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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, Marc SHE March 13, 194. YOU’CAN’T SELL UNTIL you BUYER! OSEWANTf-ADS ‘fFlNll _____ Bill Taylor,_Pat Smith TOp Pirate filmeny charges filed me Mason County men tof chick t l‘ l . . .. the . 9“ seamg ed a tight duel for InleIdual oyédxénhtted to broughiiscoring honors for the Pantorium Gathe- th..edm and a 3&1 IPirates during the season which as“! C C 1 closed with the Renton game . an . arson March 7. " 3: (1‘ costs each’ .5, Taylor won out by two points, .given five 149 to 147, and played in one Justice M‘: C. Zin- less game, 14 to 15. The .Pirates DeaftGrSherlff'E. F. engaged in. 18 games during the Duty‘ Fred H1ckson.season, splitting even. One loss “Fem near Benson'gwas to the Globe Trotters, a :second was to the Olympia Elks {when only three regulars played, two others to Lebam and Ray- lmond, both played on the cheese— 1box floors of the winning teams. Here’s the scoring figures: —.—~——._. Point Producers Bill Taylor and Pat Smith stage I RED CEDAR SHINGLE INDUSTRY DATES BACK TO VANCOUVERS EXPEDITION TO NORTHWERT It was exactly 150‘ years .ago this month that Captain George Vancouver, in command of a har- dy crew aboard a 400-ton sailing putedly named 'after a legendary ship appropriately named “TheiGreek navigatorcwhods said to Discovery,” set sail from England have been the first white in for the little—known and myster- , the region about H.592. ’VailCOu- ious North Pacific Coast. ! The many exploratory achieve- lforested coast near the. present lo— gments of Vancouver in this arealcation of Port Townsend, fro‘m during the years 1791—1793 areiwhere he sent out several small universally recognized today. He I boats on exploratory trips «about discovered and named, either forlthc region. One of these boats, members of his crew or friends manned by crew members named back in England, such familiarIPuget and Whidby, wd‘rked as far Northwest landmarks as Pugetisouth down, the inland waterway Sound, Mount Rainier, Mount IBa¥fat the present site of the city of ker, Whidby Island, Hood calial,;"1‘acoma., 42—- i recompensed for this oversight. ‘ The expedition proceeded slowly up the Strait of Juan deluuea, re— LTONsMASON COUNTY JO ver ordered a halt'off the heavily, URNAL 'vvvvvvvvm Real Estate muAMmMM FOR SALE: 160 acres logged land #7 new growth, small lake, good average land, Newatzel district. $1 acre. H. G. Angle, Shelton. 3-6-18ie4t. FOR SALE: 10 acres on Arcadia road. Good buy. Terms. Also 2%, l I Inquire 1013 E. Dearborn. 3—11-13‘18#3t. FOR SALE: 4 room modern bung- } alow with nook and fruit cel- l lar, close in and fine View of cit} Owner going away W111 sacrifice at $850 orLterms or $800 cash. M. C. Zintheo, Real- tor. Phone 157. QUICKSALETO room house close to business district. $2400 l isplgelgrcfivia " lzslvaShon ISland: Port Townil “Discovers”. Red Cedar furnished or $2100 unfurnished. Lé‘yé‘gl 1L1 76I1I) 6 Isendz the .Gulf of Georgia, and‘I During Ithijsyrpenod O: YCCOIP Inquire‘ at 324 Grove S't‘ 0,: I . Somers 12":’ 74 I Welton 3 4 man} others. :iiaissance, botanist Menzies was ’antorium Cleaners. M--3-13— . I ~~EY cO-or HATCHERv Mccomb 15 ' 73'I Case 1 VVVVVV u 2 k One inépojrtant yethreiitively un- I alllSlly' engaged tintlgxploglfiiigh t SALETEEII-ZEZéSr-viogged ‘0 vi TACOMA wAsH, ‘ ,-_ G. Smith 11 45 Steele .... .. 2. “CW” ’SCO‘GYY “ 19 um be! “mus rfege 3%} n , A: , Inndwmw growth wood aver- ': Ii..- ‘ ‘ .‘ M.Taylor9 38 Cormier 2 Zlattributed to the Vancouver ex—‘fO‘dnd 351mm} Among JW “wily Tm land Newatzp'l aistrict. $1 , A CloutierT 27 I Madge“ 1 2 'pedition, however, was made by evergreen trees examined, he was‘ if: W 'G A“ I; Sh‘elton ‘ I, V. M'cCann 2 14 ‘I Carlson 3 1 IVancouver’s ship surgeon and bot- particularly:yiniprcsscd With a. gi- (“K- Iv- - g ’ (yew-‘4“ « NE iHAMP’SHmESV " I Ianist, Archibald Menzies. Born ant SPGCICS' Wl'fll‘f‘h “‘3 Pecogmzpfi mm“ WW PM; ,,,. 