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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight SAVAGE ASKS {mm BENEFITS l I . UNDER UNEMPLOYMENT LAWS l Besides the bills outlined in last has so far applied to all regard— iThursday's Journal from an ar- less of the wide differences in ltiele printed by the Port Angeles unemployment claims resulting . :Evening News, another labor from different kinds of business. ., isubjeet which has received par-l Consequently there has been a Eticular attention from Represent; demand for installation of a merit lative Savage of the 24th Dis- rating system under which the itrict, is the question of amending tax on any employer would be “ lthe state unemployment insurance in some proportion to the unem- 'law. ‘ lployment claims resulting from 3 House Bill 451, which Savage hisbusiness. This employer de- {introduced February 17, is a pm. mand has increased as a result of l poem to breaden the benefit pay. the move to extend unemployment linents under ‘the unemployment tax t” 8” emplol'?rs- lllSthd 0t lconipensation law, and reduce the, 0111)? those With eight 01‘ more waiting period to one week. Workers. In a discussion of this bill with The merit rating bill introduced lthe Evening NEWS, Savage saidrat this session proposed to main- 1"There is now over twenty-twoztain the present 2.7 percent rate ‘5 million dollars in'thc unemploy-las the top, and graduate down- ment fund. It is assumed that;ward from here. it was this fea- aisles—lights dimmed a! night there will be more employmentgture to which Savage objected, — free pillows and drinking during the next two years. That l rather than the merit rating prin- cups—porter service—commo- imeans there will be less unem-‘ciple itself, he explained to the dious dressing rooms —men's iployment and. consequently more News- smoking compartment. Auto- labim-y to broaden “‘0 09ver3gei Oppose Lower Tax Total mam: tempoiraiiire control. l0f Pat/men“ WithOUt lessening WC He said it would necessarily re- cjean! one” Economical, suit m reduced income to the I II [fund' ,fund, whereas he felt that MLOW COACH PARIS—i l Deluxe Coaches-- deeply cush- ioned, adjustable seats —- wide Employer Merit Rating FROM OLYMPIA In contrast to this view is alpresient average was a desirable move at this session of the legis-l mlmmum balance. 65 Round I $ Icago laturc from another direction put that the fund has been build- fmm employers whose mxes make ing over a four year period, where- iup the fund. All employes of‘ as benefit payments have been {eight or more persons are taxedlmadc for only two years, with in- ithree peg-cement their payroll for g creasmg eligibilty," he said. ‘unempioyment compensation, 2.7 ‘ Regarding his objection to re-; ipercent for state and 0.3 percentduction in the fund through re- mtelmerit rating contributions, Sav- l age was asked if his own bill to increase benefit payments did not mean a similar drain on the fund from the opposite direction. He iCOmmercial Pin . Tourney Endmg'Si‘ifS ‘35: 13.3%? .35. 53.11123 ‘2; a desirable; offset to the employ— er merit rating move, with pro- bability that neither would be enacted this year. Apparently he Was notopposed to the principle of merit rating itself, but rather ito any move resulting in decreas- ed total unemployment taxation. Savage observed that the merit rating bill also included certain other proposals which he consid- ered quite objectionable, which would increase the waiting period for benefit payments, and reduce $39.50 one way Famous Trains East From Portland PORTLAND ROSE-daily 9:35 P. M. Low Cost Challenger Meals. Registered Nurse-Stow-doal Sarvice. PACIFIC LIMITED~daily 8:00 A. M. Featuring Dinar-lounqo —‘ Coffee Shop Servico. lfor federal funds. This A heavy weekend of bowling - «this Saturday, and Sunday will strearaner—‘C’W OF PORTMNC bring to a close. the fourth an- 39'2‘; “6‘23” Chic“?