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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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11, 1965 SHELTON---MA 0N COI TNTY 30URNAL---Published .in U.g.A.", ghc]tnn, Wn. hin on PAGE 3 the Shelton High Will Open wide tonight and Friday the Shelton Hi , g The Man Who ~r," written by ~an and Moss which critic called "as gay, e a comedy as seen in years,' will evening performance..s he $1 each for adults. Will be Sold at the m ~l to have been m predictable con- -~ lexander Wooll- a man of ingeni- collector of co- role of Sheri- e "Man \Vho not one audi- ;et in a hur- l Whiteside Shelton by while his Illy undis- Cow- a Well-known Played re- a sopho- a senior, .and veteran Taylor, a los, a senior, Glen Van emote, Kay Bof I. Hf ,% Lane Premo,, Ne S~pervisor ancy Calkins, a to c appearance in 0 SGHOOL F|HAHCES ((q*lllilIilOd f'l'Olll pllg'~! ]) lhe sale into the buihlinK fund. The property was formerly lhe site of 1.heLincoln ElcmeJ)tarv School, but,i:; now used as '. bus parking lot, The four proposals had been submitted for c(msidcrnt.ion lnsl month, but, action \v;~s wiHfl',eld until this month to giw~ the school b~ar,1 a chance I.o study the pro- posals. The board approved lhe transfer of $23,000 from the building fmuI to the general fund. TIlE |IOAI{D voted to withhold action on pr'ot)osats t)v QuiKgte for the establishment 0i" a di.strilm- tive edncation prog'ram, rcmovhlg COMMANDER OF FR~'D B. the Rogers School' program from WIVELL Post 31 American Legion Oclbert Weston announ- its prcsent location at the Air- ced this week that Department port and the establishment of at, Commander Vern Hill (above) a(tdlti(ma! first mzd third grade will visit Shelton next Tuesday. next yea:'. Comrn,ander Hill will show fihns The motion to t~hle the pro- at the Kiwanis Day luncheon posals, whic, h were recommends- and speak on world affairs. He Lions of the coordinating council, wlil later put on an assembly for came from Board Member B. the students studying world af- Franklin Heuston, who stated he fairs in Shelton High school, wanted to withhold action until There will be a no-host dinner action taken in the coordinating at the Shelton hotel at 6:15 :council and objections raised there p.m. that evening. All legion- Iwere more fuily explained. aires, their wives and auxiliary During the "discussion of the members are invited to attend, proposals, Quiggle said that the Commander Hill will present need for extra space to house a program at the regular legi,on Rogers School students in regular meeting at 8 p.m. in the Mere- classroom buildings might nl;d¢c orlal hall, it necessary to try to rent space in some of the Church Sunday School classrooms for the coming ru/"xcep-'ona" year. More classroom space will be needed, he said, whether tile Rogers School students arc nloved or not. The board asked Quiggle to submit plans including the needs for additional space and possibil- ities of acquiring it. The board approved increasing the salary of the head basketball At the annual met lton's foreign meeting of Exceptional Foresters, Norway, Inc., March 1 at Exceptional For- U n i t e d esters building at the airport, Ed- ~isitor. Marit ward Kroh was introduced as the mother in and George S. new supervisor replacing Alvin 'You Can't Wagner who's resignation became her home effective Feb. 15. last Kroh is a ~'etired army man, a veteran of World War II and the Korean conflict and holds a Nelson and Bronze Star citation anlong his that this many decorations. His many years experimental of experience in training and wor- cast was so- king with young men, a deep ded- Players were ication to the Exceptional For- their esters program and a good solid ~Y period program for management and cx- and the pansion now and in the future in- not spent mem. dicate good things to come for e Students had Exceptional Foresters. eir Parts, they The president of Exceptional