March 13, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Gives You
Fuss,free, Muss less Concrete-]ng
WE DO THE MIXING m and deliver
your concrete order on the job, ready
to pour. It's the time, labor a.nd mbn-
ey saving way to et the work done.
Our file of available contractors'
names is at your service too.
3 Shelton Couples
Return From South
Shelton's contingent in the
Phoenix winter colony was reduced
by a half-dozen head last week
with the return of Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashbaugh, Mr. and Mrs.
Vin Connolly and Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Cole to their Shelton homes
after varying vacation stays in the
Arizona metropolis.
The three Shelton couples all
returned 4ere .eparately. Mr. and
Mrs. Cole had been in the South
longest, while Mr. and Mrs, Ash-
haugh and Mr.-.mtd Mrs. Connolly
stayed about three weeks.
All concurred in reports of in-
tense building activity in Phoenix
and other Arizona winter resort
spots, describing Phoenix actually
as undergoing a boom in that re-
The New York Giants of the :Na-
tional League, using Pi,oenix as
their spring training leadquarters,
provided some of the highlights in
entertainment for the Sheltonians
inclined to enjoy the Sports, and
they became acquainted quite Well
with some of the ball players who
lived in adjoining apartments or
Mr. Ashbaugh, a golf addict, en-
Joyed several rounds on the links
with members of the big league
club, he related,
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Kneeland Monday, March 10,
in the hospital.
On This Our Sixth Anniversary
As Part of Shelton's Business Life ...
We wish to take this opportunity to exvress
our sincere appreciation to theresidents of this
community for the wonderful manner in which
you have patronized our store and made 'these
Six years so highly pleasant and successful
for us,
Six years.ago we opened a general hardware supply
store at Falrrnont and Olympic highway in which' Mrs.
Roush and I worked alternately while I hefd my Job at the
mill. Your generous patronage has enabled us in he ens0ing
six years to Impr0ve and expand our line of supplies and
services .to the point where we now are able to offer a com-
plete hardware, plumbing and fishing tackle line and gen-
eral building supplies.
We pledge on this Sixth birthday of ours
to continue every effort to justify the "trust
and confidence you have placed in us by con-
stantly striving to improve our services to you.
liery sincerely,
r: and Mrs. James RouSh
Hillcrest Hardware
Published every Thursday morning
Member of Washington Ne__w_Bpaper Publishers' kssociation
and National Editorial Association
Entered as econd-e/as matter at the postoffice at SheJton. Wash]n-ton
Bessie Belch, Business Manager
Subscription Rates:
$2.50 per year in advance: 6 months $1.50: nutlde Mason County $2.75:
qw,v, vf ,ip,, ,,€, v, ,v v. ,,o. v ,4r ,¢,v, v,,w v v v v . ,,rp
Harstine Island
School election was tile big" topic
of the day over the week end with
58 votes being cast and M. L. Fess-
ler going in on a landslide of 40
votes. Mrs. Altha Page received
17 and C. W. Strenckenback one
Mrs. George Waite and baby
daughter are staying with .her par-
ents, Mr. and M,rs. 5. Paul Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robinson
of Puyallup were out Sunday and
got their piano that th'ey have had
stored at the Ed Wilson home.
There was quite an accident at
the ferry landihg Monday when
Ed Wilson crashed into the Island
school bus. No one was hurt but
the ears were in bad shape. Mr.
Wilson's brakes failed him.
'The Harstine ferry will be off
the t:uu two days next week, March
11-12, so please remember the
Mrs. Zelda Streckenback and
daughter, Wills Ann, spent tim
week end in Seattle on business.
Mr. and Mrs..Ted V. ,Hile and
Teddy and Freddy have moved to
Hoquiam to make their ltome
where Mr. Hile has work. They
are spending a few days at the
Albert Otterstad l, ome in Aberdeen
until they get settled. Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Harriman accompanied
them down Sunday.
