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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March junior hlg .I llll’Stlily 6", to rise at wk, autll directs the 1‘ now at , :chool. “ from the V outfit the. school lib F. 'I' 11 A3500 'w , ws T\- sored by the Shelton Camera rs Ruoltlamng: 100 WPA ' Club which opens a two-week run] Elects ing Extension in the Shelton Public Library next ocougcity Lines Monday. d «‘iAreas Because of limited space and "3‘3 WP .. . mountin s. no one individual will supervisi:nwo‘(;;el§o¥?n be allovfed to submit more than ’ foreman of fur,“ com four prints and if the space avail- for P. N0 .3 are able is exhausted CVen with that ‘t’v'hork clearing 'riéflt_bf_ limitation then only the best e9 .extension of RUD. prints will be Selected up to the Lik the Pickeringylspace limits. anee’ OYSter Bay and Prints may be of any size, dist): areas as the pub— may be toned but not tinted, and everiot Pushes its plans must be mounted vertically on forty area of Mason 16 x 20 backing. Prints may be e the end of this MOW . Selection of Some like lm $2 SHOIié l V‘ t F (35 e . mp . H eevgfiztme Island, Sat—' ., ’8 t 0 e‘lirr d ~ ; vestlgatiounty A ./ “Wat “gm *2 memo”. am .,,‘0_ . « new pacer-M work the point where .diggin h Indie t g oles and I are lhai ‘5 r10W employing wlg‘ers from the , >d‘u 1A~ road project Tend Opng the lag be- .the st last year’s pro- art of this year's t ?xtensi011s on c115 now concen- . etefll. only the . recommunities will the ditched by P.U.D. to e “as 2. OR a finan- d extensions due Working ca Woe rdistrict as I float he 35% all I est Coast Power en de- 0 loan from I‘ific'cltion Admin- halognahce its 9. program, 9‘ b h Of {119 l rapid ‘5 district from it progress on the ' “1 desired. 00"“! Possible ea Working cap- "1 the West , er de Gel in the district was 1..., v0 ' 10;,rl aapplication for a] nd 0 ah‘ d an egtensiong progrzam Waite “her date than d for the REA. ay Were in the “18‘ the former in. th d office for the district the dist pile With Shel- ownership tIve last Offidce staff 1111 er the ,n‘t‘ Miss Me. aUditor, is in Gertrude How. C°unty offic- and Miss Mil- eFly with the art: as cash- regr .Coas ets that the ~fltt t Office staff 0 agent the dis- remain at image” Johnson fort account- “I; t filial-2k BaSSett and h llne of the former reniained l U = law\‘ ugly Lamb authorities Mag Yeaterdaert Pltner, 0 y and held “ C o authori- ay return unspecified said Pi t . by her de lille use : xln'im lrrIIIic‘ fatalities 1 rural of l lthe Seattle offices of the n ibecomes effective next Monda the sale of‘ glue as em-, Shelton I I I I Photography Exhibit Opens Monday, Library Interested persons are invited to submit prints for the second annual photography exhibit spon- Ileft at the Andrews Photo Stu- dio. Names should be on the back of the prints, not the front, as the photographs are to be judged this year, Exhibit Chairman Do- ane Brodie said. 'REBATE PERIOD ON TAXES CLOSES SATURDAY NOON Three Percent Saving Offered on 1941 Tax Payments To Be Withdrawn One. last reminder was sounded Strict Wm make today by County Treasurer Omer Xtend its lines to L. Dion that only a day and a 0re 194115 over half remain for thrifty Mason Johnson promisl County property owners to take advantage of the special three percent rebate offered by this I push ahead as county on the payment of 1941 ‘ prODOSENWs can work county taxes by March 15. That offer ends at Saturday pital when the treasurer‘s office closes part for the weekend at noon. eVenue bond is- rent county taxes paid before that 8d last week hour will receive the three per- ocal inter- cent rebate. Cur- Taxpayers unable to dig up the funds to take advantage of the rebate have until May 31 to do so without penalty. After May 31, however, current taxes be- come delinquent unless one half them have been paid. If the ut the first halves are paid before May, loan 31, the second halves do not be- come delinquent until November 30. Ten percent interest is charged upon delinquent taxes. Joe Hansen Sent To S e at t l e By Simpson Company Transfer of Joe Hansen, auditor for the Reed Mill division of .thc Simpson Logging company, to rm Hansen has lived in Shelton for the past seven years, coming here I originally as a bookkeeping t e a c h e r at Irene S. Reed high school. He coached the Highclimber football team for two seasons, after assisting Homer Taylor for one year, before ac- ‘ cepting his present position with the Simpson Logging Company. During his residence here Han- sen has been an outstanding mem- ber of the Active Club, serving as president of the local club and later as District One govern- or for one year. _ last night, pre- senting him with a gift of ap- plregiation for his services to the c u . Miss Hoffman Retires From Teaching Duties service in the rural schools Mason County, g be“, After twenty years of faithful world. 