March 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 11, 1965 |
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hmstma, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday,
Harsfine Couples Attend Boat , Woman Is Boeered At i ........ ........ "-- ........... ..... --- ........... ............ :
. • .,~
had a fh)or sh( w and water b~ - " " ' ' " e e was given Wednesday evening, "ittact Mrs Betty Marshall Baked
let. :Fhc Jack Meeks, Georg +~ .........~ ..... e ~,.. ~...,;.~ Oh.~l. , ~: ....... 7 the home of Mrs. Lorraine White-goods will be picked , p aL y( m'
• e Anyone wishing to attend wn .- Mrs Gene Seward and Mrs • " " " ~' " ' '
t esJoe B~I nones and Dick ~,,ec ,~ ,,,c,,h.~." .~ ~,,~ ,,..c, ..... i JaKe ZiegJex' went to u~ympla ,RSL . . , " [
Wa t.., g . . . ..... . . . v~e~ fm Mrs. Earl Bradley w~th home.
Sewards attended and reported !)r.!~ot. is .~:ked to c~tll May Tie1- week. t(: celebrate Ma,Jene. Se- Mrs Doroth Simmons '~nd Mrs MRS HAZEL I'O.RT of Tacoma !
having a wonderful time over the l~*'~A,~tl.. :2(,'.~2[~4/,'°2 ?~]Ln. M(:A:~Hffe ~[a.ras. reran(my., tgene ~ms ~een lVlaureen JohY~son as co-hostesses, was a guest over the weekend at '
weekend Another highlight wits ~t .... :,-oo~,. ~,,:,.= ,~ ..... :,-,~=~,.,e, -~ sic,( an week wntn tm om ~s now A beautiful namer ,,alasol ,,ink Mr and Mrs How.u'd Fuller's
• • ~ : ,w,~ t~'~v~ l~,,~ 1 wh~,r, [ t)eing netd ~aTAlr(l~ty lnsteao o~ / feeling better I . v v v . , v I _ ' ....
stayn~g m .,..~ ..... ,, .......... ~:~- ...... -~ ~. " 's ho ec 11 t man who "' ' roses ann party favors made to home. . ~:
• ..... l riday, It ,. p I t aY " ' d .... • •
they na(l "tojo~nlng rooms, urns olo ...... . ...... , ..... , ~[r. and Mls. Tom Tle~ney an [ • ..... De's e ' t e t [ Flu bu has hit ag'nn Mrs
.... :, . ~ ¢. lesemble cha 1 d co~ated tl a g _
Hotel near the ~aflro~¢ d( pot in _ ., ....... ~ Mr. and M,s. Jack Meeks had[ble A bassinet was made to hold I Jerome Burke and Mrs Leon Av-
• • ,, ~= ,~t I..,.~. c.n Ha, ~.tih~ ~ ee, , : , , ~_ .. e ...... - * " • ' •
T'°rtland was written uP and pic" [ encu' (m|5' w"~ a~eI~?'/and ..... ] an enJ°yable Lime Saturday night / the gifts and 'each" lady was pre- [ err it's latest victims':' !i~ i
Lured n a recent issue of Sunset Mr. ~(t Mrs. ~ec wnimey o~ when they went in to the Siiel:on ~,.,+~,~ ,~,~, , ~ ........... ~ Mr -nd Mrs C A Cowan of
! . , .... , • ....................... c,,. .... ...... , GIANT BOX
Magazine, showing lhe remodel- G!apcvle~,,. M,..M[s. Cal!]H(,Lel for cimner and the specialI The entertainment was ~ take-]Tacoma, were Slll],lav guests at I
ing as completed. On the firstt Kimbel. ~)f Shelton anc~ .~ar. ann ~ music put on Friday anH Sfitm'(lay !off of the "Oueen for a Day Show I Mr. and Mrs.: Albert Lords.