1.-..-- ‘ RV OLD LEG...’C6C:K,ER.EVS Iand educated in England, Menzies somewhat Similar to_tne t)ch s -, ' ' ' 'L' A Vacant house Won't Pay Stuamd botimy at the Royal BOt- 0f Lebanon found fiTCWUlg 3“ A313 7 acres of Dropcrty on the Bay Taxes . . . Advertise It! Pile - Milli If Interested 151mm.- 10-1212 0 o o o o o o ,. o.».«.«,».».u.o futon JERSEY FARM ,‘ 'Bfixshore Road, 5 Miles From Shelton. ‘1 3‘ x . 5: Visitors Invited Isidc of the earth, he expressed to Minor and to which reference is made in the Bible.; .Today' is i known as Thuja lPllcata or \K’es‘u ern Red Cedar. Menzies not only anic Gardens, Edinburgh, later cn- tering the English navy as an .assistant surgeon. Hearing of the I 1proposed expedition to the oppo- l l noted their :1 4 Captain VanCOUVCY his desire toldistinctive odor, immense s? and Iaccoinpany it as ship surgeon solgmceful beauty, but he ‘0 ob- that he COUId continue to make served the wide use to which the bommcal d’SCOVQ}3195 equally 1m“ native Indians of the reglon 1301"t€1nt t0 geographical 01103 ' some. friendly, ’thers hostile 0f hls 3550913L95-”’ put this specie Of wood. They . I , Missed Coliliiibia’p Mouth 1 l t-I l Vancouver’s tiny fship sailed around the Cape of Good Hope, sighting the North American con- tinent, which was then known as “New Albion,” nearly four months used for their excellent sea-going canoes, for their everyday ramp incecis, for their burial coffins; he thence across the Indian Ocean, Ieven saw that they took ucedm. through the EaSt males, and . woo :' from the. bark and wove? it across the broad Pacific, firstl ' ‘ intoI .rijmitive blankets. Upon in- Ilquir 3, he was told by the Indians, ithrough the use of signs, that the lrcason for their extensch use of ish Columbia areas more than fate, failed to discover the mouth! of the Columbia River, the pres-| once of which was then unknown. I Multiple Uses Found At the time, Menzies certainly iHowever, his many later discover- I did not foresee the widespread ies in the Puget Sound and Brit- [usage Whit Western Red Cedar would rece' as roof and Side- (1 ‘ p 1938 g I Oldsmobile Coupe I finish excellent. Tires all very Motor is nicely broken in. Has appear— Inamed the ‘ . hipm echanically right. DeLuxe ance of a new car. Very clean inside try, em? and Radio and Heater. and out. I 1938 BUICK COUP Heater and Radio. .' 1936 CHEVROLET COUPE 1934 CHEV. MASTER DeLUXE SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE Heater and Radio. 1934 FORD COUPE 1937 FORD TUDOR Heater. Heaterv and Radio. 1936 OLDSMOBILE TOURING SEDAN- 1937 OLDSMOBILE TOURING SEDAN 1937 NASH AMBASSADOR TRNG. SDN. Heater. 319.34 PLYMOUTH COUPE .1936 FORD COUPE 533.1937 FORD PANEL TRUCK a: {193:1 CHhEVROLET 11/25TON 1933 CHEVROLET ll/z-TO-N . I 1936 ‘.. “fivfigolet Sport Sedan an,“ black finish. No-draft Ven- Q0118» Built-in trunk and heater. ‘ “fly‘ Owner handled this car very Plymouth "1935 STUDEBAKER TOURING. SEDAN Oldsmobile COupe " Here is a 6-Cy1inder- coupe that has been so slightly used that it is just like new. Equipped with heater and radio. .wall covering by millions of his .fellow - men, who would come to settle in “New Albion" years later. in England, however, as far back ,as the middle of the 14th cen— ‘tury. The use of this material Ewas transplanted to America with the Pilgrims. . l Naturally when the first pion- eers follbwed the Lewis and Clark experition into the Pacific North'- west, they constructed their homes from everlasting cedar. With the coming of the irans~ continental railroads to the North- west in 1885, the‘mallufaetul‘e‘of almost overnight. Today, over made from this hardy species which grows in commercial quan- tities in the states of Wasniugton and Oregon and the province of British Columbia. 1 gle industry has.