3030?. n. o. 6017 s. a. sewn i PORI l , ;~-.. SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 13,. 1941. IWAR REALITIES ! EXPLAINED AT KIWANIS_ NIGHT “Pump Priming” Attempt 4T0 I Bring Prosperity Under Guise I 0f Defense Not Of I’er- manent Help Tuesday was ladies night for IShelton Kiwanis with a special lspcaker and program which was enjoyed by more than a hundred members, their'wives and guests at dinner at Hotel Shelton. Shel— tonites filled the banquet room to capacity to hear the message of the visitor, Frank Drake David- son, of North Bend. A feature of the evening was the Girls Glee Club of the Shelton high school which furnished several classical songs, under the direc- tion of their tutor, Miss Margaret Mowry. Mr. Davidson has become a. celebrity for his learned treatment of English and Old World history, particularly concerning the wars and underlying motives and to the dictatorships of today. Some of the details of American participation in the World War and the division of spoils at Ver-l sailles, which only added to the growing world discontent, were; explained and recalled to memory‘ as contributing to the war flames due soon to envelop most of the world, including America. People Changing Ideals With his subject “Facing Real— Iities” in the U. S. in the next four years, or “What Every Amer- ican Should Know," the speaker went into our history for the past decade or more to point out that our people were gradual- ly adopting new trends of thought, lnot particularly concerned with [political parties as both parties {as such had lost their favor in *the public mind. This be illustrated by pointing to the rise of Willkie, chosen by an independent force, to lead the Republican party in the last cam- paign, but not very cheerfully «accepted or supported by old par- ty leaders. The fact that Will- kie gained 22 million votes in his whirlwind campaign were not because either of his party or his- lself, as he was to that time un— known, but because the voters had already formed vague ideas in-' trigues of the past, all tendingl I TONIGHT—Commercial bowling, p. m., bowling leys. I FRIDAYMCity league bowling, 7 and 9 p. m., bowling alleys. FRIDAY»—“Snow White and the Dwarfs In Person,” cast by Lower Skokomish school. pu- pils, curtain at p. m., junior high auditorium. SATURDAY~Superior court, 10 a. m.. courthouse. SATURDAY-«Deadline for re- ceiving 3% rebate on payment of 1941 county taxes, noon, treasurer's office. SATURDAY-«Deadline for fil- ing your 1940 income tax-re- port, 9 p. m., mail closmg, Shelton postoffice. SATURDAY—Junior high school basketball, p. m., Lincoln gym, league al- Shelton vs. Montesano, two games. SATURDAY—4th annual Shel- ton commercial class bowling tournament continues, p. m., bowling alleys. ' COMMUNITY CALENDAR I l i I FIRST LINE IS EASIEST ONE INCOME TAX REPORT, THAT’S SUNDAY—Aw annual, Shelton commercial class bowling tour— nament closes, midnight, bowl— ing alleys. IMONDAY» State Motor Vehicle testing station opens, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., city dock road. MONDAY~C0unty commissiom ers weekly meeting, 10 a. m., courthouse. MONDAYV- WW 0 m e n ’ s league bowling, 8:15 p. m., bowling al- leys. MONDAY—A rHome Guard Unit meeting, 7:30 p. m., Bordeaux school basement. 4TUESDAY~mKiwanis club lunch- eon, noon, Shelton Hotel. TUESDAY—ustate Motor vehi- clc testing station open, a. m. to 5 p. m., city dock road. TUESDAY-v American L e g i 0 u post and auxiliary meetings, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall. TUESDAY»AAnnual Spring Style Show, sponsored by P.