• Restatl,' tilt 5~ll"s AI I%,(HI:IITI o1" l-lal'Sl.lDe Were ' i ......
flora of The Hoyt. m a . , / ..... ..... . . ..... [ mghts only o~ TV Mrs B~adle,v was sel'cte0/e Sun(my Mrs. .'P lorence Taylor
called the Barbary Coast.dec~or']St!nc'aY guests oI the n'vm ~mg-t .,'. Herbert Hartley of Tacoma [a.,; tr, e queen (iuring t'he mock[ .... s ", dinn,,i- ,me.',t aL ,the home
ated in the Gay N!1.~egesdecor, lores. . ...... ]arrived last Saturday morning to I show and was presented he,' gifts./of Mrs. Ca,:'rie Durand.
many treasures ........ of tnat era a 'c T,viee recenuy on the maimana]find that he had been robbed A] ~ ........ ' ' • ""e' / Mr and Mrs Hadley Villines-. en-
• ' " ) "deal b " i~ " ~tlv~tS pzesent we, e ~tts. v 1- •
o11 d~s la Mus,c ,s p~¢w Y siu( tt l eIvy Landing a boat
• P Y. ~" - " " ..... ; ~ " , [ 14 foot skiff and small pram were I ... ~m,.... n~.~ ~ .... ~,... ,-, .... ~,.. ] tertained Mr .and Mrs Harvey
an old piano which is an orches-full of perch has been seen. They[ missing The thugs broke the glass [~ff,~,son^,~::s,,~¢~.:,,,~:~:,] Villines and daughters Cathy and
tra m itself, and the ~a,te s -Iwe:e caught w~th a large net, put[ window in the door entered ,their,r^.. ~.. ~¢..... t~ ..... ,~.. ]Lorrm of Yaktma over the week-
in costume l in boxes and loaded in a truck . . , vv=~, zv~.n. ~.~u** ~..~, ***~. .
..... [ house, stole electrm blankets and I r,.,.~.,,.^ ~11;,~.. ~.~., d..whte~ ] end. , I
Feb. 25 when Mrs. Paul Chaffee The Ferry arrived so we could not ] other things. Tim Robert Hartley [ "l~":~'~n~ ~l~"r-'*'~-~. '~xrts.~,tn't~ ~ Tonight at the Kamilche Corn-
celebrated her birthday she had gel more oetaim, m~t it does ap-/ home nearby was likewise entered 7. ...... .-':- -7¢~'' "~'~" ='-~A .... / muniLy Church Rev, a:nd Mrs
a lot of luck. One thousand aces, [pear that perch fishing now would [The Sheriff came oVe/'~to investi-[ ~g°ana~aK~'i~g:~v~rSs 7~inno~e'K~ec: ]William BroWn Of B~iti,~h Colum-I
on her cake! How's that, you pin-/be g(md. The perch ha~ many/ gate. Apparently these robbers I~v~',,, rm .... ~r,~"~.rh,; whi~ ]bin, nflssionsrie~ to ~Ugandd, will
/ bones PUT: a deHclOllS [lavor ~ • * • """',~ "-' .... ' ................." " ' • '
ochle players. ...... came by wate~ and at mght foI t.~i. Miu l~..~,~n, 'V,,],. .~, n / speak at the 7 p.m. meeting. Fol-
~ . _.~_, ...... , ._._~ ...... ~,(.t, ....t 8_12 . , . . .
BIll Williams is back home on A7 TIlE MAIt CH meeting of] across on the mainland resldents]whitener Mrs Donna Simmons of|!°wing the p~eeLmg, membors and[
Yfarstme after ~ trip m'°und the the W°mens Cm" in me ~arry' there saw ltghts in~ the ~aruey I Lace" Mrs "Hill an~ ~rs Elt°n| fnend~ wfl~: give a General' Sh°w'is for the .B,0wns /~t the church, ii"~i|iiii:~i:~i: ~~! l CAMAY
world. Wish he would attend the [Jerrells home, Mrs. Jim McAul-[ houses Thursday night. !t sag-tHail ~f Mc(21ear*~ Deannle Pacts/er
next ~ne~etl~]g of The Ha~,sLine So. i iffe 1.evie~ed the bo(~k, ,Tender ] gesLed that a bu~,glar alarin can an~ jeannie Bra~le,, of Ol,,innia ] Rev. an(t Mr.~. BI.ow~ will rett,rnlli~l~ll l~l on I~~ ~oaP 2
• __i__'_2" ..... /Victory" by Taylor Camwell Dur-/be placed in house~ on the Island ~u-~,~, r,~ ...... ~,,o"~.~o ~i~,~,~| to Uganda next m6nth. "
---7 - --i/ing the business meeting, plans| not occupied except on holidays, i a"n'~'l~,.'~"~i'io3;'0"~"S~l~el'~toi~ .......... / Mr. ann Mrs. Henry Rbbertson !