Thor Johnson arrived home from
the hospital Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Dariielson
of Allyn spent Sunday visiting An-
drew Jahnson.
County Nurse Mrs. Smith visited
our school Monday morning.
Mrs. Earl Harrinmn has been on
The Red Cross drive has been
in full force around Belfair this
past week. Mrs, D. S. Edmiston
was chairman for this district
this year. Her assistants were
Mesdames George Shackleford
Gus Wetland, Ervin Crosby, L. It.
Cady, Jr., Cecil Clark, Win. Lau-
draw, J. F. Hoffman. Rudolpll
Sundstrom and D. M. Crosswhite.
If any one was missed they may
call Mrs. George Shackleford at
Belfair 255.
1 Mrs. Lucy Foster is confined
to her bed. We hope for a speedy
Mrs. Albert Glencross, Sr., of
Seattle; spent Thursday with her
daughter lrs. Garlon Crosswhite.
Mrs. Harold Heming a31d chil-
dren spent the week end with Mrs.
Stanley Wicks of Annapolis.
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. BarnharL, of
Nampa, Ida:, have been house-
guests at the Ray Moore and
Mrs. G. Millet' home this week.
Mrs. C. A. Barnhart is a cousin
of Mrs. Moore. and a niece of Mrs.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Ray Moore and
sons, Mrs. G. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Barnhart. of Nampa,
Ida., were guests at the Bert Shin-
Icy home in Bremerton on Sunday.
The occasion was a fimily reun-
ion of the four families.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Floden and
Mr. Gordon Willard of Bremer-
ton, attended the improvement
meeting at Belfair last Friday
night ,"
Walter WocdriclL Walter Eddy
and Rob Bead, Sr., attended the
senate at Olytpia on Wednesday.
the sick list this last' week with They had the good fortune to
the stomach flu that llas been go- chat with the governor for about
ing around. She is better ,low. 20 nlinutes.
Mrs. Mary Chapman and son, z Jess Niely had the misfortune
PhitIip, of Tacoma liave been out to have a thumb partially taken
to their Island home over the off in an accident while using a
week end. ,buz saw recently.
The Harstine Women's Club'
m e e t s this Thursday afternoon
wttiz Mrs. Pauline Archer.
Lewis Resigns Civil.
Service Chairmmmhlp
Attorney Charles R. Lewis com-
pleted his separation from Official
activities in connection with Shel-
tows munici)al government this
week when he submitted his resig-
nation as a member of the city's
civil Service commission. The com-
missioners will consider a success-
or to the group which numbers as
other members L. D. Hack, chair-
man. and E. H Faubcrt.
The business men of Bolfair at-
tended at a dinner at the Oyster
House on Friday evOfing. There
were 18 men present, some from
Olympia, Shelton and Bremerton.
A very good time was reported by
those present.
The Improvement and Port com-
missioners held a joint meeting
at tlie Belfair school Friday night
with Mr. W. M. Newkirk presid-
ing. Mrs. Elena Albert was intro-
duced and sang one verse of "Star
Spangled Banner." Mr. Newkirk
then introduced the guests on the
stage, Mr. Rathburn: state park
engineer of Olympia, the Mason
county commissioners, Herb Dick-
inson, Roy Carr and ; yle O'Dell
who in turn spoke a few words
of, entouragement to the club in
regard' to the extension of the
state park. Mr. Woodrich', our BeN
¢air promoter, was introhtcd. He
has given ranch of hs time for
the club and made numerous trips
to the state house to contact men
in high positions in regard to the
State Land Sale
Scheduled April 1
St',re l.i(le hind.,:; and other lanls
over $2500 will be hold at a lmblic
auction on Tue:day. April I, in
front of the rnam el/tral]ve to the
Collnty ('Oll]'t]lOll*h '. ace()l'dblg Lo au
allllOlll('elnolll by Otto A. Cm;e.
conlnlisslouer o[ pllblic l'tn(ts fol'
the tate of Vasbinton.
its claim of national passenger ear
sales leadership in 11 out of the
par 12 tn'odncti(m yt':u', accord-
ing to T. lI, Koaiing, general :ales
manage]" of tiffs largest General
Motors division.
