 01' Hydraulics, Olyliipia. VVhshin on application for ii pel'iiiit to divert the public waters of an unnamed slrvtmi. in the amount of 0. secomh feet, subjlct to existing from April 15 to Oetoln l ' I‘ll yt‘zll‘ for the purpose of ii igzition and con— tinuously for Lli'uiles‘iiv i: ‘: that the approximaic mi 1 ol' div ion is lm ('iitei‘i within NHL. nl' SVJM of Set” tion 21. To ll.«llip '25 N. Rang:- 1.1.", VV.M.. in 1 ill County. A map snow— ing the lill'f‘l:()l\ and plan or said *r of l‘l_\,'(ll‘.lllll<‘.‘>l, Olym— pia. VJashi gton, tour on with such other iniorillution us i«-. iequil'ed by law. Any person. firm or corporatiou‘ Erl~ ‘ W'llOHO 1' ‘hi will be injuriously a _,. ed by 5 id application may lllé‘ With the State Supei“.“soi' of Hydraulic at , Un‘d ‘ Olympia, VVashi gton, such .obj or representations, in writi may desire to make, with. , (30) days after date of last publieir tion. which date is March 11, 1913. he Witness my hand and official ,seal' i this 26th day Of Fol'iruary, A. D. 19%.. CHAS. J. BAR’I‘HOLET, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 3—-’l—ll-—72t. NO. 1448 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Margareih Hillel', Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Elmer Hiller, Adlrlinisti'ator of the Estate of Margaretli Ilillei', Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking” the Court to approve and settle said Report; (lis— ‘tl'ibutc the property to those thereto entitled and to discharge said Admin— istrator and his Bondslllun. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that ‘Said Final Report and Petition for distribution will be heard on Satur—i ’FOR RENT: 2 day. the 3rd day of April, 1943, in the forenoon in the. courtroom iii the court house in Shelton, Mason County“ \Vashington. Dated this 27th day of February, 1943. ESTHER ROLES, Acting Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS, ,Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1, Lunibermeil’s Bldg, Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 8-4-11—18—25—-4t. CALL FOR BIDS FOR BOARD OF‘ COUNTY PRISONERS' , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bids will be opened by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington. on Monday, March 29th, 1943. at two o'clock l). m., at the office of the Board in the Court House in Shelton, for furnish- ing county prisoners two meals per :day for one year commencing April 19, 1943. Statutory limitation sixty cents per day. Bids must be sealed and labeled. Dated this lst day of March, 1943, HARRY DEYETTE, ' Clerk of Board of County Commissioners. Mason Coun— ty, Washington. 34—11—21. No. 114388 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . Bowden—Gazzanl Coriipany, a corpor— ation, Plaintiff, vs. Earl Kent, Adele Kent; Helen Mc- Reavy Anderan (formerly Helen G. McReavy), John Doe Andersen: Fan: nie D. MoReavy. a widow; Joseph E'. Morton (also known as Joseph S. Mor- ton), Jane Doe Morton; Kuett‘s Sportsmen's Tavern. Inc., a corpora tion; Herman P. Cremer, Jane Doe Crullter; John V. Cumber, Jane Doe Cumber; Mason County; State of Washington; Gem 3 E. Bradley, Jane Doe Bradley; Liz B. Couiei', John Doe, Couiei; Charles Fischer, Jane Doe Fischer; Robert ll'lero m, Jane Doe Meroig‘n; George Rt Reinich; Grudge E. S irrett, Jane UOU Starrctt; Hugo Pt Jane, Doe Pey- ser; B. B. Meagh Jane Doe Meagll~ er; Thos. P. Hanncgail, Jane lxoe Hannegaii; P. A. Meagller. Jane Roe Meaghcr; Louis R. Flowers, Jane Doe Flowers; Warren Carroll; Jane Doe. Carroll; The Unknown heirs of John McRem‘y. deceased; the unknown heirs of Fannie D. l clletivy, deceased; the unknown he :l of e. h of the de— fendants above named who may be deceased: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. title, 1. Late. lien, or interest in the real estate described in the amended complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF W‘ASHINGTON to the said Fannie D. l‘i/loRczivy, a