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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, UJLA.", Shelton, Washington FROM WHAT GREATER • BARGAIN ? Your filled prescription repre- sents an accumulation of ~1. least 35 years of formal edu- cation and, perhaps, $50,000 in Recipe Favorites of County Residents Sea food is on the menu again this week with a Salmon Casserole from the kitchen of Sally Morgan whose husband, Mel, keeps hel well supplied with salmon. A meal in one dish, this casserole needs nothing more than a salad to com- plete the menu. The mother of six youngsters, Sally finds little time for organi- zations but is active in St. Mary's Altar Society of the Catholic church. She is a past president of educational cost. That is what it took your physician and your pharmacist to prepare to serve you. When your physician makes his choice of medication and when your pharmacist fills your prescription, your life or that of a loved one may be saved. And yet,. your prescription costs an average of less than $4[ Where can you hope for a more valued or greater bar- gain ? Fifth & Franklin St. 426-3327 Open Daily' 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:30 SALLY MORGAN'S Salmon Casserole and a tossed salad make a delicious Friday or "any day" meal. With her in the above Journal photo is Sally's youngest, 21-month-old Mark. P.U.D. AUDITORIUM MARCH 19--II A.M,-7 P,M. ,. $39s $ $ 9s ,.. .. AND AND • . Sponsored by Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild for Children's Orthopedic Hospital & Medical Center Photographer To Speak To Rhododendron Club Shelton Chapter of American Rhododendron Society will meet next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the PUD Auditorium. Guest speaker will be W. 3. NtcCleary, Rayon- ier photoghrapher, who will dis- cuss techniques of flower photog- raphy for the amateur gardener, Members are urged to bring dis- appointing color slides along for constructive criticism by him. There will be a Work party at the rhododendron planting in CaN anan Park Saturday morning at 8 a.m. Addition of some protective rails around plants, general clean- up and fertilizing are needed. Vision is the art of seeing things invisiblc. -- Jonathan Swift. THIS i KENMORE WASHER Up to 12 Ibs. capaci- ty. Three cycles, with cool down rinse tha~ avoids spin-set Three w;,t~,r levels. Auto- rnatic filter, cleans itself, 6-vane agita- tor. Spin action stops when door is cpened. Available in three colors. $19 .95 installed KENMORE DRYER Lint screen on top. Three cycles In- cluding no heat tumble to cool & fluff wrinkles away. Six temp. settings. Spin ac[ion stops when door is open- ed. Available in three colors, $144.95 installed Remember: Nothing Down, as ow as $10. per month. this group. Tennis, when the weather per- mits, is her favorite hobby• As soon as the sun comes out enough to dry off the courts Sally is ready for a game. The Morgan's youngsters in- clude, Bill, 19, Melody, 17, Dan- ny, 9, Debby, 7, Mel, Jr., 6, and baby ~¢~ark, 21 months. SALMON CASSEROLE 1 no. 1 can salmon 1 no. 2 can drained string beans V2 can string bean liquor 2 Tbsp. pickle relish 2 Tbsp butter 3 Tbsp. flour 3/8 tsp. salt pepper 1/8 tsp. dry rrmstard 1 cup evaporated milk 1~ cup soft bread crumbs ~ cup grated cheddar cheese Arrange salmon, string beans and pickle relish in alternate lay- ers in greased one quart casser- ole. Melt butter in top of double boiler. Add flour, salt, pepper and mustard. Add string bean liquor and evaporated milk. Cook, stir- ring until thick and smooth. Pour over salmon. Combine bread crumbs and grated cheese. Sprin- kle over top of salmon. Bake in 400 degree oven 30 minutes or until thoroughly h e a t e d and brov~ned. Serves five or six. Junior Music Club Convention To Be Held In Seattle Members of Shelton's junior mu- sic clubs will travel to Seattle this Saturday to attend the Washing- ton