March 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON---MA K)N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in ,Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
By Mabel Kidd
Kelly, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Clyde Scrogham, was one year old
Friday. The party was held Sat-
urday evening ,so his daddy could
arrive home from Montana. Kc]ly',~ of SheILon including Bruce FIucy
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dov who has been on patrol duty in
Rntherford and children, Terri and Viet Na maboard the Constellation.
Ted. The grnup enjoyed birthday and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
cake and ice cream and cihldren.
Our sympathies are extended toI Sunday visitors in the home of
the family of Mr, E. S. Evcrs o~I Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf
Satsop who died March 3. were Mrs. Edie Stewarson and
Gathering at Panhandle Lake her mother. Mrs. Smith and Mrs.
Sunday for a picnic with the Cliff EtLa Sherid and children of Shel-
Rumpff family were Mr. and Mrs. ton.
C. G. Chap] nof Lilliwaup, Mr.I Jamie Itickson spea~t Sunday
and Mrs. Stan Dyson and family lafternoon and night as guest of
Kathy Hanna of Shelton.
Sunday callers in the James
Dougherty home were Mr. and
Mrs. Gib Ovist, Mr. and Mrs.
Duanne Kane and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith all of
The Allen Hickson family of
Lake Nahwatzel enjoyed a marsh-
mallow roast Sunday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield
and Susan motored to Ocean
Shores Sunday and enjoyed the
sun and ocean there and at Copal-
is and Pacific Beaches.
MR. AND MRS. TED Berry of
Shelton and Mr .and Mrs. Bill
Brown and Shelley dropped in on
the Doyle Howard family Wednes-
day evening to celebrate the birth-
days of Mrs. Howard and Randy.
Donna Hulbert of Federal Way
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hul-
bert. They ha des dinner guests
Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Valley of Skokomish.
Motoring to Grayland Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund
and Darlene and Sonja Ahlqui:;L
They visited there with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Allen.
The Pete Bloomfields visited on
Sunday evening with the Claude
Mrs. Ken Wolden, Shelton and
Mrs. A. E. Lemke motored to
Kent Wednesday for luncheon with
Mrs. Cecil McLain. Joining them
were Mrs. A. H. Wolden and Don-
ald Northgate, and Mrs. Robert
Lemke and Janet of Seattle and
I~rs. Betty Chilson of Auburn.
The Traveling Pinochle Club
mei. Sa, turda yevening at the Shel-
ton heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Booth. ]]iglt prize winners were
Ida. Scalof and Dave Rayson, low,
Tavia Killough and Charles Wil-
lis, traveling pinochle, Dolores
Nichols and Jim Booth. Next meet-
ing will be March 20 in the Jim
Booth home with Belle Dunoyier
as hostess.
False face must hide what the
false heart doth know. -- William
You'll love
the Full Rich
Flavor of these
choice eteaks!
"Don't Miss These Family
Favorites at Tradewell
this weekend" !
Wieners ,y, rado's Skinless
,b. Pao .e .... 97¢
Wa,h. Orown 39¢
Fryers cu,.up. Pc..oady
Fryers Wash. Grown Fam,,y
Pao fryer ,, a ha,, ,b 39¢
U.S. Choice - Boneless Sirloin Tip
Oven Roast or Bo'Ltom
,end ........ ,b 89¢
Rump Roast Cho,oe
Bone-in Cut lb.
Lennon's -Pure Pork Link
Sausage ............................ ,b.
Salmn s,,eed .................... 69¢
Cheese M,,d ........................ ,b. 49¢
U.S.D.A. Inspected -
4 to 5 lb. Aver.
Frozen U.S.D.A.
Inspected .............................................. LB.
U.S.D.A. Choice
Boneless Top .................... LB.
.................................................. LB,
22 OZ.
10 LB.
Prices effective thru Sat., March 13, 1965. No sale to dealers.
Reserve Right to Limit Quantity.Equal Opportunity Employer
46 oz.
County Fair
Star Kist
' No, V2
Sausage Libby's 5 4 OZ. ' 22 OZ.
