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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight “1*. Journal Classified Ads Are Real (lo-Gotten —- Phone 100 Cleanliness Guardian of Production When work clothes are clean— ed frequently there is less chance fo r disease-carryingl dirt to hold up production. Not only is cleanliness essential to health A. throughly laundered work clothes last longer and look better. Our reliable met- hods include treatment which removes all stubborn particles of dirt and grime. Stepped—up production is necessary to Vic- to' . . . . clean, clothed workers are important to production. Mason County Steam Laundry & Dry Cleaners 0 Health and strength are treasures we must draw 11 n to win our “Battle of Pro uc- tion.” To guard these assets, and to fight the foes that would rob us of them, is an obliga- tion shared by your physician and your pharmacist. Our duty is to kee you well—and keep you wor ing. For the nation health fully I i Fire Permits (Continued from page 1) Iwould not be finished before dim- out time in the evening. This rul— Iing will have no exceptions for Ipcrsons adjacent to salt water. I Governor’s Proclamation I T. S. Goodyear, state supervisor 10f forestry, has announced that Iunusually dry weather conditions jhave caused a critical fire Situa- ition. Accordingly Governor Ar- ; thur B. Langlie has issued a proc- i flamation forbidding the lighting Iof fires anywhere in the state Ewithout first obtaining a permit. All fire wardens, rangers and ' patrolmen have been instructed to iarrest anyone burning without Iwritten permission. Forest offi- ‘,cers were further instructed to iissue burning permits only after ‘uncontrolled spread of fire. I l i I l Infant Daughter Ann liotlieryzie Reed, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlcs E. :residents, died Sunday at the ; Naval Hospital in Bremerton. Surviving are the parents. a rbrother Robert, grandparents Mr. land Mrs. Charles A. Reed of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. ‘McGaughcy of Olympia. Funer— al services were held yesterday in Olympia. 1 needs a full measure of your energy and effort. But you, too, have a part to pla . You can co-operate y avoiding unnecessary risks; by adopting every reasonable preventive measure, and by' promptly calling upon a competent phy- sician when illness threatens. Remember that the preser- vation of Health and Strength has now become a patriotic duty. Get well—KEEP well! McCONKEY PHARMACY Phones 303 555. Skirts 1 “Spring Colors.’ tons in sizes 9 to Two-piece Jacket Dresses with Pleated Skirts. One-piecetail- ored D r e s s e s with six-gore . . All of the newest Junior line of Washable cot- 4th and Railroad Sizes 12 to 44 Also a new 15. 0f Reeds Dies Reed, former Sheltoni H. W.. I KATHLEEN BURKE l l glike going back lproper precaution has, been made; by the applicant to prevent theI WWW , Washable Print and Seersucker I .._.._._.__.__,...._.L..___ _ fl News About Our I Boys In Uncle Sam’s Services ‘ (Continued from Page One) “We arrived here yesterday, (Friday) some nine hours late and safe, despite being in a train MsuEL’ToNfi-MASON COUNTLJQUBNAL k IA. B. Roe Back ISeymour Sentenced To 20 Years in Monroe; Pleading guilty ‘Eb a charge of carnal knowledge of a child, Rob- I I I A. B. Rec, an old From California? J‘hursday. Manchu, jCamera Club To Show Pictures Next T hursday" ’Dfiflre Razors Needed I Only double—edged razors . I desired, so if you have a (ii I FOI‘ Men In Navy cd one at home please bring n. h 7...... - . l your old razors in men. l Bi'in the . v still needs them. Last‘ week's pier. i'or discarded beard‘ Iimcr who is 1 Iert Seymour of Shelton was sen- now mm“ “f0 Gas v «.t. . d i . , .y, is nine , . l . i ‘ ltenced to 20 years in the state NIonday “Er” Sm] PHI“) Calif” ‘ Th“ hmmr High Silhjmi 0.11),“)? I _~-‘,(§r:.