March 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 11, 1965 |
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11, 1965 SItELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton
Truck Answers Call To Exti, " Meeting Sohodu,od ......... T ................... Prodigal Son Is
, , c..t,,n At Belfair On . Scienlisl Lesson
--- Everyone's rea(y .r tie sun-tan lotion but '.~ s and the Howard Seiners. grees. Also of special interest for Students To Get Oral Polio Vaccine March 16"
~bout if-and why" not ? we can certainly enjoy the beau-i MiSS 1A)I!i,'4E Nachtscheim at- Danny, was the thrill of gaining -~AA| ~[An~ ~|~ne ~ " .... ' ...... . -- ~ '~ - ~ The parable of the prodigal son
[e lamb has succeeded in iv of our s n ~ld an~l mount'~in~tended the guue as a g~ est of Ian extra day courtesy of the In- vvpvuu uv..u uuuul~ tionor ~Oll l~or ;~lX ~eeKs Js ~llnOUllCe(l is featured in this week's Bible
'/ ', . , , '. I Walt Eckert 'tnd the Eacretts ~e- I ternational Dateline leaving Scoul By Belly Criss ...... ~ Lesso 1 on "St bstance" to be read
the USual l)i.e~ipring blus- scenery so sharply ennance(i oyltm.nino "x~ith' ~t ..... 4,, ,~, .--~' -- Ill am Satmda- Ma,ch 6 he ....... i) ................. . March 16 ah school children[Superintendenl )f Mu'y M. Knight in Christian Science churches Sun-
,of the ~'eat't~er picture )m' w~qcom ,, ,. ........ t, ~ .e ........ 'apcvmw . • • J , . ~.~:,.~-J~.~ -- ~ p...~ ,.ce--Ls , ., , ,~ .... • - . . , . - - .
Ul fact, m'ulag-cd to break . . .c st,,u,g~a el Sol . twhe,'e she remained until Sunday[arrived in Tacoma at 1 p.m. Sat- concerning tile school bond propo- and p,c-sch~)le, s, f*om ascs .tllIee [school. day. Rejo,cmg to see h,s son s re-
e~ords, temperature-wiseMay we insert a word of cau- [ when she was joined by friends [ urday, March 6. sitions will be held Thursday eve- m.ontns u). 1~ yea, s re.age wm ue ] |{EI'ORT (',ARI)S were received turn, the father said: "For this
eginning of the month. !i°l~ to amb!tious ho, meowners.who [Mrs. Frank Worden and ~iss Eth~-[ Danny was greeted on arrival ning at the Cafeteria at "7:2~" p.m. g~)~,~n ~n:c,:il ~n~u,~e~n]ga or ]~:na, I Friday' March 6, and the follow- my son was dead, and is alive
hi report from our local naxe oecn 1fired w~th enthusmsm]eI Dunkerley. These ladies, long-]in Grapeview bv his uncle Earl This will be an reformative meet- p ." '. ~'.. ~ ~'~ ~, y o' g!ing students made up the Honor again; hc w~ts lost, and is found
~.~Order Walt Eckert ~as by !he l~nPllecent!entcd good wea, ltime friends'of Mis,*~ Nachtscheim,}Robinson who lind arrived here ing as to the need for the pro-P[e-scJl°°l cnum.en u) the scno0~ [Roll: (Luke 15).