Vienna ................ Tins 98¢ Ivory Liquid Ooto,. e , ...... Size59¢
Greamed Corn L, b,.s7 =
Tins 98¢ Applesauce Stond y v T,na 9'8¢
Spanish Rice L,bb 'o 4 oz
Tins 98
Sauerkraut L,b 's ...... T,.s 98¢
Grapefruit L, by's 4
Sections ..... Tins 98¢
Libby's Family
Pitied Olives .... 1Ta,,
Tins 98¢
Kleenex Wh,to or
Ass't. Colors 2 400 ct.
p os. 39¢
Oleomargarine ,m-
po,.,a, 3 98
Top-of-the-West Sliced Yellow Cling
Peaches 5 98
...................... Tins
NEW SNOBOY Boil-in-the-bag. In Butter:
Cut Green Beans, Peas, Whole Kernel Corn,
Mixed Veg., Peas & Carrots
Vege|abies 4 ,0 oz
............ p ,s 98¢
Baby Limas '" Bet- lO o. 98¢
ter Sauce 4 pkgs.
Minute Maid
i 60,. 98¢
0range Ju ce Tin 49¢ 4 Tins
To Lil!iwaup Area
By Frances Carte
LILLIWAUP .- Record-break-
ing warm weather brought a large
number of motorists to the Canal
especially over ihe weekend. The
Olympic peaks put on a gorgeous
show, clad in their winter mantles
of snow, and the waters ef tim
Canal smoothed out to become a
mirror for the beauties of the foot-
People went for drives, worked
in their yards or played a round
of golf, according to their inclin-
ations. The weekend coLLage dwel-
lers were out and many had
guests with then]. The restaurants
and resorts had more people than
usual so early in the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays, new
operators of the Lilliwaup Motel
report "a very good weekend"
their first at the resort. They are
rapidly becoming acquainted with
the local people and their younger
generation are getting acquainted
with their fellow students at Shel-
ton high school and the Hood
Canal Junior High School. John
is a senior and /~ike a sophomore
in high school and Janice is in
the ninth grade and Jimmy the
seventh at junior high school. Johr
has enough extra credits from his
high school in Bellevue that he
only has to attend classes half
days in order to be graduated.
SUNDAY WAS the opening day
of the restaurant at Warfield s Re-
sort and their season started aus~
piciously. Among their guests was
a party of 15 from Belgium, sight-
seeing on Hood Canal, and delight-
ed with our scenery. They are in
this counhT to accept delivery of
some Boeing planes for their gov-
ernment, said Mrs. Warfield.
Rest"While Park had quite a
few trailers in and are getting
many reservation requests from
former patrons of the resort. Not
much fishing was reported for las~
weekend, with the water perhaps
a bit smooth for fishing, a con-
trast to the Friday night before
the previous weekend, ' when
strong winds were experienced.
Mike's Beach Resort will open
after the arrival home of the pro-
prietors, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Schultz, who have been wintering
in Mexico. They are expected back
very soon, say Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Bartch, who have been at the re-
sort this winter, caring for the
place and the owners' pet donkey.
Mrs. Edna Kneeland of Shelton
has been a guest of the Bartches
for several days and returned
home the first of this week.
Beacon Point Resort, reported.
Mrs. Lulu Smith, has had several
weekends recently that were un-
usually good in patronage for this
period of the year. Sixteen of their
cabins were rented on a late Feb-
ruary weekend and last Satur-
day and Sunday were busy days
at the resort.
Haines' Pancake House was an-
other Canal spot that "reported a
very flourishing weekend, serving
motorists out for a sunny drive.
invitation to attend the monthly
potluck supper, business meeting
and evening of pinochle sponsored
by the Lilliwaup Community club
"By Nadine Rhodes
AGATE --- A bridal shower hon-
oring Mrs. Steve Faulkner was
given by Carol Castle Feb. 26.
Guests numbered 20. A magnifi-
cent cake made by Mrs. Clifford
VanderWal for the occasion re-
ceived much attention. The three-
tiered cake was topped with a
miniature b~qde and groom. Swan-
like columns supported the second:
and third tiers.
The newly married couple are
making their home in Shelton. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs. Rich-
ard Brooks.
Pioneer PTO held its regular
monthly meeting last Tuesday.
The talk by Robert Quiggle, sup-
erintendent of the Shelton School
District, was very interesting and
the PTO will soon be selling Eas-
'ter candy and a cookbook which
should be of much interest in the
:Shelton area. It is called Favor-
ite Recipes of The Great North-
:west". The recipes were contrib-
uted by president's of Women's
Clubs over the Northwest. Shel-
ton is represented several times
in the nmst excellent variety of
recipes. Mrs. Bob Studer is in
charge of these sales.