‘played an im- 1938 Touring Sedan of the Pacific Northwest. in V ancouver’s Archibald sailing company, “New Bl‘evitiie—s~ , Of Belfair Area I By Mrs. Gladys Irving . Belfair, March 11. ~— Mrs. Char-« ‘les Irving has been visiting her ‘ daughter, Mrs. Charles Meuli, and ,family, for the past ten days. She returned home Sunday. .day the 10th of March, and all lthe children and grandchildren 1 lgathered at the home place to ,help celebrate her birthday. ‘ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mickleson , ‘made a trip to Enumclaw where .they visited Mrs. Collins and .family. Mrs. Collins is Mrs. 5: Mickleson’s. sistert 1 " ' Mr. Orr who has the old Mil- ler Place was a‘caller at «the Irving home Monday evening? E Not much news” this week i as your correspondent has been a.way the past two weeks. ; Swan Truedson from Port *Or-e‘ chard, has gone well along in putting up his‘ new houso, on ihis place near Belfair. \ r'Iillllli ill”. ; ' l i i l I i i i l A. E ii I 4 , inf! ' 1.: OW SAFE is your home‘from plunder- ing burglars25l'here’s no time when you need Burglary Insurance more than around the holidays; [ETNA-IZE See us now absut :1 Residence Burg- lary, Theft and Robbery Policy is— sued by The [Etna Casualty and Surety Company of Hartford, Conn. HERB ANGLE 1939 . 00. ‘ Phone 114 after leaving England. In sailingI'this particular tree was its ex“ north along the Pacific Coast Van— :treme durability and resiS‘I-anclev couver, through some qu1rk ofltO the weather. ‘ Wpod shingles were used’ . shinglw from’Western Red Cedar' trees sprang into a great industry. 94 percent of all wood shingles are. . So it is that the red cedar shin- ' ,VI l l l l l l l l i i portant role in the dcvelopmentlThe [Grange auxiliary will AndIThursday of an obscure botanist and surgeon 20, with cnzies. might Well be in the Isabella Valley. father" of the indus- berg will make new curtains for I I lhas been installed in the hall,I i 7 Mrs. G901 Roesello had a birth? 10f Frances Bliss of Matlock dur-. 1 l i I l i 1 l i i I Dan Bennett, of Shelton spent i l 175 feet of waterfront and 1,900 feet deep to the road. Spring runs through the property and there is lots of nice timber and v wood. This is about the last piece. of waterfront property on the Buy close in and is well worth the price of. $1075. Some terms. ::< CC- room modern home with large ~llilfllll$lICCl upstairs. Excellent finish inside. Best view lot in Vial ‘21‘ Park. This will make a fine suburban home close in. Priced at $1,600.00. . :l: :2 .1 room house with brick chimney, cement basement and founda- tions. Good garage and wood- shed, well and small spring run- ning through, property. About 1,5,» acre good ground mostly cleared. Property is all fenced. A good buy at $475.00. Terms. 18 vi: =1: HERBERT G. ANGLE JOURNAL Want Ads are used by scores of your friends and neighbors with great success. Complete information a b o u 1: what you have to sell always helps. ‘l UVVVVVVVVV‘ vvvv (VVV'vVVV Lost and Found FOUND: ladies gold locket. Own- ergcan have same by identifying and paying for this ad. Phone 53—J. Grange Hall At~ Shelton Valley Being Improved By Una. \Vinsor Shelton Valley, March 12, meet next week, March Mrs. Oliver Constable as hostess at her home The mem- .. acting the Grange Hall, and a potluck lunch will be served at noon. A new wood and coal furnace and a chimney is being built, so the Grangers hope they will be more comfortable in cold wea- ther. Mrs. Charley ter, Jean, visited in Shelton Fri- day.’-evening with her brother, and family. Miss Ida Smith was the guest ing the weekend. Mr; and Mrs. Dan Bennett and children Elaine and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson of Shel- ton, were visitors at Echo Farm Saturday afternoon and evening. Mrs; George B. McFetridge and little daughter, Bonnie, of San. Diego, California, Mrs. C. V.