—T. A. and L. M. Store, 8 p. m., Jun- .' ior high auditorium. FOR NAME! SATURDAY LATEST “I wish I Had Learned Arith- metic Week” is now drawing to a feverish close as income earn— ers who have procrastinated as long as possible desperately at— tempt to beat the deadline for filing 1940 income tax reports which arrives with the last mail leaving town next Saturday evo- ning. Throughout Mason County to— day—and tomorrow and Saturday, too men and women income earners in brackets high enough to make them subject to income tax are working over papers con- taining words and formulas puz- zling enough to challenge the most adept mathematicians. The easiest part of the job is name. From that point on the income tax form becomes prog- ressively tougher. Starts Off Easily Item one is where you state your salary. Not too hard un- less you've had a number of raises (or cuts) during the year and can’t remember just when thoyoceurrad.-~ v r 0f dhanginginatiOnal ideals and without regard to party rallied to the Willkie banner. Only the war propaganda and hysteria sav- ed the day and brought reelec- tion for President Roosevelt. The speaker made plain that he was not concerned in the pol- itics, but dealt with the first New Deal term and bringing about many social experiments in- tended to sound the cause of national discontent, and choosing the plan of “priming the pump” in order to bring about recov- ery and to discredit private capi— tal investment as the true base for national recovery. Next the “make you feel good items” come. They deal with how much money you took in on dividends, interest on bank deposits, notes, mortgages, cor- poration bonds, annunities and fiduciaries. That word fiduciaries sends many a person hunting through the dictionary. Always ready to 'be of service, we've looked it up ourselves and pass along the in- formation to save you the trou— ble of doing the same. Webster says fiduciary means holding, held or founded in trust. It Didn’t Work Priming Method Not Permanent This proved a temporary re- lief in the first emergency but not permanent in value since priming had to be continued an- other four years, yet some meas- ure of recovery was found prior to the election, the only light in eight years, which soon ended; and now comes the same idea of priming with public funds under war threat, which has never been equalled in this or any oth- r country. He urged that only 0 At “contributions paid” you be- gin to wish you hadn't skimped quite so" much on the Red Cross, the T. B. Christmas seals, or the Boy Scoiits drives. After :’"interest paid" and “tax- es paidfi‘ you come to “other de- ductions authorized by law.” Here you probably try to figure some Way to include the doctor's bill, the dog’s keep, or that five bucks you think you lost out of your pocket. Answers—you can’t. There are places, believe-it-or not, where you may actually smile in the progress of filling out the income tax form. That’s when you run into the places where you are allowed to take off ten percent if you earned your own income, $2000 if you are married, plus additional deductions for other dependents. Wife Worth $2000 The baby is good for $400, each of ’em if they’re still under 21 and living under your roof and partaking of your bed and board. There’s nothing you can do about the brethren-in—law you’ve b e e n . boarding: though. But that’s just the lull before the storm. Then the government jumps in for the kill and that calls for super-arithmetic for you have to take four percent of what’s left and pay it to the goVernment for income tax. You’re lucky if you have four percent of anything left. x After that there’s a little mat- ter of defense tax, something new to income tax reports this year. It’s 10 per cent of what you have to pay for income tax. Before you seal the envelope, don’t forget to take your report to a notary public.‘ Thousands Once a man who didn’t figure of persons forget this detail ev- he had any listed $14.20 he won ery year and have to do it all on a horse that came in second. over again. ANNUAL SPRING STYLE SHOW TUESDAY EVE AT JUNIOR HI With the program completed and the models chosen, the stage is all set for the annual spring fashion show and musicale to be he encouraging of private spend- ing would bring permanent re- covery. I Mr. Davidson spoke of many ers openly planned to place the world In subjugation to dictators, staged by the Lumbermen‘s Mer- cantile store. this year in con- junction with the Lincoln and Bordeaux P.