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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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USED CARS PA E2 gttELTON---MAg0 q C0t TY 30URNAL--Publighed in "Ohr$stmastown, U.,g.A.", SheKon, Washington Thursday, I[EPIJBIJCAN IVOSIEN TO MEET WEDNESI)AY Mason Connty R,~,publican Wo- men's Club will hold its regular, meeting at 1:30 p.m. next: Wed- ncsday in lhe Memo;'ial }:/all. Any menlber wishinp to attend the workshop meeting in Winloek next; Ttlesda, y shollI(t C~,lltact Mt's. Roy Snyder at .126-3714 to {u'rang'e for (:l'allspo|ta| ion. ( Mt. Moriah Lo,,loc F.& A.M. No. 11 Saturday, March 13 Stated Communications Lodge Opens 8 p.m. Lout O. Larmm, V/.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary Local Bridge Club Winners Named The north-south winners in Monday night's play o[ the Shel- ,ton Duplicate Bridge Club w~/,'e !lLon Zeidak,~; and Ya.q ltn, Bob Quinlby aIld (]Hy Beckwit,h, and a ~,il~ bt~txveen }~ i'. alld MI',%. Jim tVletchcr and 13oh Etioi, and Lyn (]el ly. lC,q~t,-west wimmr3 were Mr, and ~II'S. Hex Umphenour, Mary Keller an, l .l~rl'y l'(n'ry :'lid Victor Kind and Novm~tn t:Ialbert. The clul) meets at 7::-10 p.m. every LIowlay in the PIID alldi- latium. A!i bri::lge pI;lyer,~ &re weleon~e. ON SU PAPER STAFF Miss Cerrie Gems, Shellon higla school gr:,dnate now attending Seatt!e Ilniver:dty, has~ been made a member of Lhe seht)ol publica- t, ion':~ ]~ewn stnif }l,~r first bv- lithe:! story appeared in the Feb- ru:.u'y 19 i:;mle at the Sealtle Uni- v(,r. iy Spectator. ) Relax and Have Fun 3- 6 p.m. Saturday Musidans Jam Se ioe The Stmlton Hotel { Dine and Dance Fri.- Sat. Evenings { L. .......... ,. .......... ,. ............ 2..,,,,.,. ....... ! New Wurlilzer Spinel , $ Cost New $895.00 Sale Price New Story and Clark Spinel Cost New $915.00 Sale Price New Lowrey Spinet $ Cost New $645.00 Sale Price Used Small Upright Piano Very Good Condition New Lowrey Lincolnwood Model, Full Bass Pedals Cost New $1995.00 Sale Price New Lewrey Heritage Deluxe wiih built in Leslie 1 Cost New $1895 Sale Price New Lowroy Ho?i .age rgan Used grentwood Model Organ (b ond) Cost New $1245.00 S.le Prier $S2500 All Prices include Matching Bench and Delivery JOHHMY'$ BOX 205 Cots 426-4302 OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 ................................................ ............................................ ................ I [I GIRL SCOUT WEEK BEGAH WITH SONGFEST AND PLAYDAY EI JOYED BY 150 LOCAL GIRLS LAST SATURPAY SEVERAL MEMBERS of Girl Scout Junior Troop for all local Girl Scouts last Saturday. Over 150 313 tune up their tonettes for entertaining with Mason County girls enjoyed the day of fun. "Taps" at the annual Songfest and Playday held Over 150 Mason County Girl Scouts began the observance of Girl Scout Week with their annual Songfest and Playday last Satur, day Representatives from 19 Brownie, Junior and Cadette troops met in the multi-purpose room of the Mountain View school from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for songS, games, sack lunches and displays. The flag ceremony was led by Junior Troop 301 who also sang "The Growing Up Tree". Cadette Troop 302 presented a skit base, t on "How Not To Use A Compass", while Cadette Troop 33 demonstra- ted the Maori Stick game. Junior Troop 308 taught the Frencl~ folk game The Elephant ,. and Junior Troop 306 taught the Norwegian folk dance, "Paul's Chickens". Brownie Troop 108 performed a square dance. "Just Scouting Around" was sung by Junior Troop 305 and "Taps" was played by Junior Troop 313 on their tonettes. Everyone joined