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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[31Cth . y: \*—.J '1 "i i 0“ (1011' 4513‘? rsday.March 13, 1941. t think it pays to , 5 lace a Want-Ad in the] — ( Aphids, Gall Lice Attack Evergreens ; Now llookout for aphids and gall‘lico Vlwhich attack evergreen shrubs ,‘and trees early in the spring, says i 1.1ames W, Stubbs, extension for- festcr at the State College of; l \Vashington. 1, These pests have been especial- jly destructive during the past two iyears and the mild winter of thisl [season has been favorable for the .l lllllllllEE ilCERSES i is the time to be on tllc‘ ,ton, and Tacoma, ill. Scuttle, March 6. Charles A. Hodge, and Lillian Bernhard, 49, Route ; Tacoma, at Shelton, March 10. l Francis Otis \Vood. i qucrqlie, ‘insects. Yellowing~ of the needles {and the formation of galls on: ltwigs and branches are evidencci [that these insects are at work on: ~ the plant. i SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL lobort, Hutchinson, 21, Shel-3V Antonia B. Wilbur, 19,; l 45, Mineral, g 2'18 41, New Mexico, lPEARlIACISTS COMPLETEEEST" ; CITY HOOP RECORD; CORMIER . SCORES 323 POINTS IN YEARV PHARMACISTS CITY LEAGUE BASKETBALL Steele 15 -107: K.Wilson7 .. 21 (Season’s Records) |H.Grllver 2O ioigLizotte 11 .. 20 Albu-I ‘v L PF PA Kelly 20 97 l S. A'lnst’ng3 19 \IcConkey I’llarm. ..20 4 923 577 FV Cole 12 94 V LeDreW 8 19 and Ninatliiiiiibel Oil ............ .19 51004 2'18 Millikan 16 109?}lzikola 12 .. 22‘ 712 Schermer21 91.wulard 7 18? {just before the plants COunty Savings I I an Association me InsuranCe Bldg. For the control of these insects, .Vthc forester recommends applica- .‘tion of nicotine sulfate-oil spray lgrowth in the Spring. This spray.’ lis prepared by thoroughly mlxingl [three ounces of nicotine . lone half gallon of medium grade; ;mineral oil emulsion and twenty" Shelton. March 8. Maco S. Allason, 23, and start new . All sulfate. gallons of water. 1iv covered with the spray. lian Lorraine DeVore, 18, both oftketball league Bremerton, at Shelton, March 7. parts 1 . trees or shrubs must be thorough- won more {Pharmacy is the uncrowned sea- Lfl_;30n champion of the city bas- Kimbcl Oil actually wears that lcrown by virtue of having beat- ,Ien the pharmacists in the play- ofTOff game, but the pharmacists regularly scheduled Igames in the split-season than. Ithe Oilers, nevertheless. The rs 2-12, 1/ I. gain Under New Management Elective Immediately V Buck Price of Havre, Montana Has Purchased bl i 9 Interest Of John Mildenberger and Pledges the Same Fine Quality Cleaning as Before. -JOJi OX hop. V Z. - , 1'19 lowest Price Cash Store in This lrailllg Area Store. l no-c’gg’ nan half t Troops ‘ cred by Slips. failures FRI.—SAT. and Mon. Ba ker’s :CHOCOLATE Premium 5 .» ‘ .l/z'ilb. cake 15¢ lay . fish... VALM' EISKIT MIX Med. R“. V ‘02. saves You Money . . . Your Home-Owned and Operated Cash I :Oilers and the pharmacists tied) lfor the first half title, Kimbel’s twinning the playoff, but McCon-Vl ‘key’s won the second half titlel ioutright. The season’s champion- i lship playoff, however, was woni {by the Oilers. l 1 Defense Counted Strongest i Offensive and defensive figures: seem to indicate that the teams] with the strongest defenses fared; best in the final standings. Mc-! Conkey’s had the best defense by] a wide margin—and won the most : games. Kimbel's had the best; offense and the second best. de-i lfcnse. But best proof of this} ‘contention comes in the Lumber-l men's Mercantile record. The} VMerks had next to the weakest of— [fense in the seven team league,l [yet took third place in the com-V. ] posite standings because t h e i r 1 {defense was fourth best in the,| circuit. 