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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, For Sale Used Cars ASSUME PAYMENTS on three-bed- t'ooKn n)obile h(llllC at $100 a moutll. Call 426-4749after 5 p.m, _ . A 1/28 tfn CL-(;V~]I(:ANb-'G-R'ASS-~iAy for Sale,- A. J. Estes,'phone McCleary. 495-3606 E 2/18 3/11 stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn Johnson, 426-8974. 1/14 tfn KO.ACOLOR ENr:X 6EM TS 2 for $1.49/ reg. $2.50 value. Jumbo eohn" tlqn'intS ,'rein Kodacolor nega- tive.s 0nly 5 Ior $1.19. Offer expires next March 31. Zicgler's Camera Shop. ~124 N. 2nd St., phone 426- 5163. 1/21 3/25 longer with Falrbanks Morse ptmaps. See tllem at ShaRon Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 ttn pulleys and shafts. AIt types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 ttn omditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, d~.Ters. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn equipment. ~rom flreglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tfn stery cleaned by Cleaning Services Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. Wanted REDUCEl) --- 7 x 35 binoculars, coat- ONE '48 INTERNATIONAL Iiickup!WANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapanel. ed h;ns, guaranteed. B.eguiariy $34.50, for szde or trade. 426-3689. Port of Sllelton Industrial Park, NOW $29.45 at Ziegler's Camera Shop N 3/H tfn John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. ........ 3/26 tfn I~()R--SALE-0R-TRADE-L---1921 "Model _ J 2/18 tfn FOR-A--FRE-E--~U-I~of-bea;~y-c-aH T" Ford picltup. Trade for 4-whccl ~iVA~ ~--~-000-~rec~etlre~-O~ for a MeHe Norman Cosmetic dem- Jeep or boat or ?% 426-8323. Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 ~n, onstration. Elatnes phone 426-4582. T 3/4 tfn W---~]~-5~W-~-T--R~E--~-~o~ig---~O -- E 6/4tfn C'R~lA-M=15-1~-F-1960--Cb-e~-Si-x-cvlind, rTM reach? Call Cleaning Services CO., stick, $10J,,. Will accept older ear phones 426-4376 or 426-8138, 1/7 tfn supplies..John Rice. Phone 426-6108. in trade. Phone 426-8775. E 3/4 tin after 2:00 p.m. Demonstrations. i~}56-CHEVIROf~ET STXTI-0-N--W~ IVIOBILE---HO~E--T-O%VIN-G--anYwllere tt I/7 tfn --rebuilt motor. Very reasonahle. ................................................. Ptlone 426-4428. J 1/21 tfn in state. Robert Shumate, 2642 East !Lq55/;=:=-2-door Chev. auton~ii~ 442f6n State, Olympia, Wash. 357-5358. ' ' / "7 - S 2/11 tfn 1"952 II~TERNATi()NAL---i£-jZton--picKU CERTIFiED--H--O-ME--f~r nursery--care condition $350. Phone 426-8384. by mature mother. References. Phone up. New clutch, two new tires. Goo'd 426-3552. ' A 11/5 tfn N 3/a-ll X~JT0--PXIN~/~G---~5-Kn-d~.-Xi~ i963-C}iEV1~0LE~;-PICKUP. 6cylin- house trailers, boats, etc, Phone der, h)ng. wide box, new tires, 426-4822. Inquire 1202 Cota St. $1650. Call ewmings 426-3127. R 4/9 tfn MERc~URYM(JNTCI]AIR--i'([r sale. One Call 426-4378. V 4/16 tim owner, new tires, interior like new, WANT-I~'~-~--Cedar lo~--aan~ never been wrecked. Carlton Scars, Thurston Co. Federal Savings and Call Olympia 352-3178. Scheller Bros, Loan, Olympia. Phone 943-1224 afler Lunlber, Route 4, Box 414D, Olympia, 5, S 3/4 tfn Wash. 9/17 tfn ~-948 DeSOTO"~4-d¢)iir;--1947-Ford 1Vz- WANTEi~--~'I~i~me-~-90c ton truck. Elect,'lc Harmony guitar, an hour. Phone 426-6420. L 11/12 tfn Plume 426-3507. N 3/11-25 ~k-V()~l--c~LING--~--'H'a-ve--a--fe-~7-~- 1954 MERCURY-~-Two--t}~i{e hardtop, ritories open in the Shelton area-- two door for sale. See at 420 Elllnor Matlock, Hoodsport, Union and Brln- St, Best offer over $50. Phone 426- non area. For private interview in 4526. B 3/11 your home write Mary Rasmussen, 600 N. "I" St., Aberdeen, Wash. ]-955--:BU~[-C~;:--,¢]~dail:-stick-shift, two- R 12/24 tfn door. Also BSA single, BSA twin. 500. Phone 426-2026. W 3/11-25 ~E-S--'-C~K'S:--bol~ect-~ ors please contact Box MVP, c/o The ~'~--'--" Journal. We pay highest prices. 