- De- .Rosier and Don DeRosier of Shel— ton, and H. E. Woldcn and daugh- ters from the Arcadia Road were visitors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Signe Knecland. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter Cooke and Mrs. Dewey Bennett were visit— ors at the. home of .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer Monday afternoon, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Grenberg hat evening with her. parents. Mrs. Estella Holman, accom: panied by Mrs. Oliver Constable from the Isabella Valley, to the meeting of the Hatchery Grange, near Sch‘afer’s Park, on: iThurSday evening. Mrs. Holman was asked to act as one “of the judges in the amateur house dress contest. ' Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O‘Biien and children Mollie and Glenn, spent Sunday evening at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baker. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cross also called there. Mrs. Dewey Bennett returned Saturday from several days visit in Seattle, where she witnessed “blackout” Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith were} callers Thursday at the Winsor and Walter Cooke homes. Davi‘d‘Kneeland from the Mill Creek Community visited at the Highlands with his aunt, Mrs. Sig- nc Knecland, Monday. A Jersey cow owned by Vearl Bennett presented the family with twin calves Tuesday morn— ing, thus bringing the number of cows to double blessed event to six in this neighborhood the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rutledge NAL acres overlooking Lake Spencer.. about ll miles from Shelton, has; —— —~—__——_— Classified Service For Rent > gun AAA.¢AA- Q‘A A- AAAMaQ‘ with I FURNISHED APARTMENTS for sta "CHICKS get right rt FISHER’S SAVETIME. High? rent (2 and3rnoms). Good 10- percentage of digestible nutri—‘ cation. Very reasonable. Golds- ents helps build vigorous profit- able hens. Start with Savetime today. Fisher dealer for service. borough Apts, Second and Knee- land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf. ER RENT: furnished three room apartments. Mill Street Apart- ments. Phone 259-M. C-1-13-c. lFOR RENT: cottage on Oakland l Bay, 2 miles out. Modern con- veniences. Phone 11—J. R—3-6—11—18— MILL WOOD I One Cord $4.50 Double Load (2 cords) $8.50 PHONE 38-J o O . 'FOR RENT: 2 room apartment, private bath. 234 South Second Street. B—3-13-18w2t. I _ . IFOR RENT: large room with i , I garage. Inquire after p. m. 5 Looking For A Letter? , Mrs. Baskerville, on 13th Ile— l Then write one on Eaton tween .Olympic and BnayView' ' Stationery. It's socially AngleSIde' 0'13"“:- I correct. mvvvvwvvv m‘ 5 F IR DRUG STORE I Wanted I LARGE SIZE l f‘f‘rm‘f“u“““‘ Duplicating IVVAI‘IIED: Plowmg by the hour, with tractor. Leave telephone orders at Cooke‘s Feed Store. E-2-25-27. 3-4-6—11-13—6t. i SALES BOOKS 5 5c Each. Jr 55¢ per dozen WANTED AT ONCE: carloads or truckloads of large. sound ma— IWe also take orders for all kinds of special“ ! PRINTED SALES BOOKS Our prices are as low .-or lower than outside salesmen can quote you THE JOURNAL and liberal scale. Prompt settle- ment. Northwest Chair Com- pany, Tacoma, Washington. 3-4-6-11-13--4t. WANTED: middle age couple or man to work farm on share. No I l I -_._—_—_._— l 2 ll 1 l l plc and alder logs. Higher prices' G-3-13—1t. i Baker and daugh—. drove r BE POPULAR Give Whitman Chocolates. Love thrives on thoughtfulness, bring a box of Whitman’s Chocolates I it’s the thoughtful thing to do. ‘ FIR DRUG STORE Ii LEGAL PUBLICATIONS l Cause No. 57/120 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE , OF REAL ESTATE Under General Execution In the Superior (‘ourt of the of Washington for (‘lallani County CLALLAM ADJUSTMENT CORPOR- ATION Plaintiff, WASHINGTON SER- State VICE CORR. ASSlfl'llNl vs. CARL IPAUTZKE. also known as CARL O.’ lPAUTZKE. and DORIS PACTZKE,l Ihls Wile Defendant. l Under and by virtue of a general' execution issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court ofl the State of Washington. in and forl Isald County, on the 10th day or AMarch. 