4-E Dairy, on the other? nhand, had the third best offense’ but wound up next to last ini, the standings due to having the.i weakest defense. I 'Con‘nier Scores 323 l The three best offensive teams} in the league-Kimbel, McConkeyl and 4-E Dairy—«supplied the top! five individual scorers. Danny? Cormier, Kimbel's talented cen-l ter, walked away with the hon-l ors with a 323 point total com-j piled in 22 games. Second in; the line was Art Cloutier, 4-EV Dairy captain, at 234 in 26 games, followed by Pat Smith, McConkey skipper, at 230. Bill Taylor of Kimbel piled up 198 in games and Murray Taylor of McConkey had in 18 games. The individual scoring records of all players who got into city league games during the past Season follow, with the number of games each played in indica- ted: Cormier 22 ..323 I Roberts 17 __ 51 A.Clo'ti’r 26 234|Dittman 19 ‘9. Smith 20 230i Sn’lgr’ve 9 49 B. Taylor 17 198}D.Daniels 17 47' M.Taylor 18 i Carlson 14 .. 34 ,Bell 21 ____ ..195lDriver 17 33 {Somers 18 .13113. Bdnrski 17 33 ‘Levett 21, ..166|Wyatt 7 31 VMergn27 160}B.A’mst'ng7 26 Burg'yne 22 l O.And’rs’n 21 25 IMcComb 147lJohnson 6 .. 25 l P.Clo’tier 24 145 l G. Hanson 17 24 D.Wi1son 23 138lL. Gruver 9 22 lGibson 19 ..132lWelton 22 "122} i 0 o I IAliens Eligible TO Army Service Under Draft Act Any male alien between the ages of 21 and 36 years on Oct- 'ober 16, 1940, who has permitted ihis declaration of intention to become an American Citizen to .expire — without formally with- ldrawing it or completing his na- Gr. Lima Beans 15¢ Sugar ______________ V_ 55¢ 'turalization within seven years, D. Walla Kaila. Tender. green. "snowflake" PIer cane. is hablte nggr dthet selecutve 552V- ________ H ' V 9, , ,, ice ac o in uc ion in o e Plckles Peas ...... .. 3Vf01'V ~01: Gillrardelll’s military forces, national head- Pe Van Brandwcf'igp'” Tangy Lakota Brand. 30;. cans. Ground Chocolate. quarters, selective service sys- V: a . . _. . V g a tem, announced today in a com- Vely Sma V Regg’b‘ga§r0ts 2/ Libby FOOdS munication received by Brigadier V . l (1. 2 «.ms. V‘ I, All Numhv‘rs BVVVVViVifVVSVV Vin .éV.V.V.V.n.V;VVmSV General Maurice Thompson, state VLak g Beans 3 4V/Z_0Z. cans V c J. . director Vof the selective training ls 8a Ota. Na 2 “WV 1., for 79¢ Crackers .......... .. 29¢ and Service Program in the State 2 for ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' " Sullsllim- Fresh. 50f gaShlngton' LikeVVise aliens e1 . . V in is age group who were liv- [G B A V slug}? pmk NO. 1 tins. leby Tomato Juice Spam ______ ._ 2 for 51¢ {mg in the United States on selec- . , V c - ' , Be preparedrihuy now! tive service re tr ti (1 O t- Fresh V La p 2 for Pu“ llch JlllCC V gls a on ayV C " 423;: ell-oz. can ........ .. 19¢ Chnsco 3-Ib- can 49¢ l:3313.1itai.i::‘..r°.tirarr V . o n V ,. Evan ngeluu 3 for 25¢ 3 for .................. .. 55¢ Lipton’ S ............ .. 40¢ (first paperS) to become giggling—l h ____ __ “V DSV NO_ 1.8 can“. . I Yellow Label Tea. ican citizen are liable for train- V i . gap Cocktail ,_ 10¢ Nectar Ralsms .. 