March 13, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 13, 1941 |
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larch. 1
3'; a iMaI‘ch 13, 1011.
TAL PAT-l port To 7.“ V . “P _ a if" a.» M,“ 7'“ m'
m m“ L I W" W “17* twa-
. \\ nscnd ’ . I .
of Shel b Meet , 1“ omen s Pm Race Skokomisli Lad , SH L - . ,,
helton nos 8 Saturday I - , . l . ‘ '
lt' fl ,. ' rt. MaTch 12 «7 Hoods. I Au ; ll Consolidated
with The Shelton} Independent
" kw "" Send. Club 6711111 N Z] . n ‘ , 9 Entered as
second-class lliillLl'l‘ at this pnsioi lim- at Sin-itch.
r T i‘ ,‘c ii ,9 V . .v . .
I L $123,. atsthe Hoodspoi't i . Subscrlptlgn Rates; '
. 15 _ aturd" at 8 l *—~~- ' I r!
’ELOPED lngo w'n “y L WyOMFVw BqnyLysgc LFAUl'F 5 . . I n 1. BY
I‘JIAIL: in Mason Countv (outside of Shelton city mail carrier districts)
9D t be alloyed ‘ “ '. AI B3 Juan grow! I rm "on x 13 w- w:
'; 6 iii 251.2"; 3 ll "5 . 1”" i ’l 33le Dr‘l‘
yo-ai'. Poslai'
FRENTL < lie ise lull/tiltslgess meeting- Oll \I'l] l SkOkon/USII
Valley affirm] 1% ‘7; ; E'K‘Kllllvllldn‘é i'oil'liltl
lie-“sillicgl‘s Olnllgl‘ll-llljfll‘ :L‘I‘\'It:ll(;)§
lCllyo mull Cal‘l'lt‘l‘ “'0”
e . i ( .’ l . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . v 7» ~D~ ,‘ " tr 1
' t ‘1" \Tl ‘. a “Vi O‘N- , rr wi ll lll ’ll'
Journal 3' mai . '
. ___._ Forrest Gardens ‘‘‘‘‘‘ .37 35 5”:
;nfalzgreilngolicls]Lin the hogp‘mal,” [ BY} TQITRNA‘L CARRIER: in
Slit-lion, 25¢ pr-r month (collected by carrier)
Plus .‘ Mason Cleaners ...... .35 37 .486 i so one of his»: small
playmates1 n" M'") IM'I‘V'X'a} ,m 2‘ Hm“; ,
l enlarge . I 0 u Quality Cleaners ..... .34 38 .472 'told me. Upon
inquiry I learned, ev “:7:
‘ High Scores “mat Stanley Johnson aged seven, 1 ‘ i ’7
'fl‘w OWEN—"f"
n v ~ V v i ‘VV ‘1 V
ufogggice i Game~~lnez Dodds 181. {in company with his older bro-j GRAN
negative i Shelton WRE 'I‘otaliiJuanita‘ Stal'wich 505.
they», Wesley, and E1113“. Mceks ; lmlilol .mnagim _. i
’ 35h “latche” 1“unday VVCnt up 0“ the hIHS‘de 13 t? Member of
\‘i'ushingion vaspzipi-r Publishers! Association
Quality vs. Forrests.
Mason vs). Old Mill.
, Victories posted by Old Mill
.and Mason Cleaners in Monday
7’7" \ lnight's competition served to
jsqucezc the women’s bowling
ithc same time that the then lea-
Cleancrs. The double
ievent sent Old Mill into first
Splace and pulled Mason Clean—
ers out o!" the cellar.
Juanita Starwich and Inez
lDodds led Mason Cleaners’ at-,
itack with Freda Frcdson, Verda
McConkey and Margaret Stewarti
,doing some important pin spill-.
ling for Old Mill.
l The lineups:
13%., Mar. 16-18
. wo Fe«'itures:
iom Mill (2) Quail. Clean. (1)
.‘ Handicap 147 Handicap 210.
lV.M’Conkey 4412H. Ferrier 448
,M. Kubik 3593T. Stevens 359
iF. Fredson 495lM. S'th‘rland 326
:3. Pauley 245lG. Skelsey 371
IM. Stewart 454lK. Allen 335
‘637 729 775 2141l706 659 684 2049
LaBarr 378:, B. Wo’dw’rth
Brewster 383lM. Wood
Durand 321li. Dodds 467
Stale-y 462, J. Staiwich 505
700 721 690 2111}791 727 730 2248
in. 353
1M. 347
i M.
‘JOURNAL Want Ads are used by
scores of your friends and
l neighbors with great success.
Complete information about
/ what you have to sell aIWays
'1' .