widow; Joseph E. Morton (also known as ' Joseph S. Morton). Jane Doe Morton; r Herman P. Cramer, Jane Doe trainer; John. V. Cumber, Jane Doe Cumber; George. E. Bradley. Jane Due Brad- ley; Lizzie B. Couier. John Doe Couier: Charles Fischer, ’Jane Doe. Fischer; Robert Meroign, Jane Doe Meroign; lcorgc Reiiiii-h, Jane Doer Reinich: George E. Starrett. Jane Doe Starrett; Hugo Pey .r, Jane Doe Pey- ser; B. B. Meagliei. Jane Doe hfeag— her; Thos. P. Hannegan, Jane Doe Hannegan; P. A. Meagher, Jane Roe Meagher, Louis R. Flowors, Jane Doe Flowers; V/ai‘ren Carroll, Jane Doe. Carroll; the unknown heirs of John McReavy, deceased; the unknown. heirs of Fannie D. McReavy, deceased: the unknown heirs of each of the, defendants above named who may be deceased: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described iii the amended complaint. herein, Defendants: YOU, and EACH OF YOU, ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to—wit: Within sixty (60) days after the 4th day of February, 1943. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and an— swer the amended complaint of the plaintiff'and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attor— neys for the plaintiff at their office bel‘ow stated in Seattle, King: County. State of Washington, Mason County being the place designated by the plaintiff as the place of trial of said action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rcndereCI' against you according: to the ,demand. of the amended complaint which has been filed with the Clock of said court. The object of the above entitled action is to recover possession of the real property ,hereinefter described. to quiet title to said property in plaintiff, to remove all clouds from such title, to exclude the defendants (other than the State of Washington» from any interest or lien in said real property, and for general relief. all as more fully appears by the amend— ed' complaint on file in said cause. The following is the description of the real property aforesaid: All tide lands pf the second class. formerly owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, ad- jacent to or abutting upon that por- tion of the Government lileandcr line in front of Government Lot 4. 'Sec- tion 32. Township 22 North, Range 3 West, W. M., extending to the line of extreme low tide, and lying East of the East line of Seattle Street (also known as Skookum Street) extended North. as said street is designated on the plat of Hood’s Canal Land and Improve- ment Co's Plan of Union City, ac- cording to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Ma- son County, Washington, Volume 1 of Plats, page 9; situated in Mason County, Washington, PRESTON, THORGRIMSON, TURNER, HOROW‘ITZ & STEPHAN and THEODOREIS. TERNER, Attorneys for Plain- l . 1411 Fourth Avenue Bldg, Seattle, Washington Phone: MAin 6386 2—4-11-18-20-3-441—43t. SHELTON—MASON CO O‘VVVV v"? VV’WW Classified Service AAAAAAAA“A“AA AA ANWAA MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Pianos, Accordions, Band in- struments, Records, sheet mus- ic, accessories and service. Messingale Music Co. 105 West Heron, Aberdeen Phone Ab. 3025 2—11—3-4v4t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach, ulcers, indi— heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea, gas pains, get free sample Udga, at Fir Drug 3-11—«6—18fil5t. RENT A TYPE- standard . gestion, illi tv ‘ Store. YOU CAN WRITERll makes of typewriters are now rent at Journal Several available for office. $3.00 month. MAAMMMAW WANTED: good home fOI'A—Sfrl'rdll fluffy white female pup. Aboutl For Rent mgn‘ ‘AA” AA AA “AAA “AAA.- FOR RENT : lights room cabiéingood, W ANTED: used refrigeratbr, well $1 . . and water, In— quire Camp Mt. View, Mrs. E. J. Malavey. ,3-11 cm cottages. Rent 640 month. Lights, gas cooking, oil heat in- cluded. Lilliwaup Motel, 2-25--3-11—t3. Llli- Wash. ___I waup, ~room furnished cabin. Wood, water and lights furnished. Maple Beach on Lake J—«2-25——3-11—3t. mvvvvvwvvv mv v vvvvva Lost and Found l A‘ ‘MM“~\ AA“ “MAL ~LOST: 1 pr. child’s white ballet slippers on Thursday afternoon, vicinity Lawton Apts. 111M. Isabella. Phone L—3- 11—1t. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 500. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 30 per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 500 per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted over the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all fore the. first of the.month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when I l l other orders or payment made be— I billing is necessary. " I’IION E 100 vmv ""vvvvvrvvv mvv" ‘ Wanted A‘““Amw WIDOWER with completely fur- nished home, refrigerator, elec- tric range, etc., wishes couple,‘ preferably with children, to' furnish board and room in ex- change for use of home. Write for appointment. W. L. Marble, P.O. Box 37. 3-4——tf, ;____ ML.--“ eight weeks old. Inquire. Journal. W-~—3-11-—>1t. known make, A-l condition. Small size preferred. Inquire at Journal. SVA-3-11-25k3t. FOR RENT: fully furnished mod- WANTED: womaii or gfid to care for small child. Your home Ol'l mine, $1.00 per day. Mrs. Nor- by at Penney Store. 3-11—25——3t WANTED: furnished apartment or house ,for couple. Will pay well for desirable place. Tele- phone 262 or write A. G. Ready, Rayonier, Shelton. 3-11-25—A773t. WANTED: your old double edge razors. Lost mine on a sunken ship. A Sailor. Razors may be turned in to Journal office. WANTED: woman to work about six hours day, evenings andi Sunday off. One child. $50.00 month and board. Mrs. Crabill, phone 121. 2—25—tfn. ; LOST: red scooter several weeks. Finder call 431W. Mrs. Harry Young. 3-11—1t. FOUND: pair horn rim glasses at 3rd and Franklin. Owner for this adv and claim glasses. Journal office. Pay 3-11—tf. $5.00 REWARD for information leading to return of girls Col- son bicycle, serial No. 1618J9, stolen from in front Paramount Theatre Saturday night, Feb- ruary 19. Phone 182. A—2-25--3-12——3t. LOST: key ring with six keys, downtown last week. Inquire at Journal. Phone 100. McD—3-4-18—3t. weight FOUND: about 1100, about '10 years old. W. P. Bliss, Rt. 2, Box 114. Call after 6:30 p. m. 3—4-18—3t. MAN’S FLYER BICYCLE, stolen from Sleyster's stand Wednes- March 3rd. New paint job, blue and White, two speed New Departure coaster brake, Serial No. 12341‘under sprocket. Reward for return to Daviscourt’s Burgeson. sorrel mare da ' ni ht ch, Jane Doe:- y g D. V. 3-11~—1t. Bakery. .National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Box 187, lympia, Washington, up to and :not later than 10:00 A. M., March 15, 1943, for all the live timber marked or-designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber ‘located on an area embracing about 130 acres within 6 and 8, T. 23 N., R. 4 W., W. M., Big Creek Watershed, Olympic National Forest, Washington, e3- .timated to be 7,500,000 feet 13. M., more or less, of Douglas-fir, 100,000 feet B. M., more or less (21“ White pine, 900,000 feet B. M., more or less of Western redceda’i‘, ,and 1,500,000 feet B. M., more or less of Hemlock and other specie§. No bid: of less than,$6.35 per M feet for Douglas-fir, $4.50 per M feet for White pine, $3.60 per M feet for Western redcedar, and $3.00 per M‘feet for Hemlock and other species will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for, stumpage a cooperative deposit of $0.15 per M feet B. M., to cover the cost of tree sowing and timber stand improve- ment work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber under- the terms of the agreement, will be required. $20,400 must be de- posited with each bid, to'be ap- plied on the purchase price, ro- funded, or retained in ‘part as lil- quidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The'ri reject any and all bids re ‘Before bids are submitted ,full in- formation concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be ob— tained from the District Ranger, Washington, Sections 5, planting, seed ght Serve? Hoodsport, Forest Supervisor, Building, Olympia, Wa or the Post OffiCe shington., 3-4-11—2’t. ‘m CALL FOR BIDS FOR COUNTY PRINTING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that until 2:15 p. m. on Monday, April 5th. sealed bids will be received by Board of County Commissioners of Mason County at their office in the court houSe at Shelton. for county advertising and official publication of all notices for the term of one year. from July 1. 