theltn(~ uc mousumusiy c(ean a~e f~om Iudson Pt ' • , a~te~ z pm t]ow everyone must cxentually
;= Y0tu' reporter Monday ' ~ • , " ' ' • ' , ..... . ' , : ~rk at Zenith |last Wednesday from New York posed ne~ construction and a new ¢ .: .." " .... . I Loretta Beerbower Tom Jeff- . ~.._ " ,.. " ~';
ing up the wi~uer's accumuia~ion[a Baptist retirement home ned,"[ to spend time with his parents, bus A second such meetingis Mrs. r~an mct~arvie, wno is a]ries Vernon Buchannan Ray ~ma ~ne "stmsumce' o~ nis own
~,u_we can boast to date of leavts dnms and litter with I Des Moincs The ladies "aid a vis /Mr and Mrs M J Robinson A scheduled for A'uil 1 nurse at the Shelton Clinic will Brown Jan Sta,ks ~anice' C"-''-f life is brought out in the Christian
~' uays of beautiful blue , ' . . . ' .. - ~ .- ........ ~ ' ,, • . . . , ' , o • ~w,,,- . , . " "
' " '~ , ' • ' ' t Mrs ~,Vttltor Eckert at Shel-] musician of some note, Mr Rob- March lfi thoro will ho ........ • ' ' • ' l ett(. hene' Perkins Da\e Stod- ~ ' ~" : ' '
auright sunshine over the plans f(n ~ b~g bonfne Onl~ a few ]t o , • g~e the tcedmg , ~ Scmnce t(xtbook It ~s only by
~elt. days of x.varm.m'y )veather can |toll Manor Nursing home then[inson travelled to Portlm~ci and in,-,:-of~']~e~AThle~i~"~a~,~\,~.'n',~,~- Pamphlets will be sent home ex-[den" Kristine Grab'ham Nancy acknowledging the supremacy of
create a D~z31(lOtlS llle conflli.lOll • • .~, . . r, ............. --~, ..... - . , ' , "., .,. , • •
:erap-eratures ranged from ........ |spent the ~est of the attcrnoon[ Seattle where he presented con- ment group in the Cafeteria The plaining and answering many lStodden, Dennis DeFect, Frances Spnit, x~lnch annuls the clanns of
~on March 1 t(, 66 tie- ant, snoul~ oc tal:e!l [beachc()mbing, gathering flowers] certs while here. Mr. Robinson Athletic Season Ticket S~le start: questions that parents sonmtimeslWrimble' Kathy Hickson cathy matter, that mortals can lay off
.~4 ~.nd back to 61 de- ~o. p~evcntfire the accmen[tu spread- [ and. greens and partaking of a] planned to remain with his par- ed las.t Monda..~ Whe. es 'm_'e t~(-',, have about. .... the polio program ] West, Te,'esa .... Wrimble, D'~'n~ ChaD-_ mortality.. .... and find the indissoluble
any,. March 8. Nights, mg o~ . ]family dinner with the Eacretts[ ents until Wednesday before re- year athlo~io ~a-¢on *~ol~-*~ ~mHn¢. Ahmg xwth the pamphlet a card lpell Jeff Brown spn~uml hnK whmh establishes
"h~tVe remained cool witn Our fire truck was called out]befo~e returning to their home|turning to his home in New York. f¢,w .¢~0 o~h-~'~i~'h~'~':,~';.'~'~,7 ,.~' requesting information concerning[ IV|arch 12 there will be an all- man f°rever in the divine likeness,
f32 degrees during this Friday evening to the Orville Ka-]that evening [While here, he was j()ined by his ;h~ ]~l~n~t'-~"hol"~"v~'~::' .'~n~,,°~'~,~, the child's birth date (year antllscho01 asscmblv Previews for *he inseparable from his creator" (Sci-
gm fml. S .... ., o. I Lots• of activity has• been going[ fiancee, Mms Ruth l~TIa~ tm of Los h'thletic. Fiedq "Inp~ ~ovem. ents" .... h month) and whethe~ o~ not they[ Gay. 90 ,s "rop gr'am will ~be he'ld. ,. , . .... , ~..
~L~'e','e not quite ""d on "tretch t sto, • . :.. - ......................... • -~" ....... " . ence and Health with Ke to
a grass fn'e wlucl~ has spread on around the Jack Milners' resi-lAngeles, scrap metal drive, conducted byh!,ve rece,ved any poho vaccmelThe band will play several hum- Sc':tP'.t)'es' oy Ma*y .aKer many.
~ap~dly bey nd lh( mtenoecl alea, dence Th ldn of k ~ c~ght weeks befme the Ume of btis P ~ ~
' • ". [ " * ] . e bui i g a itchen-| :Mr. Robinson ~,~ill be remember-the Lettermen's club, is now un- . . ." .. " . ". '. I :'"' ' ....