2/4 3/11 BOAT, MOTOR and TRAILER for WILL--CX-I~E--FoR--CI-IILDRE~I--in my home. Phone 426-4683. Capitol sale. 15 ft, boat, 35 h,p. Evlnrude. Hill, Shelton. Mrs. Arthur L. John- Tom Coleman, phone 426-8688. son. 2/4 tfn C 3/11-25 CEMEhIT--w-(~RK--D()-~IE--b-y--the--d&~ //ek-YSTMD-~iSR--S:-~-KfL--ERS,-eqiati~ or by the square foot. Phone 426- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on 8608 after 6 p,m, W 2/25 4/15 beautiful Hood Canal. Phone I4~od~- Deft TR 7-5244L 1/19 1-965"-P~XINIER-t-ravet trailers rmd Sky- " For Rent lark horse trgilers on sale now at Shelton Unloh Service Station. 332 QUALITY One Bedroom downtown . " 1/7 tfn So. 1st St. R 10/15 tfnapartment. Furnished. W/W carpet, Bl~'~i'-ND--NE'W-~M(~el'--P°-lai~]d"c°l°r G=I~NSMITHi'i~G:~'n'e~;"~in-d--u'sed-guns:~' $75 per me. Contact Kurt Mann, ~)ack ealner~# at a sensational $117,56. scopes and reloading. Dean's GunRealtor. 426-6592, 1/14 tfn ieglcr's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. Shop, Union, Wash, Phone 898-2133, TW0-AND THREE bedroonl house, Z 11/19 tfn D 3/4 tfn Apply 1411 Ratlroad Ave., Thursday N~.~W-'M-(:)()-N-lh-SbiTe-h-o-m-es !-Nation-'s evening. B 3/4 tfn i best scller, your best buy. DeTray's Pets, Livestock VIrAREHOU-SE--F-Oi%-REI~T:-d0wnt'~W~{ Mobile llomes, t617 Fenes Road, (.ilympia. 1)hone 352-2907. D 10/15 tfn location, clean, dry storage, Phone ;i'}-I()MAS-()RGAN ---~.20--:Bass-"c'b-or(l~ AIREDALE -- Two-year male. A.K.C. 426-8211. L 3/4 tfn $25(1. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots. reglsi.ered. G. C. stock--all shots. $75. FOR-RENT--:Y---One--b-e-d'l~o¢)m-trailer: 4/16 tfn Rt. 1. Box 50 Union. 895-2311. house. 426-3169. B 3/4 tfn SALE 'N)W $1 0()--0ff im Sp-r};d Satin ................................ S 3/11-25 ~NE-BEDROOM--~£~-A-II~ER---fSr--rent and LusH'e patnl. ~uarts or gallons. 4 YR. OLD Pinto gelding $175. Eight parked at Bell Trailer court. Con- • I19 ltailroad Ave. Shclton Eh'ctrie yr, old Bay M'u'e, ride or pack, $150. tact Otis Williams at 1409 Railroad. C-. . 2/25 tfn Phone d26-2116, B 3/4 tfn U 3/4 CR 5-2302 afi(!r 5 D 2/11 3/25 in. Also greeting cards of all kinds, room. furnished, Inquire 718 North "l:'l¢,~ OUH CATALOG Sl~£[~q'C~-'-"-: 5c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378. Sixth. D 2/25 tfn Many thousands (if Items to choose t'rotn. Large desc.onnts. Wepisy freight. Shc]ton Marhm Supply, Hkt- Cres! M ~/8 tin (JONI)ITIONEI)-" ]~l,10/~ LPA-- ltAY-- rrhu('l I-~TIItlA','~. Ken I'etersoo. t¢.0tlte ?.. Pin'[ Ang(,les. Pllone .t57-3930, P 12/3 tfn BRAND NEW COLOR pack Polaroid canleFll. Price reduced to $117.50. Ziegler's Camera Shop. 1/23 tfn 30-1NCII ELECTltIC rang(,-- for-sale_ E×celh'at c(indlliOll, rcasouahle, l"h t2(i-6:,39, P 31,1 tin ~'( If~. SALt'} - Jllhn l)eerl, tractor MtId- ('1 "L' with billde, l)hiw, disk. J~tlllS good, nvw rear tires.I.~h(,fie 426- 815,1 A ~/4 tin GO()D EASTERN Wl:lslllilgh)n lilly for .'lalo by lime iJr Ion. ,i26-6685. K 3/4-11 ]DXCEI,Z.,ICNT IIAY Never wet. Noil McDonald. Kiiniilche Valh~y, .136q17.1(1. M( '3/4 I.I n FOR SALE--Li--3li-fl~-h(,use trailer t19471 $t92,, Phone 126-8323, V 3119 tfn STUD SERVicE ~-'~--Cfin~p_Ch~c.-p()int sianie~c. Phone Taconm GR 5-2336. N 1/21 tfn TWO BURROS FOR-SALE LL-ivo2 nlales, lllother slid daughter (7 years aild 16 Illon|hs), Also double cinch Burro saddle. Perfect for children. $200 for all, Also 8 x 12 flatbed trailer, $35. Phone 426-3204 La 1/14 tfn Miscellaneous IlEART FUNI.I MEMORIAL c.ontribu- tions nlay lie Sell! tt~ Memorial cili.lir- nut. Mrs. Maybell Danlcls, 1129 Bay- view. Shclton, 3/11 6/10 .... ;;]5 st " , 0 Follnd F(JTINI.) .... Tlil]l',>ll. at Ev~ "green Drug. ]~Iusl hh,ntify. E 3/11 Wanted FOR RENT-- -Newi}'--f{ii:nlsfiiM thi'ed r(a)nl apartnlent. $65,references re- _ _qu t r ed ._ 42b_'-8277. 