\\;Vith linal reports t,'d)ulatdd
Murch 1. includig (:'w md truck
registrations, Chew'okt iota led
506,219. a fiKHre that is 2.928
tlllit2 (I'ciltoI' than ill y otlwr lll:l]{e
in tlw industry. I,:cating s:ud. Pas-
eno-ev ctu'; accounted for :',2[)'.'G01
units: trucks for 171,618.
i00iL00,ch 13
Thursday, ),
WIIbert Catto
All salc,q of state lands are n]a¢le
.¢lllbj0(',t to the reservation.q of oils,
gases, colt], oI'es, nlinel'als alld fos-
sils, Also lle purchase of thc•
land eontaininK timher or other
valuable nmterials is proifibited by
law from cutting or removinK may
such timber or materials withont
fiyst obtaining consent of the pub-
lic lands commissioner, ttntil the
ftfll amount Ires been puid and tim
deed issued.
Chevrolet Once More
Leads Registrations
Detroit, March 3. --- Continulng
its war-interrupted record of an-
ntml automotive sales leadership,
Chevrolet in 19,16 led all other
nmkes in U S. automotive regis-
tration, it was shown here today
by the complete tabulation for the
entire nation for' the full year of
1946. This record, which includes
both passenger ear and truck reg-
ie, trations, gives Chevrolet; an im-
partial rating upon which to base
.. ........ --=_Walker Park lhone 591-W
BY BOAT i Mar "'
Margie's l
Seattle Freight should be routed via Str: Indimt,- Fei
Tacoma Freight wP. ,tr. Skookum Chief MilwaUk
No. 2
Time Schedule as follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m,
Olympia ann Shelton
(formerly Hein
Open Eveni00
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday ' Offerin ,DELI ""
CLARENCE CARLANDER, President .,. .- g V.
....... ..... .., 10E CREAM--CA5
Lilly's -
tew and Rare Varieties
_.per pkg.
Tall or Dwarf
l-Lb, Packages
lb. 15¢
extension of the park. Mr. Sim- S NO PLACE White or Yellow
mons, chief gave a. brief
" E THERE' 00b000000ches005¢p
:He said the department lind m- --O
'FRIGHT [NCREAS report for the fire department.
[ swered 20 fire calls and had saved LIKE HOME! Seed tatoes
/2A Netted Gem and Gold Coin
also ,said any one desiring to jo'in • , r "
the Belfair fire department was ' Earliest of All
welcome. Mr. Earl, of the South ed or White Earl Rose
t¢itsap Chamber of Commerce, and e;;_rbank and Irish Yobbl;r
i Mi'. Les Folden and Mr. Gordon e ![
" Willard 'of Bremerton were then nDCERy DEPARTMEN"
introduced. The port commission-
+ E. ers gave a report of their work {That goesfor Fords rvlcet fO@
they plan in the near future to
, / f $nfl6HTnAT£ \\; build a boat haven on the north
' miles from Belfair. At this time =,,,
Mrs, Albert acc0mpanied by Mrs.
s :' , " Floyd Shuer at the piano sang *;h t;n
thg then adjourned tO meet in
• April. Everpone seemed enthUsed For ny For ,i, you'll, ave e a surance
but ttd goiflgtto tare a 10t of
cooperation of all the commuity of a good job, done r t for 4 impor t reasOnS:
to put this project across. So
lets, pull together for the bene-
fit of Belfa!r.
t[ PAl ' SE tS ! , ', I Factory-Trained Meehani¢s; '
-, ,, s cosn i Pickerintz
it ' fl'"" Mr, and Mrs. Ted Hile, wire ,. 2 ,ordi:.toved.e|hod$ ,_ .: . " '
...... have been living' at the' Earl Har-
rlman home, moved to Hoquiam
ast weak. . 3 Speci , Ford Equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Page spent
.. , = = I .
