March 11, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 11, 1965 |
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11, 1965
SHELTON---MASON COUNTY $OURNAIJ--Published in "Chr{stmastown, She!ton, Washington
,,SDAY Rogers School
PTA Will meet next
Will be open ol- Teacher Speaks
th the meeting begin- t l~
''~ in ~us, y c'ai- A SA Meeting
Tile February 24 meeting of
a of the Junior High Epsilon Sigma Alpha was held at
be guest speaker. A
~e¢.shown the home of Lois Kimbel with
Jane White as co-hostess.
~r problems while Educational chairman J a n e
Election of officers VChite introduced Richard Bot-
ng Year will be held. torff, an instructor at Rogers
~~-~ school. He gave an interesting
talk on the history of the school,
OX THEATRE the teaching methods used and
'" Sat. Only their main goal of readying most
:45. starts 7 p.m. of these young people for society.
Mr. Bottorff stressed the fact that
L~OO~~ the faculty at the scilool would
l~e| like to see more people come out
and visit and observe the pro-
After the educational program
was concluded a regular business
meeting was held.
Winners at the latest Eagle
Auxiliary card party were .Jack
Smith, Art Hazelquist, Phyllis
Moore and Clara Stuck. Pinochle
was held by Opal Asche and Opal
,r~~ Lancaster. Robert R agan and Phil
A~*~o~.~ Anderson are the series winners.
Lture The next card party will be held
Treason,, at 8 p.m. this Saturday in the
Eagles' airport hall.
p ai e
'.. each a masterwork of true fashion
: design, revealing the maximdm
brdhance and beauty of a perfect center
diamond. Choose the style You
prefer from our
distinctive Keepsake collection.
1~ cadged to th0w detaL~ rdm ~dud, F=&ral Taz,
ith & Fr, a klin
Tiu,rsd.y, .ar,'h TO BE HEI D M ARCH 19 tN PUD AUDN 0R!UM T0 Hospital By To Elect Officers
Toa.stnla,sters Club, 6:45 a.m., l~~ .~~~- ....... ' ~" " • - Mrs. Bob Fuller W'ts hostess fm
• imbe,.s restaurant. Eight And Foi t .......
Mason Neighborhood Girl Scout ~~:'~ '~ "L 7 : : .. : _, _ Ythe March 3 meeting of the Don-
leaders meeting 1 p.m., little ~~ll[~~~~Yl::t !i ~~ . a,!afion (~ounry ~a~on r~o. 50~]nie J. Orthopedic Guild. She was
house, mWm~Xli~~ll~Z~5~:~ EigHt and Forty met Monday eva-]assisted by Mrs. 'Leon Scott.
Friday, March 12 rang], in the Mcn.lor!al Hall. The I President Mrs. Vern Hansen up-
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., meeting was eonouctea steer(ring [pointed a. nomin ttin~ committee
IOOF Hall, " ' • ~" ' •
to ritual by La Pehtc Chapeau|of three to prepare a slate of
Rainier OrLhopedie Guildrmn- Mattie Backhmd. Merle Smith lprospeetive officers for election
mage sale, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., PUD sul)~ii:utc~ for Lillian Nnrv(,ld as lto be heht at the April meeting.
Auditorium. La ~eml t'et)te Chapeau Prt!m~erc. [ Following a brief meeting mere-
Saturday, March 13 A correctmn was mace m rest bers ldjoln'ncd to continue work
Drivers license examiner, 10 a. '" ' .... " " " • "
month s nev.s.` PaItnels Mam m[on the Easter egg project.
m. to 5 p.m., police station. ~a.rl ano ~ucy ~:omiston each (,.o- I Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Raymond
FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport Hated a. scrapbook to be .sent to l Orr attended the council n;eeting
Hall. the. Nahona.1 Jewmh hospital. Six tin Olympia March 4 wl~ere they
Rhododendron Society work par- pairs m pajamas, one blouse and I displayed several of the decorative
ty, 8 a.m., Calanan park. pictures were added to the art:-l eggs.
Salty Sashayers Square Dance cles already donated to be seutI ....
Club, 8:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. tc~al.l~eahnO~:t;Inb[Ch))fn Welfmr I 'Tis looldng downward t h at
Sunday, March 1.4 ..... .~ . : . ] makes one dizzy. ---Robert Brown-
Shelton churches invite you to An mmtauon for partners o~]in~
attend the church of your choice, the Mason County Salon to join[ o.
Monday, March 15 with the Grays Harbor, Lewis '~nd 7 .................. - ............
PUD No. 3 commission meeting, Thurston county salons to enter. I] ~ll~
1 p.m., PUD commission room. rain the Departmental Clutp~mut~ ~All-|l~lr- [
County commission meeting, 10 on her official visit to this di.%-I] I~nl|#l~ |M ~Pl~ll~R~l'~P |
a.m.. courthouse, rict March 26 at the St. Helens I| D~|W[2=|[~ ]~]['.J~||l~. I
He ...........