2/25 tfn Classified Service WILL TEACtl THE professiomd way of nulking slip eov(!l'S and draper-. i qs _.._]/~ho n e__ 426-_2376. D~/4-11 WE BUY scrap Iron, Datteri~, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 416-8626. S 417 tfn stallatlons, oil conversions• Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn T 3/4 tfn SCHWlNN BIKES -- New and used Parts slid r iltlh's. Kcys. hicks, snow skis, sides, renlnls, repairs. Clin- ion's Bike Shop, 223 Cots. 12/1.7 tfn PARTS AND SERVICE for Kirby, vsetUlnlS. Aim) n(,w and rebulli Kh'- lly:L t~hone ,l.t)-,tS08, K ./2.1 ,I/11 FlltEW()()D FOR SALEL.- Any lengi.b -Ahh,r or gr('eu in' dry fLr. Phone -12(i-8122. I-I 2/25 Lfn ~'Olt SALE .... 1958 16 i~l. Aristocrat traih,rhouso, Sh'el):~ five. butane sh)ve sod lights,Phone Unh)n 898- 2183 ..... D :3/11 tfn ~()R "gAI'~g----;.- 'gil(;{,i:{o]'Ki-flht- -t(ii) -gtil: hir. Call. 476-4Q6' K 3/11 tfn 9 (?U. PT. COLDSPOT refrigerator, 41) lb. ~l'eOz(!r e()lo])a l'[ lnenl across top. t~t'iee $45. Phone 426-8940, T 3/I1-18 }~01~ SkL]']----6-yelir eril)-and !nat- Iress. Good eolltlition. 1 hollo 426-4210 I-:ARY-SITTEI~ WANTED -- Two days ~t week, Must collie to honle. Traus- poriatiun furnished. Phone 426-$414. B 3/11-25 "WANTED" +-2_ " Cottonwlmd logs at Olympia. Call Olympia 357-4433 8 a,m. hi 5 p.m. ; evenings 357-5254. Dan Greeriland, T 3/11 CARPENTER --WORK -WANTED _7 Concreh~ or boat repair work. free estinnite;t. R Itsonablt~ ])ri(;es, Cascy I~uining', ,126-6832.B 3/11 tin WANTED: Bring me your rags, I v,'lll weave [h('In into rugs for you at $1.50 a yard. Also rugs for ~ale. Mrs. Alvin I-fildebrandt. Route 3, Box 561, (Lost Lake Road), Shelton, Wash. Phone 426-6469. ___ 3/4-18 WANTED'~ Alder Logs. Behind a million feet on orders. We will pay every load. 426-3464. S 3/4 tfn in my home. I-ltllcrest area, 426. H 3/11 4286 . I~ 2/18 tfn i~'IZEE-2One g-IHIon-({f AH-&-WRoot -- Set of light ste.el--bl~lilks 1~eor t,~ Jack EIstnl. Star Roui.e 1, for alder or second growth. Cowan Box 201 R, Sbeit(m at Miner's A & W Evergreen Box Co Lakcbay, Phone Drive-ln on Mt. View. 3/11 Lakebay 884-304i." 2/25 3/11 ~BEI) DAVENO, (diah'~--glhs~.---cSffed WANTED-LZ23-tb-26--in('li-lcngtli-~e= faille, ttn'ee htliips, two end tabh,~s, dar shake bolts. Mlninltnn 4-inch. all nlatchcd. Like new, $90. 426-2177. Not to exceed 10%. Two inch and O 3/11 over 12c de]iwn'ed. 10(:. I llaul. One inch dianicter, 5c delivered, 4c I hanl. Cowan Evergreen Box Co., Home Lakeba . Phone LakebaY 884-3041. Y - 2/25 3/1 . Slaughtering Unit one Cooling, cutting , day serv,ce it aeslred. Call 426-4598- L9/19 tfn Lemke's Service 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn ,r Art's Bulldozing! ~xcavating --- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash 5/17 t~ SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS 500-gal., 750*gal., 1000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Backhoe, Trencl~cr for Hire SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Phone 426-3660 CR 5-2157, Bclfair. 8-18tf~ ADULT--WILL BABY-SIT-in your home or mine, day or night. Phone 426-4304. S 12/31 ttn stalls, all carpentry work. Dan G. Badgley Builders, Rt. 1, Box 204, McCleary, Wash., phone 495-3365. B 2/4 tfn drcd acres unimproved land or old farm In hills. Price reasonable. Write John }-hdlis. 140 N.W. 171st St., Seaitle 98177. Brokers Invited Tele- pilone Lhlcoln 2-2700. 