Nev WU! quickly
“icky or greasy
v: - .
p _‘ satin-smooth
‘ “Rate! 17
,‘ by ' ‘
Mal'cthyinK scvvral months‘ supply—SPECIAL PRICE (lur—
,league up into a four—game vicei
D STlifetime ; Old Mill hung a 2 to 1 kayo
‘::1' Y 6 iwallop on the Quality Cleaners at:
g guc-leading Forrest Gardens was
taking a 3 to 0 whitewashing from ;
'Forrest (0) ,‘Mason Clean (3) I
Handicap 111i Handicap 186
E Peterson «lDBlE. Smith 390
injury on little Stanley.
hospital an operation was found.
to relieve bone ‘
ineral of Wilson W,.,Austin.
Austin was the father-in-law. of
all! ma Illa/.1
It'll} filiflllffllfi'iflil/
All cars alike? Drive 3 Hudson just
once and you’ll find out that here’s a
really different, really better car. For
one thing, it’s the 1941 safety winner
. . and winner in its class in the Gil-
more Grand Canyon Economy Run.
Come in and .see for yourself . . . and
see haw little it Costs to own one!
Saturday and the two older boys.
started to fall a fir tree. A
branch of the tree fell off strik-
ing Wesley on the shoulder andi
inflict a skull
Al. the
then glancing to
to be necessary
pressure. Stanley is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson. He
is in no danger, though he has
the whooping cough, too. It seems
that in the woods loggers refer
to falling branches as widow
bruised shoulder.
Mr. and Mrs.
Bremcrton Were dinner
the A. W. \Velsh home on Mon-
day evening.
An early morning callcrat Mrs.
Roy Meeks, last Sunday, came in
through the front door and left
by the back door, remarking as
he went. “I’ll bring you com-
pany Mario." The Sign held
rduring the day Mrs. Mocks pre-
pared meals for 19 unexpected
guests. The list included Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Meeks and four chil-
dren from hrlrgxtcszmo, Mr. and
F. L. Houseof
from Tillainook,
Mrs. J. W. il/lool'c from Roches-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ever-s
and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. livers of
The Garden Club group met on'
March 1], with Mrs.
The afternoon was
spent discussing
Roy Meeks.
very profitably
garden plans and garden improve:
ments. Herman Alicrn re.—
ported that her new lath house is
finished and the Chrysanthemums
‘and tuberous begonias are about1
to move in.
Mrs. Florence Smith, the coun‘
ty nurse, has been looking us
1over, and reports whooping cough
in the families of the Keith Camp-
bells, the Arthur Johnsons, and
the Simmons, just children af—
fected, but measles that’s a dif-
ferent story. Mrs. Bill Taylor
and Mrs. Louie Peterson, grown-
ups, are broken up and out with
Ed Ahern has sold his home
in the valley and a part of his,
acreage to Jess Thomas, and the
gremaining acreage to Mr. Bienic.
'Mr. Ahern has purchased a place
near the junction of the Brem—
erton-Port Orchard road, and ex-
pects to work in Bremerton.
Mrs. Jean Fredson, accompan-
ied by Miss Dora Fredson and
Mrs. Jeanette Ottcrmatt, drove to
Seattle Monday to attend the fu-
Mrs. Fredson's
Albert W. Austin.
Local women are greatly in-
debted to the Hood Canal Wo-
man’s club for sponsoring the ex-
hibit of beautiful weaving at the
Hoodsport gymnasium March 6.
Two ladies Mrs. John Bergman
and Mrs. Duncan, operated looms
~~that all might see the pro-
cess. Mrs. Bergman. nationally
known weaver, and inventer of
the folding loom, which her son
manufactures, spends her sum-
mers in North Carolina, where
she instructs in a handcraft
and Mrs. Duncan, there were
school. Besides Mrs. Bergman
daughter, Mrs.
and Mrs. Duncan, there were sev-
cral other ladies in attendance
from the Weavers' Guild from
Skokomish. They were Mrs. Paul
Hunter, Mrs. Fred Bell, Mrs. El--
va Price, Miss Dorothy Bell, Mrs.
Robert C. Johnson and Mrs. Jean
Remember,, this big
92-horsepower Hud-
son Six is one of the
lowest priced sedans
built today. for lop
vuluorin every pop-
ular price class-see
Wesley escaped with 21}
guests at ’
Leonard Cole and daughter.
Oregon, .
3 la check.
and National Editorial Assocxaiion.
Girl Scouting in America is now celebrating
its twenty-ninth anniVersary, and it is timely to
fiemind our people that national defense begin
.with the nation’s youth; observing how the dicta-
itor countries train their children almost from in-‘atives in Bremerton.
fancy but into warlike traits.