1941. upon a judgment ren‘ dcred in said Court on the 3rd day Iof February. 1941, in favor of Plainv ,tiff and against defendants. Carl IPautzke, also known as Carl 0. Pant— ;ake. and Doris Pauizkc, his wife Iludgmcnt debtors for the sum of ‘Seventy and nil-loo ($70.00) Dollarsl together with attorney‘s fees. inter-V lest, costs and increased costs. and to me directed and delivered. I did ion the 11th day Of March, 1941. levy [upon all Ithe right, title and interest! o1 said Judgment debtors in and to! the followmg described property to, satisfy said judgment, to—wit: i Elfi- of Lot 2, Block 11. Angleside Second Addition to Shelton, Ma- : l son County. Washington. 3 NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS iHEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday. Ithe 12th day of April, 194], at 10 .o‘t‘lock in the forcnoon of said day, II Will sell the above described prop» ,erty. or so much thereof as may [H7 ‘necessary to satisfy said judgment, :together with attorney's fees, .inter— est. costs and increased costs. in all amounting to the sum of One hundred and two and 55/100 ($102.55) Dollars. Said sale will ,take place at the East door of the Court House at lShelton‘ in said County and State. .and will be at public auction, for- ,lcash in hand to the highest and best lbidder. VVasll., this 12th ' Dated at Shelton, day of March, 1941. E. F. MARTIN. ! Sheriff of said County. 3-13-20-27. 4—3—10~5t.. v i l I . {CALL FOR BIDSFOR AUTOMOBILE lMASON COUNTY ROAD DIST. NO. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by] the Board of County Commissioners at their office ’in the court house at4 .Shelton. Washington. on Monday. the 3IstIday of March, 1941 at eleven oclock A. ”M.' for the furnishing o'- the following equipment: I One 1941 super de luxe Ford. 1 , Chevrolet or Plymouth Sedan With heater. dei’rosters and Seat covers, on which will be traded I in one 1939 Chevrolet Sedan. 1 The Board of County Commission- iers reserve the right to reject any for all bids. 19EATED this 26th day of February l . 5,39. l , r , HARRY ‘»‘:1)EYETTE.i r-(“lerk-oi‘ the Board ofb County Commission- 421's. Mason County. Washington. 3-13-20~2t. l NOTICE OF SAI.E,-.OF COUNT): | REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of Masoni County, made and entered on the 4th} day of March, 1941. there will b (if-‘- {cred for sale by the Sheriff of saidl county, at public auction at the Idour of the court house Ion Saturday April 121b, 1941 at ten ‘Io'cloek A.M.. to the highest bidder, 'thte following described real prop~l . or y. I Northeast quarter of the South- l west quarter (NELQ of SWH) of I Section two (2), Township Nine— i teen (19) North. Range Four (4) W‘est, W. 1.1.. with appurtenances; This forty acrv‘s. known as “County Farm,” \has thinty-nine acres of cleared. sandy loam and bottom land. the balance pasture and Wood lot and Ilias _a. good creek running through. ‘provldlng sufficient water for irriga- tion. Has a good six room house with bath, a large barn and numerous out- buildings. Located thrcc miles from, Shelton on paved road and electric! power line. Suitable for dairymg, truck gardening or chickens. , Appriased value, $3,500.00. W111 SON for $700.00 cash and balance in ten yearly payments at five pel‘ “Ont 1’" tcrest. . For additional information or write to the Auditor County. Dated this 5th day of March- 1941- I-IARRY DEYETTE, in Shelton, contact of Mason l l Clerk of the loard of County i Commissioners. Mason. County, Washington. \ 3-6-13—20—3t. visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cobke. Mrs. Signe Kneeland was the guest of Mrs. H. A. VVinsor and daughters at lunch