1943, bids to be based on nonpareil solid. Amount of bond to be fixed at time of letting contract. day of March, HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board of Mason County Commissioners, Shel- 3~4-11-18-25—-4t. 1943, DATED 1943. this ton, ‘ Wash. Throw fight. your SCRAP into the WANTED: good wheel chair. Write-or see Teofilo Longoria,‘ 512 Cascade, Shelton, Wn. 2-25—~3-12~3t. WILL PAY 5c per pound for clean cotton rags with all but- tons and snaps removed. No curtains. Journal office. 2-25—tfn. WANTED: woman who can apert. ate linotype machine to work one or more days a week at Journal Office. 2—11tf. Used Cars 0.... FOR SALE: 1935 Plymouth tour- ing sedan. Radio," heater, nice running condition. Good tires, nice looking car. Phone 251R Thursday and Sunday or after 4 p. m. P—3—4-18—3t. FOR SALE: 15359 Model A FOrd sedan, state tested, 4 good tires, fine condition. Claude Saxgent, Fernwood. Phone Union 289 af- ter 6:30 p. m. 3-11~1t. __. LILLY—L- _._ CARD OF TH NKS We wish to take this opporo tunity to thank the citizens of Shelton who bad faith in our campaign for a more efficient school system, and voted for us in the School Board Election last week. We pledge ourselves to the betterment of the Shelton school system. Mrs. Laura T. Murphy Dr. Robert E. Brown N3:771511M_#7W 77— NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION 0F EXEGUTRIX FOR SETTLEM l'iN , DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHNGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, : IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Louis Weinel, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Ona A. Weinel, Executrix of the aimve estate, has filed With the Cler. of said Court her final account, .report and petition for settlement and dis— tribution of the estate of the de- ceased. herein the Court is asked to approv said account and report, and make distribution of the estate. and discharge the Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that in accordance with an order of the‘ Court made and entered on the '27th day of February, 1943, a hearing will be had before the Court on said final account, report and petition on Sat- urday, the 3rd day of April, 1943, ’at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day in the Court Room of said Court in the ‘ Court House atyshelto’n, Washington. Dated this 4th ‘day of March, 1943. ESTHER ROLES. Acti’ng Clerk of the Superior“ Court for Mason County, Washington. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney ,for Executrix, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. 3j4—11-18-25A—4t.‘ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL COUNTY REAL PROPERTY . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it appears to the best interests of Mason County -that the following de- scribed real estate belonging to Ma- son County, Washington, be sold: Tract No. 14 C. Section 19, ‘Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian. more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest cor- ner of the Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section, township and range: thence north 3 distance of 477 feet. more or less along_the westside of said forty to the right of way of the Angleslde county mad; thence following said road in an easterly direction, making due east islxty (60) feet; thence south parallel with west line. a dis- tance of 353 feet. ,inore or less, to the county” road at the top of the hill; thence westerly 60 feet to the place of beginning. subject to the right of way, of the county road and containing 57-100ths acres more or less, together with appurtenances. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners will meet on the 5th day of April. 1943. at the hour of 2:00 o’clock p. m., in the office of the Board at the Court House in Shel- ton. to hear and determine the ad— visability of making such sale, at which time and place the said Board shall hear evidence and take testi- mony, .should any be, offered, as to the propriety and advisability of mak- ing such proposed sale. DATED February 23rd, 1943. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Board. Mason County Commissioners ‘2‘25~3-4-11-18.4=§t; l ‘ t l .. 1 MM“ FOR SALE: on Lake Isabella 41/2 ' WOOD FOR SALE: can 241;]. ,FOR SALE: 40 acre ranch, 5 M 'vvvwvwovwvvvvv WWWV 'mvvvvv For Sale . I Pagflcfi Seven T ADS mm.“ c For Sale “AAA‘AAMAAM; PILING FOR SALE: call at 347 SECOND GROWTH buzz ‘saw Second Street. S—2—25»3-11--3t FOR SALE: tie logs delivered. Roy McLucas, Rt. 7, Box 578, wood for sale, $7.50 cord on place. 14 mile above Union Phone Union 354. Herbert Al— len. 3-11-25—3t. Tacoma, Wn. 2-25--3-11 3t. FOR SALE: red roosters. Pat Wagner, 21/2' miles out on Olym— pia highway. 2-25—3-11—3t. FOR SALE: 50 tons bag} hay. Feed Store, 219 South First St. 3-4-11—18—3t. Real Estate Cook’s Ranch. Inquire at Cook's l .D‘ acres, 6 room house, 8 -x 30 screened porch, garden spot, lights, water, $1800 terms. Route 1, Box 212. W—3-11-25——3t FOR SALE: 2 houses, 91/2 lots on West Cota Street. Excellent garden plot. Also 40 acre ranch in Deckerville. W. S. Valley, 522 North 5th St. Phone 61W. 3-11-25-e3t. l FOR SALE: 25 acres in Skokom- ish Valley. Lights, Water, mod- NEW HAMPSHIRE setting eggs for sale. Also Bantam chickens. Anna Huss, Bayshore road, be- tween Ford‘Garage and dock. 3-11-25—3t. 'ALTASKAN PUPPIES FOR SALE wwrite Route 1, Box 158, Elma, Wash. C~3-11—1t. FOR SALE: Hotpoint eleEtrié FOR SALE or TRADE for trac- tor, 20-ft. cabin boat, 4 h. p. motor. Lawrence Go’sser, Rte. 2. 3—11-25~—3t. E—3-11-25—3t. refrigerator like new $150, also Olympic oil range, perfect con- dition, $150. See Calvin Jones, J. C. Penney Co. 3-11—~1t. 1943 TIDE TABLES for sale at FOR SALEz—black Jersey cow $75. See McCafferty, Shelton Shoe Repair. 3—11—1t. Journal Office. 25c each. 3-4-18—3t. em 4 room house. Barn. Terms. BALED STRAVV FOR SAflfi; a1- zotte, 1105 Railroad Ave. 3-4-11-184—3t. l miles from Shelton on Matlock Road. Good buildings. Priced reasonable. Gordon M c K a y, l Star Rte. No. 2. Phone 14F31. I 3-4-18~—3t. FOR SALE or TRADE for Shel- ton city property: 5 acres and small house on Bothell high- way near Woodenville. Inquire Journal. , Ca2—25--3-11——3t FOR SALE Inquire Journal. B~3-4-18——3t I ————W~‘L _.. .. ._.. l FOR SALE or EXCHANGE forl Shelton property, 8 lots in] Olympia city limits. Ernie Li-l l FOR ‘SALE: 6 ton 'native hay, 10 so will take orders for plow- ing, $2.50 per acre or $3.00 hour. Bud Lee at Nalley’s Ranch. 3-4-18——3t. FOR SALE or TRADE: one Ford- son tractor with magpetto: one 2 bottom disc plow. Also loose hay. Will consider livestock. Pete York, Route 2, Shelton, Agate Road. 3-4—18w3t. FOR: SALE; Jersey cow. Tested, coming fresh. Claude LOnsberg, Matlock. 3-4-18—3t. foot work bench, 15 foot flat bottom boat, bee hives, extrac- tor and supplies, mowing ma- chine, hay rake, fruit jars and saddle pony. Mrs. Mable Prisz- ner, Matlock, Wash. 65 acres,’ about 41/2 miles from FOR SALE: Frigidaire electric Shelton. osme timber, lots of wood, also 4 room house, good pole barn. Some cleared. $1875.! Terms, $375 down. Plenty of wood for years. See Herb Angle today. 