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., tel in Chehalis was read and]] 5 Miles S of Shelton
PUD auditorium, accepted by the partners Court-" ! "T ' -- I
esy chairman Jenny Hoff will | ....... |
Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m., • "' at aymr towne
"" • .' --." . , I I z,~ ~r. ~none 426-470/ I
home of Mrs. George Cropper. purcHase the gifts. THe ~our salons I ! Gates onen 6'45 Show at 7"an l
Tuesday, Maxch 16 will share ~ expenses with Lewis I ~ F R~I ~. "-- _.. "'*'* I
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, and Thurston salons who are act- | . . - ..~t. - ~uN_... , I
Memorial Hall. ing as hostesses. | [~ k~tl~ ~ |
Donations beyond those ah'eady II THREE ~"~, ~li~r | I
.. City commission meeting, 2 p.m. TRYING ON HATS in preparation for the annual the sale, and Mrs• Harold Nordeng, decoration sent into departmental and citer- [| AGAINSTTHE ~ [ ~,] | I
wi~y Hall Rachel Knott .Orthopedic Guild Hat Sale to bechairman The sale will begin at 11 a m and contion requirements were voted by I .... LDEBNE$$ ~l~/ Jtl~Ld I I
Fred B• W ivell P~v~temJloriAmhea~il- held March 19 in the PUD auditorium are ( eftt hue until 7 p.m Hat prices will range from $3.95 the partners to be sent are $~()[I ")Lug??=°" ![]"¢~!~-- ! I
can ~egion, ~ p.m., . rt clu" 'l to right) Mrs. George Cropper, publicity chair- tO $695 More large head sizes will be available toward the Nurse's ~cholarsllip; [] ~.~../~t~/~ [
hoSush:lt~:n00JaYme?eS~e AllrPrObusinesO; man, Mrs. Richard Brewer, general chairman ofthis year. Refreshments wil be served. $25 to the Preventorium at Camp[| = WanTnm.rv W t |/I
, : p. ., gu I ~ Bonneville; $25 to the Cystic Fi-[I I w'r~'~'~2. "~[ " ~]l
meet:rift and election of officers.
~g~°A~u~ii~r~,r:~ t:::::t(' BPW Work Party Slated Wednesday SHO -O ORS Nationalbr°sis Foundation;Jewish hospitaland $i5 fort° theaLl[I Ill t]~ l__ :: ~,7-j,]L T_, J./~,~r,~,,f~l~'~,~,,,,~ ,|']||
• "Yl work party will be held by and Lodema Johnson will attend A stork shower honoring Mrschildren's party: ]| II |! I
charter night 6"45-7"30 p m social the Shelton Business and P ..... " ~. ..... - • The partners were invited to at- ~| I [{.~f~lJ~r~_11 ~[ |
Hour. .... ~:~u p.m." flmner,-'" ':~"zmm~r~ ..... ' sional" Women s Club" a .... rotes- tim ~=omerence -Planning Council -'emery.. nason, was•. held in her. tend a dinner in honor of the of-[| I~/Y~g~ !] |
"-n~uet room " I ...... ~ ~:~o p.m. of the nine clubs this Saturday home ~'eoruary 25. Mrs. Mo,atz ficlal visit of the Legions depart-]l l~(.:~~[~0t0~e ~ J~ |
~,=u _ .. ...... I nex~ weanesaay in the home of in Cent~alia Schmidt was hostess for the event merit and District commanders at]l ~L:~~~t0it,nP,0~,a~o,=l~ I
soUn~):'~?e~a~gnters, 7:;~0 p.m., .~ta- Mrs. James Sneddon on Mountain ~ra . Winners of games played werethe ShelLon Hotel March 16. |1 - V~[I"\ ...... I
WedPesday, Maxc.h 17 View: .... . .... Mesdames Ed Burnett, G. W, Fris- A planned potluck dinner will/] "0l, v . • , =
~,,~,,,~. o,.+ ~,,,,,,~,,,=,~,~~ ..... ,.~.o -~.-~,°~"~ _1~ "rms wm repmce tile usual (fin- At Chmstmas" I no mole-, desire• ken Tom Jones and James Ve~-" be a no-host affair for the April ]~ ~ M.G.MtndCINEIIAMApre~ed ~ |
a.m.. Home ................ o~ mrs. w. J. wuzma. ~tner meeting .... in order to make =~ ,,v~=~--s- t,,,~,,*~" ...... ~i'h .......... " ~ov's che~', l;ifteen~ guests parting" 'pared meeting. Merle Smith will be in |l l~,~, "r~_~tr .... ! |
' ' " er 1 preparations to," ~,istrict 5 Spring ..................... charge of arrangements, l| I WOND]~t~]LW01(I~ i I
Drovers license exammion '0 ]womm'en, ce wm'cn will' be held new-fan=l~d~ ~ ,., ................. ~,,, ,~,~ ,,~,~ ~ m the fun "" 1 RROrl .Rg [M | -
a.m. to 5 p.m. police stat . -- .... : ........... each thin .................... Refreshments were served fol- O"e~'-~ e~e~'-~nd-~e whole [| 1 OFTH B~GRIMM | I
Re,~ublican Women's Club 1'30'll a m ~ne mneiton ~o~el s ~,,~- ,,~ ~=a~,, ~;,uw~ .................
