March 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 11, 1965 |
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Percy M Pio
6017 8.E. 86th Ave
portland, Ore
The Mason County Forest Fes-
tival Queen this year is attractive,
brown-eyed, dark-haired Patsy
Bixenmann, from North Mason
High School.
Queen Patsy was selected from
the five candidates by a panel of
five judges Tuesday night.
This is the first time in the 21=
year history of the Forest Festi-
val that the queen has not been
from Shelton high school.
Other candidates for queen who
had dinner with the judges Tues-
day night and delivered a short
talk on "What (:he Forest Festi-
val Means To Me" were Joan
Quimby, Pamela Tuson and Ted~
die T'ravis from Shelton high
school and Nancy Stodden from
Mary M. Knight high school•
TIlE 1965 FESTIVAL Queen is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert L• Bixenmann, Star Rt. 3,
Box 25, Belfair, and is a senior at
North Mason High School.
The new queen combines brains
with beauty, maintaining a 3.4
grade point average for seven se-
mesters of high school work (4.0
is straight AL
She has been active in numer-
ous school acUvities, including
Girls Athletic Association, Girls
Club, Rally Squad. Student Coun-
cil, and a member of the tennis
I team.
She has been Homecoming
Queen and Rally Queen at the
schoolthis year• She is also a
• member of the Nomahi News
She has been on the honor roll
during her entire four years ell
The Mason County Conuuission
set 11:30 a.m. March 22 as the
date for opening bids on three
new cars for the Sheriff's office
when they met Monday.
Sheriff Sam Clark appeared at
the commission meeting to request
the bid call.
The commissicn voted to do-
nate $200 from the County Park
and Recreation Fund from District
2 and $50 from District 3 to the
North Mason Athletic Improve-
meat chlb for use either for the
public tennis court or lights for
!the athletic field at North Ma-
son High School
The commission was informed
by Civil Defense Director Harry
Cole that .George Doak has been
appointed County Civil Defense
Communications Coordinator.
The city of I~helton will take
a census of its population April
1-6, it was announced at the city
commission meeting Tuesday.
Alma Ca{to, city clerk-treasur-
er, said that Ralph Horton has
been employed as supervisor for
79th YEAR--No. 10 Published in "'Ch,ristmastown, U.S.A.', Shelton, Washington18 Pages -- 3 Sections
Thursday, March 11, 1965 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shell on, Washington,
under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cots. ]-0 Cents per Copy
Oral Polio Vacune
"t Hurt A Bit
It's now official--voters in the
Shelton Sch(~)l District will be
asked to cast their I)allots May
11 on a four-pa~'t proposal calling
for "two special Ievie.t, the sale of
the Lincoln School property and
the transfer of funds held in the
swimming pool construction fund
to curreut use.
Resolutions setting tile election
for May 11 and outlining the pro-
posals we,'e approved bv tlle
School Board Tuesday nighi,.
The special levies call for a 10-
mill special levy to raise about
$123,000 ~or the purchase of seven
new school busses to replace seven
busses now in use on which the
depreciation has run out.
SUPT. ROBERT Quiggle told
the school board that the actual
amount needed would probably be
closer to nine mills and the most
of the busses about $106,000, ac-
cording to additional cost figures
he has obtained since setting up
the original resolution.
The, Shelton Po,% Office expects
to move bltck into its newly-re-
modeled and expanded quarters
some time next month, Postmas-
ter Jack Gray said this week.
The contractor, Cascade - Olynl-
pic Construction Co., Shelton, has
~the job mostly eornpieted except
:for some finishing" work.
Gray said that it will be neces-
sary to change some Post Office
Box mmlbers when tile move back
into the Post Office Building is
All of the box numbers in the
new section of Post Office boxes
will not: correspond with those now
in use, Gray said.
Wherever possible, he said, the
same box number will be as-
sig~md, but, in some cases, it will
be impossible since the number
chanieal drawing at Garrett
now in use will uo longer exist. Heyns High School•
Also, he said, there are :ionic Bruce I~Ioorchead, now teaching
boxes iu lhe new building which at I%oeh[~sLcr, to succeed Nicloy
~lre larger lhall lilly of l.h()se II()%%rlas band i)lstrllct,)r.
ill llSc. The p {Irons who gel these ................ :---
boxes, hc said, will have to havet ({E'rs I)EGllEE
'~ll-~i:)(~xd:iunnb;(;;~e who ,va'nis to tonl¢~°j:fdtl,~Vm~'d¢!;l'telr glle:(~tt°~i.e:z~.s
discuss 1he possibility of chm~ging receive (tegreos from Washington
to a~ different size bbx or Lo a dif- State University. He received a
ferent box number can contact lfim bachelor ef s~ience degree in BUS-
at the Post Office. iness Administration.
BANK with your HOME OWNED bank the
For your added convenience
OPEN SATURDAYS 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Member F.D•I•C.
i I , i,ll lllull i i i I ~, u L i
is almost complete, "The building this week was
getting a coat of paint ,on its exterior woodwork
and trim.
Member F.D.I•C.
NEARLY COMPLETED--The Shelton Post Office
expected to move back into its newly expanded
and remodeled building next month. Construction
SalVe March 12th for all estate plalming
to be held the PUD auditorium
at 7.80 P.m. sponsored
at tilt: high school, Mallinl4er is
mt)villg t(> Garrett ttcyns Hig'h
Alfred Toom:m to teach weld-
ing at Gar)'elt Heyns High School.
Ah, in Wagner, who l~as been
supecintendent of the Exceptional
Foresters program, to teact~ )lie-