Tuesday. That; ‘ afternoon Mrs. S. W. Cross, Mrs. Charley Baker, Mrs. J. A. Shafer. and Mrs. Vearl Bennett and chil-f dren, Earlyne and Bill were visit-I ors, there, also. . tall order of the Bo Inlssxoners of Mas iiot . roads, ’now in use, or rights—of—way for roads children. Inquire Journal. C—«3-11-13—«2t. WANTED: iiiiiii to cut cord wood. Phone 473-W evenings. H~—--3-11-13--2t. I WANTED: woman or girl Ior housework, full time. One child in family. Call 354. Se—3-11-13—2t VJANTED work at resort on Hood Canal. Phone 14-F-11. C~3-11-13——2t. WANTED: Plowing by the hour. with tractor. Leave telephone orders at Cooke’s Feed Store orl contact B. E. Evans, R. 3, Box 85. tf. TWO LADIES want house clean- ing by hour. Will give refer- ences. Phone 379-M. C—~3-13--1t WANTED: men to cut cord wood. Phone 473-W evenings. H—3-18-20—~4t ' ' 'vavmvvvvvvvvvm Classified Service “AAMAMAAAAAWAAAA AM I Mixed Mill Wood Never been in Salt Water $4.50 Cord 2 Cords $8.50 PHONE 378 3-4-6-11—3t "—__—————_ I LAWN MOWERS SHARPEN ED Keys made — washing ma- chines repaired ~— specialist in fine mechanical repairs and upholstery. Handy Man Shop N (8-A) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to and in conformity aid of County Com- on County. State of duly made and entered h day of March, 1941 - mg the undersigned to sell,'il)irdt(lle manner provxded by law (Section 133. Chapter 263,. Laws of 1927). the uh,— dersigned Will on Saturday, the 29th day 01;: March, 1941. at the hour of nine oelock in the forenoon of said 033'. at_the front door of the Court House in the City of Shelton. said County and State, offer for sale, at less than the minimum price stated below, plus advertisin and crlusxng costs. to the highest a d best bidder, all the right, title. and inter— est of said Mason County, execcpt- mg therefrom, however, all public CCC roads. streets or alleys Washington, on the 5t now owned by, or sought to be appro- priated at this date for public roads, CCC roads or streets, by said county. in and to the following described real properties, situated in said County and State, to-wit: NEIA SE14, and NW»; SE14, Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 5 West, W. 1‘. Offer $80.00 OMER L. DION. cash. . Treasurer OI Meatm County. (SEAL) March 6th, 13th and 20th——3t. CALL FOR BIDS FOR COIYNTY PRINTING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at two o’clock p.m. on Monday. March 31st. 1941, sealed bids will be received front i by ‘the Board of County Commission-' ers of Mason County at their office in the court house at Shelton, for county advertising and Official publi— cation of all notices tor the term of one year from July 1. 1941. bids to be based on nonpareil solid. Amount of bond to be fixed at time of letting contract. ' DATED this 51h day of March, 1941. HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Mason County, Washington. 3—6~13-20-27—4t. No. 3985. summons. In the Superior Court 01' the State of Washington for Mason County. LULA M. I’ERKlNS, Plaintiff. vs. GERALD L. PERKINS. Defendant. STATE OF WASI’IlNLl'l‘ON to Ger— ald L. Perkins Defendant: You are- her" i sumnionl-d to ap- pear within .. , (00) days ai'll‘r -(léllt‘ ol' the fll‘.. publication of this summons, to wit within sixty days al'tl-r the 30111 (lay of Jan, lilil, and deform] the abovr» untitled action in the court :ll‘ol‘lrrzlid :illd unswl'r the. ('Ulllplllllll of (li“ pluiulil'l' Lula. l\I. Perkins, and scrvr- coin“ of your answer upon the undr- gnod at~ 101’!le for plaintiff at his office ad- dress below stated, and in case of your failure. so to do, judgment will be rt-udcro-(l against. you according to the dmnaud of the complaint which has bin-u filed with the Clrrk t'. .of said court. The part Obj‘ V1. 01' llll" of this action on the plaintiff is to sccurt a divorce from the. defendant. .1. \V. GRAHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address. Suits 5 Clove." Didi-.1, Shelton, \Vash. 1-30. 