in singing and playing folk songs, roimd and world, as well as favorite Girl Scout songs. The program con, cluded with a friendship circle. NEW ARRIVALS Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. James Metcalf, Route 1, Box 608, a boy, March 5. Mr. and MYs. Bruce Hilderman, Hoodsport, a boy March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rodman, 1317 Dickinson street, a boy, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kimball, 718 North 6th Street, a girl, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk, 1129 Cota street, a boy, March 8. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Johnson, 904 Euclid street, a boy, March 9. * $ * Clinic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Amann, WARC Chapter To Meet Wednesday On Capitol Hill The Mason County Chapter of the Washington Association for Retarded Children will meet next Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Capi- tol Hill clubhouse. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Helen Kunkle and Mrs. Dorothy Ranf: There were many items of inter- est discussed at the February meeting suCh as legislation con- cerning the retarded, the Execep- tional Foresters program and Ro- gels school. Arnold Fox, lab tech- nician for the local hospital, gave an informative talk on PKU and the group was most interested in hearing the Guthrie test is now being given to all newborn babies in the hospital--a big step in the prevention of mental retardation. The local chapter will be host- ing the State Board meeting to Social Painting Is Robin Marshall, former Shelton l~{rs. R()bert. Mat'shal~ ~LrJ~'~ L/ ~::nej2:,,~:L Oak tIarbo,', has had .( , . ,~, , .,vv .. .. ,~.,,.,.. painting~ shown :tt Boat Show in tt~e Flag E' :qaett *a ~S unl, now in progress. , Miss Marshall ia a S bj f VFW theBu,'nley Schoolof u , oct o .,t t,l,o A ilh Spe h SI-IEIJI'ON VALLEY CLOVFI{~ selected from the ux Iry ec T,e March 4 meeting ,,f the play. Besides atlendill The ladies ,mxiliary of the VF\V Shelt°n Valley Clovers4-H club school, she is held its regular meeting last I0ri- was held at the Howard's. Cone Art and day everling. Mavjorie Bllsack KII(t A money making projectwas .............. Itelen Blomnfieht were reinstated, discussed and it wasdecided to Itypoerisy is the Marian .l.hnson gave an have a bake sale April 10. A cam- den of villainy.- csting talk on meetings of the mittee of seven meml)ers was ap- ...................... • ............ < Case,qde Council she has attendedpointed as follows: ,Toe, Ba,b n,nd out of town. P, ev Brown. Scott Larson, Alberta. Sue Wtmvc}', Americanism Carol and Nancy Evers. SOH'OOL e h a i z m an, gavea talk on The county den]onstralion con- books, "Etiquette of the Flag" test i:~ to be held March 27. A list Menus for Shelton and "The Dill of Rig'hls". Eachof contestants participating in theSchools and SheltOl member was p:'esented a cop5, rff contest is to be turned in March High )oth. Mrs. \Veaver is aiso placing 15. Week of March' ! cot)ies of these books in the The next meeting will be in lee Monday Lasagne schools and giving ti]em to the,borne of Gary, Patsy and Sco~t hot buttered teachers. Miltenberger April 1. buttered aspinach, A district }peeting was held in A special demonst]ation meet- es, cookies and milk, Elms Sat wday ewminz. Evelyn ing is to be held at Browns today. Rowhmd of CenLralia displayed a Tuesday .... Hot collection of American flags fromDempnstrattons ~iven at the s,',mdwieh with the first to the pre:.