~" " ' " I ........ :=' , , . ~owmg ~ae opening- oi many lOVely ~" ~ •
world is full of God -- J a k o b l| I ....... m__j I
p.m..BPWMemorialwork party,Hall" 7:30 p.m., [I Mayoen.. ~amem, ~v~ary .~9°bs°n -- William Shakespeare. gifts by the guest of honoz.. Boehme, /~ ...... : .......
home of Mrs. James Sneddon. /
WARC meeting, 8 p.m., Capitol} ~ ................. i ...............
Hill clubhouse. [
Thm'sday, Maxch 18 EX' RA$
St. Edward's rummage sale, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., in the church hall.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Port commission meeting, 8 p.m.
Navy Mothers' Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11
a.m.. Potlatch clubhouse.
Bordeaux PTA. 7:30 p.m., Rusty
Callow hall.
Baby Is Guest Of
Honor At Stork Shower
Baby Raymond Paul Krisc and
his mother, Mrs. Peggy Krise,
were guests of honor at a baby
shower given March 3 in tile home
of Mrs. Georgia Miller in Skoko-
Among the guests present were
his grandmothers, 'Mrs. " Evelyn
Mesplie and Mrs. Steve Johns and
his great-great grandmother, Mrs.
Margaret Cagey of LaConner.
An evening of fun was enjoyed
with many lovely .gifts for' the
newcomer. Refreshments were ser.
A Driftwood Sllow will be held
in the Grayland Community hall
in Grayland this Saturday and
Sunday. It will be open to the pub-
lic. No admission charge. Hours
Saturday will be from 1 to 4 p.m.;
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Deadline for entry into the con-
test is 10 a.m. Saturday.
Reg. $2.50
Family size
Reg. 89¢
Reg. $1.00
Reg. $1.25
Reg. 98¢
Get Posters For That Den Now... Only 98¢
TAKES HONORS -- St. Edward's CY.O Cheer-
leading team recently won third place in the
Arch - Diocesan cheerleading oompetition contest
which was held in St. Miohael's gym in Olympia.
Members of the pep staff are (left to right) Sand=
Gruver, She:Is Liohter and Diane Zukowski. They
were judged on choreography, cheering, sports-
manship, spirit and uniform. The girls competed
against ten of the best clubs in the senior division.
They have cheered at all of the CYO church
league games this season.
Franklin Square 426-3327
Always a place f o r
bright foam filled vinyl
CUshions to sparkup a
spot hcrc and there, for
o~ll-|y Useful con, fort and good
looks!And pricedlow!
]lli~.~~":'::~ ...... ~:~:""
FortreP Polyester and Cotton
These rugged fineline twills are the ulti- ~j
mate in wash-and-wear because the oreasc
is "set in" to stay! You never i~on these re-
markable slacks---tliey shun wrinkles hand-
sorrtely • • • shrinkage is practically zero!
Y0u'll like the neat, youthful styling. Black- BABY CARRIER
olive, tan, black. B ~ ,~r a ~
Oense 2-p y continents /iiii!if{}}iiiiilii}!i::i }iiiiiiiii!l
pile cotton terry screen ~ii:'~7.~,~:~l~:::ii:!:.. ,; .......... 99
print towc s. !ii]l~r~l~. ~; -~.~.::'!!!:
Fringed ends. i~~iiiiiiiii~ or carrying, feeding, nap-
~:~:~I'~H ~'~ • -~ ~V,.K~rx" ~?:: ::~
~.~t~-~~~ ping or auto riding! Mold-
.~!~::!;. .~ ..(~ . cd plastic frame has yinyl
24" x 46" 1[ ~ii!!ii!!i/ covered pad and vinyl safe-
ty strap. Adjusts to 4 posi-
iii;ii t ons.
Chenilles, Tufteds,
Hobnails, Stripes
Be first to s~oop up this anniver-
sary value . . • cottons, cotton
rayons in the group. Machine
wash, no-iron. Hurry! twin or full
Tailored Stripes
Florals and solids. Quilted top
of shimmering acetate.
twin or ftdl
Quilted Top, Solids, Prints
Smooth welting and full skirting
in tailored - to - perfection detail•
Big Anniversary selection!
twin or full
Spread by Day • •.
Blanket by Night
"Enjoy the secret of this special
cellular construction that's a
thermal 2-in-1 Anniversary value!
twin or full