8¢ N-eslles ______________ .. 25¢ ling and Service under the act- , tReady to Sun Maid seedless“ Semi-Sweet Chocolate. ‘, Thef 0pl€.10n1b3;1 “tie legal divjs- V V u t . ion 0 na Iona ea quarters fol- . ,V 90k Den. 8mg}; fight gslt‘esgwagst fresh? lows federal court decisions which Ltles 1 - r r 1‘ Ci ‘ interpreted the_Draft Act of 1917. ,1 VV Be It holds that inasmuch as the .1 V fol. pitiful Patriotic Pm Centennial alien has declared in his first I V w and 3 labels from Libbys papers his intention to renounce Van Camp's allegiance to any foreign sorver- 5. ..,.VV K & lgn 01‘ 51.3136th Should be obli— 2_ IV. a 2002 Balanced Ration gated for serVItcefulnéler the selec. V V ‘6. . ca V r V we serv1cc ac o 40. The opin- VVVon can IlS 5¢¢ V)_lb. bag 31¢ 12-0Z. cans 19¢ |i051 wai concurreid in by the judge V ............... .. V V 1 a voca e genera of the War De- V , IV Ipartment. V V, V . ,It also was ruled by the le al 3 , . division of national headquartgrs _ V ,V, rig - . hat declarant aliens inducted un‘ V I P Stalks ______________________ .. lb. 25¢ l dell; the seéective service act Ale- ‘ V e . ,. . 1,, Duds , 4-lbs. 25¢ y e racism; .V ma MEAT OAF __________ .. lb. 18¢ . H, t .8 P9 10 l 6 same V . Jr Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork [as 0 er ramees' b3 ' .t S . 40 for 43¢ BEEF HEARTS ______ .. lb. 13¢ I I J ' .Stuff and Bake M. PORK’RtOAST .......... .. lb. 21¢ 1 DO- S 1 Center cu s 00 111g CflICKENS ______________ ._ lb. 19¢ E ' V For Site“,ng or Fricassee t Mary M. Knighb School, March V , OYSTER§ ...... .. pint 23¢ (32.. 55.328333328313232:33 g Bag V: minteroroo A 8126 (Knight school gymnasium on M h 29. v, lb. i aIthgtructor Jeff Tesreau is teach- - . ing first aid to the boys between VVSHQRTENING 4-le- 43¢ the basketball and baseball sea- SPARE RIBS ______ .. lb. 19¢ sons- V. l The freshmen are giving their A. , return party for the hi h school C , ,V Friday, March 14. g V , V. , roopVVsronn : . ‘ ,V .. V VVV The school election March t V W ' re-seated Peter J. Nordw’cll for V VV H I T E ’ another three-year term on the “Z” SR BOUR D S ' 331333133 V V 1 ca r1 ,_ . o . V v V Beg. . District 311 (Mary M. Knight) bu. ars 15¢ mu. TOP so. HIGHWAY * {30:33.3113.133.233.533: PHONE'29 PLENTY OF PARKlNG SPA“: Vruary in the history of the dis- trict. M 5‘ “‘1? 1.0 3 'l i. _. . . “(6:33:18‘ 1’ 013 mp 1’ lL- M- ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ~; ------------ ~11 13 i330 743 Russell 22 91 V Htchnson 2 .. 17 3 er-Cleary Timber ._10 11 644 711.,Fredson 15 89 , Rm, 8 VVVVVVVV _V 16 George M. Evans, legal, Vaughn Rayonier ________________ _V 9 15 709 316 ‘Mmlorgin 24 88 l Adams 2 12' and Olive H. Hoffman, legal, Se- i443 Dairy ,,,, ,_ 9 15 307 959 VMadsen 24 87MCG0ugh12 111 attic. at Shelton, March 8. Visvilsonis Cafe ________ __ 6 13 504 799 G Smith 17 871F0m,l,e 7 10 Clayton Fcrl'ier, 28, and Paul—l Statistics for the full 24-gameiE1110tt 16 7753 Cole 9 inc Ruff, 20, both of Shelton, atlschedule show that McCVonkey ‘ Case 7 ...... .. 75‘Martin 2 .... .. Watson 25 731J.And’rs’nl 7i ,A.Daniels 17 73 J Morris 9 6 Clark 16 72 ; Burnett 1 .. 5 I I I.Bdn'rskl 68 ’ Vigor 4 ...... .. 5 i lLambert 21 Walton 4 .. ‘ gMcCann .. 59 “ Latham 2 2 i {Weeks 14 .. * Holt ........ .. 2 i Cooper 9 . 54 l Flint 1 .. 2: Durr 7 .... .. . C. Hanson 5 1 Williams 3 1 Eacrett 19 .. 