State Federation of Music Clubs' Jfmior Day being held in the Music building on the Univer- sity of Washington campus. All junior clubs in western Washing- ton will participate in the one-day convention. A highlight of the meet will be a program of authentic Japanese music and dances performed by the Suzuki family of Seattle. Addressing the convention dele- gates will be Mrs. Edward Mort- vedt, Washington State Federa- tion president, and Vilem Sokol, director of the Seattle Youth Sym- i phony. Miss Wands K]cppe of Buckley, Western District president, wi}l l 1~;e'slde at the morning session; Di- lane Frank of Shelton, Western District secretary, will read the minutes of the annual meeting. Awards will be given for best club reports, achievement record books, American music programs and attendance. Shelton girls who will perform at the meeting are Cynthia Rice, Cathy Neth, Margaret and Leslie Surratt, Diane Frank and Marilyn Okano. Mrs. R. W. l~orvold, state Jun- ior Counselor, is general chairman of the event• Mrs. Donovan Pal- mer, Junior composers chairman of the Federation, will present several young composers at the Saturday meeting. HI LLCREST HOMEMAKERS REGULAR MEETING The Hillcrest Homemakers Club will meet at 11 a.m. next Wednes- day in the home of Mrs. W. J. Cuzick on Mill Creek road. There will be a noon potluck luncheon and birthday party. An interesting tour is planned for the afternoon program. Members are reminded of the rummage sale from 8:30 a,m. - 5 p,m. this Friday in the Memorial hall. Some tigers are fierce. Some tigers are ferocious. We build both. There's the Incredible GTO with i[s extra hel oincJ of horsepower (360), or the way it comes (335). Or there's the LeMans with a 285-hD %8, a 250-hp V-8 or a 140-hp six, Either way they're allQ.ickWide-frack tigers with bucket seals, carpeting and lots of Oh-you-kidt Pontiac LeMans & ,SEE n tE NEW BONNEVILLE. STAR CHIEF, GRAND PRIX, CATALINA, 2+2, LE MANS, GTO AND TEMPEST AT YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEAr Vl~ Tigers GTO SHELTON MOTOR GO, 233 S. FIRST ST. SHELTON, WASH, JILL JEFFERY is one of the Top "l'en in the Shelton High school Class ,of '65. A trip to Europe last summer supplied her with memories she will treasure for many years to come. It proves how small the world has become when a girl born and raised in a town as small as Shel- ton can manage to make a trip to Europe before she completes high school. Jill Jeffery, Shelton High School senior, made the trip last summer. She will treasure the memories of that trip for years to come and the experiences will be of great value as she goes into college in the fall. Jill has applied at Wash- ington State University but has not named her major as yet. One of the Top Ten in her class, she is also a member of the AFS program, German Club and Hon- or Society and is secretary of the senior class. In her sophomore year she was on the Girls Club Executive Board and in her junior year she was a Board of Control representative. She is a member of Thespians having been in the sophomore class play. Her schedule this year includes math analysis, civics, physics, English and student teaching in German. Jill is a blue-eyed blonde and stands 5'3" tall. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jeffery she has one brother, Bob, 19, and two sisters, Lynne, 21, and Sherry, 15. She was born December 31, 1946 in Shelton and lists skiing, sewing and swimming as her favorite hob- bies. Shelton Garden Club To Fete Anniversary The 26th anniversary of the Shelton Garden Club will be corrN memorated when the group meets at 1:30 p.m. next Monday in the home of Mrs. George Cropper. Mrs. Cropper and Mrs. L. D. Hack will give the history of the club which was organized in Mrs. Hack's home 26 years ago. Mrs. Ben Briggs of the Rhodo- dendron Society will give a talk on rhododendrons and azaleas. Tea hostesses will be Mrs. Henry