—T. A. groups, in the junior high auditorium next Tues- day evening. Styles which will be popular this springland summer in men’s and women's apparel will be mod- and now including Japan ready to harass the United States on the other side of the ocean. He painted out that the saving of England was the only hope for survrval of democracy in the including our own coun- of tl‘Y. for all the other powers were t h e numerous lined against friends of Miss Marian Hoffman America while naturally weak in us; even South will regret to learn that she has support of our Good. Neighbor others would have abandoned it. Miss Hoffman will be have her friends call. CKETI PUNCH BOARD TERFEITING SUSPECTED County prize winning numbers, then went to his car and made duplicates of those numbers on his counterfeit- ing machine. Returning to the establishment. Olsen told Hickson that Pitner would then punch out more chances on the same board and surreptitiously substitute the coun- terfeit numbers for those he had punched out, claiming the big prizes. Olsen finally decided he had learned enough after trailing Pit- ner to Allyn and called the sher— iff's office here to arrest Pitnel' as he came through Shelton, but could not reach either Hickson ol’ Sheriff Martin at that moment so relayed the call on to Olympla, where Deputy Sheriff Frank Ken- ney made the arrest as Pitner drove into the Capital City. pleased to the fence and Americans been forced to give up her teach- POHCY was in the hands of Nacz— mg on account of ill health and IStS and Communis retire to her home in Hoodsport. P151993 only waiting their time to Her friends know that she has [Str‘key and With German victory “stayed by the ship" when many our trade and economy and ts, in high In our own skins would be on would (be goose-stepping” to an arro— gant foe. There was much more in the talk of an hour that held his hearers in silent mood, which they mlght well piece together and prepare to fight if America would preserve its “way of life.” Girl Scout Week To Be Observed Locally Girl Scouts of the several troo s 0f Shelton will attend church seri- v1ces this Sunday as part of their observance of National Girl Scout birthday week, March 12 through 18. Members of Mrs. L. W. Mor- gans Lincoln school Brownie Pack No. 11 will also observe the oocasmn by attending church next Sunday. ‘ Girl Scouting is celebrating its thh anniversary during this per- iod. The movement was started by Juliette Gordon Low. inspired by the example of Sir Robert Baa den-Powell, founder of the Boy time Scout movement, on March 12, 1912. Approximately two mil- lion girls now bclong. ' eled by Shelton’s young men and women while musical numbers will be interspersed between the modelings. The general funds of the two P.-T. A. groups helping to spon- sor the program will benefit from the proceeds. In past years the style show and musicale has been held in Memorial Hall or the Ma- sonic Temple, but so many peo- ple have had to be turned away the last couple of years that larger quarters became necessary to accommodate the crowds, hence .the move this year to the junior high auditorium. ‘ The musicals program will con- sist of the followingnumbers: National Anthem by audience, led by Ben Hallgrimson. Comedy skit, “Etiquette Blues” by the Palmer brothers, accom- panied by Mrs. Donovan Palmer. Clarinet solo, “Mozart Concer- Belfair Logger Passes In Sleep Robert G. Meyers, 56, boomman and logger, was found dead in bed in his house at Little Mis- sion Creek, near Belfair, this morning by his former employer, Julian Kindred. logger. Sheriff Gene Martin reported this after- noon. Death apparently was from natural causes, Sheriff Martin said. The body was brought to Shel- ton pending funeral arrangements. A sister, Mrs. E. G. Harmon, of Port Orchard, has been notified and a son believed to be living on Vashon Island is being sought by Sheriff Martin. to, Opus 107,” by Art Biehl, ac- companied by Margaret Shum- way. This selection is the same one Biehl will play in the S. W. Instrumental Music Meet at Ab- erdeen Saturday. Vocal solos by Mr. Hallgrim- son, accompanied by Miss Norma Johnson. Violin solo by Gene Burgoyne, accompanied by Miss Johnson. Duets, “May I Never Love Again" and “I Can’t Remember To Forget,” by Shirley Gerhardt and Phil Durand, accompanied by Miss Johnson. Tickets