10W TIRES ,. spi[e of the ~aet tile grass 'bathroom-bedroom addition to the[ed by Grapeviewites for tile en-iderway and anyone having scrap the. fn's~ Ieeamg. I~ ]s very nn-, GRADE SCHOOL NEWS ....... --- ....
roots ~ere immerseo in water. An|Present buildin~ is nro~ressin~ un-| tertainin~ evenin~ of folk son~s |metal to dentate may call the portant that the parent fill out1 The third and fourth grade stu- FIRE DEPARTMENT
almost unbelieveab!(! occurence I~ler" the able hands-of~Orvillega-[ this talen°ted balla°deer offered tl~'e ]High School and leave'their name all requested information on the|dents have welcomed spring with Wam~n :Moe, chimney fire; 707
out one wnicn snoum serve as a [get" while Ed Okonek is working|community a few years awe at|and address card. :Mos~ important is the par-|real enthusiasm They have each Ellinor grass fire; Robert Park-
warming to us all. oUn a double ~arage and ~mrn Bot | ,,,v ~ohc~al~n,,.~e " ° r,,..~.. ~.~.~.,,,. 1,.. ...... ents' signature which is neces- [ planted flowers and "u'e anxiously i hurst, 1782 Stewart St, stove pipe
YOur Choice of And speaking of fires, brings '~-n-en -too]-~--ful--1- advantage- of the ]--GI~Ap-E'~~II~%V MOTHERS' club / S.~ol~r ~'i~l~e~el(~'~'n*'~h:Cgy~0n sary before the child can receive I~waiting for them to appe, ar. j set wall on fire.
l~eg'Ui'ar Rubber us to the new fire hall develop- wonderful weather this past week- [ met Wednesda- afternoon in the on March 12 at 7"30 ,. m Sched the oral vaccine. I The fifth and sixth grade stud ............ -- .............
Nut 8hell meal,s wh!ch b)ungs us to.the new [end. [ school lunchro'(~m with topics for [uled are six boxing b~outs, Jude, Oral vaccint).is t~ken through the/ents aI~.. also preparing .. for [!ngs ~fruit; s.ummer is
Well. Well---at tills wrlLlrlg, we I On hand and takin~ a lively in- [ dtuo,,~ian centerin¢ nrnund anro- [ Wl,~tlin,v t~mlhllno" n~d n onn~io l'll()ll[ll an(l I:ll(}rolore no 12~eoles [ bprnlg. Tlley |lave their Dulletln , fail' wltn llarvest; spring gives
New ~asson Stud are at 270: and well~d~Jller Men- [terest in the proceedin°gs was Pat's ] pose~l~':'S'plash'' pa~y ~to be held [ tag-tean~ matc~h':'~Adn~i'ssio,("w'i'l'l are used. [ board decorated wi_tl.~ th, e theme !flow el:s; winter is relieved by fire.
.roe 2amnaeis nas nopes tJ)a~ I mother, :Mrs. Lee Pearson. :Mrs.| in April, the annual children's Eas- I be $1 for adults, ASB cards free, There will be a charge of 50 ] ~prmg is t~rowmg Tnne ........ Uvm .... . " . .
~~i~tom_~~l~e }e~...)ae~te ~'m~h~N°N'~ O~/N~L.~a' 426.8060at~k~. etBUns- |ms'" san~ screen.. V~IlIr.. _pet m~t? me[ll PearSOnon a was°chauffeured° from her[] terand eggMrshUntwSCheduledlham. Goodpasterf°r April Itl childreniii125, cents. Funds TraiSednCents perwfeeding. However, no ~ ~ ............... ~ • ~ ..~T" '~ " ..... ~• ' " "[.~._ .....