Jost and Mrs. William Baker. MATLOCK MISS TO MARRY MR. AND MRS. ARCHIE KELLY ,of Matlock announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Betty Lorraine, to David Richard Smith, son of Mr. Preston Srr~ith of Aberdeen. A May 14 wedding is being planned. Saint Patrick's Day Tea Scheduled By Hospital Auxiliary Dance This Saturday For Salty Sashayers Saintignan of Olympia will call for the Salty Sashayer Square Dance this Saturday night in the Memorial Hall. Dancing will be- The Ernest Timpani home on Spring Road will be the scene of the Shelton General Hospital Aux- iliary St. Patrick's Day Tea next Wednesday. Chairman, Mrs. Percy Kennerley has announced the ~ours will be staggered to accom- odate the large crowd expected with guests being received be- tween 2 and 3 P.m. or 3 and 4 p.m.' Co-chairman Lillian No~ vold will receive any calls pertaining to re- freshments or volunteers for kitch- en duty. Each member lind guest is re- quested to brino.. ~-/) m, ' • , e~ a oarn].,..t In good condltzon on a hangar to be used for the aUxiliary rummage sale planned from l0 a.m. - 5 p.m. March 25 inthe laUD auditorium. There will be a door prize. GOLF COURSE CLOSED Tills SATURDAY A.M. The Shelton Golf Course will be closed this Saturday morning until 12:30 p.m. for a work party to clean tip the course. Members are urged to be en hand i.o help. Refreshments and hmch will be served to the workers. RECEPTION SUNDAY A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pauly, who were maz- ried recently, will be held from 2-5 p.m. tiffs Sunday in the Wo- man's Club clubhouse in Potlatc.h. Mrs. Pauly is the former Mrs. Helen R. Cook. gin at 8:30 p.m. followed by a potluck supper at 11:30 p.m. Hosts for the evening will be Mr. and Mrs. irving Vik and Mrs. Mortin- son, The first dance in April will be cancelled so the club can attend the cmmcil dance in Tacoma. SI'ECIAL ]tOI{SI'~ pROJECT MEETING NEXT WEEK There will be a special 4-H horse project meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday in the Skokomish Valley grange hall. A short meetnig ~,il'l be followed with a tall( a! 8 p.m. by D]'. D ott g Larsen who will speak about a wormin~ program and its' im- portance, first aid for horses and proper feeding. All d-it: members in Mason coun- ty with hm'sc projects are asked to attend and, if possible, hring their parents. The evening will be ho.~;ted by Mrs. James ilunter and her V a l 1 e y Vaqueros. Refresil- ments will be served. R U.~fMAG IC SALE A variety of articles will be offered by ihe Rainier Orthopedic Guild when it holds a rummage sale from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. this Fri- day in t:he PUD auditoriunL Guild members and their hus- bands cnj,:,yed a pothmk dinner 'last Wednesday evening in the home of Mrs. Robert Nell. CATHOLIC CHURCH PLANS HAM DINNER SUNDAY There will be a Ham Dinner at St. Edward's Catholic church this Sunday served between noon and 5 p.m. Adult tickets will be $1.50, childrm~ 75 cents. A. family t~clceL can be purchased for $5. Pre. school children will be served free. Everyone will be welcomed. RUMMAGE SLATED :New aprons, kind, furniture, rug~,~' plianees and dishes ~ of the items which ble when the ef St:. Edward'S its annual s:]le in the from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m, and Friday. Shop & Save at Shelton's oldest Jewelry Store INCOMPARABLE BY INTERLOCKING DIAMOND Always Sla! Perfect • ' 2 Dior 3 Blazing Diamonds Choice of 14K white or yellow g01d.'Rings and diamonds enlarged to $ Low, Low Easy Terms EXPANS % only FREE FITTING WHILE YOU WAIT! Choice of 1/20th 10K GOLD FIttED or stainless steel i::i Qis special' in famous ROGERS, Si LVE RPLATE r A Product of The International Silver Company Here's o wonderful opportunity you can't afford to miss.., beautiful 12t/~" Serving tray with classic border, delicate piercing and chased center. Open An Account Low Easy