|.I‘wy-H l)l‘(}l'.:;_';l']t it] over doz.. The Abfitract reformatory in Monroe by Judge when; he Spent thra. monthq “nth '7 ' ' .. v‘. -. “‘7.” . ,v vn, whim ; my on display izi . , « . « I; r — ,I‘ulll Lu: L lnaiys ‘ l\.tli.l‘).l . . _ ‘ ID. F. Wright last Saturday. his daughter. He was thou. (my; (11”, Wva in”, B’mm TWO 1 the Journal wmclow, but many", Mason W . . . h ‘ ‘ ‘ i " H x ‘ The sentence was suspended on mg the rain storm which ltap— mun Wm cmme mm the“. “W” All-2’ A “(MINI- Ithc good behavior of the pris— pened about the time that Show Thursday oymmrr Max-Ch 18th,: . n 1 _ r. A I I I I r .7 . , . , lick, i‘thl‘lClEl. rchodes. o 0 one hit Shelton and says he never million the Camera Club wall snov. hm,“ read hl wreck near Topeka, Kansas, Thursday midnight. Our looomo- tivc and four cars derailed after hitting a boulder on the track. Luckily, no one was hurt badly. I wasn't even shaken up as I. braced when the brakes first went ' stationed at Fresm’v Calif- on and wasn’t even tossed out of fiddress is AAF 365th T'S'S” B“ 1C No. 8, Fresno, Calif. I I l l I my seat. “Quartered in Cordell Hall ~--—i and are the rooms swell. This is to college only this time we study ten times hard- er." 'Bill also mentioned that besides sailors, ’W’AVES and SPARS are being trained at A & M. HAROLD BELL HOME ON FURLOUGH Pfc. Harold Bell arrived home last Wednesday to spend a 15-day furlough from Army duties at Nevada. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bell of Shelton and his wife of Olympia. Mrs. Bell met her husband in Portland and they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boone, former Shelton residew’; before coming on to Shelton. Harold will start back Saturday. RALPH HILLIGOSS \VRI’I‘ES T0 PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss of Hoodsport received a V-letter March 8 from their son. Ralph. written February 14 somewhere in the South Pacific. Most of the letter was censored, except the fact that Ralph was well. I CAROL HILL RECEIVES I PETTY OFFICER RATING Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill of Hoodsport have just been inform- ed that their son, Carol, in Naval training at Oklahoma, has receiv- ‘ ed his third class petty officer rating. He has been in the Navy six months. PARENTS VISIT i GLENN CONNER Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Conner spent the week end in Spokane where they met their son Glenn and en- l joyed a few hours visit with him. Glenn just recently finished his boot camp training at Farragut. . Idaho, and Monday he expected to be on his way to some un- known destination for special training in Radar work. ROY BUCHMANN IS TRANSFERRED Cpl. Roy Buchmann has been transferred from Ogden, Utah, to San Bernardino, Calif. He is in the Air Corps. CALLED T0 WAVES Kathleen Burke, daughter of Mrs. Mable Burke, will report to New York, March 24 to begin training in the WAVES. Miss, Burke will be stationed at Hunt— I er’s College. I Mm l I l l l I I I . ,. . , . l L. . ___L,. ., . ‘ v q . h (T , “A . a, , eight or to(\ nine required books; a years in Mason County Streets , Dunn, the ‘(.