TacOma on bUstiaess,
Mrs. Ellen Auseth of Agate Oenumeror¢i:,
hy freight' rates are going up passed away last Sunday after ,i!.'
an extended.illness Mrs. AUseth
wa the motheP 6fMartln Aqseth
W and MrS. LeRoy Fuller of, Pick- .
' ering. Sympathy is extended to I And you'll get thisconvenient ' - :,
! + ' both families.
:Sli: T farm. Sutlday Am°sBabe°ckreturnedh°mel"extra"--immediat'eserviceon'llllV'el'E and after visiting spending relatives the winter and
in Iowa looking after the home i all jobs! Drive in 'for Genuine I. ' ,g: |'
Since 1939, railroad employes have hav, e been so little and so 100,000 produ . y p y
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson [, Ford Service. We're sureyoull lie
late as that in the price of railroad
big taxes-- taxes which are Spent no
spent three days last week in Ta- .
had three genera) pay raises totailng
52 A0 , arid the prices f fuel, ms- transportation, only for public chools, public heaith, coma with Mrs. Lucille Wright
,crisis and supplieahfiwrisen 616/10 . . and police and fire protection, but anc] children. . ,
We are glad to have Mr. and
HoW important are healthy rail, even for highways, airways, airp0rts yrs, Lantz Wiss back among us
after their two months in the
t tr and roland waterways
But when the wa etIed in 1945, roads to a prosperous coz n U. " " East v isittng their son, it. com.
the railroads were.still hauling ffijght Don Wis, at' Norfolk, Vir. The
0nly when the railroads are fman- Railroads are America's lifeline-- parents-M-law of their daughter,
wo,,on, o=.o00 ,,,o D|Ag|i
,ower,atratesn°higher'andinsom°caseSthan when the war began, c,aliyhealtlw cantheyprovlde&ho keeping goods flowlng ara0ng the 48 Wi, me during their absence SEE YOUR FOR D
new equipment, improved road beds, states day and night in all weather, and haVe now returned to their
Without increased revenues, railraads and better terminal facilities heeded o , home in Colorado.
could not meet these costs and also for still better service to you. They can continue to do tlfis only if eW Lights Do Tricks , '
provide improvements in eqUipment • . there is reasonable balance between At County Courthouse
and facilltles--improvementstllat ar The defense of the nation depends income and outgo. Like yourself, the Now we hve 'era and now we
essential for the low-cost freight ad upon the continuance of the efficient railroads must make ends meet! i don't. The lights at the court-
house, we mean. Money was ap-
passenger services whicli are neCesSary tnsportation which served the ha- proprlated, the workers arrived
to America's high standard of living, fon so well in the last war. We e publishing this and other ad. ended Mondaythe installatiOnfor a new lightingWaS complet-sys.
vertisements to talk with you at firs tern in the courthouse.
Under these cireunmtarice--ahd a l" The railroads are among the largest hand about matters which are impor- lverythingThey Were turned on and wham!was, dark, The trans- Al HUeF y M@t@ I uummmii
most a year after tile last major wage employers of labor. They buy over tacit to 0verybody, fot'mer tbrosS the street from the
courthouse was not heavy enough
increase tim Interstate" Commerce ' to carry th additional amount of
Commission recently approved an voltage and "blew a ftlse.' Now
there ai'e no new lights, or even Aufllorized Ford Agency
average inerease in freight rates of old ones in the courthouse.
. Fifth,and Railroad Ave.- Shelton- Phone
Ot %(e mas:m Amrt a 2, daughter .was born to Mr. and
Mrs. John Steinberg Tuesday,
)0 WEST ADAMS s'rREF.T • CHICAGO $. |LLINO|S March 11, at the Shelton hospital ....