m~'- d~mlmnl I~for the Maymeeting with Pick-/Such alai'm could be connected| __ f'_'._:*. .... ". : |are enjoying a Weeks visit by:
I[[~[[IHI~ |l~lil ~[ll n| ering ladies attending as guests, / with nearby residents Who live ].., line sw. auows came to| their daughter, Olenda. ofLos i .?~i:~$!~!i::i:~:~:~ ..... Bath
were di~ussed o tln otlsl ~.'~a ~ the spnn at the r~erD • %p2oxion
I# UHII L . . here ¢ n u * y ........ g. ..... Angeles, Calif. Co Bars
........ . lows are tne tree swalloWS, a~q B
t~ek lackwelder M~ and M~s ~ra
' ~ I| Sausalito Calif, arrived SundaY| Cosmopolis Were here last w -] ............... l , '. ' '., I
|~.Bl~r~l~l~ll~l,[~ll ......... amce spotting me I~rst im¢K o1: Stansbm' Mr and Mrs Harr
to visit the Tom Tterneys for ~ end gardening and working .... . . Y • • Y
~n I[ ~,~t~ ~,~ ...... ill all attend the / ............ ~ *he South end /them' the Nelson re.po.l~ that more] Simmons and My. and l~rs Eldon
• "~ • . tiave arrwea ann are ou.l y- h ' ho ~e of Mr
~.. l~Potluck dinner at the Harstme| ...... ~._, .... .............. ..... .r |Todd visited at t e~ ~a ' I
umon I[Hall / ........ u .. ~. ling aroun~ to finn nesung spots./and Mrs Leonard Cole
I/ Lent has already star[ed and| KIKU-IV ROW I0 fie / Mr. and Mi's. A.1Bert Lo~d hlkd| Mr, and Mrs. Walt ;vVolden with]
17' Sabre Craft IlEaster Sunday will be April l&] .... [as guests FHday Mr. kfld~l~i's.|,,CKUdl,en, Debbie, Cathy, Mark, [
,m-ella Custom |] sO it is not too soon to thiflk about| ~ ~h P.k tnml Z / D.R. Nels0h and ~hfldren of Ta-| Janet and Chris of Cqi~tralia were I 1 '
• :. r .... .= I/ ...... "~*-- ~"nnet MArch 191 vvv-- v.. ~ ....... w . [ come.. . / guests Saturday ~at .the home of I
uonvertmm Top |] ~r°o~ l'l~am" to7 p m" in the BUD/ Residents of dpwntown arid the | ~uhda~( Mi~. a~d Mrs. CUrtis| Mr. and M_rs., Hadley Villines. I
1964 75hp Evlnrude | ] ~,ildin~ in "Shelton ;the Rachael | genre-hi South West area of Sliel-[ Cammack and M.r. afld Mrs. Henry| Weekend guests a~ the~ home of N $[ ~N :
$electrlo Shift. |/~.'_' .... g...~ ^~ .~..'~.~,~..o nr | ton may fl0~ avail themselves of/anger drove to Oakville to have] Mrs Ethel Vthiterier were Mr. I
1400 lb. Holsclaw Trailer. |i~opedi~"i~os;~taT'wi~"~'ol'd~'aO I~at| a new televisipn Channel which|dinner With Mr. i~fid lvIP~L Stable,|and' Mrs. Bernard" Griswold of|
Was $2,693.30 [[ Sale to benefit the hosuitkl New| has been installed at the Capital[ McFie. , | Toppenish and Mrs. Del0ris NorrisI i
NOW I~hats in all colors and-materialsJHi~Water tank... ; .... rii .... / Sporting new 1965 c_ar~ at Tot-|with family of Seattle. | f
~ ~m ~ If..,,. ~.~ ~..~ ~ o~ re~sonai~le nrtc-| The transmltung equip ent mlten Sh0i~es bxe Mt'. and Mrs. ttuay| The Missionaires met Tuesday