RaHs development o~ a saus~ac~ory wa
...... '::- o~. . "lAberdeen home last Thursday by| 15 and the fast-approaching l~or- will be used to purchase needed child will be refused because of/| " ]
ter supply a~ ~nis oeptn, we nope lsummer Grapeviewite, :Mrs. Ted[ est-Festival projects [equipment inability to pay. /J ~A ~.~|~A.~-~| ~|~
~. : ...... I Middleton, and plans to spend sev-/ Mother's Club president Louise I An oral polio vaccine program The oral vaccine program isll -..o -...0., .,.,.o I
the~inelltO~ _a~gn:fii~hbe;~asPnmlTs(~[erai weeks nere. ,|Ewaxt was unable to attend the for children and young people in sponsored bythe Thurston-aaason[I . a,. ,. I
_ .. ~; . . .. . , I Drop-in guests to the :Milners ] meeting due to illness of her [ the North Mason area is being of- Medical Society, with the co-oper- II ~r ~llr i~|llr~| ~_~ |
~-rma~". evening m ~remert°nSlsunday afternoon were Pat's cou-| youngest, pre-school Roger. Secre. fered by the Thurston-:Mason ation of the Thurston-:Mason Dis-]| ................. |
westr,~gn .gym.ann, un~l~tU~tte,y [ sins, Mr. and :Mrs. George Easter| tary Sally Anderson was also I County Health Department. Two trict Health Department, the [| u, . ~. , ' " |
lOSt ~o ~outn l<sap In t e (9 ym , ,
..... ." ]of Aberdeen. The Easters then|kept at home nursing little Sherri. I 'feedings' will be given for 50 schools of Thurston and Ma~on]| ~a[~r [~|~r |
p m-~eamount. ~eague. umtrm~]took advantage of the proximity|There's evidently a new disease |cents each. The first will be :March Counties and the March of Dimes.]| ............ |
"!~ ~' N~SS G°Ureamen~n3n(~21~hr°~tr~rSt~u'c°~"' t° drop by and say hello to long-| making the rounds of the county 116 and the second May 11. Both Anyone i:nt~e~dEouf :ry PeOrt -[| ONLY lAal'$ |
'!P ...... !'_ .... "|time friends, the Walter Claytons[ and for lack of a better name---iare needed for full protection, tion ~y cug " ' I| ~.~. . ,4'~~ . • |
]En2h.~ts: l~vUa~ E~tl~:r~', ~l~: ~a~ Sr. o e [ doctors have dubbed it "Virus 5'i~ I These will ~e given at the schools .... ~._.~ i l 2:0 gal. "~ I
• " The Ctay~ons Sr. enj y d a | At least, this is what we've b e and are for ages three months to " ...... ~ i l ' |
~[ change of pace over the weekend. [ told and it's probably as good as I 18 years, with parental consent. | ~__----------~ I~,~=~ I i l 30 ~al. $52.95* I
~ll~[]~E~ir-l[~rlE]~V [:Mrs. Clayton left for Seattle Fri-]any name. [ Guest speaker at the Belf~ir[_~ " ' II ° ............ I
i ll~r~.~]~~ [day morning to pay a visit to| One name we all know, without |Community "Church Sunday will ~~---~ [| 40 ~al. S62.95" I
~BE~i~B~B her sister, :Mrs. Louie Sitzberger,]doubt is "Polio" and parents will|be the Rev Burt Harlow forn~er I~~-~1 ~.~^~ ~ il o ............ -~ I
( lass ....... I who has been ill, and to spend the[ certa~ly be interested to learn [pastor of the Gorst Community ] ~_V'~ ~'~ i [[ 50 ffal .~.95" [
Income 'xax ervme I weekend with niece and nusDana, [ that March 16 from 2 to 5 p.m., 1 Church. Rev. Mr. Harder and fan~- ! ~L ~ 7 - .%'~ ~Y i ,, ~ ~- ~ I I ~ ............ "~- I
[ [[:Mr. and re's. AI Flournoy. Satur-[ the oral polio vaccine will be given lily will be in Spokane that week- f ~ff".%,",J~"W4/~ A[ ~ ~ [[ |
'l~xpert InStallation [ Experienced Assistance [[ ay they drove.over to Jefferson| at the Grapeview school. This pro-[end, where Rev. Mr. Harder will | ~' b ,"7~,'~\~~L~ ~ II "Ask about Cascade's Monev,~,vin~ I
| ....... ~,. ,~.,^.. ][~eacn wnere tney stayed over-|gram, sponsored by the Mason-|assist at the marriage of his | | ~ "i "~" I~, ~q'J [[ v -~='?--'~ [
M PAULEY, INC. I ................ [[mght at their peach home., umV-]Thurston County Medical Society|youngest brother. The church lib- I ]L._~ ': A/I All ~ ,-~+,~ " I