2-6-13-20-27. 3-6-13—7t. Pag c Seven AN T A S RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line. (5 words) first insertion, 5c a line each subse- quent insertion. Mini mum charge 300. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 16c will be made when billing’h necessary. Card of thanks 50c. Classified Display Rates on Request. I l i i 'VVVVVVVV'VV ' vvvvvvvvvv For Sale MAMA-.. aAAA AAAAAA‘A FOR SALE: Electrolux cleaners. New machines as low as $49.50. For sales, service and supplies call or write Jack Manley, Hoodsport, Wash. " 6--4—1--1m. o- --H ..L..... ... ____._... FOR SALE: one bay mare 1,600 i i l pounds. Inquire at Mrs. Sadie Austin’s. 7th and McCormick, Olympia. 3-11-13-18—20——4t. ! .1.-. ._ .. l'FOR SALE: two incubators, ex- cellent condition, 500 egg capaC° ity. Call at 1012 East Dearborn. I S-~3-11-13-18.—20——4«t ! FOR SALE: Jersey Guernsey cow, ' high test, heavy milkcr and 2- ! yr.-old heifer. Both bred. Mrs. I M. Matthes, Rt. 2, Agate. tf. l FOR SALE: work horses, see George Dunn. Agate, ten miles from Shelton near Agate ‘v~ 3-11-13- PAY‘ WITH ‘ American Express Money Orders FIR DRUG STORE I . I mmvvv-rvvvvvvvv m‘ * PROFESSIONAL CARDS “AAAAAALA“ AAA“ AMA i ALDEN C. BAYLEY ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton —’ l l I .vav l INSURANCE I HERBERT G. ANGLE 1 Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING A Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems. ‘ 123 4th St. Phone 565 I MT. MORIAH Looofe ,No. 11 F.&.A.M. Next RegulaiCommunication APRILS M. H. NEEDHAM Worshipful Master ‘J. L. CATTO, Secretary. v WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME . Licensed Embalmers W. A. VVitsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - - Shelton. Wash. CALL FOR BIDS FOR BOARD OF COUNTY PRISONERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bids Will be opened by the Board of County Comlnissmncrs of MaSOn County, Washington, on Mondeiy, March 31st, 1941 at eleven o’clock a.m.i at the office of the board in the; court house in Shelton, for furnishing county prisoners twu meals per day igil one year commencing April 18, Menu as follows” Breakfast: Ho (es, toast, two eggs each, fried potatoes, bacOn'or ham, coffee with cream. Dinner: Roast beef or other meat, potatoes and some vegetables, bread and butter, pie or pudding. coffee with Cream.‘ . Statutory limitation Sixty cents per day. Bids must be sealed and labeled. Dated this 5th day of March, 1941. HARRY DEYE'I‘TE. Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Mason County, Washington. 3-6-13-—2t. l l No. 21408 NOTICE TO CREDITOBS TO FILE CLAIMS .In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. (In Probate) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES SAUL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Charles Saul, deceased, were granted to the, undersigned, on the 18th day of February. 1941. by the said Superior Court. _ All persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them with the meet ry vouchers upon me. at the (iffiCl “.Iarion Garland. 105-8 Dith Bldg. Brelilerton. Wash, with- in six months after the date of the first publication'of this notice. to-wit, within six months after the 27th day of February, 1941. and ,file the same with the clerk of this Court together 01 with proof of such service, or they lshall be forever barred. K Dated at ll'cnlcl‘ton. \Vasdr, this 25th day of Feb” 1941. BREMERTON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. A CORPORATION, EX- ECUTOR 0F ESTATE. 0 By R. A. NOYES, President. MARION GARLAND, Attorney for Estate. Office and Post Office Address: 105~8 Diet?) llidg” Bremcrton. Wash. 2-27. 3-6—13—21L74t. YOU ARE COVERED for any 110*: cident for $.25 lEyer day. Longer- ... ‘.,____.-D.—.._~J time the rate cheaper. Herb Angle.