‘ The necessity of directing youth
3courses, which lead to good and sound citizenship
1and to patriotic spirit and love of country is now
so apparent that this work can no longer be neg-
:lected as it has in the—past; nor the girls neglect-
, ed in equal attention to that given boys.
l Of course, we do not train our boys to be sol-i
rdicrs, nor our girls, but in modern warfare therel
"is equal place for the girls to serve, as there is;
'even more urgent need in adolescent years to'
train them for the future home-makers and the:
imothers of sound generations to come. l
‘ It is fitting that this week be observed to call
attention to aiding the Girl Scout movements
awhich enroll girls from seven to eighteen, and to
supporting those who lead the work of training
3the girls of this community along wholesome
ilines for democratic citizenship.
l The cost of running the state for the next
(biennium will be $72.58 per person, which cannot
'be helped but the citizen at least has the right to
expect full value for each dollar spent.
The increase in sales tax from two to three!
cents has passed the legislature and will be Signed1
iby Governor Langlie as in line with h1s first sug-
gestion. and the only Way out to raise the huge
sums called for to carry on the state and its grow-
ing social obligations.
So far, and Saturday is the last day of» the
session, there have been no laws lopping state
costs, nor of other general taxation, and there 15
no recourse but to spread the sales tax thinner
as the federal income tax is, and bring more peo-
ple into the class of the tax-conscious.
Puget Sound is enjoying another week of
geod weather, now at the middle of March, or
about six weeks of sunshine spattered with some
rains but no storms or cold Weather worth men-‘
tion; all in contrast to the touted sunny climes. of
5{California and Florida, and if it could be relied
,lupon turning winter tourists this way.
; With the thermometer getting up around 7C
isome afternoons, and the ferns and woods dry-
iing out fires are being reported in some places
,even in Mason County and the warning of thls
gdanger goes out; but at this early season there
’is little danger to timber or other property.
, Now, come to think of it, we may be sorry
ithat the rains have passed us by so far this win-
iter season, and also the snow and cold, because}
the signs already point to a shortage of water in,
,the reservoirs and of snow in the mountains}
Iwhich keep the turbines running in summer;l
,Tacoma and Seattle and private power are al-
éready getting their auxiliary steam plants in
order to meet their demands for the summer
_' ahead.
I It is well to remind all taxpayers that Satur-
day, March 15th, is the last day for filing income
tax reports and payments, and also for payment
of county realty taxes to earn a three per cent re-
? 0N
v i .
; So far there has been only one breath of!
economy coming out of this legislative session,l
as against dozens of schemes which spell more»
taxes and demands from the consumers; that is
a committee report which indicates that at least
1 two of the elective offices are asking about twice
'ithe amount of money they should spend in their
functions, and that a slashing of all such budgets
could save the taxpayers a million or so.
, The report points out that the cost of state
Egovernment has almost doubled in five years, as
mew bureaus, inspections and duplicated checking
ihas grown up in the several departments, with
{each using cars, gas and expense accounts in go-
,ing over the state and doing what an ordinary
gB-cent stamp could generally accomplish. Gover-
‘nor Langlie could no doubt save the million, if
ipermitted, which would help toward the twenty
;or more million needed for new demands.
With the passage of the so-called lend-lease
,bill by Congress the United States has taken the
ilast step of formal entrance in» the world war, and
lthe way is clear for some real spending without
l l
Mrs' Fred Compton and family Reimer, Viola Anderson’s brother,l
spent Sunday in Seabeck “Siting”las
Mr. Compton's parents. K
Mr- and Mrs- Ted 000k were,biiity that he will be back withl
the weekend guests of Mr. and l us in the near future-
Mrs. Neil Simmons.
several days last week visiting
Mrs. V. L. Knowlton of Tahuya
lhome. Mr. and Mrs. Wyers spent
55 Gadley.
|family spent Sunday visiting rel-
into the the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Rockyl
age Five
PotlatclifiNews iTahuya Doings
Told In Briefs; Reported Thru
and News Brevities
JOURNAL Want Ads arc used by
scores of your friends and
neighbors with great success.
Complete information about
what you have to sell always
Elizabeth Hussman g
Mildred “'oodworth
Potlatch, March 12. ---— Mr. andi
Tahuya. March 11. —— Clarencei
returned to his home
Walnut, Iowa. There is a possi--
Mrs. Effie Knowlton 1S report}.
ed very much improved. She was;
dismissed from the Shelton Gen-i
eral Hospital
and is staying with Mr. and}
Mrs. Leslie VVyors at Potlatch for}
a few days.
Mary Sabisch attended a style.
Show in Seattle last Friday after-ii
Mrs. Shultz of Portland spent
Two shows every night
her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Wyers. Starting at 7:00 PIM.
