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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' al'ch 1l, 1965 SHELTON--MA 0N COUNTY 30URNA -- I lblished in ctChr sfma. ow ?, U.,g.A.", helton, •Washington ,'. PACE 9 ......... [ ................................. ~ .............. ,¢,, ...... I. I DRy • ~.RT PKG. 16 OZ. TINS Or Chowder Snow's ................ Reg. Tins ~now Mist Chunk ½ Tins $ Paolfic Pearl Tiny 41/2-,~Z. Tin WOod Deviled ~ohnson,s 79 02: ................................. Johnson,s 26 oz. AA Large Doz. Chiffon 400's Kraft's Quart Hunt's 2½ Tins ~M Little Giant Ice Cream Sandwiches 10/49 DELICIA V2 GALLON Top, Quality 4-Roll Pkgs. Quick or Regular 42 oz. Box CUBEs OR MIX ~;¢ ............................................................ 10 POUND BAG ........................................................................ 3 LB. TIN is½ oz.$1 PILLSBURY ............................ PKGS. ZEE QUALITY 39 ............................................ " 200 FT. ROLL 69 48oz. Bottle O t By Dora Ileaxlng MATLOCK -- Matiock grange held its regular meeting Friday evening with 2 members present. All the officers were present. Four new members: Mr. and :Mrs. Win. Avery. :Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crape Joined the grange: ttomer Adams' 70th birthday was celebrated. The members presented him with a sweater. Our next meet- ing is :March 19 and that is Friend- ship night. Grangers from all over the county and visitors from oth- er counties are expected to attend. EDWARD EVERS died last Wednesday evening at a Tacoma hospital. His funeral was in Elms =..~ . ~_ Saturday. Mr. Evers lived more Yes, A "l oyalWelcome Awaits You At " nop-nlte . . . Your "nl- elgnvor" Food than 50 years in the Matlock corn- Centers. You. Get Low, Low Prices Every Day At Shop-Rite And You AlwaystwomUnity'yearsHeagoS°ldandhiSmovedPlaCeto heresat. Enjoy That Friendly "Hi-Neighbor" Service. Shop And Save At Your Local, In-I sop. He leaves his wife, Grace, dependently Owned Sh01)-Rite Food Center. MINUTE MAID FROZEN SWANSON'S FR.OZEN .... NOW BETTER THAN EVER! ..... EACH 6 OZ. T I N S BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN. WITH CHEESE EACH THE VERY FINEST QUALITY. LOW, LOW PRICE AT SHOP-RITE SHOP-RtTE'SCREAMY OR CRUNCHY...TOP QUALITY CHEF BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN. WITH SAUSAGE. E~,CH POUND SACK POUND JAR SHOP-RITE VNF MEAT SPECIALS CORNED BEEF BRISKET Mccoy s .................... LB, CORNED BEEF ROUNDS ccoy,s .................... LB. CORNISH ROASTERS Shenando-- Lb. AL.. 49 HYGRADE'S PKG. 39 SWIFT'S PREMIUM FULLY COOKED. 5-8 LB. SIZES. SUGAR CURED. (SLICED & TIED . . . LB. 35) POUND MEATY BLADE CUTS . .. FROM CORN-FED PORKERS. POUND II, i HI'S BAKERY Apple Turnovers.. ea, I0 Ghoc. Eclairs....-- ea. I0 Cream Puffs... ea. I0 Boston Cream Pies .. 89 Pork Shoulder Sliced and Tied. I Pound PORK SAUSAGE Our Own Bulk LB, POLISH SAUSAGE H.rade K,o,, ass, .................................... • 69 GROUND CHUCK Lean ...................................... LB. Phone 426-3179 12 oz. Pkgs. OYSTER EXTRA SMALL 12 OZ. JAR KIPPERED TIPS LB. PICNIC STYLE. FROM YOUNG, TENDER PORK. POUND FANCY PINKS . . . SERVE 'EM CHILLED FOR BREAKFAST. t FOR EXTRA 10 FANCY POUND NAVEL POUND FANCY, HOT HOUSE POUND We Guarantee Ew rything --- Even Our Smile. Prices Effectix e March 11-12-13. Limit Rights Reserved. New Hcmrs 9 - 9 Men. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 two sons, Eugene, Wayne and a daughter, Hazel, Leman. Our sym- PathY is extended to the family. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman enjoyed dinner Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Sheltcin, the occasion was to celebrate Carl's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Start Gwimlette spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and l~[rs: Harold Clfft. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopkins and d~4lghter and Bill Sloan of Sedro ~5il.ey, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn and family of Shelton w~ere Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell and Margo, spent Friday evening and Saturday at Sedro Wolley with relatives. KENNETH HOWARD and his m()tl~er from California called on Mrs. Augusta Portman Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Matson and Mrs Dennis Loertchler and son Dale of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and :Mrs. I. C. Ford took a drive Sunday on the Canal and visited with Mr. and :Mrs. Joe Leonard. Mrs. I. C. Ford, :Mrs. Lud Ross- maier, Mrs. Bob Trenckmann and :Mrs. Clifford Combs from Mat- lock Grange attended a Grange Conference at Skokomish Grange Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbm¢ Helin wel~e Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Frank Matuska. 1ELR. AND MRS. BUD Connelley and three and five children of Stanway, Mr. and :Mrs. Ralph Jen- kin and two sons and :Mrs. :Marie Gust and three children of Taco- ma, Mr. and :Mrs. Lee Scalf and :Mrs. :Mary Harvey and son of Shelton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moore and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Massey spent Fri- day evening with the Edward Val- ley family. Mr. and :Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and :Mrs. Arthur Sharp of Olympia to celebrate Diane ShalT's fifth birthday. :Mrs. Eli Bradshaw of Tacoma is spending a few weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bradshaw. Mrs. Esther Howard of l~orth H~lywood, Calif., is visiting her son and family, the Kenneth How- ards, :Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard and family of Sequim and Mr. and ]vlrs. Delbert Estep and family of Centralia were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Mrs. Lula Oien and Bill Givens were Sunday evening callers at the Kenneth Howard home. Lorl~ Goodbumt of Shelton spent 21e weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Johnston and children of Elms were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb- ert Brehmeyer St. The second regular meeting of the newly formed Shelton Sial- Club, held March' 3, was high- ~.zaaighted by a novel "Swap and Sell" r, ofski equtpn~ent and an ex- cellent color movie "Ski Country Ship is open to adults and juniors interested, whether they are begin- hers or experts. Officers directing the club for this season are president, Torger Lee; vice president, Larry Wier; secretary, Barbara Brand; direc- tors; Len Flowerl Boh~'Osterman and Gene Stacy, lwtth Linda Park- er and Mike Moore as junior di- rectors. Als0 se~g as board members ave Jean Parker, social chairman; RoyalC!lnt0n, trans- portation chairman and Jerry Johnson, director Of publications. Regular club meetings are held the first amd third Wednesday nights in the Evergreen School Auditorium, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The next meeting, scheduled for March 17, will feature a half hour color movie starring Stein Erickson, and including 15 min- utes of personalized ski instruc- tion. The club r~ow includes over 75 local skiiers and a cordial invita- tion is extende,:l to ~l~e public to att(;nd nnd t~artAeipate. Activities planned for the future include a weekend ski trip to the Olympia Ski Club Lodge at White Pass March 27-28, and a week- end tri pto Timberline Lodge in late April. These trips are open to members only.