lal!road Ph. ~26-8231] 8 a m - 8 -m Ph 426-4900 [[ ing up to the eottage.SunQay to] is intended to include young peo-[rary still needs books. Donations | ~ ~ ~J )]~| ]| [
[ • • t- ....... [lfetch MXs. Clayton nonage, -"ar.[ple, ages three months to18 years. [ of sfiitable books or money to | _~fg /~1 [| " I
| ~ Clayton thoroughly enjoyed the] There will be a charge of 50 cents|buy new books will be appreciated. ~ -',~ ~/~'__':~ - | ][ ]~d[~ l i~=i' ~d~ ~ i il~ql' ~A~PA [
. _ . I wnicn incm(~ea tne ~pace ~eeaie,[be refused because of inability to|or so has brought ninny people | x~,=~__~ | [[ ~l~,]r~ql~| ~V YVES| ~EV||~m~ |
,E_iring vie.w.acr(~ss the water, [ per feeding. However, no child will[ Our fine weather this past week | "~(~_~~| [| l~iUE~_~lml~,]L~||J~l_qkl ~il|~FIm~ |
an scapmg . [ Port Madison and Alki Point./.a. I out-of-doors to do cle,tn-un work I ....... ~ ~-~B, I /I I
~°~ I • Lawns, rockeries, trees [I U=.S. Army SpeciaU?t E-tDan-[" a child has had four or even in yards and gardc'n spo[s. The ~ II 123 S. 2rid 426-3111 1
3~..& Ignition I ~hrubs ]]n.y r~obinson remrne% ~o ~rape-[five doses of" Salk vaccine he] woods have become quite dry, Vly Wallt ,~:_ L" /| , ........... [
Idi~g & Tune-ups I - Ton soil tilling, levelin~ l lwew ~aturaay on a ~u-oay emer-! ................... .. ..... .,Ihowever so neonle are cautioned cess£ul--~m mamng ~u,~ ~ il AJi prices u'u~ Fowiana I
¢ial'V~mterizing I . Free estimates i lgency mave.n'om ~amp r~cnry m[ will imnrove his immunity .indite be careful with fires, seml-annual eyen~. I I
~b~ ~ERVICE, Tae u ~outn ~orea wnere ne nan ~" .~. ~ _ ............ .... , , I
I SUNSET LANDSCAPING I[- g '. ........ |help to eradicate poliomyehtm [ ........ ~ ............................... -- ......................................................................................................
been s~tlonea since Jas5 Auglist. • " :.. :.....`5:......:.v.v...v..;.:.~.:.:.:.:.~.;`:...:.;.~.;....v...`.v..'..v.v....`:`.v.....%`.*.~..`v...v.v.`.`.`.v. ........... ...........-.-...-.-.-.-.-...-.....-:.-.-.v...v.v...v.v.v.......v.. ....... . .-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-..-.-.-.-...-...
' ........ Danny was assigned to the 8th Ar-| MaryLou Peters has been ~[~ {:{:{:{: ' ,, . ::::::~
• u.po , comm . The nVe 'Uo:o , f*!:
Rental Service ,|of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.| '. P Y ~ " ] ~;~;;i !:i:i:~: • .-. i:i:!:i
'aSked Bread. Cakes - I ......... I[ IV|. J. Robinson, brought him home| cry. Grapeview Vohmteer Firemen [~I :i:!:i:i ~ ~i}i:!:
hll~ts~R.olls I A~mo.~ Any~nmg Anywnere I[ snecial leave nrior to his|Ladies' Auxiliary is Jaying pians l ~q :::::::, ~-'~~ ~:::::::
..... a,,ed Ca ,esI -BLaOade[s Pumps [i expecteJ discharge in September.|for a fabu,ous ';Game N*Fht: on I :i:i:i:i iiiii!
"~1'~ - ] .... g .~ que .-. a~ es [ [ Danny found the northwest most | :March 19---tha~ s a wee~ ~rom [ i:~:i:!: ~~ "~."~. "~'~ ~ ::!:~:~:
.Wy" " UAKERY i & unmrs, l-iosp,~:ai ~ecm, ~:~c. [[ pleasant after leaving snow in| Friday--- at the schoolhouse and it | ::::::" ~-'w~-~ "~.'~..'~h.'~. ~&~'~k ::::::::
;, • No. (Mt. View) [ LEW RENTS [[Seoul with 21 degrees tempera-| is sure to be a lot of fun. SoI iii!!iii Cd~.'~'~.~'~. .~,"~='~.~b.~ ~!i:i:~
~79":" .... ' ] 2216 E. 4th Olympia 357-7731 i l tures, progressing to San Francis-| circle that date, please, [ i!i!ii: '~k.k'~ .~.'~~.'~'~.~N~ ::!~i!!
i~,~..~ " "] co with 45 degrees, then to Port[ Fire Department Ladies Auxil-[ :::::::i ,~1~.~._~" ~I~.,,'~'~"~.~'~'~'~'~,~N=~ ~i:i~i:
t~._L ,h, nd with 4:8 degrees and on to, iary March meeting is scheduled, :i:i:i~i ~~ ~'~ XX'~h~X'~'~.~¢~a i!:::~!