2/11 4/15 DEMONSTRATOR-Instruct ors wanted for Tri-Chem liquid enibroidery. Part or full tinie work. Phone 426-4538. V 3/4*25 WANT EI')-~---A LD El% -l-5-g.~ ?- B elli u d - it " million feet oil orders. We will pay every load. Shelton. Hardwood Co.. :hic.. P.O. Box 234. Shelton. Wesh. Pltone 426-3464 3/4 tf LAWN AND YARD SNRVICE Cut- ting. h'inmllng, pl'llnlilg, flower beds. Call for estimates. Phone 426-8936, WANTED-- Maintenance lu:tn, caps2 ble of doing various r,.pnirs, lnain- tenan(;e, ianiter work, st(;. Apply Shelton (]eneral Hospital. 3/11-13 NEW INSURANOE Call Dick Kerwood 3a,.-85a1 (toll free) Life • Family Mortgage • Health t ..= General and Corrective HORSE SHOEING 20 Years Experience JIM HILLS Phone 426-6064 evenings Prompt - Guarant:eed Sere, tee WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553~ FRESH EGGS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY :~ iWh~lcsale Prices Olympic Hwy. S. at Shelton City Limits HATCHERS EGG STAND 2,it.~ tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 7/23 tfn and technician, "Regular Care Pre- vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia 943-3712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- 8267. G 8/12 tfn call Cleaning Services Company, ph. 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 tfn expert painting and wall paperlng, call Bennett Painting Company, ~--~-~-~t~426"8248 , B 11/8 tfn Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4828. 2/18 t~n EXPERT ADTO GLASS l~tallation. Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426.8~1. 4/28 tfla ROOFING, blown rc¢1~ wool Insula- tion g~aranteed, Ph. 426-6¢1.7. 8/20 ttn chimneys, planters, call 1~ E. Muon, 428-~178. 8/1 tfn and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone 42~-~Ma. 6/10 tfn accurate precision grinding. Now at lmeger Motor Shop. Hlllcreet. Phone 426-4602. 1/16 tin soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426- 8652. 9/18 tfn ienced asslstance. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Prices reasonable. Call 426-4900. M 1/28 3/11 SALE! Now $1.00 off on Spred Satin and Lustre paint--quarts or gallons ---419 Railroad Ave., Shelton Electric Co. 2/11 tfn Real Estate FOR SALE -- Rental property. One 3- hedroom, one 2-bedroom. and one 1-bedroom house. Good condition close to school and business district. 2S28 Adams St. Phone 426-4238. P 7/16 tfn FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426, M 10/8 tfn WILL SELL lip to 300 feet choice no- COMPLETELY-: furnished cottage be- bank waterfront, Pickering Passage. twcen Unl6n and Twanoil State park [ ~h,m, A')~ ~,l~A ~ R/11 tfn on Hood Canal Hlway. tIandy to ]- "':~'2~-~-Y'-I~:X?~: ................. "" "~". """ buses and fishing $45. St. Rt. Box 255 ] VIEW LOT -- Ideal for daylight bane- Union, 898-2276. ment. Excellent distriet. Close to C 10/1 tfn schools, churches, etc. Sewer, water, paw;d street. Must sell, $995. Phone FOR RENT --Unfurnished two bed- 426-4653 ewmings. P 3/11-25 rooui modern, new apartments on Mt, View. Wall-to-wall carpcting, BY OWNER ~ Hei)tJ-Ca'ntti, tw() bi,d-" draperies, laundry facilities, appli- ! r,)ool home, Furnace, fireplace, anees, private parking and private guest house, $11,900 cash or terms. locked storage space. Heated swim- 50 ft. waterh'ontage. Phone Hoods- ruing pool $99.50 month. Contact _ port 877?5565.- .................... E 3/11._.tfri manager. Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn FOR SALE -- Three bedroom house E 11/26 tfn at Five Corners. Phone 426-3158 af- FOl~ RENT -- Reel* Apt. ~ bedroom, ter 5 p.m. B 7/23 tfn unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 t.fn Used Appliance Sale House anytime. For information call 426-3959 or 426-2406. M 6/18 tfn MILL CREEK MOTEL has one and two bedroom cottages. Call 426-4420. : Highway 101 south. S 6/11 tfn E-D G E W O (~I) "--.AP T S ---- On e,- t~=Wo--and tllrce bedrooms. Nicely furnished. Automatic heat Lots of room. Clean and neat. From $45 me. At the Shelton Airport. Call 426-8584. S 12/17 tfn nished downtown $50 per me. 426- 2081. B 2/18 tfn i NY h -5 one bedroom apartments, two blocks from bank, shopping center. Appli- ances, heat, hot water, garbage ser- vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- tubs, showers. Ample storage. Quiet, i clean, attractive surroundings. Also l bachelor units for single persons, electric kitchens, tiled showers, ex- haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. Tlirce laundry rooms, automatic wa- shers, dryer. Abundance hot water and heat. Good beds, of course! Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine, Shown by appointment, Phone 426-2121. L 12/10 tfn Mt. View ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Now Available • Unfurnished • 2-bedroom • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Draperies • Laundry facilities, • APpliances • Private parking • Private Storage • SWimming Pool month Contact Manager, 426-3100 1/7-tfn NEW THREE bedroom house for sale to be nloved. $3200, You finish, Ac- ross fronl KMAS. Phone 426-3127 B 2/11 tfn HOME IN COUNTRY -- Five acres, drilled well, new septic system, two bedrooms down, dormitory up, 426-3443, N 2/11 tfn We need the space. All Used Appliances Listed are sold with a written warranty. Refrigerat0rs Gibson 2 door combination Freezer-Refrigerator. Zero-Zone Freezer $taa0o Auto-Defrost ................ J- Gibson Market Master Refrigerator. All Refrigerator oompletely deluxe and $1I 500 automatio defrost ........ ,m Frigidaire apt. size refrigerator cross top freezer. Deluxe with shelves in the door ............................ Admiral Dual temtp refrigerator freezer combination Full width bottom freezer. Auto- $4 4~1~00 matte defrost ................ J-/--~ Admiral Refrigerator w/cross top freezer Apt. size 30 $~00 day warranty ........ Only Many more refrigerators to choose from, perfect for home or a summer cabin. RCA Upright freezer. 21 cu. ft. Unit has 1 yr. warranty, Like new Repossessed Gibson upright freezer. 16 cu. ft. Assume pmts. of $11,77 per month on approved credit. Hotpoint chest freezer. Runs perfectly. 90 day day warranty .................. 4 ou. ft. chest freezer. Sold with $6000 warranty .......................... Laundry Equipmeni Norge matching washer & dryer. Perfect $ M ~l I~00 working condition Bendix Duo-matic. Washer- Dryer $13500 combination ................ Speed Queen Auto- matte washer .................. Kelvinator Washer. Completely Deluxe ........ Several dryers. Priced from $50.00 up. All guaranteed Ranges Crosley Range, Hotpoint range and a deluxe Philco Range. All guaranteed & priced to sell. We also have used dishwashers, ice makers, commercial equipment and many more of the above listed appliances. LEM WARREN REFRIGERATION Parties interested in leasing space in new modern building to be built adjacent to Knee- land building on Mt. View please contact John C. Kneeland Box No. 81 Shelton Phone 426-4889 2/4 tfn ILqQrl.- 127 S. 2nd 426-2445 Real Estate ANGLESIDE CORNER tot. 30 x 120 for sale. Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tfn 1)laces, batlls. 10 nliles out. $560 down. Owncr will finenee. Phone 426-8002, 10 acres. F 2/2,t tfn i;~m-SALE--~- Tiiree ,-----Ti;,w- lots---at Union overlooking tlood Canal. Pli. Union 898-2133. D 3/4 tfn TWO B E-D R()OM~ -I~ OMEo n- ArCad ia Real Estate Real Estate Real hie bath, ])histered, hardwood fleers, large kitchen, fireplace, privacy, 4 10 WO()DED ACRES. 