\:.'lllllb certificates have received hunflrablp mention: I Abstracts, Real Est ARNOLD LIVINGSTON Iwere flooded and many houses ‘ Will be unaided to the foliow- : Jo Ann‘ Hob-“won Pavia, GNP ' NOW IN FRESNO 3 were washed away or onto the ‘. mg: Glenna Fitz, Romona Rem— I Jags, Riley b i (b 7" Loans and Insuran Pvt. Arnold Livingston is now beach. So Mason County looks in“, Shirley Anderson, Virginia. ’ His good to A. B. even time. saw it rain as hard during his didn't look so good to us at tits at the Libra ry. i 7'11 ~ ,- colorcd pictures I 1 He mun“ mg Who ,Connoily, Genevieve Cox, Patricia; Tim PiCtUl‘CS Will Start at, liilmei', Robert Berg, Nadine Lau~ I P- m- RVOY‘YUW? {110m Jim”)? 1318’“ her, Laura Jean Baker, Ray Stzil— ‘ SChO‘A‘l 388 011 up 13 anited to at- tend. BELL BUILDING SHELTON, if the sn ow Your family has just so many ‘pnints’ and you must s-t—r-e-t-c-h them over the ration period. .W'aste not at the beginning, and you’ll want not later on. Plan your meals to include as many of the unratloned foods as possible, and spend your ‘points’ wisely, using them only for the foods best suited to your family’s needs. Let us help you! Our weekly ads . . . our appetizing displays of plentiful and rationed foods alike . . our uniformly low prices—- all show you how to save ‘points’ and money while serving your family the f l n e s t, nutritional foods. These Items are NOT RATIONED CHICKEN Jack’s CHILI CHEESES lb. Washington ....... .......................... .. Sunshine Krispy Crackers. 2-lbs. 32¢ Grahams ............ .. 2-‘1bs. 32¢ Hi Ho Wafers ...... .. lb. 31¢ MACARO-NI 3-lbs. 23¢ 25¢ APPLE 87¢ Butter, Libby's all-oz ................. .. EGGS . 2 doz. Fresh Local, Special “A” Large FORMAY 3-lbs. Shortening ............................... ... .... .. SOAP 4 for Sweetheart, special pack ............ .. Remember COFFEE RATION STAMP NO. 25 (1—1b.) Expires March 21 SUGAR RATION STAMP, NO. 11 (3—lbs.) Expires March 15 WINESAP APPI. SUNKlST OBANGES . . . .. “IO-lbs. ARIZONA GEAPEFBUIT lO-lbs. YAKIMA POTATOES . . . lO-lbs. OREGON ONIONS . . . . . lO-lbs. NEW POTATOES. . . . . . . 3-lbs. umbermen .v on. new am imam Does Point Rationing perplex eMaflorl— ti ' her onin; you? Ask any clerk, he will ers to he a“yone lend rationing gives everyone their bf- Dork. . ‘ t rationet _ t‘WO p0 rightlul share. For full value ° consump March 29. ch ,. oils $733“ at the sa (’tugh this he gow “D the spend your points with us. ' ’an.k‘\,v!«sn"xio} Em Green. Beans Green Beans BRAND NAME CONTAINER PRICE I No.2 I POINTS . 2w. I IE3 l l Puget Maid ———.—.— I Sound Brand No.303 I 13¢ , Picksweet _Peas Iw—W— Seaport "—— Rosedale l—COI‘II I Reliance "Spinach Reliance “I Seaport —_—I I mTomatoes Libby Solid Pack No. 21/. I 20¢ I 24 —Tomato Juice I Tomato Juice I Tomato Sauce—j Libby I 71,902.. 7;: IT BRAND NAME CONTAINER PRICE IPOINTS Apple Sauce I Libby “I No.2 I 15¢ I 10 -—__—._._ ——._____ Apricots I Rosedale ___ No..21/_i I 23¢ I 24 Peaches I Rosedale ~“m—I No. 21/3 I . Peaches Rosedale T ms I Rosedale Pears I Rosedale Grapefruit mpefruit Grapefriut Juice I BABY F00 I Libby ' Libby Florida Gold 13¢ PRICE BRAND NAME CONTAINER POINTS ;_Baby Food I 41/50.. "I 2/17¢I 1 Junior Food I Heinz 7—02. I 10¢ 2 Baby Food I Libby —I 41/502. I 2/ 12¢ 1 ES . . . .7 *lO-lbs. Fancy and Extra Fancy 25c l 1‘1} i l C a n he ADAKIRE Iris ncker, s Mercant-le Com “Your Complete Department Store”