~ent 50-star March 4 meeting were: G,a'y Mil-ed green be:ms, flag giving the story of eael~ and tenberger, simple obedience train- fruit and milk. the year in which it was made. ing and beginning insect collect- The next district meeting will be ors eqfiipment; Rocky tImvard, in- Wednesday ..... held 'in Itoquiant in June. sect control in home garden.';; and sweet potatoes with A hmcheon mee:ing was held Scott Larson, a cattle guard, lows, cabbage and at the Tyee restaurant in Olym- ---Patsy Miltenberger, reporter apples and milk. pin Monday in honor of Mrs. Mar- * * * Thursday --- is Khlgow, national president of gravy over whi :the VFW Auxiliaries. The flag HORSE JUDGING CLINIC carrot slicks, salute was given by Mrs. Ann SLATED THIS ,~ATURDAY bread and butter There will be a 4-H horse judg- Pineapple up-side Tucker Coddy, coordinator of Wo- ing clinic at the Greenacres Train- men's activities. Invocation was and milk. by Mrs. Lydia Lynch, chaplain of ing Stable at 1:30 p.m. this Sat- Olympia VFW Auxiliary. urday. This will be of great inter- Friday ..... Grilled wich or egg salad The hmcheon address was given est to all 4-H members with horse by General E. M. Llewellyn, di- projects. Contact Mrs. James Kim- cream of tomato rector of the Department of Civil ball for information or transpor- tuce with 1000 Defense. His topic was "Role of tation, ing, prune cookies games from many parts of the be held at Alderbrook Inn March Harold L. Nelson, 26, Olympia, 27-28 with a tour of the Correc- anti Joy Ross, 28, Aberdeen..- onan'es, Water Clothes tions Center and ExCeptional For- Stanley C. Sernberg, 18, Brem- Star Route 2, Box 193AA, a girl, esters on the agenda, erton, and Grace Deem, 17, Brem- March 7. • • • The chapter urges individuals to erton. Furna=es, -rS"oe Heaters or .as • . get their memberships. These may [ A GIRL FOR EACRETTS be obtainod by contacting Mrs. Allen Page, 21, Sequim, and LEADERS ME~TING | A baby girl, Jill Marie, was Craig Eliot at 426-8337 or any Sharon Clark, 19, Sequim. Girl Scont lcaders of 1V~as6fl-~-born early Wednesday morning to member of t~!e chapter. Kenneth C. Latham, 42, Shelton. Free Estimates as to cost & Neighborhood will tt o 1 d theirMr. mid Mrs. Ken l~lacrett:. L,on~" [! / "..~i~ .................. and ClerfientineA Hester, 44, ~ ' Shelton. : '~ March meeting in the Girl Scout Beach Calif.. former Shelton res- ] Guest SDe'_ k F Merle Stone, 22, Fort Lewis, and Curtis B. Grout, Owner Hoodsoort Little I-Iouse. Knee]and Park, at idents. Mrs. Eacrett is the forms:' a er or Ly]m Tingstrom, 18, Sheiton. 1 p.m today. Mrs. J. K. Hamil- Judy Waters. Grandparents are H 0d Ca 1 Club ton Cookie Sale chairman, will Mr. and Mrs. Francis "Eke" Eac- 0 na answer cluestmns about cookie rett and Mrs. Marj Waters, all of "Crises itl Htllnall Existance" sale rules and regulations. Shelton Jill Marie Joins one bro- will be 1:)r. Mack KnuLsen's topic This annual event will be heldther. Scott Wesley. when he speaks next Thursday M~Aeh 31 to April 10 "throughout I [~l~ the Tall Timber Council. All Jun- The basic move in all sheep and afternoonat the monthly meet- ior and Cadette troops will pax'- mountain goat hunting is to geting of the Hood Canal Woman's ticipate to earn money for troop above the animals and be there Club in Potlatch. He is to speak act,ivities and the camping fund. at feeding time. foliowingbusiness sessionLhe morningand iuncheon.11 a.m. Tentative plans for Fly-up and By wrapping the line around theGuests are welcome to attend. Bridge-crossing ceremonies to be flukes so that the line pulls front Dr. Knutsen is Supervmor of held this spring will be discussed, the wrong direction, you can con- Psychological Services in the Di- Leaders are asked to bring their vert any anchor into a drag an-vision of