- gmuflfl nual Shelton commercial class mon y, : 17-31.. on It, (b.1315, - 1 St No «we [artisan‘ct’sshcsm a ‘..'ZMOst of the action is slated for the comihg.weekend with teams from-Grays Harbor, Olym- pia, Centralia, Tacoma, Seattle, and Shelton taking part in five- !man, doubles and singles compe- Visit Sun Valley. Idaho, -— Ivory — 4 Winter snore “undor-tho-Sun" Ask local agent about travel on credit. No mon- ey down. Pay later. UNION FACIII‘ the He pointed i l l l ftition. ‘ 3 Present top scores in the teaml and singles events may take seme eligibility. Free Fishing For Seniors Regarding HB 54 exempting N p I c pretty 'strong pin busting to bet- residents over 65 years of age from ‘ , ., ‘ ,ter but the doubles mark now buying fishing licenses, which ‘ ‘ ,_ " RAIlRUAD topping the list is expected to bill be sponsored jointly w'ith,l [MI/dmgvm 1W. m amyvm.” be‘dropped without a great deal Representatives Ford and Henson! . ' " of trouble. ,of this district, Savage expressed; displeasure at the house amend- ment limiting the application to ‘men on so‘cial security relief. Hei lsaid he believed the exemption' ’should apply to all elderly people alike. H8 514 is another fishing mea- sure sponsored jointly by the ‘three 24th district representatives, Which .is of more particular in- lterest to Savage as the represent- latiVe from Mason county. This FOR RENT or CONTRACT Bulldozers — Pile Drivers— Gas ShoVels Dump Trucks -— Logging Trucks'di Trailers LAND CLEARING and'EXCAVATING Information and Estimates Free ROY KIMBEL- bill would extend the closed sea- son fer commercial clam digging Agent 1 r l S - . RICHFIELD PRODUCTS 13333632 h.Sound waters to opt Shéltbn :7". " . For More Clams This bill, Savage explains, was introduced at the request of com- - ' . jgmercial clammers themselves, in ‘order to protect the millions of small clams which are now lost by smothering during the digging. He said the commercial clam dig- gers, believe that closing Septem- berwill, result in more abundant clams forflthe open season, which ends April, lst. -. - State Ferry Proposed : House Bill 513 introduced by Representative Savage proposes a state-owned ferry between Har- stine Island in Puget Sound and ,the Mason County mainland. It would appropriate $10,000 from the motor vehicle fund to be ex- lpended by the county commission- 'ers “for the cost of construction 01' purchasing and for maintain- ing a; ferry for operation across Pickering Passage." ,Savage's HB 512 would extend the secondary state highway sys- - . 'tem to Pickering Passage from a point northeast of Shelton. I It would thus create a state Iroad for connection with the pro- posed state ferry at Harstine Is- land. You are Cordially Invited to Attend the presented by Hoodsport News Happenings Told .Thru Brevities and Sponsored by By Betty McKlel Hoodsport,‘ March 12—»Mrs. Jes- sie Schultz, of Pertland, ,from Thursday to Monday visit- The LINCOLN-BORDEAUX P.T.A. for Child Welfare Work and Hot L u n c 11 Fund. ing her daughters and sons-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bartels, of Hoodsport and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie. Wyers of Potlatch. Mrs. Bartels drove her mother home on Monday evening and plans to bring ',back her sister. Verda 20 MODELS Seminar Portland, for Saturday “What’s NeW?”