~]d~]~']lJ~ I] es"Mrs'C OE'~A~lllson" of t~arsrttne| called a "t#anslat0P' because it/ Sclmidei- and Raymond Dudsel and| evening in th~ kitchen of the Ks-[
icks u Channel 7 and rebroad da ter Rosema
and M:l~S. R0y Baker of Plckering P . P .... . " U la . - , mi|che Community Church to
~a, n~t.n ]]will be amon~ the sales women[cas[sCBSandKIRO'TVpr°gram'[ ~1~. ~D MRS'r~ariT Fletcher/ mend and iron clothingf°r distrt"
...v, ........ 1 2 ' ' "
~rl,,,l~, I] Tea, coffee and cookies will be| ruing on Channe ., . ] motored to .Tacoma Saturday to/ buhon. . .... I
vvnwJ~[ served So mark March 19 on your BECAUSE THE MAJORITY of visit at the home of Mr. a~d Mrs. Wednesday the Cecil Blackwel-
Sakonnet Luxurious Sport l/calendai's ~ hoines in the area already have] George Sumner. [ ders and Harry Simmons' spent/
Fishing Boat. [| :Mr ancl Mrs David Shipley and] outside antemms pointing in the| sattt~day night at Progress] the evening at the home of the/ ,~
$¢) ~l {[~= ~[~l~ l/family of Oly~npia and Mrs. Ship-| direction of this new ti'ansmttter,[Grange Hall, Ira and Helen Starts-, Ira Stansbtlrys. ' REG. I I
~..$ Ja~,~F |[ ley's parents, visitors from Calif-[ the viewers need only to tuml| bury, Cecil and. Mitred B2ackWe!~| Mrs. Don Smith of .Shelton was ]
.~....~ ~ . I| ornia, visited Har~itine for the| their channel selectors to "2 ' to/ dei-, Gladys Nemon,~ rmY morKer~,/a visitor at the monm~y meeting/
J[~" ~'" l:~oston || first time'last Saturday Mr Ship-[ receive the ne~v chanfiel. In some] Edwin and Norms Taylor worked[ of the Kamilehe Ladies' Club on
WhMer I/ley is a teacher at Jefferson Jun-| cases, TV servicemen should be| on the dance c6mmttt~e. I Wednesday. !
"* I/ior Iti~h in Olympia. He wanted| called to inspect receivers for| Mrs. Elsie Minter and Mi's. Lou-| Mrs. Ethel WhRener has her
Most practical FishingI| to explore a new State Park for| Channel 2, or to install simple out-] ise Spencer of Tacoma and. M .| Sister, Belle R,chards, Yaktma, as
Boat Made. I| picnicking | side antennas. "Rabbit" ear an-| arid Mi'S: James D~a~iam of olynl-/ aguest in her l~ome.
$~ ~/~ |~ Mrs. Lena Coffman, Stanley| tennas normally are not sensitive| pin were guests at the home 0fl A Post Natal Shower to honor
~m~ |/YaLes' sister of Sultan, spent last/ enough Lo pick up this kind of| Mrs. Eugene Taylor Saturday. | Mrs. JoHn Makoviney and infant
~ ~ ~ |~ week visiting in the Yates home.] transmission. / Sui~day guests at the ttarrYtsorL Bi'yan John, was given Sun-
Warranted |/She returned to Sultan Monday. | Shelt°n's new Chalmel 2, start°n] Simm°ns residence were Mrs' B°s'| dayat "Pr0gress Gi'ang'e Hall by li i ~~I~!