for the program are in the hands of teachers at all Shelton schools and may be pur- chased from school children. Stu- dent tickets will be on sale at the door. SUMMERY WEATHER BR ii NEW OWNER TAKES OVER PA N T O RIUM CLEANER C O NCERN Buck Price of Montana Buys Out John Mildenberger; Deal Effective Now Purchasing the interests of John Mildenberger in the Pantor- ium Cleaners of this city, Buck Price, formerly of Havre, Mon- tana, takes over the establishment immediately. Mr. Price, who has been in the cleaning business for the past 8 years, expressed himself as being very well pleaSed with his new surroundings and with the frien- dliness of the Shelton people he has met. He also commented on the greenness and beauty of the Canal area in contrast to the cold from which he has just come. Mrs. Price and their two daugh- ters accompanied Mr. Price to Shelton. Mr. Mildenberger, who purchas- Ied the Pantorium Cleaners two years ago, announced that he would return to North Dakota to look after his business interests l in that area. He and Mrs. Milden- bergcr expressed their regrets at leaving Shelton and declared their intention of returning at the first opportunity. A Snow White Cast At Jr Hi Friday, Curtain at 8 p. m. ’Tis Friday evening-not Thurs- day as a story in Tuesday's Jour— nal mistakenly stated—that the play, “Snow White and the Dwarf in Person” will be staged by Low- er Skokomish students, under the auspices of the Women of the Moose, in the Shelton junior high auditorium. Curtain is at eight o’clock. Profits realized from the pro- gram will help to equip the new library at the Lower Skokomish school. Parts in the play, which was written by and the cast directed by Mrs. Ruth Hawk, Lower Sko~ komish teacher, will be taken by the following Lower Skokomish pupils: , Snow.“ White—Shirley White.“ Queen—~—Lucille Bourgault. Queen of Fairies—Mildred Dug- ger. Leader of Dwarfs—Joe Teo. Prince-.LaVerne Peterson. Huntsman—Richard Ballard. AnnouncerwNancy Gouley. Fairies—Joyce Hutton, A d a Hyasman, Sarah Miller, Evelyn Robinson, Mitzi VanOverbeke, Norma Kendall, Phyllis Allen, Iva Bush, Helen Cultee, Nancy Gouley, Delphia Lynn, Hettie Pierce, Ina Mae White. Dwarfs—Donald Dugger, Doug- las LaClair, John Miller, LaVerne Peterson, Charles .Clark, and Richard Ballard. Matlock House Razed By Flames Fire believed to have started in a defective chimney flue, com- pletely destroyed the one-story, four-room residence of Mr. and Mrs. JOe Tate’ at Matlock this morning. ’ The flames were discovered about eight o’clock this morning- Mr. and Mrs. Tate were in Seat- tle at the time and the house was empty. ,Some of the furnishings were saved by neighbors, accord- ing to a telephone report from the Jacobson store at Matlock this afternoon. ' SHELTON MAN ILL Fred Barbour of Shelton was admitted to Shelton hospital Wed- nesday for treatment. PATIENT AT HOSPITAL Edgar Sheffield, Rayonier em- ploye, was admitted to Shelton hospital today for treatment. Nos SWIMMERS, FOREST FIRES Summer weather has upon Shelton and Mason County for the past six days, bringing clear. sunny days and tempera- tures which winged into the 70-degree class on one occasion and flirted with it the rest of the period. A 70-degree temperature read- ing was taken at the Rayonier weather bureau Tuesday after- noon, followed by a 67-degree reading yesterday and preceded by a 66-degree reading Monday, warmest of the year so far. Quite to the contrary are. the nights, however, where sub-freez- ing temperatures have been re- corded for the past four nights. Twice the mercury dropped to 30 degrees, on Sunday and Tues- day nights, while a 31 degree reading was taken Monday night an even freezing mark was hit Saturday night. Rainfall Light So Far No precipitation has since Friday night and in month of March so far only 0.68 inches of rain has been recorded on the Rayonier instru- ments, and 0.49 inches of that came on March 1, with 0.15 in- fallen the smiled chesmore combined on the 2nd and 3rd. The 5th and 8th each saw 0.02 inches registered. Swimmers Rush Season The early spring weather has already brought swimmers to Lake Isabella, reports Mrs. Ed- na Johnson of Maple Beach, while the year’s first forest fire in Mason County was reported Tues- day by Aviator Ed Jeffery, who spotted it on an unidentified hill in the Olympic foothills behind Eldon. Officially the forest fire sea.