“for=i941 for Men, Women, Children and Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gibson and daughters,' Shirley and Margy, of Port 'Angeles, accompanied by Mrs. Gibson's mother, Mrs. W. R. MacDonald, of ‘ Hoodsport, attend- ed the iast rites of Mr. Gibson's mother, who has been living in Olympia the past few months. Services were held on Monday in Olympia. Avis Van Horn is in Hoodsport again, and is working for Mrs. Lassore at the Hoodsport Cafe for the summer. Captain J. 'H. Nance has made arrangements to sell his little launch to Mr. Moe of Bordeaux, who will take delivery within a few weeks. Captain Nance is now busily making alterations, and building a cabin on a twenty-four foot launch belonging to Mr. V. W. Nelson of the near Union. Pearl Ismay, accompanied by Mr. Grieson, both of Seattle, spent Sunday with her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Is- may. Latest word from the draftees from Hoodsport, finds Homer Wells in Fort Warren, Wyoming, and Hartley Barber in Fort 0rd, California. . Mrs. Vera B. Linscott was un- animously elected a .inember of the Noodsport school board last Style Commentator to Describe the Showing Musical Program ' JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM Tuesday - March 18 8:00 P. M. Admésswn 250; Students 100 1 I l SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL CUT YOUR THIS SPECIAL EVENT IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY Wild Rose BUTTER \ Shelton Harlem- 91-80011: lb. 37 N u 2W1?" Pineapple Juice Zoans 4 "'3 Fresh, Locals 3/ Libby'sw/lG-oz. cans I 1 hf i 94 dill! Tomato Juice . ~. 2 cans 3. 832%: 2 doz. . . . . 57¢ «u a Libby's 3 sieve» .No. cans W’D/Peas .. . . . jot/Cut Beans . . . . '5 3 sieve-Small and tender. N0. 303 cans ,, at the YeuZSS’cung filly Grapefruit l I a 3 Calls 2 Eancy»—wholc sections, No. 303 cans I 11:81:; fly” Corned Beef flash 2 bus 3 e; ‘ No. 2 tin. mg h - I ' . . . . , i all ------ -- 29¢ fill” Denied Meat 6 ims 25c ; . J.‘ y ‘,-size. I 01 ,° /' I I I .. Ripe (lines bus 270 y Sliced Mediumn-rvNo. l tails. PINEAPPLE ‘ Whole Slices No. 2‘1; lieu! CREAMIER, rusmmxmc caisco 3 lbs. 51¢ . "' HAWAMAM [FISHNET 1/31 The Soap of y, Beautiful 3 bars Women WEI—TE NAPHTHA i F 1' B 6 bars 25¢ RUITS & VECETA Bananas . . . 4~lbs.“ Golden Ripe and Firm. Spinach . . . . . . lb. . Fresh Local. 11, ge. bars 2/19 Rhubarb . . 2.1bs. yr led. bar Local Hot House. yesit H M 23 Asparagus . 2-lbs. ITflRYSNflW 22¢ Oranges .. Ill-lbs. “ Choc. Dollar Mints. lilb. box 25¢ Libby's Grapefruit JUICE Unsweetened Florida. 46-02. , a“ .4 0 1}; Sunkist— -— Sweet and Juicy. New Spuds. 5-lbs. . “Floridas”. Potatoes . . 13-le- U. S. No. 1 Netted Gems. Libby's Red Alaska SALMON Exceptionally free from skin and waste Winesap NO 1 5 Sweetheart Soap . . . . 4 bars 21¢ Apples Ill-“35' . bel d0 my I, ‘ Wrapped and Packed. H‘ I. ‘. "' tallb -------- ~- 2 ¢ Kraft Lheese . . .. 2-lb. bricks 59¢ Grapef’t ,, 1(l.lbs.r, “’1 American, Brick or Velvecta. Arizona,_ " “Wm” Libby's r Albcr's Sauer aRAliin'T’IbN' WHEAT i ' r guns-H 'cA " KRAUT "r :«F‘REE ‘3“; No. 21/2 tins OATS IMRVED ' I e a. No Premium OLD MITCH CLEAN‘ER 3 for 25 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY & SATURDA Colored Hens -. . Pure Cane Heavy. ‘ Big? 10-lb. 56; 25-lb. 1.39 COTOI’ed Fryers . lb. 32¢ Sliced Bacon . . . lb. figs: TOO-lb. . . . . . . 5.25 com/Fed" ” 5 “0° V med; E‘Siggagrup’rilctefwar:“aldxéaiisiiég . . . . . . . . lb. . lb‘ 2 I gum 2 Ch CIQIAfiE'CFEfih 5_ Lamb Steak . . . . lb. 23¢ Red Salmon H . p 1b. 2: terfield, Old Golds, Phillip Morris. . . . lb. . ' lb. hit: Carton: . . . . ." .‘ 71.59 Efiglgggger - - - lb- 15¢ Salt Herring lO-lbs.1.gpé“usicj Bacon . . . . . . . . . . lb. 755 Dog Food .... doz. 1.1” ngll Frye’s~—Wild Rose, By the Piece. Red Heart jgp r re < .. Lumbermen’s Mercantile company Your Complete Department Store—“Where Quality Meets Price”