~, .... I/ MR. AND MRR. C. L. Latin of] is the eighth 'translator' to be| sler of McCleary, Mr. ann ~ars.|Mrs' Barbara Kelley and'Mrs. Ed-
use{l ~lol;ors I| Auburn came to the Island in their[ installed in poor reception areas of| Leland Simmons and son of Sum,| na Niels of Elms. Jeanifie Coker
~957 35hp evinrue $4 ~l~_
|] camper and spent the weekend 0n| Western WaShington by KIRO-TV| rail Lake~ Mr. and Mrs. Cars0n I also helped with the many de-
Elec. Start .............. .1.{[~ l/theh' son Charles' property at| as a public service to television[ Simmons and daughter Shir,ey of| tails. The guests enjov.ed l~efresh-
1962 40hn Johnson I/Island Shores. Charles is employed[ viewers, | Olympia, Mrs. Bernice Bissell of |mehLS aL lovely decm:ated tables.
m ,a and Cath Jo and
Elect~matic ~ = ~..i |Iby the Fish and Wildlife Depart-] ,, - ......... ---~ | Oly p', Y, Y ~ M#. and MrS. An~'y Petersen
...... "~[~ || menL where he does oyster re-| II~AA~U.~ l~|~ @,AA~|| Brandt of Hicks Lake... .[ and family hhve pul.chased and
~nn~ .......................... It ~,~,,,,~ ~ar Tokeland | UIUUIilMI~ LIOl~ gp~Ul¢ll| Mi" and Mrs Bruce ~eison annI recentIy moved into' the former
......... |[ ~*'rh~[ H'ugo (]lasers "were happy I ~__..__L. |~- ~L__ fil[a.......... | famBy were gucsts Sunday aL Mr.] Len Co'le residence. ':'
r[l. ~,,-~)50~ ]'~to l~'~e their children and faro:I lily'']' nn nn..ram i and2~Irs. Herbert. Nelsons. | Sunday afLei-noon Mr. and Mrs. DUZlt~~
~]fies v~it them during the past] A Special Events b~chure list-| Friday aL 6:30 p.m. the,2 will
be[ c. R.: TaYlor drove to Olympia Lo [
--- ~~ |ing major special events that will] a potluck droner at r'rogress] visit with Mr, and Mrs. r'eam p
/ traokme MPl:~C:h Ira Stansbury withI T1~?r~nd 1Viral Edwin Petty took
1. ..... ,- ~,' ...... /Mr and Mrs Cecil Blackwelder[ advantage Of the beautiful wea-
|t)een puonsnea Dy ~ne "$.'ourls~ ~r0-~ . : . _ '.' . . ,- - . .... .....
motion Division of the Department[ y mte _a uesaay evening at her Monday an . spent u)e
--- ] of Commerce and EconoInic Dec-/home o~ mr. an ~v~rs. maTin Y'] at their ocean peach camn at
/ n 1 Ill / ll 1 etonment |lor. .... | Sou h Be chi i
1 V V l~ I I ~- ~." ....... ..... .I Your reporter omitted a couplel Frida,, M:r 'and Mrs Cecil
'lecl J[~. t~nlgnulnger, manager o~ . . ~ ' • ""
I I If n ll If the Tourist Promotion Division,Ion the list of friends th~tt gath-}Blackwelder entertained Mrs. 21o-
l/~ 1 ~ ~ said a similar brochure listing ~v-[ ered at the Harry Simmons' home[ rence Taylor at'dinner.