P t .llr ,nt I Seattle where the thermometer re-|for March 17. And, oh yes!---it's [ i:i:!::: ~¢~~~.~~"%~, J~"" ~&~ ~i:~:::
~e I-Iair C ~'"~ -'.-'-- ~._~,-~^_.__~~|1 gister ~d an unbelievab!e 69 de-" election of officers ::;;:::: ' ~'~ | "~m~.,~~ _~ .,%~ ;'::.':.:
;~.4i,J .are ..... vv e v uaLur~ ...... :::::::: , .:~.:.:
i~rman Cosmetics Hours: 3-10 p.m. Week days ' • . i !iiii~ii ~lii
3-12 p.m. Fri. & Sat. :::::::, ~,.,.::
"~aonstratin / I/Hoodsport G,rl Is Burned When ,
" ' ::::::::
rajamas Galc, rlre from Heater I = ! , L A"J
' aetor _______Sand, Gravel , By D0na O'Nell ] big blue letters "sTx-year baby ] :::::::"~,~ |'| 1
crib" "~ '
~r~'~k~ Open I ....... HOODSPORT -- Early Thurs- • :i:i:i:i ~.~
I . I I day morning" five-vear-old Terry [ The conspn'acy for Donna's sur- ] :::::::: ::i~
klin Stre Addlemm~ popped out of bed and prise baby shower had been go :':':" ~
] , Custom Tractor Work I flicked on the electric heater. Now ing on for days before the meet= i :i:i:{:!
~:EBBAN, D C i Johns Creek 8and & Gravel i I one week later she is one of the ling. The girls had pooled their I :::::::: • ~ Jr~" _~::.~:,
" 2-6 ClOsed Thurs. [ 426-3552 Norm Anderson II young patients in the Tacoma money and bought Donna the crib i'iiiii" ~ ~ / ~ :i~
I ,,, , , r Childrens Orthopedic Hospital i that she had wanted so badly and I ~::::: . ~ AS" ~ ~,',~i"
[ After she had flicked on the [Wedn~sday evening when Donna I .:.:.:.: _ - J ~:~
Service __.__ Se--,iee "~(*~-;"" • I heater that morning she stepped eyes Jit up like a three-way light [ :!:i:i:i I ill __ ~ .-- / i,~ ~-'--- / .~,~':.::~u
----~" ~'~'~="=~ ' • bul 1 rise ,..v.. #. ~;..
~r'Service ...... [l~ httle closer to get warm and] b, they knew that the su'p ::.:.:::~i~i~i .~i.~JL- ~ l~i..~..L ~ ~i ::.::~:
~T~ ~all Carpet I for uooo ~erv|ce I lin nothin~ more than an instant|had been a success. [ :*~::: ~v ~nT ~ "rn, .'.:!¢!
~"¢%Tt~'-olste~y I See Us! IIher pajamas~ --caught fire and shel After the gifts came the next[ ""%':::::::: W [] 1Ml~dF li ~ ,~% ":':'i:~i,:::
I All Work Fully Guaranteed I I ran to her mother for help. Mary I surprise. Mrs. Frank Gray had I :i:!:!:~ ~ ~ ~i:
4&NIT0" ' e Of Supplies [ - II grabbed her little girl and within | created a delightful chocolate cake [ !!!!!!! * ~'~i
4th 0'- R SERVICE I C & L Time Service Station I[ seconds Terry stood dripping wet I smothered with pink frosting and [ :::::::: a ~ ~ ~ ~ .(!:~i.
I 401 SO. 1St St. Charline & Lloyd I I in the shower. _ I topped by two little baby booties [}iiii!ii []wrr_ .... '
' Little Tei~ry is suffering from|made of frosted marshmallows. / ":::::: ~ i~OP~~~A
second degree and mostly third de- The cake tasted as good as it [ :!:!:i: if I I ll~ ~~ 1 1 ~ lll ~ l~ :~:~:~.