35 acres with 700 feet of water- front, Cabin, good spring, good beach. Priced at $1400.00 Also 4:50 acres of oyster grounds planted with Pacific Oysters. Priced at 3350. Can be purchas- ed with the above waterfront property at some reduction in price. =k * * 131,; acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes , or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. t 3k a * 4: * 2-room house with woodshed and some nice dry wood and excel- lent garden tract. Terms, one half cash. $850.00. e a: a: 5-room modern home with good garden tract. Venetian blinds. Wood cook stove and oil heat- er can be purchased. Located on Mt. View. Terms. $2500.00. 4‘ =I= HERBERT G. ANGLE ‘F range, 1938 ‘Plymouth coupe, good rubber and upholstery, en- gine perfect. Will take stock or poultry in trade for equity. In- quire Journal. B—3-4-18-—3t. OR SALE: 1 year old Rasp- berry bushes, 25c a dozen. Mrs. K. G. Osterberg, Wyandotte Ave (Southside Hill) Shelton. 3—4—18—3t. I CAN DELIVER Well rotted cow manure for the Victory Garden. Drop me a card. John Kozlow- ske, Rt. 3, Box 68, Shelton, Washington. 3-4-11—18~3t. FOR—SALE: Hart‘s s t r a in Rhode Island Reds hatching eggs. Good laying, fast growing. $1.00 per setting. John Byrd, Rte. 2, Capitol Hill. ' 2—25—3-11—-3t. COAL FOR SALE: stock up_VVith fuel now. Prompt delivery. Lump $12.10, range $11.10, stok— er $10.10, $1.00 less per team 4 ton lots or more. 90c per sack. Phone 572W. N—2-18--3-18——1M FOR S LE: grow your own Fil- berts, 2% foot to 3 foot trees 15c; 3 foot to 5 foot 250. Log- anberry plants. Herman Dewitz, 10% miles on Allyn road from Shelton, turn south 1 mile to Vineyard. 1-8--3-11—10t. vvvvvv vom- "WV CALL FOR BIDS P R NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until 10:00 o‘clock a. in. April 5th, 1943, and w111~bc opened at 10:00 o'clock a. In. April 5th, 1943, by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, at their office in the court house in Shelton, for- the ‘purchase of a new 1942 deluxe sedan. With heater and defroster; providing that the full price of said automo- bile sliall not exceed $1400.00. Further provided that one 1940 ‘de— luxe Ford sedan shall be traded, in to the successful bidder as part of the purchase price of the car_selected by the Board of County Comirlissi‘on- ers. This car is being purchased for Commissioner District No. 3. Dated this 1st day of March. 1 . BOARD OF COUNTY CO MISSIONERS, Mason County, Washington VINCENT E. PAUL, H. R. DICKINSON, R. TRENCKMANN. 3-4-11-18—3t. Tides of the Week l Computed for Oakland Bay I (Hood Canal tides are one hd‘ur I S: 55 minutes earlier) Phone 337 Angle Bldg. l CHARLES R. LEWIS Low 4:52 a.m. 4.2 ft. Thurs High 10:50 a.m. 13.8 ft. March 11 Low 5:36 p.m.-. 1.3 ft. — l High 12:18 a.m. 12.5 ft.‘ Fri \ Low 5:43 a.m. 5.3 ft. March 12 High 11:26 a.m. 13.1 ft. Low 6:28 p.m. 1.5 ft. High 1:33 a.m. 12.4 ft. Sat Low 6:46 a.m. 6.3 ft. March 13_ High 12:11 p.m. 12.4 ft. - Low 7:28 p.m. 1.6 ft. High 2:57 a.m. 112.5 ft. Sun Low 8:09 a.m. 6.8 ft. March 14 High 1:06 a.m. 11.9 ft. l Low 8:32 p.m.‘ 1.7 ft. i High 4:12 a.m. 12.8 ft. Mon Low 9:40 a.m. 6.9 ft. March 15 High 2:13 p.m. 11.5 ft. Low 9:34 p.m. 1.6 ft. I High 5:09 a.m. 13.2 ft. Tues Low 10:52 a.m. 6.5 ft. . March 16 High 3:23 p.m. 11.4 ft. Low 10:29 p.m. 1.4 ft. High 5:54 a.m. 13.6 ml Wed Low 11:41am. 6.0 ft. l March 17 High 4:27 p.m. 11.6 ft. Low 11:17 p.m. 1.2 ft. High 6:28 a.m. 139 ft. Thurs Low 12:19 p.m. 5:4 ft. ‘March 18 High 5:20 p.m. 11:9 ft. . Low 12 mutated; . v» vv rvvvvvvvm Charles T. Wright LAWYER Shelton, Washington ALDEN .o. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAw Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 ‘ Shelton “M— M INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building “M M ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems‘ 123 4th St. Phone 565 M WITSIERS , FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone. 180 — Shelton, Wash. ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington ‘ RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public [325 Railroad Ave. r-"Phone 115