3 bedroonl, dou-OWNER :MUST bedroom, 1 ~/2 with fireplace. milcs out. Unfinished double garage, chen, utility, extra 426-4319. $14,500. B 3/11-25 level with view pic Mts. Price red~ appraisal of 426-2007. HIMLIE REALTY HOUSE IN ment Oil honl,:!. O, l-I. Stel~ 427-A, Sheltou. Avenue. Large living room and kit- OVER 400' WATERFRONT chen. Good location. Close to stores Well located on beautiful and school. See to appreciate this buy at $6,950, Call 426-2275. Pickering Passage. Only 15 M 12/3 tfn minutes from Shelton, Level 2-d~--S~I-EI~,TEi~ED-'-s-alt--~tti;r-frdht= land, no bank, curving pebble age. bcautiful building sites, in- beach. An excellent buy at $60. eludes charndng rcdccorated older house. $65 per front foot Owner per front foot. Call John Dev- 426-8088 or P.O. Box 251, Shelton. ereux for appointment. P 3/4-11 FOR--S-ALE-b-y--~n'-er-TTh-re-c--bedroom ] BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN home, full basement, cut buildings, (in llighway just south of Shelton. Close to hospitals. Spacious A. O. Charlson, phone 426-6129. family home, freshly painted 3/11 tfn inew floor coverings. Nice living !room, dining and breakfast Ex pti IlyG nook. Bright kitchen and utiilty. ce ona ood The full price is only $5,500. : d with $1,000. own on contract. Used Furnilure 5 BEDROOMS DOWNTOWN 48" WALNUT CHINA This property has a fine w/ Sliding Glass Doors, $~ !closedStream garden.fl°wing Aat goodedge set°f en-up buffet base ................ i~i~ !for a 2 family home or for in- 5 PC. DINETTE, come property. Two full baths. very good, new $~ Includes a one bedroom apart-' chairs ............................ ~ ment. Hot air furnace. Smart NEW OCCASIONAL CHAIRS your ch,oice $~ ]~1 kitchen, nook and large living _ room. Attached garage, $11,200. color & style ............ t [] Can be purchased on Contract BROWN RECLINER, with low down' payment. Call New Price $119.50 $~ John Devereux for details. Our Price .................... ~ ~ BILTWELL DAVENPORT & 50 ACRES, C'LOSE IN CHAIR New Price $399.50 Our Price ...................... On Matlock Road. Reproduc- ing fir and alder; some mer- chantable. All year Creek eom- plete with Beaver Dam. Owner needs cash $5,800. Call John Devereux. 2-BEAUTYREST FULL-SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SETS, New Price $159.50 Our Price ........................ 1-6" FOAM LATEX TWIN SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SET, plus frame New ,Price Set $119.50 $S950 Our Price (per set) .... GREEN ALL NAUGAHIDE RECLINER, Extra large, New Price $159.50 $L1~[~,50 Our Price .................... LAWSON STYLE DAVENPORT, Very Heavy Cover, coil spring base, New Price $379.50 Our Price .................... Olsen Furnilure 4th & Cola 426-4702 The Exclusive HOLIDAY HOUSE One and Two bedroom units available. E a c h has Westing- house built-in range and refrig- erator, Carpeted living room and ceramic tile bath. All units face nicely landscaped court. There is plenty of parking space and a nice utility. 2 bedroom $~50 unfurnished ............................ ~'~ 1 bedroom $~ ~kAI 50 furnished ........................ JL ~1~ 1 bedroom $~4~50 unfurnished ............................ ~' For appointment to inspect Call: A. ROY DUNN, Realtor 426-4447 126 Railroad Ave. 3/11-25 HOOD CANAL Just south of Union, panoramic Mountain view, 2 bedroom witl~ 200 ACRES REPRODUCING Grapeview-Allyn area. Ap- proximately 50 Acres pruned Yule trees. 150 acres reproduc- ing 30 to 60 yea,' old fit'. Pric- ed at $47,500. Terms. Check with John Devereux. 12~2 ACRES, 3 BEDROOMS Level ground, drilled well, secluded, bordcrs small bass lake. Separate dining and liv- ing rooms. Paved garage. $8,- 500. Terms. Call John Dever- eux for more. 3 BEDROOMS, HILLCREST Newly decorated, Exception- ally large living-dining with glassed fireplacc, l!