Serviee m,; ~,,,,.*,~,~,~,, gree burns over 45 percent of her looked [ i::::::: ~ iia~mVi lql$ , $
ets . Wall to Wall ---a ........vv,, ...... .:.'.'." .'~...
a. 8" . , V I[ body. Fortunately her face was I Ev ............ - ........ -, the I :.:.:.:. " - ,.~,.=
', Po. ed I Sales - Rentals - RepairsI I not burned.. She Wikl!. h_aveto un-lresu,ts of the evening, but Donna ] ,::i:i:i ~g¢ .. :~!{!~.
I ~IKeS - r~ew ann used I 1 her chest and legs during the nexf I ... "ff ........... _ _. / !:i:i:i: "
H~, ~'alls. U~hol, stery I ......... II serge a semes o~sm gra[tmg oniwas hann;o~t ¢~ ~n / ~:':':', ':-':':~
, two months in the childrens hos- ~a~uraay evening memoers :::::::: _ AW
3 C ta " o " tu raising (linnet at the home of :Mr. :':':':' ,' .':'..
s ,v,cE co. * . II ond y were 45" 'ests resent for/ !iii isn citer lUST.,, no water .
22 o 426 8118 e~ther thin C mmg Sa rday or UT r
-ng.Alteration s --- Right" now Terry must lay very[[ .... gu .., p . ,]i i:i:i:i; : i!ii:
'- ...... °2 de'T^^ ,__ __.._, ~ me moose ainner Tne evening s |.. :.:.:.: :.'.:4
• . S~111 111 KIz o " t~ cv rlo~pztal . " . ,%',:,:, .%','.'
remo entertainment was prov,ded by Mr. ...v.. .~!~:.:
Tire Service room She has a te controlled ':':':" There
'tl l~t~" a ' ....... :.~ltelevi'sion set to occupy her ttme[:~dwMrs" Nelson of Shelton ~iiho/ :i:i:il __~__._ ~% a difference ±n least ma or areas.
~, or ~...!~ alteration I , ~ew U~:llres ][when the doctors, nurses, or her[thin~eain ~ov~es o~ mteresu ~/ !!iii~ii Better que ±ons might be: Is your wa er REALLY HOT? Do
~ad~ ~u~ton holes to
.,,: ~ume to us I • ~se~'v"'~ ~~ family ai'e not mere to talk to her[ __ . v . isl ,i:i¢i you have ENOUGH? Is ÷h...,.,,= TIME YOU wane
I • ~/and keep her company. She nasl mruce riorton was home Ln / :::::{::4 .~v w,~,~.~ ,-,.-- ~ v .~v. • .:...~
t~:~ nlG BHOPPE [ OK TIR~ STeRna I[ been a re'markably brave little g!rl[wee~end but left again Tuesday.] !!.:ii!i! '.~ ~,'.~,~
I ,,, ,,7.X ....... dd~g, ,oo, I/under the circumstances and hiis/tie nas been handling trailer sams~ :-:.:.:. , .q'o~r) ~,, ............. ~-^...¢,_ _a. ..... !..~
.... 7" ...... ,[[set an.examP!e that most adults/in Oregon and Northern Californ-] :i!ii!ii .J'* nea s nan a .lame.
|would titt%i~[~d ~rmatch. |ia. e! ; iii!i The Intense nea of natural gas Drzngs water to the proper
ONt}E . . and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Leimbeck haV ;::::::: . ;j':<
Travel wmtam i3ilbert make the news / returned from s~endin~ five weeks ~::::::temperature much more rapidly than flameless heat.., it
ties stein cos- , . Air- Rail- Steamship [ Monday was their 52nd weddin'g[in Astoria, Ore" ° I ~.ii!iii stores the supply in ,our storage tank faster. -- iili
~-criptl°ns I . Bus- Hotels- Tours anniversary and Sunday evening Early birthdav~ wishes, to Jim l ........:::::::: ¢ :~.':'::,,
, No Extra Charge For I[ the family got together in honor of ] Thurmen and Donna Simmons who,'::::::'. _ , i~
P~'All~r,a. ^
Our Service [[ the OCCasston~ will be sharin the same birthday f"" ~AC~. ~'-
~lt'8' ~.~.'~ ~osm.etics . g I 2. S ....A 40-gallon heater fired by the modern blue
~.~ '" Ph. ao...._l~anklinHARMAcy I 401 Railroad Ave 426-8272[/ Mr and Mrs. Sam Hansen of| There will be an informal re- ::::2: Z.Lame aoe~ t,~,~: worl~ of an ov-~X.L0n z'laxaeless heater- .q~¢,=
• . . .'.:.... ~ . v • ~-~, ,-,,v ~,
~~_5=°'°dz' I 426-4134 ||Shelton, and their daughter Chris|ception for Mr and :Mrs Arthur .%':': ~-,,~o~ £or a nm+ .... ~ ~ms wae~-~-~- , .... ,,a .... , ......