- son doesn’t start until April 15, when District Fire Warden Char- les Ogg takes up his duties of- ficially, but the weatherman seems to be no respector of this man-made deadline this year. Throughout the state numerous forest fires have been reported already, according to news dis- patches. Still another sign of the kind of spring weather this area. has enjoyed this year is to found in the flower garden at the home of Mrs. Charles Lentz, Fifth and Grove streets, where wild iris, usually blooming first in May, are already in full bloom and have been for several weeks. l-Hour Parking N ow In Effect Along Railroad Better start paying attention to those brand new traffic signs hanging from the orna- mental light standards along Rallroad Avenue, Mr. Motorist. The signs were placed yes- terday by Fire Chief Dean Car-man, the city hall handy man who also painted them, and today Mayor William Steven- son instructed Police Chief Ray Starwich to begin enforcing the new traffic ordinance in places where the signs are placed. So far that is only along Rallroal Avenue from First to Fifth street, where parking is to be restricted to one hour betWeen 8 a. m. and 6 p. In. Other sections of town cover- ed ln the new traffic ordinance will be posted as quickly as 'Sign Painter Carman can get the signs made—providing that in the meantime public opinion does not force the city council to rescind the ordinance. CHAMBER CALLS A LL EMPLOYERS FOR NEXT MEET Occupational Deferment Adviser To Selective Service Sys- tem in State to Speak Hardly through with one pro- gram, President Ed Faubert has already completed arrangements for the next Chamber of Com- merce entertainment. Lieut.-Col. William H. Nelson, state advisor on occupational de- ferment for the selective service system, accepted by letter receiv- ed this week by Faubert an invi- tation to appear before the Shel- ton Chamber of Commerce at its April meeting (April 10), Faubert announced yesterday. Lieut.—Col. Nelson will confine his principal talk to explaining the duty the employer owes the government as well as the government’s obligation to em- ployers, outlining the occupation- al- defermth isllIOWed under“ the selective service act in 15 or 20 minutes, the letter said. Then a period for questions from the audience will be held and after the meeting Lieut.-Col. Nelson will remain to consult with employers and individuals on spe- cific problems of a. more individ- ual nature. President Faubert urges all em- ployers in this area to set the date of April 10 aside and attend the meeting to hear the selective ser- vice officer explain these occupa-. tional deferments. Lieut.-Col. Nelson’s visit to Shelton will how the nature of a reunion with one of *hisold war- tlme buddies, Harold E. Lakeburg. Chamber secretary. The two serv- ed together in the A.E.F. for al- most two .years« overseas in the World War. POMONA GRANGE MEETS SATURDAY .Mason County Pomona Grange- wIll hold its next regular meet- lng next Saturday, March 15, at the Middle Skokomish school- house starting at 10:30 a. m., with Skokomish Grange putting on the dinner. A small charge will be made to cover expenses. reports GYneth Auseth, Pomona secre- tary. Starwich’s Dad Hurt In Seattle Blackout The only, casualty in Seattle’s recent “blackout” was County Jail Supt. Matt Starwich, father of Ray Starwich, Shelton’s Police Chief, who was on the roof of the county building observing the planes circling over the city and fell six feet from a ledge in the dark. He is in the hospital suf- fering from injuries to head, back and knees, more or less ser- ious. Old Iowa Neighbors Guests At Hack HOme Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sheldon of Humboldt, Iowa, old schoolmates and farm neighbors of L. D. Hack back in the early.1880’s, were call- ers at the Hack home here Mon- day. v Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon left Iowa about January 1 to spend two months near Long Beach, Calif., where they had expected to find sunshine and balmy weather, but found they really had to come to the Puget Sound country to real- ly view the beauties of nature with spring flowers in bloom, shrubs and trees putting forth their blooms and buds. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kirkpat- rick of‘Centralia, cousins of the Sheldons, accompanied them on their tour of the Puget Sound country. ——4——~___ MATLOCK GROCER ILL Twice a Week TUESDAY and THURSDAY OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER LOOP FIELD ILLUMINATION PLAN REVIVED Cooperation 0f P.U.D. May Al- low Completion Of Project For Present. Ball ' Season Efforts to light Loop Field in time for the approaching base— ball season were begun by Shel- ton school directors Tuesday with the appointment of Director L. A. Walton as a committee of one to investigate the cost of such a project, City School Supt. H. E. Loop announced today. The new energy being exerted on the Loop Field lighting pro- gram, a plan which has been started and dropped a number of times in the past few years, is the result of the pledge of com- plete cooperation of P.U.D. No. 3 through Chairman J. F. Bischel of the district commissioners, Supt. Loop said. Chairman Bischel said today the public utility district, which now serves the City of Shelton with electricity through the purchase of the West Coast Power company property here last week, is ready to cooperate to the fullest extent of its powers and facilities to bring about completion of the Loop Field lighting project at the lowest cost to the public. “As a public property, P.U.D. 3 will do everything it can to assist the school' district in completing the lighting project at the most reasonable cost,” Mr. Bischel said. The school district only recent- ly purchased the property immed- iately adjoining the ball park to the east and will remove the residence now standing on the property in a m0ve to improve and enlarge the athletic field. Although the Loop Field light- ing topic turned out to be the main event, Tuesday’s meeting of the school directors was actually called for the specific purpose of seeing what can be done about speeding up progress on the new gymnasium, which is now some- thing like sixty days behind schedule,.Harry Carlon, clerk of the school... bard, ssidtoday. , Aréhitect Joe Wohleb of Olym pia, who drew the gym plans, was requested to exert pressure on Contractor S. S. Mullen to speed up the construction pace, Carlon said. SPRING VACATION SET FOR APRIL 10, 11 Spring vacation for students in the Shelton school system has I. c - been designated as April 10 and. 11, City School Supt. H. E. Loop announced today. Walt Eddy Heads Highclimber Net Club; 50 Turnout Tennis is well on the way to being the most popular spring V sport at, Irene S. Reed high this year, if yesterday’s turnout for the organization of the High-' climber Tennis Club is any in- dication. Fifty students gathered for the organization meeting Wednesday morning with Eddie Duyff as fac« ulty adviser. Walt Eddy was elected president and Al LaBis- soniere' vice-president. Both are lettermcn from last year’s High- climber varsity tennis squad. A tie vote between Barbara Lincoln and Carol Jean Hatcher, both members of last year’s girls team, will have to be decided before the new club’s secretary is known. The club plans to conduct two tournaments this spring with per- petual trophies put up in each and the winners receiving pins from the club. Mr. Duyff will be Highclimber tennis coach this year, replacing Grisdale Crosby, who is no long- er connected WIth the Shelton school system. Kennedy Kids To Skate. , At Sun Valley, Idaho Next step in their progress in the exhibition ice skating world for Peter and Karol Kennedy. young children of Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy, former Shelton- lans, will be their appearance at Sun Valley, Idaho, renowned Win- ter sports mecca, this weekend. They leave from their home in Olympia today, reports their grandfather, M. E. Kennedy, jailer ior the Mason County sheriff's of- Ice. The Kennedy children will skate at the Lakewood Arena south of Tacoma, March 26 and 27, Mr. Kennedy added. Ford Salesmen Guests At “Victory Banquet” -As rewards for reaching quo- tas assigned in a recent sales, contest, Al Huerby, Art Taylor. and B. L. Rose, Huerby Motors staff members, accompanied by Mrs. Rose, were guests of the Sophus- Jacobson, Matlock gro-‘ Ford Motor company at a. “Vic- cery store proprietor, Was admit— tory Banquet" m the Multanomah ted to Shelton hospital yesterday Hotel in Portland Tuesday for treatment. night, returning here last night.