/z baths. Large bright kitchen, separate breakfast room, utility and basement ftlrnace. $9,950, FHA ;500. down. Call 426-4666 Evenings Call John Devereux 426-8544 Sue Danlels 426-3434 A G E N C Y EAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th --- Shelto% Wash. WOW|! FOR SALE -- Small We just listed this spacious 3 room house. Big bac bedroom and what a home! It's a_fter_6 p_._[n.______. loaded with extras and has a CHOICE WATERFR0] Split-level four bedrC full basement (finished) and a er can handle contra double garage too. Why not call now for more information ~EDUCEi)-F6R--t~U~ and an appointment. Priced at in,..small two bedr0• E price now $3400.. $26,000. $1700. Cash or trade house, small acreage you?'Balance of c¢ SUBURBAN SPECIAL-- at $25 month, phone Here is a choice suburban home within the city limits. Lots of 1SLAND LAKE for year round living, potential here with it's full base- front suitable for ment, unfinished attic and ap- tiles' e~oymenL proximiately 2 acres of land. Ex- time. ira large living room, 2 good-sized ~-W~ ment, recreation bedrooms and extra bath all for fireplaces on $9,250. Just $500 down including $16,500. Phone 42 2338 Kent. closing costs on an F.H.A. in- l0 ACRES, loggecl- sured loan. fenced, two bedrc ter and lights on LOOK-- Box 394, Arcadia Did you ever hear of a brand ~-E-W~r-~-X-]~ new-older home? Maybe not, furnished, electrt but this older home in a con- Isabella. Price venient downtown location has 426-4884. been completely remodeled from ~--V-E---ROO--0-M--~ neigiiborhood, the new foundation to the new Good rental roof. Large rooms, carpeted 2484. bedrooms, den and 2 baths. KOKO-Mfg] Like to see it? bedrooms, acres. Phone Star Rt. 1 Box SUMMER IS COMING-- DO YOUR matter what yoU Maybe you had better check the ices Co., phone features in this fine waterfront home. This spacious 4 bednoom FOUR double garage, home is ideally located on 115' cabinets, of choice low bank frontage and is 426-4711. 307 Wes just a few minutes from town. MUST SELL Perfect for a large family. $21,- 950 with terms available. JUST LISTED--- See this spacious 3 bedroom home today. It's located just at the edge ,of town and is com- plete with large kitchen, carp- eted living room, fireplace, new roof and new outside paint. Everything's on one floor and it's priced at $9,000 with $750 down and $70 monthly. WHY PAY RENT? Just $500 down and $50 monthly will move you into this comforta- ble 2~2 bedroom home. Located close to Hillcrest stlopping and is available at once. CHOICE RENTAL: Available at once; choice one bedroom duplex in a conven- ient downtown location. Large living room, handy kitchen. $65 monthly. 116 No. 2nd Phone: 426-3369 VINCE HIM LIE Evenings: 426-6501 U OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 EVENINGS: PHONE 426-3530 WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE BROKER basement, new condition, creek, landscaped $12,000. 3 bedroom older home, shop ~oom, creek, 130 ft. tidelands $13~- 500. IN UNION New 3 bedroom, garage, car- port and shop. Nice Mountain view, quiet area $20,000. EAST OF UNION 50 ft. lots on no bank beach, near Twanoh, $125 per ft. Also 3 cottages $14,500. $16,500. Bulk- headed. Nice beach, good acreage and view. 4 bedroom furnished, fireplace, garage and Work shop. 125 ft. bulkheaded beach and Marine rail- way $35,000. IN HOODSPORT 2 homes - One 3 bedroom. Hot water heat. Also one bedroom with oil heat. Both have fireplaces and beautiful Canal view - to- gether $27,000. 2 bedroom, fireplace, large rumpus room, 2 creeks $11,500. 