mracterizations Foresters, Robert Kimbel, report- =of lines. The ed on the past year's activities, mt the expert- which included a visit to Excep- Successful. tional Foresters Christmas Tree ~1 n u s u a 1 plantation and training center by largest cast Dr. Fergotson, Assistant to th'c~ the Shelton President on Mental Retardation. many years, Dr. Fergotson was greatly inl- was {he first pressed with Exceptional Forest- that more c,.'s and offered hope of future out for the Federal aid as a recognized con- Used. Much of ter for training of the mentally interest is due retarded. ess of "The ......................................... Which was This ~t rnembers ?urnitttr¢ Ua/k el. senior a 19- By Rod Olsen One of the most import- ant things to consider when you are about to buy home furnish- ings is: Who am I doing business with ? Occas- ionally a dis- reputable dealer can ex- ist just be- cause enough people have not found out about questionable or mis-represented products or policies. We at Olsen Furniture, as members of the Northwest Furniture Retailers Association, subscribe to the code of ethics of that Association, which is designed to guarantee you, as a consumer the honesty and in- tegrity that you deserve. We are members of this As- soeiation because we believe you deserve to have the very best in protection when you pur- chase your home furnishings. display the g decal repro- ~ ~ ]~ diced in this ~ ~...[1~ olumn 11, qJT X Look for it. ~ ,~r ~, You'll know ~i~ when you see it, that we care about you as a custom- er and individual; that we are here to serve you honestly and sincerely. You will find in our store a complete selection of home furnishing items. You will also find that our prices are no more than any other furni- ture dealer for exactly the san~e item, in fact in many cases our prices are less. We firmly believe that there is no sbustitute for quality. And we will be pleased to demonstrate to you the differences in qual- ity. Take advantage of our Free Parking, Free Delivery, residenc 3/11 tfn ROLL 16 Addition to the eor~ld~z,ed " below the right to reject ed 9/11,18 2t Foreign Sluden! Fund Effort Raises $ ! "/6 Foreign student prog'ram stock sales h/ bnsiness placcs Saturday rained $1~(, ~,)~var(l Dl'ntging a for- eigu student h,q'e for tile next s('hool year. Sheltcn Jaycees have completed plans for a hcnei'il Imskelb.lll game hetwc(,n the \Vashington The steel; sale (h'ive was con- COITCCtious C(~lller Illnlt/lc,'l tenm ductcd by the h)cti[ American and an all-;day learn from the Fiehl Services ChapIer, with Shclton City League. trawls of stlldents stationed in The galne will t)c hel(l ill II~,• s',l.orCs fronl 10 "t.m. to 4 Shclton High School (-~yl]l at S Other fund raising activities art} ).m. Ma~ch 26, t)lann(.d to raise l h(~ $1,500 the Tickets are on sale now nt var- cha.l)ter has set as its goal for this i(ms It)calicos around town, as well Simpson To Honor Fire Brigade Member:; of the Simps(m Tim- ber Company fire brigade and ltzcir wives will be hon(wed guests at a b:mquet tonigi~t in Slzelt.on lmtded by the Collll)~llly. Twenty- eight couples arc exl)ected to at:- t(uul tile dinner, according to l{oycc Waldrep, Simpson fire pre- vonliotl Sllpelvisor. Ol'g'ltuized 1.1st sp]'inR', lhc t)rigade inch]des men from all Sl)elI.oii Waterfr(fllt phnzt. Once a nlonth they attend classes tin fire tn'evelztion arh] P3Hppression. "This l)anqllet in the ColIt1) lny's year. as being so (I 1)y Jayc(m nwmbers, way of recognlzinK tim lime and ~" ~-.~ ~ "h( ' , n( u ill coservice given bv these roe 1 ill J.'rocceo,. Iron] i ~ gl ~ " ~ , 1 .... ..... "" ' Sm mz( ] }h cz c ilion proteetiuff, cmp overs jobs and Lo tne t~lty s ~z } ..... , ...:,;. , ~' " I)IA~I)(II'~I) "~ Progranl. " property," sam wamrep. Susan E. Gilliland. Scat[lc, wa~ Allhough thc WCC te'ml h'l~ A uold .... )in:, i m l -- " recently pledged kO Alpha Chi " • .! ~ .... I ' ' Y t " ,, .