! .... , | came with cake in hand. :Mr. and| Pauly Sunday, "March 14' at the :i:i}!il ~ D.l.y .teSS* .... i~
leM I Mrs. Tim O Nell Wrought the star| Potiatch clubhouse for tim Hood ::}:}:i: .; ~.~
• .:.:.:.: SA NGS. ..... ., .:,,.,,,
[rbank~.~__ --'---" " of the show, their new daughter, Canal Womans Club between 2-5 :::::::; VI o .,e,(o 'n~ o-~ "~3 ,~ ,.,¢ 4-~ ,~ ,.,,. a. .... ~ ......... , .... i~
.TV Service ,[ Paige. Mr and Mrs. Jim O'Nen[-m An or their friends are wel- :;.v 3* _. _ '' . -= wa er .....;:,
~ti~:.~r~eatin~~tl't" ,s;Mgrse Pumps I . d~n TV [|were also there. |c"ome " ..:i:~¢heater. Flrs~; cost is less because smaller ca~aci~.v .~,n~'~nes.
"'~aoUse A.1 I _ Pat_._Phono~a..hs- - I/ After the cake and me" cream,[ Brian" Phillips is the newest ":':':'::':':':' are ....... ..... :' ....
TO Ppliances • CB 2-wa ramo v ...................................... ~,,e eve~-. ~rowh,~; ..... - :.:.:..,.v... • .. . . • ~ ....... . ~.%;:~.;
ii N ELECTRIc CO. I Y I[flrst char~ce for the. Gilberts to/dergarten class here in Hoods- .:.:.::w ste; provides -~mmedzate heat exactly when it zs needed. ~;:'i~
| LEROY'$ TV SERVICE [[have a zour generation picture|port, i::::::: ~.~;
i Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 [| taken. [ Mr and Mrs, William Bryant's :ii!i:i' ,,, ............... ii:.:~::!
i__ , ~[ The first Wednesday of this|children Bill and Rene are'visit- i:!:i!!! tememour "5OO "tfl&T, lns1;&.LJ.&'S10rl Of 8. natural gas wa er
Cvoer., h . • e..... ...... ,,,%
]month broug t the usual meeting|rag thew grandparents in Mossy- ,:.:.:.:~'10.~.'[:~1~ "~rt your ~'m,-~ r,~r~ )'~,-.1~ xrt~l ~-~w m,, ,,^^,,l^ t ,~ ^~"r ~n/l.~ I:~'['..~ ~::,:.~
• of the, Tiny Tim Orthopedic GUl'Id, lOCk. ,..:.:.,:::':': ........... v • ...... ~ ~... .,~..,.y jv~-- ~.~.~,~.. %,CI,~¢~t~" ~ j1./.alJ",~r~,-" ~,~'~ ~;'.::~:.:..~
TV Serwce ~l[but this meeting was to take an| good weather was news this !:i:i:il the lowest basic utilzty fuel rate all the NorthWest.
Tile '
~a~P~ti~ I Fast and Guaranteed I[ unusual turn of events. :Mrs. Ron| column would be at least a mile ;:::2: ;:::::::
P0 g I TV and Radio Repairs IIGoose was the hostess and Mrs.| long, but as it is even good wea- i!i!:!:~ ' , :!~-~
p. }'~ic~ ...... ..:. :~. ,.:.:.:,:
[ Antenna and Parts Service I[ Frank G:ay ~:as the co-h0stess.[ ther is old news after a week. ~.::.... .'..:~.x ~:.:.:;:
N't'0:OR COVERING I Armagost TV-Radio Service i[ Two new mem~)ers were voted in] ,The~efore thiscolumn willbe ~i:!i~! -- ,~:":~¢ ~::::i:
Ph. 426-2292
r repairsi
42~"~'~ Iii ............ '' ~ii~ii i -=! ~ **! ! ! ii i i!i! ;: i:iii! ;ili"