1 l l li ebts not Scheduled at the time of| la.~L ,week, l~r. ~and M~'s. ten] ,Monda:~ afternoon, Mr. Keller
~[ / 1 1 I ,---- ' publication of the spring Special] Cole. This group that get togeth-I Look the.sevenLhand eighth grade
~ ~ Ill 1 1 ~vents will be published ab6ut[ er have formed, sort of a club] classes to MaHt E. Reed Hospital
~ ~ ~ ~m I l~ay 1 [ RnoWl~ as the ' I d_[ots" arid when[ in McCieary to visit Larry Swan~
...... I "Organizations desirin~ to have] someone goo~,s--mey are present-I tak~ who had been badly Du~nea
Illl ]Ill I I I J I [their ~vents listed in thrsuinmer-[ ed with an iidiO~eSseCl~'ed. If I ::;de. [ bver.thb .@eekehd. The burns wer~
nil A ~ ~ I fkll issue ~,re invited to submit the| a. member .... ve - the. ~ a.| very severe on h ahd~, arm~
n ~" ~ ~" ~ • ~ i date, event, and city, to the TOUr-ITnese ~olKs na : s°me wonuer" I entire ~ace. ~tuaen~s observes mat
] i~t Pr°m0ti0n Dlvtsi°fi' 01vmpia'| fUl times With their trailers traY" I Larry w£s fbrt:hfii/te 15 tiave suf" ^¢ .~d, ,,~ valley II:0ME1
/ | ![ !| j soon aS possible." ~night, lingei:|e!tng around..I~~.°le is.~the w&lfered no damage to the eyes. The
m~m ~VVV [said |~on master ozme caravan. |entlre staff.~ .and student body at
m ,~ / o~,~,~o +~,~ ;=~,,~ .~n~. I Mire Elmer ~Lozxett of Tacoma I Kkmilche SchOol wmh Lar- ~,"leanser
..... -- ----- / _,.~'~=~_'_~I~-'~.="L_.':Z..-~..'=,i-=[I\ I~d~ an overnight guest at tile]dr a Sveedy i'ec0very ' G~:~:
T~ ~ ~ Jr~lT T m cla~ J~veaLs etru noW ~.vva ,~u = ~ . ' - s I~" bn ......
I I • = ~ ~~ | throuvh the vaH6tls ch~bers of[ 110~ of: Mr • ug e Taylor Fri-~ -~PuDil*s a~'e h~ving oral polio vaC-
.l_ il ~l b.~n~-'lJL JL | Cbmmerce oi" 5~r WHtifi~: th~ Tour,| day. .,.... ~ .... .| cipe ~oi-md .fill~ ou[ b~ t.b.~
~l I= v~ ~.,~wm. --- / ~ ~,,~ma~a~ rm,~,~ i~n~-al I overmgn~ ~;u=sr.s Uaturaay at[ d/itS nbw 'rnle t:0untv r~ealth ue-
................................ ece ' " ' ~R LI
,,, ' ; i .... ' - | ~dmintstration Building, Olytflpiai[ the home of th, cil BMckweld- ] partm~nt w~th the 'assistance of I --
.... |Rn|ghtling~r ~aid. |'~t~ wei'e Mr. a~d Mm, William] ~everM local motiter~, Will give
, of plastic Bkg, W L t ' C .... ' ' h : from ' "~ P - •
...... ~.L. , ~-" ...... ~ fr0m l0 " '" ~ ........ Gffffi ........ Frida"
/ wnole thin~ to air-drv / 2aarcl~ 1~ a.m. ~o o:~ul ~ame at ~ n ~cnool y
i i~ I ..... ~,i 0 i | " - | p.m, at sears: Aiiyone whb wislies j~rdre ~firat; team won in the last
[ ------ ,:~ -- ~ I .~n hecond~ 2g-26 T11b second team
:* • * i'o=,t~i iot~ of:action 1Rtle score
JUST DRAW YOUR DREAM HOME ' , : : : 2~rthur 0.i~u~fiiir~gS State Su-
• • y • ' " "* " - • . l~o/" ot ~Id A~ ~tria Survivors "
Then send ~t m. Contest m open to Northwest rein- I In Wa: h=n nn ' : ,I~W, --ce ~ave ~. "alR to the
aenmxvyearsotageorolcler.~asytoenterlr~otmng / • ,. ~ So~iai s¢,ence,claa~ Mond,ay. He
to buy! Mail the coupon below for your con~est 1 m me game room ~ ~ explained ~h;Lpa, rt pl~'y~d by, era. ,~
• - ........ ~ ~'~l~ nioyer an m~IdYee. The pupils
rules and entry forms. (ConteSt closeb April 30.) | h~9~ 41.i- .... ~ #=~J ~ ~re very. ifi[bi~d~[dd :~eiatin~g the
.- -- / U61 I tllU UliU,,, tnfo~nh~ton £o ~ki~driLs arid g~and-
" t ~' ~ 4b~,4.~, /i]~~ " ~elvesparents oa~d:~qplaypartln thetbeyprogramth~m"
/ "2 ..x I- \,~ ~ in a few years. (0 come.