4 acres, 400 ft. highway front- age, 5 cabins, 176 ft. waterfront, ideal for trailer court $35,000. 103 ft. tideland lot $4,250. North of Hoodsport New 3 bedroom, fireplace, 2 car garage, trees, 100 ft. no bank beach, off the highway $37,500. 200 ft. on Hamma Hamma River, 2I '1 ~2 acres, 2 bedroom with f u I basement' $15,500. Several development acreages with waterfront. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE Hoodsport Ph. 877-5211 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) PHONE 426-3530 5 Acres, close to town, all cleared in pasture, beautiful four bedroom home, living room. with fireplacc, base- ment, Auto-oil furnaces, beautiful family home. $18,000.00. Will take a trade in town. 2 Lots on Salt Water, 110 Ft. & 200 Ft. $20.00 per Foot. Approximately 7500 Ft. of Hood Canal waterfront with tidelands. Approximately 80 Acres with some timber, full price $60,000.00. 150 Ft. waterfront, $30.00 per foot with tidelands. Terms. 150 Ft. tidelands, good level building spot. No Bank, cx- cel]ent gravel Beach. $75.00 per foot. Terms. 80 Acres, approximately 35 cleared, house barn. Good Christmas tree ground and some tim;her. Full price $12,- 500.00. Terms. Owner leaving United States must sell at discount ex- cellent 2 bedroom home, elect, heat, Close to shopping district. Full Price unfurnished $6,950.00 or furnished $7,5OO.OO. 3 Bedrooms, Dining room, Fireplace, oil fui'nace, 2 car garage, 1 acre, cleared, $12,500.00. Easy Term.s. Angles,de, will sell for less than appraised value, 2 Bed- rooms, fireplace, Automatic hot water heater. Down pay- ment $500.00. Full Price $10,500.00. New . . . 3 Bedroom Homes. Fireplace, Patio, Built-ins, Electric Range, Completely insulated, Close to town . . . $14,250.00. 7% Down. Ranch Home . . . 1,500 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedrooms, fireplace, Built-ins to no end. Hardwood floors, carport, in Town • . . $16,o00.00. 155 Ft. on Ha)nn~crslcy Inlet. $65.00 per Ft. Terms. Private lake plus 20 Acres, some timber. $25,000.00. Ternts. 1-Acre cleared, family Orchard, 2 Large bedrooms, pos- sible 3, fireplace, full bascn~ent, garage in basement. $7,000.00. 3 Bedroom, could be ,1 bedrooms, electric, heaL, dining room, plus dinette, % basement with furnacc. $6,000.00. $400.00 down. $50.00 per month. (16) Excellent 2 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, auto. electric heat, 1st class barn, stalls for 3 horses, tack room, with toilet & shower. A real show place. $13,500.00. Tel'ms. (17) 100 Ft. of good waterfront with tidelands. $50.00 per ft. Terms. Evening Call 426-3397 house, fireple trees. Near Hillerest. Phone or weekends. THREE living room with aLor, range. Phone 426-$077. SUBURBAN wAT The perfect combl town, this large over 100' of loW Excellent well, home, and can b¢ 950 with $750 d for more MT. VIEW-- A 3-bedroom~ excellent conditi , L; Utility room, large yard with 250 and on good LOVELY SU 3 BEDROOM-- This exception; home is of Shelton on a is just right for try living. It ha praised at only $1,000 down Kurt Mann today~ an appointment tO A LITTLE GEM Here's cozy corn home that is furnished and we the low low priOe Better call today tunity. IMMEDIATE NO DOWN All this can be select this ~1tt home with fu features include wood floors, and 000 on low FHA 65 FEET ON LAKE NAHWA Plus a good 4 ed home. It hi dock and a 2 car that can be conVa rooms. Sound a~ year-around Ilvin and owner will @ WANT A GOOD! Here's a newer 1~ noom family from town! On tached garage, lovely fireplace. available. 3 BEDROOMS, Dining room, workshop, extl rifle view mountains. A-1 c~ out and a new for $11,800 F i~ayment oosts. CALL 426.65g~. ! 121 Railroad SH E LTON EVENINGS KURT BOB HARV DICK BOLL Journal