~" : y attora & Omega nation'.ll sorority on the. participated in Czty J~eaKue play!q~det sense of self-jl|stification. YVillnmette University campus. A this season, this will bc their first~bouKh it makes the si~,nt, a "by po freshmanofsitYAngelMiSs Flight,atGilliland%Villametteco-ediS drillS lnemberUniver'grollp ~~ii~~!! ~ ~/~zi! ~( )t!i iiiiiiii i(} ~iliii r~i~)' i~]:~tl~ t.,~ ]~i~'2~ an(I Associated Women SLudents ' o Representative. Miss Gilliland is the da,ighter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim tfiW CtlSr'-,01 e t0,1 S H. Gilliland, Seattle, and a 1964 graduate of Stmlton High School, coach mad assistant basketball coach to the same amomlt as the head ,qnd assistant football coach. Tile board also withheld action NEW CONSTRUCTION---REMODELING on a proposal by the Mt, View PURCIIASE Community Club to donate to the school district the property it~ owns adjoining Mt. View School. The board held a closed meet- ing before the regular business session to discuss personnel ~ecom- mendations which Quiggle was. making. Quiggle told the board it would :take a little time to make .up the 'table of administrative operating procedures which it had request- 'ed he prepare. 6% On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason Gounly Savings & Loan Asso ialion TITLE I,NSURANCE BUILDING Simpson Researoher In Ghamber Speaker Robert J. Seidl, vice president f a dinner at 7 p.n . and the bust- of rcsearcb for the Simpson Tim.- | ness meeLing at: 8 bet Company, will be speaker for the monthly naembc:'ship meeti]zg] Seidl will discuss research work nf the Shelton Chamber of Corn- [(()ward finding new rises for wood merce toni~'ht. / products lu~d improving wood pro- The me(,liuo' will stnrt off with ducl.s. USED CARS for your choice at JIM PAULEY INC. '63 Volkswagen Bus '59 Ford Sedan '61 Ford Falcon '58 Ford Sedan '61 Volkswagen Sod. '58 Mere Hardtop '60 Olds Sedm '58 Buick Sedan '60 Ford Sedan 8 '57 Chev Se4aa '60 Ford Sedan 6 '57 Ford Retractable '60 Merc Hardtop '60 Chev Sedan '56 Chev Wagon '59 Chev Sedan '59 Ford Wagon '59 F rd Hardtop '56 Pontiac Wagon Mason County's FORD-MERCURY DEALER 5th and Railroad BOB '~ BUS ~ DICK • I1" J, 1 I ,~ I I II " " '1 ill li I I tl IIII I II IIII I I a YOUR CHOICE: .... ,~.. (A) Headboard Bed (C) Four-drawer Desk --,,: (D) Bookcase with D Adjustable Shelf (E) Corner Deskwlth Drawer (G) Dresser Base (J) Panel Bed (K) Four-drawer Chest (N) Three-drawer Batchelor Chest C ! For young- or older homemakers- "teens" or colleglate. • • charmlng, versatile, and practical are only a few ad[ecth~ describing the "MODULAIRE" group by Haroldson. Order by the piece or the suite at exceptional savings for this,superb group which features one of the finest tops ever constructed. Other plus features include: mortise and te, onlolnts, cl~ cases, fully dovetailed drawers, center drawer guides, and cm unequaled plastic finish. p L J OTHER PIECES: Duplicates of 'a, Vhlte~E1egamc~,, nieces if you,prefer, |n "Ca- | (B) Three.drawer Commode . . . . $33.90 OL) Nine-drawer Triple Dresser Base 89.|0 thedral" grained walnut to match the textured plastic tops. [ (F) Side Choir (white or walnul) • • 19.95 {0) Landscape Beveled Mirror Same prices, same beauly--same featuresl t! (H) Framed PLATE GLASS Mirror . • 29.95 28" x 46". ,., , . , . . . , , , ~9,9~ ~1~ Two.drawer Commode ..... 28.50 (P} Landscape Beveled Mirror 7~"~;::.7:::':::"::::'~:.~::::::'.:.:::~!:!:!::~;:;?-~':'-':-~.. .'- L::: ...... '' .............. X~.:~"":':~TT:]t.., .... .',:::::: ....... :'~'""".'2-.:k[,r"~. ) S!x-drawer offset Dresser Base. 62.50 28"x 36" . . . . . . . . .., Jl~r~| See this complele display in our window! Immediale Delivery! and Free Decorating Service-- the same friendly service and credit extended for the past thirty years. 30-60-90 DaYaAC'rge counts with No MonthlyService Che~r~s and COnvenient T ~~ • 30.60.90 Day Acemmts with tailored to your needs. You're Z"ur '" .................... no service charge. always Welcome at Olsen Furn- ~~~~}