/ '.....:. :" _ " | .oodf.n /:~x~,~ ~ft's. Van Aiystyne, head of Ms- 5 :
- IHIlll ~ | a u/MII" J~"-~----------~[~'~q~' ,0nCourityHealth~)epartmentvl-ited schoo~ Ar n [ORY Liquid
| l llllll IIIII1 [ / ~ 1 ' i-angements for
b ~. - - | ~ ( ~~.. % gLving ~o to Vaccine WaS completed
•...~_.~.¢j- | /~ ~."~.'~~. ~ and the health program for the
"' im~'- "'''~''" ~ | I "~i~P" ~k\ ~, Mr. Oros, Of Vet-A-Ray Corp. HRILLoTTLE
• ave a talk on the histo of man
BuiidingDreamHouses.,.rhat OUrBusinesM / \ g turin- " ry. -
.... COSt;O]~b .... / ~ &~ ~ % ~ ~.~ ~ffac g-an¢l construction oz
te the ....
Let us estmaa ~Idh~g ~our own deslgn | ~m,-""~ "~ X ~ . /" . electric ltght globes to science
on your lot. OR, choose from mO e than two dozen| ~ ~ " class. He Will later present the
..... ,~ . ...... | ~ ~ ~.~'kr-x Clas~ with a complete science kit I~
availa,le plans,(eacn onermg unlimited variations). | ~ ~~ f°MU::hat °t~ ~ha°m°ldcl, e seventh
If you wish, we 11 even make all the necessary finch- | ~ and eighth graders visited the
clalarrangements, lnmanycases, yourlotlsdown. /| i-. , //// gUidedBtRte Leglslature a11d enjoyed atour. During the v{sit they [}XYGIANT BOXDOL
pay~nn ........... ~,~., ,, 1 ,-a~~,-// met the legislators and senators
__tilB MAIL TUDAY | - "~ ~rom oui~ 241h legislative district ~J~
__ __immmi~m~Hil]aa | ..~-.--~ as well as some from the 48th
mm m ~ --,,- ..... . ~ ~ which ....
.... "n . . ~s near the Beattm area.
• | You name your game, px g-pong or check. The rm, ils ~ot th~ thrill Of theii"
i / W ers, cards or chess Play it hard, and it !ives Wlleh asked to stand up and
. ' ~ ~a , " ~ _ were given a bl~" hand by State
m Name i r , ..... i takes a lot out of coil. That's when youLegislators. The" repre~ntatives
I / like most to settle down in a soft chair and enjoy = ohOmrtho Y mo: :l:l ed, Hs tA '
II [ your friends talk and your taste beer was R. SaVage of Shelton and Senator
U CiW ' ............. | ...... " . Gordon Bandison of Port Ange-
n ............... a | maac to relax witrt Made to refresh you, cool les Each gave a liberal amount' of
• ( ) Ihave, orwi. nave, cmaroeedtoalot, anowoum~izeyour~,z-P ge 1 ' , " ' ' [ ] : " h "
, their Lime and ex lamed the ~m
li book ot of somplo houso plans and pricos. | ~ou cheer ,~our taste So next time ,,ou -J -']a,,in~' ' '. " p " " "
. ........... , . . .-~.. ,,~o,o,~o,,~350o~,~,, ~¢~~ 39--
| hUI [BER and | some sociable at-home game, take time school districts of the state as well :
_t wj a HA]tDWA | OUt: for ......... as House Btl] 426 which is le.~s
/ me compamoname taste or oeer. publicized but equally disastrou~
excluaive builders of CASCADE quality HOMES 1 ~ ....... • • " ....
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