Some members brought coffee
mugs to the meeting. It had been
decided to hold a "coffee cup"
shower for the needs of the PTO.
Members who have not as yet
brought a cup are asked to send
one to the school. Meryl Gates
has vohmteered to collect these
at the school.
The PTO plans to buy a small
amount of playgrmmd equipment,
snch as balls, for the use of the
In order to relieve the teachers
of extra duty, the PTO has accept-
ed the responsibility of collecting
for the individual 'pichn'es taken
at. school this week. The PTO re-
ceives a sum from the photog-
rapher for assuming the collect-
ink at the time the pictures are
~ent home to parents.
The fifth grade mothers fur-
nished the refreshments after the
meeting adjoulT~ed.
There will be a speci'~l demon-
stration meeting of the Agate
Tip-Top 4-H Clnb March 18. This
will be in addition to the regular
meeting March 17.
The Bell Riders Saddle Ch|b
met at the fairgromads Friday. Ac-
tivities for the coming season
were discussed. Plans for play
days and other activities will soon
be announced.
Friday evening in
hall at Lilliwaup.
club provides a fine
to become ac(
residents of this
make it a net
which to live.
Supper is serves
6 p.m., is followe~I bY~
iness session of the
evening of
are prizes for the
and light
close of the evening,:
Friends are
ception Sunday
or the newly
Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. Helen R.
house will be held
clubhouse of the
man's Club from 2
Mrs. Pauly
teaching career in
ching in Whatco~
counties, as well as
school, where she
at the Lime of her
:mer p(ipils, as well
i will welcome the
greet the bride and
marriage took
Moscow, Ida.
ern Star Social
fet supper given
Hoodsport home
J. W. Goodpaster
ning included Mr.
W. Moake, Mr.
Evans, Mr. and
berger and Mr.
successful affair. '
After supper
shown colored
leer]on made by
son of Shelton, on
ope. Pictures of F;
Germany, Italy,
way, Denmark,
and Czechoslovakia,
Members of the
hmcheon group met
last week aL the
Mohrmann. Mrs.
to be hostess to the
ere Wednesday
ther, Mr. and Mrs.
of Seattle, spent
their Indian
entertained a
Sunday dinner.
Mrs. Blanche Witte
Mrs. Harold C. El)'
beach neighbors,
Jack Johnston.
An informal "~
brought together
Bruce Huey,
from his ship, the
San Diego,
beach home of
O'Neil. The young
ing the evening
LaVada O'Neil,
and his fiancee,
sey, Tom and Elona
the host and
Lilliwaupians who
a two-month south
are already having
joymenL of their
cards and letters
the enthusiastic
Faith and Lewis
back reports of
B.C. sailing and h
since through
Florence Ross,
insons, of events
!coast port of call
Mrs. Zoe Sceva h~
neighbors, telling
Francisco and
meet the ship in
Mrs, Grace
Mrs. Ross, with
daughter, came
in Los Angeles
dinner aboard, as
inson's sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
who have spent
in Astoria, Ore.,
Friday. Mr.
on a construction
gon City.
visit from Mrs.
ter, Mrs. Gladys
pc'r, Wyo. Mrs.
been visiting
Mrs. Mattie
Frank Smith and
Sandy Smith,
lea Sunday,
jectlve of seeing
month-old great
baby is the son
Michael E,
They also
ley Smith, and
another son and
of Mrs. Backlund.
Mrs. William 5,
attle came Saturd
,eek at her Trtt.o~
has been visiting
Mr, and Mrs.
their daughter,
of Tacoma,
stopped on
Jack Catto home.
tide, so they go1
Hood Canal
back with there.
Mack Knutsen,
daughter of Mrs.
children, also
the weekend at
Mr. m~d Mrs.
went to Auburn
a ree.eption to
Mr. and Mrs.
Seattle. The ope~
at the home of oz
ters. Mrs Evans
of honor at the
and Mrs.
bridesmaid at the
A Holiday Be
recently been
James R. Vilwoc
Vilwocks plan on
met home there,
start on it
Mr. and Mrs.
entertained Joe
iof Potlatch at