77 ; Hamilton 3 8‘ Say It 1 WITH FLOWERS 3 They Bring Comfort and Happiness ‘ FUNERAL DESIGNS AND ‘ HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop 1 Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 27o-w GRAPE JUICE 1 0¢ Eckcrt's brand. 12~oz..... T JUICE . Eggilgwngure rich. 26- T $3913.25? 23.3 1 6¢ GRAPEF’T JUICE. 6¢ Town House. 184m. tin. Ci ’ I E Citin. 1 29-02 ..... ._ M . 10¢ BEANS g§£§¥9ma tins .............. .. 1 . . PINACH gay. 27—02 ................. .. 1 Winesap Apples 10-lbs 39¢ Extra Fanc'. Calif. Ciilavas ...... .. lb. 14¢ Largo (approx. 8c each) .Ripe Bananas ...... .. lb. 6¢ Fancy Green Tipped. Sunkist Oranges 11-lbs 55¢ All Sizes, Fancy. Sunkist Lemons .... .. lb. 7¢ Large Smooth. POTATOES Yakima No. 1’s 13-lbs. 22¢ New Spuds 4-lbs. 19¢ Grapefruit .... .. 10-1Vbs. 33¢ Sunkist Arizona. Imperial Carrots 2 for 9¢ Largo Bunches. Ripe Tomatoes. 2-lbs. 25¢ Med. Size Repack. Arizona Lettuce... ea. 6¢ Large Solid Heads. Asparagus ...... .. 2-lbs. 21¢ Fancy No, 1 Grade. Oregon Onions. 3-lbs. 10¢ No. 1 Kiln Dried. Fresh Spinach -. 3-lbs. 10¢ Grecn Broad Leaf. Cucumbers .................. _. 10¢ Extra Large Hot House. Journal Want—Ads are showing their value in every issue of the paper! ‘ LEG 0F LAMB 1b. V‘SKINNED HAMS ._. 1b- writers, Phone 100 6 DAY SALE Friday Thru Thurs. MARCH 14-20 SU-PURB SOAP Tile new granulated soap tllatVis perfect for every household use. Spemal “hand- lotion" ingredient makes it easy on the hands. 24—02. 50-0z. 32¢ WHITE MAGIC, . The alllazing blcnch that whitens washingsyet is gentle in Its actions. *6 14¢ g.1256 gal. -—_———-— m CRYSTAL WHITE Rich lather laundry soap for your wash- ing days. 10 reg." 4 large 14¢ bars... bars... 4 tins Full ’0 Gold Fruits for Salad. S—oz. tins ...... .. COCKTAIL OLIVE OIL DOG FOOD CEREAL ‘ FLUFFIEST Fresh. tender Marshmallows. EDWARDS FLOUR 49-lb. bag LAMB ROAST - - 1b- PICNIC STYLE PORK ROAST - . lb. PICNIC HAMS ... 1b. HEAVYBACON' ..1b. FRUIT OF SOLE .. 1b. SALMON lb. MEDIUM OYSTERS ... . .. pint 21¢ FOR SALE. Reconditioned type- standard size models. Page Thrc If you Wish to Sell you‘ll Have to Tell~Journal Want—Ads. Phone 100 for a Journal Want-Ad -.._____._._.—3 800(1130 ' THREE POWDER PU FFS And A RAT-TAIL COMB ALL c' 55 FOR .. . 9 FLOUR BAG DISH TOWELS 6 45c With This Coupon Soaks It takes so little. 23-02. pkg. your pmt 55¢ Pompeiian pure Olive Oil in tins ...................... .. 6 tins Ken-L-Rations brand dog food. 1-lb. tall tins pkg. Gerber's Dry Baby Cereal. 8-02. pkg ........... .. I lb. 1-1b. ctn ......... .. 2-lb. tin Reg. or Drip grind coffee. 1b. 21c; 4-lbs. 75C 45¢ 15¢ Kitchen Craft Flour (24%5'11). sack 830) SMIELB BRAND NAIL CLIPPER git: . . . 9° PKG. 25 6:} INCH, .. BUSINESS ENVELOPESS “ ‘ 2§9°1 HARD RUBBER POCKET COMB ran 9 ONLY . STILL GOING ON Come in and See the Hundreds of Great Bargains at our Store’s sale of Salesll OXYDOL 24-oz. Makes Rich Suds ...................... .. 2 1 “1133343533327. 2 1 pkg 20¢- WHITE KING 1 9: WHITE KING 29M 2 5¢ For washing machine. 2 2i T . Editsgsggéllegglsmg-Oz. 2 B . BROOMS ea. Monarch light weight ............ PRUNES Libby‘s medium size California prunes 2151;. 15¢ PRUN ES Sunsweet Tenderized large Prunes 215’s. 16¢ TUNA Biltlnorc delicious Tuna ilsh. 7-02. till 2 tins 9¢ Pork Steak. lb. 21 V A) ,7 J l 1 ¢ Pork Chops. lb. 25¢ Lard 2-lb. pkg. 15¢ BACON Squares . PORK Sausage . SKINLESS Wieners . . ASSORTED .. lb. 11¢ .. lb. 17¢ . lb. 21¢ Lunch Meat lb. 25¢