Sunday afternoon, '
is convalescing at the VVyers Matinee 2:15 p.m. Saturday
and Sunday
Adan. 10¢ and 25¢. plus tax
(State 2¢; Federal 3c)
Sunday at Ocean Park visiting
Mr. Wyers parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Rotter and fam—
ily of Alder were the Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley
noon. ,
Miss Yvonne Hart is spending
a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Sorenson
attended a house warming and
anniversary party over near
Gig Harbor Saturday night.
Mr. F. G. Knowlton is work-I
ing at the ammunition depot at
Mr. and Mrs.
iheney and daughter,
i ,
Tonite Only 15¢
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hussman and
Mr. Huss-
man’s brother, B. L. Hussman re-
turned home with them to spend
Mrs. Ed. Burnett and son Lar— and
ry, spent Saturday evening withl Leonard MCEL:
, Mary 013
- ml
Mrs. Jacobson and family spentlBlemerton‘ were Tahuya Vlslmhi
. . . . . 7Saturday.
Sunday “smug relatwes "1 Ta‘ Mrs. Lydia Huson is confined
Sun., Mon., Tues.
JOURNAL Want Ads are used byl
scores of your friends
Wear your spring bonnet over
or behind this curl hair-do in
front: hear compliments on
the cascade of curls at your
neck! A beautiful new-pery
manent idea!
Tecal Oll (Regularly 50¢ Extra) included FREE in Regular
Price of $2.50 and $3.50 Permanents.
Phone 388 211 2nd St.
and Mrs. H. Paul Tompkins.
on Saturday.
Mrs. Gadley. Merle visited school
. d. ‘ '\ .
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simmons to he! be 0m Sincere wu’hesl Frida S, t rd
'd , 01 , , , ., Mary Sabisch was slightly in~, y u ay
uiJay lll .ympia ViSiting friends. [jured in an automobile accident
ea" Brlggs was the ‘Veekend last Saturday. We all give thanks HIGH
Mrs. Lanning and Mrs. Diegans Mr .md Mrs Earl Ames were Hum
‘ , . , . . . phrey Bogart
“1t Satu’day 1“ Seattle- ‘out to their summer home (Fal-I
lee City, visited his family here St. Patrick will rule at thel
over the weekend. dance here next Saturday night.
place in a slalom skiing race at and son Jerry, spent the weekend'I
Paradise Valley on Saturday; 'at their home in Victor.
spent Sunday at Sequim visitinglon the job, so be brave and bear
friends. lwith me. It won’t be long now. “
was the weekend guest of Mr. THE
Mrs. Roger Hill took her fa-
tion on Tuesday where he has ac-
cepted employment.
and Mrs. Erickson of Bremerton ;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce and
the weekend visiting at his par-
ents’ home.
Hoodsport, spent Tuesday visiting
in the afternoon. l
attended the meeting of the East-l
ern Star at Union Tuesday even- ’
and daughter Anita, Spent Satwthat she Will recover Very soon.
“95‘ 0f Pat Bradley 0f Shenon' that she wasn’t seriously hurt. l
Mr. Kenneth Rathburn of Cou- len Arches) last Sunday. “’3 LuPino
Denny Rathburn won seventh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson_
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. WoodworthI Your Scribe will soon be back
Mr. E. D. Tompkins of Startup
ther to Klipsan Beach Radio Sta—l
Mr. and Mrs. Hale visited Mr.
daughter Jean of Seattle spent
Mrs. Welsh and son Merle of
Mrs. Sisley and Mrs. Hussman.
Jim Funk, graduate of Irene
S. Reed high school, was a Shel-
ton visitor today in the course of:
his duties as a member of the
financial staff of the N. Y. A. in
this state.
I Let,sgo New C
, z Looking
Lengthening days— swelling buds—signs of Spring that remind us
of outings and motor trips to come.
Perhaps a new or better car is needed—for greater enjoyment,
safety andeconomy -— for pleasure or business.
So look over ithe‘cars—select the one you like—ask your dealer
about Seattle-First National Finance Plan—or inquire at any of
our convenient banking offices—about this low-cost bank financ-
ing, easy. repayments, reasonable terms. Then drive your car home.
Home Modernization Loans
For repairing or modernizing your
home under Federal Housing Ad-
ministration plan.
1': or Home Purchase
To build or buy a_ home or to refi-
nance a mortgage—either under Title
II, Federal Housing Act, or on this
bank’s liberal terms.
Commercial Loans
For financing current business transactions. Special
attention given to war defense contract financing.
, ya.
SEllTlLE-FIBST lllll'lOlllll. BllllK
Member Federal Rue": Syuem . . . Member Federal Danni! Inummtc Corp.
The Largest of Many Excellent Lnnlw 'i the Northwest