Mental Health ot the green troop folders for updating, chor. State Departmcnt of Institutions. i Women in Civil Defense". :Mrs. . Supplement your Esther Kollstrom, president of the Our own vision must be clear diet with Plenarni! Department of Washington VFW to open the eyes of others, else -,,Prenn's Auxiliaries, introduced Mrs. Marie the blind will lead the blind and Klugow, National VFW Auxiliary both shall fall. -- Mary Baker 132 R'R. P president, who also spoke. Eddy. Attending the luncheon from Shelton were Bea Gray, Florence Hamilton, Esther Morgan, Phyllis Moore, Marian Johnson, Bernice Jansson, Betty Godwin and Jos- m ephine Sparks. Marriage Licenses SMes Service and Installation Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: See us when purchasing your gas appliances Frank R. Trafton, 19, Poz'L Townsend, and Carolyn Wood- ward. 21, Port Townsend. or NATURAL 6AS IMMUNIZATION. Older children may drink the vaccine from a cup. It tastes good! • a Top Qualily Used Oars ,6, VAL,ANT V-,004 DOOR SEDAN $1595 Heater-Std. Trans.-Factory Warranty '62 VOLKSWAGEN 2 DOOR SEDAN Heater - Top Condition $1195 ,61 .LYMOUTH V S DOOR SEDAN Sme, e R. H. - Automatic - Power Steer & Brakes '61 FALCON 2 DOOR WAGON Radio - Heater - Std. Trans. '60 FORD GALAXlE 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio- Heater- Automatio $1145 --KIHBE----L ]-oT08s IGC. 426-3433 707 SO. First Shelton Ch ryeler---Plymouth---Vallant International Trucks Jl I I II Ul i I i $495 Value Truoks '60 MG MAGNETTE 4 DOOR SEDAN Heater - 4 Speed Trans.. Top Import '59 CHEVROLET BELAIR 6 4 DOOR SED. Heater - Automatic '56 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY HARDTOP Radio - Heater- Automatic Power Steering & Brakes '56 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE Radio - Heater - Clean '59 FORD CUST V-8 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio- Heater- Automatic '58 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 2 DR. Heatar - Automatic AUTi |OF IZED DEALER MOTORS CORPORATION tl i " - r '62 INTERNATIONAL H.D. =/2 Ton Piokup Lo.g Box~ Bpeed - 6 cy, $1495 '57 WlLLYS STATION WAGON 4x4 Heater - Extra Engine - Very Clean '56 INTERNATIONAL =/~ TON PICKUP Heater - 3 Speed '53 FORD V-8 =/= TON PICKUP Heater - Automatic - New Brakes '53 DODGE l=/a TON CAB &. CHASSIS 4 Speed Trans. - 2 Speed Axle '49 GMC 450 4/5 YARD DUMP $695 5 speed - 2 speed - 900 Rubber SEVERAL OLDER PICKUPS & HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS TO PICK FROM WE FINANCE WITH LOCAL OWNED NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY AT LOW BANK RATES--ASK US I[ r I Ill t 9 All pre-soh¢ol youngsters of Shelton School District will receive their oral Vaccine in the Shelton Armory on March 16 between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Hoodsport District--in Hood Canal Junior High School from 2 to 5 p.m. tots of Hoodsport, Union, Lower Skokomish and Hood Canal School areas.) Belfalr District--In Belfair School's "Chalet" Building from 2 to 5 p.m. (For school tots in Belfair, Tahuya and Allyn areas.) Matlock, Southside, Kamilche, Grapevlew and Pioneer areas will have pre"E Clinics in the schools, f~om 2 to 5 p.m. March 16. (Harstine pre-school tots be taken to Pioneer School for their Oral Polio Vaccine.) Each pre-school child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. (There will be "make up" clinics at the Mason County Health Department, house Annex, Shelton, daily f~om 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 17, 18, 19.) Sponsored by Thurston-Mason Medical Society, in cooperation with Health Department, all the schools and March of Dimes. i:)i